Treasure Sentence Examples
It's a game, like a treasure hunt.
Some had escaped, though not with the treasure they sought to protect.
At sight of his lost treasure, the merchant began to dance and shout for joy.
While Cynthia was off with Fred sorting his treasure box, Dean remained in the kitchen washing up the dishes.
This treasure does not belong to me, for I bought only the ground; but when I offered it to my neighbor he refused it.
He left a considerable amount of treasure.
Protective of his sole treasure, he had never entrusted anyone else with guarding it.
It induced many Spanish explorers to lead expeditions in search of treasure, but all failed.
He was scourged and only escaped with his life at the intercession of Onias the high priest, who had pleaded with him vainly that the treasure included the deposits of widows and orphans and also some belonging to Hyrcanus, " a man in very high position."
None of your savage brothers would properly complement such a beautiful little treasure, Romas, the woman had said with gentle humor.
AdvertisementThe last vamp whose mind I read was convinced it was a treasure hunt.
In 210 B.C. this important place, the headquarters and treasure city of the Punic army, was stormed and taken with great slaughter by P. Scipio.
Alexander entered Persis, the cradle of the Achaemenian house, and came upon fresh masses of treasure in the royal city, Persepolis.
Gold had fallen still further from the diffusion of the Persian treasure, and Alexander struck in both metals on the Attic standard, leaving their relation to adjust itself by the state of the market.
Let the son marry the daughter, if both agree, and give them the treasure as a wedding portion.
AdvertisementOr was it disrespectful to take her only treasure?
The tomb was early violated, probably in search of treasure.
Inside, he 'd discovered a treasure trove of rare music.
He kissed her forehead lightly, marveling at the treasure he'd found when the world seemed ready to end.
Do not delay, let me share with you the treasure I have found."
AdvertisementWell, we should have thrown both men into prison, and the treasure would have been given to the king.
Of course, he had not gone far when he noticed the brightness of the leaves, and he quickly guessed the cause when he saw the broken jars from which the treasure was still dropping.
He was entrusting her with more than his only treasure.
Gold is found throughout Australia, and the present prosperity of the states is largely due to the discoveries of this metal, the development of other industries being, in a country of varied resources, a natural sequence to the acquisition of mineral treasure.
I'll be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world!
AdvertisementHeliodorus, prime minister of Seleucus Philopator, who succeeded Antiochus, arrived at Jerusalem in his progress through Coele-Syria and Phoenicia and declared the treasure confiscate to the royal exchequer.
When he went on his last disastrous campaign, Hyrcanus led a Jewish contingent to join his army, partly perhaps a troop of mercenaries (for Hyrcanus was the first of the Jewish kings to hire mercenaries, with the treasure found in David's tomb).
Crassus, who succeeded him, plundered the Temple of its gold and the treasure (54 B.C.) which the Jews of the dispersion had contributed for its maintenance.
It is said that Eleazar, the priest who guarded the treasure, offered Crassus the golden beam as ransom for the whole, knowing, what no one else knew, that it was mainly composed of wood.
The golden treasure of the Mycenae graves, these critics urge, is not more splendid than would have been found at Cnossus had royal burials been spared by plunderers, or been happened upon intact by modern explorers.
Indeed, the building has been compared to the treasure den of a gang of "sea sharkers," and from a museum of sculpture of the most varied kind, nearly every century from the 4th down to the latest Renaissance being represented.
Other discoveries at Tiryns were a beehive tomb, perfectly preserved and used throughout the classical period, some pottery vases which bear painted inscriptions in characters said to be derived from the Cretan script, and an accidental find of Mycenaean treasure in 1915 by a labourer employed in the agricultural school.
Thus at the opening of the 17th century, after many adventurous efforts, and the expenditure of many lives and much treasure, the Spaniards found themselves securely established on the river Plate, and had planted a number of centres of trade and colonization in the interior.
Although they held the town but a short time they inflicted very great damage, destroying many churches, further damaging the castles and carrying off much treasure.
Asa utilized the treasure of the Temple and palace to induce the Syrians to break off their relations with Baasha.
Although Pompey had spared the temple treasure, he was the embodiment of the power of Rome, which was not always so considerately exercised.
When the news of the troubles at Caesarea reached Jerusalem, it became known also that Florus had seized seventeen talents of the temple treasure (66).
As to ancient coins, and all kinds of treasure of which the proprietor is unknown, reference must be made to the Dustur, No.
Here he was still supposed to study law, but devoted himself in part to literary essays, in part to storing up his immense treasure of gossiping history.
When building a treasure-house for Hyrieus, the brothers fixed one of the stones in the wall so that they could remove it whenever they pleased, and from time to time carried off some of the treasure.
The treasure, preserved in the former chapter-house, is rich in reliquaries, vestments and other objects of medieval church.
It was re-fashioned by Pius VI., but went with other treasure as part of the indemnity to Napoleon.
With fresh troops he entered upon a war of plunder, but the forces of his brothers were too strong for him, and taking with him such treasure as he could collect, he abandoned to them his capital.
It must be noted that this theory of the " Treasure " was not formulated until some time after Indulgences in the modern sense had become established in practice.
Rome, it is true, possessed in the bodies of Peter and Paul a treasure the virtue of which outshone all the sacred treasures of the East.
In 1589 he obtained in Geneva and Berne sums sufficient to raise an army of mercenaries for Henry III., partly by the sale of jewels, among them the "Sancy" diamond which in 1835 found its way to the Russian imperial treasure, and partly by leading the Swiss to suppose that the troops were intended for serious war against Savoy.
The lord, on the other hand, had to keep his thegns and reward them from time to time with arms and treasure.
In return for their services the chief was expected to reward his followers with treasure, arms and horses.
By his extravagance the king exhausted the treasure amassed by his father, burdened his country with heavy taxes, and reduced its finances to chaos.
The invasion of Paraguay then took place, and a struggle involving an enormous sacrifice of life and treasure lasted for five years, only coming to a close when the Paraguayan forces were totally defeated and Lopez was killed at the battle of Aquidaban on the 1st of March 1870.
His collections of original materials were vast; beginning with his residence in England, he brought together at enormous pains and expense the authenticated copies of archives, family papers, and personal journals written by historic personages, which now constitute an invaluable treasure in the New York public library.
Nadir Shah was assassinated in 1749, and immediately on hearing the news of his death Ahmad Shah (Abdali) seized Nadir Shah's treasure at Kandahar, and proclaimed himself king, with the consent, not only of the Afghans, but, strange to say, of the Hazaras and Baluchis as well.
An interesting farm-house (few examples have been so far discovered in Italy) is that at Boscoreale excavated in 1893-1894, which contained the treasure of one hundred and three silver vases now at the Louvre.
Another fund, of about 5,200,000, serves for the construction and armament of fortresses; while 6,000,000, known as the Reichskriegsschatzor war treasure fund is not laid out at interest, butis stored in coined gold and bullion in the Juliusturm at Spandau.
The extravagance of Frederick drained the resources of his state, but this was amply atoned for by the rigid economy of Frederick William I., who not only paid off the debts accumulated by his father, but amassed an enormous treasure.
Being possessed of the Koh-i-noor diamond, and being fortunate enough to intercept a consignment of treasure on its way to the shah of Persia, he had all the advantages which great wealth can give.
At this stage of his career the treasure and tribute of Egypt were of great importance to the Macedonian conqueror.
