Turd Sentence Examples
How could I decline without sounding like a total turd?
I can't even dignify this flaming turd of an album with a proper review.
Never knew a gold nugget from a bear turd.
Actually it was a highly disappointing rabbit dropping style turd.
I am going to find that little turd of a sales assistant.
Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day.
Come on Peter, are you telling me that you don't enjoy a nice big turd every now and again.
Do you really want to work for a company whose buyers have the same intelligence level of an unflushed turd?
He will, of course, be thought of as the fat, sweaty turd he is.
Kelly Right Back 1 A dog turd would be better going forward.
AdvertisementThe sole difference was that the seed is bright and shiny, whilst the mouse turd is matt.
The 1st to Turd Dynasties have left at Abydos large forts of brickwork, remains of two successive temples, and the royal tombs (see ABYDOS).
Bush calls Rove, depending on his mood, ' Boy Genius ' or ' Turd Blossom '.
Come on Peter, are you telling me that you do n't enjoy a nice big turd every now and again.
Cartman is championing a turd sandwich while Kyle is behind a giant douche bag.
AdvertisementBush calls rove, depending on his mood, ' Boy Genius ' or ' Turd Blossom ' .
The phrase ' polishing a turd ' springs to mind for some reason.
No matter which way we turn, the hound of fate places another steaming turd in our path.