Treat Sentence Examples
Don't treat me that way, Alex.
Treat them with respect and take care of them.
Is that the way to treat my friends?
We can't treat each other this way, Carmen.
By watching them, she learned to treat her pupil as nearly as possible like an ordinary child.
They will treat you like a god.
Will you treat them with the same temporary tolerance?
While you are under my roof, you will treat me with respect.
I'll treat you well, as long as you remain loyal.
Lori was a good looking woman and there were plenty of men who would whisk her away if Josh didn't treat her right.
AdvertisementThe reputation of his learning led Majorianus to treat him with the greatest respect.
At the opening of 1354 he was sent with the cardinal of Boulogne, Pierre I., duke of Bourbon, and Jean VI., count of Vendome, to Mantes to treat with Charles the Bad, king of Navarre, who had caused the constable, Charles of Spain, to be assassinated, and from this time dates his connexion with this king.
James pretended to treat, and in the midst of the negotiations fled to France.
This method will allow us to treat the entire world as a controlled experiment in retrospect.
We've gotta treat as many people as we can who are suffering from radiation poisoning.
AdvertisementMore than likely she was taking them out for a morning treat.
The first book, of fourteen short chapters, is concerned with the general properties of the globe; the remaining six books treat in considerable detail of the countries of Europe and of the other continents.
Treat?ng this as a vote of want of confidence Aberdeen at once res'gned office, and the queen bestowed upon him the order of the Garter.
This section includes a brief history of the subject, and proceeds to treat of the principles underlying the structure and interrelations of organic compounds.
If any power is absent, we treat it as present, but with coefficient o.
AdvertisementNo canon of literary criticism can treat as valuable external evidence an attestation which first appears so many centuries after the supposed date of the poems.
A treat for the taste buds and an entertaining night on the town, this restaurant is sure to become a fast favorite as you delight in rolling up your sleeves and demonstrating your culinary skills.
Cobalt occurs in New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia, and efforts have been made in the former state to treat the ore, the metal having a high commercial value; but the market is small, and no attempt has been made up to 1907 to produce it on any large scale.
The traditions of the Ephraimite Joshua and of Saul the first king of (north) Israel virtually treat Judah as part of Israel and are related to the underlying representations in (a).
Other canons treat of intercourse with heretics, admission of penitent heretics, baptism, fasts, Lent, angel-worship (forbidden as idolatrous) and the canonical books, from which the Apocrypha and Revelation are wanting.
AdvertisementIt was also in accord with the desire of the Transvaal Boers to obtain a seaport, a desire which had led them as early as 1860 to treat with the Zulus for the possession of St Lucia Bay.
His principal works (1 579, 1 599) treat of Gaulish and French antiquities, of the dignities and magistrates of France, of the origin of the French language and poetry, of the liberties of the Gallican church, &c. A collected edition was published in 1610.
Claude (c. 1500-1567), baron of Chateauneuf-sur-Cher, Sebastien's brother, was a secretary of finance; he had charge of negotiations with England in 1555 and 1559, and was several times commissioned to treat with the Huguenots in the king's name.
But on the whole the false prophets deserve that name, not for their conscious impostures, but because they were content to handle religious formulas, which they had learned by rote, as if they were intuitive principles, the fruit of direct spiritual experience, to enforce a conventional morality, shutting their eyes to glaring national sins, after the manner of professional orthodoxy, and, in brief, to treat the religious status quo as if it could be accepted without question as fully embodying the unchanging principles of all religion.
If x denotes the potential energy of unit of mass of the substance, we may treat x as sensibly constant except within a distance e of the bounding surface of the fluid.
For example, the BCG vaccine used to treat bladder cancer.
There are a number of products available from your pharmacist to treat cystitis.
Targets for drugs designed to treat many human diseases will often be such human proteins.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
I was told a charming Moscow story today and must treat you to it.
To treat the actual forms of religion as expressions of our various human needs is a fruitful idea which deserves fuller development than it has yet received; but Feuerbach's treatment of it is fatally vitiated by his subjectivism.
He determined to treat prisoners captured from submarines, in view of their breaches of the laws of war, with more severity than ordinary prisoners; but the Germans retaliated harshly on the most noteworthy English prisoners in their hands, and Mr. Balfour, on succeeding Mr. Churchill, gave up this discrimination.
In the present article it is only possible to treat of the division of the Hexapoda into orders and sub-orders and of the relations of these orders to each other.
The following year Ranzani of Bologna, in his Elementi di zoologia - a very respectable compilation - came to treat of birds, and then followed to some extent the plan of De Blainville and Merrem (concerning which much more has to be said by and by), placing the Struthious birds in an Order by themselves.
These views he shared more or less with Vigors and Swainson, and to them attention will be immediately especially invited, while consideration of the scheme gradually developed from 1831 onward by Charles Lucien Bonaparte, and still not without its influence, is deferred until we come to treat of the rise and progress of what we may term the reformed school of ornithology.
This was the foundation of a more extensive work of which, from the influence it still exerts, it will be necessary to treat later at some length, and there will be no need now to enter much into details respecting the earlier performance.
He was one of a large number of German thinkers who during the latter half of the 19th century endeavoured to treat the mind as a mechanism.
He was endeavouring to treat with Alboin and the Lombards, and desired to assure himself of Venetian support.
Similarly the Greenland angekok is said to summon his torngak (which may be an ancestral ghost or an animal) by drumming; he is heard by the bystanders to carry on a conversation and obtain advice as to how to treat diseases, the prospects of good weather and other matters of importance.
Thus a lessee is under an implied obligation to treat the premises demised in a tenant-like or " husband-like " manner, and again, where in a lease by deed the word " demise " is used, the lessor probably covenants impliedly for his own title and for the quiet enjoyment of the premises by the lessee.
Affinities.-The position of the Nemertines in the animal kingdom is now looked upon as more isolated than was formerly thought, and recent writers have been inclined to treat them as a separate phylum.
In 1657 he was appointed ministerplenipotentiary to treat with the Swedes on the Narova river.
Here we shall treat the latter subjects in more detail, viewed from the standpoint of the chemist.
Not until the third act does the great Wagner arbitrate in the struggle between amateurishness and theatricality in the music, though at all points his epoch-making stagecraft asserts itself with a force that tempts us to treat the whole work as if it were on the Wagnerian plane of Tannhauser's account of his pilgrimage in the third act.
But so long as we treat Wagner like a prose philosopher, a librettist, a poet, a mere musician, or anything short of the complex and many-sided artist he really is, we shall find insuperable obstacles to understanding or enjoying his works.
Even when we treat him merely as a dramatist our enjoyment of his later works gains enormously if we take them as organic wholes, and not as mere plots dressed up in verse and action.
Sympathy was again felt for Louis, and when the younger Louis had failed to induce Lothair to treat the emperor in a more becoming fashion, he and Pippin took up arms on behalf of their father.
They refused to treat with the delegates, and despatched 25,000 men under Mahmud Shevket to Constantinople.
In view of this situation Napoleon on the 4th of October sent General Lauriston to the Russian headquarters to treat.
All his novels treat of phases of American development, historical or social, and form a sort of chronological sequence.
When in 1326 Louis of Bavaria saw the arrival in Nuremberg of the two authors of the book dedicated to him, startled by the boldness of their political and religious theories, he was at first inclined to treat them as heretics.
Widely varying views have been held by modern scholars with regard to his activity, some going so far as to treat all the accounts of his labours as the fictitious creation of a later age.
Vossius was amongst the first to treat theological dogmas and the heathen religions from the historical point of view.
The present writer is of opinion that it will be found most convenient to treat this evanescent somite as something special, and not to attempt to reckon it to either the prosoma or the mesosoma.
As the outlet of the Tocantins is so near to that of the Amazon, and their lower valleys are conterminous, it is convenient to treat them as parts of the same hydrographic basin.
We can, however, find a number whose square shall be as nearly equal to 5 as we please, and it is this number that we treat arithmetically as 1 15.
It is better, however, to treat this as a secondary meaning.
In algebraical transformations, however, such as (x-a)2 = x 2 - 2ax+a 2, the arithmetical rule of signs enables us to combine the sign-with a number and to treat the result as a whole, subject to its own laws of operation.
The unknown he terms arithmos, the number, and in solutions he marks it by the final s; he explains the generation of powers, the rules for multiplication and division of simple quantities, but he does not treat of the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of compound quantities.
On the 21st of January 1785 she announced that the queen would buy the necklace, but that not wishing to treat directly, she left the affair to a high personage.
On the other hand, the biological sciences are sharply marked off from the abiological, or those which treat of the phenomena manifested by not-living matter, in so far as the properties of living matter distinguish it absolutely from all other kinds of things, and as the present state of knowledge furnishes us with no link between the living and the not-living.
The latter visited the Paulician fortress Tephrike to treat for the release of Byzantine prisoners.
The difficulty, however, is more apparent than real, and in this sense, that if we start with a diseased organ as our subject of inquiry, we can quite properly, and without committing a solecism, treat of the functions of that organ in terms of its diseased state.
He was the first of the Arabs to treat medicine in a comprehensive and encyclopaedic, manner, surpassing probably in voluminousness Galen himself, though but a small proportion of his works are extant.
Although the title of the poem implies that it is a treatise on the "whole nature of things," the aim of Lucretius is to treat only those branches of science which are necessary to clear the mind from the fear of the gods and the terrors of a future state.
Catholic writers generally treat it as typifying contrition, the preaching of the Gospel, the prayers of the faithful and the virtues of the saints.
During their advance messengers were sent by Cetywayo to treat for peace, but he did not accept the terms offered.
In 1689 Was held here the first inter-colonial convention in America, when delegates from Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth, Connecticut and New York met to treat with representatives of the Five Nations and to plan a system of colonial defence.
It is convenient to treat these glasses as " normal " glasses, but they are in reality mixtures of silicates, and cannot rightly be regarded as definite chemical compounds or represented by definite chemical formulae.
Ambassadors, one of whom was Savonarola, were sent to treat with the French king, but no agreement was arrived at until Charles entered Florence on the 17th of November at the head of 12,000 men.
As cold juice has a greater affinity for lime than hot juice, it is best to treat the juice with lime when cold.
Here he at last met Ibrahim, but though courteously received, the interview had no results, and Sadlier soon after left for Yambu, whence he embarked for Jidda, and after another fruitless attempt to treat with Ibrahim, sailed for India.
The shepherds (rulers) of the nation make their flock an article of trade and treat the sheep as sheep for the shambles.
It has since been proposed to treat the Culicimorphae as a distinct family under the title Corethridae, and it is probable that with this modification Lutz's scheme will meet with general acceptance.
If, as Hegel asserted, our experience is all knowledge, and if knowledge is indefinitely transformed by the conditions of knowing, then we are tempted to regard the object as superfluous, and to treat our innate conviction that knowledge has reference to objects as a delusion which philosophical reflection is destined to dispel.
A smelting plant was erected in the vicinity of Cerro de Pasco designed to treat moo tons of ore daily, a railway was built to Oroya to connect with the state line terminating at that point, and a branch line 62 m.
Most of the writers already noticed worked out the problems connected with the projection of images in the camera obscura more by actual practice than by calculation, but William Molyneux, of Dublin, seems to have been the first to treat them mathematically in his Dioptrica Nova (1692), which was also the first work in English on the subject, and is otherwise an interesting book.
Divorces take place chiefly among the lower orders,who frequently treat marriage merely as a test of a couples suitability to be helpmates in the struggles of life.
Owari abounds in porcelain stone; but it does not occur in constant or particularly simple forms, and as the potters have not yet learned to treat their materials scientifically, their work is often marred by unforeseen difficulties.
But this phraseology soon disappears, without his considering how, in default of some sort of teleology, it is legitimate to treat the world's history as a process.
His support of Pitt's Reform Bill was qualified by a just dislike of the ministers' proposal to treat the possession of the franchise by a constituency as a property and not as a trust.
He was resolved not to treat apart from Russia, then the ally of Great Britain, nor to consent to the surrender of Sicily, which Napoleon insisted upon, unless full compensation could be obtained for King Ferdinand.
This poem was to treat of man's position in the Universe, first in an isolated state, and then in society.
It was at one time proposed to treat the concentrated black iron obtained in the Ural gold washings, which consists chiefly of magnetite, as an iron ore, by smelting it with charcoal for auriferous pigiron, the latter metal possessing the property of dissolving gold in considerable quantity.
Where poles are required, it is better to treat the trees as coppice and to cut the trunk level with the soil.
The Romans did not treat the Maltese as conquered enemies, and at once gave them the privileges of a municipium; Cicero (in Verrem) refers to the Maltese as " Socii."
His work is known to us through thirty manuscripts; but the earliest of these cannot be dated much earlier than the year 1000; and all are defaced by interpolations which give to the work so confused a character that critics were long disposed to treat it as an unskilful forgery.
With John Adams and Edward Rutledge he was selected by Congress to discuss with Admiral Howe (September 1776, at Staten Island) the terms of peace proposed by Howe, who had arrived in New York harbour in July 1776, and who had been an intimate friend of Franklin; but the discussion was fruitless, as the American commissioners refused to treat " back of this step of independency."
At last, after the British government had authorized its agents to treat with the commissioners as representatives of an independent power, thus recognizing American independence before the treaty was made, Franklin acquiesced in the policy of Jay.
But if it is an error to treat the unity of the world as its only real aspect, it is equally an error to treat its differences as something ultimately irreducible.
In 1853 exhaustive experiments were carried out in England with a view to ascertaining whether it would be possible so to treat alcohol as to allow it to be used industrially without, at the same time, any risk of the revenue being defrauded.
His aim was as definite as that of Thucydides, or Schiller, or Napier or any other writer who has made his subject a particular war; only he determined to treat it in a certain way.
By this arrangement he is enabled to treat his subject in the grand way, which is so characteristic of him.
The literature on Einhard is very extensive, as nearly all those who deal with Charlemagne, early German and early French literature, treat of him.
In 1354, having shortly before been made a knight, he was sent into England with the lords of Brittany to treat for the ransom of Charles of Blois, who had been defeated and captured by the English in 1347.
Then we can take the strips in pairs, and treat each pair as a parabolic trapezette.
The method adopted in these cases is to treat the areas A I, A I,.
Turkish history after the Treaty of Sevres was signed belongs to Nationalist Turkey, the State established by Turkish Nationalists, with its capital at Angora, to resist the execution of the Treat y.
The author's intelligence and acuteness are more completely hampered by doctrinal presuppositions when he comes to treat questions relating to the history of the individual books of the New Testament canon.
We shall treat only of the diatonic scale, which is the basis of European music, and is approximated to as closely as is consistent with convenience of construction in key-board instruments, such as the piano, where the eight white notes beginning with C and ending with C an octave higher may be taken as representing the scale with C as the key-note.
And in pursuing this thought he found that those consonances which beat faster than six times in a second are the very same that musicians treat as concords; and that others which beat slower are the discords; and he adds that when a consonance is a discord at a low pitch and a concord at a high one, it beats sensibly at the former pitch but not at the latter."
We cannot treat the [Cape] Colony as we would treat you.
It is at best an unfruitful assumption; and the tendency of students of sociology is to treat discussions as to sovereignty much as modern physiologists treat discussions as to "vital force" or "vital principle."
The axis becomes, therefore, a line of resistance, and in reasoning of the stresses on frames we may treat the frame as consisting of simple straight lines from joint to joint.
The disasters of the years1812-1813brought Napoleon to treat Pius VII.
We must be content to treat the aether as a plenum, which places it in a class by itself; and we can thus recognize that it may behave very differently from matter, though in some manner consistent with itself - a remark which is fundamental in the modern theory.
This was in fact the case; for it knew how to treat the question, which divided the Greeks, in a more dispassionate and practical manner than they.
The third and fourth books, like the larger part of the second, treat of ethics; the third, of virtues and vices, in pairs; the fourth, of more general ethical and political subjects, frequently citing extracts to illustrate the pros and cons of a question in two successive chapters.
With this carte blanche in his pocket, Repnin proceeded to treat the diet as if it were already the slave of the Russian empress.
Hiw works constitute a library in themselves; they are chiefly historical and political novels, some or which treat of early times in Poland, and some of its condition under the Saxon kings.
The tendency then was to treat Algeria as a piece of France.
Although Bessel was the first to systematically treat of these functions, it is to be noted that in 1732 Daniel Bernoulli obtained the function of zero order as a solution to the problem of the oscillations of a chain suspended at one end.
In view of all this, the first requisite for a critical treatment of the text of the Old Testament is to consider the consonants by themselves, to treat every vowel-consonant as possibly not original, and the existing divisions of the text into words as original only in those cases where they yield a sense better than any other possible division (or, at least, as good).
The prophets themselves required no historical verification of their word to assure them that it was indeed the word of God, nor do they for a moment admit that their contemporaries are entitled to treat its authority as unproved till such verification is offered.
Smith conceived the entire subject he had to treat in his public lectures as divisible into four heads, the first of which was natural theology, the second ethics, the third jurisprudence; whilst in the fourth "he examined those political regulations which are founded upon expediency, and which are calculated to increase the riches, the power, and the prosperity of a state."
HiS SOn, Robert Treat Paine (1773-1811), who was christened Thomas but in 1801 took the name of his father and of an elder brother who died without issue in 1794,was a poet of some repute, but his verses have long been forgotten.
Various chemists had traced numerical sequences among the atomic weights of some of the elements and noted connexions between them and the properties of the different substances; but it was left to him to give a full expression to the generalization, and to treat it not merely as a system of classifying the elements according to certan observed facts, but as a "law of nature" which could be relied upon to predict new facts and to disclose errors in what were supposed to be old facts.
The first step in the proceedings is a " notice to treat," or intimation by the promoters of their readiness to purchase the land, coupled with a demand for particulars as to the estate and the interests in it.
On receipt of the counter-notice the promoters must either assent to the requirement contained in it, or abandon their notice to treat.
On the other hand, if the landowner fails within twenty-one days after receipt of the notice to treat to give the particulars which it requires, the promoters may proceed to exercise their compulsory powers and to obtain assessment of the compensation to be paid.
The right thing to do is to open the belly in the middle line, search for a wound in the liver and treat it by deep sutures, or by plugging it with gauze.
But the received conjectures which make this text acceptable have no more authority in themselves than equally good conjectures which have not yet won their way into the text, and it is clearly illogical to treat a text largely built upon conjectures as if it were now beyond the reach of conjecture.
Nor could he treat poetry as he is said to have done without the same result.
The words introducing this form (6Tav bE TO '&TL Tptrov irpoo-KaTnyopijTac, chap. so, s 9 b s 9), which are the origin of the phrase tertii adjacentis, disengage the verb of being (g un) partially but not entirely, because they still treat it as an extra part of the predicate, and not as a distinct copula.
The National government, until the administration of President Jackson, regarded the Indian tribes as sovereign nations with whom it alone had the power to treat, while Georgia held that the tribes were dependent communities with no other right to the soil than that of tenants at will.
There is no doubt that Leucas fits the Homeric descriptions much better than Ithaca; but, on the other hand, many scholars maintain that it is a mistake to treat the imaginary descriptions of a poet as if they were portions of a guide-book, or to look, in the author of the Odyssey, for a close familiarity with the geography of the Ionian islands.
It was founded upon a feeling of uneasiness at a growing tendency among Roman Catholic writers not only to treat theology freely, but to corrupt it by paradoxes.
In 1606 Melville and seven other clergymen of the Church of Scotland were summoned to London in order "that his majesty might treat with them of such things as would tend to settle the peace of the Church."
There was no dispute as to his possessing the authority in spiritual matters necessary to impose reform and overbear the resistance which might arise; no one was better qualified than he to treat with the holders of the temporal power and obtain the support which was necessary from them.
On his return to Rome, Eugenius had to treat with his rebel subjects and to acknowledge the senate they had elected, but he was unable to procure the expulsion of the agitator.
But the likeness probably goes deeper than superficial resemblance that appeals to the eye, for spiders which distinguish flies from bees by touch and not by sight, treat drone-flies after touching them, not in the fearless way they evince towards bluebottles (Calliphora), but in the cautious manner they display towards bees and wasps, warily refraining from coming to close quarters until their prey is securely enswathed in silk.
The good knight is bound to endless fantastic courtesies towards men and still more towards women of a certain rank; he may treat all below that rank with any decree of scorn and cruelty.
No attempt can here be made to treat the ibis from a mythological or antiquarian point of view.
Many metals, of which copper, silver and nickel are types, can be readily won or purified by the electrolysis of aqueous solutions, and theoretically it may be feasible to treat aluminium in an identical manner.
It seems therefore best to treat here principally of the animal inhabitants of the high Alps.
The subject naturally divides itself into two sections, which we here propose to treat separately, commencing with the science, and passing on to the practice of the cultivation of flowers, fruits and vegetables as applicable to the home garden.
Thus, if the use of ores very much poorer than those we now treat, and the need of concentrating them mechanically, were to double the cost of a pound of iron in the concentrated ore ready for smelting, that would increase the cost of rails by only one quarter.
The numerous converting mills which treat pig iron made at a distance will now have the crushing burden of providing in other ways the power which their rivals get from the blast-furnace, in addition to the severe disadvantage under which they already suffer, of wasting the initial heat of the molten cast iron as it runs from the blastfurnace.
Hence the progressive increase which has occurred in the size of converters, until now some of them can treat a 20-ton charge, is not surprising.
First, they treat a larger charge, a ton or more, whereas the charge of each crucible is only about 80 pounds.
The king declined to treat with the governor of the Gold Coast, and despatched informal agents to England, whom the secretary of state refused to receive.
It was followed in 1600 by Discours chrestiens, a book of sermons, similar in tone, half of which treat of the Eucharist.
Macaulay's description of Whitgift as "a narrow, mean, tyrannical priest, who gained power by servility and adulation," is tinged with rhetorical exaggeraticn; but undoubtedly Whitgift's extreme High Church notions led him to treat the Puritans with exceptional intolerance.
The New Zealand government in 1893 offered a premium of £1750 for a machine which would treat the fibre satisfactorily, and a further £250 for a process of treating the tow; and with a view to creating further interest in the matter a member of a commission of inquiry visited England during 1897.
The emissivity really depends on every variety of condition, such as the size, shape and position of the surface, as well as on its nature; it varies with the rate of cooling, as well as with the temperature excess, and it is generally so difficult to calculate, or to treat in any simple manner, that it forms the greatest source of uncertainty in all experimental investigations in which it occurs.
Johnson had failed, not because his mind was less vigorous than when he wrote Rasselas in the evenings of a week, but because he had foolishly chosen, or suffered others to choose for him, a subject such as he would at no time have been competent to treat.
Certain agents in Canada having in 1864 intimated that they were empowered to treat for peace, Lincoln, through Greeley, tendered them safe conduct to Washington.
In 1500 the Reichsregiment met at Nuremberg and began at once to treat for peace with France.
The Hanoverian government, backed by the Frankfort diet, was still more successful in its warfare with the moderate reformers whom it was pleased to treat as revolutionists; and in Austria the feudalists so completely gained the upper hand that on the 18th of August 1855 the government signed a concordat, by which the state virtually submitted itself to the control of the church.
It was impossible to continue to treat as enemies of the state a party which had supplied one of the vice-presidents to the Reichstag, and which after the election of 1881 outnumbered by forty votes any other single party.
An attempt to treat them as not genuine Socialists was frustrated, and they continued in co-operation with the other branch of the party.
I), those of their books which contain nothing against Catholic doctrine or which treat other subjects are permitted (Nos.
In those matters which belong to the periodical and terminable agreement, the most important is the Customs Union, which was established in 1867, and it is convenient to treat separately the commercial policy of the dual state.'
But of these three so-called promontories the last is not a true promontory, and it is more accurate to treat Sicily as having a fourth side on the west.
Many suras treat of a single topic, others embrace several.
The most objectionable parts of the whole Koran are those which treat of Mahomet's relations with women.
Befoie his arrival the administration of affairs had again been committed to Ibn Furat, who, on hearing of the threatened invasion, at first proposed to treat with Jauhar for the peaceful surrender of the country; but though at first there was a prospect of this being carried out, the majority of the troops at Fostat preferred to make some resistance, and an advance was made to meet Jauhar in the neighborhood of Giza.
We know nothing of the authors of these poems, which treat of the heroic adventures of the great warriors and lovely ladies of the chivalric age in strains of artless but often exquisite beauty.
The burying-ground includes the tomb of Robert Treat (1622-1710), commander of the Connecticut troops in King Philip's War, leader of the company that founded Newark, New Jersey, governor of Connecticut (from 1683 to 1698) at the time its charter was demanded by Governor Andros in 1686-1687, and deputy-governor in1676-1683and 1698-1708; and also that of Jonathan Law (1674-1751), governor of Connecticut from 1742 to 1751.
In 1664 Milford, with the other members of the Jurisdiction, was absorbed by Connecticut; this caused considerable dissatisfaction and some of the inhabitants under the lead of Robert Treat removed to New Jersey and assisted in the founding of Newark.
It is perhaps desirable, in an article like this, to treat of algae in the widest possible sense in which the term may be used, an indication being at the same time given of the narrower senses in which it has been proposed to employ it.
Information and statements including those regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
When Mr Chamberlain started his new fiscal programme, combining Tariff Reform with Colonial Preference, Lord Rosebery at first seemed inclined to treat it as non-political, and on the 19th of May 1903 he declared in an address to the Burnley Chamber of Commerce that he was not one of those who regarded Free Trade as part of the Sermon on the Mount.
Now the restored Douglases were most powerful; by the 28th of January 1543 they imprisoned the cardinal, but their party was already breaking up. In March a full parliament was held, the Bible in English was allowed to circulate, and envoys were sent to treat with Henry.
For an attempt to treat the whole problem of differential fertility and assortative mating numerically, see Pearson, The Grammar of Science, 2nd edition, London, 1900.
He had written to the Waldenses that it is better not to baptize at all than to baptize little children; now he was cautious, would not condemn the new prophecy off-hand; but advised Melanchthon to treat them gently and to prove their spirits, less they be of God.
Siricius was averse from countenancing the influence of the monks, and did not treat Jerome with the favour with which he had been honoured by preceding popes, with the result that Jerome left Rome and settled at Bethlehem.
These are full of important historical data on the social, as well as the religious, life of India during the periods of which they treat.
In July 1415 Gilbert Talbot had power to treat with Owen and his supporters and admit them to pardon.
Here we shall treat only the more important forms.
It is almost impossible, without asceticism of a radically inartistic kind, to treat with the resources of instrumental music and free harmony such passages as that from the Crucifixus to the Resurrexit, without an emotional contrast which inevitably throws any natural treatment of the Sanctus into the background, and makes the A gnus Dei an inadequate conclusion to the musical scheme.
Bach's method is to treat each clause of his text as a separate movement, alternating choruses with groups of arias; a method which was independently adopted by Mozart in those larger masses in which he transcends the Neapolitan type, such as the great unfinished Mass in,C minor.
Even to the last Hegel had not so externalized his system as to treat it as something to be led up to by gradual steps.
We also treat of the utilization of hydrochloric acid for the manufacture of chlorine and its derivatives, which are usually comprised within the meaning of the term " alkali manufacture."
That " there were in Athens persons who abused the dialectical exercise for frivolous puzzles " he admits; but " to treat Euthydemus and Dionysodorus as samples of ` the Sophists ' is, " he continues, " altogether unwarrantable."
The whole valley of the Irrawaddy, from Rangoon to Prome, was occupied in a few months, and, as the king of Ava refused to treat, it was annexed, under the name of Pegu, to the provinces of Arakan and Tenasserim, which had been acquired in 1826.
The dictator now had time to collect ammunition, and the Neapolitan government having given Lanza full powers to treat with him, 15,000 Bourbon troops embarked for Naples on the 7th of June, leaving the revolutionists masters of the situation.
Jay, however, in a letter written to the president of Congress from Spain, had expressed in strong terms his disapproval of such dependence upon France, and, on arriving in Paris, he demanded that Great Britain should treat with his country on an equal footing by first recognizing its independence, although the French minister, Count de Vergennes, contended that an acknowledgment of independence as an effect of the treaty was as much as could reasonably be expected.
Finally, owing largely to Jay, who suspected the good faith of France, the American negotiators decided to treat independently with Great Britain.
But Petau's eminence chiefly rests on his vast, but unfinished, De theologicis dogmatibus, the first systematic attempt ever made to treat the development of Christian doctrine from the historical point of view.
As there was no governor-general at the time, the British were obliged to treat with the acting-governor, the Archbishop Manuel Antonio Rojo; but his authority was set aside by a war-party who rallied around Simon Anda y Salazer, a member of the audiencia.
He sent Magius to me to treat of peace.
He intended to treat in the same manner the remaining books of the New Testament, but his design was unfulfilled.
Zobaida, the mother of the caliph, entreated Ali to treat Mamun kindly when he should have made him captive.
He resolved to treat with Harthama, as he was averse to Tahir; but this step caused his ruin.
These ruffians proceeded to treat the capital as a conquered city, and it became necessary for all good citizens to organize themselves into a regular militia.
In 1777, largely, it seems, because he refused to treat the electors with rum and punch, after the custom of the time, he was not reelected, but in November of the same year he was chosen a member of the privy council or council of state, in which he acted as interpreter for a few months, as secretary prepared papers for the governor, and in general took a prominent part from the, 4th of January 1778 until the end of 1779, when he was elected a delegate to the Continental Congress.
How absurd to suppose that here we pass from a particular categorical to a universal hypothetical, and then treat this very conclusion as a particular categorical to pass to a higher universal hypothetical !
At this date too, or a little earlier, the king of Scotland began to treat as an equal with the powerful princes of Europe, Maximilian I., Louis XII.
Paine's services were recognized by an appointment to be secretary of the commission sent by Congress to treat with the Indians, and a few months later to be secretary of the Congressional committee of foreign affairs.
Californians had been very friendly to Americans, but Larkin's intimates thought they had been tricked, and the people resented the stealthy and unprovoked breaking of peace, and unfortunately the Americans did not known how to treat them except inconsiderately and somewhat contemptuously.
In the manner of modern travellers, he gives an account of the customs, government and antiquities of the country he is supposed to have visited; a copious introduction supplies whatever may be wanting in respect to historical details; whilst various dissertations on the music of the Greeks, on the literature of the Athenians, and on the economy, pursuits, ruling passions, manners and customs of the surrounding states supply ample information on the subjects of which they treat.
Whenever the governor approves of the general purpose of a bill, but disapproves of some portion or portions, he may return the bill with his recommendations for amendment, and when it comes back to him, he may, whether his recommendations have been adopted or not, treat it as if it were before him for the first time.
Alimentary, Respiratory and Excretory Systems. - Although the function of the two latter systems of organs is the purification of the blood, they are not usually considered together, and it is therefore the more remarkable that their close association in Amphioxus renders it necessary to treat them in common.
Against the spirit which would treat the church as the mere creature of the state Keble had long chafed inwardly, and now he made his outward protest, asserting the claim of the church to a heavenly origin and a divine prerogative.
Even when the two armies met at St Albans, York endeavoured to treat for settlement.
The parole system is in force in the state reformatory; and in the industrial school at Golden (for youthful offenders) no locks, bars or cells are used, the theory being to treat the inmates as "students."
At first he seemed disposed to treat the conspirators leniently, but at the same time he so roused the people against them by the publication of Caesar's will and by his eloquent funeral oration, that they were obliged to leave the city.
A second characteristic is the predominance of the economic element in the several tasks that local administrations have to perform, and the consequent tendency to treat the charges of local finance as payments for services rendered, or, in the usual phrase, to apply the " benefits " principle, in contrast to that of " ability," which rightly prevails in national finance.
He was also appointed one of the commission to treat of the conditions necessary for the Union; and the admirable manner in which the duties of that body were discharged must be attributed mainly to his influence and his complete mastery of the subject.
Having described some representative types of the different classes of printing-presses in use, we may now treat of the methods employed by the workmen in securing The pre_ the best results in printing.
Zwingli, who details these articles, as he says, that the world may see that they are "fanatical, stolid, audacious, impious," can scarcely be acquitted of unfairness in joining together two of them, - the fourth and fifth, - thus making the article treat "of the avoiding of abominable pastors in the church" (Super devitatione abominabilium pastorum in Ecclesia), though there is nothing about pastors in the fourth article, and nothing about abominations in the fifth, and though in a marginal note he himself explains that the first two copies that were sent him read as he does, but the other copies make two articles, as in fact they evidently are.
This connexion is only supplied by theories which treat aberrations generally and analytically by means of indefinite series.
All Persians are fond of animals, and do not treat them badly when their own property.
He was to treat with his majesty of Trafique and Commerce for our English Marchants,2 but his reception was not encouraging, and led to no result of importance.
In cases where diarrhoea is very obstinate and lasts for weeks, sulphuric acid is sometimes more efficacious than alkalis; and in chronic colics it may be necessary to treat the mucous membrane by local application of astringent solutions.
Wordsworth was to show the real poetry that lies hidden in commonplace subjects, while Coleridge was to treat supernatural subjects to illustrate the common emotions of humanity.
These treaty states, as they were called, were intended to serve Treat States double purpose; they would be a barrier protecting the colony from the inroads of hostile tribes, and they would enable native civilized nations to grow up (under the tutelage of the missionaries) strong enough to protect themselves from the encroachments of the whites.
Moreover, to treat these men as independent or semi-independent princes was a complete mistake; the failure of the treaty state system is now seen to have been inevitable.
In May 1806, with James Monroe, then minister at London, he was commissioned to treat with the British government concerning the capture of neutral ships in time of war; in 1807-1811, after Monroe's return to America, he was resident minister in London.
In the parliament of 1373 Wykeham was named by the Commons as one of the eight peers to treat with them on the state of the realm.
The princess landed at Deal on the 27th of December; Henry met her at Rochester on the 1st of January 1540, and was so much abashed at her appearance as to forget to present the gift he had brought for her, but nevertheless controlled himself sufficiently to treat her with courtesy.
Laplace does not treat systematically the question of interfacial tension, but he gives incidentally in terms of his quantity H a relation analogous to (47).
For many purposes it may suffice to treat F as a constant, say 3.8.
Most of the other historical and antiquarian writings of Varro were special elaborations of topics which he could not treat with sufficient fulness and minuteness in the larger book.
Several papers in his Opuscula treat of the nature of Varro's works which have not come down to us.
After a new survey of the situation in 1909-10 by Marshal von der Goltz it was decided to treat Macedonia as a self-contained theatre of war garrisoned at all times by a large army with Shtip (tip) as its area of war concentration, and to constitute in Thrace a covering army which would be reinforced by the troops from Asia as they successively arrived, up to the strength adequate for offensive operations against Bulgaria.
Two hundred discourses exist to prove his fecundity, while his versatility is shown by the fact that he could treat the same subject differently on half a dozen occasions.
As Rudolph had been educated in Spain it was at first thought that he would treat the Bohemian church reformers with great severity.
This was done, even by the poor or illfurnished, all of whom looked forward to the speedy end of the present dispensation, and were content, for the short remainder of this world, to live in common, and, while not repudiating earthly ties, to treat them as purely spiritual.
No mention whatever is made of him in the three chapters of Romans which treat of Israel's fate.
His progressive sympathies, illustrated by his proposals to reform the monasteries and the calendar, to modify the four long fasts and to treat for union (especially with the Old Catholics), were not very well received, and in 1905 an attempt was made to depose him.
When, however, Mexico persisted in her refusal to treat, Polk decided to conquer her northern provinces.
But Maximilian was incapable of defending her, and in 1491 the young duchess found herself compelled to treat with Charles VIII.
The admiral, who was on very bad terms with the council, elected to treat this as a peremptory order to fight.
As philosopher, politician, historian, essayist, orator, he aimed at lucid and harmonious expression - not, indeed, neglecting the importance of the material he undertook to treat, but approaching his task in the spirit of an artist rather than a thinker or a man of action.
Josephus might have added that they were disposed to treat aliens as they should have treated their friends.
But the act of 1888 made some important Of the powers and duties of county councils, may be convenient to treat of these first, in so far as they are transferred to or conferred on them by the Local Government Act 1888, under which they were created, and after ferred wards in so far as they have been conferred by sub sequent legislation.
In dealing with the powers and duties of district councils it will be convenient to treat of these first as they arise under the Public Health Acts, and afterwards as they arise under other Public statutes.
It is necessary to treat them separately in connexion with the Tubingen view, which represents Paul as the original Simon.
The distinct tendency, especially as to protectorates over uncivilized countries, is to treat, for purposes of international law, the territory of a protectorate as if it belonged to the protecting state.
The marquis of the state was puzzled how to treat him.
The work falls into two parts, which treat of the asymptotes and singularities of algebraical curves respectively; and extensive use is made of the method of counting constants which plays so large a part in modern geometrical researches.
The superscription, if original, compels us to treat the whole writing as not only late but pseudonymous.
Being lord of the Isle of Wight at the time, he was in 1467 appointed one of the ambassadors to treat with the duke of 1 Rivers and Canals, znd ed.
The dey is said to have complained that the king of England should have sent a beardless boy to treat with him, and to have been told that if the beard was the necessary qualification for an ambassador it would have been easy to send a "Billy goat."
Unless, indeed, we conceive our faculties to be constructed on some arbitrary plan which puts them out of relation to the facts with which they have to deal, we have a prima facie right to treat beauty as an objective determination of things.
It will be formed naturally, for instance, in cases when one barbarous community conquers another, but it is not able to destroy entirely the latter or to treat its members as mere chattels.
We may treat it as a superficial effect, especially in the case of bodies which are opaque enough or thick enough to prevent all transmission of light, and we may investigate how much is reflected at the surface and how much is absorbed; or, on the other hand, we may confine our attention to the light which enters the body and inquire into the relation between the decay of intensity and the depth of penetration.
There had been a time when many dissenting ministers, who could talk Latin and read Greek, had affected to treat him with scorn_.
It would take us too far to treat them at any length, but it may be convenient to summarize some of the results.
In 1815 he went to Brussels to treat the wounded of the battle of Waterloo.
If, on the other hand, we have a sum of 5s., and treat a shilling as being equivalent to twelve pence, the 5s.
Hence we can treat the fractional numbers which have any one denominator as 0 o constituting a number-series, as shown in the 2 adjoining diagram.
Or we may treat the former as the sum of 5.4 and 013, and recombine the.
To Find 3.400, We Treat Ioo As The Unit (As In Addition), So That 3.400 =3.4.100 = 12.100 = 1200; And Similarly For 3.20.
It also removed Philips last doubts; Mary had left him her claims to the English throne, and he might, now that she was out of his path, hope to treat England like Portugal.
No doubt he was helped to an intelligent perception of the new situation by the fact that, as a foreigner, he cared far more for carrying on war successfully against France than for influencing the domestic legislation of a country which was not his own, and by the knowledge that the conduct of the struggle which lasted till he was able to treat with France on equal terms at Ryswick (1697) was fairly trusted to his hands.
It was a time when the pen was more powerful than the sword, when a secretary of state would treat with condescension a Witty pamphleteer, and when such a pamphleteer might hope, not in vain, to become a secretary of state.
Already there were signs of a readiness in parliament to treat even the constituencies with contempt.
Constitutional Ministry historians, who treat the question as one of merely of the theoretical politics, leave out of consideration this younger essential element of the situation, and forget that, if P if.
At last Pitt was forced to yield to the popular clamour, and in 1796 Lord Malmesbury was sent to France to treat fot peace.
Secondly there is a strong side-current in the mystical tradition, which we may perhaps treat as the modified form under which the philosophical theology of the Greek Church maintained its life in the medieval West.
They treat principally of the criticism of sources and the proper method of writing history, and occupy an important place in the evolution of the scientific study of history in France.
He unfolds the relations between verbal signs and the several sorts of ideas; words being the means for enabling us to treat ideas as typical, abstract and general.
More successful have been the attempts to treat particular aspects of the Revolution.
It is possible to treat will as a permanent cause manifesting itself through a series of sequent changes, and obedient to the laws which govern the development of the personality of the single individual.
In the 9th century the Norsemen from Norway began to treat their feeble northern neighbours as a subject race.
Meantine the Karelians were pressing on the eastern Lapps, and in the course of the i ith century the rulers of Novgorod began to treat them as the Norsemen had treated their western brethren.
In the Sermons, indeed (1729), Butler seems to treat conscience and calm benevolence as permanently allied though distinct principles, but in the Dissertation on Virtue, appended to the Analogy (1739), he maintains that the conduct dictated by conscience will often differ widely from that to which mere regard for the production of happiness would prompt.
But the attempt not only to treat ethics scientifically, but actually to subordinate the principles of conduct to the principles of existing biological science or group of sciences biological in character, was reserved for postDarwinian moral philosophers.
When we come to treat of religious rites and worship, our sources leave us completely in the dark.
The offspring of Rangi and Papa (kept in the dark as they were) held a council to determine how they should treat their parents, " Shall we slay them, or shall we separate them?"
Having no cause for confidence in the royal administration, the states refused to treat with the dauphins councillors, and proposed to take him under their own tutelage.
The compact was concluded at Millau; Cond becoming a Protestant once more in order to treat with Damville, Mootmorencys brother.
But the taking of, La Rochelle allowed Louis to force the pass of Susa, to induce the duke of Savoy to treat with him, and to isolate the Spaniards in Italy by a great Italian league between Genoa, Venice and the dukes of Savoy and Mantua (April 1629).
After deliberating for four days how to deal with his adversary, who had thus maladroitly placed himself at his mercy, Charles decided to respect the parole he had given and to treat with Louis (October 1468), at the same time forcing him to assist in quelling the revolt.
The first-named expounds the views of the author; the second is an eager and intelligent listener; the third represents a well-meaning but obtuse Peripatetic, whom the others treat at times with undisguised contempt.
Hither he summoned a general council, which met in June 1245; but although Frederick sent his justiciar, Thaddeus of Suessa, to represent him, and expressed his willingness to treat, sentence of excommunication and deposition was pronounced against him.
The archdukes having consented to treat with the United Provinces "as free provinces and states over which they had no pretensions," Oldenbarneveldt, who had with him the States of Holland and the majority of burgher regents throughout the county, was for peace, provided that liberty of trading was conceded.
They likewise (1614) forbade the preachers in the Province of Holland to treat of disputed subjects from their pulpits.
The relief of the Egyptian garrisons was successfully accomplished, and Gordon visited the provinces of Berber and Dongola, whence he had again to return to the Abyssinian frontier to treat with King John.
The earliest Greek work which purported to treat the constellations qua constellations, of which we have certain knowledge, is the 4'atvoµeva of Eudoxus of Cnidus (c. 4 0 3-35 0 B.C.).
The close alliance between pharmacology, therapeutics and clinical medicine has induced many authors to treat the subject from a clinical point of view, while its relationships to chemistry and physiology have been utilized to elaborate a chemical and physiological classification respectively as the basis for systematic description.
In our reflection we necessarily treat the objects, not as phenomena, as matters of positive, scientific knowledge, but as things-in-themselves, as noumena.
These treat of the Messiah and the Messianic kingdom, the woes of Israel in the past and the destruction of Jerusalem in the present, as well as of theological questions relating to original sin, free will, works, the number of the saved, the nature of the resurrection body, &c. The views expressed on several of the above subjects are often conflicting.
Kris was gracious and gentle with this woman, who he could very easily treat like he did his Immortals and brothers.
She had dreamed of someone who would share her enthusiasm in horses – of someone who would treat her well.
Darian looked around him, irritated at her rejection but also aware she'd never treat any Guardian like that without a reason.
It was an inhospitable way to treat a guest – especially one who had volunteered so much help.
At the domestic level, Manchester United treat the FA, which presides over the national game, with barely concealed contempt.
Please ask him/her to treat a patient.
The proverb states that we should "Treat the Earth well."
Certain types of COC are used to treat severe acne.
Victims and complainants we treat very well but (and particularly with ETs) we never had any aftercare.
Many can be used to help treat specific ailments.
Relievers Medicines based on Salbutamol that are used to treat the symptoms of an asthma attack by dilating the small airways.
Detox A form of drug rehabilitation, used to treat alcoholism or other drug addiction.
Ethnic groups in West Africa use plants containing these alkaloids to treat malaria.
A type of medicine called an alpha blocker is sometimes used to treat high blood pressure and enlarged prostate.
She is currently writing up her thesis on the feasibility of using virtual reality to treat amblyopia.
How to treat anaphylaxis Anaphylaxis needs to be treated straight away.
The advisors suggested that at present very few centers in the United Kingdom are able to treat ruptured aneurysms by EVAR.
Used to treat angina, high blood pressure, heart attacks.
Abstract We used clomiphene and dexamethasone in 40 infertile women to treat chronic anovulation resistant to the use of clomiphene alone.
Medicines called antacids can also help treat the reflux and work by reducing the amount of acid released by the stomach.
This is one of the group of medicines called anticonvulsants which are used to treat epilepsy.
For the less health conscious toffee apples are a traditional treat!
The College will not treat disabled members of staff or disabled job applicants less favorably for any reason relating to disability.
A common family of drugs used to treat rheumatoid arthritis have been linked with skin problems.
Treat dry hair with avocado Massage mashed avocado into wet hair for 15 minutes before rinsing.
We treat injured badgers, where appropriate in our holding pens.
Thank goodness that Drosselmeyer was still part of the action and somebody on stage knew how to treat a principal ballerina.
From the 17th century, quinine from the powdered bark of a South American tree was used to treat malaria in Europe.
Also, the blocks appear to have been glass bead blasted, making for a nice eye candy treat.
It can also be used to treat bed-wetting in children.
Treat Your Feet comprises of three distinctively chunky ranges each available in 10 of the most popular colors including beiges, creams and golds.
A compound named benzyl benzoate cream was once used to treat small areas of infection.
Instructors are trained to treat everyone equally whether it's the guy with the big biceps or the person who has never been before.
We have rampant bindweed - is it OK to treat the whole old lawn before the new one is put down?
Investigation of suitable biocide to treat wet rot affected timbers.
Treat the cave biota with respect, watch out for them, and avoid disturbing them.
Tea Tree oil is a well known antiseptic that can be used to treat minor skin blemishes such as spots.
As such it is not just a diet for people trying to prevent or treat high blood pressure.
And then there's my mother's bookshelf, which I often treat as my own bookshelf, too.
I took advice bridle on, long rein and treat him when he went in ok.
Seretide Evohaler should not be used to treat acute asthma symptoms for which a fast and short acting bronchodilator is required.
It is used to treat and prevent bronchospasm in patients with reversible obstructive airway disease and exercise-induced bronchospasm.
Treat yourself, have a lovely bubbly soak with your favorite soap.
A well-stocked medicine cabinet will help you to treat many everyday illnesses at home.
Candida If you are using Green Essence to treat candida If you are using Green Essence to treat candida, the following regime is recommended.
Nursing points Topical antifungal treatment is usually all that is necessary to treat skin candidiasis.
There are no drops or tablets that will treat cataracts.
In the Middle Ages the ancient monks used chamomile to treat a whole range of ailments.
What should I be doing to treat the chickenpox?
The only way to remove chloramines without a UV treatment is to shock treat the pool, this is discussed later in this guide.
It is used to treat pain of renal colic.
Some anti sickness drugs are drugs normally used to treat other conditions.
Any information given will be treat in utmost confidence.
The infusion may be used as an eye wash or compress to treat conjunctivitis and inflammation of the eyelids (blepharitis ).
If you are very constipated, which may be making the problem worse, they may treat this too.
Click here to find out how you can treat constipation.
Up to 500g per day of the moisturizing cream or ointment may be needed to treat eczema effectively.
This seems to be a treat reserved for the distance runner - endurance cyclists don't suffer.
The aim of the research is to understand, treat and cure cystic fibrosis.
Should deadly viruses be used to treat cystic fibrosis?
Many special shampoos are available from the chemist to treat dandruff, should it become a problem.
I now decamped to the Four Seasons Hotel for a bit of treat for a couple of nights.
What REMINYL is used for REMINYL is used to treat dementia in Alzheimer's disease.
The doctor or diabetes educator can advise you how to treat diabetes during illness.
It is also a commonly held belief that we should not treat diabetics with Reiki.
Mouth Problems Mouth Care Overview chemotherapy drugs are a group of strong drugs that are used to treat cancers.
The work will develop fibers with optimal dimensions and solubility for cell growth do deliver genetically modified muscle cells to treat muscular dystrophy.
Oxygen systems are chosen to treat difficult organic chemical effluents.
Dr. Horan is working to develop novel technology to treat colored effluents.
You can also treat pleural effusion by operating to remove the pleura (a pleurectomy ). This is called a pleurectomy.
We should be careful not treat human embryos with less respect than animals.
Surgery may be used to treat endometriosis or to remove fibroids from the womb.
In any event, changing perspectives also fails to treat ennui.
Those lucky enough to be there are in for a real treat, " the source added.
All the guys are very talented and seeing them have epileptic fits along to their music for the camera was a treat.
Drugs to treat epilepsy are called anti-epileptics or anti- epileptics or anti- epileptic medicines.
Numbers needed to treat for improved erections were 2.6 for tadalafil 10 mg and 2.0 for tadalafil 20 mg.
Ergot alkaloids The ergot alkaloids The ergot alkaloids have been used to treat migraine attacks for over 50 years.
They commonly treat the historical method with a sort of patronizing toleration as affording useful exemplifications or illustrations of their theorems.
The practice of 'trick or treat ' uses extortion and blackmail to prevent vandalism and is condemned as criminal the rest of the year.
Museum plans floral treat for mothers A MUSEUM will host a free floral extravaganza duirng Mother's Day weekend.
Several other agents have been studied in an attempt to treat post-polio fatigue.
Digoxin is used to treat atrial fibrillation, an irregularity of the heart beat.
Is there an alternative to a hysterectomy to treat fibroids?
The aim of the research is to understand, treat and cure Cystic fibrosis.
Status vis-a-vis foreign-born they are evaluated can treat patients.
If the cancer is affecting only the foreskin, it may be possible to treat it with circumcision alone.
Radiotherapy is almost always used to treat various forms of cancer.
I would like to ask those of you who treat it as a tool to vent frustrations and post allegations about others to STOP!
Keep an eye out for any fungal diseases; treat with a suitable fungicide.
Dermatologists can see and treat patients with skin diseases and also many diseases which affect the genitalia and the inside of the mouth.
Treat a loved one on a special occasion, or have a get-together with family, friends or colleagues.
In addition to the measures described above to treat gingivitis you may need specialist dental treatment.
Surgical treatment Many patients have surgery to treat glaucoma.
It is used in some specialist centers to treat high grade gliomas that have come back, or started to grow again.
How should we treat tophaceous gout in patients with allopurinol hypersensitivity?
We use small granules of crushed rock salt to treat.
Stir-fry green cabbage with celery, purple sprouting broccoli, onions, carrots, leeks and flat green beans for a tasty seasonal treat.
She has gone on to treat some of our rescue guinea pigs and has contacted Vedra for advice, without being prompted.
We recommend our Fresh Breath Kit which features 6 dedicated and specifically chosen products for you to use at home to treat halitosis.
This group of drugs was originally developed to treat major psychoses (eg schizophrenia) and includes haloperidol and droperidol.
However, they are not usually recommended to treat the frequent heartburn suffered by people with GERD.
Because the damage resembled that caused by viruses, the scientists suspect avocado extract might be useful to treat viral hepatitis.
Consider Your Options Your doctor will probably tell you about the two key ways to treat genital herpes.
The engineering on this album is excellent and if you have a hi-fi with large speakers you are in for a treat.
I once ate a chocolate dog treat and it was really horrid.
Either leave this or treat very gently using a low-pressure hose.
There is no good evidence of effectiveness and no evidence of long-term safety for any herbal preparation used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Despite these variations, most people easily relax enough to find hypnotherapy an effective way to treat their problems.
No waiting for doctors if you have a central acting analgesic action of these M1 is used to treat or sedative hypnotics.
Make sure that she always carries something sugary to treat hypoglycemia.
Antipsychotic drugs These drugs are used to treat hypomania.
Simply mix and place the Duo Treat in the freezer and be ready to enjoy some great home-made ice cream.
Tofranil contains a substance called imipramine which is used to treat depression.
A true skeptic will look at both sides of an argument and treat those two impostors just the same.
Rosemary is sometimes used to treat indigestion in the elderly by European herbal practitioners.
The manner in which research councils treat information systems is also inequitable.
This form of Lysovir is used to treat or prevent influenza.
The first drug produced by rational design was Relenza, which is used to treat influenza.
And we must not lose our sense that this is an utterly inhumane way to treat people.
Treat with a systemic insecticide, found at your local garden center.
If human T cells could also be made insensitive to TGF-beta signals, then these findings could be adapted to treat cancer patients.
The use of melatonin to treat insomnia in cancer patients is under evaluation.
Risk factors for the development of hyperkalaemia include renal insufficiency, potassium sparing diuretics and the concomitant use of agents to treat hypokalaemia.
If any evidence of the donor's or testator's intention does exist, the charity must treat the gift or legacy accordingly.
Withdrawal results in a migraine-like headache which has led sufferers to treat with further doses, developing a particular syndrome of chronic ergot intoxication.
