Two Sentence Examples
They had two adopted children already.
Two children, brother and sister, were on their way to school.
I worked with him for two years before I discovered who he really was.
So she called her two sons.
The next moment two bees flew eagerly in.
Consider two examples of this.
He doesn't need two nannies does he?
She must have two footmen behind her carriage, and very big ones.
Two or three times we stopped to rest under a tree by the wayside.
Two thoughts crossed her mind simultaneously.
AdvertisementThe schoolhouse was two or three miles from home, but he did not mind the long walk through the woods and over the hills.
Two millennia later, it is fair to assume that humans are still capable of this kind of memory.
We may stay there a night or two.
As she passed a neighbor boy, he waved at her, his two missing front teeth displayed in a sweet smile.
The storm has blown two of the little ones out of the nest.
AdvertisementXander motioned the two vamps away.
On the seat opposite me sat my big rag doll, Nancy, in a new gingham dress and a beruffled sunbonnet, looking at me out of two bead eyes.
These are my other two daughters, Dulce and Alondra.
The biggest thing you two have against each other is that you're so much alike.
In fact, she had spent the last two weeks wallowing in self-pity.
AdvertisementShe'd shot two men with it.
I want two things.
It's now two o'clock and you dine at four.
It was going to be nice having nothing to do but enjoy their little family for the next two weeks.
The two women laughed and pointed at her shirt.
AdvertisementTwo days before the examinations, Mr. Vining sent me a braille copy of one of the old Harvard papers in algebra.
The boxes were heavy, so carrying two of them was too much weight to handle.
She dragged the two suitcases from under her bed and began filling them with clothes from the closet.
Maybe it would be wise to separate the two at times.
It's only two blocks, and it gives me a chance to wake up.
I just happen to have two tickets.
I hope you two are happy together.
It housed two beds and two sets of drawers and was connected to a shared bathroom by a closed door.
Those two will continue to send people to kill you, just like Jule and the swordsman.
Yully opened her eyes, suddenly aware she was floating two feet of the ground.
A lot can happen in two blocks, you know.
How did you two meet?
There you two are.
His golden eyes blazed like two candles.
Say you have two countries in the world.
It was growing dark and the glow of two conflagrations was the more conspicuous.
He saw over the mist that in a hollow between two hills near the village of Pratzen, the Russian columns, their bayonets glittering, were moving continuously in one direction toward the valley and disappearing one after another into the mist.
We'll spend two hours burying supplies - no more.
Each carrying two canteens, a rifle and a lantern, they started off into the long shadows of the sand dunes.
Going that way will put us further away from Ashley, but it will give us two advantages.
What took you two so long to get water?
The two men talked for a few minutes and then one rider turned his bay horse toward the wagons.
Was he actually considering having two wives?
I thought you two were getting married.
You do more work than the other two girls put together.
Her words fueled the sense of dread he'd felt the past two weeks, since he'd lost contact with his closest friends.
We don't usually have a problem tracking him, but this changed about two weeks ago.
She wondered how many more there would be and doubted she'd last more than another day or two if he kept draining her blood.
Two men in black darted through the bodies and into the house while two more hung back at the garage entrance.
She peered through her eyelashes at two armed men stopped in front of her.
Two large men stood in front of the door across the hall.
The two looked up and down the hallway, then withdrew a lock pick set.
She opened the stairwell door and hurried down the stairs two floors then darted into a hallway to the elevator.
She couldn't help wondering about the two of them and why she felt suddenly jealous, even though Jenn could give Dusty something she wasn't willing to.
There was a pause as the two eyed each other.
Bianca jogged after the two, who raced towards a small crowd at the opened gate of the compound.
But two thousand innocent people, down to the family dog.
The two worlds were sealed after the Schism.
Two figures stood between the two lines in front of a headstone.
Damian's silver-white hair was braided down his back, his thick body causing him to sink two inches into the mud.
Both their gazes returned to the two figures talking quietly in front of their father's grave.
If her powers grow enough, she'll not only prevent us from stitching up the tear between realms, but she'll open the doorway between the two worlds.
She still bore the bruises from upsetting him two days ago.
Two men sat at the table, one with blond hair and the other like something out of a movie.
He blocked it and the next two blows and then snatched a fist headed for his face, twisted her arm, and spun her.
The two types of beings had last brought their war to the mortal realm during the time of the Schism, when they'd almost destroyed the universe.
Jule could've broken her in two and hadn't.
It was a silver coin, warmed by his skin, with a circle of cuneiform symbols surrounding a star with two arrows.
