Tremendous Sentence Examples
Thank you, I think that would be a tremendous help.
It will be a tremendous banquet.
Thunderstorms release tremendous amounts of energy.
In 1090 a tremendous hurricane passed over London, and blew down six hundred houses and many churches.
Both of these sections offer tremendous value to the shopper.
The growth of Clerical influence in France engendered a belief that Italy would soon have to defend with the sword her newly-won unity, while the tremendous lesson of the Franco-Prussian War convinced the military authorities of the need for thorough military reform.
He then began to teach her the political advantages of religion and to prepare the way for that tremendous engine in the hands of the state, the Inquisition.
Baur has had tremendous influence, even though many of his positions have been generally discredited.
He failed to recognize the pressing need of reform within the church and the tremendous dangers which threatened the papal monarchy; and he unpardonably neglected the spiritual needs of the time.
In the neighbourhood are the Cave of the Winds, the Grand Caverns, charming glens, mountain lakes and picturesque canyons; and the Garden of the Gods, - approached by a narrow gateway between two tremendous masses of red rock 330 ft.
AdvertisementA gravel bank acted on by such tremendous force crumbled rapidly, and the disintegrated material could be run readily through sluices to the " dumps."
At his great battle of Panipat (January 6, 1761), with vastly inferior numbers, he inflicted on the Mahrattas, then at the zenith of their power, a tremendous defeat, almost annihilating their vast army; but the success had for him no important result.
On the 10th of January 1835 Coseguina was the scene of one of the most tremendous eruptions on record.
In 1864 a tremendous flood almost ruined it, and another flood in 1878, and a famous strike in Denver and Leadville in 1879-1880 were further, but only momentary, checks to its prosperity.
The siege had lasted fifty-three days when, on the 29th of May 1453, a tremendous assault was successful; the desperate efforts of the Greeks were unavailing, Constantine himself falling among the foremost defenders of the breach.
AdvertisementThe bishop's career and on the lawless condition of the Welsh marches Lee tremendous struggle of 1864 between Lee and Grant included in his time.
This was the last and most tremendous visitation of the Assyrian scourge.
In April 1872 came the revulsion; there was a shrinkage of $60,000,000 in ten days; then in 1873 a tremendous advance, and in 1875 a final and disastrous collapse; in ten years thereafter the stock of the Comstock lode shrank from $3,000,000 to $2,000,000.
A tremendous flood, in 1616, choking the Cauto with trees and III.
Unmolested by enemies (Harpagornis, a tremendous bird of prey, died out with the Pleistocene), living in an equable insular climate, with abundant vegetation, the moas flourished and seem to have reached their greatest development in specialization, numbers, and a bewildering variety of large and small kinds, within quite recent times.
AdvertisementFoiled in their first ill-directed attempt, they were compelled to have recourse to that tremendous engine of regal tyranny, the law of treason.
Organizing your own Relay for Life is a tremendous achievement.
Army, which had been largely responsible for the extent of the enemy's initial success, and the tremendous strain of the retreat had naturally been responsible for further breakdowns.
The effect of the bull was tremendous; no other was ever followed by equally important results.
The tremendous uproar raised by Swift about Wood's halfpence was heightened by the fact that Wood shared his profits with the duchess of Kendal, the mistress of George I.
AdvertisementNational governments still wield tremendous leverage both on the territories they govern and as the only legally authorized participants in international deliberations.
The tremendous growth of competition in the 1970s and 1980s happily coincided with great strides forward in the availability of electronic technology.
Although he wore a cutlass, and had used it that day with tremendous effect, he did not now draw it.
James began to feel a tremendous oneness with the whole world.
Some one balances the toboggan on the very crest of the hill, while we get on, and when we are ready, off we dash down the side of the hill in a headlong rush, and, leaping a projection, plunge into a snow-drift and go swimming far across the pond at a tremendous rate!...
I know that it will be a tremendous opportunity for you.
They don't have a tremendous selection but there are a few styles to get you started.
They found that if liquid acetylene in a steel bottle be heated at one point by a platinum wire raised to a red heat, the whole mass decomposes and gives rise to such tremendous pressures that no cylinder would be able to withstand them.
Blucher's worn-out soldiers could not withstand the tremendous impact of Napoleon's choicest troops, and the Prussian centre was pierced and broken.
The great philosophical impulse was that given by Darwin in 1859 through his demonstration of the theory of descent, which gave tremendous zest to the search for pedigrees (phylogeny) of the existing and extinct types of animal and plant life.
This struggle between spiritual and secular powers, owing to the tremendous sensation which it created throughout Christendom, showed the nations that at the head of the Church there was a great force for justice, always able to combat iniquity and oppression, and sometimes to defeat them, however powerful the evil and the tyrants might seem.
In the Norris basin are the Black Growler and the Hurricane, which consist of small apertures through which steam rushes with such tremendous force that it may be heard for miles.
The Athenians, though their reserve of 6000 talents was by now almost exhausted (except for 1000 talents in a special reserve), made a tremendous effort (raising 200 talents by a special property tax), and not only prevented an invasion by a demonstration of loo triremes at the Isthmus, but sent Asopius, son of Phormio, to take his place in the western seas.
He passed away on the eve of tremendous events, which for a time obscured his fame; but now that he can be impartially estimated, he is seen to have been in many respects one of the greatest figures in modern history.
Then followed the tremendous warning, that to assign His work to Satan, and so to call good evil, was to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit - the one sin which admitted of no forgiveness.
On the west side the slope is gradual, especially in the broad plain that skirts the coast for the greater part cf its length; on the east side it is steep - precipitous indeed, towards the southern end - and intersected by valleys worn to a tremendous depth by the force of the torrents that once ran down them.
The 14th century was marked by violent fluctuations in the demand and supply of labour, and particularly the tremendous loss in population occasioned in the middle of this century by the Black Death called forth a most serious crisis.
Every one recognizes now that the poverty and sparse population of Sweden unfitted her for such a tremendous destiny.
After the threat of a Quo Warranto writ in 1683 for the surrender of the Massachusetts charter, Mather used all his tremendous influence to persuade the colonists not to give up the charter; and the Boston freemen unanimously voted against submission.
