Tribalism Sentence Examples
Some of them have their origins in tribalism; others are based on spiritual and personal expression.
Sometimes this new tribalism can be a liberating thrust, as was the case when national movements overthrew the communist empire.
This is a reversion to the religious tribalism of the first century world from which Jesus came to liberate humankind.
Their starting point was traditional graffiti with its notions of rebellion, outsider identity and urban tribalism.
Breaking down professional tribalism is essential if problems of recruitment are to be addressed.
In reply, however, this penalty shows Arab tribalism at its worse.
Since the early years it has been a sort of state tribalism, limited to the ruling elite 's tribe, the Albu Nasir.
If minimalism or tribalism is your thing, it's as simple as asking your artist to craft a dolphin in a tribal style.
Even a girlie girl sometimes craves the serious aspects of a butterfly tattoo rendered in the popular style of tribalism.
Since the early years it has been a sort of state tribalism, limited to the ruling elite's tribe, the Albu Nasir.