Twelfth Sentence Examples
The Twelfth Army is on its way back from Europe.
The Twelfth Army settled into Arkansas about a week ago.
On the twelfth of July, on the eve of that action, there was a heavy storm of rain and hail.
By this permutation, Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet, becomes Lamed, the twelfth letter; Beth becomes Mem, and so on.
The hidden imam of the common Shiites is, however, the twelfth imam, Mahommed Abu`l-Qasim, who disappeared mysteriously in 879.
For the next year the first word of the first series is combined with the eleventh of the second, then the second of the first series with the twelfth of the second, after this the third of the first series with the first of the second, and so on till the sixtieth combination, when the last of the first series concurs with the last of the second.
Thus Kea-tsze is the name of the first year, YihChow that of the second, Kea-setih that of the eleventh, Yih-hae that of the twelfth, Ping-tsze that of the thirteenth, and so on.
In total acreage of cereals (16,920,095 in 1899) it ranked first (Twelfth Census of the United States), and in product of cereals was exceeded by Illinois only; in acreage of hay and forage (4,649,378 in 1899) as well as in the annual supply of milk (535,872,240 gallons in 1899) it was exceeded by New York only.
The results of the twelfth census (1900) further refute the argument that would maintain the eleventh census to be inaccurate because it showed a smaller rate of increase in population during the preceding decade than had been recorded by other censuses during earlier decades.
The law regulating the twelfth census deserves to rank with those of 1790, 1850 and 1879 as one of the four important laws relative to census work.
AdvertisementThe third and twelfth labours may be solar, the horned hind representing the moon, and the carrying of Cerberus to the upper world an eclipse, while the last episode of the hero's tragedy is possibly a complete solar myth developed at Trachis.
If the series were complete we should have terms which separately would correspond to the fundamental, its octave, its twelfth, its double octave, and so on.
If, for instance, a note is struck and held down on a piano, a little practice enables us to hear both the octave and the twelfth with the fundamental, especially if we have previously directed our attention to these tones by sounding them.
The latter therefore had to stand fast in the face of the Russian Eastern Detachment, which was three days' march at most from Feng-hwang-cheng and could be supported in three more days by Kuropatkin's main body, whereas the pressure of Oku's advance would not begin to be felt by the Russian Southern Detachment until the twelfth day at earliest.
Ages before Assur-bani-pal reigned at Nineveh the eighth month (Marchesvan) was known as " the month of the star of the Scorpion," the tenth (Tebet) belonged to the " star of the Goat," the twelfth (Adar) to the " star of the Fish of Ea."
AdvertisementThe resumption of agricultural labours after the deluge was commemorated in the twelfth month, and a mystical association of the fishes, which were its Pisces.
The eleventh tablet narrates the deluge; the twelfth associates the apotheosis of Eabani with the zodiacal emblems of the resurrection.
As the war proceeded, further declarations of national and anti-Austrian sentiment were made, the most notable being the " Twelfth Night Manifesto," issued at Prague on Jan.
The tables were all calculated to 14 places, with the intention that only 12 should be published, but the twelfth figure is not to be relied upon.
The month, however, being a convenient period of time, has retained its place in the calendars of all nations; but, instead of denoting a synodic revolution of the moon, it is usually employed to denote an arbitrary number of days approaching to the twelfth part of a solar year.
AdvertisementThe population of Georgia in 1880 was 1,542,180; in 1890 it was 1,837,353, an increase of 19.1%; in 1900 it was 1 The manufacturing statistics for 1900 which follow are not those given in the Twelfth Census, but are taken from the Census of Manufactures, 1905, the 1900 figures here given being only for " establishments on a factory basis," and thus being comparable with those of 1905.
The Reports of the United States Census (especially the Twelfth Census for 1900 and the special census of manufactures for 1905) should be consulted, and Memoirs of Georgia (2 vols., Atlanta, Ga., 1895) contains chapters on industrial conditions.
Before his "manifestation " (zuhur), of which he gives in the Persian Bayan a date corresponding to 23rd May 1844, he was a disciple of Sayyid Kazim of Rasht, the leader of the Shaykhis, a sect of extreme Shiites characterized by the doctrine (called by them Rukn-irabi`, " the fourth support ") that at all times there must exist an intermediary between the twelfth Imam and his faithful followers.
