Turn-to Sentence Examples
Is it my turn to watch?
It was his turn to protect her the way she never bothered protecting him.
It was the assassin.s turn to give him a hard look.
It was his turn to look up at her.
Jonathan hurried off to bible class and it was Carmen's turn to help out with the infants, so she took Destiny with her.
She did turn to him and the face was Elisabeth's.
It was his turn to hear measured breathing beside him as Cynthia drifted off to sleep.
It was Dean's turn to ignore a question.
It was Dean's turn to talk.
There wasn't anybody left in Edith Shipton's life for her to turn to.
AdvertisementIt was her turn to stare, and tears burned her eyes.
It was her turn to flinch at the sting of his words.
Then it was Fred's turn to update.
It was Dean's turn to grumble.
Dean felt her wiggle out of her bike shorts and then turn to her side, facing him.
AdvertisementIt was Carmen's turn to be perplexed.
It was her turn to squirm in her chair.
I'm the one you should turn to now — and God.
She waited until it was her turn to receive her scroll.
Who would they turn to when they no longer had each other?
AdvertisementIt was doubtless a revulsion of feeling against the doctrinaires and in particular against the puritanic reign of Michel that made her turn to Chopin.
It is now time to turn to the affairs of central Italy.
From Italy we may turn to the country which so much influenced Italian politics, Austria, which had founded the system of " Court Jews " in 1518, had expelled the Jews from Vienna as late as 1670, when the synagogue of that city was converted into a church.
His acquaintance with Mirabeau, begun in 1788, ripened during the following year into a friendship, which La 11/Iarck hoped to turn to the advantage of the court.
During the course of a tour in Italy in December 1807 he gave a sharp turn to that world-compelling screw, the Continental System.
AdvertisementMelian vases came in their turn to Crete.
It now behoves us to turn to general and particularly systematic works in which plates, if they exist at all, form but an accessory to the text.
And when we turn to the other line along which the web-building instinct has been developed we find that the primary guiding influence has been that second great vital necessity, namely the necessity of getting food.
When we turn to the British Islands we find, as we should expect, no traces of the Druids in England and Wales after the conquest of Anglesea mentioned above, except in the story of Vortigern as recounted by Nennius.
That the Pilgrims' Progress should thus have turned into a Holy War is a fact readily explicable, when we turn to consider the attempts made by the Church, during the 11th century, to purify, or at any rate to direct, the feudal instinct for private war (Fehde).
Before we turn to describe the Second Crusade, which the loss of Edessa provoked, and to trace the fall of the kingdom, which the Second Crusade rather hastened than hindered, we may pause at this point to consider the organization of the Frankish colonies in Syria.
If we seek the peculiar and definite results of the Crusades, we must turn to narrower issues.
Wagner added all the arts to each other, and in one of them he attained so consummate a mastery that we can confidently turn to it when his words and doctrines fail us.
It is possible that these primitive efforts of American Indians might have been further developed, but the Spanish conquest put a stop to all progress, and for a consecutive history of the map and map-making we must turn to the Old World, and trace this history from Egypt and Babylon, through Greece, to our own age.
The deputation was subject in turn to the same veto of the provincial governor, and he controlled by the governor-general.
In the chronological development of our subject we have now to turn to the Orient.
From the subtleties of rival systems it is a satisfaction to turn to two movements in the medicine of the 18th century which, though they did not extinguish the spirit of system-making, opened up paths of investigation by which the systems were ultimately superseded.
Then it was Voltaire's turn to be disgusted with an occupation he had undertaken himself - the occupation of "buckwashing" the king's French verses.
They moreover enjoyed an even more marked superiority in respect to artillery, and this the Ottoman commander-in-chief hastened to turn to account; the heavier guns which had been sweeping the Anzac and Suvla areas for months past were promptly transferred to the high ground overlooking the extremity of the peninsula or to positions on the Asiatic side of the Straits from which the extremity of the peninsula could be effectively taken in flank.
This entire process must, obviously, be applied in turn to each of the two surfaces of the slab of glass.
When we turn to Anglo-Saxon England we find a different situation and a different result.
Innocent, determined that the Hohenstaufen should not again dominate Italy, offered the crown of Sicily in turn to Richard of Cornwall, Charles of Anjou, and Henry III.