The arrow went over his head and was followed by two more.
You've got about two minutes before this creature tears through me and kills you.
She went there for two summers, until she began turning everything she touched into something else, and her father was forced to pull her out of school at the age of twelve.
To her surprise, Xander stepped between her and the two pissed-off vamps waiting for her.
The two lowered their weapons in response, and she sheathed her knives with a glance at the blood bubbling on the scrape on her arm.
Xander drew his weapons and crossed to the two vamps, chopping them down.
Two more vamps assigned as Jonny's guards stood on either side of the door to his personal chambers.
Jule's throat tightened as he listened to the two of them spar verbally.
The two women resumed their activities, unaffected by his outburst.
She left the room assigned her by Jonny, two doors down from his in his private wing.
You two are the only people I trust.
The two spoke for a few moments before Xander bowed his head and walked away.
Only two forms and a body draped in black remained on the cliff side.
It was a time of great tumult, and the gateway between the two realms was sealed away for eternity, he explained.
As she hopped the short distance from rocks to the ground leading up to the compound, she caught the silhouettes of two men against the cloudy sky.
The two silhouettes were gone.
Puzzled, she concentrated on two more sources of magic.
I haven't been able to get you out of my cube for the past two weeks.
Damian waved to show he'd heard and then took the stairs two at a time to his room.
He looked down as two of his Guardians hopped up from their positions.
The two Guardians looked at each other, neither certain how to respond.
They were at another discreet location, this one nestled between the peaks of two mountains.
The two brothers stared at each other, and she choked back a sob, joy and horror flying through her.
Pierre gripped each of their arms and led them toward two black Tahoes.
After a great deal of tinkering and trying, they did succeed in making two paddle wheels.
In the past two centuries with very little technology, we've come from whale oil and wood to solar and nuclear.
Sometimes I stood between two persons who were conversing and touched their lips.
When I next saw her she was a formless heap of cotton, which I should not have recognized at all except for the two bead eyes which looked out at me reproachfully.
They have no friend Iolaus to burn with a hot iron the root of the hydra's head, but as soon as one head is crushed, two spring up.
I sometimes try my acquaintances by such tests as this--Who could wear a patch, or two extra seams only, over the knee?
Of two patterns which differ only by a few threads more or less of a particular color, the one will be sold readily, the other lie on the shelf, though it frequently happens that after the lapse of a season the latter becomes the most fashionable.
The window frame which prevented anyone from sitting on the outer sill was being forced out by two footmen, who were evidently flurried and intimidated by the directions and shouts of the gentlemen around.
Anatole brought two candles and placed them on the window sill, though it was already quite light.
She raised her eyes, and two steps away saw Anatole embracing the Frenchwoman and whispering something to her.
After a brief description of the campaign and the two battles in which he had taken part, and his promotion, Nicholas said that he kissed his father's and mother's hands asking for their blessing, and that he kissed Vera, Natasha, and Petya.
On the twelfth of November, Kutuzov's active army, in camp before Olmutz, was preparing to be reviewed next day by the two Emperors--the Russian and the Austrian.
And the two friends told each other of their doings, the one of his hussar revels and life in the fighting line, the other of the pleasures and advantages of service under members of the Imperial family.
The two Emperors, the Russian with his heir the Tsarevich, and the Austrian with the Archduke, inspected the allied army of eighty thousand men.
A space like a street was left between each two lines of troops.
All were then more confident of victory than the winning of two battles would have made them.
At dawn on the sixteenth of November, Denisov's squadron, in which Nicholas Rostov served and which was in Prince Bagration's detachment, moved from the place where it had spent the night, advancing into action as arranged, and after going behind other columns for about two thirds of a mile was stopped on the highroad.
The Cossacks sold the horse for two gold pieces, and Rostov, being the richest of the officers now that he had received his money, bought it.
Casually, while surveying the squadron, the Emperor's eyes met Rostov's and rested on them for not more than two seconds.
On the eighteenth and nineteenth of November, the army advanced two days' march and the enemy's outposts after a brief interchange of shots retreated.
Rostov spurred his horse, called to Sergeant Fedchenko and two other hussars, told them to follow him, and trotted downhill in the direction from which the shouting came.
Two of them rode side by side in front, at full gallop.
These were the two Emperors followed by their suites.
He was slightly flushed after galloping two miles, and reining in his horse he sighed restfully and looked round at the faces of his suite, young and animated as his own.
The troops again began to move, and two battalions of the Novgorod and one of the Apsheron regiment went forward past the Emperor.