The first ten books are each occupied with a history of the kings of one of the provinces; the eleventh book gives an account of the Mussulmans of Malabar; the twelfth a history of the Mussulman saints of India; and the conclusion treats of the geography and climate of India.
Several additions were made by Briggs to the original work of Ferishta, but he omitted the whole of the twelfth book, and various other passages which had been omitted in the copy from which he translated.
AdvertisementIn the twelfth year of his reign Nebuchadrezzar, who is described as king of Assyria,having his capital in Nineveh, makes war against Arphaxad, king of Media, and overcomes him in his seventeenth year.
In ordinary years the number varies from 7000 to 10,000; but every twelfth year, when the festival of Kumbhmela is celebrated, the concourse of persons is said to be 50,000.
This work, which contained only the first six and the eleventh and twelfth books, and to which in its English version he added the Data in 1762, was for long the standard text of Euclid in England.
In his twelfth year he chose the profession of arms, and served his country with distinction.
Every twelfth year there is a special occasion called the Kumbh-mela, which is attended by a million of devotees at one time.
The eleventh contains the lives of all the bishops in order, and includes the chief events during their pontificates; the twelfth deals in the same way with the archbishops, not forgetting the writer himself.
The mines of Golconda and Kurnool were described as early as 1677 in the twelfth volume of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.
In consequence it is now generally believed that they all belong to the twelfth dynasty.
After the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps were united as the Twentieth he was put in command of a Corps of Instruction at Nashville, and saw no more active service except in the last months of the war.
In 1831 the twelfth earl of Cassillis became first marquis of Ailsa, taking the title from the Craig, which was his property.
In 1329 he was chosen twelfth provincial of the English Carmelites.
In July 1903 it was of the twelfth magnitude, and its light has remained constant since then.
In 1908 Wyoming ranked twelfth among the states of the Union in the value of its output of bituminous coal.
Patients who survive the tenth or twelfth day have a good chance of recovery.
On the 13th of October 1824, the twelfth anniversary of his death, his remains were removed from the bastions of Fort George, where they had been originally interred, and placed beneath a monument on Queenston Heights, erected by the provincial legislature.
In 1905 the state ranked eleventh, in 1907 twelfth, in production of petroleum.
Saint-Simon's fine but biased account of the court in her day and of her career is contained in the twelfth volume of Cheruel and Regnier's edition of his Memoires.
In Book IV., comprising the famous tenth, the eleventh and the twelfth satires, the author appears more as a moralist than as a pure satirist.
San Francisco in 1900 held twelfth place among the cities of the Union in value of output; in 1905 it ranked thirteenth.
The last king's second son, Lang Darma, concluded in May 822 a treaty with the then emperor of China (the twelfth of the Tang dynasty), a record of which was engraved on a stone put up in the above-mentioned great convent of La Brang (Jokhang), and is still to be seen there.'
One of the greatest of his publications was the Geographical Distribution of Animals (1876), a monumental work, which every student will maintain fully justifies its author's hope that it may bear "a similar relation to the eleventh and twelfth chapters of the Origin of Species as Mr Darwin's Animals and Plants under Domestication bears to the first."
In his boyhood he devoted himself to the study of the Koran and the sciences, but from his twelfth year was almost constantly engaged in military expeditions, chiefly against the crusaders.
Its building continued after his death, but it was consecrated on Childermas Day, 28th December 1065; and on the following "twelfth mass eve" the king died, being buried next day in the church.
The value of the manufactured product in 1900, according to the Twelfth United States Census, was $172,129,398, an increase of 56.2% over the output of 1890; of this total value, the part representing establishments under the " factory system " was $154,008,544,1 and in 1905 the value of the factory product was $198,244,992, an increase of 28.7%.
Mordecai is represented as a fellow-captive of Jeconiah (597 B.C.), and grandvizier in Xerxes's twelfth year (474 B.C.) I This is parallel to the strange statement in Tobit xiv.
