Twins Sentence Examples
It's a little early, but twins tend to have their own schedule.
In spite of ample opportunity to talk to him about the twins, she never brought it up.
I came by myself – to get the twins.
How did the twins feel about all of this?
I'm flattered by your offer, but I can't leave the twins.
The twins begged me to bring you back, so I made it part of my plans.
Katie dropped by the next morning and left the twins for the day.
Usually they are interpenetration twins with the principal axis as twin-axis; the prism planes of the two individuals coincide, and the faces r and z also fall into the same plane.
She had barely thought about the twins since Destiny went into the hospital.
He had a lot on his plate right now... the twins, his father and who knew what else?
AdvertisementCarmen and Felipa were engrossed in feeding the twins.
That would supplement her meager savings, and she could be with the twins.
When Katie brought the twins over one hot August day, Carmen finally found the courage to bring up the subject.
The twins had been involved in some escapade for the Philadelphia crime family that Vinnie refused to describe.
Something had gone awry, or so the twins found out a day or two later, although Vinnie swore everything went according to plan and they hadn't done anything wrong.
AdvertisementVinnie hadn't been marked because no one knew he'd accompanied the boys, until the twins came out from under their rock the prior weekend and were quickly nabbed and "questioned."
If the twins had been in the hands of the family for three days, two more wouldn't matter.
I know, because the twins always went up to Scranton on Wednesday night 'cause that's when this country and western band they liked played.
You'll have plenty of opportunities to hold babies after the twins are born.
Those days were filled with the fun of taking care of the twins.
AdvertisementHow could Alex know why she had decided to spend so much time with the twins, or why she hadn't gone with him to Texas?
He had tried to be happy for her when the twins came along – even accepted it gracefully when she had declined to go with him to Texas.
The twins came barreling up to her, nearly knocking her down.
Our twins were in the first skit.
Jonathan and Destiny might understand, but the twins wouldn't.
AdvertisementDid you know Jonathan told our twins that Alex wants to get him a cell phone but you're being a … unreasonable about it?
I know I said I wanted five children, but that was two adopted children and a set of twins ago.
Carmen arranged for the twins and Destiny to stay with Grandma Reynolds so that she wouldn't be distracted when her guests arrived.
Never again would she be startled by his sudden appearance in the garden, nor laugh at his gentle frolicking with the twins.
Gerald talked to the twins for a few minutes and then turned to Alex.
She turned her attention to the twins.
Rob shifted his attention to the twins Nat and Matt.
Those are good names for twins.
Felipa was her usual bubbly self and everyone from the twins to the guests was enjoying her antics.
The next morning Katie arrived early to collect Destiny and the twins.
After supper the twins and Destiny crawled into his lap and listened quietly as he read them a story.
Alex drove the team and Carmen sat on the seat with him, the twins between them.
She took Destiny and the Twins to another store to shop.
Destiny selected a few light dresses and Carmen bought some clothes for the twins.
Destiny and the twins think he's on a business trip.
The twins and even Destiny cried about every small thing that didn't go their way.
Both of the twins were soon awake and crying.
After lunch the twins wanted to take a bath.
The twins were used to her chatter.
In the first year of his reign Faustina gave birth to twins, one of whom became the emperor Commodus.
Although many pseudo-symmetric twins are transformable into the simpler form, yet, in some cases, a true polymorph results, the change being indicated, as before, by alterations in scalar (as well as vector) properties.
It has the same arms as Rome - the she-wolf and twins.
It is to be observed that she appears far more conspicuously in the Apolline myths than in those which grew round the great centres of Artemis worship, the reason being that the idea of Apollo and Artemis as twins is one of later growth on Greek soil.
The white lie of the Anglo-Saxon and the hoben no uso of The Japanese are twins.
Here, being already pregnant, she gave birth to a daughter, who in turn bore the twins Joskeha and Tawiscara (myth of hostile brothers).
At Porto Novo, in French West Africa, twins have tutelary spirits in the shape of small monkeys.
There are, therefore, two main branches and two side branches, but these are not twins springing out of the same root, but parallel branches springing out of different though closely adjacent roots.
Such supplementary twins, known in Germany FIG.
On account of their resemblance to the twins of the mineral spinel (which crystallizes in octahedra) these are ?i D known as " spinel twins."
This individuality is the result of the particular selection of qualities it receives from its parents, a selection that obviously differs in different cases, as, save in the case of "identical twins," which are supposed to be the product of a single fertilized ovum, no individual pair of brothers, or pair consisting of brother and sister, are alike.
Twinning according to the first law is effected by rotation about an axis normal to the sphenoidal face (III), the resulting form resembling the twins of blende and spinel.
There are even traces of a third version, in which the Messenian twins, Idas and Lynceus, appear.
Twins are common.
Twins are considered unlucky, the mother is divorced by her husband and her family must refund part of the marriage-price.
Such twins may therefore be mistaken for simple crystals unless they are attentively studied; but the twinning is often made evident by the presence of irregularly bounded areas of the duller z faces coinciding with the brighter r faces.
On the way home she gave birth, in the neighbourhood of Eleutherae on Mount Cithaeron, to the twins Amphion and Zethus, of whom Amphion was the son of the god, and Zethus the son of Epopeus.
Between these two extremes the other parts and organs of the body were distributed among the remaining signs of the zodiac, the neck being assigned to the Bull, the shoulders and arms to the Gemini (or twins), the breast to Cancer, the flanks to Leo, the bladder to Virgo, the buttocks to the Balance, the pubis to the Scorpion, the thighs to Sagittarius, the knees to Capricorn, and the limbs to Aquarius.
Rendel Harris that the great twin pillars were connected with the cult of the Dioscuri, and that in the Acts of Thomas is to be seen a later attempt to substitute other " twins," viz.