The first book, Gargantua, describes the birth of that hero (a giant and the son of gigantic parents), whose nativity is ushered in by the account of a tremendous feast.
The transportation of the wheat from the fields of the northwest to the seaport is a business of tremendous magnitude.
At Biarritz he prepared with Bismarck the Franco-Prussian alliance of April 1866; and hoped to become, to his greater glory, arbiter in the tremendous conflict which was about to begin.
The tremendous pressure to which the water is subjected in the confinement of the chasm causes the perpetual columns of mist which rise over the precipice.
In Britain, finally, the church, or rather the churches, wield tremendous influence in all spheres of life.
This is a tremendous accolade having been runners-up last year.
Typical of the great minds of our times, he has had to overcome tremendous adversity to make his mark in our world.
As is usual in these cases, the tremendous input of cold water probably killed the algae in the pool.
Pride of place went to the sportshall athletics team who managed a tremendous third place out of the 33 boroughs.
Together with guest auctioneer Jeffrey Archer they helped raise a tremendous £ 200k on the night.
I do not think a ground war will be a success, and I am sure it will bring tremendous bloodshed.
Thanks again for registering me, the response is a tremendous boost for the company at the perfect time of year.
Palma has Gaudi architecture and a tremendous Gothic cathedral More than 95% of Majorca's economy is tourist driven.
However, Formby B nearly equalized straight afterward, but for a tremendous goal-line clearance from one of Northern's players.
Therefore, the first major effect of promoting legitimate commerce was the tremendous expansion of domestic slavery.
Not least of which were Vanessa and Lee Salter who both showed tremendous courage and bravery.
There are 1,078 mission dioceses in the world, and many of them are experiencing tremendous growth.
The capital of the Bahamas is on Nassau, an island of tremendous vibrancy where luxury hotels have hosted some very illustrious guests.
What did it matter to him--who then alone amid a senseless crowd understood the whole tremendous significance of what was happening--what did it matter to him whether Rostopchin attributed the calamities of Moscow to him or to himself?
However, for many parts of the world, sunlight is available in tremendous quantity and for a majority of seasons.
While early forms of solar technology were cost prohibitive, as technology advances and costs drop, more communities around the world are recognizing the tremendous value of solar power.
The water becomes acidified and can cause tremendous amounts of damage when it falls to Earth.
From cotton to silk, wool, bamboo and more, the way that the natural materials used in home décor and textiles are grown can have a tremendous impact on the health of your family and the health of the world.
You may luck out and find a closeout that you can buy for a tremendous savings.
Make an appointment for at least every 4-6 weeks and you will see a tremendous difference.
Bobbi Brown has enjoyed tremendous success in recent years.
The tremendous conflicts Spiderman faced in Spiderman 3 introduced significant opportunities for game makers to capitalize on the excitement and action that took place throughout the movie.
The popularity of the line of printed Maxine greeting cards combined with the tremendous growth of the Internet created a growing demand for free Maxine ecards.
Good food processors can offer tremendous help to the busy cook.
Diets that are high in protein and low in carbs can put a tremendous strain on the liver and kidneys.
I had a tremendous sense of worth when I gave my cousin's wife a pencil drawing and scrapbook page I created for her stillborn daughter.
Practicing meditation for at least 30 minutes a day will have a tremendous impact on your overall sense of well-being.
While tough, try to see this as a tremendous growth opportunity.
There are a tremendous amount of styles to choose from and because there are no longer any hard and fast rules to follow, you can mix and match your fashion look with ease.
While in past decades Christian teens were relegated to either a simple piece of cross jewelry or making their own shirts, today there are a tremendous amount of options in Christian t shirts for teens and young adults.
The more wedding cake pictures a couple looks at when planning their wedding, the more they will see the tremendous variety of wedding cake designs available to match any festivities.
Stretch Hummers are highly sought after, and due to their tremendous cost, most limousine establishments only carry a select number of Hummer vehicles for service.
Choosing bargain flower girl dresses can be a tremendous savings for the parents of these diminutive bridal party members.
With a tremendous range of styles available, from fun and quirky designs to sleek, sophisticated magnets, there is a save the date magnet perfect for every couple's special day.
What a tremendous relief I can finally to the best of my ability let things go and swim down stream instead of fighting the current!
From beauty queen to sexy TV and film star, Longoria has made a tremendous name for herself.
Ivanka was rumored to have been dating Lance Armstrong, but told People magazine, "I have tremendous respect for Lance and all he has accomplished.
Saving the tremendous costs of a storefront, they can thus offer the same clothes at a steep discount.
They need not be elegant or particularly chic, but instead, dresses that are comically ornate and feature a tremendous amount of "poof!" fall into the almost stereotypical category of infant birthday party attire.
Anyone who wishes to become a nurse in this country will be providing a tremendous service to our society.
If, for example, you are great at sales, a commission-based sales job may allow you to earn tremendous amounts of income during the summer season.
Given the tremendous competition for college-entry, the programs are designed to help students rise above the pack.
Universities, on the other hand, may extend some chances for research to undergraduates, and they offer tremendous opportunities for graduate students to conduct research in the subject areas of their choice.
Despite the differences between colleges and universities, they both have tremendous advantages for students who intend to advance their educations.
Hurricane season runs from June 1 to November 30, and the tremendous storms can alter itineraries and disrupt vacations with very little notice.
To arrange these elements separately would take tremendous effort, time, and money.
A popular part of many packages, these additional tours are the perfect way to see not only the tremendous coast and ports of Alaska, but also to experience the wild beauty of the interior.
Large ships offer tremendous ranges of activities, from multiple sporting activities to boutiques, hair salons, bars and lounges, and extensive children's facilities to accommodate families.
A stunning 1,112 feet long and a staggering 15 passenger decks high, Freedom of the Seas offers a tremendous range of activities and amenities for every passenger.
Most of the sites listed below host a tremendous amount of tab versions for Young's songs.
Bad Moon Rising was the first single released from Credence's third album Green River and was a tremendous commercial success.