The Lord is nigh unto them that turn to Him, as it is written in the book of Eldad and Modad, who prophesied to the people in the wilderness."
This rearrangement gave place in turn to the Byzantine system of military districts (themes).
If we turn to separate works, the bibliography of Defoe is practically confined (except as far as original editions are concerned) to Robinson Crusoe.
When we turn to the field of Babylonian and Assyrian archaeology, however, the case is very different.
Two of the sons of Charles IV., Wenceslaus and Sigismund, succeeded in turn to the imperial throne, and one of his nephews, Jobst, margrave of Moravia, was chosen German king in opposition to Sigismund in 1410.
About 235 B.C. Mantineia entered the Achaean League, from which it had obtained protection against Spartan encroachments, but soon passed in turn to the Aetolians and to Cleomenes III.
In order to understand St Benedict's character and spirit, and to discover the secret of the success of his institute, it is necessary, as St Gregory says, to turn to his Rule.
The squadron nevertheless tamely returned to harbour, Togo resumed the blockade and Nogi began his advance from Nanshan, but the 2nd and 4th Armies came to a standstill at once (naval escort for their sea-borne supplies being no longer available), and the 1st Army, whose turn to advance had just arrived, only pushed ahead a few miles to cover a larger supply area.
Growth of a Theology.-Let us now turn to the Apocalypses of Baruch and of Ezra (both about 70 A.D.).
We now turn to the priesthood as we find it in ancient Greece and Italy.
More inclined than Montaigne to give a religious turn to his reflections was his friend Pierre Charron (1541-1603), who in his book De la sagesse systematized in somewhat scholastic fashion the train of thought which we find in the Essais.
When we turn to the szlachta who absolutely controlled the diet, we find not the slightest trace, I will not say of political foresight - that they never possessed - but of common patriotism, or ordinary public spirit.
For many of the original songs and legends we must turn to the work of Messrs Antonovich and Dragomanov.
We now turn to the second great family based on the digit.
He agreed to receive a British resident, and was in turn to receive a subsidy and support against foreign attack.
The snaffle reins should be drawn up gently until the rider feels that he has an equal and light hold of his horse's mouth on both sides, with just so much pressure that the slightest movement of the left or right rein would cause him to turn to the left or right respectively.
When, however, we turn to the numerous fragments of authentic Manichaean liturgies and hymns lately discovered in Turfan in East Turkestan, Mani's direct indebtedness to the cycle of Magian legends rather than to Chaldaic sources (as Kessler argued) is clearly exhibited.
The Dominion government makes in turn to one of the chief local agricultural exhibition societies a grant of $50,000 for the purposes of the national representation of agriculture and live-stock.
We turn to the literary criticism of the Gospels, where solid results have been obtained.
The letters written to his friend Benjamin Abbott at this time give a lucid account of his aims in life, and of his methods of self-culture, when his mind was beginning to turn to the experimental study of nature.
For a simple case to serve as an introduction, let 1000 us again turn to alloys.
The root of this plant, when eaten by white pigs, caused their bones to turn to a pink colour and their hoofs to fall off, but the black pigs could eat the same plant with impunity.
Johns (1771-1845), in George Street, Manchester, where his daily round of laboratory work and tuition was broken only by annual excursions to the Lake district and occasional visits to London, "a surprising place and well worth one's while to see once, but the most disagreeable place on earth for one of a contemplative turn to reside in constantly."
If from the agents themselves we turn to the work that has been accomplished, it will not be disputed that the success of missions has been marked amongst rude and aboriginal tribes.
In the few references to the legend in Spanish writings the Wandering Jew is called Juan Espera en Dios, which gives a more hopeful turn to the legend.
George Croly's Salathiel, which appeared anonymously in 1828, gave a highly elaborate turn to the legend; this has been re-published under the title Tarry Thou Till I Come.
But the failure in business and death of his father, in 1819, compelled him once more to turn to music, and to make that which had been his pastime the serious employment of his life.
He was as anxious as Flood had been to retain the legislative power in the hands of men of property, for "he had through the whole of his life a strong conviction that while Ireland could_ best be governed by Irish hands, democracy in Ireland would inevitably turn to plunder and anarchy."