The two generals and the adjutant took hold of the field glass, trying to snatch it from one another.
But at that very instant a cloud of smoke spread all round, firing was heard quite close at hand, and a voice of naive terror barely two steps from Prince Andrew shouted, Brothers!
Bagration knew that as the distance between the two flanks was more than six miles, even if the messenger were not killed (which he very likely would be), and found the commander-in-chief (which would be very difficult), he would not be able to get back before evening.
When he had ridden about two miles and had passed the last of the Russian troops, he saw, near a kitchen garden with a ditch round it, two men on horseback facing the ditch.
Dolokhov who was in the midst of the crowd forced his way to the edge of the dam, throwing two soldiers off their feet, and ran onto the slippery ice that covered the millpool.
It was Napoleon accompanied by two aides-de-camp.
I must have two hundred pots here on Friday.
Next day, the third of March, soon after one o'clock, two hundred and fifty members of the English Club and fifty guests were awaiting the guest of honor and hero of the Austrian campaign, Prince Bagration, to dinner.
Rostov was talking merrily to his two friends, one of whom was a dashing hussar and the other a notorious duelist and rake, and every now and then he glanced ironically at Pierre, whose preoccupied, absent-minded, and massive figure was a very noticeable one at the dinner.
Well, you see, I'll tell you the whole secret of dueling in two words.
Two hours later Prince Andrew, stepping softly, went into his father's room.
I have an adored, a priceless mother, and two or three friends--you among them--and as for the rest I only care about them in so far as they are harmful or useful.
That year two marriages had come of these balls.
Some twenty men were gathered round a table at which Dolokhov sat between two candles.
On the previous Sunday the old count had given his son two thousand rubles, and though he always disliked speaking of money difficulties had told Nicholas that this was all he could let him have till May, and asked him to be more economical this time.
On his right sat the Italian abbe whom Pierre had met at Anna Pavlovna's two years before.
Two of the brothers led Pierre up to the altar, placed his feet at right angles, and bade him lie down, saying that he must prostrate himself at the Gates of the Temple.
There were in the room a child's cot, two boxes, two armchairs, a table, a child's table, and the little chair on which Prince Andrew was sitting.
It was a closely written letter of two sheets from Bilibin.
The building of a new church, previously begun, had cost about 10,000 in each of the last two years, and he did not know how the rest, about 100,000 rubles, was spent, and almost every year he was obliged to borrow.
Returning from his journey through South Russia in the happiest state of mind, Pierre carried out an intention he had long had of visiting his friend Bolkonski, whom he had not seen for two years.
When Pierre saw the Emperor he was coming out accompanied by two merchants, one of whom Pierre knew, a fat otkupshchik.
On two sides black curling clouds of smoke rose and spread from the fires.
She was the middle of two sisters, but Mom fussed over their baby brother.
This was one way to kill two birds with one stone.
Following a long drive that consisted of little more than two ruts worn by vehicle tires, they came to the Marsh ranch.
So why didn't you bring up the other two?
Brandon was fortunate to have been raised by two people who cared as much about each other as they cared for him.
The smoke proved to be too much for Adrienne and two other girls, so they decided to walk each other home.
I've been living in the same apartment with you for two years.
We couldn't afford an apartment right now - even with the two of us.
What do you two think you're doing out here in the dark?
Will you two hold it down for a few minutes?
I'm hoping that's Jerry, and I don't want him to hear you two fighting in the background.
She gripped the armrest as he passed two cars at a time.
Brandon gave the car more gas and it straightened up, darting between the two vehicles.
Watching the two of them, it was all she could do to control her own tears... especially knowing that this was at least partly her fault.
It was ridiculous to live in a 3-bedroom apartment and only use two bedrooms.
She managed to make two 1-day trips to the ranch and Brandon came down to watch her graduate.
There isn't enough work for two people, and Brandon loves the ranch.
Kids think their parents should work two jobs to pay for their college education.
Two sets of startled eyes turned on her.
Returning, he tossed two rabbits to her.
Two times she had been back to visit her siblings, both times at Christmas.
It had been two years since their mother had died - three since their father had run off with that harlot.
That's what keeps me two steps ahead of the opposition.
Fourteen left - two of those wounded.
Two mules had to be shot.
We could take two wagons, but that would mean we'd have to travel slow, and there wouldn't be any animals for riding except Bordeaux's horse.
One and a half or two if you leave the wagons - and leave tonight.
