Tympanic-membrane Sentence Examples
Without taking steps to equalize pressure, the tympanic membrane could rupture, causing hearing loss.
Dr. Baguant, ENT specialist comments, " Cotton buds can cause the formation of cerumen plugs by pushing cerumen toward the tympanic membrane.
Dr. Baguant, ENT specialist comments, " Cotton buds can cause the formation of cerumen plugs by pushing cerumen plugs by pushing cerumen toward the tympanic membrane.
Infrared tympanic thermometers (ITT's) measure the frequency of infrared light emitted by the tympanic membrane.
Infrared tympanic thermometers (ITT's) measure the frequency of infrared light emitted by the tympanic thermometers (ITT's) measure the frequency of infrared light emitted by the tympanic membrane.
Infrared tympanic thermometers (ITT 's) measure the frequency of infrared light emitted by the tympanic membrane.
Tympanic membrane Tympanic membrane temperature accurately mirrors oesophageal temperature and is a good indicator of core and brain temperature.
It is also called myringocentesis, tympanotomy, tympanostomy, or paracentesis of the tympanic membrane.
The external ear canal is a tube approximately 1 in (2.5 cm) in length that runs from the outside opening of the ear to the start of the middle ear, which is behind the tympanic membrane (eardrum).
Outer ear-Outer visible portion of the ear that collects and directs sound waves toward the tympanic membrane by way of a canal which extends inward through the temporal bone.