Before he had completed his tenth year he lost his father and was transferred to the care of a paternal uncle at Wimbledon; but in his twelfth year he returned to Hull, and soon afterwards was placed under the care of the master of the endowed school of Pocklington.
Waden Hill, to the south, has been, like Badbury, identified with Badon Hill, which was the traditional scene of the twelfth and last great battle of King Arthur in 520.
Business misfortunes having caused his father's bankruptcy, and his mother dying in 1768, young, Hamilton was thrown upon the care of maternal relatives at St Croix, where, in his twelfth year, he entered the countinghouse of Nicholas Cruger.
For information concerning industries, &c., see the Twelfth Census of the United States, and the Census of Manufactures of 1905, and a chapter in Johnston's Connecticut.
Manual training, from the fourth to the twelfth grades, is a feature of the public school system.
This was probably built during Robert of Pipewell ' s abbacy in the late twelfth century.
Monmouth probably had burgages in the twelfth century, although it was not incorporated until 1447.
Promotion was eventually clinched at Blackpool; a twelfth minute shot by Kevin Horlock enough to earn the point that clinched promotion.
In Twelfth Night, also by Shakespeare, a trick is played on Malvolio, a steward to the rich countess Olivia.
Its aims are to trace the evolution of urban society from the expansion of the twelfth century to the uncertainty of the fifteenth.
The first building was put up in the early twelfth century and consisted of a simple stone gatehouse with an arch at each end.
Meanwhile, by the twelfth week, the indifferent gonad begins to develop into an ovary.
In the twelfth century Rievaulx had around twelve granges but by the early fourteenth century had established about twenty.
Fountains cleared the forest at Warsill in the twelfth century to make a grange here.
To my mind, the Middle Temple Twelfth Night lacked the refreshing irreverence of some recent productions at the Globe's main house.
The twelfth has been increased in scale by two pipes and somewhat loudened.
The Mauduit family held the manor from the late twelfth century.
Pre-Conquest royal manor; held by the Crown until the twelfth century.
The Banqueting House is completed and the first masque is performed on Twelfth Night.
A materialist of the twelfth century could not believe it any more than a materialist of the twelfth century could not believe it any more than a materialist of the twentieth century.
The monument comprises two areas which include the remains of a large Iron Age univallate hillfort and a twelfth century motte and bailey castle.
The Knights Templar founded a priory in the late twelfth century, which may have encouraged settlement.
It has a romanesque crypt, twelfth century quire and thirteenth century stained glass windows.
We know the subdivision of the wood took place before the twelfth century, as parish boundaries conform to the divisions.
During the twelfth century it expanded rapidly as a trading center and by the early thirteenth was one of the principal ports of England.
Beside a common core of early matter, all these manuscripts contain law which is manifestly of twelfth and even thirteenth century origin.
My whole upper body and arms felt tense and I finished twelfth which was the best I could do.
The invoice will reflect one twelfth of the Annual Value of the agreement as per schedule 1A.
We came a creditable twelfth at the contest, in what is always a strong field.
The Group ranks twelfth in the regional league table of newspaper publishing houses in the UK.
The first twelfth I took part in was when I walked with my uncle's lodge.
Switzerland finished tenth in the medals table, and Austria finished twelfth.
The general appearance of the Aberdeen style is quite widespread across England at the end of the twelfth century.
Fabulous stained glass windows dating back to the twelfth century.
From April 1799 to December 1801 six numbers of a Welsh magazine called Trysorfa Ysprydol (Spiritual Treasury) were edited by Thomas Jones of Mold and himself; in March 1809 the first number of the second volume appeared, and the twelfth and last in November 1813.
The Vie de Confucius, the twelfth volume of that collection, is complete and accurate.
A Bes-like mask was found by Petrie amongst remains of the twelfth dynasty, but the earliest occurrence of the god is in the temple of the queen Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahri (c. 1500 B.C.), where he is figured along with the hippopotamus goddess as present at the queen's birth.
The point of this gold indicator bends over the edge of the case, round which are set eleven raised points--the stem forms the twelfth.
In the case of children, the normal age for reception of the Sacrament is not before the child 's twelfth birthday.