Whoever, after reading that life, will turn to the other lives will be struck by the difference of style.
Having established internal order, Henry was able to turn to matters of more pressing moment.
The popular movement, from which great things had been hoped, had on some occasions almost touched its goal; and, as might have been expected, a reaction set in, which the princes knew how to turn to the fullest advantage.
There were some members of the party who wished to turn to outrage and assassination.
On the disintegration of the empire, it fell into the hands of the Visigoths, who, in spite of the attacks of the Franks, especially in 585, retained possession till 724, when they were expelled by the Arabs, destined in turn to yield before long to Pippin the Short.
We next turn to types of instruments employed to record earthquakes which have radiated from their origins, where they may 6.
Breeders, he says, who try to build up qualities by the selection of the fluctuating variations that occur soon find that they reach a maximum beyond which their efforts fail, unless they turn to the more rarely occurring but heritable mutations.
It is only as an illustration of his many-sidedness and his manifold activity that we now turn to his work as a statesman, as a theatre-director, as a practical political economist.
Kanem, a country north of Bagirmi and subject in turn to it and to Wadai, was at the same time brought under French control.
For really fresh and progressive indigenous art we may perhaps have, in the near future, to turn to America and to Russia, where, having little artistic past to refer to, designers and craftsmen display unequalled individuality and force.
Innocent IV., in his determination to crush the Hohenstaufens, offered the kingdom in turn to Richard, earl of Cornwall, to Edward, son of Henry III.
Another remarkable fact is that these substances yield coloured solutions in organic solvents; triphenylmethyl gives a yellow solution, whilst ditolylphenyl and tritolylmethyls give orange solutions which on warming turn to a violet and to a magenta, the changes being reversed on cooling.
If we now turn to the actual stages by which this momentous passage from the manorial to the commercial arrangement was achieved, we have to notice first of all a rapid development of contractual relations.
It was then discharged through the regenerator, depositing heat for the next charge of air in turn to take up. The indicator diagram approximated to a form made up of two isothermal lines and two lines of constant pressure.
It is also worth mentioning that it was usual to read the police by-laws of a town at regular intervals to the assembled citizens in a morning-speech (Morgensprache).2 To turn to Italy, the country for so many centuries in close political connexion with Germany, the foremost thing to be noted is that here the towns grew to even greater independence, many of them in the end acknowledging no overlord whatever after the yoke of the German kings had been shaken off.
The result is instructive when we turn to the numerous serpent myths and legends from the Old World and the New, to the stray notices in old writers, or to the fragmentary scraps of popular superstition everywhere.
From all these efforts to reconstruct systematic theology with its appropriations of philosophy and science, groups of Christians turn to the inner life and seek in its realities to find the confirmation of their faith.
Such conflicts did much to increase the power of the pope, by encouraging local Churches to turn to him as their protector.
Like Italian men of letters, these pioneers of humanism gave a classic turn to their patronymics; unfamiliar names, Crotus Rubeanus and Pierius Graecus, Capnion and Lupambulus Ganymedes, Oecolampadius and Melanchthon, resounded on the Rhine.
One night, having quitted a festive company because, from want of skill, he could not comply with the demand made of each guest in turn to sing to the harp, he sought his bed and fell asleep. He dreamed that there appeared to him a stranger, who addressed him by his name, and commanded him to sing of "the beginning of created things."
When we turn to Rome, we find exactly the same difficulties arising, but they were never successfully met.
This depression was in considerable measure due to, and was largely aggravated by, the comparative inactivity of the Rand mines, and that inactivity was due in turn to the insufficiency of native labour - Kaffirs being employed to do all the unskilled work on the mines.
In one he aimed at being brilliant; and becoming merely laboured and pedantic, he was covered with ridicule by Sheridan, from whom he received a lesson which he did not fail to turn to account.
As yet, no doubt, the rapporteur only gave his opinion on the case which he had prepared, but after 1336 all those who formed part of the chamber were put on the same footing, taking it in turn to report and giving judgment as a whole.
The Bolivian general was now in turn to invade Peru, when Chile again interfered to prevent him.
