Truth Sentence Examples
The truth was so painful.
He spoke the truth, just as her father lied to her.
Any truth is better than make-believe.
To tell the truth, I did it because I was pissed off at him over my losing Annie.
Tell him the truth hurt more than she thought.
Could there be truth to Mary's suspicions.
In truth, destiny is like the web of a black widow.
If anyone could handle the truth, Wynn could.
The whole truth didn't sound nearly as bad as part of the conversation.
What truth would he possess?
AdvertisementThe truth came to her suddenly.
It's the truth only no one will come out and say it.
That is a hard truth, but a truth nonetheless.
He was too hard and cold to offer much in that way, but he spoke the truth softly and then kissed her hungrily.
I was getting very good at evading the truth without actually lying.
AdvertisementMy heart was full of tears, for I love the beautiful truth with my whole heart and mind.
Some perp thinks Youngblood is the real deal; the Psychic Tipster, so he cuts him up like pork roast, gets to the truth, and dumps him.
He was using the truth to hammer down her resistance and his power to seduce her.
And truth is a force for peace.
The volatile truth of our words should continually betray the inadequacy of the residual statement.
AdvertisementThe truth is, I like your companionship - and I'd like my parents to meet one of my best friends.
She means everything so thoroughly that her very quotations, her echoes from what she has read, are in truth original.
The truth was he never fully stopped, because he couldn't.
She soft-peddled her answers, knowing to tell the truth would only upset him further.
Truth be known, he felt a small measure of relief, at least until he opened the mail to a flurry of bills.
AdvertisementThe beautiful truth burst upon my mind--I felt that there were invisible lines stretched between my spirit and the spirits of others.
Then you learned the truth when he talked in his sleep.
The truth is, I know very little about bicycles.
Truth is always in harmony with herself, and is not concerned chiefly to reveal the justice that may consist with wrong-doing.
The truth is not wonderful enough to suit the newspapers; so they enlarge upon it and invent ridiculous embellishments.
The guy had plenty of time to carve the truth out of him.
Julie wants desperately to come back east but Howie wants to talk to Martha and learn the truth before he leaves.
Truth is, I had a pretty wretched childhood.
That's the truth, the real truth, said Timokhin.
Even if she managed to save the souls and win Gabriel, the truth was going to ruin everything.
There was too much truth in them for his comfort.
I have looked into my soul and discovered a hitherto untold truth.
Common sense tells us the obvious is usually where the truth rests and the obvious is either Fitzgerald or someone in the Dawkins family.
For the truth is that scrapping MPH was an utterly shameful decision.
And the truth is after five years of lies and spin they are beginning to look pretty shoddy.
He taught that the Holy spirit was " the Spirit of truth " (John 14.17 ).
Painted in the muted tones of history, Luc Tuymans offers a chilling ultimate truth about humankind.
Amen Am I to suppose that God's Holy Spirit has revealed the truth to you?
What conception of truth is not only coherent and adequate, but also most conducive to inter-faith understanding?
Nothing makes a man so virtuous as belief of the truth.
I cant vouch for the truth of it, but it seems no strange thing, notwithstanding S r.
Miss Sullivan's methods were so good that even without the practical result, any one would recognize the truth of the teacher's ideas.
The episode had a deadening effect on Helen Keller and on Miss Sullivan, who feared that she had allowed the habit of imitation, which has in truth made Miss Keller a writer, to go too far.
If you refuse him on my account, I must tell you the whole truth.
Truth be told, it can take years, but with patience, it can be done.
You should never expect people to tell the truth about their sexual shenanigans.
The interrogation would have been a moment of truth in the case, a symbolic breakthrough after decades in which Pinochet was considered untouchable.
Lying can be by telling a direct untruth or by not telling the complete truth.
No man dared utter a truth to which he felt himself indebted to his Soul alone.
Despite being truth claims, the goal of witnesses ' statements is the attainment of mere verisimilitude or plausibility, not truth.
In truth, the same could be said about the game's visuals.
After great suffering and many wanderings, in truth, I returned home with my riches in the eighth year.
Any conception of truth not relevant to making human life wholesome and good would simply be metaphysical and therefore unedifying.
After having extolled the work of God and proclaimed Him the source of all knowledge, he adds that a great truth is continually flashed on us and proved to us by history, namely, "that this world of nations is the work of man, and its explanation therefore only to be found in the mind of man."
His system enables him to give a profound significance to the doctrines of the Church; but, instead of the system being accommodated to the doctrines, the doctrines - and especially the historical facts - acquire a new sense in the system, and often become only a mythical representation of speculative truth.
As a result the Old Testament (see Bible) remains not only as the larger part of the Christian canon, but, sometimes, in some churches, as obscuring its distinctive truth.
No one has the monopoly on truth.
She said, with great intensity of feeling, "I love the beautiful truth."
There are no opinions here, just the truth, which I 'm sure you'll find refreshing.
What the honest but reticent man says is true, but not the whole truth.
That they also might be sanctified through the truth.
Doubt is the touchstone of truth, it is the acid which eats away the false.
Of course I do not vouch for the truth of such reports.
But the truth is that often we don't see the next big thing coming.
Facing the truth about themselves and the world around them can be devastating.
It's difficult to talk to someone that doesn't tell the truth and will not admit it.
The truth is that there is no single reason it is so popular.
Simply tell the truth about why you're leaving.
Is there any truth to this pregnancy rumor?
As I put two-and-two together, I know that couldn't be the truth.
The first is, learn to trust that what he told you was the truth and forgive his indiscretions.
If you suspect your significant other is fooling around because you notice signs of cheating, various techniques are available that will help you discover the truth.
This is either because he is wrestling with the issue himself or he does not feel safe telling you his truth.
This might be because someone does not feel safe to share or is afraid of how the other person will react if he/she knows the truth.
So would you just tell me the truth, thank you."
The truth is that there is much more to having fun with kids as part of the stay at home mom's life.
There is certainly some truth to wanting what you can't have, so keep this in mind.
If a person isn't happy and is prone to cheating, the truth will come out one way or another.
Are you wondering how to catch a cheating spouse who won't tell you the truth?
After all, you want her to tell you the truth about what she is doing and why.
Truth be told, however, they really shouldn't allow themselves to feel disturbed.
In truth, it's just Pisces trying to avoid been caught and forced to live a lifestyle not of her choosing.
The Sagittarius mind is a sponge, and his inner quest for truth and knowledge is a lifelong one.
In truth, she's emotionally one of the strongest women of the zodiac, but her fluid gentleness deceives Virgo into believing she needs his protection.
What is absent is the slightest shred of belief that what is being said or being written or being thought is the Truth.
