Trials Sentence Examples
Trials are expected to be open and public.
One of his last trials was to see in 1556 the election as pope of his old opponent Caraffa, who soon showed his intention of reforming certain points in the Society that Ignatius considered vital.
Like the old Roman people, the Macedonian people under arms had acted especially in the transference of the royal authority, conferring or confirming the right of the new chief, and in cases !of the capital trials of Macedonians.
Bosnia was also the scene of a succession of monster political trials.
The doctrinal differences came to a head in the trials of George Duffield (1832), Lyman Beecher (1835) and Albert Barnes (1836) which, however, resulted in the acquittal of the accused, but which increased friction and ill feeling.
These trials taking place, with few intermissions, year after year serve to direct the public mind to the development, which is continually in progress, of the mechanical aids to agriculture.
It was of about 180 tons burden, and in company with the "Speedwell" sailed from Southampton on the 5th of August 1620, the two having on board 120 Pilgrims. After two trials the "Speedwell" was pronounced unseaworthy, and the "Mayflower" sailed alone from Plymouth, England, on the 6th of September with the zoo (or 102) passengers, some 41 of whom on the lzth of November (o.s.) signed the famous "Mayflower Compact" in Provincetown Harbor, and a small party of whom, including William Bradford, sent to choose a place for settlement, landed at what is now Plymouth, Massachusetts, on the 11th of December (21st N.s.), an event which is celebrated, as Forefathers' Day, on the 22nd of December.
The familiar, who is sometimes replaced by the devil, commonly figured in witchcraft trials; and a statute of James I.
The progress of the club has been remarkable, and that its formation did much to improve the conditions of the various breeds of dogs, to encourage their use in the field by the promotion of working trials, and to check abuses which were common with regard to the registration of pedigrees, &c., cannot.
The commission appointed to try him on charges of heresy and treason was composed of his enemies, including Doffo Spini, who had previously attempted to murder him; many irregularities were committed during the three trials, and the prisoner was repeatedly tortured.
AdvertisementComing to the throne at such an early age, he had served no apprenticeship in the art of ruling, but he possessed great natural tact and a sound judgment ripened by the trials of exile.
Yet there are sufficient proofs and examples from nature that such flights can take place without danger, although when the first trials are made you may have to pay for the experience, and not mind an arm or leg."
The first difficulty was to make it sufficiently light in relation to the power its machinery could develop; and several machines were built in which trials were made of steam, and of compressed air and carbonic acid gas as motive agents.
He soon distinguished himself by a speech in support of the Bill for Regulating Trials in Cases of Treason, one provision of which was that a person indicated for treason or misprision of treason should be allowed the assistance of counsel.
Political trials were held, Guerrazzi and many others being condemned to long terms of imprisonment, and although in 1855 the Austrian troops left Tuscany, Leopold's popularity was gone.
AdvertisementThere were greater trials in store when the World War broke out at last.
By successive trials two beads, of known density, say di, d 2, are obtained, one of which floats above, and the other below, the test crystal; the distances separating the beads from the crystal are determined by means of a scale placed behind the tube.
His policy, however, of discountenancing military trials and conciliating the conquered did not meet with approval at Washington, and he was at his own request transferred.
In the Synoptists, Jesus " grows in favour with God and man," passes through true human experiences and trials, prays alone on the mountain-side, and dies with a cry of desolation; here the Logos' watchword is " I am," He has deliberately to stir up emotion in Himself, never prays for Himself, and in the garden and on the cross shows but power and self-possession.
The praetor, who had the arrangement of all trials or private suits and the formal appointment of judges for them, referred the great majority of such cases for decision to a judge who was styled usually judex but sometimes arbiter.
AdvertisementAt last, after many trials and failures, Grant took a daring step. The troops with their supplies marched round through a network of lakes and streams to a point south of Vicksburg; Admiral Porter's gunboats and the transports along with them "ran" the batteries.
Besides some archaeological articles in the Nineteenth Century and contributions to the Dictionary of National Biography, he published a History of the Diocese of Norwich (1879); The Coming of the Friars (1885); The Autobiography of Roger North (1887) and Trials of a Country Parson (1890).
Jeremiah's was a sensitive, tender nature; and he laments, with great pathos and emotion, his people's sins, the ruin to which he saw his country hastening, and the trials and persecutions which his predictions of disaster frequently brought upon him.
The record of the trial was consigned to a new repository (commonly but wrongly called the Baga de Secretis), which thenceforth became the regular place of custody for important state trials.
Of the proceedings against peers founded upon indictment very few trials antecedent to the revolution took place in parliament.
AdvertisementLord Delamere was tried in 1685 in the steward's court; since then all trials of peers have taken place before the lords in parliament.
Trials in certain ships showed that their magnetism consisted partly of hard iron, and the use of the plate was abandoned.
After three days he worked with common electricity, trying glass, heavy optical glass, quartz, Iceland spar, all without effect, as on former trials.
Insect-eating birds soon learn to associate distastefulness with the size, form and colour of the bees, and consequently leave them alone after one or more trials.
On the 2 9 th of November 1538 he was created Baron Audley of Walden; and soon afterwards presided as lord steward at the trials of Henry Pole, Lord Montacute, and of the unfortunate marquess of Exeter.
Tomlins says that there is only one instance of a prosecution on a praemunire to be found in the state trials, in which case the penalties were inflicted upon some persons for refusing to take the oath of allegiance to Charles II.
Andover was a prominent centre in the witchcraft trials of 1692.
The Corwin or "Witch" house, so called from a tradition that Jonathan Corwin, one of the judges in the witchcraft trials, held preliminary examinations of witches here, is said to have been the property of Roger Williams. The Pickering house, built before 1660, was the homestead of Timothy Pickering and of other members of that family.
All these trials were conducted in accordance with the English law of the time; there had been an execution for witchcraft at Charlestown in 1648; there was a case in Boston in 1655; in 1680 a woman of Newbury was condemned to death for witchcraft but was reprieved by Governor Simon Bradstreet; in England and Scotland there were many executions long after the Salem delusion died out.
They submitted their lists of criminal trials to the high commissioner, who, advised by the attorney-general, acted as a court of appeal, and no sentence exceeding six months could take effect without his confirmation.
Of Christianity he always spoke in the mocking tone of the "enlightened" philosophers, regarding it as the invention of priests; but it is noteworthy that after the Seven Years' War, the trials of which steadied his character, he sought to strengthen the church for the sake of its elevating moral influence.
A rigid censorship was exercised concerning the publication of information as to the production of munitions, measures of defence, bombardments, air raids, arrests, trials and executions of spies, etc.
The other works of Lord Hailes include Historical Memoirs concerning the Provincial Councils of the Scottish Clergy (1769); An Examination of some of the Arguments for the High Antiquity of Regiam Majestatem (1769); three volumes entitled Remains of Christian Antiquity (" Account of the Martyrs of Smyrna and Lyons in the Second Century," 1776; " The Trials of Justin Martyr, Cyprian, &c.," 1778; The History of the Martyrs of Palestine, translated from Eusebius," 1780); Disquisitions concerning the Antiquities of the Christian Church (1783); and editions or translations of portions of Lactantius, Tertullian and Minucius Felix.