The revolt of the Jews under Trajan, and earthquakes in the time of Constantius and Constantine the Great helped in turn to destroy it.
By the night of July 1 the offensive had died down, and it was the allies' turn to counter-attack.
The Reformation meanwhile gave another turn to the work of German scholars.
The needs of this summer population gave a new impulse and a new turn to agriculture; and the demand for souvenirs revived among the Indians basketweaving, moccasin-making, and such crafts.
From the road over the fine Llanberis pass towards Capel Curig, a turn to the right leads to Beddgelert, through Nant Gwynnant ("white" or "happy valley," or "stream"), where Pembroke and Ieuan ap Robert (for the Lancastrians)had many skirmishes in the time of Edward IV.
Turkish rule was, however, definitely restored by the treaty of Kutchuk Kainardji, in 1774; and as from this period onwards Walachian history is closely connected with that of Moldavia, it may be convenient before continuing this review to turn to the earlier history of the sister principality.
In France, under the influence of Beranger and the romantic school, he was led to turn to popular poetry for inspiration.
He was also almost the first to turn to short plays in Irish as a method of popularizing the language.
Instinct told him that his old ally the khan of the Crimea was unreliable, and that the tsar of Muscovy was his natural protector, yet he could not make up his mind to abandon the one or turn to the other.
When we turn to the social divisions we find in Domesday and other documents classes of society in these districts bearing purely Norse names, dreng, karl, karlman, bonde, thrall, lysing, hold; in the system of taxation we have an assessment by carucates and not by hides and virgates, and the duodecimal rather than the decimal system of reckoning.
Such a feeling, if it was aroused by irritating legislation, might very probably turn to the advantage of the exiled house, especially as the majority of Englishmen were to be found on the Tory Side.
When we turn to Duns Scotus, we still find realism, still predestinarianism.
When we turn to the subject matter of virtue, we find that Price, in comparison with More or Clarke, is decidedly ix.
When we turn to Munster we find that Cashel was the seat of power in historical times.
Passing from the lower savage myths, of which space does not permit us to offer a larger selection, we turn to races in the upper strata of barbarism.
But we have to turn to the very late authority of Plutarch (De Iside et Osiride) for an account, confessedly incomplete and expurgated, of what mythology had to tell about the great Egyptian " culture-hero," " daemon," and god.
After endless intrigues, however, the duke, hemmed in by three different armies, had in his turn to submit (788), and all Italy was now subject to Charlemagne.
They kept only Calais; and now it was their turn to have a madman, Hen.ry VI., for king.
This revolution in manners and customs, coinciding with the revolution in ideas, led in its turn to a transformation in feeling, and to new aesthetic needs.
England, in consternation, offered in her turn to negotiate at Lille.
To reduce Spanish resistance Napoleon had in his turn to come to terms with the tsar Alexander at Erfurt; so that abandoning his designs in the East, he could maka the Grand Army evacuate Prussia and returnin force to Madrid.
A century later Maimonides was to give a new turn to Jewish thought, by the assimilation of Aristotelianism with Mosaism, but Rashi was a traditionalist pure and simple.
Having secured the dominance of the crown in Prussia and of Prussia in Germany, he could afford to make a reconciliation with the parties which had been his chief opponents, and turn to them for help in building up a new Germany.
To turn to Eclipse's other sons.
It is when we turn to North America that the importance of the chartered company, as a colonizing rather than a trading agency, is seen in its full development.
In rocks approximately equivalent to the Lower Greensand of England, or slightly earlier, Angiosperms make their first appearance; but as the only strata of this age in Britain are of marine origin, we have to turn to other countries for the evidence.
We must turn to North America for a fuller knowledge of the earlist flowering-plants.
If we turn to a more isolated region, like Australia, we find a Lower Eocene flora distinctly related to the existing flora of Australia and not to that of other continents.
It was his turn to be ticked at the world—she was sick of being alone and angry.
It was Dean's turn to grimace at the untimely reference to death by hanging but Donnie seemed not to understand or make the connection.
I'm the one you should turn to now — and God.
Having seen how Neale's theory handles discourse anaphora and donkey anaphora, we turn to difficulties with the account.
We can turn to our dumb-looking neighbor and ask with perfect propriety, " Have you been to the exhibition of Japanese basketwork?