If the Indians were renegades, surely they wouldn't want to take the time to track only two people - not with the cavalry on their trail.
The two young women chatted endlessly about the latest fashion in Paris and the boys who were attracted to them.
The two young women didn't get off at that stop.
Haven't you been through enough danger in the past two weeks?
It's still two months away, though.
He's got two boys that... well, calling them a handful would be an understatement.
There are two other waitresses here.
We're two hundred miles away.
The room was otherwise arranged as if for a wedding with two sets of neatly lined chairs on either side of a long aisle.
Yully smiled, at ease with the two women she'd met so far.
He dug in his pocket and produced two keys on their original ring.
A small round table and two chairs were placed in a corner near the doorway to the family room, providing a view of the fireplace.
The landing paused at the Y of two long hallways.
About two hundred yards away a lone wolf stood poised for flight, watching them cautiously.
I gather you two aren't the best of friends?
Of course, if you think it would be too much work... you'll only have two weeks.
Between the two of us we ought to be able to carry them down to that room.
Of course, what goes on between you two in this big lonely house when no one else is around is between the two of you.
He slammed the mug on the table and stood, crossing the distance between them in two long strides.
I'm not sure who started that story, but it floated around here for my last two years of high school.
It's inevitable that two people living in the same house are going to be at odds sometimes, but from now on I'll never feel completely safe.
He lifted her chin with two fingers, and the expression on his face might have been amusing under different circumstances.
But what we do with our time after work is strictly between the two of us.
It's just that... well, it isn't right for two people who aren't...
But then, hadn't she already done so when he tried to kiss her at the sink two weeks ago?
I mean, you did visit her the night before, and I thought maybe you two were...
Who would have guessed two years ago that he would become a happily married man?
It began with a glance as we passed each other the first time, a smile the next two or three laps, and then a pretend rest stop.
But picture Ben and Betsy, two city dwellers, neither owning a car.
Quinn is our age but he jumped two school grades on academic excellence.
The friendly action was the beginning of a strong relationship between my two favorite women.
The two women adjourned to the front porch to cut green beans and shuck corn.
I dug in a tub of iced beer and Quinn and I toasted the two cans as we sat back on Adirondack chairs to enjoy the late afternoon.
I'm here in one piece, sort of, and you've given me a clean slate to begin act two of my life.
I'm sorry to have missed act one, but I promise a short intermission before I give act two a try.
The summer you two came up here, I had a major crush on my handsome California cousin but you were seven years older than me and didn't know I existed.
None of them are five star accommodations but two are fairly comfortable.
You were two points from sleeping alone big guy.
They looked like two seated sentinels guarding the castle gate.
The two women went below to prepare the cocoa, leaving Howie and me in the darkened lab.
Two horses were tied up and there was a wagon and mule at the end of the street.
I just stood there for a moment or two, taking it all in.
The plate was yellow with black number; two digits, a space, and three digits.
I don't remember the last three numbers but the first two were forty-five.
I didn't mix the two.
Two weeks passed and I'd put Howie Abbott from my mind when Betsy called one evening as I heated a frozen dinner in my lonely apartment.
Alder's Bridge was re-named Brockville, after the first soldier fatality of World War Two!
I called an historical society, or two.
Two blocks away we found a dark spot that catered to happy hour regulars.
Most of the store fronts were boarded up and a fifty foot blackened gap separated the two largest structures.
He did so, and then pointed out the location of where he'd seen people, cars, the two horses and the wagon.
When two objects have different charges a field exists between them.
We'd drive Peabody, Massachusetts, two weeks before our wedding.
Peabody was two hundred and thirty miles and we arrived at our destination a little after eleven on Friday night, after nearly six hours of steady traffic.
The house has but two small second story bedrooms.
There are two sources for each unit.
The final dream produced the names of two families together with time and location.
He insists you two be with us before we move forward.
It's a big city and a long time ago but he saw the White House and said he watched Lincoln eat with two men.
Howie couldn't do anything about it; it happened two weeks ago.
Thirty minutes later, the two emerged from the room, all smiles.
Two for three was never the less remarkable.
When the first two tries proved unsuccessful, tempers frayed even more.
We were on it, so to speak, less than two hours after the baby was taken.
We would restrict our altruistic activity to weekends and possibly an evening or two a week by phone, if it worked.
Are we just two guys talking?
He asked if there were others and I told him about two.
We had two runaways in a row followed by a location Howie couldn't find and a wake-up interruption from outside noise.
It's difficult out on the road to hide them more than a day or two.