In 1684, while Perth, and his brother, Melfort, who went over to Rome, were in power, Renwick emitted an " Apologetical Declaration," in which the active enemies of his sect were threatened with secret trials and with assassination (October), and a " curate," with some soldiers, was murdered.
He was called to the bar in 1884, and rapidly made a reputation as a brilliant lawyer and advocate, being counsel for the defence in most of the important political trials of the day during a period of nearly thirty years.
He was convicted (February 1844) after the trials that followed, but they were not good specimens of equal justice, and the sentence of imprisonment for a year and a fine of £2000 was reversed on a writ of error by the House of Lords (September 1844), and he and his colleagues were again free.
Punished by military occupation and a fine for its reception of the Reformation, Minden underwent similar trials in the Thirty Years' War.
He made his name by his brilliant and fearless attacks on the government in a series of political trials, and at the same time contributed to the Temps and other influential journals.
On the 8th of July, King Ferdinand arrived from Palermo, and the state trials, conducted in the most arbitrary fashion, resulted in wholesale butchery; hundreds of persons were executed, including some of the best men in the veng g country, such as the philosopher Mario Pagano, the scientist Cirillo, Manthone, the minister of war under the republic, Massa, the defender of Castel dell' Uovo, and Ettore Caraffa, the defender of Pescara, who had been captured by treachery, while thousands of others were immured in horrible dungeons or exiled.
On the 23rd the Austrians entered Naples, followed soon afterwards by the king; every vestige of freedom was suppressed, the reactionary Medici ministry appointed, and the inevitable state trials instituted with the usual harvest of executions and imprisonment.
For a few months after the dissolution of the Neapolitan parliament the government abstained from persecution, but with the crushing of the Sicilian revolution its hands The were free; and when the commission on the affair of Neapolitan prisons, t h e 15th of May had completed its labours the state trials and arrests began.
The trials were conducted with the most scandalous contempt of justice, and moral and physical torture was applied to extort confessions.
Lockhart was readmitted in 1676, and became the leading advocate in political trials, in which he usually appeared for the defence.
This, however, ignored the difficulty that if Christ during his sojourn on earth was not subject to human limitations, especially of knowledge, he was not a man as other men, and therefore not subject to their trials and temptations.
The Principal Troubles Arose From Damp In The Lagging Which Necessitated The Rejection Of Several Trials, And From Dissolved Air In The Water, Causing Loss Of Heat By The Formation Of Steam.
These Losses Were As Far As Possible Eliminated By Combining The Trials In Pairs, With Differ Ent Loads On The Brake, Assuming That The Heat Loss Would Be The Same In The Heavy And Light Trials, Provided That The External Temperature And The Gradient In The Shaft, As Estimated From The Temperature Of The Bearings, Were The Same.
These Variations, So Far As They Were Of A Purely Accidental Nature, Would Be Approximately Eliminated On The Mean Of A Large Number Of Trials, So That The Accuracy Of The Final Result Would Be Of A Higher Order Than Might Be Inferred From A Comparison Of Separate Pairs Of Trials.
Cicero took an active part in the trials which followed, both as a defender of Milo and his adherents and as a prosecutor of the opposite faction.
The conditions were very hard, and frostbite was responsible for many casualties, for the snow still lay deep on the high ridges, but the spirit of the troops was proof against all trials, and it was against the iron lines of Pasubio that the Austrian offensive came to failure.
For the judiciary, provisions were made for expediting trials and decisions.
As a proof of Pratt's moderation in a period of passionate party warfare and frequent state trials, it is noted that this was the only official prosecution for libel which he set on foot.
In 1713 it was burnt by the Swedes, but rapidly recovered from this disaster, and despite the trials of the Napoleonic wars, gradually increased in prosperity.
For half a century trials were many at Venice and elsewhere, but actual executions were only common at Rome; the most illustrious victim was the philosopher Giordano Biuno, burnt in 1600.
In subsequent trials with another apparatus, he found that the clouds were sometimes positively and sometimes negatively electrified, and so demonstrated the perfect identity of lightning and electricity.
Myres in a series of trials, to settle special 13 See Cobham, An Attempt at a Bibliography of Cyprus (4th ed., Nicosia, 1900), Appendix, " Cesnola Controversy," p. 54.44 The Lawrence-Cesnola Collection (London, 1881); Salaminia, id.
Besides all that has been mentioned, he found time to do something for the better administration of justice (the codification of ordinances, the diminishing of the number of judges, the reduction of the expense and length of trials for the establishment of a superior system of police) and even for the improvement of the breed of horses and the increase of cattle.
He was, however, no longer alone; Diaz, Eugene Tourneux, Rousseau, and other men of note supported him by their confidence and friendship, and he had by his side the brave Catherine Lemaire, his second wife, a woman who bore poverty with dignity and gave courage to her husband through the cruel trials in which he penetrated by a terrible personal experience the bitter secrets of the very poor.
The volition of primitive man was one with that of God but it becomes broken up into separate volitions which oppose themselves to the divine will, and through the oppositions and trials of this world work onward to a second and completer harmony.
He attended the trials, investigated many of the cases himself, and wrote sermons on witchcraft, the Memorable Providences and The Wonders of the Invisible World (1693), which increased the excitement of the people.
All trials, therefore, are heard by one or more judges, and appeals may be taken from a lower to a higher court.
It is also notorious for its many witchcraft trials.
He had just begun to practise at the Parisian bar before the revolution of July, and was retained for the Republican defence in most of the great political trials of the next ten years.
Under a Scots act of 1701 (c. 6) provision is made for preventing wrongous imprisonment and against undue delay in trials.
The abuse naturally reappeared under a man like Domitian; the delators, with whom Vespasian had not interfered, although he had abolished trials for majestas, were again banished by Trajan, and threatened with capital punishment in an edict of Constantine; but, as has been said, the evil, which was an almost necessary accompaniment of autocracy, lasted till the end of the 4th century.
A full account of the principal trials, and of the various legislative measures for repressing the expressions of popular opinion for which he was more or less responsible, will be found in Twiss's Public and Private Life of the Lord Chancellor Eldon, and in the Lives of the Lord Chancellors, by Lord Campbell.
He contributed to the prosecution of the Hebertists, and was responsible for the law of the 22nd Prairial, which in the case of trials before the Revolutionary Tribunal deprived the accused of the aid of counsel or of witnesses or their defence, on the pretext of shortening the proceedings.
After several years' trials he at last produced a satisfactory cast steel, purer and harder than any steel then in use.
Foxe based his accounts of the martyrs partly on authentic documents and reports of the trials, and on statements received direct from the friends of the sufferers, but he was too hasty a worker and too violent a partisan to produce anything like a correct or impartial account of the mass of facts with which he had to deal.
After 1897 he devoted himself to his law practice, being prominently associated with appeals in several notorious criminal trials.
Outward trials are for our development through aid of divinely given "wisdom" (2-II).
He was widely known as an effective advocate, especially in jury trials.
