Tumble-down Sentence Examples
Tears tumble down my cheeks, My smile gone.
It seems certain that Eden Valley, which now lies between them, is a vast "tumble-down" of an immense cavern that formerly united them into one.
In the first instance the Bureau was located in a tumble-down building in Whitehall, backing on to the Admiralty.
Here the tributary streams tumble down the sides of the lake valleys, whose bottoms have been deepened by glacial erosion, leaving the tributary valleys hanging.
The picturesqueness of the chimney stacks and tumble-down walls of the burned-out quarters of the town, stretching out and concealing one another, reminded him of the Rhine and the Colosseum.
West of the square, the Moorish alleys tumble down the hill toward the city walls.
The incident was captured on an audience member's cell phone, showing the tumble down a flight of stairs and the subsequent alarm of the crowd.
On July 24, 2007, during a concert in Orlando, Florida, the singer took a tumble down a flight of stairs.