Trebled Sentence Examples
At that time the district contained about 25,000 inhabitants; and in the first six years its population was quadrupled and its trade trebled.
About that time a thorough reform of the machinery in use was effected whereby the number of hands employed was reduced, but the yearly production doubled or trebled.
The bulk of trade is carried on with Germany and England; then follow Java, Belgium, Russia, the United States, &c. In the last half of the 19th century the total value of the foreign commerce was more than trebled.
The greatest gainers by the redistribution were the Ruthenes, whose representation was trebled, though it is still far from being proportioned to their numbers.
The figure was doubled by 1895 and trebled in 1897; in spite of prohibitions, imports into Persia continued on a large scale.
Their product trebled from 1889 to 1903; and in 1907 the output of manganiferous ores amounted to 99,711 tons, valued at $251,207.
Thus, in the first five years of railway construction, from 18 25 to 1830, the mileage doubled; while in the second five years, from 1830 to 1835, it trebled.
The minimum is practically always exceeded, and trebled or quadrupled in the case of the more enthusiastic men, and the chief difficulty with which the officers responsible for training have to contend is the fact that no man can be compelled to attend on any particular occasion.
Prague was his favourite residence, and by the foundation of the nove mesto (new town) he greatly enlarged the city, which now had three times its former extent, and soon also trebled its population.
The American War of Independence suspended progress for a brief interval, but revival set in in 1783, and within the following seven years shipping trebled in amount.
AdvertisementThe number of agrarian outrages reported in the first six months of the year was 373; in the last six months they rose to 543, and the number of persons boycotted was almost trebled.
The land-tax was doubled and trebled by war, by the pensions of the nobles, by an extortion the profits of which Richelieu disdained neither for himself nor for his family; and just when the richer and more powerful classes had been freed from taxes, causing the wholesale oppression of the poorer, these few remaining were jointly and severally answerable.
From 1880 to 1890 the acreage devoted to wheat greatly diminished, because the spring variety was not relatively remunerative, but the acreage trebled in the next decade as autumn planting increased.
In 1844 when Monmouth became an archdeaconry, its population was 150,000 which had trebled since 1801 and would treble again by 1921.
Between 2004 and 2005 the number of car and roadside bombs doubled, and suicide bombs trebled.
AdvertisementThe number of branded coffee shops trebled from 778 in 1999 to 2,299 and is expected to top 3,000 in two years.
The city council had trebled the number of taxis on the streets to swell the city coffers with license money.
As an inevitable concomitant to these measures, rents increased rapidly and Kay (1794) observed that they doubled or even trebled.
Admission to the UK Register of Nurses from overseas has roughly trebled from 5,000 in 1997/98 to 15,000 in 2003/4.
Over the past two years the number of dumped vehicles has almost trebled.
AdvertisementBy the incorporation of the suburbs in 189, 2, the area of Vienna was more than trebled, namely, from 213 sq.
And by this visit of the Emperor to Moscow the strength of the Russian army was trebled.
However, by the end of 1944 it had trebled in size.
The personnel on active service consisted of 1799 officers and 25,000 men, the former being doubled and the latter trebled since 1882.
Within the cities and upon the open lands the Italians, in this and the next century, doubled, trebled and quadrupled their numbers.
AdvertisementThe total national debt of Russia nearly trebled between 1852 (£57,038,600) and 1862 (£145,50o,000), and again between 1872 (£242,277,000) and 1892 (£526,109.000) it more than doubled, while by 1906 it amounted altogether to £812,040,000.
Then immigration began to fill the deserted plains once more, and by 1785 the population had trebled itself.
The production of coal and iron trebled during the period 1880-1900, amounting in 1900 to 6,600,000 tons, and 463,000 tons respectively.
The worlds output of oil was trebled between 1885 and 1895, and quadrupled between 1885 and 1900.
In the raising of the standard of farming to an English level the volume of the world's crop would be trebled, another fact which Sir William Crookes seems to have overlooked.
A great amount of doubled and trebled yarn is now sold, though it does not appear that recent expansions have added much to doubling spindles, and considerable developments continue in the use of dyed and mercerized yarns.
In time of war the total force is trebled.
The trade of Belgium has more than trebled as regards both imports and exports since 1870.
The parcel post and money order services have largely increased since 1887--1888, the number of parcels having almost doubled (those for abroad are more than trebled), while the number of money orders issued is trebled and their value doubled (about 40,000,000).