Harris, The Dioscuri in Christian Legend (1903), and The Cult of the Heavenly Twins (1906); the histories of Rome, Persia, Crusades, Mongols, &c.; Rubens Duval, Histoire politique, religieuse et litteraire d'Edesse jusqu'a la premiere croisade (1892), a useful compilation reprinted from the Journ.
Alex cautioned that it would seriously reduce their odds of success, but they and the surrogate mother were agreeable to twins, if it should happen.
Even identical twins, thought until recently to have identical DNA, actually have slightly different DNA.
This phenomenon is usually attributed to the timing of when the fertilized egg was split and may be identified in nearly 25 percent of identical twins.
Are you looking for facts on fraternal twins?
Both twins were crying and destiny was pouting.
What does d-i-z-y-g-o-t-i-c twins mean?
Whether it was an unforgivable sin or a miracle, the twins were living babies now.
I was thinking it wouldn't be big enough for all of us after the twins come home.
They were four months into pregnancy with twins and she still had a slim waist.
With only a little more than a month left before the twins were due, Carmen began the therapy to help her produce milk.
She couldn't abandon the twins – leave them with a man who had become a stranger to them.
And yet, now the twins could return to their beloved ranch – the one she had finished paying off.
I came by myself - to get the twins.
The twins were always talking about their sister, and when you're father showed up, he was heartbroken to find out what had happened.
Ida Wassermann was the mother of the Wassermann twins, a pair of 30-year-old misfits whose I.Q.'s didn't equal their waist sizes.
Ms. Segal was the reporter who was giving Leland Anderson and the department such a hard time over the missing Wassermann twins.
Like I told you, when the twins found out half the state was after their ass, they laid low—for a long time, couple of months.
Fraternal twins are much more common than identical twins.
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac symbolized by the ' Celestial Twins '.
Their parents did not like seeing the twins so sad about not being in the same class.
Their mother was sure that left alone, the twins would hatch a mischievous plan.
The Gordon twins' birthday party was even more rambunctious than I could have imagined.
When you are searching for a stroller for twins, you need to consider how it will be used.
Fraternal Twins - Non-identical twins whom are actually siblings sharing the same womb become referred to as fraternal twins.
If the uterus then accepts the implantation of the eggs then they will grow together as twins.
Fraternal twins are easy to identify on an ultrasound as they always have their own placentas.
Identical Twins - The random occurrence of an egg splitting in two after fertilization produces identical twins.
Therefore, the only true way to be sure your twins are identical is through a genetic test.
Identical twins are genetically identical and even share the same fingerprints.
Mirror Twins - Identical twins whose features mirror each other are known as mirror twins.
When pregnant, it is always important to have a birth plan, but when pregnant with twins it is essential.
Therefore it is reasonable to expect to deliver your twins early so take the time to begin planning for that now.
All new parents need help and support, but the parents of twins need it the most.
In today's world, many couples are waiting longer to start their families, leading to more twins.
Also with the advancement of fertility methods increasing the potential of multiple births, more twins are conceived.
Take advantage of these supplementary services to become a better informed family with twins.
Whether you are shopping for twins, triplets, or even quadruplets, there are lots of Baby Gifts baby gifts to choose from.
Twins may not be double the money, but they will certainly be more expensive than one baby.
For those babies who are bottle fed, however, twins mean lots of extra formula, too.
Double Breast Pump-Mothers of twins don't have time to pump one breast at a time.
Books-Books will always be the perfect gift, and you can't go wrong with the Twins Book by Anne Geddes.
Double Travel Systems-These are perfect for strolling twins or two small children.
Double strollers are great whether you have twins or just two children that are close in age.
Know someone who is having twins or multiples?
While about 50 percent of twins are born prematurely, more than 90 percent of triplets are born preterm.
If you are the parents of twins, or you soon will be, you might be surprised to know some of the following information.
Fraternal twins are twins who aren't identical, although they can be of the same sex.
The incidence of twins has certainly seen an explosion in the last several decades.
Location-Where you live may have a direct bearing on the chances of conceiving twins.
Diet-While the verdict is still out, diet could also play a role in the conception of twins.
Identical twins, also referred to as monozygotic, are certainly less common than fraternal.
Identical twins are formed when one fertilized egg is split into two during the first twelve days after the egg is fertilized.
Is there really a bond that is found in identical twins?
Genetic research of identical twins actually supports this theory.
Studies of identical twins' brains have found an almost perfect match in brainwave patterns, and this phenomenon could explain why twins appear to have extra-sensory perception when it comes to their sibling.
In other words, twins may really have the capability to know what the other is thinking and whether the other is feeling any pain, sadness, etc. On the physical side, twins sometimes have other commonalities, such as missing the same tooth.
Identical twins do not run in the family, although fraternal twins do.
In fact, women who have conceived fraternal twins have an increased chance of doing so again!
The chance of conceiving identical twins is approximately one in 285, while the chance of conceiving fraternal twins is around one in 80.
Identical twins do not have the same fingerprints, even though they share the same DNA.
Twins are typically born earlier than 40 weeks, with the average being around 36 weeks.
Identical twins don't always share the same placenta, although if the egg splits after the first week they probably do.
The majority of twins are born through Cesarean birth.
Some twins are referred to as "mirror image twins".
These twins may have mirror image characteristics, such as opposite fingerprints, opposite dominant hands, and even opposite hair parts.
Identical twins certainly are fascinating.
It is important to remember, however, that while identical twins do share the same DNA makeup, they are separate individuals with separate emotions and personalities.
When a woman conceives, sometimes she is blessed with double the excitement with news of fraternal twins.
Twins are special in any form, but this type is especially fascinating with their similarities and differences that are unlike any other sibling on earth.
For those who have never met a twin, let alone parented one, the news of fraternal twins can be both joyous and mind boggling.