Figure in their controversial appearance (they play in matching jumpsuits and all members wear dark, sinister-looking masks), and you have a band that continues to create a tremendous buzz.
Homeowners now have tremendous versatility in track selection, plus you can change light heads as needed to fit function and design preferences.
Discovering the niche set the family business into many years of tremendous growth and additional innovation beyond just stain and varnish, offering house paint for the first time in 1986.
Given the tremendous history and innovation of each of these companies, using any of these paints or varnishes on your home would be an excellent decision.
These include a white gold necklace with a cascade of diamond station pendants falling from a central drop diamond and a tremendous south sea pearl ring encircled by diamonds and white gold.
Due to the tremendous number of variations of Black Hills Gold Jewelry, prices also range greatly.
For anyone who wants to channel his inner Dude or just show appreciation for a tremendous cult classic, a Big Lebowski tee shirt is an absolute must.
Men's dressing rules have evolved over recent years, and one of the main underlying reasons for this was the tremendous uptick in wealth during the late 1990's, and very early 2000's.
The company stands firm against genetically engineered plants and seeds, and the selection of fruits and vegetables is tremendous.
You probably already know the advantage of buying bulk whenever you can because of the tremendous savings.
Good for earth" is generating tremendous appeal at the grab-and-go moment.
The industry has seen tremendous growth in recent years.
It really is a small investment to make to receive a tremendous return.
Blass found tremendous success in Manhattan and by the time he was 18, he had become the first male to win the '"Design for Living" award presented by Mademoiselle magazine.
Discounted clothing can be a tremendous bargain if it is well made, and there are many off-price stores that offer a wide selection of plus sized formal dresses at discounted price points.
Your mocha money can start to increase because of compounded interest, and in as little as 15 years, you'll reap a tremendous benefit.
For someone who has dealt with back pain for a long time, this change can be a tremendous relief.
Aspex Eyewear was founded in 1972 and since then, the company has made tremendous strides when it comes to technology.
Whether it's a squiggly line, diamond-shaped spaces, or carefully placed "holes", you'll take tremendous comfort in knowing that no matter the design you eventually select is, in a word, unique.
One of the advantages of this site is the fact that the company offers a tremendous selection and that they have a section of their website devoted to helping you find the right frame.
The Police line was introduced in 1983, and has gained a tremendous following over the past twenty plus years.
The power of a ball coming off the racquet has tremendous and dangerous force behind it.
The announcement of a new Harry Potter theme park from Universal has led to tremendous excitement in the wizarding and muggle communities alike as eager fans await the opportunity to experience a truly magical theme park getaway.
The fantasy world of Harry Potter is perfect for a theme park, not only because it already has tremendous popular appeal, but also because of its very nature.
Challenging speed limits can be an instant thrill, and the fastest roller coaster designs in the world offer a safe and fun way to enjoy tremendous speeds.
Carnival tents, a tremendous Krusty-themed entrance, and extended clips and new ride-exclusive animation can be found throughout the queue and preshow areas to help guests feel like they are a part of Springfield.
King's Island hoped to continue the park's reputation of outstanding wooden roller coasters when Son of Beast, the largest single investment in the park's history to that point, opened in 2000 with tremendous fanfare.
Three managers of one of those computer companies -- Apple Computer -- decided that video games for computers represented a tremendous, promising future market.
It was tremendous and with all the features-networked play, hug environments-its seemed improbably this game would see final packaging.
Rations give you a tremendous amount of stamina when eaten, so they're pretty rare.
Also, if you are going at a tremendous speed into a hard turn, let off the gas as you enter the turn.
It's really easy to get caught up on new video games coming out, but a tremendous value can be found with used video games.
Puzzle games have found a tremendous audience in online gamers; since they are often graphically minimalistic they can be downloaded quickly.
Since the vehicles are futuristic, you can bet your rear that you'll be racing at tremendous speeds.
It's not a monkey's job, and it requires tremendous dedication and heart.
The rapid growth of the gaming industry in Canada represents a tremendous opportunity for the country to gain more jobs and further business development.
Not only is swimming a lifelong skill, but it also helps you stay fit, while having a tremendous amount of fun.
This means not only can you have plenty of fun when you're by the water, but because of the tremendous selection from which you can choose, you can also rest assured knowing that you look wonderful, too.
One tremendous benefit of the latest Kenneth Cole collection is that because many of the designs are separates, you can easily mix and match the different styles that suit you best.
With a tremendous selection and a bevy of close-up photographs, the Swimwear Place is one of the best sites to visit when it comes to purchasing a skirtini style.
People often put in tremendous amounts of energy trying to save their relationship, and releasing themselves from that Sisyphean task may actually feel good.
Married dating sites are a newer online dating concept, and they can either be a tremendous boon or an expensive mistake depending on how wisely you use them.
Becoming engaged is a tremendous milestone in a couple's relationship.
Your tremendous sympathy for others also lets you fair well with rats, rabbits and goats.
The company continued to achieve tremendous success and moved onward and upward into the 20th century.
So while buying from online auction websites can offer a tremendous range of different rare and hard to find Seiko watches, it can also be problematic.
Three years later, a professional diver from Hiroshima contacted Seiko requesting a watch that could withstand the tremendous pressures and stresses of saturation dives to 350 meters.
Early identification and intervention are important aspects of a child's education; the right approach can make a tremendous difference in their ability to function later in life.
Home services businesses offer tremendous opportunity because today's dual income families have less time and desire to do home maintenance and repairs.
Numerous large corporations have reported tremendous savings using the Employee Benefits Program.
With such a tremendous range of craft items available, there are an endless number of potential projects for crafters to indulge in.
And, like any juice fast, learning to get along without solid food can be a tremendous challenge.
Because this diet represents a tremendous change in eating habits, discuss it with your physician first.
Simply modeling healthy choices for the child, by eating healthful foods yourself, and by engaging in physical activity on a regular basis, can be a tremendous encouragement to a child with a weight problem.
A binge is an uncontrollable urge to eat tremendous quantities of food, usually in a very short amount of time, and frequently in secret.
A cleansing diet can be a tremendous boost to one's overall well-being when done in a healthful and safe manner.
