Tuskegee Sentence Examples
Washington, Working With the Hands (New York, 1904); and Thrasher, Tuskegee, Its Story and Its Work (Boston, 1900).
Other important cities, with their populations, were Selma (8713), Anniston (9695), Huntsville (8068), Bessemer (6358), Tuscaloosa (5094), Talladega (5056), Eufaula (4532) and Tuskegee (2170).
It is served by the Tuskegee railway, which connects it with Chehaw, 5 m.
Cooking schools and night schools are carried on by the institute in the town of Tuskegee.
Tuskegee is chiefly known for its educational institutions - the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute and the Alabama Conference Female College (Methodist Episcopal Church, South; opened 1856).
Tuskegee was settled about 1800.