How exactly are fraternal twins created?
Making up around 75% of the world's twin population, fraternal twins can be either the same or opposite genders.
A fraternal twin set is made when a woman releases two eggs, and each egg is fertilized by its own sperm (unlike identical twins, where one egg splits into two).
There are a lot of ways to determine whether you have identical or fraternal twins, and doctors often use really simple tricks to discover which sort of set the babies are.
Since fraternal twins only share about 50% of their genes, they can look drastically different in appearance.
The titles identical and fraternal have nothing to do with outward features, and some fraternal twins tend to look even more alike than identical twins do!
There are plenty of predispositions for a woman conceiving twins, including family history and method of conception.
Many mothers of twins find it is a result of in vitro fertilization or other fertility treatments, where multiple births are very common.
Many twins feel as if they know each other more deeply than outside individuals are capable of.
Twins often experience the inner experiences and gut feelings of their brother or sister when he/she is upset or in harm's way.
However, this does not mean that fraternal twins become identical in demeanor.
Some parents even request their twins be divided into different classrooms during elementary school, to ensure each child is able to practice his or her own unique individuality.
Perhaps she is really excited about dressing her twins alike, while another mom may desire her children to have their own special distinctness right from the get go.
The birth of fraternal twins is an exciting time, so whether the children will be yours or someone else's, get ready for plenty of cooing and cuddling.
If you have two young children who are close in age, or twins, you will want to consider a multiple occupancy stroller.
You can also buy a three-seater should you have triplets, or a toddler and twins.
Tym was "saved" this week, leaving the twins, Teran and Teman.
At its beginnings it was sold exclusively through Target, much like the Olsen Twins phenomenon over at Wal-Mart.
Their findings also showed that in the case of identical twins, it is likely that if one suffers from panic attacks or panic disorders, the other twin will most likely suffer from them as well.
However, in the case of fraternal twins, who share fewer genetic similarities, the probability of both twins experiencing panic attacks or panic disorders is much lower.
Teen twins can be a difficult experience for friends or for the twins themselves.
However, for teen twins that are closer with one another, it can be helpful to have someone in your life experiencing some of the same emotions at the same time.
It is said that twins share a special relationship; such a relationship can only be comforting in the teen years.
Teen twins can help one another with what they are going through, whether it is a difficult personal problem or something more tangible like math homework.
Whether you don't want to attend an event alone or you need someone to walk you to the library, teen twins generally have an ally whether they want one or not.
For identical teen twins that are the same clothing size, you can always borrow one another's clothes!
Mistaken identity is common with identical twins; as a developing teen, this can be a heartbreaking experience.
Many will treat teen twins as 'one' rather than two separate people.
Do you know any twins outside of yourself and your sibling?
If you do, speak with them about their experiences to see what other twins are running into.
If you don't, try to network with an older set of twins online or through safe resources like the local library to see how they survived the teen years together.
If you've watched family sitcoms during the last twenty years, you've probably seen the Olsen twins, either on Full House or any one of a number of made-for-TV movies or series.
The adorable Olsen twins started their acting careers before they could walk, appearing first in 1987 in the long-running television series Full House.
While the gossip that involves the twins has been minimal throughout the years, there have been incidents that have eluded to drug abuse in both of their personal lives.
While other celebrity kids were squandering their money, the Olsen twins were investing theirs by establishing Dualstar Entertainment Group, a multi-divisional corporate umbrella.
With the advice of astute management the twins have marketed a whole line of products, including books, movies, dolls, video games, fragrances, and even designer fashions to youngsters, tweens, and teens.
According to Forbes, the Olsen twins are worth a combined $100 million as of 2011, thanks to their solid investment in their future via Dualstar Entertainment.
Anyone who has been around twins has heard of twin speak, a special form of communication that many identical twins share.
The Olsen twins appear to have such a special connection, as they are often seen in public together, and during interviews one twin has a tendency to finish the sentence of the other.
Although Mary-Kate and Ashley are fraternal twins, they look strinkingly similar.
In addition to the Olsens first attempt at retail fashion designing, the twins have expanded their bohemian clothing line to include their brands Elizabeth and James and their 2010 Textile line of denim and casual clothing.
In addition to clothing, the Olsen twins ventured into a design collaboration of jewelry with organic artist and sculptor Robert Lee Morris.
The Olsen twins are the first twins and the youngest celebrities to earn a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Twins (boy/girl) Knox Léon and Vivienne Marcheline were born in 2008.
She kept the role for a few months until Hollywood came calling with the lead as both twins in the remake of the Disney classic The Parent Trap.
As you may recall, Julia Roberts gave birth to twins, Hazel and Phinnaeus, in November 2004.
After the twins were born, Roberts took a break from acting on-screen and instead did voice-over roles.
Marcia Cross, who is pregnant with twins, has recently been put on bed rest.
She first announced on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in October 2006 that she was carrying twins.
In 2008 she married Nick Cannon, and the couple welcomed fraternal twins Monroe and Morrocan Scott in 2011.
Henry Daniel weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces, and is the little brother of 2-year-old twins Hazel and Phinnaeus.
With twins in tow, Roberts filmed her newest movie, Charlie Wilson's War before finding out she was pregnant with child number three.
One-half of the Olsen twins, Mary-Kate Olsen's waifish appearance led many to believe that she had an eating problem.
The Olsen twins recently released their label The Row, a high fashion, pricey adult fashion line, as well as Elizabeth and James (named after their sister and brother), that offers more affordable styling.
Not to be outdone by actress-turned-fashion-designers Hilary Duff or the Olsen twins, Amanda Bynes released a fashion line called "Dear" that includes accessories and clothing.
She appeared on a July 2003 Vanity Fair cover alongside female stars Lindsay Lohan, the Olsen Twins, Mandy Moore, and Hilary Duff, among others.
