Truman Sentence Examples
It has the Truman Cell that never needs to be replaced and a permanent Helios Shield® that will reduce odors and organic compounds from the air that passes through it.
Actually, this was complete bunkum in the case of The Truman Show a film which said nothing about the modern media.
In this speech Truman promised help to any country fighting a communist takeover.
Truman is making serious allegations that ought to be put to the test.
In April, 1948, President Truman granted executive clemency to Dasch and Burger on condition of deportation.
The secret to its effectiveness is its Truman Cell plates/filter.
The Truman Cell is an electronically-charged series of plates which collect the harmful pollutants floating through the air.
One of the most common complaints is that the Truman Cell needs to be cleaned approximately every week or two and that it must be fully dry before reinserting into the machine.
The Conch House - 625 Truman Ave.; Key West, FL 33040; (305) 293-0020; (800) 207-5806 - This 19th century inn, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, has been restored to its original elegance.
By this time Truman had left with a large entourage for Potsdam.
AdvertisementThe link is to a sound file of Truman's wife saying, " I made macaroni!
By the way did anyone read through that long screed about President Truman above.
The statuary includes two Rogers groups, an original Truman Bartlett plaster statuette, and replicas of Leonard Volk's work.
The statuary includes two Rogers groups, an original Truman Bartlett plaster statuette, and replicas of Leonard Volk 's work.
With sand, palm trees and a stock of deck chairs the Old Truman Brewery has been transformed into a complete beach haven.
AdvertisementTruman invited her to perform in the White House.
It features both the Truman Cell, which does not need replaced, and the Odor Absorber, which does need replaced once a year.
It features the Truman Cell, which is a permanent air filter that should last the life of the device.
Like the Tower Air model, the Proshield features both the Truman Cell, which does not need replaced, and the Odor Absorber, which does need replaced once a year.
The Truman Filter should be removed from the purifier and cleaned with mild soap and water on a frequent basis to prevent the filter from clogging and becoming useless.
AdvertisementThis product also has the Truman Cell filter that does not need replacement.
Because these purifiers have reusable filters, the maintenance costs are low, and the Truman Cell lifetime warranty helps defray costs even further.
They use proprietary Truman Cell technology to capture 95 percent of the microbes and particulates from the air circulating within your home, and then destroys them with using UV technology.
The proprietary Truman Cell electrostatically charges the smaller air particles, and uses dehydration, high-voltage and ionization to kill microbes.Air fresheners, candles and incense only mask the odors in your home.
The Truman Cell should be removed from the purifier and cleaned with mild soap and water on a frequent basis to prevent the filter from clogging and becoming useless.