The returns are obtained using the in-house built simulator, such that ground truth data is available.
His headache pounded, tangled skeins of explosive truth binding him.
Its cover bears the slogan " The truth is coming.
Tracking down the truth about the " Roswell incident " is like hunting the mythical snark in the Carroll poem.
They were n't snobby and they speak the truth about university in our language.
This faith gives a solemnity to his reveries that render them to me almost as imposing and interesting as truth.
It has no more solidity or truth than a photograph.
He loved the brothers, entertained strangers and worked together with the teachers of the truth for the truth.
A series of investigations into his death has left many questions unanswered and lingering suspicions that the full truth has yet to emerge.
To question these, much less abandon them, seems tantamount to renouncing parents, society, even truth itself.
Truth has become a teardrop in a thunderstorm of propaganda, and unless we act soon, the thunderstorm will drown us all.
Truth to tell, it is hard to imagine an idea more consonant with authentic Thomism.
Thereon is thy kingdom exalted and thy throne is established in mercy, and thou sittest thereon in truth.
The truth of God does not tickle our ears, it boxes them.
But what about a public broadcaster expected to pursue truth, not titillate?
A visit to the Glencoe Visitor Center gives us a chance to discover the real truth behind the tragic massacre of the MacDonalds.
Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them.
Can we get to the truth of a subject, indeed is there an absolute truth to be found?
Teaching creationism as a literal truth is a wrong thing to do.
What is this universal truth that you know but cannot test?
Truth is the same as amen, amen means truthful, fixed and unchanging.
My response was that while in truth the standards set forth might be unachievable, they were not unapproachable.
Whatever may be the truth about these stories, Heraclides seems to have been a versatile and prolific writer on philosophy, mathematics, music, grammar, physics, history and rhetoric. Many of the works attributed to him, however, are probably by one or more persons of the same name.
We shall now give an outline of the experimental evidence for the truth of these laws.
Providence has instilled into the heart of man a sentiment of justice and goodness, of beauty and of truth, that is manifested differently at different times.
A community whose mission it is to teach religious truth, which involves on the part of its members the obligation of belief in this truth, must, if it is not to fail of its object, possess an authority capable of maintaining the faith in its purity, and consequently capable of keeping it free from and condemning errors.
Happy the humorist whose works and life are an illustration of the great moral truth that the sense of humour is the just balance of all the faculties of man, the best security against the pride of knowledge and the conceits of the imagination, the strongest inducement to submit with a wise and pious patience to the vicissitudes of human existence.
In other words, the criterion of truth is a clear and distinct conception, excluding all possibility of doubt.
The leaders of the The Reformation searched the New Testament not only for f o doctrinal truth but also to ascertain the polity of the primitive Church.
Through this unexpected and obscure principle of "dialectic Hegel claimed to fulfil his programme of interpreting everything as manifest necessary truth of ideal relationship. It all must be so and you see it must.
The truth seems to be that his results are in some cases of little importance, in others of questionable correctness, and that, in the abstractions to which he has recourse in order to facilitate his calculations, an essential part of the real conditions of the problem is sometimes omitted.
The doctrines of Sikhism as set forth in the Granth are that it prohibits idolatry, hypocrisy, class exclusiveness, the concremation of widows, the immurement of women, the use of wine and other intoxicants, tobacco-smoking, infanticide, slander and pilgrimages to the sacred rivers and tanks of the Hindus; and it inculcates loyalty, gratitude for all favours received, philanthropy, justice, impartiality, truth, honesty and all the moral and domestic virtues upheld by Christianity.
So far the relativist is on sure ground; but from this truth is developed the paradox that the tree has no objective existence at all and consists entirely of the conscious states of the perceiver.
After this decision the controversies about the Person of Christ degenerated into mere hair-splitting; and the interference of the imperial authority from time to time in the dispute was not conducive to the settlement of the questions in the interests of truth alone.
It is not the business of the court to pronounce upon the absolute truth or falsehood of any given opinion, but simply to say whether it is formally consistent with the legal doctrines of the Church of England.
To ascertain the truth, he had also put to the torture two maid-servants described as deaconesses, but had discovered nothing beyond a perverse and extravagant superstition.
Outwardly the Reformation would seem to have begun when, on the 10th of December 1520, a professor in the university of Wittenberg invited all the friends of evangelical truth among his students to assemble outside the wall at the ninth hour to witness a pious spectacle the burning of the " godless book of the papal ecclesiastical state of which the bishop of Rome was head.
He believed that Christianity had existed from all eternity, and that the Greeks and Romans, sharing in God's truth, would share also in the celestial joys.
The difference between the two theories does not consist in any difference of emphasis on the objective side of knowledge, but in the standard by which the nature of the object is to be tested - the difference is logical not metaphysical - it concerns the definition of truth or falsity in the knowledge of the reality which both admit.
Hot-blooded and somewhat imperious, Basil was also generous and sympathetic. "His zeal for orthodoxy did not blind him to what was good in an opponent; and for the sake of peace and charity he was content to waive the use of orthodox terminology when it could be surrendered without a sacrifice of truth."
There is no notion that may not deceive us; it is impossible to distinguish between false and true impressions; therefore the Stoic 4avravia KaTaMprrud7 (see Stoics) must be given up. There is no criterion of truth.
His purpose, as stated by himself, was to show that in words, even taken singly, "there are boundless stores of moral and historic truth, and no less of passion and imagination laid up" - a truth enforced by a number of most apposite illustrations.
It may be said in general that while Luther insisted that public worship ought to be conducted in a language understood by the people, and that all ideas and actions which were superstitious and obscured the primary truth of the priesthood of all believers should be expurged, he wished to retain as much as possible of the public service of the medieval church.
Strigops and Nestor; but he began by making two great divisions of those that he did know, separating the parrots of the Old World from the parrots of the New, and subdividing each of these divisions into various sections somewhat in accordance with the names they had received in popular language - a practice he followed on many other occasions, for it seems to have been with him a belief that there is more truth in the discrimination of the unlearned than the scientific are apt to allow.
A further task is to estimate the value of this literature as evidence for the history of Israel, to determine, as far as possible, whether such parts of the literature as are contemporary with the time described present correct, or whether in any respect one-sided or biased or otherwise incorrect, descriptions; and again, how far the literature that relates the story of long past periods has drawn upon trustworthy records, and how far it is possible to extract historical truth from traditions (such as those of the Pentateuch) that present, owing to the gradual accretions and modifications of intervening generations, a composite picture of the period described, or from a work such as Chronicles, which narrates the past under the influence of the conception that the institutions and ideas of the present must have been established and current in the past; all this falls under Historical Criticism, which, on its constructive side, must avail itself of all available and well-sifted evidence, whether derived from the Old Testament or elsewhere, for its presentation of the history of Israel - its ultimate purpose.
