Treats Sentence Examples
This section treats of the qualitative detection and separation of the metals, and the commoner methods employed in quantitative analysis.
It treats chiefly of the tonalities of the plain chant, and of counterpoints constructed upon them.
It treats the history till 1558.
The first investigates mathematical facts relating to the earth as a whole, its figure, dimensions, motions, their measurement, &c. The second part considers the earth as affected by the sun and stars, climates, seasons, the difference of apparent time at different places, variations in the length of the day, &c. The third part treats briefly of the actual divisions of_the surface of the earth, their relative positions, globe and map-construction, longitude, navigation, &c. Varenius, with the materials at his command, dealt with the subject in a truly philosophic spirit; and his work long held its position as the best treatise in existence on scientific and comparative geography.
The last book (xvii.) treats of theology or (as we should now say) mythology, and winds up with an account of the Holy Scriptures and of the Fathers, from Ignatius and Dionysius the Areopagite to Jerome and Gregory the Great, and even of later writers from 'Isidore and Bede, through Alcuin, Lanfranc and Anselm, down to Bernard of Clairvaux and the brethren of St Victor.
The science that treats of them dates back to the days of Solomon, who "spake of trees, from the cedar of Lebanon to the hyssop on the wall."
He treats the dispute entirely from the outside.
The best part of his book is that which treats of the period between 1386 and 1480.
His most popular work is the "Collection of Historical Songs" (Spiewy historyczne), where he treats of the chief heroes of Polish history.
Among the institutions are the City infirmary (at Hartwell, a suburb), which, besides supporting pauper inmates, affords relief to outdoor poor; the Cincinnati hospital, which is supported by taxation and treats without charge all who are unable to pay; twenty other hospitals, some of which are charitable institutions; a United States marine hospital; the Longview hospital for the insane, at Carthage, Io m.
AdvertisementAs distinguished from the Priestly Narrative (to be mentioned presently), it has a distinctly prophetical character; it treats the history from the standpoint of the prophets, and the religious ideas characteristic of the prophets often find expression in it.
In short, Neoplatonism seizes on the aspiration of the human soul after a higher life, and treats this psychological fact as the key to the.
His popularity was probably due to the fact that in his sermons he lays little stress on dogmatic questions, but treats generally of moral subjects, in which the secrets of the human heart and the processes of man's reason are described with poetical feeling.
Apollonius' genius takes its highest flight in Book v., where he treats of normals as minimum and maximum straight lines drawn from given points to the curve (independently of tangent properties), discusses how many normals can be drawn from particular points, finds their feet by construction, and gives propositions determining the centre of curvature at any point and leading at once to the Cartesian equation of the evolute of any conic.
The first ten books are each occupied with a history of the kings of one of the provinces; the eleventh book gives an account of the Mussulmans of Malabar; the twelfth a history of the Mussulman saints of India; and the conclusion treats of the geography and climate of India.
AdvertisementIn connexion with this Biran treats most of the obscure problems which arise in dealing with conscious experience, such as the mode by which the organism is cognized, the mode by which the organism is distinguished from extra-organic things, and the nature of those general ideas by which the relations of things are known to us - cause, power, force, &c.
On the contrary, he treats the law of collision with other laws as an application of the third law of motion, because it is now unfortunately so taught in books of mechanics.
The author prides himself on his honesty and impartiality, but he is lacking in judgment and knowledge of facts; the work, however, is valuable from the importance of the events of which it treats.
Compared with the Bessemer process, which converts a charge of even as much as 20 tons of pig iron into steel in a few minutes, and the open-hearth process which easily treats charges of 75 tons, the crucible process is, of course, a most expensive one, with its little 80-lb charges, melted with great consumption of fuel because the heat is kept away from the metal by the walls of the crucible, themselves excellent heat insulators.
The first treats of the mythic history of the nonHellenic, and afterwards of the Hellenic tribes, to the destruction of Troy; the second section ends with Alexander's death; and the third continues the history as far as the beginning of Caesar's Gallic War.
AdvertisementLayamon, who in his translation of Wace treats his original much as Wace treated Geoffrey, says that there was a tradition that she had drowned herself, and that her memory and that of Mordred were hateful in every land, so that none would offer prayer for their souls.
C. i treats of the finding of good water; c. 2 of rainwater and rivers - rivers in various countries; c. 3 of hot springs, mineral waters, with an account of the chief medicinal springs of the world; c. 4 of selection of water by observation and experiment; c. 5 of instruments for levelling used by aqueduct engineers; c. 6 of construction of aqueducts, pipes of lead, clay, &c., and other matter on the subject of water-supply.
According to the traditional view, which appears to be correct, it treats of a vision in which the Prophet receives an injunction to recite a revelation conveyed to him by the angel.
The commonalty revere him and kiss his hand; the rich show him at least outward respect; and even the government treats him as a person to whom consideration is due for his influence with the masses.
In the Theorie nouvelle de la rotation des corps (1834) he treats the motion of a 'rigid body geometrically, and shows that the most general motion of such a body can be represented at any instant by a rotation about an axis combined with a translation parallel to this axis, and that any motion of a body of which one point is fixed may be produced by the rolling of a cone fixed in the body on a cone fixed in space.
AdvertisementHe seems to have received the ordinary Christian scriptures; and Origen, who treats him as a notable exegete, has preserved fragments of a commentary by him on the fourth gospel (brought together by Grabe in the second volume of his Spicilegium), while Clement of Alexandria quotes from him what appears to be a passage from a commentary on Luke.
Proverbs treats the king, in a quite modern way, as a member of society.
In the first case he treats the formal or psychological aspect of the difference; in the latter he presents his doctrine less in its essential character than in special relations to the prominent systems of his time.
It treats of the attitudes of consciousness towards reality under the six heads of consciousness, self-consciousness, reason (Vernunft), spirit (Geist), religion and absolute knowledge.
The first treats of space, time, matter, movement; and in the solar system we have the representation of the idea in its general and abstract material form.
Anthropology treats of the mind in union with the body - of the natural soul - and discusses the relations of the soul with the planets, the races of mankind, the differences of age, dreams, animal magnetism, insanity and phrenology.
Aristotle, however, treats it as a dialectical rival to syllogism, and it influenced Galilei and Bacon in their views of inference after the Renaissance.
The form which a mathematical science treats as relatively self-subsistent is certainly not the constitutive idea.
Nay, he even treats the idea of cause 6 as probable enough so long as nothing more than action upon expectation is in question.
He treats the book-tradition, however, a debt to which, nowadays inevitable, he is generous in acknowledging, 3 with a judicious exercise of freedom in adaptation, i.e.
Now the second presupposition depends, according to Paley, on the credibility of the Christian religion (which he treats almost exclusively as the revelation of these "new sanctions" of morality).
