Tune Sentence Examples
She was humming a tune I didn't recognize.
Even at this hour a piano was pounding out a raucous tune in one of the three saloons.
Singing a different tune now, are we?
The tune was haunting and yet somehow soothing.
If, the two pipes are slightly out of tune when sounded separately together they sound a common note which may be higher than that due to either alone.
I love the old geezer but the few times he starts talking about the old days, I tune him out.
The more, therefore, these are out of tune the more rapidly will the beats follow each other.
While in the Rostovs' ballroom the sixth anglaise was being danced, to a tune in which the weary musicians blundered, and while tired footmen and cooks were getting the supper, Count Bezukhov had a sixth stroke.
I drive the country roads, humming my tune, my new little pet safely in my hands.
Shadows danced in tune with a slight breeze from the inch of open window and a sentinel pine tree beyond.
AdvertisementBut, secondly, the pneumatic utterances technically known as speaking with tongues failed to reach this level of intelligibility; for Paul compares "a tongue" to a material object which should merely make a noise, to a pipe or harp twanged or blown at random without tune or time, to a trumpet blaring idly and not according to a code of signal notes.
If some from time to tune dared to hope for political independence their futility was demonstrated.
Through this, whistling a tune, we took our way to the haunts of men again.
David Dean whistled a patriotic tune as he strolled up town from the park.
She did a little shopping and drove home, humming a tune.
AdvertisementIn 1831 Wheatstone by his " magic lyre" experiment showed that, when the sounding-boards of two musical instruments are connected together by a rod of pine wood, a tune played on one will be faithfully reproduced by the other.
I hummed a tune I remembered my mother singing to me as I strolled to the barn to slay the lying witch-bitch who thought she'd tricked.
They were a lovely couple and every eye in the room was on them as they danced to a lively Latin tune.
The cell phone rang, its jangling tune startling her out of her thoughts.
The lyrics showcase the advice an experienced older man gives to a younger one - a terrific 80s rock tune.
AdvertisementMaybe that tune will change when you lose your soul in four days.
She smiled, grateful that Alex didn't know he was out of tune.
He couldn't carry a tune if she stapled it in a paper bag for him, but he was blissfully unaware of that fact.
And the buildings of both lands throw an instructive architec- light on the Norman national character, as we have tune in described it.
The tune, played with precision and in exact time, began to thrill in the hearts of Nicholas and Natasha, arousing in them the same kind of sober mirth as radiated from Anisya Fedorovna's whole being.
AdvertisementSince water signifies the concept of intuition, people with water signs are in tune with their emotions and feelings.
Keeping up with soap operas used to require you to tune in day after day when the show aired, if you missed it, you missed it.
Scanning a summary can let you know what you missed so that when you tune in again, you're caught up.
As it turns out, Deb always loved to sing even though she couldn't carry a tune until she inherited Jane's pipes.
Peyton Place was the first prime time soap drama to make viewers tune in week after week.
Well various tracks are already receiving heavy airplay on London's Jazz FM, ' Girlfriend ' being one such tune.
Also, they fit best during the mambo sections of the tune, but they may be danced whenever the dancers feel appropriate.
You then tune VCR as if on normal TV Ariel.
One day, it might be a catchy wake-up tune for shuttle astronauts.
Baghdad has become quite astute at playing its tune in the council.
This initiated a discussion about a tune to be chosen by the fans.
Maurice opens the tune with an utterly distinctive and special guitar pattern.
And [H] quite hastily changed his tune, becoming almost docile.
Tune in and be turned on by the new one-piece dropout.
Please do n't e-mail me about this tune as I have never carried it out, please use the forum.
Please don't e-mail me about this tune as I have never carried it out, please use the forum.
The 1822 collection included the tune " Craigellachie Bridge " (p. 30) which is still often played by fiddlers nowadays.
After the first two pieces every tune sounded the same and the crowd got fidgety, starting push waves and shouting for the Monkeys.
Making the crossover from unknown dancefloor filler to big pop tune this week are Blackout with ' Mr DJ ' .
She will appear on BBC Radio 3's In Tune on 1 June to give a foretaste of some of her arias.
It is not necessary to tell you how to concentrate more on the ball, or tune out the noisy foursome behind you.
Add a tune to a birthday greeting, a wink to a text message or exchange the latest in musical ring tones with friends.
Adjustable handlebar stems help you fine tune your riding position.
I can neither lampoon, Sing in tune; much less can I Intone.
A black ley line will tune into a black spiral and a white ley will tune into a white spiral.
We must tune the lyre for Winter moods, As the birds fly higher to southern woods.
The second tune, an English country dance was equally masterful.
The vocal melody comes in with a tune that leans heavily King Crimson's ' In the Court of the Crimson King ' .
Thus any tune of a given metrical pattern could readily be matched with the words of any hymn in the same metrical pattern could readily be matched with the words of any hymn in the same metrical pattern.
When any bell is out of tune it sounds mournful instead of joyous.
Some songs lacked a discernable tune, but most were hugely enjoyable rants, often mused up by a really good guitarist.
Eventually we decided to record the still nameless tune.
Ask them to repeat their tune several times (melodic ostinato ). Experiment with different combinations.
We make the complete outsider to be Forest Tune.
The possibility to tune the vocal phrasing of a new or altered melody is fantastic.
Trying to avoid pigeonholes and keep up some kind of coherent flow from tune to tune.
He who pays the piper should call the tune!
Will the children ever return from following the piper 's tune?
I guess not even the pollsters can be relied upon for an unbiased perspective when its Murdoch paying the piper and calling the tune.