He agreed to keep our conversation limited to the two of us and is willing to listen to you.
The director lived in a Georgetown mansion with his wife and two dogs.
Four of us, sans Martha, shared a bottle of bourbon with Quinn drinking two for each of ours.
Howie's first two sessions were failures.
We shared our sadness at the waste of two barely emerging lives with the remainder of the celebratory bourbon.
Three calls were telephoned from Boston, New York and Connecticut while two were made on untraceable phones.
We took the car on vacation and our two families had a great time.
The home, now known as Eight Maples Farm, had been a gathering place for travelers seeking good music and refreshments, over two hundred years ago.
Fortunately, after a week or two, the public grew bored with the subject and it slipped away like a bear in winter.
Nearly two weeks had passed since the killing.
We learned later, at first the police were suspicious of the parents as they couldn't believe someone could enter a small house with sleeping adults and two boys in an adjoining room, and not be heard.
Then he added with a smile in his voice, You two are working late together.
Martha and baby Claire were released from the hospital after two days and both continued to prosper.
I can get each of you two sets of ID, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, charge cards and a brief history that will check out.
Two days later, a cryptic message was posted on his regular secure web site.
Let's hope he doesn't figure you can't go back more than a day or two.
There are two psychics?
At least two different people call in the tips but I'm guessing only one person is the psychic.
For two hundred years the mountain has attracted visitors from miles away.
The system drops the last two digits of the number so it's never even received at the call center.
Only the first two numbers, 'cause it was my age.
I knew from my in depth research, the number and location of all payphones bearing the area code and first two numbers dear Brenda provided me.
Though I wouldn't have believed it two weeks ago, peace of sorts prevails at Econ Scrutiny and with the lives of its employees.
As the decision deadlocked at two each, I turned to Howie.
She was never quite sure how to respond to Martha's candor though the two continued to be best of friends.
Bumpus sat near the two, acting like a protector and getting free hand pats for his reward.
Betsy lined up two likely abductions and she was anxious to get started, Quinn had already performed his part, setting his apparatus appropriately for a rural Iowa location where a twelve year old boy had gone missing.
I had no stomach to involve myself in the love relationship of these two.
When I first met Howie in class I thought he was just this lonely guy but he seemed nice and we had coffee a time of two.
So a week or two later, I asked him out... dinner at my place.
Somehow, you two have to be honest with one another, regardless of the outcome.
What happens beyond that is between the two of you.
Two hours later, after too much coffee and too much worrying, and only Bumpus to talk to I telephoned Howie.
That's between the two of you.
Shut up; I told you not to interrupt... anyway, the damn thing went too fast for the old folks... over two miles an hour, I guess.
I was anxious to hear about the meeting between the two women but I didn't want to ask in front of the child.
Bumpus sensed a walk and joined the two.
Those two might kill each other without a referee.
As soon as the two left, I turned to Betsy.
Howie can't drive two blocks out here without getting lost.
It took us two hours to come ten miles from the airport and Julie had to direct him the last mile and she just got here herself.
I expect my equipment here in the next hour or two and we'll get going.
Two kids plotting against a bully, exploring new haunts, exchanging secrets, making up games and building a club house together.
She'd located two promising missing children cases from the past forty-eight hours.
Over the three day period, we located one lost boy, identified two girls as runaways and fingered a true abduction.
In the distance and getting closer I heard the sound of police sirens and in minutes two cruisers pulled into the driveway.
Two medics came over and pushed Jackson out of the way and began to lift me.
The two were closer than they should have been.
There are four bedrooms, two more than they need and I've peeked in each, even testing the bed in one.
In response to Molly's questions about covered bridges, we drove through two more in the area for her pleasure.
Two were in outlying areas north of town and two in the city of Keene.
Two are in California with the ill mother of the one named Howard.
Maybe I can get a friend or two to put a bug in his ear to back off.
Two uniformed officers nearby turned their heads.
Taking two prizes is a challenge but the ultimate reward will be worth the aggravation!
There were a half dozen messages from both Julie and Howie from California but in view of our frenzied day, decided to let them simmer until after a much relished glass or two of wine and Molly's carefully grilled hot dogs and cheese bread.
The two spoke for only a few minutes, in the privacy of the kitchen.
But it's at least a two hour drive to Boston.
I'd assumed any connection between the two was incidental.
No one else connected the two murders because they were so sure I did the first one.
I was buttonholed by two middle-aged men who alternated telling me their life story.
The hundred mile drive up the coast to Santa Barbara took more than two hours during which we chatted the entire way.
