Trousers Sentence Examples
He stepped into his new trousers, inhaling deeply before buttoning them.
Trousers are form fitted pants made from cotton or wool.
Country Parsis in villages wear a tight-fitting sleeveless bodice, and trousers of coloured cloth.
The zir-jamah, or trousers,i are of cloth among the higher classes, particularly those of the military order, who affect a garment of a tightness approaching that worn by Europeans.
Men wear a long smock of homespun linen, beneath red or blue waistcoats with trousers of white frieze.
He wore a woman's loose gown of frieze, blue trousers, and large torn Hessian boots.
A cotton chemise, and a white manta wrapped in Moorish fashion over head and body, constitute the dress of the women; a cotton shirt and trousers that of the men.
The women of the lower orders have trousers of printed or dyed cotton, and a close waistcoat.
Roman armies began to enter it about 218 B.C. In 121 B.C. the coast from 1 When Cisalpine Gaul became completely Romanized, it was often known as "Gallia Togata," while the Province was distinguished as "Gallia Bracata" (bracae, incorrectly braccae, " trousers"), from the long trousers worn by the inhabitants, and the rest of Gaul as "Gallia Comata," from the inhabitants wearing their hair long.
In Rajputana, Gujarat and the southern Punjab, Mahommedan women sometimes wear a lhenga or ghagra skirt without trousers; in the Sirsa district and parts of Gujarat the ghagra is worn over the trousers.
AdvertisementThe dress of Sikh women does not differ greatly from that of Hindu women; but in the Sirsa district and some other parts she wears the Mahommedan sutan or trousers, under the lhenga or skirt.
Men wear a long linen tunic, leather belt, white woollen trousers and leather gaiters, above Turkish slippers or sandals.
But now the common class of men wear a shirt and trousers; the better class are attired in the European fashion.
There is also the felt coat of the Zir jamah are loose trousers and also drawers worn under the .shaivar, or tight trousers.
Her trousers were black with mud front and back, her pant leg torn, and her left knee bloody.
AdvertisementIt consists of a white felt cap, a long white tunic bound with a red girdle, white linen trousers and opinki, or sandals.
This consists of a loose coat and trousers of silk, wool or other material; the trousers are fastened by a cord round the waist.
They wear long white trousers of early Victorian cut, with frills at the bottom.
Yet if on leaving the table we had been severally taken aside and asked which was the cleverest of the party, we should have been obliged to say ` the man in the green velvet trousers.'" This story is a little lamp that throws much light.
In later art they approach the model of Artemis, wearing a thin dress, girt high for speed; while on the later painted vases their dress is often peculiarly Persian - that is, close-fitting trousers and a high cap called the kidaris.
AdvertisementThe kilt seems to have been commonly worn, especially by soldiers, whose legs were usually bare, but we also hear of tight-fitting trousers extending below the ankles.
Most lads on the street had the backside out of their trousers.
Gasp at his bloated belly, bald head, hunched back and stripy trousers!
Short sleeve shirts, shorts and trousers for men and short sleeve blouses, slacks and skirts are sufficient.
Conrad wears breeches or short trousers with a tunic.
AdvertisementThe Mason drew the shirt back from Pierre's left breast, and stooping down pulled up the left leg of his trousers to above the knee.
Frowning with vexation at the effort necessary to divest himself of his coat and trousers, the prince undressed, sat down heavily on the bed, and appeared to be meditating as he looked contemptuously at his withered yellow legs.
They have a kind of short kilt, stiff, made of black wool, with a band from back to front between the legs; under this they wear short linen trousers, which come a little below the knee, and black woollen leggings with boots.
The trousers are short and of a peculiar cut and material, being coloured many hues in parallel horizontal lines.
The varieties of cut are sharai or canonical, orthodox, which reach to the ankles and fit as close to the leg as European trousers; rumi or ghararedar, which reach to the ankles but are much wider than European trousers (this pattern is much worn by the Shias); and tang or chust, reaching to the ankles, from which to the knee they fit quite close.
The men wore thick corduroy trousers, thick black jackets and black hats, gray flannel shirts, black thick socks and hobnailed boots.
After a while "Uncle" came in, in a Cossack coat, blue trousers, and small top boots.
Even at ten o'clock, when the Rostovs got out of their carriage at the chapel, the sultry air, the shouts of hawkers, the light and gay summer clothes of the crowd, the dusty leaves of the trees on the boulevard, the sounds of the band and the white trousers of a battalion marching to parade, the rattling of wheels on the cobblestones, and the brilliant, hot sunshine were all full of that summer languor, that content and discontent with the present, which is most strongly felt on a bright, hot day in town.