Even the most drunken punter will realize that you can't play a tune you don't have!
One of my correspondents remembered two little ragamuffins in St Andrews Street yelling at the pitch of their voices to the same tune.
A feel good tune which should keep the ravers happy, a tune which keeps me happy anyway.
A tune which should get the ravers going with Rankin ' bellowing ' Big Up the Massive.
The text of this song is a reworking of a song from 1707 about the Treaty of Union to which I added the tune.
Once a tune is recorded, I have no problem saying good riddance.
It's more kind of pop with a catchy simple tune and the odd bluesy riff.
Then tune in to silicon.com's latest gadget showdown.. .
It's a stomping tune and the young whipper snappers have already brought out an album ' Shades of Black ' last year.
Lay down your inflatable spitfires, stop the Escape To Victory theme tune and give full throat to Don't Mention The War.
Furthermore some of the ear splitting high notes are almost impossible to tune exactly.
When a tune is played the light moves from one animal to another encouraging the toddler to follow with her eyes, stimulating sight.
A solo trumpet can steadily enhance a hymn tune.
From time to time sheâd hum a tune under her breath, but she didnât know she was doing it.
Do not sway to the music, tap your feet or whistle a merry tune.
Matt Home gets a feature on ' Finder's Keepers ' - a catchy tune from Jonny in 5/4 time.
Ware was in a real Marvin Gaye mood throughout here with, my favorite tune being ' Girl, Girl, Girl.
The computer-generated music consists of a richly textured melodic base tune playing in the background for the duration of the performance.
His theme tune was Man Of Mystery by The Shadows.
The signature tune for the Detective pilot episode was composed by John Addison.
A proper, spanking pop tune that contains the immortal line, Hey, what's your name?
It is a traditional folk tune that had been covered by Bob Dylan.
And its easy to see and use built-in auto chromatic tuner helps keep you in tune without having to use an external device.
Tune into Entertainment Daily for your fix of gossip, from the biggest A-list stars to desperate wannabes.
The distinctive tune was based on South African folk music played on a penny whistle.
Bedford has received a windfall to the tune of £ 4 million.
If the two circuits are in tune so that the numerical product of capacity and inductance of each circuit is the same or C L, = C L +CL and if k is the coefficient of coupling then the natural frequency of each circuit is n = I /2w / (CL), and when coupled two oscillations are set up in the secondary circuit having frequencies n and n2 such that n = n0/ (i - k) and n = nh,/ (I +k).
The phenomena of beats may be easily observed with two organpipes put slightly out of tune by placing the hand near the open end of one of them, with two musical strings on a resonant chest, or with two tuning-forks of the same pitch mounted on their resonance boxes, or held over a resonant cavity (such as a glass jar), one of the forks being put out of tune by loading one prong with a small lump of beeswax.
But if the forks be not quite in tune then the length of the image will be found to fluctuate between a maximum and a minimum, thus making the beats sensible to the eye.
You could have the libertarian state, the green state, the clothing-optional state, the state with free public housing for all, the state where puns are outlawed, the state with a two-drink minimum, the fiercely pro-business state—even a state that guarantees free speech but requires that you sing your speech like a show tune.
A third was playing a Viennese waltz on the clavichord, while a fourth, lying on the clavichord, sang the tune.
The captain returned to the room, limping slightly and whistling a tune.
Sedyablyaka! repeated the soldier, flourishing his arm and really catching the tune.
This tune has crisp and punchy beats and breaks.
Even the most drunken punter will realize that you ca n't play a tune you do n't have !
Rangers fans across the Atlantic would tune into short wave radio to catch action of their heroes back home.
Andrea ripped up the place with a reggae rendition of the worship tune ' Sweet Jesus '.
It 's more kind of pop with a catchy simple tune and the odd bluesy riff.
Install a satellite dish in your back garden and tune in to CNN.
Then tune in to silicon.com 's latest gadget showdown...
It 's a stomping tune and the young whipper snappers have already brought out an album ' Shades of Black ' last year.
They were singing snatches of the song of the revolt, most of them out of tune.
It is not only in Britain that the rule of law is being made to dance to the tune of the star spangled banner.
Lay down your inflatable spitfires, stop the Escape To Victory theme tune and give full throat to Do n't Mention The War.
White Collar Boy is a stomping tune with bubblegum riffs plucked from the 1970s.
They have moved more upbeat and this is a very happy, summery tune.
One of the songs they played is n't on the album and the band teased the crowd with a guess the tune competition.
Government can indeed â should, in my opinion â tinker at the edges to fine tune some aspects of society.
Matt Home gets a feature on ' Finder 's Keepers ' - a catchy tune from Jonny in 5/4 time.
A proper, spanking pop tune that contains the immortal line, Hey, what 's your name?
Toward the end of the whole piece, our tune added to a strong tutti section.
We would twang away on it and try to get a tune out of it.
Plus, twinkling lights follow along with every tune.
Whilst Cindy says that she does n't want to nominate a tune, Sam opts for Massive Attacks " Unfinished Sympathy ".
The album kicks off with an up-tempo tune that would make any dance floor / gig going crowd pogo to there hearts content.
Therefore, the baroreceptors act to fine tune the activity of the vasomotor center based on fluctuations in pressure.
I wish I could. whistle a tune, spin a web like a spider, catch a tooth fairy.
Mr Blast gives us a tough, tough tune, unsurprisingly written by Sam Dees, that he wrings every ounce of emotion from.
The vibration of the ukelele strings soothed me with their mellow tune.
Tune in closer to May 2006 when the list is usually published, if you can wait that long!