I am a patient person by nature and fully expected to later take them one or two at a time.
However, what did I discover but the child at the sink alone and the doors to two stalls closed!
He's been stalking us all the way from New Hampshire where he killed two friends of ours.
To be able to pluck two such treasures and eliminate another is worthy of praise from high!
Now my two treasures are secure behind me as I'm off to my wooded sanctuary.
Two people laughed aloud and someone growled about their federal tax dollars at work.
Just the three of us are in residence, soon to be two.
She'd said not a word for the two hour ride to my castle in the sky.
While I long to have the child alone in my cabin, keeping the two in there would be cumbersome.
We caught two intersection videos of the van traveling in the direction of route 154.
In route, he pulled into a fast food drive-through and ordered two hamburger meals.
Her daughter is secure in the sealed room beneath the barn so it is only the two of us in my cabin.
It takes two of us and an electronic apparatus to create the dream-like trance that lets one of us see episodes from the past.
It was two in the morning and I knew Howie was exhausted.
The ride took about forty minutes and as we arrived, two patrol cars were pulling away from the scene.
She turned twenty-four two months ago and started having all these issues, like she's a vamp.
A few Naturals were found every year, and he didn't bother to remember their names in an organization his size, leaving that level of detail to his most trusted men, the two regional commanders, and dozens of sector commanders worldwide.
Of the two, Dusty was more likely to call him to the floor when he crossed into his business.
As his adopted brothers in the war against evil, the two of them were his equals.
Jake cleaved in two by a maniacal man with a sword.
Can you hold things down for two weeks?
She squinted, realizing the two furry brown monsters were men in costumes from Where the Wild Things Are.
Despite being able to bench press two of her, the men actually listened.
Two rolled from his place on the concrete floor in the corner and unwrapped the ratty blanket he used to keep himself warm.
It held breakfast for two, and he racked his mind for who the other was.
His woman laughed huskily and approached Two naked.
You couldn't keep your hands off—" "You two know each other?"
The shaded patio was as wide as the mansion, with two small outdoor bars and groups of chairs around tables.
Signs of the party the night before still remained, from the garbage bags awaiting pickup to one table with two wine glasses still present.
She closed her eyes against the sunlight and took another two steps into the garden.
Damian glanced at the new text message from Han before his gaze returned to the small base camp tucked between two ridges in the Tucson Mountains.
Rainy, a brooding Guardian with striking green eyes and a shock of dark hair, was his youngest station chief at a youthful two thousand years old.
It leaves us with two, plus Sector HQ.
There were only two men in the world he'd entrust with his life.
I have three eyes instead of two?
The other two men gazed at her.
Two, prep the room.
He sliced through two vamps before shooting the other two in the small courtyard.
He ducked into a doorway while Damian shot two more vamps and reappeared, the blueprints on the screen.
He whipped out the vamp-killing hand cannons and shot the first two of Jilian's men.
Han stayed with her, not moving until two Guardians—a raven-haired man with a quick smile and a brooding blond—approached.
Three men stood in the main foyer, two in the same shade of brown as her bodyguard and a striking man in designer jeans and an expensive sweater.
Two dropped his arms to his side.
He threw the canteen and it hit Two's cheek.
Two took his canteen and rose.
Two sensed it and cringed as he entered the room.
Two obeyed and left the room filled with lights and computers.
She had greeted ten men and two women before she felt the first flash of cold.
He was accompanied by Dustin and two other men, one she knew as Sasha, a man who'd struck her with his devotedness to his family, and Levi, a man who'd been present in many of his pre-Schism memories.
Sasha and Levi are two of my most trusted advisors.
I'll be in town in a day or two.
The other two were too occupied by whatever happened to do more than glance at the newcomer.
The men piled into two Tahoes, and the woman led her to a small Honda.
It'll be another two weeks before I'll feel comfortable imaging her uterus to see the fetus.
She sat on one of two fold-out chairs in the concrete room, legs crossed and hands in her lap.
You killed my brother and two hundred sixty-three other Guardians.
The brunette stood between Traci and Rainy, as if she were trying to broker a peace deal between two warring countries.
She hurried from between the two warring factions and hugged her.
Linda returned with two hotdogs and handed one to each of them.
He'd been alone since, except for his two adopted brothers.
She'd been quiet for a day or two, going everywhere with him, a companion in his head who was beyond the touch of his angry master.
Two swung his legs off the bed, holding his breath in case she spoke again.
Two mechanically dressed and left his room.
Two bolted to his feet at the unfamiliar voice.