She played Stephanie Tanner from 1997 through the show's end in 1995, co-starring with the Olsen Twins, John Stamos, Bob Saget, and Candace Cameron.
Actor Dennis Quaid and wife Kimberly's newborn twins are in the neonatal intensive care unit at Cedar's Sinai Medical Center.
Dennis Quaid and his wife Kimberly Buffington welcomed twins into their family on November 8, 2007.
The fraternal twins, Thomas Boone and Zoe Grace were carried to term and delivered by a surrogate mother.
Upon realizing the grievous error, the twins were given the drug protamine sulfate.
Seems that all the "J-Lo's having twins" rumors were true -- she and husband Marc Anthony welcomed twin babies on Friday, February 22, 2008.
It wasn't until early February 2008 that the world found out she was expecting twins.
The fraternal twins were born at a Long Island hospital just after midnight early Friday morning.
The twins are Lopez's first children, though she is no stranger to playing the role of mommy, as Anthony has three other children.
Not that the public really needed confirmation that Angelina Jolie is expecting twins, but it came anyway in the form of an accidental announcement via Jack Black.
Jolie and Black were making the interview rounds for their latest animated film collaboration Kung Fu Panda in Cannes, when the comedian let it slip that Brad and Angelina are expecting twins.
The twins will be the fifth and sixth children for Jolie and Pitt, parents to Maddox age six, Pax age four, Zahara age three and soon to be two-year old Shiloh.
Everyone who can read knows that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie welcomed twins last weekend, but exactly how much are the pictures of the entire Jolie-Pitt brood worth?
The couple plans to do the same with the proceeds garnered from the first pictures of twins Vivienne and Knox.
The fraternal twins are expected to net upwards of $11 million, with every dime going to charity.
Not one to waste any time, Hef moved in 19-year old twins Karissa and Kristina Shannon and 24-year-old college student Amy Leigh Andrews.
Oh Kendra, does it surprise you that 19-year old twins sharing an 82-year-old "boyfriend" (meal ticket?) aren't at all thankful?
Sex and The City star Sarah Jessica Parker is expecting twins, but she isn't pregnant.
Parker says that she is planning on taking some time off to spend with the twins, but still plans on being on set to reprise her role as Carrie Bradshaw.
Their family is unique in that they have one set of twins, as well as a set of sextuplets, making eight children in all.
Only nine months ago, TLC flew Jon and Kate, their twins, and their sextuplets, to Hawaii so that the couple could renew their wedding vows.
Fraternal twins Hazel and Phinnaeus were born to Roberts and Moder on November 28, 2004.
Probably among the best known twins in the world, they started out on TV's Full House before the age of one.
They've since grown The Olsen Twins into a brand, with marketing of their images on clothing, books, magazines, posters and toys.
Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen became popular as cute young kids on Full House, but now many people wonder what the Olsen twins grown up are like.
They look identical to each other, but are actually genetically fraternal twins.
The Olsen twins have been acting since the age of only nine months.
Full House wrapped up its run in 1995, when the Olsen twins were nine years old.
The Olsen twins have always been fashionable trendsetters, and their interest in fashion has given them another career avenue.
Along with adult responsibilities for the Olsen twins, grown up controversies and scandals have followed them into maturity.
To keep up with what the Olsen twins are doing now that they've grown up, you can visit one of their fan sites such as
After having been married three times previously, Seymour is currently with James Keach, the father of her twins Kris and Johnny, born in 1995.
In February, 2008, she gave birth to twins, Emme Maribel Muniz and Maximillian David Muniz.
You can start shopping at Cookie Baby Inc. They offer basic colorful designs saying "It's My 1st Birthday," or "It's Our 1st Birthday" for twins.
Sleepwalking also happens much more frequently in identical twins than in any other group.
Researchers utilized monozygotic (identical) twins for this research as well as conducting some research with animal subjects.
From the Olsen twins to Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton, big shades are big news.
Oversized frames on petite faces like the Olsen Twins' are everywhere.
Recently, Lindsay Lohan and the Olsen twins have been spotted sporting Guccis.
Raised by a set of twins, Castor and Pollux, you train and become a great warrior.
The cause of TA is unknown as of the early 2000s but may involve genetic factors, as the disease has been reported in identical twins.
It is estimated that pregnancies resulting from assisted technologies have a 25-30 percent incidence of twins and a 5 percent incidence of triplets.
Fraternal twins develop from two separate ova released at the same time and fertilized by two separate sperm.
Fraternal twins are referred to as dizygotic twins, meaning that two unions of two gametes or male/female sex cells occurred to produce two separate embryos.
Characteristically, with fraternal twins, each has its own placenta and amniotic sac.
They may be the same or different sex, occur twice as frequently as identical twins, and have a mortality rate of 11.5 percent.
Identical twins represent the splitting of a single fertilized zygote (union of two gametes or male/female sex cells to produce a developing embryo) into two separate individuals.
Identical twins will have the same DNA, genetic material (genotype), but it may be expressed differently (phenotype).
In the instance of dichorionic-diamniotic twins, division of the fertilized egg occurs within 72 hours past fertilization, before the inner cell mass has developed.
About 30 percent of identical twins have this classification, and each twin has its own chorion, amnion, and placenta.
Approximately 68 percent of identical twins are in this classification, and they have a mortality rate of 25 percent.
Thirdly, monochorionic-monoamniotic twins are contained in the same amniotic sac.
Only 2 percent of identical twins are in this classification, and they have a mortality rate of greater than 50 percent.
If a complete separation does not take place during the division process, the result is Siamese (or conjoined) twins.
It seems as if, however, that more pregnancies start out naturally with twins than was originally believed.
Moreover, only about 50 percent of pregnancies diagnosed in the first trimester with twins result in the birth of two live infants.