In the porch and in the yard the men whom Petya had armed with swords and daggers, with trousers tucked inside their high boots and with belts and girdles tightened, were taking leave of those remaining behind.
In front, at a weary gallop and using his leather whip, rode an officer, disheveled and drenched, whose trousers had worked up to above his knees.
Trousers were done in blue, made from jean cloth.
From there, you'll find a selection of headwear, outerwear, rainwear, shirts, trousers, skirts, accessories, and more.
He shrugged off the raincoat and stepped out of the wet trousers, using one of his smaller towels to partially dry off before slipping on pajama bottoms and a long-sleeved shirt.
Later that evening, Ethel Rosewater confirmed Cynthia's visit as she was unzipping Dean's trousers.
Certainly, however, in historical times the division holds good, and it is worthy of remark that one of the points about the northern barbarians which struck the ancient Greeks and Romans most forcibly was the fact that they wore trousers.
Ibrahim, the conqueror of Syria, scoffed at the sultan's idea that reform consisted in putting his soldiers into tight trousers and epaulettes."
The Jews of Tunis adopt a special costume, the women wearing gaily coloured vests and close-fitting white trousers.
The chief garments were the coat (roc), the trousers (brec), and the cloak, for which there seem to have been a number of names (lofa, hacele, sciccing, pad, hwitel).
Mussulmans always wear some form of trousers.
The new fashion in vogue amongst the younger generation of Mussulman is called the ikbarah or patalunnuma, which is like the European trousers.
His religion requires the Sikh to carry five articles - kes, the knot of hair on the head; the kanga, a comb; the kard, a knife; the kach, a pair of short trousers peculiar to the Sikh; and the khara, an iron bangle on the wrist.
In towns the sari is not passed between the legs, but hangs in loose folds so as to hide the trousers.
I was faintly amused by her decision to color the pilgrims in bright colors tho, cerise tops and gold trousers!
He is believed to have been wearing a black, zip-up anorak, pale trousers and brown shoes.
Unlike the 1970's trousers however, these are very baggy around the top part of the leg too.
He was wearing is blue hooded top with horizontal stripes, blue trousers, trainers, black gloves and a black balaclava.
On one side of me sat a plump, middle-aged woman in floppy, cotton trousers with a brimming picnic basket between her legs.
Long sleeved georgette tunic tops embellished with embroidery are worn layered over sexy camisoles and elegant wide-legged trousers.
Our range includes waistcoats, bomber jackets, camouflage trousers & camouflage trousers & camouflage & plain t-shirts.
Mithras shakes hands with the king, he wears the Phrygian cap, the Persian trousers, and a cape.
I shall don a green cardigan, wear brown corduroy trousers, puff on a pipe and settle back into a lush leather chair.
Cropped trousers, in bleached denim with a red satin stripe or an array of prints.
All were worn with three-quarter-length trousers, either white cotton or black denim.
John has a red hat and cape, a gray blue doublet with blue cuffs, red trousers and gray stockings.
The trousers fasten with a button and zip and also have a drawstring and buckle straps for further waist size adjustment.
Ladies can wear long dresses or smart trousers with top.
Dark blue trousers tucked into medium brown high gaiters with brown shoes.
Trousers were dark blue with a red side stripe covered by particularly long black gaiters with side buttons.
On reaching the oilcloth he ducked underneath and came out with an older gnome whose beard and trousers were streaked with oil.
Not only have shows been known to refresh the heartstrings of many women, but rumor is they might also include tight leather trousers.
Was wearing a blue shirt, dark blue trousers, brown jacket and carrying a large blue holdall.
The Dress Code Dale's stage dress is always immaculate; dress trousers, jacket & patent leather shoes.
Inside, elderly men with tartan trousers usher you toward a wide selection of major artworks from early Renaissance to late impressionism.
Jackets are slim fitting, straight legs trousers and skinny jeans in dark indigo and dog-tooth check are worn low.
I added dreadlocks and a beard, baggy trousers and boot laces (he was wearing jackboots ).
Today heâs wearing a tweed jacket with leather patches on the elbows and gray trousers from British Home Stores.
Bootcut jeans and trousers are a hard habit to break, because they look so damned good.
I had so many lapel mic transmitters clipped to my belt that as I spoke my trousers kept falling down.
As the slope is regularly lubricated with water, waterproof over trousers and jacket are useful.
He wears a white linen shirt, stripy trousers that may be pjamas, soft leather moccasins at his feet.