However, sound that continues to be quite loud for a prolonged period may actually encourage her to fall asleep as her body attempts to "tune out" the noise.
What this means is that whenever you take your car in for normal maintenance (like a tune up) it is covered by the warranty.
An example of this type of music is the tune, "Dueling Banjos" which is well known because it was played in the movie "Deliverance."
When you read with your child, you're much more in tune with their preferences.
In the 1960s he was able to forge checks to the tune of $2.5 million.
The sections below offer tips to keep a marriage well-oiled, in tune and properly maintained.
Sending your kids to the Friends for Change webpage, or encouraging them to tune into the Disney channel on TV will help drive the environmental message home in a number of ways.
Michele Tune, known online as "the raw juice girl", credits a diet of raw foods, lots of juicing, and other holistic treatments for helping her lose over 100 pounds and regain her bladder health.
Tune in today to get started on your home decorating inspiration journey.
So even if you're fond of bold or bright colors, you should tune it down and use neutrals.
The colors were, of course, also perfectly in tune with the film's general aesthetic - rife with pink, feminine shades, they were practically made for women like me and Elle Woods.
Maybe you just want to tune out the outside world and live in another world for a few hours.
For example, a classical tune can be played for business incoming calls and different songs could be designated for calls from individual friends and family.
Besides, carrying around your favorite tune is like having your own theme song.
Other websites actually allow you to tune into television channels rather than specific programs, giving you access to channels you might not be able to find on your local cable or satellite programming.
Contacting spirits has a lot to do with how in tune you are with your question and the power of the board; if you are not in the right mood for Ouija, it may not work for you.
Use free music ecards to add that little extra something to an electronic greeting or birthday wish so they'll thank you when they're humming the tune all day.
You can tune in for news updates or find out when your favorite program is going to be on and watch it live.
Many new skiers wonder how to tune ski bindings.
However, when applied to the bindings, the word "tune" is a misnomer.
The tech may get confused, and you might end up paying for a ski tune that you did not need.
So, the next time you see a re-run of I Love Lucy, why not tune in?
Tune into your favorite comedy or go to a comedy club.
You'll connect to a higher power and be more in tune with yourself and the world around you.
Even The N's website is in tune with teen tastes, featuring a blog, message boards, games, quizzes, podcasts, and other interactive content.
Think of it as a skill you'll need to fine tune as you go.
They've heard about people such as Angela Stokes Monarch who lost over 160 pounds on a raw food diet, or read the interview with Michele Tune in which she reveals she lost over 100 pounds on a raw plant based diet.
Another great way to choose a mother and son song is to pick a tune by an artist you both love.
Romantic carols such as "White Christmas" can be perfect for a first dance, and a talented wedding band or singer may be able to improvise lyrics to personalize the tune for a specific couple.
It's a good idea to play one more romantic tune at the end of the reception to bring the event to a close.
Use your wedding program guests be in tune with your wedding.
Over the next four seasons, viewers continued to tune in to watch the day-to-day life of the new golden couple.
She did exit the stage following the song, but was back to perform her next tune - albeit on a stool.
Tune in every week until the winner is announced on May 20th, 2008.
So all you Ellen fans will just have to tune in to the upcoming fall season of the Emmy Award winning show.
Nonetheless, if you still must see Zoe at work, tune into Bravo on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. eastern.
Not to mention the fact that not too long ago, Paris' sister Nicky's home was robbed to the tune of about $100,000 in jewelry, amongst other items.
Like Gibson (who is 15 years her senior), Timothy Dalton is significantly older than Grigorieva to the tune of about 25 years.
Let's all admit right now that some of us would tune in only to see what crazy things would come out of Paula's mouth.
If you'd like to see what happened to Danielle Fishel first hand, tune into the Style Network for their off-beat show The Dish.
Whether you choose to listen to your own college's station or tune in to a college offering music you love but your local station never plays, college radio stations provide a great variety of music.
Rather, the company was responsible for ferrying immigrants to the United States, to the tune of 850,000, and ran numerous cargo ships, increasing its fleet considerably.
I also believe that some people are more in tune with animals, period.
Try to really tune into your dog's body language and you'll soon find the two of you are having conversations of your own.
Neatly arranged in alphabetical order, you should be able to find virtually any Eric Clapton tune here.
At the very least, you'll know the tune and how the song should sound.
Even without guitar lessons, you can use tabs to learn to play just about any Eric Clapton tune.
Learning to play with Internet-based lessons is best for people who have some kind of musical experience already and have the basic skills to recognize notes, tune their instrument and read sheet music.
Maybe you don't know how to tune your guitar or change strings if one breaks, and you don't know anything about reading music.
All of the guitar chords and tabs are contributed by musicians who have done their best to pick out each tune and diagram it for you.
The headstocks of classical guitars are also different and require a particular wrapping method to ensure that the strings won't slip and the guitar will stay in tune.
So tune up and get ready to try your hand at playing some of these marvelous compositions.
In Tune Guitar Picks features a wide selection of picks with different gauges and styles that are easily imprinted.
Each tab will tell you how to tune the guitar.
If you consider yourself to be a devotee of southern rock, you'll definitely need to find good Sweet Home Alabama tabs to be able to play the genre's signature tune.
So when you sit down with your Sweet Home Alabama tabs and learn this classic song, keep its history in mind, as the spirit of southern rebellion is intricately woven into the very core of this classic tune.
So keep your guitar in tune, and keep practicing.
Keep this in mind when trying to learn your favorite White Stripes tune or learning how to read their guitar tabs!
So now you're ready to tune up and play one of the most popular southern rock songs of all time.