He appears to have invented the fiction which afterwards was repeatedly employed, by which the money spent on mosque-building was supposed to have been furnished by discoveries of buried treasure.
Freely had she spent her blood and her treasure, only to emerge from the five years' contest exhausted and empty-handed.
Though some of the masonry in the ruins is certainly pre-Roman, Suidas's identification of it with Cyinda, famous as a treasure city in the wars of Eumenes of Cardia, cannot be accepted in the face of Strabo's express location of Cyinda in western 'Cilicia.
This unequalled treasure of German art and invention has in later times been broken up, the part executed by Diirer being preserved at Munich, the later sheets, which were decorated by other hands, having been transported to Besancon.
On both these subjects he availed himself largely of the aid of others, and threw himself with characteristic energy and entire success into the task of rescuing from neglect and preserving from decay the treasure of historic monuments in which the abbey is so rich.
The sight of his treasure roused the cupidity of the sailors, who resolved to possess themselves of it by putting him to death.
Immediately after the death of his father in 561 he endeavoured to take possession of the whole kingdom, seized the treasure amassed in the royal town of Berny and entered Paris.
Perhaps Onias would not draw upon the sacred treasure in order to pay tribute to Ptolemy.
The priests and people besought Heliodorus to leave this sacred treasure untouched, but he persisted and - in answer to their prayers - was overthrown by a horse with a terrible rider and scourged by two youths.
It was blockaded four times by the Dutch (who were continually molesting the treasure fleets) in the first half of the 17th century.
He wasted the treasure accumulated by Ala-ud-din in purchasing the retirement of the Mogul hordes, who had already made their appearance in the Punjab.
The etymology is doubtful; connexions with a word meaning "entrusted," or with the Hebrew matmon, treasure, have been suggested.
A very common belief associates serpents or dragons and other monsters with the guardianship of treasure or wealth; comp., e.g., 2.
After Beowulf has reigned prosperously for fifty years, his country is ravaged by a fiery dragon, which inhabits an ancient burial-mound, full of costly treasure.
In Beowulf the same story is told of Scyld, with the addition that when he died his body was placed in a ship, laden with rich treasure, which was sent out to sea unguided.
The Spaniards had, however, removed the treasure before the city was taken.
Still, for awhile, the frost fairies did not notice this strange occurrence, for they were down on the grass, so far below the tree-tops that the wonderful shower of treasure was a long time in reaching them; but at last one of them said, Hark!
Then looking more closely at the trees around, they saw that the treasure was all melting away, and that much of it was already spread over the leaves of the oak trees and maples, which were shining with their gorgeous dress of gold and bronze, crimson and emerald.
Of course, he soon noticed the brightness of the leaves, and discovered the cause, too, when he caught sight of the broken jars and vases from which the melted treasure was still dropping.
Then looking around more closely, they saw that much of the treasure was already melted, for the oaks and maples were arrayed in gorgeous dresses of gold and crimson and emerald.
No, I remember thinking that you kept it under your head like a treasure, said Rostov.
My treasure! and Prokofy, trembling with excitement, rushed toward the drawing-room door, probably in order to announce him, but, changing his mind, came back and stooped to kiss the young man's shoulder.
RuneScape is a massive online RPG/adventure game with multiple monsters, quests and treasure.
The Goonies (1985) - A group of kids set out to find the hidden treasure left behind by a pirate, One-Eyed Willie.
A vamp who could track Others was an invaluable treasure, especially if Charles could also track the sneaky little Watchers.
They continued to watch as the children began tossing small stones at their floating treasure, trying to halt its progress, when the sound of a horn startled them.
Darkyn was never going to let his newest treasure go, but Deidre didn't intend to lose her deal.
Each of the four Sanctuaries sat on an island straddling the human and immortal worlds and housed an immortal treasure, such as the Oracle.
In 1905 exports reached a value of £3,816,000, and imports a value of £4,834,000 (not including treasure and transit trade).
Like Kepler and all his contemporaries he believed in astrology, and he certainly also had some faith in the power of magic, for there is extant a deed written in his own handwriting containing a contract between himself and Robert Logan of Restalrig, a turbulent baron of desperate character, by which Napier undertakes "to serche and sik out, and be al craft and ingyne that he dow, to tempt, trye, and find out" some buried treasure supposed to be hidden in Logan's fortress at Fastcastle, in consideration of receiving one-third part of the treasure found by his aid.
A relation between objects of art described by Homer and the Mycenaean treasure was generally allowed, and a correct opinion prevailed that, while certainly posterior, the civilization of the Iliad was reminiscent of the Mycenaean.
For our knowledge of their doctrinal system, however, we still depend chiefly upon the sacred books already mentioned, consisting of fragments of very various antiquity derived from an older literature.8 Of these the largest and most important is the Sidra' rabbd (" Great Book"), known also as Ginza - ("Treasure"), consisting of two unequal parts, of which the larger is called yamina (to the right hand) and the smaller s'znala (to the left hand), because of the manner in which they are bound together.
The British government, treating this as a hostile action - as it was - seized the Spanish treasure ships on their way from America, near Cape Santa Maria, on €he 5th of October 1804, and Spain declared war on the 12th of December.
He spent the summer months in Scotland, writing articles, poems, and above all his first romance, The Sea-Cook, afterwards known as Treasure Island; but he was driven back to Davos in October.
The Silverado Squatters was published in 1883, and also the more important Treasure Island, which made Stevenson for the first time a popular writer.
The latter are supposed to have buried large amounts of treasure in them.
Conscious of her unpopularity she banished, and afterwards put to death, three Gothic nobles whom she suspected of intriguing against her rule, and at the same time opened negotiations with the emperor Justinian with the view of removing herself and the Gothic treasure to Constantinople.
The widow and mother of the deceased prince claimed the whole of this treasure under the terms of a will which was never produced.
In the south of Arabia 'Ali succeeded in establishing his own governor in Yemen, though the government treasure was carried off to Mecca.
He is always associated with his brother Trophonius as a wonderful architect, the constructor of underground shrines and grottos for the reception of hidden treasure.
On the entry of the army into London in 1648, Deane superintended the seizure of treasure at the Guildhall and Weavers' Hall the day after Pride "purged" the House of Commons, and accompanied Cromwell to the consultations as to the "settlement of the Kingdom" with Lenthall and Sir Thomas Widdrington, the keeper of the great seal.
The emperor returned to the capital in 106, laden with captured treasure.
Great Britain could not afford to stand aside and watch the accomplishment of an ambition to prevent which she had, at immense sacrifice of blood and treasure, overthrown the power of Louis XIV.
Threatened with death on his refusing to say where his treasure lay hid, the old king told them to take him to the tank.
They took him there, and while bathing in the water he let some of it drop through his fingers, and said, " This is my treasure; this, and the love of my people."
The authority to grant such discharge was conceived to be included in the power of binding and loosing committed by Christ to His Church; and when in the course of time the vaguer theological conceptions of the first ages of Christianity assumed scientific form and shape at the hands of the Schoolmen, the doctrine came to prevail that this discharge of the sinner's debt was made through an application to the offender of what was called the " Treasure of the Church " (Thurston, p. 315).
What, then, is meant by the ` Treasure of the Church' ?.
It is this ` superfluous' expiation that accumulates in the Treasure of the Church " (Bp. of Newport, p. 166).
In 1685-86 the Pacific coast was ravaged by Dampier and Swan, and in 1709 Woodes Rogers, with Dampier as pilot, captured the Manila treasure galleon, a feat repeated by Anson in 1743.
