Tuberculosis Sentence Examples
In 1921, a tuberculosis vaccine was developed in France.
The death-rate from tuberculosis, however, is high, and apparently shows no abatement.
Some of them are employed on a state farm at Lassiter, Goochland county, on which there is a tuberculosis hospital, and some of them on the public roads; in 1909 there were 350 men at the state farm, 14 road camps with about 630 men, and 1273 men and 96 women in the penitentiary at Richmond.
At a very early period it was held by Virchow that the large cheesy masses found in tuberculosis of the lung are to be regarded as pneumonic infiltrations of the air-vesicles.
It is the seat of one of the state normal schools (1894), of St Joseph's Academy (Polish), and of the Stevens Point Commercial College, and has a Carnegie library (1904), the Portage county court-house, a city hospital, and a tuberculosis sanatorium.
The diminution in the number of deaths from tuberculosis during the last forty to fifty years of the 19th century of itself points in this direction.
It is said that pulmonary tuberculosis is unknown in these altitudes, though it is common in the coast districts.
In 1908 a state tuberculosis sanatorium was opened near Aberdeen, Moore county.
The anhidrotic action of atropine is largely employed in controlling the night-sweats so characteristic of pulmonary tuberculosis, small doses of the solution of the sulphate being given at night.
Of late years enormous impulse has been given to our knowledge of the causation of disease by microbes, through the works of Gaspard, who injected putrid matter into the veins of a living animal; by Villemin, who discovered that tuberculosis is infective; by Davaine; and especially by Pasteur, Koch and others too numerous to mention, who have worked, and are still working, at the microbic causation of disease with marvellous success.
AdvertisementSubsequent epidemics have not been attended by anything like this mortality, but there has, however, been a steady decrease, principally among young children, owing to whooping-cough, tuberculosis and croup. Every Fijian child seems to contract yaws at some time in its life, a mistaken notion existing on the part of the parents that it strengthens the child's physique.
On the "farm" the city maintains an "infirmary village," a tuberculosis sanatorium, a detention hospital, a convalescent hospital and houses of correction.
Oxygen may be applied locally as a disinfectant to foul and diseased surfaces by the use of the peroxide of hydrogen, which readily parts with its oxygen; a solution of hydrogen peroxide therefore forms a valuable spray in diphtheria, tonsillitis, laryngeal tuberculosis and ozaena.
There is a state sanatorium for tuberculosis (1909).
Tuberculosis is a disease, which is caused by the organism mycobacterium tuberculosis.
AdvertisementIn the 1920s, we got a vaccine for diphtheria, pertussis, tuberculosis, and tetanus.
Charitable Institutions, &c. - The state maintains a school for the blind at Gary, a school for deaf mutes at Sioux Falls, a tuberculosis sanatorium at Custer, a general hospital for the insane at Yankton, a school for the feeble-minded at Redfield, a soldiers' home at Hot Springs, a reform school at Plankinton, and a penitentiary at Sioux Falls.
Among the deaths 2789 were from tuberculosis, 1200 from smallpox, 77 8 from malarial diseases, 331 from la grippe, and 106 from beri-beri.
Garlic may also be prescribed as an extract consisting of the inspissated juice, in doses of 5-io grains, and as the syrupus allii aceticus, in doses of 1-4 drachms. This last preparation has recently been much extolled in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis or phthisis.
Lafar has stated that 20% of the cows in Germany suffer from tuberculosis, which also affected 17.7% of the cattle slaughtered in Copenhagen between 1891 and 1893, and that one in every thirteen samples of milk examined in Paris, and one in every nineteen in Washington, contained tubercle bacilli.
AdvertisementWhen the building was used as a tuberculosis hospital, children were brought to the roof so that they could be exposed to fresh air and sunshine.
The saline springs are used both for drinking and bathing, and are said to be efficacious in scrofula and incipient tuberculosis.
Iowa City is the seat of the state university of Iowa, of Iowa City Academy, of the library of the State Historical Society and of the state Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis.
This method is often resorted to in the case of infants or young children suffering from abdominal or other forms of tuberculosis.
This is highly suggestive of tuberculosis affecting the adrenal glands.
AdvertisementToward this goal we have used microarrays of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome to detect deletions from M.bovis isolates.
At the London Chest the municipal authorities of Bethnal Green and Hackney established a Tuberculosis dispensary in 1916.
An additional research interest is in the molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis.
Some strains of tuberculosis - Africa's other great killer - have become virtually incurable.
Click here to buy Britain's Most Amazing Places BEEF from cattle infected with tuberculosis could be banned from the food chain.
Lungs, hilar lymph nodes, and spleen are removed at autopsy for tuberculosis culture and histology.