This can be a lot of fun, but it can also throw your guitar out of tune, so be sure to use your whammy bar sparingly.
If you pull too much through, the string won't wrap around enough and therefore won't be properly anchored and could slip out of tune more often.
The first time you tune it up, don't worry too much about perfection.
The last time you tune your guitar after stretching your strings three times, make sure you tune as accurately as possible as you are now ready to start playing again.
The D-Tuna enables the guitarist to tune the low E string to D with the simple turn of a knob.
After all, there are a few additional ways to tune an electric guitar over the handful of ways you can tune an acoustic guitar.
While there are other ways to tune an electric guitar (such as using your ears without any assistance), these three methods are generally the most used.
Using a plug-in tuner to tune an electric guitar is perhaps one of the easiest ways to tune it.
Continue to pluck at each string until all of the strings are in tune.
Many Internet tuners require a player to listen to a note, pluck the corresponding string on her guitar and tune the string to match perfectly.
It takes practice to learn how to tune a guitar this way.
Continue to tune your guitar sharper and flatter while trying to zero in on the right pitch.
Once you have done this, try to tune your guitar to the other strings on your guitar rather than to the computer.
They don't stay in tune very well, and they sap your guitar of its vitality and life.
If you replace your guitar's old strings with new strings of a different gauge, your guitar's intonation - or its ability to stay in tune with itself up the length of the neck - will be thrown off.
Tune them all up roughly, making sure they are taught but taking care not to over tighten them as they can break.
Tune and Stretch - Plug your guitar into your electric tuner and turn up your volume knobs.
After all, if your bass falls out of tune, you can practice all you would like but the notes are not likely to sound good.
In order to tune your bass guitar, you need either a tuner or a computer.
Some people can tune by ear. but it can be difficult, especially if you are just learning how to play the bass.
Keep your bass in tune, and it will always help you sound good.
Many guitar players finding themselves looking for guitar tuning tones to help get their guitar in tune.
Guitar tuning tones are any noise-making device that helps you tune your guitar.
Guitarists, both beginning and advanced, use a myriad of tuning devices to help them get their guitars as close to in tune as possible.
The goal is to manipulate or "tune" the guitar until the two noises sound identical.
However, a problem with some virtual tuners is that since the noise has been recorded and is being transmitted through computer speakers, the sound becomes a little too distorted for some people to tune by.
The largest complaints by users of tuning forks is that, especially when trying to tune a guitar, the piece is cumbersome to use.
The guitarist would then tune to the tone he hears.
Using this tone, the guitarist will tune to the sound he hears.
Simply hit the appropriate note on the keyboard and tune the guitar to the tone coming from the piano.
If you hold the sustain pedal on the piano when striking the key, the note will hold long enough for you to tune your string to it.
Do you find yourself having to tune your strings more frequently?
Don't forget to tune your strings once you have them strung on your guitar.
New strings are easy to tune, but they also are easy snap.
The version presented on Chordie is played to the tune of House of the Rising Son and repeats the same chords throughout.
A single pickup is responsible for the legendary tone of the Red Baron, and the Kluson tuners help ensure the guitar stays in tune through all the bending.
While the student models are simplified for easier playing, they are still manufactured with a level of quality that means they sound great and will stay in tune.
When you tune your guitar to other tunings, the notes are in different positions.
However, always try to remember that the neck the fretboard runs across can fall in and out of tune itself.
Songsterr - Songsterr has a transcription of this tune in tab format.
Fine tune the adjusting nuts and center the door.
The Celts were a people very in tune with nature.
The musical box plays the tune 'Claire de Lune' that was featured in the movie.
There is something magical and timeless about opening up the box, hearing a musical tune, and seeing the tiny ballerina dance around.
A ballerina jewelry box with ring rolls conjures up images of pink and glitter and a lilting musical tune as the ballerina twirls around.
Most are designed so when the lid is lifted, the ballerina begins to spin or twirl around while a specific musical tune plays.
I think that you have to listen to your body, be very in tune and take the focus off the food... if you crave something, have it."
Tune into your local radio or television weather station or listen to NOAA Weather Radio.
Some may sing, hum or whistle along with the tune, while others may dance or clap their hands.
Name That Tune can be played with a group of seniors.
Nature walks - Supervised nature walks get patients outdoors and in tune with nature.
Dream research continues to fine tune the previous theories as scientists uncover more and more about the brain's functions during REM sleep and as scientific measuring equipment improves.
Kids get to follow their favorite Looney Tune characters while getting treats for their goodie bags.
You can tune some individual parts (the Head, Core, Arm, Leg, Booster, Generator, and Radiator ).
A mysterious stranger (who happens to be in the basement) offers the Bard training and a new tune that can conjure up a more powerful creature that will help the Bard kill the beast.
The resulting adrenal edge is visceral and rewarding, and keeps you in tune with the uneasy mix of reluctance and determination stewing in Sgt.
If you have not played this type of rhythm game before, it's a simple but fun idea in which you try to dance along to a song with a streaming set of arrows indicating when and where to put your feet in tune with the music.
In Story Mode, you'll be hearing nearly the same tune every time you hit a cutscene sequence.
Elite Beat Agents is a rhythm game for the Nintendo DS wherein players must tap a series of circles at the appropriate time in tune with the music playing.
Set to the tune of a cheesy action movie, you must rescue a kidnapping victim using a variety of guns and your skills with the katana.
Watch waistlines expand, hairlines recede and caffeine jitters become a constant buzz while trying to "tune" a level or two of the game enough for the publisher (the guys who pay the bills) to put said game into the booth.