It treats all the worships as outward, visible signs of some spiritual truth, and is ready to show how each particular image or rite is the symbol of some aspect of universal divinity.
In view of the wide extent and importance of his labours, the variety of subjects of which he treats, ard the unity of purpose which guided him throughout, Simon Newcomb must be considered as one of the most distinguished astronomers of his time.
Cobham (London), treats the island briefly from every standpoint.
Literary and historical criticism places the discussion on another basis when it treats the Mosaic Torah in its present form as a post-exilic compilation (about 5th century B.C.) from sources differing in date, origin and history.
By regarding the object of religion as necessarily personal, however, he is led to exclude much that the primitive man undoubtedly treats with awe and respect as exerting a mystic effect on his life.
Uthman al-Jullabi al-HujwirI in the Kaslif-ulmalijub, or, Revelation of Hidden Things, which treats of the various schools of Sufis, their teachings and observances.
Lopes de Mendonga treats of the literature of the 16th and 17th centuries in articles in the Annaes das sciencias e letras; and the Memorias de litteratura portugueza printed by the Lisbon Academy of Sciences (1792-1814) contain essays on the drama and the Arcadia, but the 19th century has naturally received most attention.
Lastly, reference may be made to Sarrazin, De Theodoro Lectore, Theophanis fonte praecipuo (1881, treats of the relation between Socrates and Sozomen, and of the completeness of the former's work) Jeep, Quellenuntersuch.
These are arranged, professedly on the basis of the aphorism of Augustine, Lombard's favourite authority, that "omnis doctrina vel rerum est vel signorum," into four books, of which the first treats of God, the second of the creature, the third of the incarnation, the work of redemption, and the virtues, and the fourth of the seven sacraments and eschatology.
Mr Taylor (A Treatise of International Public Law, p. 174) treats the Transvaal after the convention of 1884 as a " neutralized state only part sovereign."
Von Liszt (Das Volkerrecht, p. 331) treats the South African republic as an example of a half sovereign state.
It is the essence of the gospel that he treats, and that is the revelation of God's righteousness to man by faith in Jesus Christ.
They are crushed to egg-size in a rock-breaker, and pulverized to pass a 40-mesh sieve in a California stamp-mill, which treats in 24 hours about 3 tons per stamp. A 10-stamp mill is fed by one rock-breaker, and discharges the liquid pulp into 10-15 wooden settling tanks, 9 by 5 by 8 ft., the settled contents of which are shovelled out and charged into the pans.
Among modern publications, out of a great mass of works of more or less popular character, there may be mentioned the well-known series of 1Vlurray's Guides, in which each volume treats of a county or group of counties.
But the worst evil of the system, and one which must always prevent its introduction into the United Kingdom, is the circumstance that it treats water as an article of commerce, to be paid for according to the quantity taken.
Lodge, Easy Mathematics, chiefly Arithmetic (1905), treats the subject broadly in its practical aspects.
Bock treats him as an antitrinitarian, on grounds which Wallace rightly deems inconclusive.
His successor, Yakub Khan, came to the British camp and signed, in May 1879, the treats of Gandamak.
In these carefully written papers he treats a great variety of topics relating to astronomy, chronology, decimal coinage, life assurance, bibliography and the history of science.
Locke here treats simple ideas of the five senses as qualities of outward things.
These distinctions, he insists, have an objective reality, The cognizable by reason no less than the relations of Cambridge space or number; and he endeavours to refute moralists, Hobbism - which he treats as a " novantique philo- C d sophy," a mere revival of the relativism of Protagoras - chiefly by the following argumentum ad hominem.
Hobbist, although Butler fairly treats it as having a philosophical basis in Hobbes's psychology.
The spontaneous play of this sympathy he treats as an original and inexplicable fact of human nature, but he considers that its action is powerfully sustained by the pleasure that each man finds in the accord of his feelings with another's.
The first (870-980), after noticing the migration of the father and grandfather of the hero poet Egil, and the origin of the feud between them and the kings of Norway, treats fully of Egil's career, his enmity with Eirik Bloodaxe, his service with Æthelstan, and finally, after many adventures abroad, of his latter days in Iceland at Borg, illustrating very clearly what manner of men those great settlers and their descendants were, and the feelings of pride and freedom which led them to Iceland.
The field we have defined is divisible into at least two parts, that of Astronomy proper, or " Astrometry," which treats of the motions, mutual relations and dimensions of the heavenly bodies; and that of Astrophysics, which treats of their physical constitution.
Practical Astronomy, taken in its widest sense, treats of the instruments by which our knowledge of the heavenly bodies is acquired, the principles underlying their use, and the methods by which these principles are practically applied.
In dogmatic he follows Basil of Caesarea and other Greek authors, but nevertheless gives a distinctly Western cast to the speculations of which he treats.
The book is unfinished, and treats only of the first luminary, Cicero; the others intended were apparently Seneca and Pliny.
This work, the earliest published in Christian Europe, treats the conic sections in relation to the original cone, the procedure differing from that of the Greek geometers.
Closely connected with these works is the Reformatio Legum Ecclesiasticarum (1850), which treats of the efforts for reform during the reigns of Henry VIII., Edward VI., and Elizabeth.
The Government, however, judged otherwise; and after the first part of his book, On Religion within the Limits of Reason alone, had appeared in the Berlin Journal, the publication of the remainder, which treats in a more rationalizing style of the peculiarities of Christianity, was forbidden.
He treats the elements of cognition separately in connexion with the several subjective processes involved in knowledge, viz.
He treats Edith like a piece of the furniture—bangs her around too, I guess.
The enigmatic Nick Cave treats the audience to his dark, enticing piano balladry.
On Saturdays, a number of treats are available, such as French brioche and carrot cake.
Talking of treats, I feel really catty about the amount being given out to those pesky birds at the moment.
Quality gourmet desserts, smoked salmon gift baskets, smoked salmon caviar, and smoked salmon cat treats!
The food is top notch, with exquisite treats like Bayonne ham and figs or poached cod with saffron and chili.
Tho he idealizes the rural petty bourgeoisie, Tolkien treats them with enormous condescension.
Five clever shaped cookie cutters for molding your treats, with doggie themes!
Microvascular decompression treats the cause of the disease without inducing nerve damage.
It's not a very attractive town, but it had an excellent deli, where we spent far too much on treats!
A stone's throw away is a fabulous deli for your treats at home.
Britney Spears pops a false eyelash on the Today show crying about how badly the press treats her.
I stood at the bottom of the stairs and shook the can of treats, calling sweetly, " C'mere, you little fiends.
The Joint Inquiry Report treats track and train fitment separately until the proposed 2010 deadline draws the two together.
House of Treats is a small artisan chocolate business, based in Hampshire, where all products are carefully handcrafted on the premises.