But the religion of the Old Testament did not become merely individualistic in becoming individual, and now the problem was to realize a new conception of the society of faith, the true Israel, the collective servant of Yahweh - in a word to form the idea of a spiritual commonwealth and to show how it was possible for faith to hold fast, in spite of all seeming contradiction, to the truth that Yahweh had chosen for himself a spiritual people, every member of which was in truth the object of His saving and unfailing love, and which should ultimately in very deed inherit that glory of which the carnal Israel was unworthy.
Though it was meant, as he said, to give expression to a simple piety rather than to exhibit a profound knowledge of religious truth, it was the work of a man who knew little of the child mind, and, though it served as an admirable and transparent epitome of his famous Institutes, it was too long and too minute for the instruction of children.
The simplest explanation is that they represent different traditions, the Gospel narrative being composed with more special reference to prophetic fulfilments, and being probably nearer the truth than the short explanatory note inserted by the author of the Acts (see Bernard, Expositor, June 1904, p. 422 seq.).
But inasmuch as there are many persons, including most makers of school editions, who prudently and modestly desire a better road to truth than their own investigations can discover and think thus to find it, it will not be amiss to observe on the one hand that the concurrence of a succession of editors in a reading is no proof and often no presumption either that their agreement is independent or that their reading is right; and on the other that, though independence may generally be granted to coinciding emendations of different scholars, yet from the general constitution of the human mind it is likely that not a few of these will be coincidences in error rather than in truth.
He also vowed, if he should bear rule himself, to make no violent use of his power, nor outshine those set under him by superior display, to make it his aim to cherish the truth and unmask liars, to be pure from theft and unjust gain, to conceal nothing from his fellow-members, nor to divulge any of their affairs to other men, even at the risk of death, to transmit their doctrines unchanged, and to keep secret the books of the society and the names of the angels.
The confirmation of his appointment was formally opposed on ritualistic grounds by the Protestant Truth Society (see 6.907).
In his nephew's interests he accepted a compromise, disclaimed before parliament the truth of the malicious rumours against him, and was reconciled formally with his opponents.
The truth is probably that the tradition of his wife's adultery and treachery was a genuine part of the Arthurian story, which, neglected for a time, was brought again into prominence by the social conditions of the courts for which the later romances were composed; and it is in this later and conventionalized form that the tale has become familiar to us (see also Lancelot).
Sicily in truth never had a more hopeful champion than Hiero II.
The truth of the new doctrine is proved by accumulated instances of God's working in nature and in history; the objections of opponents, whether advanced in good faith or in jest, are controverted by arguments; but the demonstration is often confused or even weak.
Because truth is a value and vitally valuable, and all meaning depends on its context and its relation to us, there cannot be any abstract "absolute" truth disconnected from all human purposes.
He afterwards retracted his compliance with the adiaphora, and never really swerved from the views set forth in the Loci communes; but he regarded the surrender of more perfect for less perfect forms of truth or of expression as a painful sacrifice rendered to the weakness of erring brethren.
In his Guesses at the Riddle of Existence (1897), he abandons the faith in Christianity expressed in his lecture of 1861 on Historical Progress (where he forecast the speedy reunion of Christendom on the "basis of free conviction"), and writes in a spirit "not of Agnosticism, if Agnosticism imports despair of spiritual truth, but of free and hopeful inquiry, the way for which it is necessary to clear by removing the wreck of that upon which we can found our faith no more."
Immediately on his arrival Anion related his story to Periander, who was at first incredulous, but eventually learned the truth by a stratagem.
That this defect was serious was dimly apprehended even by those who frequented and admired the lectures of the earlier sophists; that it was fatal was clearly seen by Socrates, who, himself commonly regarded as a sophist, emphatically reprehended, not only the taking of fees, which was after all a mere incident, objectionable because it seemed to preclude independence of thought, but also the fundamental disregard of truth which infected every part and every phase of sophistical teaching.
In analytic we work with an ethos different from that of dialectic. We presume truth and not probability or concession, but a true conclusion can follow from false premises, and it is only in the attempt to derive the premises in turn from their grounds that we unmask the deception.
It is the paradox involved in the function of intuition, the acceptance of the psychological characters of clearness and distinctness as warranty of a truth presumed to be trans-subjective, that leads to Descartes's distinctive contribution to the theory of knowledge.
Now, in order to discern this underlying truth in the various and apparently conflicting world creeds, appeal was made to a "Secret Doctrine," and "Esoteric Teaching," which Madame Blavatsky proclaimed had been held for ages as a sacred possession and trust by certain mysterious adepts in occultism, or "Mahatmas," with whom she said she was in psychical as well as in direct physical communication.
The truth becomes revealed to him by the opening of his inner vision, and he learns to see Dharma, the Eternal Law, as it were, face to face.
The excuses and explanations later given by Fremont - military preparations by the Californian authorities, the imminence of their attack, ripening British schemes for the seizure of the province, etc. - made up the stock account of historians until the whole truth came out in 1886 (in Royce's California).
They proclaim either a new revelation, or the return to an ancient truth which has been forgotten or distorted.
Hence Christianity is the absolute religion, because it does not preclude development but necessitates it, so that the Christianity that is to come shall not only retain all that is important in the Christianity of the past and present but shall assimilate new truth.
His unrivalled and various learning, his dialectical expertness, and his massive judgment, rendered him a formidable antagonist; but the respect entertained for him by his opponents was chiefly aroused by his recognized love of truth and superiority to personal considerations.
It seems, then, that if we imagine Homer as a singer in a royal house of the Homeric age, but with more freedom regarding the limits of his subject, and a more tranquil audience than is allowed him in the rapid movement of the Odyssey, we shall probably not be far from the truth.
The path from darkness to light was lost; thought was involved in allegory; the study of nature had been perverted into an inept system of grotesque and pious parablemongering; the pursuit of truth had become a game of wordy dialectics.
The Reformation, inspired by the same energy of resuscitated life as the Renaissance, assisted by the same engines of the printing-press and paper, using the same apparatus of scholarship, criticism, literary skill, being in truth another manifestation of the same world-movement under a diverse form, now posed itself as an irreconcilable antagonist to Renaissance Italy.
But, while the necessities of antagonism to papal Rome made it assume at first the form of narrow and sectarian opposition, it marked in fact a vital struggle of the intellect towards truth and freedom, involving future results of scepticism and rationalistic audacity from which its earlier champions would have shrunk.