However, you have the opportunity to set your own tempo and enjoy the tune at your own rhythm.
Make relaxing ballads or a rockin' tune, all with the built-in microphone and touch screen.
Custom tune your ride on the dyno, from sway bar stiffness to horsepower curves.
We have found some excellent sources to help you find killer game tune you would like to play.
The tune is possibly one of the most recognized video game songs in the world.
Some of these may be more affordable, others may boast a bevy of additional features or an interface that is more tune with your inherent tendencies.
The inner ear, also called the vestibular system, contains fluid that helps fine tune the information the brain receives from the eyes and the body.
While the amount of viewers has decreased drastically in recent years, many die-hard fans still tune in each season.
Contestants must be a triple threat, able to carry a tune while executing killer moves and capturing America's heart with their charisma and stage presence.
This has brought in continued top ratings for the show, as many tune in to watch the stars as much as the incredibly skilled dancers.
If you normally tune in but miss an episode for whatever reason, Fox's official website is full of episode videos and recaps for you to view online.
The song has a catchy tune that even amateur dancers can make into a flashy series of movements.
He composed the tune himself and asked his bulger, Oliver Wilcox Norton, to play it.
Norton did so, and the tune was eventually used by all the branches of the military.
While doing a bagua map for the entire home is okay, in order to fine tune the chi flow in your home, you want to take the time to do an individual map in every room.
Be aware that you'll have to become comfortable with the criticism and tune it out.
Tune into what works for your child and go from there.
With an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), your interest rate is directly tied to economic indicators, meaning the amount of interest you pay during a given period can fluctuate, sometimes to the tune of several hundred dollars a month.
If you love to repair homes you should tune in for the latest house flipping programs on cable television.
Maternity fashions have moved leaps and bounds towards allowing pregnant women to look like mature adults while retaining their individual styles and staying in tune with current fashion trends.
Gorgeous or ghastly, fashion pundits and fashionistas tune in every Academy Award season to see what the hottest stars are wearing to the Oscars.
Still, some women march to their own style tune and don't want to give up these accessories.
No worries, though; he still owns 50 percent of the company, which continues to generate a healthy revenue, to the tune of around $250 million per year.
Billions of people tune in to see what the celebrities will be wearing on the red carpet.
Some stations go even further than just mixing in a Christmas tune or two.
During the height of the Wham! frenzy, it seemed only natural to do a holiday tune that fans could enjoy for years to come.
People then walk up to other people in search of the other person humming their tune.
Try your own songwriting creativity by taking a popular Christmas song and making it your own as you substitute words to imbue some humor into an otherwise classic tune.
With a bit of satire and a quirky tune, these songs have become holiday favorites when we all need a moment to laugh at how crazy Christmas can get.
Roughstock Cowpie Country Music Lyrics is another country music source that allows browsing by the latest song or artist for a favorite holiday tune.
Beats, counts and even the tune can vary greatly amongst a classic track to a pop track to a country track of a Christmas song.
Whether you own or rent a machine for a party or simply head to the local bar to belt out a tune or two, the karaoke experience beats singing in the shower every time.
You've probably heard this 16th century tune many times, but never known it was a popular French Christmas song.
Families can tune in to Santa radar online via NORADSanta.org beginning in early December for projections and updates.
Another modified song, featured at Preschool Education, is "Whose?", sung to the tune, "Mary Had a Little Lamb".
Preschool Express offers this holiday tune, "Santa's On His Way", sung to the melody of "The Farmer in the Dell".
Surprisingly, the original tune is reported to be more upbeat than the melodic lullaby we sing today.
A few years later at his church in Philadelphia, Brooks asked his organist, Lewis Redner, to set the tune to music for the choir.
However, they also get tired of hearing lyrics to the same old tune.
To find a tune you enjoy, look for holiday albums put out by your favorite artists or holiday compilation CDs made with multiple singers and bands from the genre of your choice.
From funny to sincere, kooky to sentimental, there is a Christmas-themed ecard for everyone on your email list, each featuring a familiar holiday tune.
Tune in to how a person stands in proximity to you, what they do with their hands, their eye contact (steady or fleeting) and what their expression--not their words--is saying to you.
However, it can also grow stronger and more intense as you become closer in tune with your partner.
Scammers prey on your sympathies to the tune of fifty or a hundred dollars.
Running a bubble bath, placing rose petals on the bed, reading a love poem, singing a romantic tune, giving the person a massage are all things one partner can do to relax the other.
Or, if you have a friend that is good at carrying a tune, ask if he or she will help you out for free.
Any successful freelancer will tell you that you need to learn to tune out these negative comments.
In tune with many past seasons, the line is utterly booming with leopard prints set against black trim, red accents, and gold-tone hardware.
She walks to the tune of an invisible symphony.
First and foremost we have a commitment to fine craftsmanship and we stay true to our principals of form and fashion, staying in tune with today's woman.
What this means is that of all the signs in the zodiac, Pisces is the most in tune with the subconscious parts of the mind.
Show your true feelings - Pisces men are also very in tune with their emotions and can be intuitive.
If you start off a conversation by talking about the latest celebrity gossip, your Pisces man will instantly tune out.
It's the yin and yang of the world that Libra is most in tune with and seeks out in his daily life.
These children often tune people out completely.
Sensitive-Sensitive parents are in tune with their children.
As a parent of a teen, it is your job to "tune in" to what is going on in his life, keep the lines of communication open, and simply be there to offer support.
Over 75 years and a gazillion acceptance speeches later, it remains one of the most watched programs in the history of television as people tune in to learn all about the Oscars.