Try encouraging your rabbit by putting some of his or her droppings into the box or try using timothy hay or treats.
Two rather hippy dippy shops for gifts, bits and pieces for the house and general treats include Timbuktu and Curiosity Killed The Cat.
Our range includes homeopathy, herbal flower essence products and a range of natrual training aids and treats.
Would you like to design a baby incubator or a machine that diagnoses and treats serious illnesses such as heart disease or cancer?
It employs about 15,000 staff across eight sites and treats 125,000 inpatients, 65,000 day cases and 700,000 outpatients each year.
I went into the kitchen and got the kitty treats and another beer.
PalmLaser - powerful low level laser that treats all kinds of wounds and skin lacerations, leg ulcers and pressure sores.
Larry Kirchner recalled by logical treats auto insurance.
Make sure your daughter gets a pain med that treats nerve pain.
Quot small employers in comparison Medicaid treats you or.
The program also treats some decays of charmed mesons and baryons.
Gourmet Foods Gift Baskets European classic caffe mocha gift basket surrounded by gourmet kosher treats!
A spoonful of extra virgin olive oil a day on an empty stomach helps the intestine to function properly and treats constipation.
The first plateful of early potatoes must be one of the treats of the season.
Some rawhide dog treats are made out of many thin layers of rawhide dog treats are made out of many thin layers of rawhide, which should be a longer lasting treat for your dog.
Hormone Therapy Hormone therapy treats prostate cancer by depriving the body of testosterone, the male sex hormone.
Come and learn how to make some traditional British teatime treats such as scones, raisin buns and chocolate chip shortbread biscuits.
Pamper for relaxing spa treats - a lovely relaxing treat Electronic Games Stuck for present ideas?
There are many " treats " that are on the market that reduce tartar by chewing.
Based on traditional Scottish recipes, they have a unique character and make welcome teatime treats.
Some of us pamper are Arachnid friends as if they were kin, offering choice tidbits and treats.
Each lovely bright bone comes complete with tasty treats.
A special tea was served including some wartime treats including tinned ham sandwiches.
Anglian Water treats the wastewater from over 5 million customers a day from the River Humber to the River Thames.
Another work, Verklaringe der Scheppenissen (1553) treats mystically the book of Genesis, a favourite theme with Boehme, Swedenborg and others.
It may be further defined as the science that treats of the analysis, classification, preparation, composition and delivery of sermons.
It is applied more particularly to the investigations of those who devote themselves to the study of pure as opposed to applied science, to the investigation of causes rather than to practical experiment; thus while every surgeon or physician who treats an individual case of cancer may add to our sum of knowledge of the disease, the body of trained investigators which is endowed by the Cancer Research Fund are working on different lines.
Notwithstanding the form of this classification, Kant himself treats mathematical geography as preliminary to, and therefore not dependent on, physical geography.
But the specific independent Judaean standpoint treats the unification of the two divisions as the work of David who leaves the heritage to Solomon.
More recent and better adapted to study is Bauschinger's Bahnbestimmung der Himmelskorper (1 vol., Leipzig, 1906), which, alone of the three, treats orbits of satellites and double stars.
And Salvian treats the proposition "coloni divitum fiunt " as equivalent to " vertuntur in servos."
Ministry of this sort is not to be confounded with " order," of which this article treats.
In Bode's Jahrbuch (1776-1780) he discusses nutation, aberration of light, Saturn's rings and comets; in the Nova acta Helvetica (1787) he has a long paper "Sur le son des corps elastiques," in Bernoulli and Hindenburg's Magazin (1787-1788) he treats of the roots of equation and of parallel lines; and in Hindenburg's Archiv (1798-1799) he writes on optics and perspective.
In these he holds aloof for the most part from theological controversy, and treats in an admirable tone and spirit the themes of faith, simplicity, the fear of God, poverty, greed, abstinence and unchastity.
Even if the increasing weakness of the Egyptian Empire did not invite a repetition of the incursion, it could have allowed the survivors to settle down, and about a century later one of the peoples formerly closely allied with the Purasati is found strongly entrenched at Dor, and together with the more northerly port of Byblos treats with scant respect the traditional suzerainty of Egypt.'
Among others may be mentioned Die Narrenbeschworung (1512); Die Schelmenzunft (1512); Die Gduchmatt, which treats of enamoured fools (1519), and a translation of Virgil's Aeneid (1515) dedicated to the emperor Maximilian I.
It treats the same subjects, but always in a more rudimentary manner; and its remarks are always such as would precede rather than follow the masterly expositions of the Nicomachean Ethics.
The preface treats of Greek sciences, geometry, the discovery of specific gravity by Archimedes, and other discoveries of the Greeks, and of Romans of his time who have vied with the Greeks -- Lucretius in his poem De Rerum Natura, Cicero in rhetoric, and Varro in philology, as shown by his De Lingua Latina.
The first (870-980), after noticing the migration of the father and grandfather of the hero poet Egil, and the origin of the feud between them and the kings of Norway, treats fully of Egil's career, his enmity with Eirik Bloodaxe, his service with Æthelstan, and finally, after many adventures abroad, of his latter days in Iceland at Borg, illustrating very clearly what manner of men those great settlers and their descendants were, and the feelings of pride and freedom which led them to Iceland.
Remember my earlier statement that a farmer treats a thousand acres of corn as a single entity because it is not cost effective to deal with each corn stalk separately?
Some rawhide dog treats are made out of many thin layers of rawhide, which should be a longer lasting treat for your dog.
The competitors should offer treats of beer at first, and then curry, in recompense for major services provided.
Inspired by an ancient Aztec remedy for chronic gout, these delicious treats have been scientifically proven to fight the affects of water retention.
She sits, nods and shakes her head, scampers up your arm, reads and even eats invisible treats !
He stands apart from other writers on this theme because he treats it as a spiritual conflict, not merely a sociopolitical reality.
On his thirteenth birthday, Joan treats him to a trip to London to buy his first pair of Levi 's Jeans.
So I dived into the snack bag, a treasure-trove of energy inducing chocolate treats and chilled mineral water.
Festive treats will be available in the form of an irresistible chocolate tombola, mulled wine and mince pies.
Unbalanced food intake or excessive feeding of treats, leading to increased toxins in the blood and muscles.
To untie the cords of the yoke means that we are to work to eliminate every way that social mismanagement treats people like animals.
The works treats and recycles wastewater into a tributary of the River Ouse.
Some parents use an instant reward system, which consists of small candies or other treats.
Play Mexican music in the background, and include a piñata stuffed with baby shower supplies or sweet treats for fun.
While it's true that the pediatrician who treats your child may need to change her prescription, that should be his decision.
Parents of newborns don't typically have time to indulge themselves in treats, so that's why it is important for friends and family to do so instead!
Consider what her favorite treats might be, such as sweets, videos, or trips to a local park.