While this may not sound like much, it plays a tremendous role in extinguishing those extra 60 "cookie" calories.
There probably is not a person on the planet who hasn't heard of Jared Fogle or the Subway diet that allowed him to shed a tremendous amount of weight in a relatively short period of time.
Diets higher in protein with moderate amounts of carbohydrates have tremendous potential for reducing blood lipids, maintaining lean tissue and converting fat to fuel.
This is a tremendous benefit to the calorie counter, because many of today's online programs, such as and offer the number of calories in chain restaurant meals and in fast food establishments.
Many dieters have experienced tremendous success with a ketosis diet - otherwise known as a low carb diet.
A new generation of dieters enthusiastically tried the diet, and many experienced tremendous success.
This yoga move takes tremendous strength and endurance and accomplishing it without injury is the sign of a skilled yoga master in tune with her inner strength.
If you work a full-time schedule, this can be a tremendous advantage.
Cigna and SOA search for the best and brightest candidates with tremendous potential to become successful actuaries.
Members who are covered by Guardian will enjoy some tremendous savings on their dental health services.
There is a tremendous benefit in using car insurance brokers to find the best rates for automobile insurance.
A well fitted bra can make a tremendous difference in both your personal comfort level and also the silhouette of your frame.
There's a tremendous amount of styles out there from sporty to frouffy to romantic, so all a woman has to do is look.
Many plus-sized women are pleasantly surprised by the tremendous difference a fitted bra can make.
While this company offers bras in all sizes, the plus selection is tremendous.
From cozy cottons to smooth silks, there is tremendous variety from today's retailers.
As great as they are when you get them to work, figuring out Spanx sizing can be a tremendous challenge.
Wacoal is well-known for producing high-quality bras, with tremendous fit, both in the United States and internationally.
Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Wacoal bras began a campaign to garner further attention to this tremendous cause.
This is a tremendous benefit because while it's true that these items are not exorbitantly priced, if you purchase more than one or two items, the final cost can add up fairly quickly.
Many have a tremendous lingerie wardrobe; bras and panties in every color imaginable and multi-tasking shapers to help take them from day to night.
These lingerie shorts come in several different styles, which is of tremendous benefit because it means that you can genuinely find a pair that suits your fancy.
You'll also want to visit, as this site offers a tremendous selection of robes that are simply stunning in their design and color.
Although the site is enjoying a tremendous success and is serving most of its users very well, there has also been a lot of controversy born from it.
In the first week alone, it sold 65,000 copies, a tremendous showing for a soundtrack, which tend to sell steadily rather than quickly.
Her father, taxi driver Mitch Winehouse, was a tremendous fan of jazz and soul music, and Winehouse fell in love with her father's favorite music at a young age.
A party planner puts tremendous effort into an event, from sending invitations to coordinating decorations to planning a menu to offering activities, and a homemade gift shows similar time, effort, and thought.
The last day of the holiday is the Lantern Festival, when children of the community carry traditional paper lanterns in a tremendous parade that also includes music, dancing, and the fabled dragon dance.
Both reality specials garnered tremendous ratings, which prompted Discovery Health to offer the couple their own reality TV series chronicling the trials and tribulations associated with raising twins and sextuplets.
The first season dealt with the Atlantis Expedition coping with survival, despite being surrounded by tremendous technology.
Due to the link to Queen Elizabeth the poem found political favor with her and became a tremendous success and Spenser's defining work.
Trinneer earned a tremendous fan following for his character, the southern engineer Captain Charles Tucker the Third, or "Trip" as he is affectionately known.
The 1980's genre of disaster and "otherworldly" films ushered in an era of tremendous success for the sort of orchestral pieces that John Williams produced.
The miniaturization of computer processors and circuitry presents the possibility of tremendous processing and "thinking" power in a very small package.
A dedication to the dream of being published coupled with tremendous work ethic helped drive Stephen King from the simple aspiration to be published to a many times over New York Times best selling author.
With the tremendous advances in skincare and technology over the years, it's quite possible that one day we could all be putting ourselves on waiting lists for this miracle cream.
But he is immortal as the man against whom Kant directed his tremendous battery 1 Human attributes magnified, or their weak points thought away.
He insisted that the great powers of increase of all organisms led to a tremendous struggle for existence, and that variability extended to every part and organ of every organism; that the variability was large in amount in proportion to the size of the part affected, and occurred in a considerable proportion of the individuals of those large and dominant species which might be supposed to be breaking up into new species.
Besides the military, a tremendous immigration of civilian officials took place as the result of the new conditions, and, as accommodation was not readily available, rents rose to an enormous figure.
The town in fact has little air of antiquity; genuine Arab buildings do not last long, especially in a valley periodically ravaged by tremendous floods when the tropical rains burst on the surrounding hills.
That he remained satisfied with them himself is doubtful, unless for their foresight, their tremendous effect as instruments of punishment, and as they swept him to so much distinction.
In the grasp of a more inexorable necessity, the champion of Greek freedom was borne onward to a more tremendous catastrophe than that which strewed the waters of Salamis with Persian wrecks and the field of Plataea with Persian dead; but to him, at least, it was given to proclaim aloud the clear and sure foreboding that filled his soul, to do all that true heart and free hand could do for his cause, and, though not to save, yet to encourage, to console and to ennoble.
In our opinion the business offers tremendous potential for further increase in the right hands.
It's a tremendous boon to the ego, to your sense of self-reliance, to your feeling about your own talent.
Ian has shown tremendous promise so far in a limited and rather episodic racing career.
Understanding how to make the perfect socket fit would make a tremendous difference to those people.
There is tremendous goodwill from a number of high-profile organizations, but the problems are daunting.
Adams ended the meeting in tremendous style by easing to victory, whilst Richardson pulled up with mechanical gremlins on the third lap.
Our buying habits have a tremendous impact on the environment.
The LORD sent a tremendous hailstorm against all the land of Egypt.
Fillion is not only ruggedly handsome, but also has tremendous range.
So that is an earlier phase of my development; I learned a tremendous lot from Ernst Kris at the time.