On the 3rd of June 1857 the 17th Regiment of Native Infantry mutinied at Azamgarh, murdered some of their officers, and carried off the government treasure to Fyzabad.
Eastward the Empire was overrun by the Turks; from the north Bulgarians and Vlachs descended unchecked to ravage the plains of Macedonia and Thrace; while Alexius squandered the public treasure on his palaces and gardens.
The Order of the Mirror or Happy Sacred Treasure (Zaihosho) was founded in 1888, with eight classes.
To the north-east of the ziggurat stood, apparently, the House of Bel, and in the courts below the ziggurat stood various other buildings, shrines, treasure chambers and the like.
He was a cruel and profligate fanatic. Being offended with the English for giving protection to a native official who had escaped with treasure from Dacca, he attacked and took Calcutta on the 20th of June 1756.
By tendering coin of the time of Decius at a baker's shop he roused suspicion, and was taken before the authorities as a dishonest finder of hidden treasure.
Yet, though the immediate gain was small, she had not dissipated her blood and treasure altogether in vain.
As soon as ten or a dozen eggs are laid, the cock begins to brood, always taking his place on them at nightfall surrounded by the hens, while by day they relieve one another, more it would seem to guard their common treasure from jackals and small beasts of prey than directly to forward the process of hatching, for that is often left wholly to the sun.'
His waste of time and treasure upon a fascinating mistress named Shadu l-Mulk, the delight of the kingdom, soon brought about his deposition, and in 1408 he gave way to Shah Rukh, who, with the exception of Miran Shah, was the only surviving son of Timur.
No sooner had the crime become known than Abfnad Khan, chief of the Abdali Afghans, took possession of Kandahar and a certain amount of treasure.
The chief of the Bakhtiaris, Rashid, also with treasure, fled to the mountains, and the conspirators invited Ali, a nephew of the deceased monarch, to ascend the vacant throne.
This treasure is now divided between the museums of Constantinople and London.
The growth of the imperial museum of antiquities, under the direction of Hamdy Bey, within the grounds of the Seraglio, has been remarkable; and while the collection of the sarcophagi discovered at Sidon constitutes the chief treasure of the museum, the institution has become a rich storehouse of many other valuable relics of the past.
By 1873 he had laid bare considerable fortifications and other remains of a burnt city of very great antiquity, and discovered a treasure of gold jewelry.
The immense treasure of gold, silver, bronze, fine stone and ivory objects, which was buried with the sixteen corpses in this circle, is worth intrinsically more than any treasure-trove known to have been found in any land, and it revealed once for all the character of a great civilization preceding the Hellenic. The find was deposited at Athens, and gradually cleaned and arranged in the Polytechnic; and the discoverer, publishing his Mycenae in English in 1877, had his full share of honours and fame.
Since the Spanish conquest their huacas have been opened and rifled, and many of the larger masses of ruins have been extensively mined in search of treasure, but enough still remains to impress upon the observer the magnitude of the city and the genius of the people who built it.
The Harlungs, Imbrecke and Fritile,' are his nephews, whom he has strangled for the sake of their treasure, the Brisingo meni.
In the winter of 325-324 Harpalus, the receiver-general of Alexander in Asia, fled to Greece, taking with him 8000 mercenaries, and treasure equivalent to about a million and a quarter sterling.
Having left his troops and part of his treasure at Taenarum, he again presented himself at the Peiraeus, and was now admitted.
But he reconciled the dignity with the loyalty of Athens by carrying a decree that Harpalus should be arrested, and that his treasure should be deposited in the Parthenon, to be held in trust for Alexander.
The amount of the treasure, which Harpalus had stated as 700 talents, proved to be no more than 350.
She had always large sums of money to dispose of, and a considerable proportion of this treasure was dispensed in works of charity.
Instead of weakening this aristocratic agitation by the see-saw policy of Catherine de Medici, Marie could invent no other device than to despoil the royal treasure by distributing places and money to the chiefs of both parties.
This it did at one time hold, when the treasure acquired by the discovery of America and the conquest of Mexico and Peru was squandered in the purchase of various commodities from England, the Netherlands and other countries.
From one of these pyramids was taken " the treasure of Queen Candace," now in the Berlin Museum.
Another legend states that the Nibelung treasure is hidden hereabouts in the Rhine.
Loki thereupon went back to the stream, where Andvari in the form of a pike was guarding a great treasure, caught him in a net, and forced him to surrender his hoard.
Rodmar, for the sake of the treasure, was slain by his sons Fafnir and Regin; and Fafnir, seizing the whole, retired to a desolate heath and, in the form of a snake or dragon, brooded over the hoard.
Regin, cheated of his share, plotted vengeance and the conquest of the treasure.
He slew the blacksmith and loaded the treasure on his magic steed named Grani, and then rode off.
In spite of their sister's warnings they came, after sinking the treasure in the Rhine.
The gods have vanished from the scene; there is nothing of Loki and his theft of Andvari's hoard, nothing of Odin and his gifts of the sword Gram and the magic horse Grani; and not till the third Aventiure, when Siegfried comes to Worms, are we given even a hint that such things as the sword and treasure exist.
This, he exclaims, can be no other than the hero who slew the two kings of the Nibelungs, Schilbunc and Nibelunc, and seized their treasure, together with the sword Balmunc and the tarnkappe, or cape of darkness, which has the virtue of making him who wears it invisible.
Kriemhild came to him as he lay in bonds and demanded the Nibelung treasure.
The Spanish ships were outnumbered chiefly because the convoy had become scattered by bad management and bad seamanship. The more valuable part of it, consisting of the four galleons, and eleven trading ships in which the king's share of the treasure was being carried, became separated from the rest, and on being chased by the superior force of Heyn endeavoured to take refuge at Matanzas in the island of Cuba, hoping to be able to land the bullion in the bush before the Dutchman could come up with them.
His memory has been preserved by his capture of the Treasure Galleons, which had never been taken so far, but he is also the traditional representative of the Dutch "sea dogs" of the 17th century.
When Martha did have a few free hours, she and my wife scoured every auction or antique shop for miles around, like two kids on a treasure hunt.
We have lived here for at least a part of all four seasons now and treasure our residence and life together, all three of us.
Dean didn't turn around to view the next potential treasure but loaded his arms with two boxes—a "bloody" axe, grotesque mask, assorted bric-a-brac—and crossed to his vehicle.
Good. You'll keep her out of my way and make sure Darkyn doesn't stumble upon her or the treasure in her head.
The crime was selling a zillion newspapers as the bloodthirsty public read with glee details of the gruesome treasure hunt that continued throughout the week.
This treasure may not be the old booty from the Abbey tho.
Later, the governors of Caribbean islands such as Jamaica paid the buccaneers to attack Spanish treasure ships and ports.
There is nothing they enjoy more than sailing the sea, chasing treasure and being big, bad, bold buccaneers.
These are regions steeped in history, whose every village seemingly hides an architectural treasure, from Romanesque chapels to crumbling castles.
Shame on Per Aspera for so cheapening the treasure they've published.
Cistercian monk who guards the abbey's treasure, hidden in a secret tunnel.
At the bottom of the ocean we saw a giant clam next to a box of treasure.
It seems they then concocted a story about building a duckpond with the workmen finding the treasure.
They can enjoy the treasure hunt over a prolonged period of time.