Start out with smaller goals and choose the treats accordingly.
You can eat them whole or put them in delicious treats like smoothies.
Also find food bowls, treats and grooming supplies.
There are tons of other dog items for sale too, such as collars, carriers, treats, kennels, clothes, beds, and flea and tick control medications.
Who wouldn't love receiving an artfully arranged, decorated basket filled with delicious treats and fun surprises?
For example, if he or she is a chocoholic, give a basket spilling over with delectable chocolate treats.
If you bake one of my all natural cookie treats, not only does the house smell great, but your kitty will be purring for his or her next treat.
Baking time for your treats should be about 5 - 8 minutes (remember oven times may vary due to altitude and the weather outside).
They usually like treats soft, but not too crunchy.
Harder treats will help keep your cat's teeth clean.
Place the treats on a cookie rack to cool.
What could be more entertaining for your cat than a ball that talks to him and shells out tasty treats?
Our resident cat expert, Wendy Nan Rees, offers advice on how to make a flavorful spray for cat food and treats.
It is important to avoid feeding your pet table scraps or human food treats.
You'll find dinner recipes as well as treats you can bake at home for your pet.
Salmon Samples cats treats make a wonderful Halloween treat for your cat, but you can serve them anytime you want to give your cat something special.
Now as I've said, this recipe makes a great Halloween treat for your cat, but you can serve these salmon samples cat treats for other special occasions.
These treats will store in the refrigerator for up to five days.
Here are three very different kinds of treats that will keep your cat coming back for more.
Most people bake treats for their human family, so why not bake for your feline friends as well?
When you bake treats yourself, you know exactly what goes into them.
The following recipes for baking cats treats make it easy to show your love for your cat by giving him or her something special now and then.
While these recipes for baking cat treats provide healthy snacks, they are just that - snacks.
Remove treats from the tray, making sure to break them apart; let them cool on a backing rack.
There you have it; three tasty recipes for homemade cat treats.
Getting free cat treats is a great way to save money as well as try new products.
Since cats can be very fussy about what they eat, the "try before you buy" aspect of free treats and pet foods is attractive to most consumers.
One way to get free treats for your cat is to ask for them at your vet or local pet supply store.
If you don't see them, don't be shy about asking if they have a sample of the cat treats that they carry.
By giving you treats for your cat, Companies know that there is a good possibility that they will win you as a customer.
Free Pet Treats sends you a sample of cat treats to promote good training habits.
You can get all kinds of opportunities for free cat treats and other items just by registering.
Keep checking back to find opportunities for free cat treats and other products.
Free treats for your pet keep both you and your cat happy.
For another frugal idea, consider making homemade cat treats.
Homemade cat treats are a great way to indulge your favorite feline while keeping tabs on what goes into the food you give him or her.
Sure, it is easy to pick up a little can or bag of cat treats at the supermarket, but do you read the label before you feed them to your pet?
Not all treats are created equal, and some add little, if any, nutritional value to your pet's diet.
There are some good reasons to make your own treats even if it does take a little extra time in the evening or weekend.
You don't need to buy fancy ingredients to make delicious homemade cat treats at home.
If you've ever baked cookies, you can master making cat treats.
This quick recipe will give your pet plenty of tasty tuna treats to enjoy for several weeks if stored in an air-tight container in a cool place.
Making cat treats is one simple way to accomplish this.
If you make your own treats, you may find that your cat likes them better than the store bought varieties, and you'll feel better knowing exactly what goes into the food you're feeding your pet.
Add some homemade cat treats once in awhile, and you will have a happy cat.
If making your own cat food is appealing to you, you may want to look over a recipe for homemade cat treats as well.Always use the same standard of cleanliness with your cat as you would with your family.
A few different moist treats are listed below.
Another option is to make homemade cat treats for your cat.
Learning how to make cat treats for your favorite feline is easy.
Most recipes only require you to hand-shape the treats, while a few may use a cookie cutter.
If you've been avoiding making cat treats because you thought it would be difficult and time consuming, the following tips will make you an expert treat baker in no time!
The first thing you will need to do when making cat treats is to assemble the kitchen implements and bowls.
Most cat treat recipes require that you shape the treats with your hands.
Keep in mind that cats like small treats, not big ones that they will have to gnaw on.
Baking treats for your pet isn't time consuming.
The preparation time for making treats is usually around 20-30 minutes.
Baking time varies; expect to spend about 45 minutes baking treats.
Preheating the oven will help your treats turn out as expected.
If you put the treats in when the oven is cold, they won't be done when the timer goes off.
This will ensure that the treats will be crispy, not mushy.
Bake the treats for the required time suggested in the cat treat recipe.
The treats should be a golden brown color.
It is always important to cool off any treats before feeding them to your pet.
Depending upon the ingredients, most treats can be stored in an airtight container for at least a week.
Some treats need to be stored in a refrigerator, especially if they contain fresh vegetables.
As with any food, treats should be fed in moderation.
While it is encouraging when your pets just loves the treats you've baked for them, be sure to limit how many they eat.
The treats shouldn't be a replacement for their regular cat food.
Now that you know how to make cat treats, try making a batch for your favorite feline this weekend.
If you've decided that you need to make your own beef and rice cat food or other cat treats, a trip to the local grocery will help you locate many, if not all, of the ingredients required.
If she takes treats, try giving her one.
Ivermectin is a similar medication which treats mange, ear mites and heartworm prevention.
An automatic litter box scoops your cat's waste and either stores it until you are ready to dispose of it or treats and disposes of it for you.
Also, when the two cats are brought into the same environment, try to encourage playful activities and generously dole out the kitty treats so that your cats will associate "togetherness" with positive feelings.
There are even savory treats like cheese spread and crackers.
Financial advisors also recommend creating a "fun fund" to save for special treats, such as vacations, big-ticket purchases and entertainment in order to avoid just charging something on impulse and getting stuck into the payback rut.
He is a real doctor whose focus is on treating a person as a whole to help the body heal as opposed to an MD who treats specific diseases and conditions.
Rescue Remedy treats emotional upheavals as simple as a family argument or as complex as the terror suffered from an attack.
Burdock root treats skin eruptions, and is intended to minimize the lesions associated with the herpes virus.
Homeopathy treats symptoms according to the philosophy of "like cures like".
These berries make great pies or other confectionery treats, and can be frozen, canned or dried.
It treats numerous circulatory conditions and is said to improve blood flow.
Unlike conventional over the counter or prescription medication which treats symptoms within minutes or hours of taking the medication, herbal remedies may need to be taken or used over a period of time before they provide relief.
Like most all treats, specialty door hardware doesn't come cheaply.
To ensure a magical night at the movies, try adding a popcorn machine, soda dispenser, or snack counter to provide everyone with their most wanted treats.