Each member of the TB complex is pathogenic, but M. tuberculosis is pathogenic for humans while M. bovis is usually pathogenic for animals.
Furthermore, other loci containing tandem repeats within the M. tuberculosis genome are currently being investigated to further improve the MIRU panel.
Here is a graph of the correlation between badger roadkill tuberculosis prevalence and cattle tuberculosis incidence.
He established the first tuberculosis sanatorium in Scotland and provided a home for epileptic sufferers.
The complex was used to house injured servicemen during World War I, and subsequently became a tuberculosis sanatorium in the 1930s.
The novel is set in a tuberculosis sanatorium high in the Swiss Alps.
Experimental evidence of the effect of increased sterol forma tion in resistance to tuberculosis is still scanty.
Pulmonary tuberculosis is usually diagnosed by chest X-ray and/or sputum analysis (microscopy and culture ); serological tests are increasingly available.
Tuberculosis in Scotland has been relatively stable over the past 20 years.
Enhanced tuberculosis surveillance is maintained by electronic updates from several regions and then forwarded to the national dataset.
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infection caused by a germ called the tubercle bacillus or Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
In Leeds city catchment, the figures for diagnosed tuberculosis are around 115 cases for the year 2004 (DoH, 2005 ).
The risk of bovine tuberculosis is higher in England than in Scotland.
The resistance may be lowered temporarily by trauma or infectious disease such as measles, and skeletal tuberculosis or miliary tuberculosis may supervene.
Regrettably, toward the end of his service, he contracted pulmonary tuberculosis.
This is further complicated by high levels of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
This family of bacteria has been responsible for many of the most serious outbreaks of drug-resistant tuberculosis.
After all, we do have strategies to face drug resistant tuberculosis, malaria and cancers.
Tuberculosis is a disease, which is caused by the organism mycobacterium tuberculosis is a disease, which is caused by the organism mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by an infection with the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a disease caused by an infection with the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Medical science further owes to him the classification of new growths on a natural histological basis, the elucidation of leucaemia, glioma and lardaceous tumours, and detailed investigations into many diseases - tuberculosis, pyaemia, diphtheria, leprosy, typhus, &c. Among the books he published on pathological and medical subjects may be mentioned Vorlesungen fiber Pathologic, the first volume of which was the Cellular-pathologic (1858), and the remaining three Die Krankhaften Geschwiilste (1863-67); Handbuch der speziellen Pathologic and Therapie (3 vols., 1854-62), in collaboration with other German surgeons; Gesammelte Abhandlungen zur wissenschaftlichen Medizin (1856); Vier Reden fiber Leben and Kranksein (1862); Untersuchungen fiber die Entwicklung des Schlidelgrundes (1857); Lehre von den Trichinen (1865); Ueber den Hunger-typhus (1868); and Gesammelte Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der afentlichen Medizin and der Seuchenlehre (1879).
The 20 hospitals, modern in construction and equipment, with 4,500 beds, included special hospitals for children, eye and ear, maternity, tuberculosis, and contagious diseases.
The fact that the tubercle bacillus is to be found in the lesions of both has set at rest any misgiving on the subject, and put beyond dispute the fact that so-called scrofulous affections are simply local manifestations of tuberculosis.
There are conditions in which we have an abnormal increase in the tissue elements but which strictly should not be defined as hypertrophies, such as new-growths, abnormal enlargements of bones and organs due to syphilis, tuberculosis, osteitis deformans, acromegaly, myxoedema, &c. The enormously long teeth sometimes found in rodents also are not due to hypertrophy, as they are normally endowed with rapid growth to compensate for the constant and rapid attrition which takes place from the opposed teeth.
When we consider that tuberculosis, diphtheria, cholera, tetanus, typhoid fever, anthrax, malaria and a host of other contagious diseases have each been proved to be of parasitical origin, an idea may be conve y ed of the range of the subject.
Fortunately Germany, which at the beginning of the century was delivered over to Brownism and vitalism and was deaf to Bichat, was rescued from this sort of barrenness by the brilliant experimental work of Claude Bernard and Pasteur in France - work which, as regards the attenuated virus, was a development of that of Edward Jenner, and indeed of Schwann, Robert Koch worthily following Pasteur with his work on the bacillus of anthrax and with his discovery of that of tuberculosis; and by the cellular doctrine and abundant labours in pathology of Virchow.
Typhoid, pneumonia, tuberculosis, measles and scarlatina, and influenza are the commonest illnesses.