To end the show, once again showing tremendous versatility, the oldest group presented a Victorian melodrama - THE BLACK HEARTED VILLAIN.
Right through the scrolls runs a tremendous stress on the due observance of the liturgical year.
Eventually it arrived and there was a tremendous outpouring of emotion from all connected with the club.
Derek Fraser is to be congratulated on a tremendous achievement and for the guts to tackle a piece which could have gone seriously pear-shaped.
Greenpeace's size and centralized power structure gives it tremendous muscle that smaller grassroots groups cannot match.
Perhaps such scientific natures have some psychic prevision of the most tremendous problem of their lives.
The reconstructions are in accord with previous images of stained virions and shows tremendous similarity with the human reovirus.
Still, the EPR's appearance has given the government an excuse to unleash tremendous repression.
The creation of DCLG offers tremendous scope to transform the prospects of communities across the country.
These rocky reefs provide shelter for a tremendous variety of marine animals and plants and make an excellent place to study the seashore.
Despite such prosperity, the tremendous economic changes left many of its urban poor living in overcrowded slums.
Neural networks to is careful to reform easy to insurance for ireland car rental imagine making tremendous strides.
This project can only be hailed as a tremendous success.
Clearly this role is diminished at higher tempi, but they are of tremendous value at lower speeds.
The most violent tornados are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of 250 mph or more.
A truly tremendous achievement, considering some of the potential heavy weights in the above £ 5m category.
We prefer to have so tremendous a power as that in our own hands.
Without doubt, experienced leaders are essential, but also tremendous to travel with.
This is a brilliant collection of songs and particularly tremendous is the exquisitely sad ' How Do You Keep Love Alive ' .
I personally have had only tremendous encouragement over the years.
I've seen the early work on capes and they look tremendous.
Musically, they are a twisted group with the ability to stay away from musical normality's, whist still sounding tremendous.
Nailing a deal have gotten tremendous tho it seems tv and that.
Sue took Alan to see Woking Youth Theater in ' A Midsummer Night's Dream ', which both found tremendous.
It's about Charlton v Fulham, the two sides that have enjoyed three tremendous tussles already this season.
Fiona Ware - GSG Caving Secretary Elphin Caving Center The hut survived the tremendous winter gales almost totally unscathed.
Having a conservatory or garden room built can mean a tremendous upheaval.
The first set was by the College Big Band, led with tremendous verve by Rob Milner.
Once again the ravers were on form and made tonight very tremendous bringing pure party vibes as expecting and not forgetting the noise!
Throwing off the blanket of communist uniformity, Russia today is a nation of enormous diversity and tremendous vitality.
Sewer passage, once a tremendous mud wallow is a very clean passageway now.
Cities are cut off by tremendous flooding - just something else to add to the country's woes.
New Zealand has also yielded many flightless birds, notably the numerous species and genera of Dinornithidae, some of which survived into the 19th century (see M0A); Pseudapteryx allied to the Kiwi; Cnemiornis, a big, flightless goose; Aptornis and Notornis, flightless rails; and Harpagornis, a truly gigantic bird of prey with tremendous wings and talons.
In any case the orbits of comets are exposed to such tremendous perturbations from the planets that it is unsafe from the present orbit of a comet to conjecture what that orbit may have been in remote antiquity.
The other rivers are the Bhargavi, the Daya and the Nun, all of which flow into the Chilka lake and are navigable by large boats during the rainy season, when the waters come down in tremendous floods, bursting the banks and carrying everything before them.
The rapid development of his work made a tremendous strain upon Wesley's powers.
A tremendous rainstorm imposed further delays, for the coolies and the native transport that had been laboriously collected scattered in all directions.
On the 11th of July 1302 the great battle of Courtrai (see Infantry) was fought outside its walls, when the French army, under the count of Artois, was vanquished by the allied burghers of Bruges, Ypres and Courtrai with tremendous loss.
To all who felt this need Christianity offered high moral ideals, and a tremendous moral enthusiasm, in its devotion to a beloved leader, in its emphasis upon the ethical possibilities of the meanest, and in its faith in a future life of blessedness for the righteous.
Five years afterwards Portugal was overtaken by the tremendous disaster of the Lisbon earthquake (see Lisbon), which, as Oliveira Martins justly observes, was " more than a cataclysm of nature; it was a moral revolution."
Still, the EPR 's appearance has given the government an excuse to unleash tremendous repression.
The show got off to a tremendous start with a rousing rendition of Queen 's We Will Rock You.
In the 1980s compulsory seat belt legislation was introduced with tremendous claims for the number of lives which would be saved.
Again my sincere congratulations to everyone involved within the business, all the individuals are aware of the Boardâs tremendous gratitude.
Based on the belief shopping should be fun, sit-up channels engage and entertain whilst offering tremendous product quality and value for money.
It was a tremendous effort, but he managed it, and let himself slump back into the chair.
You stagger backward under the tremendous weight and crash into the wall.
Friction stir welding is a solid state welding process, developed at TWI with tremendous potential for aerospace applications.
Leave out the one piece of the jigsaw puzzle and the picture is a UFO, metallic and tremendous in size.
Tremendous in scope, breathtaking in its suspense, Atlas Shrugged is unlike any other book you have ever read.
The video interview is entertaining and it 's tremendous to see how well the passage of time has treated Brandon and Barber.
It 's tremendous to have musicians as visionary as you at work in this country.
Such a prospect would give Hugo Chavez a tremendous political boost.
All they could see was a tremendous amount of bubbling, exactly where the boat had been.
It was a tremendous achievement for Paul, becoming the first magician from outside the USA to receive the award.
The event was a tremendous success with over 600 people attending.
Best cut-off filter We have put tremendous effort in creating the best cut-off filter ever.
This is a brilliant collection of songs and particularly tremendous is the exquisitely sad ' How Do You Keep Love Alive '.
I 've seen the early work on capes and they look tremendous.
Musically, they are a twisted group with the ability to stay away from musical normality 's, whist still sounding tremendous.
Sue took Alan to see Woking Youth Theater in ' A Midsummer Night 's Dream ', which both found tremendous.
It 's about Charlton v Fulham, the two sides that have enjoyed three tremendous tussles already this season.