An old adage related to multiple gestation is the human female was not meant to have more than twins because she only had two breasts for feeding.
Twinning seems to run in some families, is mainly confined to fraternal (dizygotic twins) and seems to be entirely a property of the mother, not the father.
Another major factor is maternal age; a woman who gives birth at 37 is four times more likely to have fraternal twins than at age 18.
The third major factor is race; West Africans are ten times more likely to have fraternal twins than Chinese or Japanese, with Caucasians intermediate.
In addition, the more pregnancies a woman has had, the greater her chances of having twins.
In fact, by the fourth or fifth pregnancy, the likelihood of having twins is four times higher than it was for the first pregnancy.
Multiple gestations greater than twins in number are almost always delivered via cesarean section.
Twins and other birth multiples also skew birth order predictions.
For the single birth children born after twins or other multiples, birth order is skewed because the twins or multiples have become special children and, in the case of multiples, are their own birth order unit.
Family members of schizophrenics are ten times more prone to schizophrenia than the general population, and identical twins of schizophrenics have a 46 percent likelihood of having the illness themselves.
Women with multiple gestations (i.e., twins or more) are more likely to have at least one fetus in a breech position simply due to space constraints in the womb.
Some infants who are small at birth (especially twins) may attain normal stature within the first year of life, while others remain small throughout their lives.
Twins, for example, have four times the risk of developing CP as children from singleton pregnancies, owing to the fact that more twin pregnancies are delivered prematurely.
Twin studies have shown that both of a pair of identical twins experience enuresis more often than both of a pair of fraternal twins.
Twins occur when two babies are born at the same birth.
Identical, or monozygotic, twins are of the same sex and are genetically identical and physically similar, because they both come from one ovum (egg), which, after fertilization, divides in two and develops into two separate fetuses.
Fraternal, or dizygotic, twins occur when the mother produces two eggs in one monthly cycle and both eggs are fertilized.
Fertilized egg division which produces twins can either happen early or late in development.
Twins can also result from a fertilized egg that divides slightly later in development.
It is from these cases of late separation that conjoined (Siamese) twins sometimes develop.
Fraternal twins, who are no more genetically alike than ordinary siblings, may be of the same or different sex and may bear some similarity of appearance.
If the mother is a fraternal twin herself, has fraternal twin siblings, or fraternal twin relatives on her side of the family, she is more likely to give birth to fraternal twins.
If she has already given birth to fraternal twins, her chances of giving birth to fraternal twins again are four times greater than those of a woman who has not had fraternal twins.
The number of twins born in the United States rose between the early 1980s and the early 2000s.
In 1980, there were 69,339 sets of twins born, and in 2002 there were 125,134 sets of twins born in the United States.
There are also significant differences internationally in the number of twins born with the rate in Belgium almost six times the rate in China.
Parents should avoid giving twins very similar names.
Twins should be treated as two individuals and not as a package.
To help twins understand who they are as individuals, parents should avoid dressing both twins the same.
Sibling rivalry can be more intense in twins than in siblings of different ages.
This is not unusual, because teachers, coaches, and even parents tend to compare twins.
Parents should consider arranging to have the twins put in different classes in school to help foster individuality.
Helping teachers, coaches, babysitters, and friends understand that it is important to treat the twins as two separate people can be very important.
Twins often have a harder time developing their own independent identities than other children.
Twins are more likely to have low birth weights or be delivered prematurely than single babies.
Raising twins can be more challenging than raising two single children.
Some stores have special discounts for parents of twins.
Up to 15 percent of twins who share a placenta (monochorionic twins) have twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS).
Because of abnormal blood vessel connections in the placenta, one twin pumps the circulating blood for both twins.
Twin-twin reverse arterial perfusion (TRAP) sequence occurs in about 1 percent of monochorionic twins.
The normal twin pumps all the blood for both twins and is at risk for heart failure.
If left untreated 50 to 75 percent of these normal twins die.
In prenatal surgery for TRAP sequence, the connections between the twins are severed.
This theory is supported by a significantly higher incidence of clubfoot among twins compared to singleton births.
Similarly, studies of families and identical twins with Chiari malformation show that the malformation occurs more often in these families than in families in which no member is affected.
Children of left-handed parents have a 50 percent chance of being right-handed and 18 percent of identical twins differ in their handedness.
Furthermore, right-handed twins are equally as likely as their left-handed twins to have left-handed children.
A physician may order an ultrasound scan to listen for a fetal heartbeat, determine a woman's precise due date, or check for twins, among other uses.
Further evidence for a congenital link to shyness is found in studies that show that identical twins (who have identical genes) are more likely to be shy than fraternal twins (who are no more alike than other siblings).
Identical twins show more similar onset of stranger distress than fraternal twins.
Once the show moved to TLC, the premise of the show was focused on the couple's fraternal twins and sextuplets.
Rumors have also circulated that Angelina Jolie is pregnant with twins as the result of fertility treatments!
Does he really have to gain as much as his pregnant with twins wife?
Identical twins are one of nature's mysteries and wonders.
Identical twins are formed when one fertilized egg splits into two.
If the egg splits beyond day 14, your twins may be Siamese twins.
Also known as conjoined twins, Siamese twins are attached to each other to varying degrees.
The day the egg splits determines whether your twins will have one large placenta they share with two umbilical cords or two separate placentas.
Identical twins occur in about 4 out of every 1,000 births.
If you have identical twins, it does not mean that your kids or your grandkids will have them, too.
Identical twins have the exact same DNA.
Since identical twins are identical down to their DNA, not only will they look alike, they may act alike too.
Try to avoid calling them 'the twins' and call them by their names.
I refer to my twins as 'the boys', just as I would if they were only siblings.
It's very important when raising twins to allow them to develop their own personalities.