Fly-fishing, horseback riding, hiking, biking, golfing, and hot-air balloon rides are just a few of the off-season treats.
Towel heaters and radiant floor heating are wonderful treats in the shower area.
Whether you're blessed with naturally flawless skin or suffer from an irritating condition that demands to be covered up, chances are you stand to gain something from a product that treats the skin with the care and respect it deserves.
Annoying as those little treats are, though, it's the long term side effects that will really leave you singing the blues.
The nourishing formula treats the lips gently and leaves them conditioned for hours, but what really drew me in first was the impressive color selection.
StarQuail Productions produced a very fun game called Sky Puppy, where you take your puppy through an online world filled with doggy treats.
Fly your dog through mountains, volcanos and islands to collect all of the treats and win the game.
These Rox can buy items like treats, toys, food and other amenities.
These treats are served in bamboo baskets and consist of 3-4 pieces of steamed meat, shrimp, buns, egg rolls, or pork.
Homemade jam and jelly are kid-friendly treats that are great to enjoy with toast or pastries.
Pastel colored eggs and egg shaped cookies are traditional treats for Easter.
Making Easter treats for kids is a yearly tradition that many families around the world celebrate and enjoy.
These treats are a perfect top-off to a festive brunch and can complement a formal dessert or stand on their own for nibbling and munching all day long.
For the best chance of making great treats, keep a few helpful tips and pointers in mind before you start cooking.
Ask your kids to pick recipes that especially interest them or have your other relatives help with decorating and giving out treats as gifts.
Make regular cakes and treats suitable for Easter by adding special decorations, following Easter design templates, or creating your own designs.
Try making any of these fun, special Easter treats for kids and adults.
Viewed by many as the ultimate gourmet food, caviar is also one of the most expensive upscale treats.
Halloween is the time for sweet treats and no Halloween party would be complete without some fun Halloween cupcake ideas.
Christmas is the season for sweet treats.
Sugar substitutes can offer healthy alternatives to sugar and can open a world of baked goods to the diabetic, who in the past, had to avoid baked treats.
The emphasis here is on the word "treats."
You can easily add some sizzle to your scrapbook by including colorful photos of the finished recipes, plus some fun shots of family members and friends chowing down on the tasty treats.
That means not sneaking treats or piling on the calories on the weekend.
An orthodontist is a specialized dentist who treats people with teeth and jaws that may be misaligned.
The next time you see a coconut tree, use your imagination and think of all the tasteful treats you can make from its fruit, roofs and timber that can build shelter, and the oils that keep our skin soft.
Then when you are ready, you can get a dehydrator to make crackers, pizzas and granolas and other treats.
Spend some time browsing if you're searching for a specific variety, as some sites only offer roasted nibs, while others sell them raw, and still others sell nibs that have been baked into chocolate bars or used to adorn treats.
There are few limits when it comes to dreaming up new treats made with your Vita Mix blender.
It can chop, liquefy, puree, and juice, so start experimenting with combinations to discover new favorite treats.
Personalized mugs and hot cocoa mix make for a cozy winter treat, while caramel apples wrapped in cellophane and tied with a fancy ribbon are great fall treats.
Place treats in min take out boxes tied with ribbon for a unique touch.
Candy-centered cakes that incorporate candy bars, cookies, or other crumbled treats into the batter.
Glass slippers filled with birdseed or rice for tossing, or sweet treats such as candied almonds or chocolate kisses.
Send them on their way with a few scrumptious treats.
Wedding cakes are elegant fantasy confections and delicious treats, but pictures of wedding cupcakes can prove that these simple snack-sized cakes can be just as gorgeous for a wedding celebration.
Simple, basic truffles may be less than $1 each, while more elaborate, gourmet treats can cost as much as $4 or higher apiece.
Always tell guests what flavors the truffles are to avoid food allergy complications, and offer other treats as well so every guest can have a sweet sample to enjoy.
These range from fun items perfect for informal beach weddings, like gum balls designed to look like beach balls, to more sophisticated treats such as sugared coconut slices.
This creative cake actually used rise crispy treats instead of a standard cake to create the mounted deer.
Additional treats may include a wedding coffee bar, a selection of hot cocoas, eggnog, gingerbread, sugar cookies, and mulled wine or hot cider.
A wedding candy buffet can be a fun, affordable, and attractive way to offer your guests a range of sweet treats at your wedding reception.
Some couples choose a candy buffet instead of a wedding cake, while others simply want to offer a greater variety of treats, similar to a dessert buffet.
Many candy manufacturers offer personalized candies in specific colors or with customized wrappers, making it even easier to have just the treats you want as part of your wedding candy buffet.
If your guests have special dietary needs, be sure to include some sugar free candies or other treats that will be suitable.
A candy bar at a wedding is a fun way to send favors home with guests or simply offer some sweet treats during the reception.
You can choose candies based on your wedding colors, favorite childhood treats, or even on what is on sale at the grocery store the week of the wedding.
Have small plates, wedding favor bags, or wedding favor boxes available for everyone to take a few treats home.
How the Hershey favors are presented is another way to personalize and customize the treats, especially if the couple is on a tight budget and prefers to forego personalized wrappers.
Dispense with the cake altogether and use an a la carte dessert bar, or serve high-end Popsicles, puddings, custards, cookies, or other sweet treats.
A cupcake stand is the traditional way to display a lot of cupcakes, but if you're having a really big wedding, you might worry about fitting all of the treats on the stand.
You can also use a cupcake tree, much like a cupcake stand, to display and serve your small treats.
Treat the spa lover in your life to some special bath treats chosen in her favorite scent.
Use candies, chocolate chips, pieces of fresh fruit, shredded coconut, or other treats to form designs or patterns on the top and sides of a cake.
Toppers can be handmade or purchased from a decoration company, and they do wonders to liven up ghoulish cakes, cupcakes, and other Halloween treats.
Baking and decorating are inherently celebratory activities, so it's only fitting to welcome a new season and a magnificent holiday with a fresh tray of sweet treats.
Make your treats more festive by holding a stencil over your baked cupcake and then sprinkle with food coloring spray, edible glitter, cocoa powder, confectioners' sugar or colored sugar.
To save yourself the stress of constantly worrying about soil, treats, popsicles and other foods staining their clothes, choose garments that are easily washable.
They look forward to Santa's visit, but also the treats and togetherness that define the season.
Distinctive or specialty items often have additional fees, while more generic treats are usually complimentary.
The most popular culinary event on Norwegian ships, however, is the Chocoholic Extravaganza Buffet, which features more cocoa than anyone could consume, from brownies and tortes to elaborate masterpiece cakes and chocolate-covered treats.
Once per voyage, the midnight Dessert Extravaganza is not to be missed as mountains of elegant treats are on display to please the eye as well as the taste buds.