It was during the late sixties and early seventies that the movie tune album started to take the shape into what we recognize it by today.
Likewise, the soundtrack from the film version of The Rocky Horror Picture Show includes the song Super Heroes, which was also from a scene that was cut and only a snippet of the tune is heard in most prints of the film.
Soon the miniseries was created so that longer stories could be told over several nights, making it impossible to not tune in.
Since the majority of people are skeptics when it comes to the world of clairvoyance, they don't want to "tune in" to their sixth sense.
Believers say that if you listen closely, you can hear him humming the tune to the game show, Jeopardy.
People in tune with their intuitive abilities find that regularly quieting and stilling the mind's chatter enables them to tune into the often subtle and quiet signals from the sixth sense.
Most cards come in a range of musical selections, giving senders a great deal of variety when choosing a tune.
When adding music to an e-card, the exact tune must be carefully chosen.
Search popular stations, quick genres, or comprehensive genre lists and start listening with the convenient "Tune In!" link located next to the station name in the directory.
The other connotation is of a shoe that allows you to feel more in tune with the earth and the natural movements of your feet.
Of course, you won't find the whole story here; you'll have to tune in to your favorite shows to experience firsthand the twists and turns that define the soap opera viewing experience.
Fans tune in daily to find out what is going to happen to their favorite characters next.
Many more fans rely on General Hospital previews to know when to tune in.
If Robin appears in the preview, fans of hers are more inclined to tune in the next day.
Network executives were upset initially by the magazines because they feared that viewers would use previews to know when they could tune out rather than when they could tune in.
They had to tune in day after day in order to find out what would happen next.
They felt that an audience who could read previews, spoilers and recaps would be less likely to tune into their favorite soaps because they would no longer 'have to' in order to find out what was going on.
The actor update section is revised regularly so that fans will know where to tune in to see their favorites on talk shows and other dramas.
There you will find daily recaps and weekly updates, so you won't feel lost on plot lines when you tune in next.
Usually I like to get a feel for what the writer and director have in mind for the character and then after that I fine tune it and make it my own.
Their survival depends on the number of viewers who tune in each week.
Even those who faithfully tune in every day to their cherished soaps love reading the latest soap opera gossip.
Viewers tune in to see characters, to admire the women and root for them to find love with these rare and exceptional men.
Fans teased that they could tune out on Monday and come back on Friday without missing much.
Spoilers are popular with the fans because the medium of soap operas demands that viewers tune in every day to find out what happens next.
The soap opera medium is one that thrives on daily interaction and the must tune in factor.
Fans didn't need to tune in to find out, because scoops and spoilers filled the soap opera websites with enough speculation and spoilers to fill several episodes.
Reviewing the top 100 moments in soap history above demonstrates some of the finest reasons why soap fans tune in day after day, week after week, year after year.
While no absolute link has been proven, it seems to be true fans who read spoilers they don't like are less likely to tune in than those who read spoilers they do like or those who don't read spoilers at all.
While the best way to hear the EastEnders theme song is to watch the program, there are plenty of other ways to enjoy the music of this catchy tune.
Sometimes, these scoops are put out there as "teasers" to get folks to tune in.
These "alert" days generally mean that on that particular day, you're going to want to tune in or record that days episode because some major event is going to happen to one of the show's character's.
One of the greatest attractions of soap operas is the need to tune in to find out what will happen next whether the characters are loved, hated or just there.
Spoilers detract from the need to tune in because they reveal just enough to take the edge off the surprise.
Meanwhile, viewers in the United Kingdom and Ireland tune into Summerland on Living, and fans in the Middle East stay tuned on MBC 4.
American viewing habits change regularly, fans are not always able to tune into their favorite shows on the nights they are nor are they able to record.
The Chandlers, the Cooneys, the Cortlandts, the Martins and the Kanes are the Pine Valley resident families that viewers tune in day after day.
Keeping up with what is going on whether viewers can tune in daily, Tivo their episodes or watch it on Soapnet is where the Internet comes in.
After all, the goal of must see television is to get fans to tune in day after day.
Fans could see what was coming and tune in or tune out.
Fans should tune in to watch their favorite soap operas on a regular basis to help prevent their soap operas from joining the annals of soap opera history as a canceled show.
Fans who follow General Hospital, One Life to Live and All My Children rely on spoilers to let them know when to tune in.
The only way to know for sure what is going to happen is to tune into your favorite ABC soap opera.
Viewers will need to tune in to find out.
A daytime drama often ends with mini-cliff hangers all week to get you to tune in the next day and end on a larger cliffhanger Friday so that you have to come back on Monday to see what happens.
Rimes believed as many purists do that if fans weren't wondering, hoping, dreaming, praying and crossing their fingers about what was going to happen, that they might not tune in or worse, the impact of the drama would be lessened.
While each episode delves into a new medical case, it is the lives and loves of the show's doctors that fans tune in to see.
However, it often works well for executives as the inevitable rumor mill usually compels people to tune in rather than turn away, so everyone is a winner as they get their audience and viewers enjoy great storylines and enticing characters.
In other words, it leaves you always wanting more, purposely leaving questions unanswered and plot lines left hanging so you will tune in for the next day.
Disney and his top animator Ub Iwerks proceeded to fine tune the new character and develop a cartoon around him.
There are some Ben 10 goodies available on the Ben 10 website, including a free downloadable mp3 of the show theme tune.
The goal of yoga is to help you release negative energy from your mind and body and help you get more in tune with your inner self and the world around you.
Puzzles are wonderful toys to fine tune finger dexterity, and if they are chosen with educational themes, such as letters, words, numbers, or geography, so much the better.