Joe needs some new trousers, tho, he was wearing shorts and got stung by nettles!
Noote takes some new trousers, a suit and his winter overcoat.
The new High Summer Collection features ruched tops, provocative beachwear, silk combat trousers and a khaki parka made of delicate parachute silk.
He selected a brown suit with blue pinstripes, scruffy shirt and tie, brown trousers and white plimsolls.
He was wearing a dark pullover and trousers or jeans, and drove a dark car.
Becks, who quit as England captain after their World Cup failure earlier this month, donned a silk shirt and black trousers.
The three walk into a pub and spot Noddy Holder wearing his trademark sideburns and tight trousers.
Shapes are simple and cut to flatter and include sailor trousers and skirts, yoga trousers and ribbed cotton jumpers and cardigans.
Providing a full range of snickers workwear, snickers trousers and snickers clothing.
Satin tops in sophisticated colors are gorgeous teamed with black trousers or a pair of jeans and some sexy stilettos.
These were close-fitting trousers like tights in modern times Highlanders often wore trews, especially in winter.
Both parties have their trousers tucked into their socks?
Others with shirts tucked in tight, thrust into smart trousers, hidden under shiny belt buckles.
Health care assistant - Light blue dress with navy trim or light blue tunic with navy trousers.
Great match for the brushed twill 6 pocket trousers.
Many velvet pieces in rich colors included a red velvet flared hem pinafore dress and red velvet flared trousers.
He wears blue trousers, with a quarter inch red welt down the outside seam.
He was wearing dark trousers and a bright yellow jacket with brown panels.
No distinct latitude can be assigned as a boundary between the two forms, from the simple fact that where migration in comparatively recent times has taken place a natural conservatism has prevented the more familiar garb from being discarded; at the same time the two forms can often be seen within the limits of the same country; as, for instance, in China, where the women of Shanghai commonly wear trousers, those of Hong-Kong skirts.
The foot-gear in the tropics was the sandal, and, passing northward, the moccasin, becoming the long boot in the Arctic. Trousers and the blouse were known only among the Eskimo, and it is difficult to say how much these have been modified by contact.
Those who retain native costume wear a very full pair of silk trousers, bright colored stockings (usually pink), and a close-fitting vest with hanging sleeves and kirts, open down the front and at the sides, and long enough to turn up and fasten into the girdle, which is generally a cashmere shawl; a cloth jacket, richly embroidered with gold, and having short sleeves, is commonly worn over the vest.
These pull-on trousers should be a staple of every cloth bottomed baby wardrobe !
These trousers feel very soft and comfortable, they will be cool to wear yet are rugged enough to withstand hard wear and tear.
He was an intense man, with his shirt buttoned to his scrawny neck, the creases in his trousers like knives.
I think I'll go sit in a quiet corner in my seersucker trousers and nurse my injured literary pride for a little while.
The Goanese wear a blue and white striped jacket with silver P & 0 buttons and blue serge trousers.
Meanwhile, at the younger end of the market, skinny trousers, preferably black, are going to be everywhere.
Oh, and come autumn, you might want to ditch your skinny denim jeans for skintight leather trousers.
I washed, and dressed in cord trousers, a long sleeved t-shirt and a silk shirt.
Slouchy trousers and dropped waist dresses with a hint of sparkle.
Providing a full range of Snickers workwear, snickers trousers and snickers clothing.
Not wanting to run in the sodden trousers from the day before I was reduced to wearing just waterproof ones.
Now it implies tattooed men with perms and spandex trousers making a horrible din.
The trousers have an elasticated waist, two access pockets and press stud fastening ankles.
The man was wearing matching black tracksuit trousers with green stripes on the outside of each leg.
As well as the normal set of kit for racing and training we were given tracksuit jackets and trousers to wear to races.
Costumes are simple trousers and tunic tops in velvet and jersey fabrics that create an elegant line on the dancers ' bodies.
So out came the soft brown tweed trousers, matching handbag and shoes, and back went the jeans and trainers.
Silk scarves and suit covers are a select part of the Austin Reed collection which also includes check shirt and brushed twill trousers.
I presume that you measure around the point where the waistband of the trousers will naturally sit.
Whitewash liberally decorated coat free game online word Generator - Computing and trousers.
In my religion I cannot wear short tops, short skirts, or trousers and tops.
You can also choose double pleated trousers to further this effect.
On that note, you'll find chic white jeans, a colorful one shoulder bow top and wide legged trousers.
Guys can sport a cable cardi with trousers and athletic shoes for an all-American, always appealing, conservative look.