Ettoufee, gumbo, seafood, barbeque, Creole dishes, cobblers, and pies are popular treats.
If gingerbread sculptures and treats originated in this region, then cities may have large exhibits available to cruisers.
Play training - Play training is an effective method of training for dogs who are not driven to please or motivated by toys or treats.
They eat less food, require smaller treats, sleep in doll-size beds, need a lighter dose of medication when sick, use smaller crates, and wear clothes too small for the average toddler.
You can avoid this problem by brushing the dog's teeth twice a week and by feeding hard kibble and treats.
Do praise your dog and offer small treats along the way through the dog nail clipping process.
The middle of the Kong is hollow, which allows you to stuff it with food or dog treats to entice your dog into play.
Once you accustom your pet to playing with his new toy when there are treats inside, you can use it to teach him desired behaviors.
Tasty treats can also be a reward for your pet when he obeys successfully, but it's important not to get carried away with their use.
For your pet's health, try to choose treats that are low in fat and have some nutritional value as well.
Owners tend to give their pets food and treats as a way of showing affection, but this habit can backfire if it isn't practiced with some restraint.
These establishments often offer goody baskets with treats and toys for Fido, as well as pet bedding, food bowls, leashes, and other amenities.
There's no doubt about it, selling gourmet dog cakes and treats has become a booming niche market.
Perhaps you already have a favorite doggie bakery in your own neighborhood, but if not, a quick Internet search should reveal plenty of online vendors selling all sorts of delicious canine treats.
Liver is often used in dog foods and treats, and is a favorite with most canines.
Greenies are a brand of dental doggie treats rapidly gaining an increasing share of the dog bone market.
The inventor of these treats, Joe Roetheli, actually developed them because his own dog was so resistant to regular tooth brushing, and he felt he could devise a better way to clean and freshen his pet's mouth.
Still, they are kind of cute, and the shape gets the message across; these treats are meant to clean teeth.
Aside from their cleaning properties, these treats also provide your dog with some actual nutrition since they contain added vitamins, minerals and protein.
Just how many chew treats should your dog have, and how often should you offer them?
Do not give these treats to dogs weighing less than five pounds.
Do not give these treats to dogs less than six months old.
There have been a few reports of dogs having trouble digesting this brand of chew treats, mainly resulting in bowel obstructions that required surgical intervention.
This is why the manufacturer has suggested appropriate size treats for a range of different dog sizes.
In fairness, it should be noted that to date there have only been approximately nine cases reported out of millions of treats sold, so the actual incident rate is relatively low.
This is comparable to problems encountered with other chew treats such as rawhide chews, cornstarch bones, pig's ears, and cow hooves.
Dogs have been known to choke on their kibble and get intestinal blockages from eating animal bones, so it's not quite so surprising that chew treats also pose some potential health hazards.
I give her packaged treats that do not have other meats in them.
Normally, I suggest that the food and treats that I offer should not be more than 10 to 15 % of your dog's daily diet.
These pops make wonderfully fun and healthy treats.
You can also offer less fattening treats to help cut down on weight gain.
She nips him to steal his treats, and she bosses him around.
A visitor has a question about preserving home made dog treats.
I am baking my own dog treats, and I noticed that the treats start to develop mold rather quickly.
I have heard that vitamin E is a good natural preservative, but I am not sure if this is the best way to preserve the treats.
If it is, how much of it should I add to my treats.
I think it's great that you're making your own dog treats.
Although vitamin E is a good preservative and definitely good for your dog, I don't think that's the answer for keeping your treats from turning moldy.
If your treats are developing mold, that means there is too much moisture in them.
There are also toys that are puzzle treats your dog will spend hours playing with.
My dogs recognize the smell of these treats as soon as they start to bake, and my boys know they are going o get something tasty!
Quite a few years ago, a different vet said this was fine and this is what I have given him for treats.
You can wrap these treats as a gift, or store them in the refrigerator for up to one week.
You can also freeze these treats for up to one month.
These treats are also great for cats because they love cheese.
Fill a Kong dog toy with healthy treats and keep your dog occupied while he tries to work them out.
Puzzle toys keep your dog busy figuring out how to retrieve treats and other small goodies from inside the main body of the toy.
This toy can also be loaded with treats that will disperse intermittently as your dog plays.
Just record your message, pop in a few treats and let the fun begin.
There are many canine commercial actors featured in television ads for dog food and treats.
The drawback is that you will only be using one training method, and you will have to use the treats and methods used in the store's program.
This was the beginning of Solid Gold Health Products for Pets, Inc., a company that now offers nine dry dog and cat foods, canned food, treats, supplements and topical products.
Learn a little about the type of peanut butter that's best for pets, where to find great peanut butter treats and how to make your own at home.
Make the holidays a special time for your canine companions with Christmas dog treats that are sure to be a hit with great tasting flavors.
If you enjoy baking, whip up a batch of delicious homemade Christmas treats for your special pooch.
Most dogs love tasty store-bought treats, but nothing beats the mouth-watering taste of special holiday goodies baked just for them by their loving pet parents.
If you are not a baker, your canine companions can still enjoy the special gourmet flavor of Christmas treats baked by companies such as Pampered Dog Gifts or Waggy Tail Treats.
These online companies provide fresh-made dog treats for Christmas including cookies, pastries and cakes that are baked fresh when ordered.
White chocolate - This recipe includes an explanation why white chocolate is safe for use in dog treats and frosting recipes.
Many of the delicious and nutritious recipes for dog treats are perfect for special holidays.
The following websites provide many excellent recipes for dog treats.
Pet parents enjoy giving their fur babies special treats and presents such as holiday gift baskets loaded with scrumptious munchies, stockings filled with delectable delights or gift bags holding tasty tidbits.
The following websites are a sampling of the many wonderful businesses online offering holiday dog treats.
Barbara's Canine Catering, the website belonging to the Canine Café and Bakery in Charlotte, North Carolina, offers lots of fresh tempting dog treats including a five pound holiday gift basket filled with yummy treats.
Cute Christmas stocking filled with delicious treats are available from I-Pets.
The Healthy Hound Bakery offers delicious healthy treats including peanut butter and carob candy canes, gift baskets and assorted Christmas cookies.
Make sure the treats you make or purchase are made with healthy, natural ingredients.
Never use milk or dark chocolate in your homemade dog treats or as decorations on them.
Simply layer all the ingredients needed to make delicious dog treats into the jar and decorate it with a square of pretty material and ribbon.
Whether your dog is a tiny Chihuahua, a big English Mastiff or any size in between, you are sure to find the perfect Christmas dog treats for the special canine friend in your life.
These dog treats come in all different shapes and sizes.
They have hollow centers that you can stuff with treats for your dog.
Some vets even offer their canine blood donors a goodie bag of treats once the procedure if over.
Eagle Pack also offers a variety of dog treats and digestive remedies.