There are a number of different creative and exciting ways to raise money by planning a themed treasure hunt.
How about a team treasure hunt in the park, or a daredevil tournament -- who will go on the most rides?
Inside, he'd discovered a treasure trove of rare music.
The coins have been declared treasure trove and it is hoped that they will eventually go on display in a local museum.
World War II Military records can contain a treasure trove of information for genealogists.
I ordered the book on the internet and lo and behold, I had found a treasure trove.
Cambodia - Hmong Stories This site offers a treasure trove of traditional Hmong, Cambodian and Vietnamese stories.
Moray's Biblical Garden is, without doubt, a veritable treasure trove of variety.
It is an absolute treasure trove of all things to do with paddling in all its various forms.
Offers children a rich treasure trove of fascinating information about dinosaurs.
A real treasure trove, absolutely fascinating to look around.
The treasure trove inquest was held on 6th June 1997 where the verdict of treasure trove inquest was held on 6th June 1997 where the verdict of treasure trove was announced.
The museum is a treasure trove for antique lovers.
Beowulf contains the tale of a dragon who guarded buried treasure within an ancient tumulus.
Why not try your hand at making a fairy wand or a pirate's treasure chest.
Sir Eyre Coote, a general of renown in former Carnatic wars, was sent by sea to Madras with all the troops and treasure that could be got together; and a strong body of reinforcements subsequently marched southwards under Colonel Pearse along the coast line of Orissa.
Cromwell sent powerful English fleets to watch the coast of Spain and to prevent communications with the West Indies and America; on the 8th of September 1656 a fleet of treasure ships was destroyed off Cadiz by Stayner, and on the 10th of April 1657 Blake performed his last exploit in the destruction of the whole Spanish fleet of sixteen treasure ships in the harbour of Santa Cruz in Teneriffe.
But it is to be presumed that the punishment came from Israel - the use of Syrian mercenaries not excluded - and if, instead of using his treasure to ward off the invasion of Syria, Jehoash bribed Damascus to break off relations with Israel, an alternative explanation of the origin of the Aramaean wars may be found.2 12.
But he proceeded to expend the temple treasure upon an aqueduct for Jerusalem; and some of the Jews regarded the devotion of sacred money to the service of man as a desecration.
The heroic obstinacy of the defence was equalled by the perseverance of the attack, and there was a vast expenditure, especially on the side of the Spaniards, of blood and treasure.
The Mexican treasure ships fell into the hands of Piet Heyn, the boldest of their admirals, in 1628; and they 'were able to send armies across the ocean, conquer a large part of Brazil, and set up a flourishing Dutch dominion in South America (see Dutch West India Company).
The celebrated treasure of Petroasa (commonly written Petrossa), preserved in Bucharest museum, consists of embossed and jewelled gold plate, and probably dates from the 6th century (see Plate).
The portage between the two oceans was of great commercial importance, especially in the 16th century, when treasure from Peru (and treasure was the raison d'etre of the Spanish settlements in Panama) was carried across the isthmus from Panama City.
We now know this city to have belonged to the middle pre-Mycenaean period, long' prior to the generation of Homer's Archaeans; but Schliemann far and wide proclaimed it "Troy," and was backed by Gladstone and a large part of the European public. Trying to resume his work in February 1874, he found himself inhibited by the Ottoman government, whose allotted share of the gold treasure had not been satisfactory, and it was not till April 1876 that he obtained a firman.
As a result of the mismanagement and general incapacity of the Commissary Department, the army received little food or clothing during the winter months; in the latter part of December nearly 2900 men were unfit for duty on account of sickness or the lack of clothing, and by the 1 st of February this number had increased by nearly 1000, a state of affairs which Washington said was due to "an eternal round of the most stupid mismanagement [by which] the public treasure is expended to no kind of purpose, while the men have been left to perish by inches with cold and nakedness."
Thereupon he slew the smith and loading the treasure on the magic steed Grani, given to him by Odin, set out upon his travels.
It did her good to see how the braided man's eyes sparkled when he received this treasure.
I am always delighted when anyone writes me a beautiful thought which I can treasure in my memory forever.
A few pieces of fat pine were a great treasure.
What a treasure of a wife you have, said she, sitting down on the sofa, facing her brother.
For treasure there was, make no mistake about that; gold, in vast quantities, now reposing in Cairo museum.
The island 's history ranges from Mayan ruins to pirates ' treasure.
But he reckoned his greatest treasure was the unrivaled collection of saint 's relics in the palace he built for God, El Escorial.
They love a treasure trove of different scraps of cloth.
The more sedate way of scoring is to collect treasure.
Storied treasure island of how many work invasion caused were under way again.
Expect a weekly program of organized activities such as treasure hunts, toboggan races, discos and lots of fun and games.
Group 3 did surface with an impressive haul of sunken treasure tho, including lead shots, a weight belt and a rechargeable flashlight.
Burnham Market is a secret treasure trove of chic shops.
We are treasure hunters in search of the richest gems of life.
Storied Holland America Cruise Line treasure island hunting club for.
We are to lay up our treasure in heaven.
Dave your garden is full of fund raising activities and a treasure hunt around the village.
Depending on your treasure hunt theme, you could really plan a spectacular bazaar that could rival the hunt itself for excitement !
Events Calendar Eastside is a treasure trove of hidden gems.
Carelessness on Carter 's part leads the Emersons to suspect that the trove of Egyptian treasure may yield to tomb robbers.
Prague is a virtual treasure trove of historical monuments and impressive buildings and is an ideal short break destination.
It is a treasure trove of beautiful gifts for every occasion to suit all p..
The web site is a treasure trove of information ranging from briefing notes to old copies of the bi monthly magazine PI focus.
Moray 's Biblical Garden is, without doubt, a veritable treasure trove of variety.
The treasure trove inquest was held on 6th June 1997 where the verdict of treasure trove was announced.
Local societies too are sometimes harassed by the National Museum, using the Treasure trove system.
A. No. That was the case under his treasure trove franchise.
Use your trusty pick ax, ropes and dynamite and go on a glorious hunt for treasure.
Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ' Treasure ' A plant beautifully enriched with golden variegation on light green foliage.
Why not try your hand at making a fairy wand or a pirate 's treasure chest.
Add a small collectible doll that a baby girl will treasure as she grows.
With over 100 outlet stores, restaurants and specialty shops, the Jeffersonville Outlet Mall is a local and regional treasure.
Funny cat films may include favorite movies that you still treasure today, or funny movie clips found on broadcast-it-yourself sites like YouTube.
Turkey had set up controlled breeding programs because it considered this breed a national treasure.
Some are so beautifully written and illustrated that they make wonderful keepsakes that the child will treasure for years to come.
One person's trash is another person's treasure, so you may be amazed at the cash your children's outgrown clothes or your old comic book collection might bring in.
In fact, this eco-friendly green company offers some truly one-of-a-kind greeting cards that recipients will treasure as works of art.
We also realized that India was far from the only place that would be a treasure chest of goodies for people here at home in the United States, and so we started the company as a way to bring those goods to Americans.
This is also a plus for our customers as our focus is to provide them with high-end, well-made, unique pieces that they will treasure for years to come.
This person will be working on the place you live; make sure you trust them with this treasure.
The half-hour show also includes segments on furniture rearranging (no cost decorating) and turning trash to treasure.
You'll have furniture to treasure for a lifetime.