Western Tuxedo - This style features a long coat with three buttons, trousers with pockets, a matching vest, a long skinny tie, and a long 1803 shirt.
Jeans or Dickies trousers, studded belts and Converse high-tops round out the look, which can often be finished with a fitted hat.
The cotton wide-leg pants are similar to the "sailor" variety that became popular when young ladies first began wearing trousers.
If you're considering buying boys' Easter suits this year, it's likely a foregone conclusion that your son will be wearing a coat and pair of trousers, which are sold in all colors and in nearly every store months before the holiday.
Traditionally, boys love to stuff things in their pockets, so why not give them trousers with serious pockets that they can fill to their hearts' delight without any worry that the pockets will tear?
They have a great vintage appeal that can easily be paired with plain trousers or jeans, plus saddle shoes or even bowling shoes for an interesting look.
Pair it with either a navy or beige skort with pleats and a built-in belt that can tie in a front bow, or tomboy-fit trousers.
Boys wore short pants - it was a mark of distinction to graduate to longer trousers.
Length of sleeves and trousers are crucial to a smart look.
While the trend for boys has been to wear trousers as low as they dare, for a suit to be as lengthening and slimming as it can be, the trousers should be worn above the hips.
You can repeat this look for both toddler boys and girls with carpi length trousers and striped socks.
The sheath is part of a whole ensemble of dress that can range from body painting and bead necklaces to shirt and trousers.
Skinny tie - Paired with a slim-cut dress shirt and contemporary trousers or denim, the skinny tie can add a fresh, but funky and 80s-inspired vibe to your look.
It's all in the trousers, actually, which is where Corbin started out (tuxes came later).
For trousers, you have your pick between pleated and non-pleated versions.
They first started out as a "trousers only" company in 1947 under Nathanial Corbin.
The trousers, though, are still what they're known for, thanks to an excellent fit.
They have the Notch and Shawl designs as listed above, both available with pleated or non-pleated trousers.
Coats run between $350 and $400, and expect to pay about $167 for the trousers.
You might never find yourself pulling on another pair of tuxedo trousers again.
The long coat comes with triple-pleat, full-fashioned trousers.
A stylish belt will make you look hip while keeping your trousers on your hips, and what's better than that?
The good news is that, if you want a set matching the shirt, jacket, vest and trousers, you can always go to a good tailor have something custom designed for you.
There is also the Baron Boutique, a United Kingdom based online tailor that makes a range of excellent silk jackets, shirts and trousers.
Amazon carries "Xtreme" shorts from ASI, to wear under other shorts or trousers.
Nothing looks worse than a patch of skin between a sock and trousers.
Make sure your trousers are the correct length and wear dark socks that come up mid-calf and don't slide down.
Casual dress code is a button-down shirt that is lightweight and crisp and a nice pair of trousers such as Dockers.
A collared shirt, trousers and a jacket or sports coat satisfies this look.
Even when styles changed more regularly, a man might simply bring his suit back to his tailor and have some changes made so that the same jacket and trousers might be worn a few more seasons and yet look as stylish as ever.
Many men will opt only for a jacket, or just a simple design for the jacket and trousers, so as to get the overall effect without spending quite as much money.
There is no adornment, just the word "navy" in all caps on the jacket and trousers.
Navy warm-up jackets and trousers are made of 100% Taslon nylon and have a micro-mesh lining.
The trousers are also 100% Taslon nylon and are lined in poly-cotton jersey for softness and warmth, as well as some moisture wicking.
Black tie attire consists of a black dinner jacket and trousers.
Marled cotton jersey made its way into formalwear and suiting as drawstring and elastic-waisted trousers with baggy athletic cuts gave an easy sporty strut.
Slightly cropped trousers and cuffed denim expose bare ankle while shorts become tastefully shorter.
If you purchase trousers straight off the rack and wear them right away, you might have found your biggest problem.
If your hemline touches the ground and "drags," you might find that the leg of your trousers gets wrinkled and rumpled.
In general, your shirt selections should fall about where your crotch is when untucked, for a proper fit when tucked into trousers.
Instead of wearing your trousers pulled up high, wear them slightly below your natural waist.
Examples include the iconic Fair Isle sweater, popularized by the Duke of Windsor and golfers alike, and the white V-neck sweater and trousers worn by tennis players like Bill Tilden.
The shape of trousers also changed during this period.
For example, paired with smart trousers and a button down top, it transforms the outfit into something of a relaxed suit.
The men's trousers selection is full of punk and bondage pants covered in the classic plaid print.