He did, indeed, succeed in making Luther admit that there was some truth in the Hussite opinions and declare himself against the pope, but this success only embittered his animosity against his opponents, and from that time his whole efforts were devoted to Luther's overthrow.
It enacts (r) that a writ of habeas corpus shall be issued in vacation time in favour of a person restrained of his liberty otherwise than for some criminal or supposed criminal matter (except persons imprisoned for debt or by civil process); (2) that though the return to the writ be good and sufficient in law, the judge shall examine into the truth of the facts set forth in such return, and if they appear doubtful the prisoner shall be bailed; (3) that the writ shall run to any port, harbour, road, creek or bay on the coast of England, although not within the body of any county.
It would seem that the perception intended to constitute the standard of truth is one which, by producing a mental counterpart of a really existent external thing, enables the percipient, in the very act of sense, to " lay hold of " or apprehend an object in virtue of the presentation or sense impression of it excited in his own mind.
In the protest against the scheme of "judging truth by counting noses," Shaftesbury recognized the danger of the standard which seemed to satisfy many deists; and in almost every respect he has more in common with those who afterwards, in Germany, annihilated the pretensions of complacent rationalism than with the rationalists themselves.
He had believed in the prophecies of a 16th-century shoemaker poet, Bandarra, dealing with the coming of a ruler who would inaugurate an epoch of unparalleled prosperity for the church and for Portugal, and in the Quinto Imperio or Clavis Prophetarum he had endeavoured to prove the truth of his dreams from passages of Scripture.
Those periods which have been dominated by the great masters of style have been less interested in the criticism of the historian's methods of investigation than in the beauty of his rhetoric. The scientific historian, deeply interested in the search for truth, is generally but a poor artist, and his uncoloured picture of the past will never rank in literature beside the splendid distortions which glow in the pages of a Michelet or Macaulay.
From the pages of his teeming note-books he took the material for his lectures, arranging and rearranging it under such titles as Nature, School, Home, Genius, Beauty and Manners, Self-Possession, Duty, The Superlative, Truth, The Anglo-Saxon, The Young American.
As he himself tells us, he was originally a heathen, but was converted to Christianity when advanced in years, and felt called upon to instruct the ignorant in the truth.
God is " all truth, all knowledge, all bliss, boundless, almighty, just, merciful, unbegotten, without a beginning, incomparable, the support and Lord of all, all-pervading, omniscient, imperishable, immortal, eternal, holy, and the cause of the universe; worship is due to him alone.
These elements were old, but scarcely primitive; and the archaic rite of the Key of Truth (see PAULICIANs) is without them.
Others attach little importance to the form in which truth is presented; they are concerned mainly with the principles and methods of scientific criticism, afid specialize in palaeography, diplomatic and sources.
His argument that "the circumstantiality, local knowledge and evidently full recollection of the narratives (in Joshua) give confidence in the truth of their statements" is one which historical criticism in no field would regard as conclusive, and his contention that a redactor would hardly incorporate conflicting traditions in his narrative "if he believed they contradicted it" begs the question and ignores Oriental literature.
In 1874 he became associated with Edmund Yates on the World (see 28.908); but two years later he started Truth as a rival society paper, destined, as he himself said, " to be another and a better World."
His keen intuition of truth, his vigour and yet sobriety of argument, his fertility of illustration and acuteness of sarcasm, made him irresistible to his antagonists; and the evanescent triumphs of scornful controversy have given place to the sedate applause of a long-lived posterity.
What is your sorcery good for if it cannot tell us the truth?
In Persia, when Cyrus the Great was king, boys were taught to tell the truth.
I will endeavor to speak a good word for the truth.
No face which we can give to a matter will stead us so well at last as the truth.
Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.
To Pierre's inquiries as to what he must do and how he should answer, Willarski only replied that brothers more worthy than he would test him and that Pierre had only to tell the truth.
I feel that beyond me and above me there are spirits, and that in this world there is truth.
And I said, "I should have known you had I met you by chance," and I thought to myself, "Am I telling the truth?"
Like Dawkins, Randi is an inspiration to everyone who searches for truth and applies rationalism to solving life 's mysteries.
But if the terminology is arbitrary, we still cannot rationalize away our sense of truth and correctness is this manner.
No doubt, the clever reactionaries of the French bourgeoisie have blurted out the real truth.
Research Interests Truth, foundations of mathematics and science, the scientific realism debate.
We were not allowed to ask - were even rebuked by some for asking - what is God 's truth?
All of a sudden truth becomes recognizable, does n't it?
There has been no process of investigation, no opening of the files, no truth and reconciliation commission.
Tho love does not delight in evil but rather rejoices with the truth.
We live in an age of irrationalism and of relativizing the truth.
As long he did n't try to argue that the Hebrew Scriptures were the truth and the pagan religions were not.
But that 's the simple illustration of what happens when you do n't live the life, you bring reproach on the truth.
The window dressing returns in the middle, but the summary of priorities reveals the truth.
This suggestion is similarly applied to the riot film, in order to question its status as information (as revelation of truth).
Pinnock affirms boldly as a truth of revelation " the universal salvific will of God, " i.e. His desire to save every man.
It must follow that the objective truth and intelligibility, the intrinsic meaning, the salvific significance, of history is also sacramental.
It does not directly attack traditional sanctity of life principles or understandings or cast doubt on their reasonableness or truth.
What they said was " The Truth " were scurrilous lies.
Like the semantics of modal logic, the semantics of relevance logic relativises truth of formulae to worlds.
Their search for the truth will lead them to shadowy realms where very few dare to go.
There is not a shred of truth to Creation Science at all Creation Science is an abhorrent fraud.
The Power of Belief It is a long established truth of football that success and failure are usually separated by the slenderest of margins.
Its cover bears the slogan The truth is coming.
His heart may be smitten with the love of the truth, and his mind be fully fraught with its arguments.
Tracking down the truth about the " Roswell incident " is like hunting the mythical Snark in the Carroll poem.
We experience the relativities of ' truth ' in the last soliloquy of Othello.
When this happens, more often than not, Truth is simply bent over an authoritative knee and soundly spanked into silence.
He taught that the Holy Spirit was " the Spirit of truth " (John 14.17).
Strut braces are nothing new and in truth many are more for show than go.
Questioning Charlie 's grip on sanity, Vincent dismisses the boy 's ranting, until he himself stumbles on the truth.
To see this, we need to make a short digression to consider the truth conditions for subjunctive conditionals.
In fact, any creed that purports to have access to " Truth " can be subverted in this way.
Leslie Stephen avers with truth that the enormous majority of the race has been plunged in superstitions of various kinds.
In truth, the local communities were hardly likely to swoon with delight at the prospect of a localized response to unemployment and poverty.
Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Truth, independent of doctrines or time-honored systems, stands at the threshold of history.
It deals inter alia with the transcultural nature of truth and the transformation of the soul.
Every travesty of the truth is a travesty of the truth.
The BNP 's claims are a complete travesty of the truth.
But hard comparisons raise the issue of the truth of the trichotomy thesis, and it has been challenged in two ways.
The truth is that people living in remote areas such as the highlands and islands are victims of a triple whammy.
Truth stands out clear from error; whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never breaks.
Of course, there is always an element of truth in most rumors !
It will take courage, slog, truth, trust, love and an unbending intent to change.
That reveals an uncomfortable truth about the local Labor Party.
It has only been through the litigation by activists that the truth of these unconstitutional actions has been brought to light.
They called in the Hidden House History team to uncover the truth about their home.
The truth is that even with your understrength side you would have won the match had you held your catches.
Count me not your " enemy because I have told you the truth, " but believe me in unfeigned affection.
There is a near universal truth to awards committees.
Apart from the work of the Holy Spirit there is no welcome for its truth in an unregenerate heart.
Can an untrue story tell the truth about human nature or how we should behave?
The book that tells you the unvarnished truth about teaching.
A rational quest for truth is not for everyone of uppermost importance.
Otherwise we cannot demonstrate the truth or validity of the hypothesis and the theory.
In the things of the world have they rested their trust; they seek Truth in the veil of illusion.
In truth, the first villain of the piece was referee Chris Foy.
They are vindications of the truth of our blessed faith.
In truth, the same could be said about the game 's visuals.
Whatever the truth of the matter, the town council 's petition proved successful and the waterworks company bill was thrown out.
The intuitive thought of conscience is the whispering of the voice of Truth.
May we indeed respond to His desire and ever worship Him in spirit and in truth.
My comment... So what if Bush threw them under the bus when truth about yellowcake uranium from Africa came out.
Many television commercials are full of hyperbole, masking any truth that they might contain.
Don't listen to him, there's not a scintilla of truth in anything he says.
While most parents, and in particular, single parents, have a tendency to sacrifice and put their children first in every situation possible, the truth is, you need to take time to put yourself first as well.
In truth potty training advice is one of the most researched elements of parenting, and wondering whether or not your child is old enough to potty train is an age-old dilemma.
The truth is, toddlers hate to be bored and so are often naturally creating their own games.
World-famous cosmetics giant MAC has a stunning array of eyeshadow colors available, including such interestingly named ones as Sushi Flower, Pink Papillion and Deep Truth.
But this financial pressure sometimes makes landlords embellish the truth and be somewhat evasive.
While this is certainly a trait that many cats have, it is not a universal truth, nor is it an indicator that they do not need proper medical attention and care.
The truth is that cats get stressed just like humans do.
Although most times these cat videos are less gripping than a cat leaping before an eighteen-wheeler, the truth is that many individuals are captivated by the sight of a kitten merely chasing a butterfly.
This montage of feline shenanigans manages to skate the line between humorous and downright shocking, but in truth, most YouTube users will have a difficult time looking away.
This little truth can be very distressing for pet owners who are itching to bring a new cat into a home that is already occupied by other felines.
The truth is that the best vodka martini is the one that you make according to your own tastes.
In truth, however, planning for one's financial success is a step that every savvy consumer should take.
Remember that just because something is online, it certainly doesn't mean it's the absolute truth.
It will then tell you the truth behind your debt and interest payments.
You may think that these companies are run by churches or affiliated religious institutions, but the truth is that they are independent organizations, just like any other company of this type.
The truth is, it's not always easy for a married couple desiring a divorce to come to agreement without some sort of legal intervention or mediator.
In truth, each partner in a marriage needs to communicate his or her needs and expectations to the other.
This bears even more truth for divorce proceedings that carry on far past a reasonable amount of time.
A very good one is at the website connected with Al Gore's award-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, where you can quickly calculate your impact and then check out tips on reducing or offsetting it.
The truth is that solar power systems technicians are available in almost every community across the country, and the cost of solar power systems are becoming more and more affordable.
Jokes about cows passing gas abound but are based on truth, and rice paddies account for 20 percent of methane emissions.
Even if society never learns the truth about climate change, there will be the satisfaction of knowing that the global community did its part to keep the planet healthy for the world's children and grandchildren.
Compulsive liars can even start to believe their lies are truth, which makes admitting their problem difficult.
When people don't feel good about themselves, they stretch the truth or outright lie to make themselves appear better than they believe others perceive them.
This anxiety is relieved when that person lies because he or she is effectively able to rewrite the truth.
By divulging true information in small increments, the person can start a new habit - a habit of telling the truth.
Since many compulsive liars find that lying is an instinct, hypnosis is able to tap into the subconscious to make telling the truth instinctual.
It felt like a weight was lifted off my chest after telling the truth.
Until I realized the truth in that statement, I would probably have smoked for the rest of my natural life.
Sanity is knowing and believing and acting upon the truth that you cannot successfully smoke cigarettes without grave consequences.
The truth is that it hasn't been unproven.
There are many reasons why someone can tell a lie as easily as he or she tells the truth.
If you have a friend or family member that suspects a particular person is not telling the truth most of the time, that is another clue this person may not be as trustworthy as you might have previously thought.
The more proof you find, the more you will begin to believe that person hardly ever tells the truth.
Now that you know this person has a difficult time telling the truth, you can either stay away from him or her, or listen cautiously.
Don't automatically take anything this person says as the truth, and check with others to find out what is right.
Some people may really have unbelievable stories or lives, so make sure to take in all the information you can when trying to decide if what you're being told is honestly the truth.
It may feel difficult not to tell the truth, but at the time, it just seemed like the right thing to do.
People that lie on a regular basis have no remorse or regret when they don't tell the truth.
They go on lying just as easily as telling the truth.
At first, it's easy to take everything a person says as the truth.
Maybe once you read the truth about smoking you'll find the inspiration you need to go smoke free.
With some pathological liars, you can quickly tell they are not telling the truth, but in others, it could take a while before you realize their problem.
The problem with pathological liars is that they have a difficult time telling the truth in therapy, and this can be detrimental to reaching treatment plan goals.
Experienced therapists are able to tell when people are not telling the truth, and they are able to help them realize what they have been doing and how it has affected their life.
This way you won't have to hear him/her fibbing, and your loved one can focus on telling the truth.
Only responding to the truth will reward the person to continue to tell the truth in the future.
When you "catch" the child telling the truth in a situation where he may have been considering lying, praise him for doing the right thing.