To avoid such catastrophes who can the budding business entrepreneur turn to for help?
Some high school kids turn to a more healthy, natural foods diet to " stick it " to giant food conglomerates.
I must now turn to the rather convoluted provisions of the contract and consider the rival contentions of the parties.
In the course of your writing, did you turn to any other diarists for inspiration?
Concerns that couples with something to hide might turn to DIY divorce procedures have also been expressed by Birmingham Law Society members.
Fredericks Foundation Aim to help those people with nowhere else to turn to realize their potential.
But we don't have to turn to surgeons or to the latest diet fad to get the body we've always wanted.
I never tho t I could talk to my mom but after losing nan I used to turn to her when I was low.
There now seems little financial encouragement for drivers to turn to other cleaner fuels, such as compressed natural gas or bioethanol.
Having examined attitudes to contact, we now turn to attitudes to cultural pluralism.
When we turn to more advanced forms of religion than pagan polytheism the same phenomenon recurs.
For those too portly or lazy to turn to pedal power, taxis are the only way to avoid public transport.
It's his turn to have the pullover, you know that.
This has led biblical scholars to turn to other methods for addressing the apparent historical discrepancies in the books.
These bundles of paper are then sewn together in their turn to make the whole book.
I wanted to turn to my neighbors and tell them how excited I was, I wanted to hug random strangers.
For the further subdivision of these two stages we turn to material objects.
She would also make sudden, unpredictable moves and call sharply on a number of students in turn to answer the same question.
They stood for hours in the hot sun waiting for their turn to vote.
Personal tutors Every student is assigned a personal tutor, and he or she could be the first person to turn to.
Now it was England's turn to dance a morbid waltz with the fates.
In winter, thoughts turn to cod, whiting and flounders.
To form an opinion of Justin as a Christian and theologian, we must turn to his Apology and to the Dialogue with the Jew Trypho, for the authenticity of all other extant works attributed to him is disputed with good reason.
In the second instance, while the Hebrew says that the man who rebels against his Heavenly Benefactor will a fortiori rebel against a human benefactor, the Greek text gives a cynical turn to the verse, "Let the man who rebels against his true benefactor be punished through the tender mercies of a quack."
Dorothy was too dazed to say much, but she watched one of Jim's big ears turn to violet and the other to rose, and wondered that his tail should be yellow and his body striped with blue and orange like the stripes of a zebra.
As we envision a world where machines do more and more work that people used to do, our minds naturally turn to those who would be displaced by technological advance.
Once borders are secured, nations turn to social order.
He writes how in Europe when there is a problem, people turn to the government to solve it, but in America, they form what he calls "voluntary associations"—what we might term charities and nonprofits.
When it came to Natasha's turn to choose a partner, she rose and, tripping rapidly across in her little shoes trimmed with bows, ran timidly to the corner where Denisov sat.
It's your turn to sing the ba'cawolla--I entweat you!
Stolypin, stuttering, broke into the conversation and began excitedly talking of the abuses that existed under the former order of things--threatening to give a serious turn to the conversation.
It's our turn to begin.
Dronushka, Alpatych has gone off somewhere and I have no one to turn to.
It was your son's turn to be conscripted, but no fear!
And the order to retreat carries us past the turn to the Kaluga road.
The countess glanced at her daughter, saw her face full of shame for her mother, saw her agitation, and understood why her husband did not turn to look at her now, and she glanced round quite disconcerted.
He did not again go to the sick man, nor turn to look at him, but stood frowning by the door of the hut.
It 's his turn to have the pullover, you know that.
I would now like to turn to the repositioning of the Company which I am pleased to report is taking place with increasing momentum.
A. The answer to 1 is not related to 2. Miss your turn to roll the dice.
Now I'll turn to a brief run-down of some significant missile programs apart from those I 've already discussed.
Scotland will be partly cloudy with some isolated showers, which may turn to sleet on high grounds.
Highlights may include me trying and failing to discreetly slurp some coffee before it 's my turn to speak again.
Let me now turn to my primary assignment, the identification of the success factors.
The Turn Forcing the hare to make a 90 degree turn to throw off pursuit.