White socks are certainly acceptable when they are worn with athletic shoes, but don't make the mistake of pairing them with a pair of crisp trousers and sleek dress shoes!
Skip things like chinos, khakis, pressed trousers and anything overtly preppy or polished.
It wears just as well with a crisp coat and trousers as it does with jeans and a sweater.
Standing in front of your packed closet, aimlessly grabbing the nearest pair of trousers and matching top and slipping into a pair of dress shoes is your early morning ritual.
You repeat the process on weekends, replacing trousers with jeans and dress shirts with t-shirts or polo shirts.
The more common snappy casual look features khakis or corduroy trousers, a collared shirt and shoes in good condition.
For example, a striped shirt in strong colors works well over black jeans or dark trousers with a coordinating belt.
Whereas all men's trousers were once knee-length, now only little boys wore knickers or breeches, although a man might still wear them for riding.
No man would consider himself dressed unless he was wearing trousers, a waistcoat over his shirt and a coat.
The cuts of coats changed over the decades, as did the width of trousers, but the basics were always the same.
It was only towards the end of the era that wool and cotton became more common for daywear and waistcoats began to match the jacket and trousers.
Trousers were worn fairly high on the waist and flat-fronted.
If your office is very conservative normally, business casual on Fridays or various days of the week may be a button-up shirt, tie, and trousers.
In offices where a suit is worn almost every day, a button-up, trousers, and tie are considered business casual.
They look right at home tucked into a pair of crisp trousers, paired with jeans (preferably untucked for a more casual look) and tucked into long shorts, as on the golf course.
Wear a leather sport coat with a button-up shirt (or even a T shirt) and jeans or trousers to look instantly well put together and ready for a sophisticated night out.
You can choose from a number of Harris Tweed sport coats from the official web site, as well as waistcoats, trousers, overcoats, plus-fours, hats and suits.
Country Life jacket, which has a rear vent, horn buttons and can be part of a suit with a matching waistcoat, trousers and cap.
Consider, for example, a business suit or a pair of trousers.
In some weather, galoshes may be appropriate, but most men prefer to wear waterproof shoes under their trousers, as it looks much less silly.
In some circumstances, they can even look right at home with a pair of trousers!
Throughout the century, men's daily wear consisted of a shirt, breeches or trousers, a waistcoat and a coat.
By 1825, however, these had given way to long trousers.
Trousers were light colored for day wear, while dark trousers with a matching tail coat were appropriate for evening.
In the 1870s, the standard suit items began to be designed as one three-piece suit, with waistcoats cut of the same cloth as the coat and trousers.
It was during the 1880s that formal wear changed from always being a tail coat and trousers with a dark waistcoat to the dinner jacket or tuxedo.
The online Slaters store includes a wide variety of clothing, from fine formal wear through casual trousers, accessories, and gifts.
Nothing says golf like checked shorts or trousers.
Towards the end of the 15th century, men began to wear trousers.
Styles include trousers, cropped pants and ponte pants.
Traditionally, the special occasion plus size suit combines a jacket and skirt, although trousers can be substituted.
When trousers are worn, it's common to pair them with fancy high heels and a little more jewelry to look more feminine.
There are those who say that plus size women should stay away from low-rise jeans and trousers because they are unflattering, thus rendering low-rise plus size string bikini panties moot.
Perfect to cinch a pair of trousers, break up a monochromatic dress, wrap around a thin cardigan or wear with jeans, thin belts have plenty of leverage and work well in a variety of situations.
A belt instantly alters a woman's silhouette; it can create a waist where there is none, lend a shift dress an empire-style cut or simply cinch tight a pair of too-loose trousers.
With their partial elastic waist, these jeans pull right on and fall cleanly, much like a comfortable pair of trousers.
Where plus sized 60s and 70s clothing can fail a woman is with the short waisted suits of the later 1960s and higher waisted trousers in the 1970s.
Even the often-laughed at bell-bottom trousers can look great when chosen carefully.
As the name suggests, trouser socks are best worn with trousers.
Women can rest assured that there are no visible panty lines showing through their dresses or trousers, nor can anyone detect that there's a shaping garment underneath!
If your mission is to find a comfortable, wear-everywhere sweater that sees you from shopping trips to park visits with the kids, focus on casual looks that wear well with jeans and loose trousers.
Tunics are often great alternatives to dresses, and long styles look especially elegant when worn with flowing trousers in a similar color and a pair of low-profile heels.
Just like a well-worn pair of jeans, a classic white dress shirt or a pair of polished black trousers, a denim jacket is one of those garments that can do no wrong.