Like most children, your twins may switch likes and dislikes as they get older.
This is why identical twins have different fingerprints.
Some twins may actually look a little different from each other.
When your twins get older, they will develop physical differences that will allow you to tell them apart.
Identical twins are a great deal of fun to raise.
As they get older, your twins will have a built-in playmate.
All shirts are manufactured extra roomy for the "twins" factor!
We also carry "after baby" couture for moms who have had their twins!
Approximately one month after Cross announced her pregnancy, she let the world know that she is expecting twins.
She confirmed this on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, telling DeGeneres that "I was sort of blown away that I was having twins, so I just needed a minute to deal with it."
Entertainment reports that the nausea has only gotten worse and that Cross is suffering from some complications common to those pregnant with twins.
Because women having twins tend to show much sooner, Cross' pregnancy will be harder to hide during the show taping.
According to their claims, this protein increases the number of eggs produced by the human ovaries and results in an increased number of twins.
Jennifer Lopez's expanding waistline has been rumored to be supporting twins, but she has only recently confirmed her pregnancy, let alone comment on twin speculation.
Julia Roberts named her twins Hazel and Phinnaeus while her third child is named Henry.
Just a couple of months after Jessica Alba's pregnancy was confirmed in the media, rumors buzzed about whether or not she's expecting twins.
She gained 70 pounds before giving birth to her twins in 1995, but Nikki Taylor didn't let a little thing like baby weight slow her down.
Full term for twins may sound like a pipe dream.
If full term for twins is roughly 37 weeks, this gives mom about 25 weeks to get ready.
Moms who already have children and are expecting twins should keep their spouse and other family members in the loop to get some relief when you need to take it easy.
You don't necessarily need to buy two of everything when you are planning for twins, but you will want to stock up on extras so you don't have loads of laundry every five minutes.
Letting twins share the same crib (albeit larger than a standard crib) can often provide the babies with tactile comfort and give you more time to rest after they are born.
As with the arrival of any infant, twins provide their own unique challenges.
Twins can be delivered naturally through the birth canal without undue harm to either infant in many cases.
Nancy Grace wore a memorable tee when she was expecting twins that said, "Say hello to my lil' friend".
Picking the key up in the middle means that you will have twins.
One baby can be overwhelming by himself, so if you discover you're pregnant with twins or more, you may wonder how you'll handle multiple babies.
Obviously, these numbers will increase if you're carrying twins or triplets.
While it's too early to tell the sex of the baby, the technician can see the baby's heart beating, identify twins, determine the due date of the baby, and check for several developmental milestones in the organs of the fetus.
If you're wondering how to have twins, you're not alone.
With multiple births getting more media attention each day, many women find themselves in search of tips for conceiving twins.
Twins are estimated to make up approximately 1.9 percent of the world's population.
Depending upon the country, twins make up between 30 and 40 of every 1,000 live births.
The majority of twin births result in fraternal twins as identical twins make up just 0.4 percent of live births.
However, there are certain criteria that can increase your chances of having twins.
Your odds of having twins increase significantly if your mother or maternal grandmother was a fraternal twin or gave birth to fraternal twins.
Hyper ovulation is the tendency to release multiple eggs during ovulation, which is needed to conceive fraternal twins.
Although men can carry the gene for hyper ovulation and pass it on to their daughters, a history of twins on the man's side of the family doesn't make a woman any more likely to give birth to twins when she becomes pregnant.
Older women are significantly more likely than their younger counterparts to conceive twins.
However, even when accounting for these factors, women over the age of 35 have natural differences in ovulation-stimulating hormones that increase their chances for conceiving twins.
While this is another factor that overlaps with age, it appears that women who have already given birth are more likely to have twins than women who are experiencing their first pregnancy.
The chances of naturally conceiving twins appear to be highest for women who have been pregnant four or more times.
If one of these pregnancies was a twin pregnancy, the chances of conceiving twins again rises significantly.
Some researchers believe the recent increase in twins is associated with an overall rise in obesity rates.
Studies have suggested that a woman's chances of conceiving twins increase if she has a BMI of 30 or higher.
Since excess weight can lead to many other health problems, gaining weight is not a tactic that is recommended if you want to learn how to have twins.
Consuming a diet that is high in dairy products may also increase a woman's chances of conceiving twins.
Learning how to have twins may seem like a fun way to expand your family as quickly as possible, but a twin pregnancy carries higher risk to both mother and child when compared to a singleton birth.
If you love the look of Caribbean Joe, but are not fond of the Kimono Print Halterkini featured at Macy's, then turn your attention to the Twins R In Caribbean Joe style available at Dillard's.
Several Internet celebrity fan sites featured photos of Jennifer Lopez in a bikini a few months after she gave birth to twins.
Many women would love to have Jennifer Lopez's body after she gave birth to twins.
Jennifer was spotted in a white bikini with her twins as well as a sizzling metallic bikini on a Portofino vacation.
If your child would instead like a surprise doll, meaning you don't know the gender or what outfit you will get, you can order the Surprise Newborn Twins which are packaged in cabbage leaf swaddlers which hide their clothing and their hair.
Twins - This two-doll set includes new friends Sarai and Jaylen.
Lopez, who recently dropped her baby weight after giving birth to twins Max and Emme, is focusing on dance and yoga gear as well as a line of shoes.
Hitting the Hollywood scene hard, the Fendi Spy bag has been seen on the arms of Hilary Duff, Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, and the Olsen twins.
The slouchy style of these bags make them perfect for casual wear such as jeans, or a boho chic look favored by celebrities like the Olsen twins.
As the twins of the Zodiac, Gemini is often a mix of different personalities.
A sexy mind is vital if you're going to maintain a romantic love affair with the twins.
Gemini is the sign of the Twins, the mirror and the reflection, the sunshine and the shadow of human relationships.