His Indian experience had led him to fear that underemployed graduates of Western-style schools were likely to turn to nationalist protest.
In the event of an upsurge in class struggle, many might turn to him.
Let us now turn to the equally vexed issues of quality and standards.
His performance is possibly the most memorable villainous turn to be featured in a Big Finish audio drama with it being very strong.
Now it was England 's turn to dance a morbid waltz with the fates.
When you want the best for your little ones, you turn to the real experts for trustworthy advice.
United States citizens continue to turn to this country in search of adopting a child.
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Many parents turn to international adoption agencies in their quest for a child.
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This interference can result in two monitors that don't really work at all, so many parents turn to dual video baby monitors.
Once you get a clean bill of health, it is now your turn to bond with your cat over teeth cleaning, and to make this time a pleasant time that is not stressful for either of you.
When traditional medicine fails, many cat owners turn to holistic and natural remedies to help ease their cat's symptoms.
The eyes will be blue and will not turn to their natural color for several weeks yet.The kitten's senses are developing rapidly at this point.
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It may be time to turn to a counseling service if you can't even make your minimum payments, have serious trouble paying on time because you don't have the money, or any negotiations you attempt on your own fall flat.
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If these are not consistent, kids become confused and may turn to peers or negative role models for clarification, which could lead to deviant behavior.
Even if you crave the support of a new boyfriend or girlfriend, realize that all people are fallible so the person you turn to may let you down.
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As more consumers turn to renewable energy to power their cars and homes, the demand for fossil fuels declines.
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Help Stanley and his animal friends make music, by clicking one each one in turn to make them play a sound or stop.
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For school age children, you can turn to the tried and true poses used by school picture photographers the world over, or you can mix it up by experimenting with posture, accessories and locations.
Snow skiing instructions can be learned from a professional or you can turn to your friends who are already accomplished skiers and ask for a few lessons.
For example, you may feel anxious about an upcoming exam or interview, have butterflies in your stomach when it is your turn to give a presentation or worry about what kind of parent you will be when your new baby arrives.
When learning is irrelevant some teenagers, more times than less, they will turn to cheating.
Where should you turn to learn about hot new fashions?
Teens who are depressed may turn to drugs to self-medicate.
Teens who feel like they don't fit in may turn to drugs as a way of finding acceptance with a group.
While most teens have outgrown typical cartoon network fare like My Gym Partner's a Monkey and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, they still turn to the channel for its late-night Adult Swim programming block.
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Since no one wants to be the object of their peer's disdain, teens often turn to fad diets in order to lose weight.
These causes lead to low self-esteem, especially if they do not have any one to turn to for emotional support.
Although alcohol and drug use can cause depression, depressed teens may also turn to drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medication, creating a vicious cycle.
The reason many people turn to junk food is because it's easily accessible.
However, if they are unavailable, they may turn to others for help.
Since some teenagers don't have another trusted adult they can confide in, they often turn to their peers.
This strengthens the therapeutic environment by giving campers more people to turn to in times of need.
Parents often turn to Christian schools for troubled teens as a means of help for their child's emotional and behavioral issues.
Many bodybuilders turn to soy protein powders to increase muscle mass, and drink soy beverages or other protein-packed beverages after a weight training session to build muscle mass.
We all turn to look at the entrance doors only to see my ex-boyfriend in all of his drunk glory holding a fifth in one hand and a teddy bear in the other.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by the task of choosing your wedding flowers, turn to Martha Stewart Weddings for a crash course in the art of floral arranging.
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While some people find ways to continue receiving prescriptions for this medication, others turn to non-authorized sellers to obtain Percocet.
Housewives seeking more energy and an opportunity to lose weight may turn to meth and wind up severely addicted.
Some people turn to cigarettes as a way to relieve stress and cope with life events.
It may be helpful for loved ones to participate in therapy sessions at times, both to understand the disorder better and to discuss ways to respond when discussions turn to the BDD.
When celebrities start to lose their pizzazz, they often turn to reality shows to increase exposure.
If you can't get enough of your favorite celebrity babies, turn to the Celebrity Baby Blog to hear the latest gossip before it hits the tabloids.
It looks like it may be Donald Trump's turn to be fired.