A dark rinse denim jacket looks right at home with a pair of smart trousers and a crisp white blouse.
Most capri sets will have a long top to go with the classic short trousers.
The trousers feature a 23-inch inseam and a drawstring waist for perfect comfort and adjustable fit.
The trousers have an elastic waist and side slits.
Of course, the darker the color, the more likely it is to resemble an actual pair of trousers.
If possible, pay a visit to the store to try the garment on first; you may need to do a few "test tries" before settling on the perfect pair of trousers.
Trousers come in different colors and often coordinate with pantsuits or other outfits.
Factory workers tended to wear trousers and overalls, but denim jumpers were worn by many women for other jobs, including housework and gardening.
The Shrek Deluxe costume comes with a plastic front-face Shrek mask, a shirt with an attached vest, yellow plaid trousers and a waist sash.
The combination of a light top and a pair of sharp trousers in the same color is undeniably appealing.
These genius foundation pieces instantly take pounds off the body, smooth out unsightly bulges and make anything look better - even a pair of trousers.
If those are your legs, choose slimmer trousers and knee-length skirts.
While they mostly offer dresses – many of which can be worn to the office and then dressed up for the evening – they also offer separates such as fitted tunics, skirts, trousers and jackets.
Other men prefer a more stylish, decidedly adult look, and want to mix collared shirts with khakis or dark trousers, or even light untailored suits.
But, hitting 60 doesn't mean it's time for a pastel polo shirt tucked into pleated trousers, either.
The injection is given in the outer thigh and can be administered through light fabric such as trousers, skirts, or stockings.
If possible the child should wear long sleeves, long trousers, and shoes when out of doors.
During a recent afternoon walk with her dog, a pregnant Gwen Stefani showed off her baby bump in a trendy wraparound dress and trousers combination.
You'll love the Maternity Cargo Trousers for $128 or the Black Split Leg Pants for $89.95.
Belly Dance Maternity has items by Cadeau, including wool trousers, a blazer, and a skirt.
Whereas many contemporary clothing items are practically unisex, such as trousers and t-shirts, swimwear is designed in such a way that it accommodates the differences between male and female.
Bloomer and trousers were replaced with dark stockings, setting the stage for bigger changes to come.
Trousers became a suit choice in the 1970s, allowing women to finally look professional without having to wear garters and stockings, or even hose.
Well-structured jackets and perfectly fitted trousers or skirts will always indicate you are a professional.
Every woman should have at least one pair of crisp black trousers in her wardrobe.
Although petite women are often warned away from cuffed trousers, when the cuff is the same color as the slacks, the look can work.
It's not just enough to have a blazer and pair of trousers anymore.
A smart pair of tailored trousers in a neutral shade will serve you well for years.
Since it works so well with everything from black trousers to denim skirts, feel free to select a splashier color, like blue or green.
It is better to wear trousers to work than khaki pants, however, it really does depends on your line of employment.
This group of eight smart, well-constructed pieces consists of tailored jeans and trousers with flawless silhouettes.
For hunting trousers, it's slightly more difficult to find female-friendly hunting clothing.
Another option is layering leggings and men's trousers, like a pair of knee pad leggings with a pair of looser camouflage drawstring pants.
Hunt down more daring styles at Ssense, which include peg-leg denim trousers, strappy overalls with more modern cuts, and halter-top style overalls with a low cut front.
Pair it with a pair of solid pants in a matching color - for example, an off the shoulder zebra-print peasant top would pair beautifully with a pair of crisp black trousers.
Very few skirts, tops or trousers are cut in such a way as to be obviously out of date a few years later, so if you have an outfit you love, much like a classic little black dress, you can wear it for years.
Most women who opt for trousers in formal wear will pair them with a matching jacket and contrasting blouse or sweater.
The basic elegant evening pantsuit comprises well-cut trousers and a matching jacket.
The trousers themselves can be as wide or loose as makes you comfortable.
As with any pair of trousers, you want to be very sure of the fit through the hips and seat, and you want to check the length.
Shoes are key, even if the trousers are long enough that they won't readily be seen.
If you are not confident in heels, you can opt for a chunky heel, which looks much better with trousers than it does a dress.
A vibrant blouse in a shade like fuchsia, emerald or cobalt blue, for example, is stunning with sleek gray trousers or a black pencil skirt.
A man might wear a top hat, flared trousers and a matching vest over a shiny, puffy-sleeved shirt and platform shoes.
Many suits come with both skirts and trousers.
You can buy a few separate jackets to wear over the same skirts and trousers.
These styles are especially flattering on women with slender figures, and look great paired with sleek black trousers.