The ever-growing online auction site is a treasure trove of architectural salvage, new building supplies, and the down right quirky items that make a room your own.
You can even occasionally find a "treasure" on the tree lawn on trash day.
This will help protect your new treasure from stains and marks.
As one of America's top designers, Rachel demonstrates through her book Rachel Ashwell's Shabby Chic Treasure Hunting & Decorating Guide how to hunt for the perfect items.
She gives great advice on what to look for at estate sales, flea markets, and yard sales, and shows you how to turn one man's trash into your own personal treasure.
Learning about Sherwin Williams paint colors online is just the beginning of a vast treasure of free and incredibly helpful information available anytime you need it.
However, you can find the occasional slipcover treasure by Rachel Ashwell on places like eBay, and Etsy.
Whether you want to advancea fledging professional photo career, or you have just segued into the market after taking related college courses, digital photo books can be a treasure trove of practical information.
Exploring the culinary possibilities of health foods opens a treasure chest of nutritive offerings.
For a treasure trove of ideas, the websites connected to major craft stores and television stations can't be beat.
Imagine what a treasure it could be for generations to come.
Take care in creating a scrapbook that you can treasure forever.
Even with a busy schedule, you can create a special baby scrapbook that you and your child will treasure for years to come.
Your local dollar store can be a treasure trove of bargain scrapbooking supplies.
Adjust words as you wish to fit the daddy in your life for a memorable, one-of-a-kind album that he'll treasure.
It really is true that one man's trash is another man's treasure, and these treasures can cost a fraction of a new set of clothing.
Get creative and make your poem a real treasure that will be kept.
Truly Unique beach style wedding gifts that anyone who loves the sea and boats and the Islands will treasure forever.
This is why you should take the time to give your special gals something personable and meaningful that they will treasure.
These favors may take a lot more time, money, and labor, but your guests will treasure them for years to come.
Or you can find a treasure in a beach themed wedding cake topper of starfish, shell, and pearl mix for the perfect finishing touch.
Not only is a program an important way to communicate the arrangements regarding the wedding service with your guests, it is also a wonderful keepsake of the day that your guests will long treasure.
This will offset any weather mishaps and still allow you to have a wedding day you can treasure.
Make the day one she can treasure as she enters this new phase in her life by performing your role as the mother of the bride flawlessly.
Chances are you will find an assortment of much anticipated goodies and the occasional white elephant treasure.
We are honored to continue the traditions associated with this family treasure.
Everquest is an online video game involving treasure hunts, clues, and countless characters, played out by people all over the world.
You can find out when she's holding book signings and follow her on her flea market adventures as she continues to treasure hunt around the globe.
Along with producing dozens of unique cake pans and creative decorating tools, the company maintains a website that is a treasure trove of information for cake decorators.
Her father, Caleb Deschanel, is a cinematographer who has worked on films such as The Passion of the Christ and National Treasure.
If you have an heirloom dress that's been well-preserved, consider yourself lucky to have such a treasure in the family.
Supervised activities are available for different age groups for children from 2-17 years old, including dances, face painting, magic shows, craft projects, and treasure hunts.
Atlee Burpee Company, the catalog offers a treasure trove of flowers for the home gardener.
Treasure your soil, and take good care of it.
As one of the best selling artists of all times and best known for Hotel California, the Eagles provided another take of a song that quickly became a holiday treasure.
The magical ring makes a great wizard's ring or a buried treasure.
The smart shopper can find inexpensive fashion treasure in a variety of places from the local thrift shop to the fancy downtown boutique.
Thrift stores and consignment shops can be a treasure trove for inexpensive costume jewelry.
The charm features a cute design, which you can open to store a tiny treasure.
If you're a Team Jacob, then you'll find the New Moon friendship necklace a real fan treasure.
The attractive styling of a vintage snake bracelet makes this a timeless treasure and a great addition to your jewelry collection.
You may also want to check your grandmother's jewelry box for a one-of-a-kind treasure.
Geocaching tee shirts simply let the world know, as you whiz by in pursuit of the hidden treasure, that you enjoy geocaching and take it seriously enough to wear a tee about it.
A knitted sweater is one of the best gifts to give and receive, and when made from the best quality wool available, it is something to treasure.
Wrap your bargain basement treasure carefully in tissue paper, and tuck a tiny bit of cedar in the tissue to repel moths.
Whether you splurge and buy a new outfit or bargain hunt for a treasure, once you experience the comfort and style of Eileen Fisher plus size clothing, you mayfallin love with her designs.
This technological form of treasure hunting is a great way to get exercise, meet other travelers and sometimes earn prizes.
Visit the Official Global GPS Cache Hunt Site for places to start treasure hunting in your area.
You can be creative and make a one-of-a-kind treasure that the recipient is sure to appreciate.
Create a daily or weekly treasure hunt that is easy to solve and involves guessing clues or going to a specific location at the facility.
Treasure Hunts - Patients with dementia may find this activity frustrating.
Be sure to check out the available cheats and tips for this game as they can help you acquire some of the rarest fossils, discover the powerful golden tools, and understand how to get to the secretive Treasure Island.
Finding a good adventure game is like finding buried treasure.
Gunstar Heroes is a side-scroller that showcased the imagination of the company Treasure.
While you mostly kill enemies or the bad guy's bosses or take over a town, you do have basic exploratory modes which allows you to find treasure, talk to other townspeople, buy and sell weapons and equip your army.
Sure that's a lot of numbers, but it's worth it when you get to the white treasure ship.
Now, it seems as though fans count themselves lucky if they just get a new game from Konami or a new offering from Treasure there.
You play Jericho Cross, an outlaw looking for a big score on a secret treasure train.
Coolbuddy has Lego Treasure Hunt, a fun little flash platformer starring Jim the Lego Pirate.
With a few exceptions, keys are no longer needed to open treasure chests or doors (save for a select few on each level) and the battle system has been tweaked for the better.
Other new combo moves and abilities can be purchased by collecting gold found in treasure chests throughout your journey.
She finds treasure, kills the bad guys, and makes you wish you were an anthropologist.
This article is designed to provide you with cheats, strategies, tips and tricks to help you master Jewel Quest, making you the best Indiana Jones-like treasure hunter you can be.
This can cut your workload down substantially, making you a more efficient treasure hunter.
This is a non-issue for the first couple of stages, but later on in Jewel Quest, you'll come across what is known as "buried treasure".
By the time you clear the buried treasure, most of our other work will already be done.
You can also find bonus clips hidden in treasure chests while adventuring.
Super Star Item - To unlock the final item in the shop, complete the item check list which includes all the special pitches, treasure maps and 1-time use items.
Search for treasure - Your towns often have hidden treasures within.
It was the original dungeon crawl, and all the graphics were done in ASCII text, but it was addictively fun because of the enormous variety of monsters, treasure, and randomly-generated levels.
Each time you examine something it costs one Treasure Point.
Oftentimes when you open a treasure chest or perform other Look commands, a quick-thinking mini-game pops onto the screen.
Sound Test - Open a treasure chest in Chapter 4-6 for the Music Sheet.
Sly wants his family treasure back and decides he must gather a team of experts to break through the fortress and access the vault.
Rouge the Bat appeared in Sonic Adventure 2 and is a treasure hunter and a government agent.
The winner of the swordsmen competition has the privilege of touching the ancient Picori sword, a relic that seals evil powers inside a treasure chest.
Minish Cap is a real treasure for your Game Boy Advance collection.