Two looked around him.
Two went back to the door and looked at his hand.
Two bowed his head, awaiting a beating that never came.
Two sat down on his bed and stared into the darkness, unable to sleep when she cried.
She looked healthier and happier than during their last two encounters, and Linda had let it slip that she and Rainy were talking again.
He strode down the hallway to his office, his two adopted brothers following.
He trusted Sofia to either of the two men before him and knew Dusty was the more likely of the two to shoot first and ask questions later if she was threatened.
As he pulled on the last of his clothes and crossed to his armory, a small, black velvet box nestled between two daggers drew his attention.
There are two people on my list.
I've gone two days without serious consequence.
The underground world was well built and bright with whitewashed walls lining corridors wide enough for two people to walk side by side.
The shadow named Two emerged from the corner.
Two, let her walk around for an hour every twelve.
Two freed her a few hours later and let her walk around the room.
If she could only reach him … She faced Two, the only thing between her and escape.
She approached Two hesitantly.
Two caught her before she hit the ground.
Seizing control of himself, Two stepped forward and pushed her back, binding her to the table again.
You were born two years apart.
Two obeyed and moved forward, slicing his wrist for her again.
Two returned to his corner.
The life died from Two's eyes, and he replaced his hood.
Congrats. You've survived two days.
Two, put her on the table.
Two left, the necklace dangling in his hand.
Two had never heard kiri cry so hard.
Two went to Damian's cell and opened the door.
Two had helped force feed him, before he knew kiri loved him.
Damian was the strongest man Two had ever met.
As Two gazed at Damian, another flash of images driving him to his knees.
Two pulled up his sleeve.
Two released Damian from the bonds and lifted him over his shoulders.
Two's chest clenched at the thought, and he was afraid.
Sofia darted off the table, staring at him as he entered, trailed by Two and the man with green eyes.
The man with green eyes leaned over to Two, whispering to him.
Two bowed his head, and the green-eyed man was gone in a sparkle of light.
Two obeyed, lifting her off the floor and carrying her.
The voice in her head came from Two.
Two, take this bitch to the helo-pad.
Two lifted her and carried her into a hallway teeming with vamps.
The thought pierced her thoughts, and she sagged against Two, not caring if she survived or not.
Two took her down a quieter hall and set her down.
Two pulled her to her feet.
Sofia followed him as the halls angled up and narrowed until Two had to walk through them sideways.
They passed through two more doors before exiting into a cold desert night on the side of a mountain, overlooking the activity at the elevator's entrance.
Two continued walking, finding a narrow path in the dark and starting down it.
Two walked on once he reached the desert, and she trotted after him, looking back at the floodlit entrance to the elevator.
Two took her arm, driving her onward.
She was driven back against Two, who caught her.
Two lowered her, pulling up his sleeves to fight.
Two strained against her grip and tensed.
He will be forever stuck between the two worlds, the good and the evil, without entering either or leaving either behind.
Two armored Tahoes sat out front with an additional two more well-armed Guardians.
He knew as much and was as grateful for the two men before him as he was at finding his brother again.
The two of them toppled to the floor with the book.
I was a normal human two weeks ago.
Two of them laughed.
Her two canines were larger than before and gave her the appearance of a vampire.
Maybe two, if you please me again.
Deidre looked over her shoulder at the reflection in the mirror displaying the two markings on her back.
You said something similar two days ago, before I became the mate of the Dark One.
Darkyn's daughter appeared frail and gaunt, her skin a shade or two darker than the white pillow beneath her head.
Darkyn did two things that she almost agreed with.
Maybe she'll learn a thing or two about being human.
It's been going on for two weeks, and it's getting worse.
Of course, he chose two of the most selfish people she knew.
The air was hot and dry, the two suns too dim to shed much light into the black fortress.
Deidre looked around, struck by how different the place she lived for two years felt.
Two large men entered.
He took her arm with one of the hands that had explored every part of her body not two weeks before.
He has the two I think.
The two were tense enough to worry her that they meant to fight.
The two deities were bristling.
There have been two deities in the position of the Dark One, rendering him one of the oldest.
Gabriel awaited her on the beach near where they'd first sat together two weeks before.
She almost told him that – of the two of them – she was the one with nothing to fear from Darkyn.
I'll owe you two.
Romantic setting for two former lovers.
Deidre laughed at the exchange, sensing a quasi-friendship as old as the two arguing.
In two days your deal with Past-Death is up.
She let herself think what she'd do, if she had the choice between the two.