There are various inferior courts also, including magistrates or jueces de paz, but their organization and functions are loosely defined and not generally understood outside the republic. The supreme court has appellate jurisdiction in judicial matters, and original jurisdiction in impeachment trials and in matters involving constitutional interpretation.
The rising of the earls was only the first and the least dangerous of the trials of Henry IV.
They continued to be burnt, or more frequently to make forced recantations, under the Yorkist rule, though the list of trials is not a long one.
The ridicule that greeted the revelation of the Pop-gun Plot marked the beginning of a reaction that found a more serious expression in the trials of Thomas Hardy, John Home Tooke and John Theiwall (October and November 1794).
Henceforth, in spite of press prosecutions and trials for political libel, the government was supported by public opinion in its vigorous prosecution of the war.
Hardly was the affair of Caroli settled, when new and severer trials came upon the Genevan Reformers.
His dissatisfaction with the government of the restoration was shown in his conduct of some political trials.
During these years there were frequent trials of strength between the ardri and the king of Munster.
The fatherless child had sore trials.
This reform was justified by the religious intolerance of the parlements; by their scandalous trials of Calas, Pierre Paid Sirven (1709-1777), the chevalier de la Barre and the comte de Lally; by the retrograde spirit that had made them suppress the Encyclopaedia in 1759 and condemn Emile in.
In his domestic life he had some severe trials; his wife died, after eleven years of married life, in 1839; his only son, who was a scholar like-minded with himself, who had shared many of his literary labours, and who had edited an excellent edition of St Cyril's commentary on the minor prophets, died in 1880, after many years of suffering.
But both these trials took place later than 852, at which date the existence of the collection is an established fact; the texts of it were used, but they were in existence before.
They are frugal, sober, industrious and intelligent, and their sturdiness of character has enabled them to preserve their nationality and religion under the sorest trials.
Linde also examined the physical properties of various liquids, and, after making trials with methylic ether in 1872, built his first ammonia compression machine in 1873.
Its modern medicinal use is chiefly due to trials by Dr O'Shaughnessy in Calcutta (1838-1842).
Mayhap it was tired from our trials, or mayhap it was trying to deceive us.
The appeal court overturned 18 convictionsfrom the first trials.
Those attending a conference abroad tend to be the envy of their colleagues so complaints about such trials and tribulations elicit little sympathy.
The majority of data are from trials using recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA ), also known as alteplase.
The results from trials of P6 acupressure are equivocal.
Based on a vote counting exercise, five trials concluded that acupuncture was effective and eight did not.
Field trials of this latex agglutination test are now required.
Trials on the regulation of IgE response in mice using modified birch pollen allergens.
The English pole-vaulter tested positive for a banned anabolic steroid at the Commonwealth Games trials.
Bandolier 92 reported a meta-analysis of trials looking at a comparison of stents versus balloon angioplasty indicating stents to be better.
Firstly, I am responsible for most of the instrument trials we use as the final proving of new anti fouling technologies.
Although these are only trials, they have created a wary anticipation among staff who fear many jobs could be lost in the reorganization.
However, trials of homeopathic arnica have been published.
Most clinical trials focus on the role of homeopathic arnica but more recently the use of topical herbal products has been examined.
We know they work in knee arthritis, at least in short term trials.
Witch Trials suggests magic mushroom tea drunk from a dirty pub ashtray, an Ambrosian dishwater.
Results for topical azoles Twelve trials with more than 10 patients in both treatment groups compared azoles with placebo (Figure 1 ).
It needs to reflect a sense of putting courage into someone's heart; of fortifying someone by standing back-to-back with them through trials.
Their work in the field of forensic ballistics, with the comparison microscope, brought fair justice at murder trials.
We were then invited to carry out trials on planting bamboo to stop landslides from further developing.
It also includes the most comprehensive bibliography of published clinical trials.
Phase 1 trials have confirmed the fast speed of onset and vastly improved bioavailability of apomorphine nasal powder compared with Uprima 3mg.
In the 2004 and 2005 trials differences between treatments at the final assessment of foliar blight were small.
The bioavailability (how much of the supplement actually reaches the bloodstream) needs to be worked out through clinical trials.
Attribut, particularly the split dose recommendation, has proved in trials to be more consistent in controlling bromes compared to Atlantis.
Preliminary results from clinical trials showed positive effects of sea buckthorn on blood counts.
It was to be suggested that the Trials themselves weakened Soviet Russia, considered the main bulwark against fascism.
No serious adverse events have emerged from clinical trials with intranasal calcitonin although the frequency of rhinitis is increased.
Carcass disposal In the unusual event of an equine fatality at a Horse Trials, it is the hunt that removes the carcass disposal In the unusual event of an equine fatality at a Horse Trials, it is the hunt that removes the carcass.
There has been no other drug in the history of veterinary cardiology that has undergone such extensive controlled clinical trials proving its value.
We reviewed the recent salvage chemotherapy trials of refractory diseases.
Two trials compared wounds cleansed by showering with tap water with wounds that were not cleansed.
Bladderwrack might also help indigestion, tho again clinical trials have not been conducted.
The CaMV 35S promoter is in practically all GM crops already commercialized or undergoing field trials.
There followed more show ' trials ' of leading communists as a means for expanding the new terror.
And the gold rush continued as the baton was handed over to her fellow Welsh compatriots at the IPC Belgian European Trials.
The farm is also used for a range of research purposes, including variety testing, pest control and composting trials and bio-diversity surveys.
In both of these trials, the group receiving creatine performed significantly better than the control group.
The primary outcome measured in all trials was mycological cure.
They're ideal for fitness rides, cycle club rides or for having a go at races or time trials.
Whereas, those who sell ' the next generation ' type products are suffering delays and getting stuck in trials and pilots.
Why we grow maize trials at Lackham Grainseed (Maize) Ltd undertakes detailed replicated trials on the college farm.
Child Health Health inequalities, childhood disability, clinical trials, managing diabetes for young people and behaviourally effective sex education.
This was 80 times the separation distances used for crop trials of GM oilseed rape in the UK.
However, Britain still has great depth in the Laser class, and the trials are likely to be a real dogfight.
The quality of the included studies does not appear to have been systematically assessed, however, only double-blind randomized controlled trials were included.
Firstly, patients in the trials had systolic left ventricular dysfunction.
Both trials demonstrated efficacy in these elderly patients, who are at high risk of cardiovascular events.
Applying one third of the nitrogen after crop emergence has given good results in recent trials and is especially beneficial in wet years.
A number of clinical trials have shown regular exercise to be strongly linked to heightened immunity.
Search Randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trials were sought using feverfew for the prevention of migraine.
Whether IFN-alpha is able to postpone marrow fibrosis if administered in early disease stages remains to be determined in future clinical trials.
He has already produced prototypes of a device - currently undergoing field trials in Germany - that looks set to provide a solution.
At the moment the project has just completed initial field trials and it is not available for purchase yet.
Following on from the success of these tests, further performance tests and preliminary field trials are proposed for phase two of the study.
Now, after hard knocks and trials, their legacy rests not on music but on the infamy of a tabloid frenzy.