Blue light is also used to treat jaundice in infants - their eyes have to be covered to prevent damage from the light.
As a special treat we even have a jaunt up Moel Famau from time to time.
Alternatively a macrocyclic lactone can be used to treat for scab and will also be part of the strategy to remove resistant worms.
He will treat the scurrilous lampoon with noble scorn, reflecting that such things as these are the penalty of greatness.
Once again, it would seem intellectually incredibly lazy to treat these astonishing facts as merely a happy accident.
An example of this is sodium calcium edetate required to treat lead poisoning.
In Medieval Times Garlic was used to treat leprosy.
Get ready to treat your hands to a rich infusion of Thai Kaffir lime leaves.
I'm sure Irish limericks go down a treat in the hood.
Liposome drugs are standard chemotherapy drugs used to treat KS that are put inside microscopic bubbles of fat called liposome drugs are standard chemotherapy drugs used to treat KS that are put inside microscopic bubbles of fat called liposomes.
If these swivel-eyed loons want us to treat them seriously, they'll have to treat us seriously.
Before jumping with both feet into the mad whirl of the ceilidh treat yourself to a shot from the whiskey luge.
Yet in the US I believe it has been used to treat lupus.
Similar drugs are used to treat all three varieties of skin lupus.
There is research going on into injecting the chemotherapy drug methotrexate directly into the eyeball to treat lymphoma of the eye.
Mab used to treat colon cancer caused 17 percent of the cancer patients to experience adverse immune events [13] .
A humanized Mab used to treat colon cancer caused 17 percent of the cancer patients to experience adverse immune events [13] .
The singing, unaccompanied throughout, was simply magnificent, making this show a real festive treat.
Do you treat them, or do you make them sew mailbags?
Save the Children works to prevent and treat acute malnutrition in emergencies.
Scab and fluke in sheep I also need to treat the lambs for scab, the sheep scab mite causes mange.
Eileen & Rusty.. Notts Dear NFWS Thank you for sending the medication to treat mange.
This leaflet is for anyone who wants to find out about the medications used to treat mania.
She gave up eating ice cream completely and found other ways to treat herself, such as getting a manicure.
Or kicking off my shoes, with curtains closed to watch an afternoon matinee is a treat.
I generally treat food as a low priority on a holiday, skipping meals occasionally or eating total junk.
The center is using it to treat the gynecological disorder menorrhagia.
It is also used to treat sunstroke and painful menstruation.
A real treat was to find a mermaid 's purse entwined in the seaweed.
The antibiotic metronidazole is given to about one in every 200 women to treat a condition called bacterial vaginosis.
For example, it is widely used to treat migraine.
Pimecrolimus is licensed to treat mild to moderate atopic eczema in adults and children aged two years and over.
To the more extreme end you find the blatant misogyny flaunted in Slick Rick's track ' Treat Her Like A Prostitute ' .
A person should know something about the finance company and how they treat the mortgagees and the mortgager.
Then treat the moss with a chemical moss killer.
Try combining them with white chocolate for an indulgent treat, or sprinkle a few into breakfast muesli.
They are used to treat these problems in many types of cancers, including myeloma.
Laser surgery has been used successfully to treat myopia in adults.
Other medications may be given in the same way, for example drugs to treat nausea.
The Council will treat black and red ants ' nests in domestic properties.
It is also used to treat a painful condition of the face called trigeminal neuralgia.
They are used to treat trigeminal neuralgia, a very painful condition in which blood vessels press on nerves.
Are you taking carbamazepine (used to treat epilepsy or facial neuralgia - severe pain attacks in the face )?
Pharmacological intervention to promote cardiac output or treat arrhythmias.
If the person disputing parentage refuses to take a test, the Child Support Agency can treat them as the child's parent.
It is unlawful to treat part-timers less favorably than full-timers, unless you can justify the different treatment on objective grounds.
Of course, in reality, we treat the underlying pathology.
Design examples Park and ride schemes -- uses permeable pavements, swales, filter strips and ponds to treat diffuse pollution.
Feeling rather peckish I thought I'd slip inside and treat myself to a slap up meal.
Injectable penicillin has been used successfully for many years to treat rabbits with vent disease (rabbit syphilis) with no apparent problems.
By 1944, doctors had enough penicillin to treat all the allied forces wounded in the D Day invasion of Europe.
The rosy periwinkle, meanwhile, yields drugs which help treat diabetes.
Already VR has successfully helped treat phobias like fear of flying.
The unit will help treat the wastewater produced by 19,000 people every day to an even higher standard by removing the nutrient phosphate.
Artificial ultraviolet light is used to treat skin diseases like psoriasis and is called phototherapy.
The heated platen can be positioned at the edge of the table to treat the painting at the sides.
Each weight marking on the syringe plunger delivers sufficient paste to treat 100kg of bodyweight.
Gorgeous Skin - Home microdermabrasion products to treat acne scars, fine lines, skin damage and enlarged pores.
We can consequently treat rationality as a theoretical posit, much like electrons, viruses and the other theoretical posits of science.
We treat our clients well, working with them for the long term to get better results for their business proposition online.
Endoscopic orbital decompression may be used to treat disfiguring proptosis or sight threatening optic nerve compression in patients with thyroid eye disease.
Yes, there is a topical form of vitamin D cream that is used to treat psoriasis.
These drugs are sometimes used to treat patients with a low platelet count due to idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP ).
A real treat was to find a mermaid's purse entwined in the seaweed.
Aspirin (in adults) and ibuprofen (in children) are the only nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs licensed to treat pyrexia.
Furthermore, microwave induced pyrolysis has also proven to be a very useful process to treat some real plastic wastes.
Some rawhide dog treats are made out of many thin layers of rawhide dog treats are made out of many thin layers of rawhide, which should be a longer lasting treat for your dog.
It helps treat solid waste removed from the wastewater so it can be safely recycled as an agricultural fertilizer.
The first and foremost reason to treat reflux is to relieve symptoms and improve your quality of life.
Then once you have decided to do the remix, you have to treat each track in its own way.
The corticosteroid hormones which are often used to treat the kidney disease may also retard growth.
Different hospitals may recommend different ways to treat retinoblastoma.
Will they don sackcloth and ashes, and promise to treat cop and State sources more skeptically in future?
So why not come and treat yourselves to the ultimate pampering in our unisex salon.
You can buy lotions to treat scabies over the counter at the chemist.
For example, it can cost as much as £ 250,000 to treat one severe bath water scald.
The Royal Navy later used it - ineffectively, of course - to treat scurvy, an illness caused by vitamin deficiency.
It is often used to treat seminoma but not usually to treat teratoma.
Zach Braff's visual treat is vividly brought to life via an extremely sharp picture that really takes you into Large's world.
For a yummy healthy treat, dry roast in a heavy frying pan then add a little shoyu at the end.
Framatome will also look at how to treat the waste in the high-active waste silo at the site.
This research opens a better way to diagnose and treat chronic sinusitis, and reduce the annual 300,000 sinus surgeries that are needed.
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There's nothing necessarily new about that, but the same films often also treat us to moments of transcendentally silly slapstick as well.
Each new enemy you encountered was a methodical treat and never failed to elicit a satisfied smirk.
Indian snakeroot has been used traditionally to treat hypertension, especially when associated with stress and anxiety.
For a treat, serve the guests green sherbet with cream soda or ginger ale.
Pamper for relaxing spa treats - a lovely relaxing treat Electronic Games Stuck for present ideas?
Baclofen is used by intrathecal pump to treat the painful spasms of cerebral palsy.
From the bulk filler on the plate, the humble spud becomes a treat in itself.
A young starling begs to be fed by the adult on the insect treat fat block.
The interventional technique used to treat carotid stenosis has improved and new stents and cerebral protection devices have been developed.
I admit my background on gastric surgery... to treat this as a simple horror story.