Typified Sentence Examples
This monkey is a leaf-eater, nearly allied to the langurs, as typified by the sacred ape of India.
The Perissodactyla may be divided into the four following sections, namely the extinct Titanotheroidea, the Hippoidea, represented by the horse tribe and their ancestors, the Tapiroidea, typified by the tapirs, and the Rhinocerotoidea, which includes the modern rhinoceroses and their forerunners.
The groups typified by these three genera are sometimes referred to, collectively, as the Retioloidea, and the structure as retioloid.
Of the Old World forms, the family Triconodontidae is typified by the genus Triconodon, from the English Purbeck, in which the cheek-teeth carry three cutting cusps arranged longitudinally.
The other ideal, typified by the South Australian party, differs from this in one important respect.
It is not, however, necessary to deal with the agricultural evolution of continental Europe, the gradual progress of agriculture as a whole being well enough typified in the story of its development in England, which indeed has led the way in modern times.
Next come the Rupicaprinae, which include several genera of mountain-dwelling ruminants, typified by the European chamois (Rupicapra); the other genera being the Asiatic serow, goral and takin, and the North American Rocky Mountain goat.
This fact of the idiosyncrasy of national poetry he illustrated with great fulness and richness in the case of Homer, the nature of whose works he was one of the first to elucidate, the Hebrew poets, and the poetry of the north as typified in ' ` Ossian."
It follows that the subfamily typified by this species, in which are included the gazelles, is the one to which alone the term antelopes should be applied if it were employed in a restricted and definable sense.
A bare gland-patch behind the ear serves to distinguish the oribis or ourebis, as typified by Oribia montana of the Cape; lateral hoofs being present and the face-pit large.
AdvertisementIn concluding, this survey of living antelopes, reference may be made to the subfamilyRupicaprinae (typified by the European chamois), the members of which, as already stated, are in some respects intermediate between antelopes and goats.
Gilgamesh's conquest of the divine bull was placed under Taurus; his slaying of the tyrant Khumbaba (the prototype of Geryon) in the fifth month typified the victory of light over darkness, represented in plastic art by the group of a lion killing a bull, which is the form ordinarily given to the sign Leo on Ninevite cylinders.
Voles, as typified by the water-rat and the tailed fieldmouse, are stouter built and shorter-nosed rodentsthan the typical rats and mice, with smaller ears and eyes and shorter tails; all being good burrowers.
In the family Caviidae, typified by the cavies (or guinea-pigs), may be included a large number of South and Central American rodents, among which the agoutis and pacas are often ranked as a family (Dasyproctidae) by themselves.
The family, Chinchillidae, typified by the wellknown chinchilla, includes a small number of South American rodents with large ears and proportionately great auditory bullae in the skull, elongated hind-limbs, bushy tails, very soft fur and perfect clavicles.
AdvertisementNear akin is the North American Miocene family Mylagaulidae, typified by Mylagaulus, but including Mesogaulus and Protogaulus.
A second group is typified by Palaeosyops, of the Bridger Eocene of North America; P. paludosus being an animal about the size of a tapir.
The more or less specialized Litopterna and Toxodontia, as severally typified by the macrauchenia and the toxodon, are, on the other hand, exclusively South American.
The Ancylopoda, again, typified by Chalicotherium, and characterized by the claw-like character of the digits, are probably another northern group, common to the eastern and western hemispheres.
The tamandua anteaters, as typified by Tamandua (or Uroleptes) tetradactyla, are much smaller than the great anteater, and differ essentially from it in their habits, being mainly arboreal.
AdvertisementThe establishment, in 1671 and 1676 respectively, of the French and English national observatories at once typified and stimulated progress.
But in the effort to understand them as they were originally understood it is very obvious that this method of interpretation can be pressed too far It would be precarious to insist that the entrances into Palestine of Abraham and Jacob (or Israel) typified two distinct immigrations.
Like the defeat of the Titans by Zeus, the contests with the Centaurs typified the struggle between civilization and barbarism.
This is typified by the number of winter climbers who now visit the Northern corries in early winter to seek out similar conditions.
The altar is thus denominated because the sacrifices were termed, as also Christ whom these typified, God's bread.
AdvertisementThe former is typified by electroplating and the latter by chemical and physical vapor deposition.
Hydrological Summary for May 2000 The very episodic weather patterns, which have typified the year thus far, continued in May.