One Gemini characteristic you'll find very unique and perhaps, at times, upsetting is how the twins usually have two of almost everything.
The sign of the twins is truly all about twos.
Unfortunately for many of the twins, the art of being on time is never mastered.
If one Bitty Baby isn't enough to keep your young Mommy busy, you can select the Bitty Baby twins.
You can also purchase a double stroller for traveling with your adorable twins and matching outfits for dressing them alike.
You can choose from brunette or blonde twins and each set costs $79.00.
Identical twins can be a lot harder to tell apart than fraternal twins.
Parents can choose to have their twins sleep in the same crib or sleep in separate cribs.
There are several options available to feed newborn twins, such as formula, breastfeeding, or pumping.
Some mothers choose to breastfeed their twins, and the advantage to breastfeeding is that the twins can be nursed together.
The advantage to pumping breast milk is that it can be stored and used at a later time, so working mothers, for example, can still use breastmilk to feed their twins if they choose to.
Parents have a lot to consider when raising twins.
The first thing you should look at is the twins' bedtime.
If the twins have an early bedtime, it isn't reasonable to expect them to sleep late, too.
If bedtime is not the problem, check out the twins' bedroom.
If neither of these works, you might just have to accept the twins' early rising.
Brian Keith played the part of Mitch Evers, the twins' father, in the original The Parent Trap movie.
Lindsay Lohan played the parts of the twins, Hallie Parker and Annie James, the two girls who meet at camp and later switch identities in order to get to know the parents they don't live with.
Tracy Martin was a married, 33-year-old mother of twins who died in a fatal car crash on June 30 only eighteen days before the surveillance video surfaced on the news.
Tracy and her husband Brent were happily married and raising their two twins together.
You've seen them on Nicole Ritchie, Lindsay Lohan, and the Olsen twins.
Eventually, it was revealed that the twins were actually the biological children of popular characters Tony and Marlena - but not for long!
It was an unprecedented move at the time because Marley and Vicky were still twins, but Jensen Buchanan (formerly Sarah on OLTL) was still playing the role of Vicky.
Long before he met the Olson twins, John Stamos starred on General Hospital as Blackie Parrish.
The show takes its name from the seven original members of the Camden family, however when Eric and Annie have twins later in the series, they have seven children total.
Twins are prominent in the Camden family.
Annie gave birth to twins Samuel and David during the show's third season.
Dr. Matt Camden and his wife were expecting twins towards the end of the series' run.
Daughter Lucy miscarried her twins leading to emotional heartbreak and struggle for the young minister.
Canary is a five time Emmy winner for his portrayal of the Chandler twins.
Identical twins Stuart and Adam make up the center of the family.
The twins arrived in Salem during a meteor shower.
Befriended by Belle Black and Shawn Brady, the twins learned to speak English and eventually enrolled in the local university.
The truth of the twins' parenthood eventually came out.
The women bonded when Pamela went into labor and delivered the twins with their help.
The spouses bond over their shared experiences, particularly when Pamela gives birth to twins that she secretly carried as a surrogacy agreement to get out from under debt.
Pamela, another wife on the base, is pregnant with twins, but they aren't her own.
Pamela - She gives birth to the twins she was carrying as a surrogate.
In late 2010, their daughter Jennifer announced her pregnancy with twins.
They were there for the birth of their twins whom they named Charlie and Matilda.
She married Daniel Romalotti and Cane Ashby, and had twins through surrogacy.
Cane’s was involved in a lot of child drama including a who’s the daddy with faux brother Billy and then later fathering twins with wife Lily before being killed in a shooting.
In 2011, it was announced that Yager and Trammell wereexpecting twins.
Male twins, often drawn as warriors, are the personification of Gemini.
A wolf, representing the ancient Roman twins Romulus and Remus, is another option.
Gemini zodiac tattoos - these representations of the "twins" are popular among many people born under this astrological sign.
The description and alternate name for the constellation is also "The Twins".
The symbolism available for "the twins" is quite varied.
The oath "By Jiminy" was used by sailors to evoke the names of the twins to act as protectors of their ships.
You could, for instance, get the Gemini constellation tattooed on you or something that embodies the image of the twins.
Gemini is the third of the 12 signs in the Zodiac, frequently shown as twins, dual or mirror images.
The Gemini symbol corresponds to the Gemini constellation, which has been given the Latin name for "twins".
Taken more literally, a Gemini tattoo could depict a dual image or twins.
Twins, those who enjoy Roman myths and stories, those who love the stars and constellations and the stories behind them or anyone who feels they embody the traits of the Gemini should feel welcome to sport this tattoo.
Though the incidence of autism is higher in twins, researchers from the Stanford University School of Medicine have found that shared environmental factors play a significant role in the development of autism as well.
Canadian twins Tega and Sarah have gone all 80s new wave on us on their new album the con - but maybe that's just the influence of their producer, Death Cab for Cutie's Christopher Walla.
This one is for fans of the Ying Yang Twins, Trick Daddy, and JT Money.
Badd by the Ying Yang Twins - Crunk masters The Ying Yang Twins shot to fame with The Whisper Song, and anyone who has been watching VH1 lately knows they just did a turn helping Flavor Flav find love.
He was the youngest of a set of twins, but his older brother, Jesse Presley, was stillborn.
In October of 2010, Dion gave birth to twins achieved by the same method.
The show relays the challenges of raising twins and sextuplets by simply following the lives of the Gosselin family.
So with fertility treatments and intrauterine insemination, Kate became pregnant with twins.
Jeremy and Zach - Jeremy and Zach are twins, but they are very different.
The Ikki twins are bisexual identical twin models that have appeared on various car magazines and numerous car calendars.