But this doesn't just go for celebrities -- television personalities and models also are under public scrutiny because of their looks, and therefore turn to various treatments with high price tags.
However, when pro shooters can't capture their prey, then some turn to faking it.
When it came Spencer's turn to take Heidi as his "…lawfully wedded wife" his reply was "I don't".
Even though to most, it doesn't seem as though Heidi could be a good friend to anyone but herself and her non-husband, Audrina decided to turn to her anyway because "she knows how Lauren works."
Now, it appears, it's Jon's turn to deal with media hype and criticism.
While most child stars go on to forge a career in entertainment as an adult, others turn to different lifestyles.
Many people these days turn to the Internet, where it's easier for shops or individuals who do custom work to advertise.
Penny-pinching parents often turn to the Internet to find huge deals on children's clothes.
Jeans, cargo pants and khakis work well year-round, so these are the pants boys will likely turn to much of the time.
Whether you're shopping for boys' pants for play or fancy event, you'll most likely find stores and brands that you prefer and turn to time and time again.
When it comes to simple, reliable and stylish clothing, many parents first turn to Old Navy.
Sometimes you have to turn to unscientific measures to determine your opinion of a school.
Perhaps this is why a student can laugh at a poop joke on Family Guy and then turn to the biting political satire of The Daily Show.
Coming out in college isn't always easy, but there are resources you can turn to make the process much less intimidating.
After working up a sweat, passengers can turn to the indulgent spa.
Dog groomers are the people to turn to when Man's Best Friend turns from fresh to funky.
Dog training schools are the places many pet owners turn to when it's time to teach Rover some manners.
If the first two suggestions aren't completely helpful, then I would turn to an actual canine behaviorist for help.
Many people turn to the Internet for information to help them assess their pet when it is not behaving in a normal manner.
Still other pet owners turn to alternative methods, such as the "raw diet" or homemade food for their dogs.
After determining if you, your lifestyle and your home are ready for this high-energy dog, turn to the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America.
Its leaves, in autumn, turn to a rich yellow, and remain bright for weeks until cut off by frosts.
The leaves turn to a beautiful deep orange color before falling in autumn.
Most compost piles will turn to finished compost in three to six months.
Allow the other spears to turn to ferns.
Leave some each year to turn to ferns to allow your patch to get stronger and produce more each year.
Most, if not all, beginners will probably not turn to sheet music to learn new pieces, unless they have a background in music theory.
As a consequence of such a collection of high quality popular songs, there is an abundance of resources to which any musician looking to learn songs from the Rolling Stones catalog can turn to.
There are a number of online resources to turn to for fun, easy guitar tabs.
Musicians looking to improve their finger-picking skills often turn to instructional resources like bluegrass guitar lessons.
No matter who you turn to for information, there are some important guidelines to keep in mind.
Tighten down the bolts from below with a wrench, and when you have them as tight as you can get them, ease them off 1/4 turn to avoid cracking the china.
While women have long had magazines to turn to for fashion advice, men haven't always been given this same attention.
While married men could turn to their wives when in doubt about what to wear, the single man was often without a clue, left wandering department store aisles and escaping as quickly as possible.
The right coat will also be reliable - the one you turn to whenever the weather wreaks havoc with your day or requires an extra layer of warmth.
They may not be the choice du jour for the everyday man, but many out there do turn to them as an ostentatious alternative to the traditional polo knit and dress shirts.
As millions continue to turn to alternative health remedies, any beverage with kombucha in it garners attention.
If you do not live near a store that specializes in organic and natural toys, you may have to turn to the Internet in order to find appropriate items.
Since there are relatively few wineries producing them, you may need to turn to the Internet to find the variety that you are looking for.
When thoughts turn to snow, jingle bells and the holidays, full-figured women will want to sport the latest women's plus size Christmas pajamas to get them in the holiday spirit.
This design makes it easier to move even in tight spaces such as in the car when you turn to check traffic because they don't bind like heavier winter coats.
At the first sign of cold weather, women seeking cozy comfort can turn to plus size sweater coats as a stylish alternative to everyday jackets and basic cardigans.
In a worst case scenario, such as Ryan's, a youth feels so depressed and angry that their feelings turn to thoughts of revenge by "making the bully sorry."