A systematic overview (meta-analysis) of outcome measures in Helicobacter pylori gastritis trials and functional dyspepsia.
Topics covered include gastroenterology, microbiology, vaccine development and news of clinical trials.
Findings Most trials have compared the atypical antipsychotics with placebo or conventional drugs (e.g. haloperidol ).
For acute hepatitis, double-blind trials have shown mixed results.
Concerning the passenger exit hesitation times for the higher sill height, the trials produced inconclusive results.
Two clinically heterogeneous trials are included, therefore a metaanalysis was considered inappropriate.
Zara Phillips Like her mother, Zara is an accomplished horsewoman, she finished second in the Burghley Horse Trials in 2003.
The Harvard researchers urge further trials of fish oils in the treatment of depression and manic-depressive illness.
TroVax ®, Oxford BioMedica's lead cancer immunotherapy product, is in Phase II trials for colorectal cancer.
Their capacity to cope with the trials which await them in Malaysia will be seriously impaired.
For inclusion studies had to be randomized double blind trials for bullous or non-bullous impetigo, irrespective of the extent of the disease.
No trials of disinfecting measures for the treatment of bullous impetigo were found.
Depends if you want info specific to France, clinical trials, general info or what.
Several trials have shown that ace inhibitors improve survival in patients with all grades of heart failure.
The two drugs covered by last year's trials were COX-2 inhibitors.
Two of three trials showed corticosteroid injection to be better than NSAID.
James Campbell is principal investigator for the vaccine trials at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
They have intersting cars for sale, including trials machinery and supply an extensive range of specialist lubricants.
The compound is at an early trials phase in breast cancer and Phase 3 in non-small cell lung cancer.
April 2002 HGSI was granted regulatory clearance to begin Phase I clinical trials of TRAIL-R1 Mab in the US in patients with advanced cancer.
Many forms of genetic manipulation produce many, often hideous, failures during their trials.
Given the chronic nature of the disease, surrogate markers for survival are used in clinical trials.
It organized trials of poliovirus and measle vaccines and more recently the very successful combined measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine.
In two of six trials there was no internal sensitivity and no difference between intra-articular morphine and saline.
The outcome measure of interest was mortality, which was reported as all-cause mortality in most trials and sudden cardiac death in some trials.
There is information about the various disciplines including motocross, speedway, trials, grass track and road racing.
Nematodes The effect of growing transgenic potatoes on free living nematodes The effect of growing transgenic potatoes on free living nematodes is being evaluated using samples from ongoing field trials.
Contact sensitisation was reported in a few patients using transdermal nicotine in clinical trials.
Pulling these trials together is not an exercise in intellectual nihilism.
A new body called the Road Time Trials Council was formed and CTC members formed new offshoots of their CTC District Associations.
The data from the winter oilseed rape trials are being collated now.
Then followed an intense period of training and acceptance trials and the missiles were soon declared operational.
Phase I clinical trials using oral dosing were completed in early 1999.
Examples are trials with genetically modified organism, radioactive substances or involving medical devices.
In any case, no torsional oscillations were noticeable during rowing trials.
At the time it was considered outrageous to use such an " extreme " device on Classic Trials.
In both trials, total fat oxidation was higher and the total ingested carbohydrates oxidation lower in the boys than in the men.
Soluble fiber from beans, oats, psyllium seed, and fruit pectin has lowered cholesterol levels in most trials.
These are planted mainly on the eastern periphery of the Trials Field.
Analytical expertise also supports experimental and clinical pharmacokinetics, including support for clinical trials involving new drugs at Mount Vernon Hospital and elsewhere.
In future all NCRN trials that local pis wish to initiate locally will need to be supported by the relevant disease specific Tumor Board.
It is expected that XR9576 will be ready to enter pivotal Phase III clinical trials in late 2000.
In all four trials the control group was given placebo.
Metron can also conduct application trials to verify performance predictions for new applications and the impact on existing systems prior to implementation.
But the standard operating procedure in libel trials is not to put the author on the stand.
QinetiQ completed sea trials of a new 2.9 meter diameter composite propeller in Falmouth Bay during July 2003.
No such quandary for Geoff Jackson's Sprint, entered in class eight for its trials debut.
You can find current trials using hyperfractionated radiotherapy on our clinical trials database.
Early results from trials using proton beam radiotherapy are promising.
C C2-SPECTR - FREE registry of over 10,000 randomized and possibly randomized trials in education, social work and welfare, and criminal justice.
This efficacy was demonstrated in a group of epileptic patients with long-standing, highly refractory seizures despite many trials of medication.
The taper phase regimen used in clinical trials involved decreasing the daily dose by 10 mg at weekly intervals.
The duration of the antimicrobial prophylactic regimen examined in the included trials varied from a single dose to a 14-day course.
Detailed in situ groundwater remediation technology trials, certainly at a research level, are a rarity in the UK.
Meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials comparing open and laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair.
However, these trials have all been conducted by the same research group and to date have not been independently replicated.
Following the successful trials of universal newborn screening, it is being introduced across the UK.
The high standard set at the trials for Ladies ' football meant the squad selection was very tough.
Comment on published supplementation trials in DS Almost all the supplementation studies discussed above had major methodological shortcomings.
Trials were carried out on the TRL driving simulator.
Stocks of flour were limited, so only small-scale food trials were carried out.
Phase 1 trials throw up some challenging problems for a medical statistician.
Even before new drugs are developed, the genetics of complex diseases will have an impact in allowing stratification of patients for drug trials.
In the analysis of 42 trials, effects were seen both with dietary calcium and with use of calcium supplements.
His interests include systematic reviewing, health technology assessment, particularly clinical trials, and training for public health.
Review This review sought information on all trials in early breast cancer begun before 1990 comparing adjuvant tamoxifen versus no such treatment.
By the 1980s, the deportations and show trials and other aspects of the Stalinist terror were fading from public memory.
Although promising in laboratory tests, ulcers occurred in human trials.
Trials have been done using thalidomide to treat various cancer types.
Several clinical trials have supported these claims, indicating that oral THC or inhalation of cannabis smoke can relieve muscle pain and spasticity.
Three trials tested intravenous aminophylline and one oral theophylline, all added to standard treatments.
These gene therapy trials will all be the first of their kind in the UK.
The council is offering free trials of the RoSPA Driver Profiler on-line risk assessment tool via the website.
Three trials with 433 patients comparing topical with oral NSAID found no difference in efficacy.
They identified 20 randomized, placebo-controlled double-blind trials of immunotherapy for asthma between 1966 to 1990; English language reports only were used.
The Center will conduct clinical trials into new anti-cancer drugs.
These photographs are mainly of the ships undergoing sea trials.
She has experience of handling long serious criminal trials in the Crown Court.
It is not feasible to conduct large, highly expensive multicentre trials of every modification to platelet storage.
What we need now is action to prevent the current farm-scale trials and test sites contaminating crops and honey.
An hysterical subject, like the Salem witch trials of 1892, requires hysterical treatment up to a point.
