Tsunami Sentence Examples
We moved to adjacent land with a higher elevation in case there was a tsunami after the earthquake.
The humanitarian crisis of the tsunami is not yet over.
One year on, the relief effort continues to repair the damage caused by the tsunami.
Once, when a Tsunami of blood shot from one victim, the frame-rate decreased dramatically and the controls would not respond correctly.
Paul McCartney - Sir Paul donated a whopping $1.9 million to the southeast Asian 2004 tsunami relief efforts.
These people are from 3 villages affected by the tsunami.
Tsunami Bikinis takes a more adorned approach to micro swim looks, and after seeing the various fringes, sequins and bejeweled styles, you may wonder why more online shopping sites don't.
Coastal Sri Lanka was utterly devastated by the Indian Ocean tsunami.
A huge underwater landslide produced the tsunami in question.
Care should also be taken with the quantification of tsunami magnitude in whatever catalog or theoretical model is used as a basis for analysis.
AdvertisementWhile the tsunami undoubtedly caused much death and devastation in this island nation, only the easternmost islands were affected.
As we have seen with the recent tsunami disaster, when tragedy strikes, its impacts are felt far and wide.
The tsunami took seven hours to cross the Indian ocean which is 4500 km wide.
Glasgow scientists have been examining the tsunami deposits in a bid to more accurately predict future occurrences.
Do you want to have adopted a tsunami orphan away from that culture and deny a mother the chance of re-finding her baby?
AdvertisementTsunami wave run-up was as high as 170 feet above normal tidal levels.
Tickets for the first of the major comedy benefits to aid tsunami victims have gone on sale today.
Ellen DeGeneres sponsored an eBay auction for a car donated by Toyota, raising more than $31,000 in tsunami relief.
We now know that the unprecedented outpouring of billions of dollars for victims of the tsunami has made little impact.
They talked to more than 2,300 people, and what they found should make everyone working in the present tsunami disaster relief think hard.
AdvertisementMany of the tsunami survivors have lost people they love.
They also did some fundraising for the tsunami appeal.
Asia Bus Response is a fine example of the British public's solidarity with the victims of the tsunami catastrophe.
Strangely, Marinatos suggested that tsunami caused the destructive conflagrations.
The swells were not caused by a cyclone or and were not part of a tsunami, the French meteorological service reported Tuesday.
AdvertisementEight staff versus students met for match is expected to take place within the next few weeks, along with other tsunami fundraisers.
I was constantly told amazing - and often heart-rending - personal stories about the tsunami.
TsunamiReady promotes tsunami hazard preparedness as collaboration among federal, state, and local emergency management agencies.
Additionally, tsunami preparedness is important to be able to respond quickly to warnings.
The Tsunami disaster, unlike this act of human savagery, has received a great deal of coverage in the Western press.
Large scale global seismology has helped to identify areas at risk from earthquakes and tsunami.
The leaflets to be distributed to tsunami survivors tell them to prepare for death.
The Indian Ocean tsunami (tho caused by earth tectonics) showed how vulnerable the developing world is to massive natural disasters.
Asia-Pacific growth was stunted at 2.5% in the aftermath of the tsunami tragedy.
The Sonardyne's tsunami system is based on the Company's successful Compatt 5 seabed acoustic transponder.
Children in Sri Lanka will feel the effects of the Asian tsunami for years to come.
In January, students in Jackie Boyd's class at Law Primary School were discussing the devastating tsunami.
The site contains information about the Alaskan earthquake of 1964 which generated a destructive tsunami in Alaska.
The Levels were drained in recent centuries, starting in the 1620s, prompted by disastrous tsunami in 1607.
Here and now, in 2005, the world's poor effectively have to face a silent tsunami each and every month.
But the tranquility of this island paradise was shattered on December 26, 2004, when the giant tsunami swept across the Indian Ocean.
In June 1994, an earthquake in the Indian Ocean off the coast of East Java triggered a tsunami that killed 200.
Any submarine slide that moves comparatively rapidly is likely to generate a tsunami.
Leeds students are also raising funds to rebuild a primary school destroyed by the tsunami on December 26.
One religious entity espoused the idea that God had sent the tsunami to punish the unrighteous - absolute rubbish!
Also, were the effects of the tsunami worsened by the destruction of mangroves?
Before the tsunami we were earning 100 rupees per day.
The Sonardyne 's tsunami system is based on the Company 's successful Compatt 5 seabed acoustic transponder.
The trench digging is the first phase of a program to revitalize farmland destroyed by the tsunami.
In January, students in Jackie Boyd 's class at Law Primary School were discussing the devastating tsunami.
Here and now, in 2005, the world 's poor effectively have to face a silent tsunami each and every month.
Britain 's comedy industry has rushed to respond to the tsunami disaster, with several fundraising gigs already set up.
The full track listing of the tsunami relief comedy DVD has been revealed.
A tsunami wave can begin either way, with a crest or with a trough.
One religious entity espoused the idea that God had sent the tsunami to punish the unrighteous - absolute rubbish !
Find out how her role changed in the wake of the tsunami.
No one wants wynn las vegas of the tsunami.
When there is a hurricane, a tsunami, or an earthquake, it is very well possible that the cell phone towers in the area can be knocked down or damaged.
On a more serious note, Petra is a survivor of the devastating tsunami that struck the Pacific ring in 2004.
Click here for more tsunami special Find out what life is like, one year on, for people who survived the tsunami.
A small group of their people are down in the area worst affected, trying to meet with individuals devastated by the tsunami.
Temporary units for those displaced by the tsunami are still being assembled.
Tsunami appeal All raffle proceeds in excess of £ 160 were donated to the Tsunami appeal.
Click here for more Tsunami special Find out what life is like, one year on, for people who survived the tsunami.
Donating ticket sales from her Most Wanted Tour to the South Asia Tsunami victims.
He autographed a Hogwarts crew t-shirt and sold the item as part of the Tsunami Celebrity Clothes Auction in 2005.
Save the Children, Oxfam and CARE toward the devastating 2004 southeast Asian Tsunami.
Chesney and Zellweger met at a benefit for the South East Asian tsunami relief in 2005.
Perfect for bikini competitions, all of Tsunami's bikinis are designed to do just one thing; keep all eyes squarely focused on you!
She has also performed for a host of prestigious events, including the 2004 Christmas in Washington, multiple events for the Republican Party and a single to benefit victims of the Asian tsunami.
Some of the more popular celebrity auctions in recent years have helped those affected by natural disasters, including Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the Indonesia tsunami in 2004.
The two met while filming a benefit show for victims of the Southeast Asian tsunami and kicked off a whirlwind romance, marrying a few months later in the Caribbean.