As teens get older, they are more likely to turn to these websites for networking purposes or to make new friends.
As the weather gets hot and thoughts turn to spending time outdoors with family and friends, following NFPA summer fire safety tips helps ensure you will only have pleasant memories of the summer months.
Many caregivers turn to adult day centers to provide safe and therapeutic care, as well as socialization, for elders and ill loved ones.
In fact, many families considering elder care for their elderly loved ones turn to assisted living situations.
The Internet is a great resource when you are stuck trying to find which program or service you should turn to when looking for something.
Many people turn to nursing homes to care for their loved ones.
Then, it will be your turn to give someone else the cane with the horn or the hearing horn.
Some women prefer to try a more natural approach to relief, while others turn to their doctors for hormone replacement therapy.
These people often turn to products designed specifically to drown out the sound of snoring, especially if the snorer has tried several snore blockers without success.
Those who do not want the side effects of medications but need sleep can turn to these all-natural solutions to inducing sleep.
Before your turn to medications, however, be sure your insomnia is a not a result of an underlying medical condition.
Frames Direct is another online shopping site you can turn to for your Luxottica clip-on look.
The other reason why you may want to turn to eBay is because they offer a "ton" of different looks.
Luckily, there are some online shopping sites you can turn to so that you don't need to spend an exorbitant amount of money on the eyewear you need!
E-Clips is another site you can turn to for a fashionable clipon look.
Finally, you can also turn to EBay to get your studded Neptune look.
If you are in need of replacement parts for your favorite pair of Ray Bans, don't despair as you do have a few different online sites you can turn to for assistance.
Replica Images is another site you may want to turn to for your Oakleys.
So for all of you that are looking for Half Jackets in a silver/blue iridium lens or in a gunmetal/gold lens, you may want to turn to this site first.
Other sites you can turn to for your silver mirrored look are Amazon.com and Ebay.
Ebay is another great place to turn to for your sunglass needs.
Sunglass Replicas is another great online site to turn to for your Versace fix.
The ride's roughly figure-8 course will take it across the lagoon and onto Millennium Island, where the Millennium Force roller coaster undergoes a complicated turn to reverse its course.
Since the park closed for good in 2002 and many of the rides and attractions have been sold in auction, there was no where to turn to revisit the theme park except online.
That's why it's important to be extra careful and, if you're not sure, to turn to more official and licensed repair professionals instead.
For times like those, it may be useful to turn to the services of a company like WiiRepair.ca.
Then I realized that my natural turn to look around in real-life wasn't the same as in the game.
Gamers now have no choice but to turn to the Madden series for their official NFL licensed fix.
It's far too easy to turn to the media and discover titles that boast all sorts of video game violence and video game sex, but there are many positive effects of video games as well.
When I do turn to a computer or console game, I prefer mindless entertainment over complicated storytelling or fighting sequences.
It's the Dreamcast's turn to enjoy this popular shoot-em-up that is bred for fragging.
If you have to, use a nitro coming out of a sharp turn to get your speed back up.
When it's your turn to bat, timing is everything, just as it was in tennis.
When it's your turn to draw, you will get a list of ten randomly generated words.
As inflation increase, people turn to these tangible items for financial investments.
One of the easiest things to do is turn to the Internet.
In fact, many lenders turn to the NADA guide when they're determining how much they're willing to lend someone to purchase a recreational vehicle.
At this time, however, there are no such products available, so you have to turn to the alternatives, which should theoretically be just as compatible.
This is why you would turn to your local yellow pages, for example.
While you could certainly turn to publications like Consumer Reports for this kind of information, it may be more efficient to find reviews of Bluetooth headset on the Internet instead.
While consumers had to turn to friends or trust the opinions of salespeople in the past, there are countless online sources where consumers can find unbiased and objective buying information today.
All the iPhone owners in the audience can turn to the App Store and iTunes to gain access to tip calculators, mobile games, Twitter clients, and all sorts of other apps.
While so many other people may turn to a BlackBerry device or the Apple iPhone, this Google Android smartphone certainly brings a lot to the table to entice discerning consumers too.
Most customers will turn to companies like T-Mobile, AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon.