Treatable Sentence Examples
In the presence of chondromalacia of the central ridge or generalized over the whole patella there is usually no definable cause treatable by arthroscopy.
We can be temporarily incapacitated by drug overdose, mental illness, an alcoholic binge, treatable physical illness or injury.
I have vein grafts duplex scanned every 3 months for the first year to pick up treatable problems.
Yet it seems reprehensible, particularly for Americans, to declare hopelessness on behalf of people dying of a treatable disease.
Only when treatable causes have been excluded should other treatment modalities for chronic pain be considered.
Abscesses are both easily diagnosable and easily treatable by a medical professional, but you should act quickly before the infection gets worse.
Although incurable, this form of kidney disease is treatable.
The good news is that tapeworm is easily treatable.
It is better to be safe than lose a pet to a disease that is treatable in its early stages.
Most blood in stool problems arise from conditions that are easily treatable.
AdvertisementIn many cases, the disease is lengthy and treatable, but incurable.
Heart failure is treatable for most cats, but not generally curable.
Yet, high blood pressure is easy to spot by doctors and is usually highly treatable.
Although teen depression is a serious condition, it's very treatable.
Depression is treatable as long as you take the first step by contacting your primary care physician.
AdvertisementDrug addiction is complex, but it is a treatable disease.
Three years later, she announced the disease was no longer treatable.
Although treatable in many cases, the treatment itself is extremely dangerous to the dog.
Both of these types of cancers are treatable in almost all cases.
The good news is that this condition is treatable and with early detection, treatment can prevent serious loss of vision.
AdvertisementIn the event that there is a treatable problem, early diagnosis is a key to success.
Although most types of dementia are permanent, there are some types that are treatable and partially or completely reversible.
In this way you'll know whether or not the condition is treatable.
Sleep disorders such as insomnia are treatable by medication and by addressing the underlying causes.
The Sleep Center at Portsmouth Regional Hospital includes snoring among the sleep disorders that are treatable through the center's resources.
AdvertisementMany of these conditions and disorders are treatable through doctor help and guidance.
It describes an abnormal growth that is stable, treatable, and generally not life-threatening.
However, advances in medicine between the 1980s and the early 2000s have made Wilms' tumor a very treatable form of cancer.
Conditions such as hyperthyroidism and PKU are treatable.
If the basic illness is easily treatable and can be found rather quickly, the potential for a cure is quite good.
High cholesterol is one of the key risk factors for heart disease and has been shown to be treatable.
Secondary headaches are caused by a wide range of conditions, including some rare diseases and other more treatable conditions.
Major physical birth defects associated with FAS are usually treatable with surgery.
When oligomenorrhea is caused by hormonal factors, however, it is not preventable, but is usually treatable.
The arrhythmias of EDMD and BMD may be treatable with antiarrhythmia drugs such as mexiletine or nifedipine.
Hyperthyroidism is generally treatable and carries a good prognosis.
There may be a critical period in the development of vision, and amblyopia may not be treatable after age eight or nine.
Both cleft lip and cleft palate are treatable birth defects.
As viruses, HSV, HPV, and HIV are treatable but not curable.
Many forms of hypogonadism are potentially treatable and have a good prognosis.
This is treatable, but may cause coma, brain damage, and death.
He will screen you for hyperemesis gravidarum, a treatable condition which is harmful if left untreated.
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by a myriad of health conditions, many treatable by a physician.
Small, superficial infections may be treatable with antibiotic creams.
While the causes of autism are largely unknown and there is no cure at this time, autism is treatable.
All levels of atypical autism are highly treatable with current behavioral therapies and medical treatments.
Yet, even today, the exact cause of autism is unknown and as a result, the condition is considered incurable but highly treatable.
This condition is frustrating, but it's treatable.
Mild cases of eczema may be treatable with various moisturizers, but serious cases will require a dermatologist's care and possibly medication.
Being overweight, smoking, drinking alcohol before bedtime, and back sleeping are other possible causes of snoring that are treatable and preventable.
If the dizziness is not treatable by drugs, surgery, or other means, physical therapy may be used and the person may be taught coping mechanisms for the problem.
The results of these blood tests can reveal treatable conditions (some STDs for example) as well as indicate issues that the doctor should monitor throughout the pregnancy.
Many types of fingernail problems exist, ranging from minor and easily treatable to serious and more difficult to determine the underlying causes.
Additionally, there are a number of minor ailments that are treatable at home, and these medical information sources often provide effective at-home treatments that may help.
While many forms of dementia slowly grow worse, even when managed under a doctor's care, there are some dementias that are treatable and even reversible in some cases.
Phobias are among the most treatable mental health problems; depending on the severity of the condition and the type of phobia, most properly treated people can go on to lead normal lives.
Retroviruses are composed of RNA molecules instead of DNA, and the only treatable one is the one that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
While known as a serious cancer that can cause severe illness and death, it is also encouraging to know that skin cancer can be thoroughly treatable when caught early enough.