Reading Material There are a number of books that you will find useful, giving you a basic understanding of running clinical trials.
Clinical trials have clearly demonstrated efficacy in reducing wind and smells and relieving indigestion and gastric upset in the dog.
Retroviral vectors are the most widely used viral vectors in clinical trials at present.
Phase I trials The first human studies usually involve healthy volunteers.
An assessment of methods of treating viral warts by comparative treatment trials based on a standard design.
Clinical trials are now being conducted with plans to make the equipment wearable.
There is no doubt that we become weary through endless trials.
Talking of a 'double whammy ', SCC has just completed the National Gritting Trials on their home turf during April.
It's important that the trials are widely spread through Britain so that the results reflect the variation in farmland wildlife.
The culmination of a series of trials was the first prototype of a Harwood automatic wristwatch.
During the stormy session of 1770 he came into violent collision with Chatham and Camden in the questions that arose out of the Middlesex election and the trials for political libel; and in the subsequent years he was made the subject of the bitter attacks of Junius, in which his early Jacobite connexions, and his.
He was accused with especial bitterness of favouring arbitrary power by the law which he laid down in the trials for libel which arose out of the publications of Junius and Horne Tooke, and which at a later time he reaffirmed in the case of the dean of St Asaph (see Libel).
His chief literary work is La Congiura dei baroni, a history of the unsuccessful conspiracy of the Neapolitan barons against King Ferdinand L of Naples in 1485; it is based on the authentic records of the state trials, but is prejudiced in favour of the royal power.
A conspiracy, planned with the object, among others, of kidnapping the emperor while on a visit to Venice and forcing him to make concessions, was postponed in consequence of the coup detat by which Louis Napoleon became emperor of the French (1852); but a chance discovery led to a large number of arrests, and the state trials at Mantua, conducted in the most shamelessly inquisitorial manner, resulted in five death sentences, including that of the priest Tazzoli, and many of imprisonment for long terms. Even this did not convince Mazzini of the hopelessness of such attempts, for he was out of touch with Italian public opinion, and he greatly weakened his influence by favoring a crack-brained outbreak at Milan on the 6th of February 1853, which was easily quelled, numbers of the insurgents being executed or imprisoned.
It offers prizes in butter-test competitions and milking trials at various agricultural shows, and publishes the English Herd Book and Register of Pure-bred Jersey Cattle.
Three years later proposals were made in The Field to promote public trials of pointers and setters over game, but it was not until the 18th of April 1865 that a further step was taken in the recognition of the value of the dog by the promotion of working trials.
In 1884 attention was drawn in a special degree to the Queensland traffic in Pacific Islanders by the " Hopeful " trials, and a government commission was appointed to inquire into the methods followed by labour ships in recruiting the natives of New Guinea, the Louisiade Archipelago, and the D'Entrecasteaux group of islands.
Hence, if, after assuming a body and sojourning upon earth, it becomes polluted by sin and fails to acquire the experience for which it descends from heaven, it must three times reinhabit a body, till it is able to ascend in a purified state through repeated trials.
He devoted himself mainly to literature, contributing largely to the Scotsman and Blackwood, writing Narratives from Criminal Trials in Scotland (1852), Treatise on the Law of Bankruptcy in Scotland (1853), and publishing in the latter year the first volume of his History of Scotland, which was completed in 1870.
A number of trials of skill between the Christian missionary and Loigaire's Druids ensue, and the final result seems to have been that the monarch, though unwilling to embrace the foreign creed, undertook to protect the Christian bishop. At a later date the saint was probably invited by Loigaire to take part in the codification of the Senchus Mor in order to represent the interests of the Christian communities.
The indictment, in eight articles, dealt with his conduct in the Fries and Callender trials, with his treatment of a Delaware grand jury, and (in article viii.) with his making "highly indecent, extra-judicial" reflections upon the national administration, probably the greatest offence in Republican eyes.
Pliny (Epp. 96) states that he had never taken part in formal trials of Christians, and was therefore unfamiliar with precedents as to the extent of the investigation.
The formidable defensive system on which the German Higher Command, apparently with good reasons, relied to hold up the Allied advance until the winter should give pause to active operations and secure for their hard-driven troops and warweary people a little respite from their trials and disillusionments, had been burst into fragments, and there was left for German arms no further resource for staving off disaster.
This ruthlessness towards their own citizens, who were arraigned before military courts in trials for high treason, stood in curious contrast to the considerate treatment of " enemy aliens," who were comparatively little molested.
In Danby's case a commission under the great seal issued in the common form adopted for the court of the steward; this was recalled, and the rule agreed to by a joint committee of both houses that a steward for trials of peers upon impeachments was unnecessary.
For example, it was ruled by Lord Chancellor Jeffreys, as steward at the trial of Lord Delamere, that, in trials of peers which take place during the recess of parliament in the steward's court, the steward is the judge of the court, the court is held before him, his warrant convenes the prisoner to the bar, his,summons convenes the peers for the trial, and he to determine by his sole authority all questions of law that arise in the course of the trial, but that he is to give no vote upon the issue of guilty or not guilty; during a session of parliament, on the contrary, all the peers are both triers and judges, and the steward is only as chairman of the court and gives his vote together with the other lords.
Legal trials and acts of violence against the Templars had begun as early as the year 1307 (see Templars); and the principal object of the council was to secure a definite decision on the question of their continuance or abolition.
Owing to lack of funds further trials were abandoned (see Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1904, p. 122).
These trials are not quirks of fate or some such thing.
Used properly, NRT has been shown in numerous controlled trials, to double a smokers chances of quitting successfully in the long term.
Double blind, randomized clinical trials in surgical patients were required.
Only randomized controlled trials of LLLT for the treatment of patients with a clinical diagnosis of RA or OA were eligible.
These initial lists of types were then refined on the basis of new dedicated field surveys, data analyzes and field trials.
Trials usually recruit patients with drug refractory partial seizures.
Present day relevance The Leipzig war trials were remarkable for particular reasons in relation to the conduct of the victors of the Great War.
The trials are now complete and results showed Tysabri reduced both relapse rates and the progression of disability in people with relapsing remitting MS.
Meanwhile, there is a continuing flow of resistant cultivars going through trials.
Similarly the majority of Field Trial Champions in trials designed for retriever breeds are labs.
In general, trials revealed few differences between NSAIDs.
World revulsion at evidence of the Holocaust, which unfolded in 1945, ensured that there were going to be trials for war crimes.
One of the two trials aimed at the promotion of screening mammography found no significant differences between groups for nearly all outcomes.
One involves the trials that we have been conducting in the bass trawl fleet using separator grids.
Some of the Partners have also participated in other trials involving the oral contraceptive pill and sequela after abortion.
The included trials were in adults from the general population, athletes, or individuals with seronegative arthropathies and enthesopathies.
In 2003, recorded some impressive kilo times on the way to seventh in the world championships and a silver at the Olympic trials.
All of the trials except one compared corticosteroid to saline injection, the other using a sham injection.
He was also a sheep farmer who, with his dog Pal, won national sheepdog trials !
Projects supported range from pure research and clinical trials, to rehabilitation for those with sight impairment.