Introduce sight words with a tune for each word.
Generalities say nothing about you and thus, prospective employers will tune out.
Some coaches specialize in working with executives to fine tune their leadership skills.
The purpose of listing an objective is to thoroughly convince the employer that you are in tune with your goals, you know what you want to accomplish and that you are a pro within your field.
These games are only a few examples of the great mix of games available online that can help you fine tune your driving skills before the big test.
Plus, the physical and mental transformation of a person 100 or more pounds lighter is often very inspiring to the millions of viewers who tune in each week.
Jenny Craig can hit your pocketbook to the tune of $65 to as much as $137 per week once you add up their foods, membership costs, and the addition of foods you'll have to purchase to supplement those meals.
The minds behind this revolutionary product believe that being totally in tune with your senses of smell and taste allows you to enjoy what you're eating so that you feel full when you should, preventing the problem of overeating.
This yoga move takes tremendous strength and endurance and accomplishing it without injury is the sign of a skilled yoga master in tune with her inner strength.
If you enjoy the ability to fine tune your workout, PowerBlock has dumbbells available that can adjust in increments of 2.5lbs.
Landlord insurance rates will vary greatly from one carrier to the next, sometimes to the tune of hundreds of dollars.
Product failure - An annual tune up can help ensure against product failure because problems can often be spotted and corrected early.
When these ladies show up to strut their stuff at the Victoria's Secret fashion show, millions tune in!
In order to see the televised event, you'll need to tune into CBS for advertised dates and show times.
The massive success of the album prompted a huge world tour, with over two hundred dates booked, which further increased sales for the band to the tune of a staggering 15 million!
Once an earthy destination for hopeful musicians, Curtis claims her producer is inundated with requests for auto tune (that nifty little gadget that keeps Ashlee Simpson-types on pitch).
They also offer the advantage of being there whenever you're ready to listen to them, while radio stations continue their programming regardless of whether you're able to tune in or not.
Tracks to check out - She Doesn't Get It and Tune Out (Tune Out is from their first release - Interventions and Lullabies).
This song isn't really "by" Jarvis Cocker and Kid Loco, but rather is a cover a Serge Gainsbourg tune, featured on the new Serge Gainsbourg tribute album Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited.
Enjoy this neo-traditionalist country tune, and who knows, if you follow this link, you might just find an entire album worth of material to download...
Follow this link, and not only can you get your funk on with this tune, but you can check out the entire album, which oddly features both Snoop Dogg and Charlie Daniels.
A comedic Christmas tune for those who need something to improve their mood after a painful trip to the mall.
Click the link above, and while you're getting this E40 tune, go ahead and get yourself 13 other tracks from the album, all on us.
Dare to Be Stupid offers listeners "Like a Surgeon", a parody of Madonna's "Like a Virgin" and "Yoda", sung to the tune of "Lola" by Kinks.
The user review section will help you decide which tune is for you.
In this introspective tune, Troy takes a look at himself in the metaphorical mirror and vows to learn from his mistakes to achieve his goals.
In the musical and the 2007 movie, "You Can't Stop the Beat" is the show-ending tune.
The tune will go down in history as one of the most famous instrumentals ever.
The good news, though, is that lead singer Kevin Rowland was right when he sang, "I'll hum this tune forever."
It might be the first phone number (besides your own) that you memorized. 867-5309 (Jenny) is still a favorite with its catchy tune and unique chorus.
Metro Lyrics helps with that problem by having a cover shot of each release to help you find the tune you want.
Halloween may be the perfect time to listen to Monster Mash song, but in reality, this fun novelty tune can get everyone singing along any time of year.
A Chicago-blues-style tune that includes some heavy improvisations, Have You Ever Loved A Woman is legendary Clapton material.
Get to Know Ya is an R&B inspired tune recorded by Jesse Johnson.
It's no wonder that teens and adults alike enjoy this tune, which talks about true love and it has an easy to sing along with range of notes.
It has also become quite popular in many clubs and is a popular karaoke tune.
He played a new song, Another One Rides the Bus (to the tune of Queen's Another One Bites The Dust).
A parody song is a song that is set to the tune of a popular melody, but the lyrics are changed to poke fun at the song's original lyrics, pop-culture, or even the songwriters themselves.
Many Barney songs that have been featured on the show are set to the tune of popular children's songs, such as Barney's theme song, Barney is a Dinosaur, which is set to the tune of Yankee Doodle Dandy.
The album features perhaps The Cure's best known song, the sugary pop tune Friday, I'm In Love.
Hank Williams' signature tune wasn't released until after his 1953 death, so he didn't get to see it become a big hit and go on to become one of the most covered country songs ever.
If you're not interested in a traditional tune, choose a tasteful alternative.
While a playful, upbeat tune adds a fun element to the event, sexy or suggestive group numbers are inappropriate for a fifteen-year-olds birthday party.
Make your own version of Name That Tune with a mix of songs from the guest of honor's music collection.
Name That Tune - Gather together several songs from the past which which partygoers might be familiar.
Hand out sheets of paper for guests to list the song titles as the songs are played, or divide the guests into teams and invite each team to work together to guess the tune's title.
Although the previews do not reveal who will next be eliminated, the previews attempt to intrigue viewers enough to have them tune in next week.
Viewers tune in with great anticipation at the end of every season to find out who won Project Runway.
The reality show features singers seeking to prove their versatility, performance caliber and talent to the judges and the fans who tune in week after week.
Individuals who tune into reality television programs week after week are shown what is perceived as reality, when in essence it really isn't.