Who better to give you great ideas on yummy dog treats than expert Wendy Nan Rees?
What could be more fun for the whole family than making treats for Fido?
I also love to use these treats for when I am brushing or training my dogs to help give them that extra boost when I am asking anything of them.
When you are ready to make homemade treats the next time, watch your dog's reaction again.
Wellness produces 100 percent human-grade dog foods and treats made with real, USDA grade, fit for human consumption, naturally preserved meats such as deboned chicken, New Zealand lamb and ocean white fish.
Just as human beings enjoy treats, treats in moderation are also an essential part of a dog's life!
Healthy, natural treats add a little zest to life and are often used to train puppies.
Wellness brand dog foods and treats, including Mother Hubbard dog biscuits, are widely available throughout North America, as well as locations in Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong and Macau.
Always keep the positive voice and positive praise with positive treats to offer when necessary.
Which kind of treats or chew bones do they get?
Besides dog food, Halo also carries cat food, pet treats, supplements and herbal grooming supplies.
You can find information on their dog food, treats, supplements, grooming products and cat food.
What would your dog's day be like without yummy treats?
Bravo has that covered too with their dry roasted or freeze dried treats made from pure meats or organ meats depending on what you choose.
Check it out for yourself and see if Bravo raw foods and treats are right for your pets.
Introduce him to the staff with treats and be sure to use a kind, high voice.
Many pet care websites, dog health organizations and personal dog owner sites have free recipes for dog food and treats.
Majestic foods and treats are convenient for dog owners who want a prepackaged raw pet food.
I have created a recipe that allows you to let your four-legged friends have a bit of holiday cheer without the dangers that can be associated with our human treats and traditions.
These treats store well in an air-tight container in the refrigerator for one week or can be stored for up to one month in the freezer.
When you call them by saying "Come!", they can look at you like some stranger or worse, a stranger without treats.
One thing to keep in mind here is that you can make these treats soft and chewy, or you can make them hard like a cookie.
You should be able to see the pattern you made, and this will help you break the treats up when you are finished cooking.
If you want a chewy treat, pull the sheet out when the treats are golden brown.
If you want a harder treat, take the sheet out, cut up the treats and place the cookie sheet back in the oven to dry out for a few hours.
These treats must be stored in the refrigerator or the freezer.
As your dog becomes better housebroken, you can lessen the treats and increase the praise, and in time you should only be using praise.
When you shop for dog food and treats, look for items packaged in paper, aluminum or recyclable plastic rather than foils.
One trick that helps prevent dogs from soiling their bedding is to place a few treats or a few pieces of food on their bedding.
You'll also want to keep a few treats close by to reward your dog for her cooperation.
Making treats for your dog is actually fun, but there are other reasons why you should give it a try.
You can save a lot of money by baking biscuits for your dog at home, and your dog benefits by receiving fresh, wholesome treats baked with love.
One of the best things about baking your own dog treats is the lack of artificial preservatives.
Too many commercial dog foods and treats use chemicals like BHA, BHT and exthoxyquin as preservatives.
When you bake treats fresh at home, you can bake smaller batches that don't need to stay fresh while they sit in a warehouse for weeks before they make it to the store shelf.
Baking the biscuits to a deep golden brown is the most important step, but there's one more step that will really dry out those treats.
Healthy dog biscuit recipes let you control the ingredients that go into your dog's treats.
Offering your dog treats made from one of these healthy dog biscuit recipes is a great way to show him you love him.
They can also make appropriate gifts, brightening up fellow dog owners', and their pets' holidays, with these tasty treats.
Yet, if your normal brand of dog treats is one of the better brands at a pet supply store or your veterinarian's office, the treats you make yourself could be cheaper and healthier.
Many dog treats and dog foods make use of fillers instead of including more wholesome and healthier ingredients.
Sweet potato treats for dogs are a growing trend in the pet food industry.
Whether you prefer to buy these treats or make them yourself, there are some benefits to feeding your dog sweet potatoes.
Here's a sample of sweet potato treats for dogs that are widely available in pet supply stores and online.
Dogswell Veggie Life Vitality Treats - The manufacturer claims these treats are free from gluten and that they promote skin, coat and eye health.
Sam's Yams Veggie Rawhide Dog Treats - The word "rawhide" is a bit of a misnomer here since the company say it's treats are made from thick slabs of dehydrated sweet potatoes.
Sweet Potato & Chicken Wrap Dog Treats - Not all sweet potato treats are completely vegetarian.
These treats list chicken and sweet potato as the main ingredients.
If you're worried about the ingredients in commercially produced sweet potato treats, try making your own treats at home.
You can experiment with baking times to make your treats as crispy as you want them to be.
These treats are easy to make because you can bake them right in your own oven.
Baking your treats low and slow will remove moisture with less of a chance of burning them and making them inedible.
A thickness of approximately 1/3 inch works well, and you can slice lengthwise to make treats for larger dogs or crosswise to make treats for smaller dogs.
So, offer these treats occasionally and continue to feed your dog a high quality kibble or homemade diet.
Don't allow your pet to become spoiled with these treats or he may try to refuse his regular meals.
I had some ginger spice cookies on hand for my friend, but I wanted to have some homemade dog treats for her doggie.
You can add a bit of food coloring to the homemade dog treats to distinguish the different flavors or just for the fun of it.
These fruits grow on vines and provide delicious, tasty treats.
Kits are also available, for a complete selection of Italian herbs or other culinary treats at the ready.
They also rate fairly low on the Glycemic Index, which means less of a blood sugar spike than noshing on a candy bar or other sweet treats.
If you just want enough berries for snacking, one container of about a dozen or so plants will produce berries for sweet treats.
Fresh grapes from your garden make sweet treats all summer long when grown properly.
Jewelry boxes for children are widely available and these make great gifts or special treats for a young girl.
Sulfites, which are limited by law in organic wines, are thought to cause headaches in some people, so if you are normally sensitive to wine you may find organic wine treats you better.
The non-natural treats have monosodium glutamate, which some people need to avoid, and, thought it's not enough to require noting that they contain trans fats, partially hydrogenated oil is used in the conventional Cheetos.
Some of their favorite treats are hostas, marigolds, lettuce and any new growth or seedlings.
Only nine calories per cookie mean your dog's treats are healthy and won't cause your dog to become overweight if you don't get carried away with them.
Like Treats is a line of pet supplements for dogs and cats that taste, well…like treats!
It also makes dry foods and a variety of organic treats.
Maple candy and maple sugar are delicious treats.
Many coffee gift baskets include special treats such as chocolates, rum cakes or cookies.
Spa baskets also often include delicious chocolates, cookies and other edible treats.
Genioglossus and hyoid advancement treats sleep apnea by moving the tongue muscles forward and by preventing the lower throat from collapsing.