Trials would involve the weekly dispatch and exposure of sorbent tubes.
Trials of the protocol resulted in considerably improved recovery on thawing of human spermatozoa compared with vapor freezing or conventional linear cooling.
Examine the large randomized statin trials to see whether any have reported on severity of events compared with placebo.
Epidural and subarachnoid trials were of catheter alone, catheter with reservoir or catheter with pump.
Findings Subcutaneous sumatriptan Twelve trials were included in the analysis.
The trials conducted in 2004 showed that plant stands of sugar beet from untreated seed increased considerably where methiocarb slug baits were used.
Potassium supplements in the amount of at least 2,400 mg per day lower blood pressure, according to an analysis of 33 trials.
There are other ongoing randomized trials in Europe testing the efficacy of tamoxifen for the primary prevention of breast cancer.
The included trials were conducted in women with metastatic breast cancer after the failure of the tamoxifen treatment.
The results of all these studies will be used to identify the most promising taxa for more detailed future evaluation in longer-term feeding trials.
He later testified at several trials, most importantly Richard Caldwell 's.
In Phase III RESIST trials, the frequency of transaminase elevations was significantly increased in the APTIVUS/ritonavir arm compared to the comparator arm.
In addition he can authorize the transcript of proceedings of jury trials subject to payment of the appropriate fee.
Clinical trials show the extract also inhibits the flu virus, and lab research indicates the whole plant extract has reverse transcriptase inhibitor activity.
An honest, witty travelog of the author 's trials and tribulations traveling independently around China.
Plasma adrenaline concentration at the end of the treadmill walking was higher than that at the end of each of the three swimming trials.
We are putting the trials and tribulations of the last few days behind us and are making a new start.
The trials and tribulations of the world will find them soon enough.
The children follow the trials and tribulations of particular families.
People are not only convinced by the triumphs of Christianity, but also by its trials.
In well controlled add-on trials, no correlation has been demonstrated between trough plasma concentrations of topiramate and its clinical efficacy.
Field trials are currently underway in several regions, including the U.S., Europe and Japan.
The student will also be involved in the design of targeted experimental trials used to validate the models.
Wistar claims that the old vials of vaccine may not be exactly the same as the ones used in the trials.
Currently there are about 100 per year, mainly trials of counter measures to chemical warfare agents.
Some of these occurred during the washout period of clinical trials.
It 's important that the trials are widely spread through Britain so that the results reflect the variation in farmland wildlife.
In the 13th century, witchcraft trials began in Europe.
Richmond and her miniature schnauzer compete in agility trials, and serve as pet therapy volunteers at a local hospital.
To see which antivirus program you prefer, consider using the free trials available.
The service typically costs $17.99 a month, although discounts are occasionally offered at $14.99 a month. 30-day trials are sometimes available.
Family is one of the strongest support systems in many people's lives, which is why it is so important to receive guidance through the many trials that families go through.
In these clinical trials and studies, the active ingredient, Silymarin, slowed the growth rate of the some cancerous cells and improved the efficacy of chemotherapy drugs.
However, more trials are needed to confirm these effects.
According to the National Institute of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, patients in clinical trials using black cohosh report a low incidence of black cohosh side effects.
While the results of research conducted on the use of Chinese herbs in the prevention of diabetes offers promising results, it is still considered preliminary and more clinical trials still need to be completed.
The clinical trials related to the use of emodin in treatment of diabetes were conducted on lab rats and show promising results.
However, more trials still need to be conducted with humans in order for these findings to be considered as concrete evidence.
Several clinical trials in both the United States and Germany support the assumption that using Hawthorne supplements will help hypertension sufferers.
It is not unusual to find websites offering free trials for Maqui juice.
Some trial subscriptions are offered to customers of furniture and home improvement stores, while you can find coupons for free trials on the internet for other interior design related publications.
The lamps were selling successfully through salesman who would travel door-to-door in rural areas, demonstrating the lamps and even leaving them in the home for overnight trials.
Of course, this is the benefit of arriving at a quality makeup website and enjoying the trials and errors of others.
Games can be played as long as users wish - there are no limited trials.
The titles that play in your web browser are free, but the site does also host downloadable games meant to be trials before you buy the full version.
Free trials and downloads are convenient, but if you want to get the full experience you'll have to purchase the game.
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Just remember, most free trials come with restrictions.
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Keep in mind that some downloads you will see advertised are actually free trials.
Even when your life appears to be out of control, facing the daily trials with a smile on your face tends to make each situation less stressful.
Having a supportive youth group can help teens better navigate the trials of young adulthood and recognize their place in this world.
Then a page will come up with all the related trials.
Just by typing in "bipolar" you'd see that there are currently 168 trials recruiting participants.
In clinical trials, common side effects are those that affect one percent or more of the people taking this prescription drug.
That said, what does it say about her career when not only is the Roman Catholic Church ready to bring back witch trials but her own daughter is her biggest critic?
The celebrities taking part in the show are split into two teams and compete in series of fitness trials (at Harvey's Fit Camp) for prizes.
Another, much nicer rumor has it that MTV is in talks with Whitney Port to star in her own show about her trials and tribulations at her new gig for People's Revolution.
The case became one of the most public and media-intensive trials in history.
The Hogan family were the subjects of a reality show on VH1 that followed them through the trials and tribulations of their daily lives.
The sitcom Family Ties was based on the trials and tribulations of the Keaton family.
The show followed their often serious trials and tribulations, as well as Punky's life at school and with her friends.
The plotlines dealt with six single friends living in New York, facing the trials and tribulations of the single life.
Do you want to do any special activities with your dog, such as agility training, obedience trials or therapy work?
Some companies conduct their own extensive feeding trials to ensure that their dog food is nutritionally balanced and formulated to maintain good health for a dog's entire lifetime.
A reputable company is willing to answer any questions you may have about what goes into their dog food, how it is preserved, and how their feeding trials are conducted.
The ILP is useful for dogs who came from shelters or breed rescues, and it provides each dog with a number to be used to compete in AKC companion and sporting events, such as obedience and agility trials.
These claims are based on only short feeding trials and limited research.
Andi's story reminded me so much of the trials I went through with my own dog, Webster, that I was fascinated and I think you will be, too.
With its sandy beaches and oceanside accommodations, it is the perfect place to go and watch the Portuguese Water Dog trials.
The border town of Vila Real de Santo Antonio holds the dog trials periodically, especially during the month of April.
Treatments can be beneficial to help dogs prepare for the show ring, agility trials and other physical activities.
The Center is frequently involved in clinical trials and actively solicits patients as participants.
In clinical trials, about 80% of apnea patients experienced a dramatic reduction in snoring, improved sleep and a decrease in daytime sleepiness after undergoing the Pillar procedure.
Few clinical trials offer insight into the effectiveness of exercising to alleviate the symptoms of RLS.
There is also information on rebates, free trials and other information on events and promotions that might be of interest.
Major contact lens manufacturers often have printable contact lens coupons on their websites that entitle you to a pair of free trials when you visit your doctor's office.