Selyn peeked out from the two inches she'd opened the door, her dark eyes identical to her father's.
Two forms stepped between them and the portal, blocking it.
She didn't recognize the two men before her, but they were dressed much like the two death dealers that tried to turn her over to Harmony in her old apartment.
The glow from the flashlight barely illuminated the next few feet of inky darkness as the two youngsters crept along the dank passageway.
Something's been troubling Martha for the past two weeks.
Cynthia thought a second or two, careful with her answer.
The three largest quarters were located on the third floor, all presently booked by the two Dawkins brothers and wives, one pair of whom was not sleeping with his mate.
After eleven pairs of shoes, two stray dogs who gave up on me, and a girl friend who skipped off with a coal truck driver in West Virginia, here I am.
You two got along very well.
That was two for one night at McGinchy's tavern.
They were two strangers.
The two remained that way, blanketed in the comforting stillness of the old house and one another's arms.
David Dean, without a remote control, had difficulty with the TV and these two old fogies were out surfing the net like a couple of Silicon Valley youngsters.
We'll be back in an hour or two.
The two men didn't simply dislike one another—the feelings ran far deeper.
The two mused over capturing a free half-day to hike the alpine meadows.
I might have pulled your leg a time or two, but we've got along pretty good over the years keeping stuff to ourselves.
They might still want to ask me a question or two.
He quickly agreed and the two strolled, for the first time since Christmas, to St. Daniel's Catholic Church, a few blocks away.
The time is two hours later in New Jersey.
The telephone confab was between Rose and Cynthia and apparently the two spoke with like mind.
All were mellowing on two bottles of cognac Paul Dawkins provided, in smiling celebration of some event known only to him and Paulette.
Even Pumpkin Green, the trekking philosopher, tossed in his two cents.
It was after nine before the two had time to talk, and come to some sort of peaceful understanding.
The last item on Dean's list of pleasurable activities was punching one if you want this and two if you want that buttons, then sitting on hold while listening to elevator music from some bureaucratic office.
Fine. I can hardly wait to get elected so I can get rid of those two winners you hired before you bailed out.
Dean had trouble remembering who was who but all were of like mind in their affection for the old man who turned up the charm meter a notch or two.
The couple was newly married, Bird Song still under construction, and with Fred out of town, they stole two days on a camping honeymoon.
Next to the opening was a blackened fire ring with two large boulders on either side.
Two used condoms were nearby.
Two more turns were negotiated and marked and in spite of their slow progress, according to the map they were nearing their goal.
Without a pump or two spares, they accomplished the same thing.
I picked it up in a garage sale, for two dollars—with a bike tire patch kit tossed in.
They were driving on Main Street when they spotted Fred O'Connor sauntering down from the courthouse chatting with two ladies who looked enthralled by his company.
How do I know the two matters aren't tied together unless I poke a bit?
Finding another Dawkins in one of Ouray's dozen or two lodging places shouldn't be much trouble for an ace detective-almost sheriff.
The two were silent, waiting each other out.
Dean looked down at the two holes in his belt, now rendered unusable.
The two drinks and lack of a third caused him to be more direct than normal politeness would dictate.
His replacement early morning audience consisted of two old ladies from Indiana who'd just checked in, Pumpkin Green, and Paulette Dawkins.
There was the Friday meeting with the town ladies— just two days away—and Dean knew he should be gathering thoughts and notes but his mind was too scattered to construct a coherent speech.
He decided to move on to problem number two and find out something about the tiny bone he'd discovered.
Amid boxes, lamps, and glassware of every description sat the old man, atop a trunk, snuggled between the two maiden ladies from Indiana.
The other four trunks displayed like goods—a moth-eaten gorilla suit, two bloody collections of dresses, and an outfit Dean supposed Frankenstein wore when he went out for a little nightlife.
It was the first real words the two had exchanged since their meeting at the mine.
The two chatted while Cynthia dried her hands.
The Wolfman showed up in Mrs. Worthington's trunk and two of her friends, the gift shop owner included, reported a mummy and an assortment of armor.
The fact that Mrs. Worthington's sister was playing tourist on the road for at least the next two weeks made prospects bleak for catching up with Martha's bones, at least in the near future.
Switching the bones and killing him in the first place are two different acts—forty years apart.
He, too, could visualize the two young people headed for wedded bliss, a six-pack between them.
Just have two instead of four and you'll save half the calories.
Acting Sheriff Fitzgerald was slipping two one-pint bottles of vodka into a paper bag as Dean was about to open the door.