A marriage, a break-up, a baby, and arrests have all been documented by the cameras and have only compelled viewers even more to tune in and watch what happens next with this family.
It's a catchy tune; so catchy, in fact, that various artists from a variety of musical genres have recorded it, and these recordings were used in the promos for season two of the show.
Fans of this VH1 show tune in to watch Master Pick Up Artist Erik von Markovik - also known as "Mystery" - teach men about the art of approaching women with confidence in social situations.
Of course, some of the drama on The City is a bit high school, after all, isn't that one of the main reasons why people tune in?
To find out if Ray J fills the hole in his heart with the woman of his dreams, you can tune into VH1 or visit the show's website, which features full episodes and weekly recaps.
The main reason why people tune in to this show is to see how celebrities will react when faced with the jungle environment.
After all, villains on reality television make for good TV, and as people tune in to see their antics, producers are pleased with the results.
By creating reality shows that viewers compulsively tune into, goes Truth-It's argument, the corporations and the government can lull you into passivity.
The need to see that the cast comes through it all okay drives fans to tune in week after week.
Each week, these same viewers tune in to see how the performers they like have fared, and to hope the ones they don't enjoy are eliminated.
Whether you enjoy watching the strategy and spirit of competition on Survivor, tune in for the educational value of Ice Road Truckers, or prefer the catty drama of The Real Housewives, there is something for everyone on reality television.
In the past, the only way to see these amazing creations was to order them from an expensive bakery, but now viewers can tune in to these shows and watch talented bakers start with batter and end with intricate pieces of edible art.
Smaller oops moments occur all the time on Big Brother, and you can see many of them for yourself if you tune in to Big Brother After Dark.
Be sure to tune in and check things out for yourself!
Sarah Palin's Alaska received criticism immediately after the show was announced, months before viewers had even had the chance to tune in.
Marvin is also known for his composition of lullabies including the depressing tune called How I Hate the Night.
Not an elf from Lord of the Rings, no, these allowed you to see yourself as one of Santa's elves, and even better, watch yourself dancing and singing a merry tune.
After years of banner ads and spam email, a tweet or social post that simply promotes a company or website is going to come across as just another commercial, and people will tune it out.
Unfortunately, they won't tune out where that commercial came from, and future communication from that source will be ignored as well.
God, I sound like 'two o'clock, brought to you by Ivory soap, tune in again tomorrow.'
She was the victor of Vegas to the tune of three hundred dollars, and called to invite Fred out to spend the spoils.
She turned, and went up the stairs, humming a cheery tune.
Pitt whistled the air of the popular tune "Gentle Shepherd, tell me where," and the House laughed.
If both forks are in vibration, and are prefectly in tune, this line may either be increased or diminished permanently in length according to the difference of phase between the two sets of vibrations.
The varied plumage of the cock - his bright red breast and his grey back, set off by his coal-black head and quills - is naturally attractive; while the facility with which he is tamed, with his engaging disposition in confinement, makes him a popular cage-bird, - to say nothing of the fact (which in the opinion of so many adds to his charms) of his readily learning to "pipe" a tune, or some bars of one.
Zeiss made a periscope 7 metres long, main tune 150 mm.
I tune my radio and TV scale like crazy, but all the stations broadcast only propaganda, and very little information.
Even a captive audience won't necessarily dance to your tune.
Another up tempo tune, bolstered by a thumping back beat and simple yet contagious melody.
This triggers a gentle and peaceful wake up response running in tune to your natural biorhythm.
These days, a chap is more likely to tune in to a party in the park or a rowdy street carnival.
The theme tune isn't so bad; even tho I've never heard it before, it sounds quite catchy!
What would have completely derailed lesser players (equipment screwup at the climax of the signature tune) became proof of their mastery.
She cannot sing and she cannot play the piano, although, as some early experiments show, she could learn mechanically to beat out a tune on the keys.
As a result of this the unconsidered tune, like the song of a bird, was extraordinarily good.
The tune he was whistling, his gait, and the gesture with which he twirled his mustache, all now seemed offensive.
The website gives customers access to programming guides, so they can tune in to segments they would like to watch without having to wait for a product they are interested in to appear.
Women who are in tune with their bodies are more likely to seek medical attention when something seems amiss.
Women who have already been pregnant once before are more likely to notice the signs of early pregnancy, simply because they are more in tune with how their body works.
Although your body may not feel like your own during pregnancy, don't tune out its signals.
In 1967, Timothy Leary held his famous Human-Be-In, considered the kick-off to the Summer of Love, where thousands of hippies were encouraged to tune in, turn on, and drop out.
Forplay's core customer base is women who are generally in tune with the latest trends in fashion, music, parties/events, and people.
Fine tune travel details including transportation as well as hotel accommodations if needed.
Played in double time the tune was a favourite march in the Revolutionary armies, until it was forbidden by Napoleon, on becoming First Consul.
The popular revolutionary tune of Spain, the "himno de Riego," is named after him, and his picture is hung in the Cortes, but he was a poor creature, and a bad example of the light-headed military agitators who have caused Spain much misery.
Some preliminary Irrangements were made and on the 14th of, Tune the government sanctioned certain measures of preparation at Suakin.
The vibrograph is also well suited for the same purpose, and so in an especial manner is Helmholtz's double siren, in which, by continually turning round the upper box, a note is produced by it more or less out of tune with the note formed by the lower chest, according as the handle is moved more or less rapidly, and most audible beats ensue.
The name was then given to the famous revolutionary song, composed in 1792, the tune of which, and the wild dance which accompanied it, may have also been brought into France by the Piedmontese.