Once again the ravers were on form and made tonight very tremendous bringing pure party vibes as expecting and not forgetting the noise !
The tremendous body, astounding winy acidity and blackcurrant flavor and aroma make Estate Kenya one of the finest coffees in the world.
Cities are cut off by tremendous flooding - just something else to add to the country 's woes.
Over the past decade, Emma saw tremendous changes in her life.
I've had the privilege of working with some extraordinary investors who consistently add a tremendous amount of value.
I was aware of the tremendous stress he was under and the toll it was taking on him professionally and personally.
More to the point, the startup model holds tremendous appeal because of speed, technology and attractiveness to investors.
Your new baby is going through tremendous amounts of growth, change and development over the first few months of her life.
For certain infant personalities, a swing is a tremendous blessing since it functions as a nap aid.
The Xbox launched with Halo, which saw tremendous success and continues to do so.
With a tremendous selection of programming books available, it can be hard to choose which one will work best.
Air is built up inside the nail canister and when you pull the trigger, a "door" opens and the nail is pushed out at tremendous speed.
While the overall discounts aren't tremendous, you can save a few dollars to make the purchase worth it.
The North Georgia Premium Outlet Mall provides bargain lovers in the Peach State a massive selection of shops to choose from, each one offering up tremendous savings on everything from clothing and electronics to housewares and jewelry.
Most of these errors are mere processing errors that can be easily corrected, but in cases of stolen identity or other fraud, these errors can take a tremendous amount of time and energy to correct.
It is far better to catch a potential financial problem early on instead of after a tremendous amount of fees have been charged to the account.
If you have been married for many years, this may seem like a tremendous challenge.
Keep in mind that how a child proceeds along that path has a tremendous amount to do with their role models, which are firstly, and foremost, their parents.
Recycling paper is fast and easy, and it makes a tremendous difference for both today and tomorrow.
Although the USGBC strives to offset all of the emissions from the attendees' travel and use of the conference center, the event still takes a tremendous amount of energy to produce.
Some people live such tension-filled lives that the stress hormones rarely abate, which takes a tremendous toll on their brains.
Because of their tremendous capacity, large ships are more likely to offer better discounts and last minute deals for available cabins.
In light of the tremendous technology offered by Aspex, it's obvious to see why their prescription glasses are so sought after.
Two tremendous wave pools, bumper boats, a relaxing endless river, the Adventure River with geysers, waterfalls, and waves, and the Flash Flood flume boat ride with wavefront bridge are just a few of the fun watery options.
At low settings, a 1.1Ghz - 512MB RAM PC2700 - Geforce 4 4200 ran smooth at around 35 fps, but large scale battles took a tremendous amount of time to render.
Though other winemaking regions are legally not allowed to call their wines Champagne, many other areas of the world make tremendous sparkling wines worthy of the Champagne designation.
With fascinating seminars, the 2011 event in March was a tremendous success.
Pinot Grigio may owe much of its tremendous popularity to its quaffability.
Since then, they've grown to become a nationwide chain in the United Kingdom with a tremendous selection of clothing and equipment available for mail order and in-store purchase.
Once the Rangers discovered the members of the group hours later, they found four dead from the elements and one killed by the impact of the tremendous fall.
They are produced by a tremendous force against the body, either from an internal source as in childbirth, or from an external source like a punch.
Laceration-A cut or separation of skin or other tissue by a tremendous force, producing irregular edges.
A child with conduct disorder can have a tremendous impact on the home environment and on the physical and emotional welfare of siblings and others sharing the household.
A speech therapist and high-tech aids such as computer-controlled communication devices can make a tremendous difference in the life of those who have speech impairments.
Because alcohol overuse and abuse has been so much a part of Western experience, there is clearly a tremendous need-among children and adults-for better education about both alcohol consumption and alcoholism.
Understand the tremendous importance of child and adolescent issues, including alcohol and other drug use and acceptance by peers; be ready and able to discuss these subjects with children.
When an infant is vigorously shaken by the arms, legs, shoulders, or chest, the whiplash motion repeatedly jars the baby's brain with tremendous force, causing internal damage and bleeding.
It is of tremendous importance to clarify the diagnosis, and assure that it is truly Bell's palsy that a child is suffering from as soon as possible.
Home schooling involves a tremendous commitment from the parents.
A child with antisocial behavioral problems can have a tremendous impact on the home environment and on the physical and emotional welfare of siblings and others sharing the household, as well as their peers at school.
The Internet has provided tremendous opportunities for the dance world.
The movie was a tremendous hit worldwide, becoming the first movie to sell more than a million copies on video.
This bugle call has tremendous potential to create an emotional response from the listener any time it is played.
Personally, I love color and use it a lot because it can have a tremendous impact on how we feel in a space.
That's because many of the symbols used in the Chinese culture with their intricate and complex meanings also have tremendous the feng shui value.
Using free genealogy search engines (or paid services for that matter) is a tremendous tool for the genealogist.
Family Bible Records - A tremendous first-hand resource if you are fortunate enough to have one in your family.
In fact, Katharine McPhee from American Idol became the company's spokesperson in July 2006, creating a commercial partnership with tremendous appeal for trendy and stylish hair.
Others do have to go back, but almost everyone who has had the work done agrees that the improvement is tremendous.
This is why pictorial and model-based activities can make a tremendous amount of difference when it comes to math.
The first Sears catalog, published in 1888, provided people in rural areas with access to a tremendous amount of labor saving devices, clothing, home furnishing and more at reasonable prices.
Many people search for bank foreclosed homes for sale in the hopes of saving a tremendous amount of money when buying a home, but buying a foreclosed home does not necessarily guarantee significant savings.
Jessica earned more than $30 million in 2005 and enjoyed tremendous popularity.
Snakes have a tremendous sense of smell and will usually eat a dead mouse when they are hungry without intervention.
Besides offering tremendous style, the affordability of these garments are key.
Meta Café also has a tremendous collection of bikini videos on their site, and several of them showcase the lovely ladies participating in a Dayton Beach contest.
We have been getting a tremendous response from celebrities for our swimwear line this year.