Wal-mart offers free trials of lenses, too, and FreshLook contacts are on their list of options.
A series of video clips and narratives are shown about the trials of the Civil War and the hardships facing the United States of America.
To get the second outfit, you need to unlock all 32 Expert staff ghost time trials.
In addition to the free football games that you can play online, there are also a huge variety of games that are available as free trials.
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Some of the NES trials made available in Brawl include the original Super Mario Bros.
That said, free trials of these games are available for download.
There are also codes that allow for 14-day trials.
Gamers control Harry through the trials and puzzles he faced in the books and a few new secrets thrown in for surprise.
All of the games are quest-based, and give you the opportunity to experience the trials, challenges and adventures of some of your favorite heroes from the Fellowship of the Ring.
Although not as adrenaline pumping as the Frisbee or Agility Trials, the Obedience trial offers the largest cash reward for first prize.
Disc throwing, the agility course and obedience trials are your options.
Different breeds fare better on different trials, but a little training gives them a nudge in the right direction.
There's even an offer to receive a CD in the mail with several game trials.
The following online video game rental websites usually offer free trials and inexpensive monthly fees.
There is also a "GameHouse Super CD" for $7.95 that gives you "your game plus our top 50 trials".
Set against the background of the Civil War, the novel features fictional characters dealing with the trials of living through the War Between the States.
The campground features a private beach and a number of hiking trials.
Studies have shown both acute and long-term neuroprotective properties of citicoline in animal models of stroke and in several human clinical trials.
Researchers at The Cleveland Clinic Heart Center performed a meta-analysis of seven large randomized trials of vitamin E (given alone or in combination with other antioxidants) and eight of beta carotene.
All trials included 1,000 or more patients and follow-up ranged from 1.4 to 12 years.
The doses of vitamin E given in these trials ranged from 50-800 international units (IU) and 15-50 milligrams (mg) for beta carotene.
Various immunological agents are as of 2004 still in clinical trials and are not as of that year widely available, though initial results are promising.
This mode of bone marrow transplant is in the early 2000s being investigated in clinical trials.
This treatment mode is also being investigated in the early 2000s in clinical trials all over the United States at major cancer centers.
The researchers noted, however, that large randomized trials comparing acupuncture with mainstream treatments had not been undertaken as of 2004.
Trials should be performed through the gradual tapering off of medications and should always be done under a doctor's supervision.
Initial trials of cannabinoids, the active ingredient in marijuana, have shown promise in the treatment of muscle stiffness and limb straightening associated with multiple sclerosis.
The FDA announced at the time that the agency would embark on a more extensive analysis of the data from these clinical trials and decide if further regulatory action was necessary.
In 2003, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services team reviewed 100 clinical trials on SAMe and concluded that it worked as well as many prescription medications without side effects of stomach upset.
An herb known as St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) has stood up to scientific trials as an effective antidepressant.
While elegant and simple in theory, gene therapy has met with a large number of difficulties in trials, including immune resistance, very short duration of the introduced gene, and inadequately widespread delivery.
Children who participate in these clinical trials receive complete immunological and neurological evaluations as part of being enrolled in the study.
Trials and Tribulations of Living Life as a Handicapped Person Due to Multiple Birth Defects.
A second type of transplant procedure, as of 2004 in experimental clinical trials and not available to children, is an islet cell transplant.
In the early 2000s trials are being done to determine whether treatment with human nerve growth factor will be effective in regenerating the damaged nerves.
Numerous alternative therapies have been touted to provide relief and help for individuals with scoliosis, but none has been proven beneficial in clinical trials.
Some patients may be eligible to participate in clinical trials, research programs conducted with patients to evaluate a new drug, medical treatment, device, or combination of treatments.
The purpose of clinical trials is to find new and improved methods of treating different diseases and special conditions.
Are there any applicable clinical trials currently enrolling children?
This mode of bone marrow transplant is as of the early 2000s being investigated in clinical trials.
This treatment mode in the early 2000s is also being investigated in clinical trials all over the United States at major cancer centers.
Nonetheless, after a number of years of refining the techniques in mice, researchers began human trials in 1998.
In 2003, clinical trials in humans tested a possible vaccine for recurrent urinary tract infections.
Several different medications have given good results in small trials.
The new drug acted earlier in the viral replication of the infection and showed promise; however, clinical trials were continuing.
An experimental steroid called Budesonide may be helpful, but no clinical trials had been performed as of 2004.
A new class of asthma medications called leukotriene inhibitors has shown some mixed results in clinical trials for asthma patients and has been used experimentally in cases of EG but without conclusive results.
Risperidone (Risperdal) is another atypical antipsychotic that has been successful in controlling mania in several clinical trials when low doses were administered.
Clinical trials continue as of 2004 in an attempt to obtain FDA approval of carbamazepine for use in bipolar treatment.
Studies have shown occurrences of children thinking about suicide or attempting suicide in clinical trials for this medicine.
Clinical trials are continuously evaluating new asthma medications.
The manufacturer of atomoxetine (Strattera) planned to notify users of the new FDA warning; however, the company, Eli Lilly & Co., believed that the risk-benefit analysis during trials of the drug was still positive.
But since drug trials in children and adolescents have been limited, behavioral therapy is often instituted alone first, prior to using medication.
Civil trials proved that the guardsmen were given the order to shoot.
Many of the attributes of the koi symbolize several lessons and even trials individuals often encounter in life.
The trials of underarm hair removal have been vexing women for decades.
Wedding updo trials are always recommended to ensure both you and your stylist can agree on a style and set aside the time needed too recreate your style on the big day.
It is important to know because it will help you to stand firm when trials come, and they will.
Each child will have his own tests and trials on the road to adulthood and will need to find his own way through.
Because their testimony can affect the outcome of major trials, legal nurse consultants must have extensive education and experience.
To protect you against the trials and tribulations that can be caused by an unprofessional real estate inspector, Illinois has specific licensing requirements which inspectors must meet.
Although there's no word on the sex of the baby, Jennie and Peter are well aware of the trials and tribulations of raising daughters.
In recent years, McCarthy has attracted an extensive fan base of women who can't get enough of her slightly raunchy take on the trials and tribulations of motherhood.
Leading researchers are working through clinical trials to find out what the exact cause is for preeclampsia.
Side effects were minimal in clinical trials, with one patient noting no side effects other than possibly gaining a few pounds.
If the lack of side effects found in clinical trials continues, the hormone therapy for men may be a superior alternative to hormones for women.
Some fertility clinics that participate in IVF-related clinical trials offer their procedures at a lower fee, but there may be some drawbacks, especially if they are testing a new medication.
It hit a multitude of countries, and in some cases, hit as early as the trials (as it did with the United States).
Trials along these same lines done with flax seed reduced egg production, while those done with fish oil produced a fishy flavor in eggs; neither problem was an issue in the chia seed research.
The Miracle Mineral website claims that this preparation has been tested on more than 75,000 disease victims in Africa, and speaks of scientific trials conducted in a prison in Malawi, East Africa that are purported to support their claims.
The site states that in these trials, 98 percent of AIDS sufferers were cured within one month, as well as 90 percent of malaria victims.
