Trillion Sentence Examples
In 2009, pi was calculated to more than two trillion digits—in less than thirty hours.
At the moment there is a net debt of three trillion dollars.
In 2011, the country had 1.9 trillion dollars in exports and 1.7 trillion in imports representing annual growth of between 18.4 and 19.5 percent.
Humans can smell hydrogen sulfide gas, the smell of rotten cabbage, in the parts per trillion range.
The government has well over a trillion pounds of transactions flowing through its central exchequer accounts each year.
The system's basics to hit trillion the media mogul time spent at.
China's GDP reached 18.23 trillion yuan in 2005, an increase of 9.9 percent over the previous year.
But in 1.2 Trillion years only some of the implant pattern and mock up had shifted.
More importantly, they estimate 112 trillion yen worth of damage will be caused.
China 's GDP reached 18.23 trillion yuan in 2005, an increase of 9.9 percent over the previous year.
AdvertisementIn the willingness to have the heart be broken a million, trillion, zillion times, true love is revealed.
It's issued by HSBC Bank, one of the largest banking firms in the world with more than $1.5 trillion in assets.
The Forex (which stands for "Foreign Exchange") market can see trades of almost two trillion dollars on any given day.
Total spending in 2004 for health care was $1.9 trillion, which was 16 percent of the United States' gross national product.
We're talking single digit parts per TRILLION.
AdvertisementThe Trillion or Trilliant cut is a wedge shaped diamond with three corners.
Since that time, it has grown to having $2.4 trillion of life reinsurance currently in force.
Revenues from E-commerce surpassed one trillion dollars.
In 2007, Google researchers estimated there were one hundred trillion words on the Internet.
According to Portio Research7.8 trillion SMS messages were sent in 2011, and it is expected that 2012's number will come in at ten trillion.
AdvertisementDoes " one TRILLION pounds " not bring to mind Dr. Evil for anybody else here?
Two trillion cut diamonds flank this magnificent round 1.25 carat sparkling yellow sapphire which is set in an elegant platinum band.
According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, there are more than 10 million women-owned businesses in America, employing approximately 27 million people and contributing more than $3.6 trillion to the economy.
For instance, in 1990 hedge funds were pulling in less than $50 billion per year and now they account for about $1.7 trillion in investments.
Consumer Reports, a leading non-profit consumer research and information organization, and the publisher of Consumer Reports Magazine, reports that total consumer debt is about $2 trillion, an increase of 23 percent since 2000.
AdvertisementThe manufacturer, Wein Products, claims it rids the air of dust, odors and cigarette smoke while destroying bacteria and viruses at a production rate of 120 trillion ions per second.
The princess cut three stone ring is often a princess cut center stone with two side trilliant aka trillion (triangular brilliant cut) stones that can create a beautiful effect with the square center stone.