The second reason deals with the tremendous variation of color that this style offers.
If you are not yet interested in going organic, you should check out Just Beach Towels, which offers a tremendous amount of towels, including custom designs.
Long tankinis can be a real boon for any woman looking to elongate her figure, and one of the very best factors about this swim option is that there is a tremendous amount of varying styles from which you can choose.
The various styles they offer are tremendous, the color selections are wide and varied (from opaque to sheer), and with all of the user friendly options, this brand is definitely a winner! carries a tremendous amount of sheer bikini and cut-out styles that feature wild animal prints, adorable stars and even glitter fabric.
For experienced, adult swimmers, this might not be an issue, but for tykes and toddlers, these tremendous depths can pose quite a danger.
One of the advantages of shopping at Venus is their tremendous selection; there are literally reams and reams of the different models that are available for purchase.
Most if not all of these vitamins exceed the RDA by quite a bit, with certain vitamins delivered in tremendous doses.
Although there is a tremendous variety, the overall style and feel of Mandalay gowns is feminine, dramatic, and very sexy.
Even if you don't have a specific David Bowie fixation, there's a tremendous appeal about 70s glam fashion, and not just for Halloween.
While these few scents do not represent a tremendous variety, if the Wisp continues to be a popular air freshener design, Glade is sure to release additional scents, particularly seasonal options for popular holidays.
In order to recognize those organizations that continue to help collect, resell or redistribute donated furniture, the following stories provide examples of the tremendous generosity of some individuals and organizations.
Due to this fact (and many others), St. Jude's racks up tremendous expenses each and every year that must be paid.
Grant writing courses can be a tremendous help.
The ease of giving this universal gift is tremendous -- you can buy gift cards or certificates online, at mall service centers, and specific stores.
Alice has been inspiring costumes for decades and continues to be tremendous fun to recreate.
Discovering the underlying psychological components of the "letting go" of your looks and health will help you make tremendous strides in reversing the process.
Every person is wonderfully unique, and while the advice listed above will give you a tremendous advantage, it's important to focus more on what she's saying than on what you're saying.
LoveToKnow Dating provides a tremendous resource for relationship questions of all types.
Whether the question is posed under the stars, on the highway, or simply during a quiet moment together, so long as the intent is clear and the question genuine, it will be the beginning of a tremendous relationship.
Blue Nile offers a tremendous selection of engagement styles, including pave settings, bridal sets, Asscher cuts, and dozens of unique settings and styles.
While the company's selection may not be as unique as other designers, they still offer a tremendous array of both traditional and contemporary designs.
There is a tremendous range of engagement ring prices, but the only price that truly matters is the one that is put on the relationship that ring symbolizes.
Jewelry designers are able to experiment with new techniques and styles for right hand rings, resulting in a tremendous array of previously unknown layouts.
In the 1998 blockbuster Armageddon, for example, the world is poised on the brink of destruction as a tremendous asteroid takes aim at the planet, but when A.J.
Different companies have been manufacturing diamonds for decades, primarily using tremendous force and pressure to simulate the natural processes that create diamonds.
Tremendous band detailing including stunning diamond accents, filigree patterns, and braids.
No single engagement ring design is perfect for every couple, and examining different photos of unusual engagement rings can help couples realize the tremendous range of options available for a ring to represent their relationship.
With tremendous purchasing power, the Exchange is able to provide hard-to-find gems in a wide range of sizes and quality measurements for every couple's budget and preferences.
The Jewelry Exchange manufactures more than 90 percent of the jewelry it sells, and while they do not offer custom engagement rings or other one-of-a-kind designs, they do have a tremendous range of styles available. offers writers a tremendous resource and definition of plagiarism to help them avoid the writer's shame, that of stealing another person's work and labeling it as your own.
Having a child with celiac disease can be a tremendous emotional strain for parents.
To say that Mary Frances offers a tremendous purse selection is almost something of an understatement, but what more can you expect from a designer that prides herself on being unique?
If it's selection you are after, then Ebags won't disappoint as the site houses a tremendous amount of different styles to choose from.
This allows you a tremendous opportunity to help your partner build roots and feel comfortable in your domestic presence.
Cauac natives are the researchers of the universe and have a tremendous ability to teach what they learn.
Aries doesn't hem or haw the way other astrological signs do, and this personality trait can be a tremendous boost to Aquarius' ego.
Even in the midst of tremendous technological advances, the natural immune-building powers of vitamin C are yet to be disputed.
In a small school, this may not be an issue, but a larger school could pose tremendous problems of identification if everyone is dressed alike!
If an intelligence service could be successful in finding people with the ability to use their psychic powers to "see" events at a distance, it would have a tremendous advantage over its counterparts in other nations.
This proved to be a tremendous epiphany for Jose Silva, as he was convinced he had discovered a technique to help the human mind tap its true potential.
However, in 1906, a terrible tragedy struck the area as a tremendous earthquake shook the ground all around the local area.
And as many ghost hunters today recognize, buildings where people suffered under tremendous psychological pain and sorrow often turn out to be a haunted.
Cayce also promised the country would experience tremendous changes bringing about greater personal and religious freedoms.
With the tremendous popularity of the paranormal on the Internet these days, there are a number of ghost sightings cams set up where you can ghost hunt wearing your pajamas from the comfort of your own home.
An empath is so sensitive to the energies surrounding her, especially the energies of other people, that she can fall victim to tremendous stress and inner conflict.
With the tremendous number of free radio stations available on the 'Net, it may help to narrow down your search.
In today's consumer culture, there is a tremendous pressure to buy merchandise you can't afford and to define your sense of self-worth by superficial factors.
With a tremendous selection of footwear for men and women and top name shoe-manufactures like Steve Madden, you'll be sure to find a sterling pair of high-heeled.
The numerous subtle differences from boot to boot can make a tremendous difference in the fit and overall look of the boot.
The shoes and sandals have become so popular today that there is tremendous variety in the footwear line.
Knowing how greatly women's feet can differ in terms of size and width., they pride themselves on offering a tremendous size selection, with widths available from AAAA to EEEE.