Among the many reforms introduced under his guidance were a workmen's compensation law; a survey of occupational diseases with recommendations for health insurance; the elimination of the sweatshop; the establishment of a state industrial commission for dealing with questions of labour and capital; the provision of a minimum wage and a nine-hour day for women; mothers' pensions; ratification of the proposed woman suffrage amendment; the budget system for state expenditures; pure food laws; a " blue sky " law for protecting investors from unscrupulous promoters; the initiative and referendum; a Corrupt Practices Act; the indeterminate sentence for convicts; improvement of rural schools; the establishment of a state tuberculosis hospital and the extension of safety devices on railways and in mines.
A law enacted in 1909 forbids a marriage in which either of the parties is a common drunkard, habitual criminal, epileptic, imbecile, feeble-minded person, idiot or insane person, a person who has been afflicted with hereditary insanity, a person who is afflicted with pulmonary tuberculosis in its advanced stages, or a person who is afflicted with any contagious venereal disease, unless the woman is at least forty-five years of age.
Cod-liver oil may be given in all wasting diseases, and is occasionally valuable in cases of chronic rheumatoid arthritis; but its great therapeutic value is in cases of tuberculosis of whatever kind, and notably in pulmonary tuberculosis or consumption.
It is imperative that cream destined for butter-making should be free from pathogenic organisms. The organisms of cholera, typhoid fever and tuberculosis present in butter retain their vitality for a long time.
The health of animals branch, through which are administered the laws relating to the contagious diseases of animals, and the control of quarantine and inspection stations for imported animals, undertakes also valuable experiments on the diseases of farm live-stock, including glanders in horses, tuberculosis in cattle, &c. The policy of slaughtering horses reacting to the mallein test has been successfully initiated by Canada, the returns for 1908 from all parts of the country indicating a considerable decrease from the previous year in the number of horses destroyed and the amount of compensation paid.
Septicaemia, tuberculosis, glanders, fowl-cholera, relapsing fever, and other diseases are now brought definitely within the range of biology, and it is clear that all contagious and infectious diseases are due to the action of bacteria or, in a few cases, to fungi, or to protozoa or other animals.
Pulmonary tuberculosis is usually diagnosed by chest X-ray and/or sputum analysis (microscopy and culture); serological tests are increasingly available.
In Leeds city catchment, the figures for diagnosed Tuberculosis are around 115 cases for the year 2004 (DoH, 2005).
The fever hospitals and the tuberculosis sanatoria have now gone.
Those who could not work just wasted away, they had to be treated as tuberculosis bacilli which could infect a healthy organism.
Culture of tuberculosis bacteria will take 4 to 12 weeks.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections require treatment with combinations of three or four agents for at least six months.
In 1904 the Lanfine Home for tuberculosis sufferers was added.
Badger extermination is not a viable way to control bovine tuberculosis in cattle, researchers in Ireland have decided.
The tragedy of Chopin 's short life was consumption (tuberculosis of the lungs).
Around 21 per cent of the children do not receive vaccinations against both tuberculosis (BCG) and measles.
Because of the side effects of what came to be marketed as heroin, most notably respiratory depression, it was seen as an effective treatment for pneumonia and tuberculosis.
When he was a teenager, he was bedridden for several months with tuberculosis.
The front man for the rock group U2 is also known for his humanitarian work in Africa and has worked to raise money to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
In India, however, TA is more commonly associated with tuberculosis, and the sex ratio is two females for every one male.
Tuberculosis remains an important cause, especially when it occurs outside the lungs.
Skin and other screening tests for diseases such as tuberculosis and examination of blood, urine, and stool are generally indicated.
Secondary amyloidosis occurs in patients suffering from chronic infections or inflammatory diseases such as tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn's disease.
Streptomycin-An antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis.
Chest x rays may help indicate the presence and extent of such infections as pneumonia or tuberculosis.
Rarely, inflammations of the heart or kidneys, a drop in platelet count (causing episodes of difficult-to-control bleeding), or reactivation of an old tuberculosis infection can occur.
Streptococcal and staphylococcal bacteria are the most common causes of lymphadenitis, although viruses, protozoa, rickettsiae, fungi, and the tuberculosis bacillus can also infect the lymph nodes.
Human bites are capable of transmitting a wide range of dangerous diseases, including hepatitis B, syphilis, and tuberculosis.
In addition the uses discussed above, vaccines are available for preventing anthrax, cholera, plague, tuberculosis, and yellow fever.
It is caused by a bacterial microorganism, the tubercle bacillus or Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Chest CT examinations are used to assess complications from infectious diseases, such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, inflammation of the airways, and birth defects.
Medical conditions that preclude vaccination against chickenpox include active, untreated tuberculosis and any other moderate or serious illness.
For example, there are effective treatments for tuberculosis and most bacterial and fungal infections.
Other viruses and tuberculosis infections can cause symptoms similar to those found during the paroxysmal stage.
