Twiddling Sentence Examples
He must have been bored twiddling thumbs sans the Internet !
I don't expect a response for at least a month so i guess it's back to twiddling thumbs.
Especially when I 'm used to sitting on my backside twiddling buttons and speaking into a microphone for a living !
I do n't expect a response for at least a month so i guess it 's back to twiddling thumbs.
How long for is anyones guess as she keeps twiddling the hands round, so not actually reliable for time !
Now Verlaine is correcting proofs of the LP 's lyric sheet (more mistakes) and nervously twiddling his pen.
And what if you need an answer by Tuesday and you 're still twiddling thumbs on the Saturday?
I 'm going on a long-haul flight to San Francisco on Monday and I 'm dreading the 12 hours sat there twiddling my thumbs.
It took nearly half an hour, almost all of which involved me idly twiddling my thumbs waiting for data.
You don't want people frustrated because you've become a bottleneck for decision-making; and you don't want to pay people for twiddling their thumbs while you try to decide.