One of the reasons Eastenders has gained such a tremendous following is its ability to masterfully weave real-world issues into its storylines.
Eden's leading role status won Walker tremendous fan support.
Soap operas seven greatest leading ladies are more than just the best actresses for their roles, they are tremendous women.
Spencer experienced a tremendous amount of pressure to bear on herself, because she felt constant competition for her older sister's "perfect" example.
The death of Keith had tremendous repercussions through the fifth season.
Lily and Cane's love story faced many obstacles, but earned a tremendous fan following.
It was assumed by many in the book series that this fact accounts for Jason's tremendous attractiveness to the women in his life, as well as to some men.
It takes years to learn the many facets of tattooing, along with a tremendous amount of personal dedication and commitment.
Astrology expanded this system to include a spiritually twisted belief that the stars and constellations had a tremendous influence on the world, especially individuals and even more so on their birthdays.
Tremendous contributions to the tattoo industry came from Wagner and Alberts.
To make matters even better, the internet is a tremendous help when looking for the perfect quality-assured, affordable wristwatch.
Most other investment accounts, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or money market funds, all provide the opportunity for high interest, but they also come with the risk of tremendous loss if the financial markets ever rapidly decline.
Unless you're a lawyer it can be difficult to write the form by yourself from scratch, so using a medical release blank form can be a tremendous help.
Although their soul-pop sound had a tremendous influence on music, and although the label launched the careers of many a legend, the real importance of Motown was the way it helped integrate the music industry and music fans.
Casimir recognized from the first that further fighting against tremendous odds was unprofitable.
Militarism may account for much of the tremendous deficit under Urban VIII.; but the real cancer was nepotism.
Most rain falls between November and May, and at this season the torrents are tremendous while they last, and squalls of wind are frequent and violent, almost invariably preceding a downpour.
And what he saw he presented with tremendous power.
If by any chance this magnificent bird alights upon the sea he must flap and beat the water and air with his wings with tremendous energy until he gets fairly launched.
The more unanswerable this tremendous indictment appears upon the evidence the greater the probability that the evidence is incomplete.
The struggle over Kansas (q.v.) aroused tremendous passion in Missouri.
His oration was a tremendous arraignment of war, and an impassioned appeal for freedom and for peace, and proved him an orator of the first rank.
The early 'eighties were made notable by a tremendous " boom " in real estate, rural and urban, throughout the commonwealth.
However, what is certain is that there is a tremendous range of content available online for Lord of the Rings fans.
As Russian troops poured into Abkhazia and later an invasion and partial occupation of Georgia, a massive cyber attack swept through Georgia, threatening to isolate the small country and its tremendous battle for freedom and sovereignty.
Using server side scripting languages adds a tremendous amount of power and flexibility to what you can accomplish with your web page.
Search engines assign tremendous value to inbound links -- so offer your visitors something worth linking to.
This can have a tremendous positive impact on your business.
New Zealand has also yielded many flightless birds, notably the numerous species and genera of Dinornithidae, some of which survived into the 19th century; Pseudapteryx allied to the Kiwi; Cnemiornis, a big, flightless goose; Aptornis and Notornis, flightless rails; and Harpagornis, a truly gigantic bird of prey with tremendous wings and talons.
When one remembers that missionaries like Piano Carpini, and traders like the Venetian Polos, either penetrated by land from Acre to Peking, or circumnavigated southern Asia from Basra to Canton, one realizes that there was, about 1300, a discovery of Asia as new and tremendous as the discovery of America by Columbus two centuries later.
Thereafter, whatever befell, the allied armies would resolutely press forward towards Paris, affording each other mutual support, and with the tremendous weight of troops at their disposal thrust back Napoleon upon his capital, force him to fight in front of it, and drive him when defeated within its works.
From 1860 to 1890 the one increased its numbers decennially by one half, and the other by under one fifth; but from 1890 to 1910 the difference in growth was slight, owing to a tremendous falling off in the rate of growth of much of the Western and the western states of the North Central divisions.
This latest and also highest range was formed by tremendous thrusts from the Pacific side, crumpling and folding the ancient sedimentary rocks, which run from the Cambrian to the Cretaceous, and faulting them along overturned folds.
The memory of this league was almost blotted out by the tremendous events which soon absorbed the attention of Germany and the, world, but it truly indicated the direction of the political forces which were then at work beneath the surface, and which long afterwards triumphed.
The deposition of `Abd ul-Aziz is an example of the tremendous power that can be wielded by the ulema at the head of their thousands of pupils, 3 when they choose to stir up the masses; nor would Malhmud II.
His tremendous physical strength, the personal ascendancy he gained by this and by his powers of command made him a peculiarly formidable opponent, and thus enabled him to maintain a discipline which guaranteed the punctual execution of his orders.
The three murderers of Inez were sent out of the kingdom by Alphonso, who knew his son too well not to be aware that the vengeance would be tremendous as the crime.
His own tremendous powers of work and his rugged manner somewhat alarmed his boys at first, but his popularity was soon undisputed, and he brought up the school to a very high level.
Tremendous forces have been at work, suggesting earthquakes and eruptions; but really all is due to the chemical and mechanical action of water.
A plan was arranged by which Jonathan should draw from the king an expression of his feelings, and a tremendous explosion revealed that Saul regarded David as the rival of his dynasty, and Jonathan as little better than a fellow-conspirator.
He had to delay the French advance for 24 hours and give time for Blucher's concentration, at the same time retaining his own freedom of manoeuvre, and this in spite of the great length of the summer day, the short distance that he lay 'in front of Fleurus, the tremendous numerical superiority of the French and Napoleon's personal presence at their head.
The Selkirk Mountains have a heavy rainfall and a tremendous snowfall on their western flanks, but very much less precipitation on their eastern side.
The war of investitures that followed was the opening of the tremendous struggle between the Empire and the Papacy, which is the ceiitral fact of medieval history and The which, after two centuries of conflict, ended in the struggle exhaustion of both powers.
In this method tremendous blasts of powder, sometimes twenty-five or even fifty tons, were used to loosen the gravel, which was then acted on by the jet of water thrown from the " pipes."