The Cradle of Life is pure action with a James Bond/National Treasure feel to it.
These can be difficult to find, but if you manage to score one from a popular video game, you should really treasure it.
Find buried treasure by dropping a master builder between the food source and the temple on the beach.
South of the food bin is a buried treasure.
The traditional claret sangria recipe from the 1800s can be found on a wonderful website that is a treasure trove of sangria recipes, Wine Intro.
Although these are usually the more common planes, there is always the hope that one of them may actually be a rare Stanley tool treasure.
An antique bone china tea pot is a special treasure to most collectors.
Others add to their vintage Valentine collections when they find a special treasure that they feel drawn to toward or one that fills their heart with emotion.
Instead of sending your special Valentine a modern day greeting card or an ecard, send them a special treasure from years gone by.
If you like treasure hunting for vintage collectibles, you'll love the adventure of finding the perfect antique cast iron school desk.
Margolie was on a dance treasure hunt of sorts, trying to track down a version of mambo or rumba that had a quick triple step instead of the slow two-beat step.
It just takes a little detective work to find the treasure troves of information, and it takes your time and effort to go through the records.
Cyndi's List is a treasure trove of resource material for the amateur or seasoned genealogist.
You'll probably have to resort to auction sites like eBay where one person's trash is another person's treasure.
While you can certainly press and dry fresh flowers to have as keepsakes, using pretty origami flowers as wedding enhancements provides a permanent memento for everyone involved to treasure.
Consignment shops--those that specialize in maternity clothes, children's clothing, and generic--are a treasure trove of exceptional buys for the expectant mother.
Fertility Plus offers a treasure trove of support resources.
Visit the hidden Marin county treasure of Sausalito, a perfect place for lunching, shopping, and exploring a city with almost as much history and value as San Francisco itself.
If the typical Chinatown activities aren't enough to meet the needs of your always active family, check out the Chinese New Year Treasure Hunt.
You can find out more about the treasure hunt and other family adventures by visiting any Chinatown information depot, or by surfing the Web for more information prior to your trip.
You can work together to create this doll, which she'll treasure almost as much as the memories you make sewing it.
We have reached a time where people treasure the sensibility of classic style.
Bright solids and plaids make up the prints you'll find at Red Treasure Box's sarongs for guys.
Indiana Jones is an interesting character who has traveled to various exotic locations around the world in search of hidden treasure.
Your hand-assembled doll will be a one-of-a-kind treasure you'll be proud to display in your doll house or anywhere else.
If you haven't already discovered the beauty and never-ending treasure hunt of eBay, you're missing out on a wonderful shopping haven!
The convention's dealers' room is a treasure trove of Godzilla merchandise, and you are sure to find some Japanese Godzilla toys in the selection.
Pook-a-Looz has provided Disney with a new-found treasure trove as they tap into decades of beloved classic characters like Snow White as well as newer stars such as Miss Piggy.
Vitacost carries the Buried Treasure Purely Organic Men's Multi Liquid Vitamin.
There is one steadfast 70s fashion designer crime that should be burned or buried should you ever come across it while digging through a delightful treasure of vintage frocks.
Many of them stock vintage merchandise in excellent condition; with some time and legwork, you may find a real treasure.
However, what many shoppers do not realize is that specialty stores, like bridal stores, pageant stores and boutiques, can be a real treasure trove of lower priced but high quality petite sized formal garments.
As you sit down to play the game, you're not just sliding the lid off a cardboard box; you're opening a wooden treasure chest to expose the riches within.
However, if you're willing to forgo the atmosphere of a pirate treasure chest, you can also purchase the "Bookshelf Edition" in a less expensive, more compact, and more conventional cardboard box.
Instead of a standard fold-out game board, Dread Pirate is played on an antique-look cloth "treasure map".
Inside the treasure chest, players can store the pieces in velvet drawstring pouches, just like you imagine a pirate might use to keep a bit of his stash safe.
When your ship lands in a square next to another ship, you may engage in a skirmish to try to take treasure from your opponent.
When your ship lands at a foreign port, you may raid the port to try to gain treasure.
The pirate with the most treasure at the end of the game wins.
There is no treasure chest, and the game board is an actual board instead of a cloth map.
Using pirate captain figures to assist in flipping, players compete to be the first to get all of their coins into the treasure chest.
Your goal is to kill monsters, take treasure and backstab your friends.
As you roll the dice and move around the game board, you will have opportunities to draw Treasure Chest cards (which may cost you something) and Life Preserver cards (which will help you out).
Don't overlook local garage sales, yard sales or even thrift stores for a hidden treasure.
The tiny delicate beads and cabochons make this palm tree candle holder look like a beautiful island treasure.
Who doesn't treasure artwork made by children?
Then, create a map and invite others to join you on a treasure hunt, using these locations as stopping points.
While the items may not be costumes per se, you can piece together a great outfit just by turning someone else's junk into your own treasure!
Films like Treasure Island also offer much historical merit.
The boy who is lucky enough to wear your costume will certainly be wily enough to protect his treasure and smart enough to thank you for helping him look his best!
Rather than wait till Halloween to encourage your youngsters to indulge in their fantasies, stock a treasure chest with the following supplies for daily role playing endeavors.
For this fun and unique couples costume idea, the guy dresses up as a pirate and the girl is the treasure chest.
Since it's a popular Walt Disney Pictures 2004 film, many may find themselves inquiring about the National Treasure movie cast.
A former confidante of Ferdinand Marcos, Curtis possessed copies of the 172 treasure maps made by Japanese cartographers.
Treasure finds can also be reported to your local Finds Liaison Officer who can inform the relevant coroner of the find on your behalf.
Also ' walking with children ' is well documented, sometimes as a real detective story or treasure hunt.
A number of treasure seekers are soon in the area, diving in search of precious artifacts from a bygone era.
There is a specific provision against treasure hunting, illicit excavation and dealing in antiquities (Article 51 - 52 ).
Benchmarking for Best practice is a valuable reference tool, a treasure trove of best practice exemplars.
There is map, fiend radar, treasure radar and fiend radar, treasure radar and fiend guide.
The strongest quality of Treasure Island is that it is still surprisingly fresh.
As well as having the pearls to collect you might find a treasure chest from a sunken galleon on your travels.
George was a naval officer who gained fame and fortune by capturing a Spanish treasure galleon.
They are the treasure which attaches me to life and makes death more hateful still.
Why not arrange a treasure hunt, you'd need to work out the clues.
A treasure trove for fans of Japanese music, matching theme songs to pop idols.
If he intends to hold a treasure inquest the coroner is required to inform the Department of the Environment.
The only rule we give you is that you must never open the precious jewel box inside the treasure room.
U cud incorporate the jewelry u have jus bought her into a little treasure hunt or something.
Sabrewulf has many lairs, each of which must be found and cleared if our hero is to bring back the stolen treasure.
Instead, go upstairs, and you will be in the Treasure Room, the thief's secret lair.
Lias floor was laid in 1984 to replace an earth floor that was constantly dug by treasure seekers.
Treasure Island panto Thank you to everyone who came to see the pantomime ' Treasure Island ' in the Village Hall in December.
The South seems to be a veritable treasure trove of haunted phenomena, and it is here that fans of the paranormal can find real haunted houses in Georgia.
Silkies is a virtual treasure trove when it comes to all of the different types of hosiery that are currently available on the lingerie market.
But if users are willing to spend some time on the site, it can be a treasure trove of new music for fans.
Though you will need to sign up and join the site, once in, you can access a treasure trove of indie music of all genres.
The graphics obviously are not up to par with current systems, but the rich colors and ease of control made Final Fantasy 6 an absolute treasure for fans of the role-playing game series.
Again, most of these tracks are not free (though you can catch the occasional free offer), but this site is a treasure trove all things Justin.
Follow the trails from the artists above to uncover a treasure trove of classic country music gems.
The result is a true treasure chest of spices and herbs, and all different ways of combining them.
Hunt for treasure - Divide everyone into equal groups and give each group a list of common items to uncover.
Small themed snacks such as pirate treasure chests of gold coins or bowls of gummi fish can also be great treats, and don't forget a pool party cake for a tasty centerpiece.
Treasure Dive - Throw objects in the pool and the team that finds the most is the winner.
Prices vary widely based on activites, but they can include a ride on a pirate ship and interactive play including pirate arts and crafts, treasure hunts, "sword" fighting, pirate games, pirate dancing, creating pirate maps and more.
Encourage party-goers to follow the map to the treasure.
Decorations can be as simple as laminated pirate maps for placemats, candy coin-filled treasure chests for party favors and pictures of parrots, pirates, ships and the ocean for decorations.
Gather a lot of art supplies and invite kids to create their own treasure maps.
The point of this treasure hunt is to guide kids towards the final treasure box.
After kids find all the clues, they should arrive at a treasure box filled with treats or small toys, enough for each child to have one or two.
For this treasure hunt, kids work alone or in pairs, depending upon the number of children participating.
Those who find all of the items on the list can then be given a prize out of the treasure box.
Tape a large map that includes a picture of a treasure chest on the wall.
Each player then attempts to pin the X on the treasure chest.
He has worked on many other reality television shows, including The Amazing Race, Treasure Hunters, and America's Next Top Model.
George Perez reinvented the Princess once more as treasure hunter Barbara Minerva.
You then have a beautiful, thoughtful gift that everyone will treasure.
However, digging deeper in the site reveals a treasure trove of content.
It wasn't out of the realm of the possible that the information he needed was hidden in some sort of sadistic treasure hunt created by the sociopathic goddess who held the title of Death before him.
The treasure she'd been after, the one that was supposed to save her life and those of her cousins, was around her neck.
Hastings resolved to make a progress up country in order to arrange the affairs of both provinces, and bring back all the treasure that could be squeezed out of its holders by his personal intervention.
At Ecbatana new masses of treasure were seized, but when once the necessary measures which its disposal and the occupation of the Median capital entailed were taken, Alexander continued the pursuit.
In spite of almost insuperable difficulties the colony took root, trade began, the fleet lay in wait for the Spanish treasure ships, the settlements of the Spaniards were raided, and their repeated attempts to retake the island were successfully resisted.
The Judaean annals then relate Hazael's advance to Gath; the city was captured and Jerusalem was saved only by using the Temple and palace treasure as a bribe.
Meanwhile Agrippa gave the Levites the right to wear the linen robe of the priests and sanctioned the use of the temple treasure to provide work - the paving of the city with white stones - for the workmen who had finished the Temple (64) and now stood idle.
From 1886 dates the finding of Mycenaean sepulchres outside the Argolid, from which, and from the continuation of Tsountas's exploration of the buildings and lesser graves at Mycenae, a large treasure, independent of Schliemann's princely gift, has been gathered into the National Museum at Athens.
The Persian monarchy was strong in its size, in the mere amount of men and treasure it could dispose of under a single hand; the Greek state was strong in its morale, in the energy and discipline of its soldiery.
The taxes are collected by means of the mukhtars, termed for this purpose kabz-i-mal (receiver of treasure), and under the supervision of gendarmes specially named, termed tahsildar (collectors).
It already, however, bore within it the germ of decay; the accumulation of treasure in the capital had led to a corruption of the simple manners of the earlier times; the exhaustion of the tribes through the heavy blood tax had roused discontent among them; the plundering of the holy places, the attacks on the pilgrim caravans under the escort of Turkish soldiers, and finally, in 1810, the desecration of the tomb of Mahomet and the removal of its costly treasures, raised a cry of dismay throughout the Mahommedan world, and made it clear even to the Turkish sultan that unless the Wahhabi power were crushed his claims to the caliphate were at an end.
This throne was carried off by the Persian invader Nadir Shah in 1739, and has been rumoured to exist still in the Treasure House of the Shah of Persia; but Lord Curzon, who examined the thrones there, says that nothing now exists of it, except perhaps some portions worked up in a modern Persian throne.
For fifty-eight days Nadir Shah remained in Delhi, and when he left he carried with him a treasure in money amounting, at the lowest computation, to eight or nine millions sterling, besides jewels of inestimable value, and other property to the amount of several millions more.
He was of a cruel disposition, and is said to have killed his nephews Embrica (Emerca) and Fritla (Fridla) in order to obtain the great treasure which they possessed.
Josephus uses the word of Nazirites and of the temple treasure of Jerusalem.
In 1702 a combined British and Dutch fleet under Sir George Rooke and the duke of Ormonde destroyed a Franco-Spanish fleet in the bay, and captured treasure to the value of about i 3 000,000; numerous attempts have been made to recover the larger quantity of treasure which was supposed, on doubtful evidence, to have been sunk during the battle.
The duties of a coroner are limited to the holding of inquiries into cases of death from causes suspected to be other than natural, and to a few miscellaneous duties of comparatively rare occurrence, such as the holding of inquiries relating to treasure trove, and acting instead of the sheriff on inquiries under the Lands Clauses Act, &c., when that officer is interested and thereby disabled from holding such inquiries.
Passing over the Cross Keys Wash, near Sutton Bridge, his baggage and treasure wagons were engulfed and he himself barely escaped with life.
Vast numbers of specimens have since been added to it both by purchase and from excavations, and it is now unique as a treasure house of Italo-Greek and Roman antiquities, besides containing a fine library and an important collection of pictures.
But his descendants suffered the treasure to be recklessly dispersed.
Brancovan, it is true, found it expedient to devote his predecessor's treasure to purchasing the confirmation of his title from the Divan, but the account of his coronation ceremony remains an interesting landmark in the constitutional history of the country.
But, my father, when a man has found a treasure, it is his duty to offer the most precious of the jewels to his father first.
Seeing his opportunity, Henry left his brothers body unburied, rode straight off to Winchester with a handful of companions, and seized the royal treasure.
Elizabeth, partly in revenge for the treatment of Hawkins and Drake at San Juan de Ulloa, seized some Spanish treasure on its way to the Netherlands (Dec. 1569).
It is now generally admitted that Hamadan is the Hagmatana (of the inscriptions), Agbatana or Ecbatana (of the Greek writers), the "treasure city" of the Achaemenian kings which was taken and plundered by Alexander the Great, but very few ancient remains have been discovered.
Face dogged enemies, raid unsuspecting villages, woo fair maidens, avoid capture or dig for buried treasure.
Then do not thou such treasure wast in vaine, But love now whilst thou maist be lov'd againe.
In collaboration with a drama teacher, David Calder he has written a musical called Black Bart's Treasure.
It contains mutineers, pirates, and a big treasure.
Nesfield kept the church's great medieval treasure, the stained glass in the east window of the north nave.
They treasure stride at a time the all-suite oceanfront shops and a. To settle into in a cart.