Choosing to tell only the truth, no matter who may get hurt, isn't necessarily the best approach.
You can then make a decision you feel good about and tell the person asking the truth.
These people are easily discovered when they try to lie because their body language and vocal fluctuations quickly reveal that they are not telling the truth.
The same is not true for a person who is not telling the truth.
In fact, if one side of the body seems to do one thing while the other side of the body seems to do another, this can be a sign that the person is conflicted as a result of not telling the truth.
The exception to this rule includes people with psychological disorders that either mute remorse over lying or lead the person to believe that the lie is indeed the truth.
It's also common for a person to turn his head away when he talks as an indication he's not telling you the truth and trying to subtly hide it.
The truth is that some addicts can do an excellent job of hiding their addiction for a very long time.
For example, in some states a comforter may be labeled as 100 percent pure down, when in truth, it's only 75 percent down and 25 percent feathers.
In truth, it correlates more to certain period styles than gender, although lace is used for clothing embellishments that are considered strictly feminine.
In truth, though, almost nothing is quite as striking as this classic combination.
I always believe in the end, the truth will come out.
Online features breaking news stories as they unfold as well as gossip from The Hum, The Awful Truth and Planet Gossip.
There was no truth to the death however, and Dalton went down in reality show history as one of the shadiest players ever.
Tabloids around the world recently reported that Angelina Jolie may lose her adopted daughter Zahara, but Zahara's birth mom claims there is no truth to the rumor.
One would expect the rich, famous and privileged among us to be especially generous, but the sad truth is that's not always the case.
The truth is that there isn't always a good reason to neglect leaving a tip.
After losing her job at SNL, Silverman returned to stand-up, landing a few small parts on Seinfeld, Star Trek Voyager and The Naked Truth along the way.
While there wasn't a lot of gossip surrounding her ordeal, there is one website, Truth or Fiction that clarifies a rumor that Crow got cancer after drinking out of water bottles that were left out in the sun.
Don't start fretting just yet super-fans, there has been zero confirmation from Probst or from CBS execs that the rumors have any truth to them.
Producer Christian Colson and director Danny Boyle are also trying to get at the truth, stating they have friends in Bombay that have been trying to get in touch with Rubina's father.
He also went on to say that he despised the things that she said about him and their failed marriage publicly because he does not believe she is telling the truth.
In addition to her television appearances and becoming a mother, Richie wrote a novel in 2005 called The Truth About Diamonds.
You may wonder why anyone would want to create a celeb fake account on a social networking site and the truth is that most people wouldn't.
Bush and also made fun of former Vice President Al Gore's Academy Award-winning film An Inconvenient Truth.
However, red carpet appearances tend to reveal the truth behind the tiniest celebrities in Hollywood.
Camera angles and great publicity agents can hide the truth forever.
In March of 2011, in response to the feud with Lorre, his subsequent firing from CBS and more, Sheen announced a nationwide tour called My Violent Torpedo of Truth, Defeat is Not An Option.
However, the truth is authentic designer clothes for kids can be purchased at amazingly low prices if you know where to look.
Individuals who claim that there is no difference between a ten dollar shirt and a sixty dollar shirt should investigate the manufacturing, tailoring, and composition of the shirts in question to see if such claims hold any truth.
The simple truth of the fashion industry is that most items are marked up considerably.
Truth or dare is the ultimate game for this party; just be sure dares are safe if people are drinking.
Students who choose distance learning may have to grapple with common myths and biases about their courses of study, but the truth is that an online education is equal to on-site learning in almost every way.
In truth, only a handful of distance learning programs still utilize print correspondence.
The truth is that most colleges and universities offer a far wider range of classes and subjects to choose from than high schools do, and the teaching methods are often very different.
Although it's tempting to make your dog's house his castle, that truth of the matter is it's just not practical.
Now I'd like to tell you that I've trained all four of my dogs not to slobber and drip water, but the truth is, God Bless them, watering my boys is the biggest mess.
The truth is, I love to cook for the boys, but I try to cook every four to six weeks and freeze the food/treats.
The truth about the question "What is the best dog food for my dog?" doesn't lie in the name brand as much as it does in the ingredients.
In the Platonic tradition, he argues, truth was understood as something to be unveiled.
Nudity, therefore, accrued metaphorical meanings of truth, authenticity, and innocence.
But the truth is, they are of slight value for our gardens, in view of the far more beautiful hardy plants we have.
In truth, the original English garden style used greater swathes of lawn and naturally occurring features such as boulders and ponds around which trees and shrubs were planted.
Check out there tabs for Within Destruction, Truth of My Perception, Elegy and Confined.
Even though having a great handmade guitar is certainly a luxury that any player would appreciate, the truth is that you can find an appropriate guitar for your needs with almost any budget.
He's a writer who speaks and sings his truth.
The truth is that well maintained wooden windows are often superior to the modern double paned windows as far as energy efficiency.
For Honor, Truth, and Faithfulness are never out of style."
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with truth.
Although most individuals understand that a person's inner character should be how they are judged, the truth is that in the business world, people are judged by their appearance as well as their work ethic.
Moisture-wicking clothing is pleasant, but in truth, any old T-shirt will do as long as it is clean, appropriate and loose fitting.
Who knows, but the truth is, why not investigate it?
Though many men probably don't consider it as a feasible option, the truth is that custom menswear presents a simple solution to a number of issues that typically crop up when shopping for clothes.
Guys like Danny Zuko in Grease and The Fonz in Happy Days popularized the leather jacket among men of their respective eras, but in truth the garment has been popular for decades.
This is possibly where many people first learned of the fedora, but in truth the accessory has been around for decades.
It can be difficult to sort through the hype and find the truth.
The more we are mindful of that truth and make decisions that are both good for us and good for the future, the better off we, the planet, and our future generations will be.
The truth is there are organic options for fertilizer and weed care that can keep your lawn as nice looking as it always was, but without the harsh chemicals.
However, the truth is that organic gardening isn't any more difficult than conventional gardening.
In truth, wool is not like food; food products harbor much more pesticides and fertilizers than fibers.
This is a small example of the way information can be manipulated to suggest a truth, trend, or idea that doesn't hold up under close scrutiny.
You can visit their Green Choices page to start separating the truth from the hype regarding natural and green product claims.
This is the truth that inspired us to start Kopali as a partnership to restore the connection between the food we eat, the farmers who grow it and the planet we all share.
In truth, it can be difficult to track down the pair of jeans you have your sights set on, and it's made no easier by the fact that few web sites or brick and mortar stores cater exclusively to the Blass line.
In truth, this, along with a proper fit, can go a long way in creating a sexy look!