The Acai Juicing Company website has information on free trials and how to get the supplement.
According to the Mayo Clinic, over 30 clinical trials failed to provide evidence that vitamin C prevents the common cold.
That's why controlled clinical trials are being called for to determine the validity of cure claims.
Another group studying results of various trials found no evidence that selenium supplements prevent cancer, but suggest further study is necessary.
In 1954, Jonas Salk changed the face of the NFIP forever when large field trials of his polio vaccine proved successful.
In addition to online dating tips, she provides links to online dating sites, including ones offering free trials.
Some of the paid dating sites, such as and eHarmony offer free trials, but they usually don't give you a lot of time to meet someone, so you'd have to either get lucky or end up becoming a paid customer.
You can also keep track of which sites offer "free trials," using review sites such as FreeDating. eHarmony, for example, is a very popular pay dating site that offers free trials and covers Australian singles as well.
If you want to sit face to face with a tarot card reader, you can often find free trials with local readers.
Many subscription sites, like Cinema Now, offer free trials.
These trials normally offer limited access to the movies, concerts, videos, and television programs for a set period of time.
It follows an all-girls baseball team as they go through the trials that women faced during this time period.
It also showed how she rose above her trials to become one of the most popular female singers in rock history.
A statistical calculation of the probability that a person could correctly guess the right card by chance is 20% - 370 correct hits out of the 1850 trials.
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Another way to get free magazines of home décor is by scouring sample, coupon, and deal forums for deals offering particular magazines as special promotions, free trials, and even free subscriptions, often posted for a limited time.
Ask your doctor about medical trials for new medications.
Always ask questions about potential side effects and other dangers that might be associated with drug trials, and weigh the risk with the potential gain carefully.
Even large discount stores offer free items through the mail through programs like Walmart's In Stores Now free samples and trials website.
Yet customers often find out that the trials for free magazines for men or free magazines of home décor are notoriously hard to cancel.
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There is also a community area where you can connect with other parents to discuss the trials and tribulations of raising children.
Always remember to cancel any free trials before they expire.
It followed the careers, relationships and trials of a group of emergency room doctors and nurses.
When the Days of Our Lives soap opera premiered in 1965, critics lauded it for showing 'contemporary' American life as it followed the trials and tribulations of the Horton family.
The look suited someone who had undergone her characters trials and tribulations, especially with her husband's (Eric Forrester) constant dalliances with younger women.
The matriarchs of EastEnders are the original babes, the women who started the families, worked, raised the children and provide the sound wisdom for their trials and tribulations.
The show focused on the typical trials of a family coping with grief, new beginnings and figuring out where they were going in life.
Sydney's family endures their own trials and tribulations.
Jack's trials and tribulations have been followed virtually since the very beginning, focusing closely on his troubled relationship with his family.
The main storyline and characters are introduced in the first episode and through trials and tribulations, viewers root for their hero or heroine to triumph, find love or learn their lesson.
Set in 1960s Philadelphia, the program centered on the Pryor family and its many trials and tribulations through the tumultuous decade.
Neighbours is an Australian soap opera that follows the trials and tribulations of families who live on Ramsay Street, a cul-de-sac in the fictional town of Erinsborough.
The first season immediately hooked viewers on the romantic trials and tribulations of Meredith, Izzie, George, Alex and Cristina.
If the trials and tribulations of the residents of Albert Square leave you coming back for more every week, chances are you're probably interested in EastEnders spoilers.
The Emmy-nominated dramatic series focused on the family of a Protestant minister and the many trials and tribulations they deal with.
The daytime soap opera follows the trials and tribulations of the Lords, Buchanans, Cramers, Vegas and more.
Millions of viewers keep track of the trials and tribulations facing popular Eastenders characters.
The show's precocious students experience the same trials and tribulations as their real-life teen counterparts, and like high school students in the real world, the kids from Degrassi eventually graduate and move on with their lives.
Since then, Mary Alice's voice narrates each episode, detailing the trials and tribulations of the wives, their husbands and their families.
One of the first Telemundo co-produced telenovelas, Amantes del Desierto focused on the trials of Andres Bustamente and Barbara Santana.
Following in Hayek's footsteps, Jennifer Lopez announced early in 2009 that she was seeking to import Rebelde Way, a teen focused telenovela from Argentina that spotlights the trials and tribulations of a teen pop band.
Season four continued the trials and tribulations of the women, particularly for Denise who is pregnant while her son and husband are both deployed.
Stefan's theme is more hopeful yet retaining the brooding melancholy that marks the character's trials with his existence.
Unlike their other super couple counterparts on daytime dramas, Nikki and Victor's trials and tribulations were compounded by day-to-day living, business rivals and personal vendettas.
The couple faced many trials while Lily fought against her cancer, but Cane remained a rock for Lily.
Every fan will have her favorite memories of the series that followed the lives, loves, trials and tribulations of many Pine Valley families, including the Kane, Martin, Chandler and Cortlandt clans.
Common with many alternative healing methods, yoga therapy has not been tested in clinical trials.
Clinical Trials Network focuses on clinical trials that test the effectiveness of treatments for autism.
This is a significant investment considering the lack of clinical trials supporting the approach.
Explore both free programs and free trials to save money and make an educated decision.
If you would like to explore other options, some companies offer free trials.
Free trials may be full featured and advanced, or basic and generic.
Regardless, the nine best dancers out of the audition trials will secure a spot on the dance squad.
There are concerns over side-effects with this drug, but it is undergoing testing and clinical trials in hopes of attaining FDA approval.
Free trials permit you to try a product or service before buying.
This drug has been tested in over 100 clinical trials involving more than 1200 participants.
For example, tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) show evidence of carcinogenic activity in animal trials.
Some diets tout free trials or free preliminary offers or something similar.
Though free trials are appealing, it may be best to visit your local health food store to browse the shelves for the Acai Berry Detox supplement.
Exercise can clear your mind and put all the trials and tribulations of the day into perspective.
Learning how to make milk chocolate from scratch is a process that takes some time, and you will likely need a few trials before perfecting.
Most converters are in the $20 to $25 price range, but also offer free trials and other special deals, so shop around.
One thing that Amy's trials and tribulations have impacted are her tour dates.
Snoop Dogg's Father Hood is a reality television show that follows the famous hip hop star and his family as they deal with the trials and tribulations of trying to live a normal life in the media spotlight.
Together, the close-knit clan deals with the trials and tribulations that come when you stick four different personalities under the same roof.
Both reality specials garnered tremendous ratings, which prompted Discovery Health to offer the couple their own reality TV series chronicling the trials and tribulations associated with raising twins and sextuplets.
Viewers get to see the trials and tribulations faced by each contestant as they prep for their pageant under the direction of Frakes and his team.
The show depicts the trials and tribulations of being part of a family with a whopping 19 children.
To make it to the Final Four, Biggest Loser contestants have to make it through a long series of trials.
In the meanwhile, Spike traveled halfway around the world to complete several trials and earn his soul back.
Kirk ends up in a time similar to when we had the Salem Witch trials.