Some of the stained glass in York Minster dates back to the twelfth century.
Devon 's tin miners enjoyed a substantial degree of independence through Devon 's stannary parliament, which dates back to the twelfth century.
The first Twelfth I took part in was when I walked with my uncle 's lodge.
Ian Evans who had started twelfth on the grid, and who thrives in the rain, manged a very credible fourth place !
Among them I spotted the twelfth century St Mary 's Church, the oldest in Bergen.
It occurs in the twelfth chapter of Luke 's Gospel.
We will continue our reading at the twelfth verse of the next chapter.
High School Diploma Upon satisfactory completion of twelfth grade, the student receives a ' high school diploma '.
The backward sloping eyes almond shaped eyes suggest a date in the eleventh to very early twelfth century AD.
Awards Program 2005 The 2005 IChemE Awards program is the twelfth in the series since 1994.
Twelfth in line to the British throne, David follows the Queen 's children and grandchildren in the line of succession.
Under such an accrual system, leave is built up monthly in advance at the rate of one twelfth of the annual entitlement.
Clicking on Canals No 12 - The twelfth of a regular series of articles on waterways on the internet.
Tesco, for example, offers a Bonus card whereby the account holder is repaid a twelfth of interest accrued on the card.
For the purpose of calculating payment for the remainder of the first month, all months are taken as one twelfth of the year.
By the middle of the twelfth century, philosophers propose an uneasy compromise.
Wassailing the apple tree is a traditional ritual carried out on Twelfth Night.
The Decline of The Discipline It is generally regarded that medicine in the Muslim world began its decline at around the twelfth century.
So if you never got one when exiting the twelfth grade and find yourself hungry for one 20 years later, have no fear!
If your teen boy is heading into the seventh to twelfth grade, you can apply for consideration of acceptance.
She was one of the bachelorettes on the twelfth season of The Bachelor, and ended up being selected by bachelor Matt Grant.
She was mated on October eighth through the twelfth, and the dogs had a full tie each time.
This is because the bitch is constantly sending down eggs during her fertile period, so one pup could have been sired on the eighth, while another could have been sired on the twelfth.
Enter the bottom right door and use the ladder to get the twelfth cube.
The twelfth bottle on the page is an extremely rare Hutchinson Coke with the words Coca-Cola in script.
By grade level, the rates were 32.8 percent for ninth grade, 44.1 percent for tenth grade, 53.2 percent for eleventh grade, and 61.6 percent for twelfth grade.
In the tenth grade, bullying rose from 3.2 percent in 1999 to 4.6 percent in 2001, and among twelfth graders, it doubled from 1.2 percent in 1999 to 2.4 percent just two years later.
The loss of the genes in the deleted material means that the baby's third and fourth pharyngeal pouches fail to develop normally during the twelfth week of pregnancy.
Including the surrounding metro area, however, raises that total to more than 2 million people, making Indianapolis the twelfth largest city in the United States.
The Jubilee Academy provides the curriculum for students in pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade.
The school offers programs for children from kindergarten through twelfth grade.
Connections Academy is a free homeschool program online providing programs for students from kindergarten through twelfth grade.
This Christian homeschool program provides students with a well-rounded course of study for preschool through twelfth grade, with each subject biblically integrated.
The DVD distance learning program is available as an inclusive grade package, kindergarten through sixth grade and seventh through twelfth grade or by individual grade levels.
The program runs from first through twelfth grade.
The Thuringia region of Germany was known for its glassmaking as early as the twelfth century, and one method of blowing glass developed there in the sixteenth century.
Neptune, the twelfth house, Jupiter and Venus all play a role in that process.
Depression is the main ghost that Pisces struggles to keep at bay, but there are other Pisces zodiac characteristics that the twelfth sign tries to keep at at arm's length, the most notable of which is the struggle with addictions.
Remember, she's a master sign and has earned her place as the twelfth sign of the zodiac.
Pisces is the twelfth sign of the zodiac, and this makes him the wisest and oldest of the signs.
High school students are required to be tested at least once between the tenth and twelfth grades.
As children approach the age of five or six, parents start evaluating their options for kindergarten through twelfth grade.