They look phenomenal paired with sleek trousers or jeans in white.
Select a halter top with a light pattern of black-and-white flowers to pair with a black skirt or black trousers.
Leave the halter untucked at the waist for a full flash of color, particularly if you are wearing a slim skirt or trousers.
These tops can be pulled over the waistband of your trousers or skirts to stay put, so you won't need to worry about having your top shimmy up.
When the coldest temps hit, layer the sweater dress with skinny jeans or skinny dark trousers.
In spring, this sweater looks wonderful with floral skirts, and later, it will look stunning with wide-legged trousers or shorts.
Other good choices are trousers made from menswear fabric; combine these with blouses or shells for a casual look.
The black and nude color palette would be lovely with a pair of black or grey trousers for an evening out.
Less brazen, yet far more brow-raising in their presence than everyday jeans and neutral trousers, were the bright pants in shades of fuchsia, blue and mustard.
You can trick the look with a black corset top, black leather trousers and boots, long black gloves, a choker and a scary mass of curly dark hair.
To be a nobleman, you need a good ruffled linen poet shirt, a velvet doublet, embroidered velvet slops (the baggy trousers that are usually cut to mid-thigh), good hose, boots and a jeweled hat.
The clothes are comfortable, with women's skirts being long and full and men's trousers baggy, and shirts loose.
Men also tuck their trousers into knee-high boots which are very thick to suit the nomadic life.
Trousers are fitted and tailored, usually black, and may have a festive trim in a bright color.
If you have a basic pair of fitted trousers in a color such as black, these can be worn as part of your costume without needing to purchase a special pair.
These include a muumuu for women and a Hawaiian shirt and loose trousers for men.
She wore leather trousers, boots and a very tight corset and had short red hair.
An open-neck, puffy shirt with ruffles, a weathered frock coat, belt for one's sword, snug trousers, knee-high boots and a tri-cornered hat are de rigueur.
A woman might also opt for trousers, which the pirate queen Anne Bonny was said to wear.
An adult's shirt or jacket, maybe with a loose tie, worn over baggy trousers.
Men wear long trousers, frock coats, high-necked shirt, waistcoat and top hat.
Men dress similarly to the women in fitted trousers and loose shirts with lots of stretch in them.
A bright colored light vest over a white shirt or the traditional Travolta black shirt tucked into white trousers will also work.
Therefore, her focus on blazers, trousers, and clothing designed for the needs of modern women became an immediate hit in the United States.
When it was noticed that boys' and men's pockets were wearing through more quickly than the rest of the trousers, thanks to the weight of the change they carried around, a little purse was devised that lies flat when empty.
Jeans and a t-shirt, sweater and a skirt, suits, or trousers and a button-up--anything goes!
These really are the shoes of the season, and look fabulous worn in the style of their namesake, Audrey Hepburn, with black cropped trousers, pencil skirts or city shorts.
Knee high boots will complement just about anything you've got in your closet -- khakis, trousers, casual suits, blue jeans, gauchos, skirts and dresses.
A pair of pointy-toed red stilettos peeping out of the bottom of black trousers can be a great look for work, and red shoes are a good way to add interest to an otherwise dull suit or dress.
The people in that region wore pants similar to the riding trousers used today, thus they continue to carry the name, as do the boots frequently worn with them.
Both are great with trousers, capris or gauchos, but because they treat the ankle and arch so gracefully, they create the impression of suppleness and litheness without heel height.
Wide-legged trousers flatter wedge shoe choices, because they make your legs look much longer.
We love to see trousers with a skinny look paired with something structured and shapely, because it adds both interest and general appeal to your look.
Likewise, a lower heel will work with any skirt as well as trousers.
The design means that the boot can be worn with jeans or work trousers, but also as part of a dressier ensemble, with tights or without.
This exceptionally classic style is a no-frills, fuss-free shoe that looks great with a pantsuit or a pair of crisp trousers and a twinset.
It can be worn well with either jeans, good trousers or skirts.
If you plan to wear boots with trousers or jeans, snug fitting ankle boots give the most flattering silhouette.
They work well with a variety of items such as jeans, trousers and shorts.
Alternatively, you can also pair them with a pair of wide-legged men's trousers for a great casual brunch look, or pair them with jeans for an easy-breezy, Sunday in-the-park afternoon.
These nylons look great with skirts and dresses, but will be lost under trousers.
Once trousers became full length, men switched from hose to silk socks, held up by garters.
The adult and kid-size pajamas consist of long-sleeved button-down shirts and long trousers.