They are called the Ikki Twins because when they worked at Hooters they were hard to tell apart and so since their names were Rikki and Vikki and no one wanted to get their names wrong, they were since called the Ikki twins.
Michelle quickly became pregnant again and delivered her first set of twins, Jana and John-David.
Discovery Health Channel approached Jon and Kate and subsequently produced two hour-long specials on the family, called Surviving Sextuplets and Twins.
The Ikki Twins are the new bachelorettes for MTV's Shot at Love series.
Both twins are trying to find love in A Double Shot at Love, which follows a very similar format as the two seasons before it.
The Ikki twins were born in Pennsylvania and moved to nine other states before the family decided that Southern California was going to be their final home.
Both girls got jobs at Hooters, and because the patrons and their coworkers had a really difficult time telling them apart they were nicknamed "The Ikki Twins," which is the first letters of their nicknames removed.
The Ikki Twins landed their first modeling gig when a coworker asked them to model for a motorcycle Internet site.
They were discovered by a talent manager and the Ikki Twins were soon posing for car magazines and various calenders, including the yearly Hooter's Calendars.
The Ikki Twins originally sent an e-mail to MTV before Tila Tequila quit the series, but MTV didn't read it.
If you collect sports cards, you might have come across box toppers picturing the Ikki twins at some time in all your purchases.
The Ikki twins posed for a few box toppers that are currently getting anywhere from $1.00 to $6.00 per card on eBay.
This version of the show features the Ikki twins in the same situation.
The Ikki Twins are both bisexual, and have private dates with members of both sexes.
Both twins go on these dates together, and it often becomes a battle between them for the attention of the other person.
Often both twins will end up making out with the person they're on a date with, either together or one at a time.
The twins are both Hooters girls and models and have been featured on the official Hooters calendars.
Theoretically, both twins could choose the same person, or both contestants could choose the same twin.
The Ikki twins told viewers about the accident, and expressed their gratitude at having had the opportunity to know her.
They have four children together, including a set of twins.
Season 5, Project DNA - DNA stood for "Do Not Assume," but was also reflected in the contestant pool when a set of identical twins, Natalie and Adria, competed as one player, swapping out for one another during the game.
In 2005 the Gosselins were featured in a special on Discovery Health entitled Surviving Sextuplets and Twins.
Both reality specials garnered tremendous ratings, which prompted Discovery Health to offer the couple their own reality TV series chronicling the trials and tribulations associated with raising twins and sextuplets.
Discovery Health Channel learned of the Gosselins and decided to film a documentary-style program about them called Surviving Sextuplets and Twins.
As of September 2009 Michelle Duggar has birthed 18 children whose names all begin with the letter "J," including two sets of twins.
One of a set of twins, Zach has the same type of dwarfism that his mother has.
The series features the Hayes family of New Jersey and the adventures they experience raising two sets of twins and one set of sextuplets.
The Hayes family was first introduced to TV viewers during a one-hour TLC special, Twins, Twins and Sextuplets.
In 2000, Kate gave birth to a set of twins, Cate and Madelyn.
Initially, the couple believed that they had their hands full with twins and decided to forgo having other children.
The first Discovery Channel show to feature Gosselin was a 2005 special entitled Surviving Sextuplets and Twins.
Shortly after their 1999 wedding, Kate underwent fertility treatments and became pregnant with twins Mady and Cara.
The Gosselin kids consists of one set of twins and a set of sextuplets.
Kate Gosselin is the former reality-TV star of Jon and Kate Plus 8, which showcased the raising of sextuplets and twins.
Margolis has three children, one, named Nicholas, by in-vitro fertilization and twins named Sabrina and Sierra, through a surrogate mother.
We are new parents to three-month-old twins, so we need to figure out what is best for our family.
The story focuses around Lady Jessica, Alia, Gurney Halleck and Duncan Idaho as they try to stop the empire from tearing itself apart, and saving Paul's newborn twins.
They are twins and transform into two small Chevrolet cars (the Trax and Beat).
Because they are twins, they are able to fight as one and inflict good amounts of damange.
The opening sequence did a great job of introducing some of the new Autobots like The Twins, Skids and Mudflap, designed to look like an ice cream truck but could divide into two smaller bots.
Fred Weasley - The loss of one of the beloved Weasley twins pained the entire Weasley family.
Would god take Destiny from them - a trade for the twins?
Unable to locate him, Cassie had finally agreed to leave the twins with Mr. & Mrs. Hertz, their neighbors.
The Hertz's had not been blessed with children and were adamant that they would love taking care of the twins.
He's proud of the way you took care of the twins.
Would he welcome the twins?
Later, as she soaked in a deliciously warm tub of water, she thought of the twins.
And yet, now the twins could return to their beloved ranch – the one she had finished paying off.
As they stopped in the ranch yard, the twins bolted from the house.
Cassie hugged the twins.
Why had it never occurred to her that the twins might not want to go with her?
They looked enough alike to be twins.
She glanced at her father and the twins, who were watching intently.
He picked up the reins and released the break, addressing her father and the twins.
Cassie went back to the ranch to live with her father and the twins until their wedding day.
The twins would be close, and that was something good that came of his return.
Alex and Bill had wandered off with Jonathan and the twins, as usual, which left Carmen with Katie and Destiny.
But that didn't stop the twins.
The Wassermann twins, sainted boys according to the stilted account, had been all but ignored, according to the writer, Linda Segal, a name Dean didn't recognize.
They're giving you guys the business for not finding the twins.
Me and Billie and Willie had these three broads lined up but the twins had this job to do first.
Well, somebody took the dough and it weren't me or the twins.
Like I told you, when the twins found out half the state was after their ass, they laid low—for a long time, couple of months.
Dean was getting tired of telling the story of the ever-popular Wassermann twins, but related it one more time.
Katie was expecting twins, but they hadn't put up the cribs yet.