Ninth through twelfth grade cheerleaders will find that the sport becomes much more competitive by the time they reach this level.
This competition is for All-Star squads ranging from sixth to twelfth grade.
For instance, if you were performing shoulder raises, you could perform 11 regular repetitions, but on the twelfth rep, you could lift the weight and hold it in place for 10 to 20 seconds.
Greenie could've done a lot of damage with the Twelfth Army at his command.
A great religious festival is held here every twelfth year.
Of 1748 he says, " This year, the twelfth of my age, I shall note as the most propitious to the growth of my intellectual stature."
In 1749, in his twelfth year, he was sent to Westminster, still.
In Gaul we with many other cities kept Easter on the fourteenth calends of May, others, as the Spaniards, on the twelfth calends of April."
Fielde show that an ant follows her own old track by a scent exercised by the tenth segment of the feeler, recognizes other inmates of her nest by a sense of smell resident in the eleventh segment, is guided to the eggs, maggots and pupae, which she has to tend, by sensation through the eighth and ninth segments, and appreciates the general smell of the nest itself by means of organs in the twelfth segment.
The Cloisters (The Metropolitan Museum, N.Y.) displays the twelfth century limestone bust.
Compare the fine distinctions drawn by the casuists and attacked by Pascal in the twelfth of the Provincial Letters.
The fourth Lateran council (twelfth ecumenical), convened by Pope Innocent III.
His father, remembering his own early difficulties, bestowed special care on his son's education, and sent him in his twelfth year to Mr Bruce's school in Percy Street, Newcastle, where he remained about four years.
On the first ballot he stood third (with 134 votes); on the seventh ballot second (with 2951 votes); on the twelfth ballot first (with 404 votes); on the thirtieth ballot he dropped to second (with 4002 votes); on the thirty-ninth vote he again stood first (with 4682 votes); and continued to gain thereafter until he was nominated on the forty-fourth ballot.
Binghamton is a manufacturing centre of considerable importance, ranking twelfth in the state in 1905 in the value of factory products, $13,907,403, which was an increase of 32.
By reckoning in this manner, there is an interruption in the regular succession of the numbers; and in the years preceding the era, the leap years, instead of falling on the fourth, eighth, twelfth, &c., fall, or ought to fall, on the first, fifth, ninth, &c.
According to the Department of Agriculture in 1907 the acreage was 9,160,000 and the yield 270,220,000 bushels (considerably less than the Illinois crop); the yield of oats was 168,364,170 bushels (Twelfth U.S. Census) in 18 99, 12 4,73 8, 337 bushels (U.S. Department of Agriculture) in 1902, and in 1907 the acreage and crop (greater than those of any other state) were 4,500,000 acres and 108,900,000 bushels, valued at $41,382,000 - a valuation second only to that of Illinois.
The wheat crop has varied from 12,531,304 bushels in 1903, 13,683,003 bushels in 1905, 7,653,000 bushels in 1907 (according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture), to 22,769,440 bushels (Twelfth Census) in 1899.
The first volume appeared in 1840, the twelfth and last in 1849.
Each sar, month and hour was represented at once visibly and symbolically by a twelfth part of the " furrow " drawn by the solar Bull across the heavens.
Did you ever hear of King Charles the Twelfth, of Sweden?
On the twelfth of November, Kutuzov's active army, in camp before Olmutz, was preparing to be reviewed next day by the two Emperors--the Russian and the Austrian.
We formed our own networks along the river and joined forces with the Twelfth Army.
But the unusual severity of the winters of 1887, 1894 and 1899 (the report of the Twelfth Census which gives the figures for this year being therefore misleading) destroyed three-fourths of the orange trees, and caused an increased attention to stockraising, and to various agricultural products.
On the twelfth of June, 1812, the forces of Western Europe crossed the Russian frontier and war began, that is, an event took place opposed to human reason and to human nature.
Early in the morning of the twelfth of June he came out of his tent, which was pitched that day on the steep left bank of the Niemen, and looked through a spyglass at the streams of his troops pouring out of the Vilkavisski forest and flowing over the three bridges thrown across the river.