Alternatively, Trazodone also treats anxiety.
A dental professional typically treats breathing problems patients experience while they are sleeping.
Dr. Kevin Granger is a Fairfax dental professional who treats snoring problems.
The sleep apnea Pillar procedure treats mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea and it can relieve snoring in many cases.
He offers the SomnoMed mandibular advancement splint (MAS) which treats mild and moderate sleep apnea by moving the lower jaw forward during sleep.Dr.
This dental healthcare provider treats the patient as a whole instead of just focusing on teeth.
The system's design treats bruxism, tension headaches, migraines and temporomandicular disorders (TMD).
Among the most surprising solutions for sleep bruxism is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), which treats obstructive sleep apnea.
Six indoor, temperature controlled restaurants offer everything from simple pizza and burgers to hot wings, barbeque meals, and sweet treats such as ice cream, doughnuts, and other amusement park eats.
From hot dogs, kebabs, pizza, and burgers to full gourmet meals, Lightwater Valley has the treats to keep everyone satisfied at the various restaurants and snack kiosks throughout the park.
Samples of wizard treats, including butterbeer, sugar quills, pumpkin pasties, chocolate frogs, and other popular snacks.
This looping steel roller coaster stands 150 feet tall and treats patrons to an "unprecedented sensory experience" as they listen to the rock band's hit single Whole Lotta Love play throughout the ride.
Kids get to follow their favorite Looney Tune characters while getting treats for their goodie bags.
The British Baker - Located in England, the bakery offers some of the sweetest treats in the form of funnel cake, hot and fresh and perfect for the carolers or for listening to caroling.
Food options include Harry Potter flavored treats and traditional English fair.
The makers of Chuzzle have included a few little treats in the game, just for fun.
The more you perform this trick, the more the treats will appear.
A labrador will learn much faster than a chihuahua, so be patient with your pup and give ample rewards for correctly performed tricks, such as treats, a comb or a good long petting session.
The food that is brought out is a step above the already tasty treats that the executive chef, Mark Caldwell, puts together for the normal flights.
For about $250, you can expect to get a large basket featuring several popular California wines, along with a smorgasbord of gourmet treats and the serving items you'll need to go with them.
Romantic gift baskets usually include one or two bottles of California wine, a pair of wine glasses, and treats for the couple to share.
Dean & Deluca, long known for its gourmet treats, also offers gift baskets with some of the most popular California wines.
These boxes make great gifts when filled with cookies, gourmet treats or even a bottle of spirits.
Most vintage and antique cookie cutters can still be used to make delicious tasting treats.
It is believed that cookie cutters in various forms have existed since approximately 2000 B.C. when the people of Mesopotamia and Egypt used ceramic molds for their sweet little treats.
Although it's likely to be dry and the flowers are gone, late August and September have fewer people, and treats like hearing the bull elk bugle can be rewarding.
Unlike chemotherapy, which treats all cells uniformly, targeted molecular therapy can focus on selected cells without affecting normal cells and tissues.
Orthodontics is a specialized branch of dentistry that diagnoses, prevents, and treats dental and facial irregularities called malocclusions.
Administering the needed vitamins and improving diet treats gingivitis caused by poor nutrition or vitamin deficiencies.
Removing debris under the flap of gum covering the molar treats pericoronitis.
Empiric means that the doctor treats the patient on the basis of the visible symptoms and professional experience in treating infections, without waiting for laboratory test results.
If at all possible, the physician first treats the underlying disorder.
Rewards such as hugs and kisses, verbal praise, stickers, stars, or favorite treats can be used when the child uses the potty or tells a parent he or she has to use it.
They may experience problems if given a blood transfusion, and therefore they should wear a Medic Alert bracelet or have some other way of alerting any physician who treats them that they have this disorder.
Pulsed-dye laser therapy successfully treats port wine stain without significant scarring.
More severe cases may be referred to a dermatologist (skin doctor) or an endocrinologist (doctor who treats hormonal/glandular disorders).
Early versions were made from leftover bread dough, but they have evolved into tasty treats that are especially popular as a quick breakfast bite.
Propecia is an oral tablet that treats male pattern baldness on the top and in the middle front of the scalp.
Lady Gaga's hair styles may be bold and edgy, but she always treats her hair well.
For example, for a lesson on counting money, open a store and allow the child to buy treats.
Typically, a nurse applies for a position at a facility that treats babies, children and adolescents.
You can make a name pretty easily for yourself if you're able to produce delicious treats at a relatively low cost.
Use them to store small items around your home, to package homemade treats for a party, or to give a small gift to a loved one.
Fill the rolled paper cones filled with candy or small treats.
Each pet receives treats, bowls, water, a bed, bottled water and a placemat upon check-in.
Mites will need to be treated with a store bought product that treats mites on reptiles.
Once temperatures begin to soar, stores start to fill up with tantalizing warm weather treats.
Much of that is because Salinas treats sequins, and by extension their close cousin the rhinestone, exactly how they should be -- as the icing on the cake.
You can also buy a generic toy doctor kit and watch as an imaginative child treats his stuffed animals.
This portable oven allows children to create tasty treats from beginning to end.
Even without the light bulb the oven can get up to 375 degrees inside and can be used to make even bigger, more delicious treats.
With the Microwave and Style Kits, kids can make Easy Bake Oven treats in their own microwaves.
Each kit comes with pans, decorating tools, and ingredients to help make tasty treats.
Inexpensive and portable, the Easy Bake Oven can make children relish the independence of baking treats from "scratch."
More often than not, when you buy a knockoff, you are supporting an industry that treats people badly and is generally irresponsible.
Many people use them to cook traditional breakfast foods like bacon, eggs and pancakes or to prepare grilled cheese sandwiches, quesadillas or other treats.
Players will immediately understand how to maneuver their characters around the winding track that is made up of candy treats.
The article treats sponsorships as a form of planned giving, thereby explaining why athletic sponsorship events usually perform quite well.
The Foundation treats their grantees as valued partners, and they treat the ultimate beneficiaries of their work with respect.
It's even possible to raise money selling packages of pre-popped, ready-to-eat popcorn, such as bags or tins of flavored gourmet popcorn treats.
Cookies, treats, and gifts are customarily hidden throughout the tree.
However, skip the traditional Christmas food in favor of summertime treats like ice cream, watermelon, popsicles, or fresh fruit.
He spends the money on presents and treats for all the children in his neighborhood.
Edible treats slip easily into Christmas gift baskets, delight neighbors and friends, and give cooks and bakers a chance to put their personal touch on the season's festivities.
I love to take my time and prepare special treats for family and friends during the holidays.
In addition to gifting new seasonal treats, make a memory by inviting family and friends to create these and other recipes with you.
Don't forget the company website of brands of your favorite snacks, cereals and treats, either.