Tuberculosis is a chronic, infectious disease that primarily attacks the lungs.
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by a bacteria that primarily attacks the lungs.
The bacteria that causes TB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is transmitted by droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported 14,874 cases of tuberculosis in the United States, or 5.1 cases per 100,000 population.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis is a microscopic, rod-shaped bacterium.
Many times TB is not diagnosed and becomes dormant; this is known as initial tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis is nearly always diagnosed by tuberculin skin tests, although one can also be diagnosed by chest x rays and analysis of sputum (matter from the respiratory tract) smears and cultures.
Stopping the spread of tuberculosis is the most effective way of preventing its incidence among children.
Poor nutrition is closely related active tuberculosis; children with adequate nutrition are more resistant to the disease than those who suffer from malnutrition.
Their focus is safe water and sanitation, malaria, clinical services and disaster management, HIV/AIDs, Tuberculosis, STIs and family health.
This drug is often prescribed for tuberculosis, and it's also used against a type of bacteria that causes meningitis.
It was generally used to stop bleeding and heal ulcers or other wounds and to treat tuberculosis and kidney problems.
Perhaps this interest stemmed from the fact that he had lost his wife to tuberculosis, and one of his sons died from injuries sustained in battle.
As tuberculosis, a serious bacterial lung infection, reached epidemic proportions in 1924, the overcrowded structure was expanded into a 400 patient sanatorium.
Once the antibiotic streptomycin was found to cure tuberculosis in 1944, the number of patients afflicted with the illness quickly began to decline.
Ten percent of the net wholesale price of the shoes goes toward a global fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, so you can sport these shoes with pride!
The news sends Matilde back into the arms of Adolfo, creating a triangle that affects Adolfo's marriage to a young woman dying of tuberculosis, Manuel's scheming cousin, and Matilde's unborn child.
Krishnamacharya. Iyengar needed relief from tuberculosis, and practicing yoga opened a new door not only health, but also a life's mission to bring thousands closer to mind, body and spirit wellness and enlightment.
He blamed corsets for tuberculosis, cancer and curvature of the spine and many other illnesses which in fact were due to the prevailing sanitary conditions.
Rent is basically a modernized La Boheme, Puccini's opera about young Parisian artists struggling with poverty and disease - namely, consumption (tuberculosis).
For example, when people suffered from tuberculosis, which was also known as consumption, it was often blamed on fairies.
Of the dry antiseptics iodoform is constantly used in septic or tuberculous wounds, and it appears to have an inhibitory action on Bacillus tuberculosis.
Before the discovery of the bacillus of tubercle, scrofula and tuberculosis were regarded as two distinct diseases, and it was supposed that the scrofulous constitution could be distinguished from the tubercular.
Of such we may cite tuberculosis of the larynx, formerly as incurable as distressing; and "adenoids" - a disease revealed by intrascopic methods - which used grievously to thwart and stifle the growth both of mind and body in children, are now promptly removed, to the infinite advantage of the rising generation.
The institutions under its charge include a Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Davenport; a Soldiers' Home at Marshalltown; a College for the Blind at Vinton; a School for the Deaf at Council Bluffs; an Institution for Feeble-minded Children at Glenwood; an Industrial School for Boys at Eldora; an Industrial School for Girls at Mitchellville; and, at Oakdale, a Sanatorium for the Treatment of Tuberculosis.
There are a Soldiers' and Sailors' Orphans' Home at Knightstown (1868), and a State Soldiers' Home at Lafayette (1896); a School for FeebleMinded Youth (1879), removed from Knightstown to Fort Wayne in 1890; a village for epileptics at New Castle (1907); and a hospital for the treatment of tuberculosis, authorized in 1907, for which a site at Rockville was purchased in 1908.
Tuberculosis is a disease caused by an infection with the bacteria mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Etiology of tuberculosis mycobacterium tuberculosis is an intracellular pathogen.
The city is the seat of the state hospital for tuberculosis, has a fine court-house, a public library, and various manufacturing establishments.
Perhaps no advance in medicine has done so much as the study of tuberculosis to educate the public in the methods and value of research in medical subjects, for the results, and even the methods, of such labours have been brought home not only to patients and their friends, but also to the farmer, the dairyman, the butcher, the public carrier, and, indeed, to every home in the land.
Besides the strictly state institutions, there are a number of private charitable institutions which are assisted by state funds; among these are the eye and ear infirmary at Portland, the Maine state sanatorium at Hebron for the treatment of tuberculosis, and various hospitals, orphanages, &c. The national government has a branch of the national home for disabled volunteer soldiers at Togus, and a marine hospital at Portland.
At the same time in Germany, Robert Koch identified the bacteria that caused tuberculosis and the one that caused cholera.