And if a man is wearing close fitting trousers, or trousers made of wool that has some roughness, the longer boxers will prevent chafing and itching.
Most of these can be worn as underwear, guaranteeing an extra thrill when the trousers come off.
A bodysuit looks so cool with wide-legged trousers and other businesslike selections, and you'll be hard-pressed to find a style that makes you look any slimmer or sleeker.
Check out Urban Outfitters for funky bodysuits and body stockings that can be worn with your choice of jeans, leggings, or trousers.
Pair this look with slim-fit black trousers, and you're ready for cocktails after work.
Some people simply use sweatpants, others use cotton yoga pants or similar athletic wear, but really the best and most authentic way to outfit your trousers is the same as the top - purchasing a gi from an online source.
They were held closed with a button top flap, but because they weren't waterproofed, grease from rations often soaked through them and stained the soldier's trousers.
During that assault, a number of Union troops battled wearing trousers and gray coats which took on the appearance of many Confederate styles.
Wool trousers were issued to soldiers to be worn under or over socks.
Additionally, suspenders were necessary to keep trousers up and on the body.
The campaign hat was changed to an overseas field cap in 1943 and the knickers were replaced with trousers.
The trousers worn by the Union soldier were done in a lighter blue than the jackets.
When a soldier needed a new jacket or pair of trousers, it was not uncommon for them to take one of a causality of the North.
While the Union uniform coats were dark blue, the trousers for NCOs were a sky-blue color.
Sky blue wool trousers - Trousers could be worn tucked into socks, over socks or even rolled up.
A stripe of color running on the outside leg of the trousers indicated the soldier's branch of service.
For example, the shield worn on the new US Coast Guard uniforms will be displayed on the shirt pocket and the back flap of the trousers.
Many pilots who buy stock uniforms have alterations made to the length of the trousers and jacket sleeves for a better fit.
The male uniform includes high rise trousers and the female uniform includes a blue formal skirt.
More pockets - Changes to the combat utility uniform include pockets inside the sleeves and trousers.
Italian National Police uniforms include a blue uniform jacket and gray trousers marked with a thin purple stripe.
Women and men who hold this type of USPS job can choose blue or gray pleated trousers.
Trousers were basic, creased along the front, without any cargo pockets on the sides.
The current Boy Scout uniform consists of a tan shirt with dark green shoulder loops and dark khaki-green trousers.
The trousers feature zip-off legs, replacing both long pants and shorts.
As the length of the new zipped-off trousers is quite long, falling below the knee on most members, the shorts are reminiscent of pre-1943 Boy Scout uniforms when knickers were the standard uniform wear.
There was piping down the legs of the trousers.
There were also still some leftover elements from the cavalry days, especially in the fit and cut of the trousers, which were high-waisted (by contemporary standards) with baggy upper legs and tight-laced lower-legs.
The pants are an olive drab in color, long trousers with a high waist that are held up with a thick brown leather belt.
The modern Army service uniform includes a coat and low waist trousers for men.
The Class A ASU includes trousers, skirt or slacks and either the long sleeve or short sleeve white shirt.
The Class B ASU features the trousers, slacks or skirt as well as a short or long sleeve shirt.
Find everything from shirts and trousers to rainwear and shoes.
It is worn with white trousers and shoes.
Women wear a uniform consisting of a white coat and either a skirt or trousers.
Both men and women wear trousers, but women can wear the appropriate color skirt instead.
The Working Uniform consists of a shirt and trousers with multiple pockets and a multi-colored digital print.
The uniform also features a white barracks cover, sky blue trousers and a plain white button-down shirt.
Women can wear pumps instead of the shoes and may wear a blue skirt instead of trousers.
For example, officers, NCOs and SNCOs have trousers with a "blood stripe" down the seam of the outer leg on the blue trousers.
He snatched her hands and pinned them above her head with one hand, settling his weight atop her as he reached down to undo the buttons of his trousers.
His high-water trousers exposed black silk socks with little ladders up the sides, held in place with garters, something Dean hadn't seen in decades.
The charcoal gray trousers made the most of his lean torso.
Thus at Ozieri the men wear ordinary jackets and trousers with a velvet waistcoat; the shepherds of the Sulcis wear short black trousers without kilt and heavy black sheepskin coats, and the two rows of waistcoat buttons are generally silver or copper coins.
The Malays wear a loose coat and trousers, and a cap or headkerchief, but the characteristic item of their costume is the sarong, a silk or cotton cloth about two yards long by a yard and a quarter wide, the ends of which are sewn together, a forming a kind of skirt.