The three find no treasure per se but Joe retrieves some old parchment which was worth a lot more than it appears to.
The island's history ranges from Mayan ruins to pirates ' treasure.
Outside Treasure Island a battle goes on between pirate ships.
Hatton Shopping Village is a treasure trove for discerning shoppers.
In 1933, American showman Carl Denham returned from a mysterious, hidden island with a priceless treasure.
While out in the jungle alone looking for the treasure chest the pair started getting snippy over how to carry the trunk.
When her relatives arrived for the funeral they were anxious to unearth the treasure but Mama Tembo refused to disclose the site.
Safe places to hide treasure are in short supply too.
The event will involve a predefined route, will include a treasure hunt, lunch stop and have various prizes at the finish venue.
From the Conquest or even earlier they had, besides various lesser rights - (1) exemption from tax and tallage; (2) soc and sac, or full cognizance of all criminal and civil cases within their liberties; (3) tol and team, or the right of receiving toll and the right of compelling the person in whose hands stolen property was found to name the person from whom he received it; (4) blodwit and fledwit, or the right to punish shedders of blood and those who were seized in an attempt to escape from justice; (5) pillory and tumbrel; (6) infangentheof and r L outfangentheof, or power to imprison and execute felons; (7) mundbryce (the breaking into or violation of a man's mund or property in order to erect banks or dikes as a defence against the sea); (8) waives and strays, or the right to appropriate lost property or cattle not claimed within a year and a day; (9) the right to seize all flotsam, jetsam, or ligan, or, in other words, whatever of value was cast ashore by the sea; (10) the privilege of being a gild with power to impose taxes for the common weal; and (11) the right of assembling in portmote or parliament at Shepway or Shepway Cross, a few miles west of Hythe (but afterwards at Dover), the parliament being empowered to make by-laws for the Cinque Ports, to regulate the Yarmouth fishery, to hear appeals from the local courts, and to give decision in all cases of treason, sedition, illegal coining or concealment of treasure trove.
You might just discover another person's junk can become your treasure!
Finding discount summer plus size cocktail dresses is easy if you don’t mind doing a little legwork to uncover some bargain treasure troves.
Let's go back to school by doing some calculations in Super Mario Bros. 3 in order to get to the white treasure ship.
You can buy a treasure to keep and wear forever.
Show each other how you treasure the important things in one another's lives.
Take some time to reflect on the Christian values you treasure most and what deal breakers there are in a future mate.
Point out the memories you will treasure from your time together, even if the other person doesn't want to hear it at the moment.
Create a treasure hunt to a special place where you will spend the day with them.
But the objective is not to amass treasure or defeat the monster.
I treasure those calls whether they last a few minutes or a few hours.
Your boyfriend will treasure you even more if you have your own life.
Another option is to do a treasure hunt and write love notes with each treasure found.
Most likely, you have discussed the possibility of marriage, and she will be touched by the fact that you want to choose something she is sure to treasure.
Your proposal will be a special memory she will always treasure no matter how it happens or what you say.
With such illustrious gems as integral parts of the Harry Winston collection, it is no surprise that many brides-to-be desire a Harry Winston engagement ring as a symbol of their ultimate treasure.
Even though your engagement ring will not become an heirloom for many years, it is vital to keep it looking brilliant so that future generations will treasure it as much as you have.
With a sleek, contemporary look that emphasizes uniqueness and individuality as well as sophistication, black pearl engagement rings are a timeless treasure and an elegant choice for stunning jewelry.
A couple that fully understands the enormity of a marital commitment is one that can treasure a proposal as sacred and heartfelt as well as romantic.
Including other sentimental objects - sheet music from a romantic song, a champagne glass, etc. - can help set the mood of the initial marriage proposal and emphasize the ring as a romantic treasure instead of just a piece of jewelry.
While most couples will enjoy and treasure a memento of their engagement, most would also prefer that money was put towards a wedding gift.
A favor also becomes a memento of the event that the guest can treasure to remember the good times shared with family and friends.
There you'll discover quite a treasure since the Mines have been developed into a resort that your entire family can enjoy.
Make this moment all about her, about what she finds romantic and what she wants, and it will be a memorable moment you will treasure for many happy anniversaries.
For example, your future fiancée might find the poem as a part of a treasure hunt that ultimately leads to the ring and the ending of the poem, the actual proposal.
You want to plan a memorable proposal that you can both treasure for the rest of your lives.
A girlfriend will treasure any poem that the man she loves writes for her.
Couples will treasure their engagement announcement for years to come.
The couple will treasure your words always as a special engagement memory.
The wide selection of ring designs will allow you to find a unique ring to treasure forever.
Unique vintage cushion cut diamond rings are only one type of treasure you might discover.
Make the marriage proposal and ring presentation a romantic moment you and your beloved will treasure forever.
You can be assured that the intended will treasure the spirit in which the gift is given.
Let her think she is simply hunting for her main Valentine gift, and then surprise her with the ring and proposal when she finds the treasure.
Some couples think of estate sale shopping as a treasure hunt for the ring.
Don't forget to bring a trinket to leave behind you when you find the treasure.
By including these simple Christmas craft ideas in your holiday planning, children get the chance to contribute to the holiday decorating while creating memorabilia you will treasure for years to come.
Explorer theme - Invite your party guests to come dressed to explore, then provide each child with treasure hunt clues.
Children go on a hunt to match drawings, unlock secret doors, and find secret treasure while developing an understanding of colors, shapes, numbers, and letters.
Instead, Olive Kids offers a friendly pirate theme, featuring smiling pirates, treasure chests, and maps, all on a light blue background.
The premise is similar to searching for buried treasure, but on a more high-tech level.
The treasure consists of a waterproof box containing a logbook or journal.
Most children enjoy the concept of seeking treasure.
Many kids learn and retain much more through hands-on activities, and searching for treasure is very hands-on.
Don't be surprised if his interest in treasure hunting spurs him to reading success.
The key to a successful treasure hunt and a good time had by all is well thought out kids treasure hunt clues.
Whether your party theme revolves around swashbucklers or fairy princesses, a game of treasure hunt is a good way to challenge your guests and to get them up and moving.
The kids treasure hunt clues can follow a theme, such as quoting lines from Harry Potter books may lead party goers down a merry trail of magic and fantasy.
If the treasure hunt is limited to the home, have valuables and personal items been put away, or can the search be limited to just one or two rooms of the house?
The whole concept behind a treasure hunt is to go through stuff, but no one wants a group of young children digging through a rare collection of stamps, nor would you want to find a tween boy reading your daughter's diary.
A well-planned treasure hunt should be challenging without being too frustrating.
Older kids might enjoy a science treasure hunt in which the clues are the scientific names of local foliage.
A treasure hunt is a great exercise in team work, and well-thought out clues can also make it a great learning activity.
Treasure Hunt-This is a favorite among kids of all ages and is easily adaptable for any holiday.
Create a treasure map that outlines your yard or whatever area that is used to host the party.
Hand kids paper bags that they can decorate if they like, and give them a signal to begin their treasure hunt.
Treasure hunts are a classic outdoor game that children love.
Let the kids create a treasure hunt for visiting friends or relatives.
Hide a treasure or multiple treasures among the area that needs weeding.
You can also make this more of a lost treasure hunt and hide other types of treasures like colorful stones, bits of costume jewelry or candy.
Playing outdoor games with your kids can be fun and create memories that your family will always treasure.