Such recommendations are typified by Nielsen's usability heuristics.
Freedom of speech (typified by Clause 28) was stifled and creative individuality feared.
The set up here was eye-catching, but still managed to retain an informality that typified the day for me.
Saddam underestimated the Iranian resistance, typified by young zealots pouring across mine fields to attack Iraqi troops who had occupied their land.
Yet another family, according to the palaeontologist last named, is typified by the genus Stylacodon, of the English Purbeck.
The retro grade movement of a crab typified, by an easy association of ideas, the retreat of the sun from his farthest northern excursion, and Cancer was constituted the sign of the Leo.
The group is typified by the European hamster (Cricetus vulgaris or C. cricetus), to which a separate article is devoted (see Hamster); the genus includes a number of species ranged under several sub-genera, such as Mesocricetus, Cricetulus, and Urocricetus, widely spread in Western and Central Asia, the last-mentioned, which is from Tibet, being distinguished by its relatively long tail.
Another group is Pronolagus, typified by the Cape thick-tailed hare, the so-called Lepus crassicaudatus, which is externally similar to Lepus proper, but has the skull and teeth of the general type of the next group. The tailless rabbit of Mount Popocatepetl, Mexico, originally described as a distinct generic type, under the name of Romerolagus nelsoni, is broadly distinguished by the entire absence of the tail, and the short ears and hind-feet, its general form being like that of the Liu-Kiu rabbit, while, as in the latter, the post-orbital process of the skull is small, and represented only by the hinder half.
The second group of the genus Cervus, forming the subgenus Pseudaxis, is typified by the handsome little Japanese deer, or sika, C. (P.) sica, in which the antlers are four-tined, and covered with red "velvet" when first grown, while the coat is fully spotted in summer, but more or less uniformly brown in winter.
Sustained departures from the normal seasonal runoff and recharge patterns have typified many regions.
What has been described as the reverential approach to the revealed Word has typified all great revival preaching.
The English comic actor, the late Sid James, typified the type on and off stage and was typecast in such roles.
That typified the spirit in which the match was played.
The art of Siena developed its own unique style, typified by the exquisite work of Simone Martini, pupil of Duccio.
Art and Media Arts Research Center The focus of the research center 's interest are practice-based activities typified by individual creative production.
This is typified by the presence of intracytoplasmic protein inclusions composed largely of alpha-synuclein fibrils.
This is typified by the growth in the number of American-style gated communities, where the better-off are comfortably isolated from their poorer neighbors.
The mathematics background is typified by the fact that most undergraduate courses have A-level mathematics (or equivalent) as an entry requirement.
The other get-out this gives is typified by the local example.
This approach typified much of the literature on dinosaurian extinction from the 1930s to the 1960s.
The form is also typified by a heavy ' sand-tempered ' fabric.
One contribution to the DIS total cross-section is the electroproduction of low mass vector mesons, here typified by the data.
British colonial furniture is typified by hard, tropical woods, such as mahogany, teak, and ebony, which will withstand the humidity of the tropics.
Facet cut stones are typified in diamonds and precious stones, however any stone can be facet cut and some highly unusual stones can be found.
The pervasive Spanish influence on the dance is especially typified by the inclusion of a habanera dance along with other movements reminiscent of flamenco.
By 1913 it had crossed the Atlantic again, hitting New York, but the U.S. had less tolerance for the sensuality and close body contact that typified the Argentinian style of tango.
A Dolce & Gabbana fan is typified by confident and eccentric tastes, and this popular brand knows that nothing enlivens an outfit more than a splash of flagrant accessories.
This method is typified in Carl Jung's, The Red Book.
The family ranges in North America from the Upper Eocene to the Lower Miocene, but Oreodon (or Merycoidodon), which is typified by an animal of the size of a sheep, is Oligocene.
Beside these there is another group of largely freshwater species, constituting the family Platanistidae, and typified by the susu (Platanista gangetica), extensively distributed throughout nearly the whole of the river-systems of the Ganges, Brahmaputra and Indus, ascending as high as there is water enough to swim in, but never passing out to sea.
The group is typified by Chalicotherium, of which the original species was discovered in the Lower Pliocene strata of Eppelsheim, Hesse-Darmstadt, in 1825, and named on the evidence of the teeth, the limbs being subsequently described as Macrotherium.