Despite the unpopular notion that women of size should cover up their skin and use lingerie simply for their functional purposes, the favorable truth is that lingerie can - and should - be worn to make a woman of any size feel her sexiest.
The words "little black dress" do tend to conjure up images of parties and other formal social gatherings, but in truth, the black dress can go nearly anywhere.
The truth of the matter is that if the waist is uncomfortable, the shorts will not be worn.
Some plus size women fear that their options are limited, but in truth, more and more designers are branching out and creating swimsuits with flair, style and elegance - in every size.
Fortunately, the truth is that senior sex, while different from the sex you had in your 20s, can still be hugely satisfying and fulfilling.
The truth is that if you take care of your eyes and treat eye disease early through annual, dilated eye exams, seniors can preserve their sight and contribute to their overall health and wellness.
Clichés become clichés because they bear truth.
Remember jokes should be fun, and the best jokes often have a reference to the truth.
It is a belief that these dreams see the truth that is not within reach during wakeful hours.
In truth, they are likely to be effective if you find yourself snoring due to congestion.
Many resent having to wear eyeglasses because they feel that it detracts from their face, but this couldn't be farther from the truth, especially if you select the proper frame.
Truth be told, even if your eyeglasses are incredibly lightweight and fit like a second skin, wearing a pair for a lengthy amount of time can, and often, result in some kind of irritation.
The truth is, they are not the same thing.
The simple truth is, short of having a lens replaced, it is very difficult to get rid of scratches on an eyeglass lens.
In truth, however, these glasses are perforated lenses that are designed to allow only direct, and appropriate, light rays to filter into the eyes.
Prices range quite a bit, so you'll want to shop around, and in truth, with the myriad choices that are available, there's a good chance you'll be glad you did!
The truth of the matter is that criteria and classification for UV protection is not mandatory.
However, a school teacher has evidence to the contrary, and just when she is about to divulge the truth, Damien hands her a cup of coffee.
Truth be told, there are many better games of this format out there.
They seem plausible, but until an official announcement comes from Sony, we have no way of knowing for certain whether there is any truth to these rumors.
Truth be told, the internet has free backgammon oozing out of its metaphorical ears.
Nothing could be further from the truth!
The tiny nugget of almost unrelated truth in these foaming-at-the-mouth rages is that video games have become a very broad form of entertainment.
Because of corrupt officials within the army, Guile was sent to stop Charlie and Chun-Li, and it was then that Charlie informed Guile of the truth.
The journey to discover the truth about Torque's past will not be easy, as you explore the city filled with vicious creatures, dangerous slums, and ghostly visions.
Whether there is any truth to this rumor remains to be seen, but it is clear that finding Wii Fit in stock takes a little bit of effort.
In the starting point of this World of Warcraft game expansion, you will spend time learning about Blood Elf history, and finding out the truth about the tragic fate of the people of Silver moon.
The truth is, no one winery can ever claim to be "the best" at making Pinot Noir.
In truth, all the doll heads are made from porcelain with the following differences.
In truth, a doll can be retired the same year it is released.
The truth is, there are many cellular phone plans out there, and they can all be considered good, as long as they're successfully paired up with what a person needs.
A lie is any deliberate deviation from the truth; it is a falsehood communicated with the intention to mislead or deceive.
Children from age five or six have learned the difference between lies and truth.
Parents who model truth telling and praise honesty will encourage trust in the parent-child relationship.
In truth, they often are more competent at an earlier age than their older siblings because they have had their example to follow.
Parents should tell their child as much of the truth as he or she can understand.
The truth is that while he was born in the Soviet Union, he only studied ballet in Russia.
If a parent has been diagnosed with a terminal illness or lives with a life-threatening condition, their children should be told the truth about the prognosis.
What matters is that it speaks the truth of how you feel about the special person who has left your life.
The truth about color is that the only time it enhances feng shui elements is when the outside of the home is painted a color that matches the sitting direction (not to be confused with facing direction).
The truth is that caring for your hair is as important as looking after your skin.
While there may be anger beneath the surface - or even bubbling way over the surface - of individuals who consider themselves emo, in truth emo may best be described as a cataclysm of feelings that aren't easily explained.
In truth, however, an individual's personality is not dictated by the color of their hair, though someone with a rare red shade may be bolder and more adventurous as they show off their crimson locks.
We've all seen them, some of us have worn them, and the truth is, they look good on no one.
The truth about home schooling is probably a far cry from what people think it is all about.
Instead, give him the tools to follow the map for himself and see the truth for himself.
The truth is that the best choice is the one from which your child benefits the most and enjoys.
While many programs tout their own superiority, the truth is that each individual child is different and will learn phonics differently.
If you are, tell the truth, then focus on what you learned from the experience and how it has made you a better worker.
While most people who think of FedEx as an employer may think about people who deliver packages, the truth is that the company hires for a wide variety of positions.
Telling the truth is the key to success with any job interview.
The Federal Truth in Lending Act can offer you peace of mind when capitalizing on HELOC advantages.
In addition, many lenders require borrowers to sign IRS form 4506T, which allows the lender to actually check the tax returns to ensure that the individual is telling the truth about his or her income.
The truth is that interest rates are incredibly important when it comes to purchasing a home using a mortgage from any lender.
The truth is that it does not take a substantial amount of extra payments to reduce a mortgage, but the more extra payments, the quicker the principal balance is reduced.
The truth is that foreclosure auctions can be tricky to understand and hidden fees can sometimes make your purchase less of a deal.
The truth is probably somewhere in the middle.
But in truth, babies have been conceived through all kinds of positions.
Truth be told, Amazon has one of the largest collections of Calvin Klein styles, including looks that are a bit more difficult to find on other sites like that of the Women's Asymmetrical Twist Swimsuit.
Children's beach toys may seem like a frivolous item, particularly when economic times are tough, but the truth is that they really aren't.
Women who have apple body types may feel that their options are somewhat limited, but this couldn't be further from the truth.
The truth of the matter is, most teenage girls are not built like Hilary Duff; they come in all shapes and sizes.
While it may sound strange, the truth of the matter is that the overall effect is one that is highly seductive!
Truth be told, you probably won't be able to wear this suit on a public beach, but in the private arena, this bikini may be just the thing you're looking for.
Truth be told, the color of the suit alone (a medium denim blue) is a work of art all by itself.
The truth is that chlorine wears many hats while it's in your pool.
However, the truth of the matter is that it is possible to wear this look wrong.
The truth of the matter is that although some of these suits are designed to become transparent when wet, most provide normal coverage under all conditions.
The teardrop bikini, named so for its tear-like shape, is but a scrap of material that, truth be told, hides very little of the wearer's body!
Movies and TV shows make fun of vapid models, but the truth is that it's a demanding, cutthroat business, and you have to be strong and have a really good sense of humor.
In fact, even the best-made suit can have a hard time holding up against the forces of water andenthusiastic play -- and truth be told, sometimes things just break.
If you are wondering who's a good candidate for tankini short sets, the truth is, just about anybody is.
While many people think of poverty and struggle as an issue in other countries, the truth of the matter is an abundance of families struggle to make ends meet right here in the United States.
Fast food, TV dinners and glow-in-the-dark cereal may have token amounts of vitamins added, but truth is most highly processed foods have ruined much of the good stuff by the time it actually ends up on your plate.
This makes it difficult to discover the truth about the product you are researching.
Typically there is little truth in the testimonials.
In truth, it's pretty much on par with calcium carbonate although much more expensive.
One truth of the fashion industry is that although there's an endless parade of designs for women to buy, not everything looks great on every body.
The truth is that fashion goes a long way in the workplace, and several items have withstood the test of time and proven to be office stalwarts.
A functional wardrobe might best be defined as classic, but in truth there are numerous possibilities for trendy, of-the-moment pieces to make an appearance.
In truth, the actual flapper look only lasted about three years, from 1926 to the stock market crash and end of the Jazz Age in 1929.
This is a tough one because so many women love to have a "complete" outfit, but the truth of the matter is, most of the time, it's completely unnecessary.
Though it's tempting to wear a pair of cute ballet flats, the truth is that liquid leggings look better with a pair of teetering, sky-high heels.
Though they seem to be enjoying a fashion "moment" right now, in truth sweater coats have never been completely out of style.
In truth, the only way an infrared or electric space heater could be considered truly green is if it is powered directly by a renewable energy source, like solar or wind power.
The sad truth about air ionizers is that this is one appliance that is constantly under scrutiny and the industry only has itself to blame.
There are a few name brands that rule the field of single cup coffee makers and in truth, it can be difficult to find a bad one in the bunch if it’s made by one of these manufacturers.
They answer trivia questions about the movie, act out a hidden talent or play Truth or Dare as part of their audition to be in the next High School Musical.
Players must be careful how they answer the questions on the cards, or they may be forced to take the lie detector test to expose the truth.
The truth is that for most hobbyist candle makers, all of this science doesn't matter than much.
The truth is, there are not applications for small business grants from the federal government because the federal government doesn't award small business grants.
Many people, however, feel that asking for help is an acknowledgement of a poor relationship, but nothing could be further from the truth.
While some people may be telling the truth, remember that you have no way of being sure.
Tell the truth about your education and employment.
It may be tempting to stretch the truth, but honesty is important in starting a relationship.
If you love sports, that's great, but explain that you love watching tennis, not playing it, if this is the truth.
Although it may be tempting to stretch the truth a bit…or a lot…don't!
Despite all the jokes about how infrequently married couples have sex, the truth is sex is a big part of marriage.
Even though a great gift requires looking beyond the usual items, the truth is your wife or girlfriend is likely expecting flowers, chocolates and a card.
One reason is that your boyfriend might not be telling you the whole truth about his situation because telling you the truth might mean you leave him.
If you believe that you can avoid the pain of ending a relationship by maintaining a friendship, the truth is you can't avoid pain.
The truth is that the opener is the easiest.
The truth is that neither of you knew what the other person was saying, not saying, meant or didn't mean.
If you are just announcing you are gay and coming out of the closet with this truth, it can create some turmoil with family and friends.
At times, I even imagine you struggled with your decision to tell the people who mean so much to you, the truth of who you are.
As people learn the truth, they will look at you and your girlfriend differently and sometimes they will even stare at you - sometimes without realizing it.
Whether he does or does not, the truth is there is no way for you to know or control his activities.
Truth or Dare - This takes that risqué game from your teen years and turns it into a lot more.
If you are asking questions and the person gives you one-word or short answers then it's probably because he or she doesn't want to lie but also doesn't want to tell the truth.
Just be careful not to jump to conclusions because some people may do these things even though they are telling the truth.
Truth or Dare is played between two or more people, with each person taking turns choosing a "truth" or "dare" and then the other person getting to ask a question or choose a stunt.
Some people seem to think it should just happen naturally, but the truth is it can take more attention than that.
The truth is that the ability to own one’s emotions, to be honest with oneself and others and to listen with compassion are great skills for any relationship, mono or poly.
In truth, however, diamonds can be destroyed far more easily than many people imagine.
In truth, average numbers shouldn't mean much at all.
Since ancient times, a sapphire has symbolized sincerity, truth, loyalty, and faithfulness.
In truth, the only time a diamond is fake is if it is passed off as something it isn't, such as pretending that a quartz stone is really a natural diamond.
I am happy to report there is no truth to that at all.
This image couldn't be farther from the truth.
In truth, very few writers make their living as a poetry writer.
The truth is that many designer styles vary surprisingly little from season to season, and only the most discriminating handbag aficionados can usually spot seasonal differences.
With close inspection, these details can immediately tell the truth about a bag's authenticity.
While it's true handbag cost has been greatly inflated by hype and style trends, the truth of the matter is much of the price tag is based around quality.
The truth is that basic leather wallets aren't exactly eye candy to begin with.
Truth be told, camouflage and rhinestones are hardly the most common elements to pair together, but when they do unite, the result is unforgettable.
In truth, most of these bags come in a set range of colors (although it is possible to find some that are fairly unique).
Truth be told, the site puts a stronger emphasis on flowery language and pitches to buy their products than on actual predictions.
It can be confusing when you first learn that you're born on a cusp date, but the truth of the matter is that you're much luckier for it.
The truth of the matter is, Aquarius, without an eclipse and perhaps without Saturn, you may never decide to become serious about marriage.
Truth be told, there aren't any outstanding disadvantages here, and overall, it looks like it would be a fun time!
In truth, to really understand the general characteristics of Libras is to just remember the scales of justice.
The interesting truth is that they require stimulation only through self-discipline and distraction.
If you don't want to hear the truth, never ask Aquarius for an opinion.
This sign reveres the truth, so never lie to Aquarius because you'll never be able to regain that trust once it's broken.
This is all part of the Aquarian innate need for discovering the truth in all matters.
Aquarius is good with facts and data, but only if it helps guide her to a truth and some kind of discovery that will help explain who and what she is and what her life mission is.
Truth be told, astrology aspects are neither "good" nor "bad", they simply exist.
Some people might accuse you of hamming it up, but the truth of the matter is that you're simply being who you truly are, an entertainer.
Arcana means mystery or mysterious, which represents the inner workings of God as the universal truth.