Treacle Sentence Examples
Treacle and molasses are syrups obtained in the earlier stages of refining.
The Treacle Pudding with Vanilla Sauce (£ 3.95 ), was moist and very syrupy!
Yes, you can get Lyle 's Golden Syrup cakes, biscuits, flapjacks, treacle tarts and fruit bread.
In connexion with the cultivation of potatoes, factories are established for making spirits, treacle, potato-meal, and straw-paper.
I was lured from my already well satiated state to sample the treacle pudding and custard.
Mix with treacle or golden syrup, making a rather stiff mixture.
The other tradition is bonfire toffee, dark, sweet, treacle toffee with just a slightly burnt taste.
We had the Guy Fawkes to put on the top and roast potatoes and treacle toffee and things all sorts of things.
You can also use treacle instead of golden syrup.
Pools of tar, like puddles of black sticky treacle had erupted on the roads in the City.
AdvertisementAnd then for pudding it would have to be good old treacle tart or treacle sponge with cream.
The Treacle Pudding with Vanilla Sauce (£ 3.95), was moist and very syrupy !
Put sugar treacle and water in a pan and heat and stir ' till dissolved, add the butter.
Those seeking a sugary fix ca n't go wrong with their hot treacle sponge with custard - a tasty treat for only £ 1.70.
Morning in the office felt like wading through treacle.
AdvertisementIn earlier times the coquito palm (Jubaea spectabilis) was to be found throughout this part of Chile, but it has been almost completely destroyed for its saccharine sap, from which a treacle was made.
The prime candidate is the viscous resistance -- the force that makes it difficult to stir treacle.
If you are interested in adopting Treacle, she is being fostered in Somerset.
He also wishes that he could eat chocolate pudding and custard as an ideal dessert; PJ would much rather have treacle pudding.
Also made a gas bomb from a treacle tin.
AdvertisementIf you are interested in adopting treacle, she is being fostered in Somerset.
Going home that evening, Gordon is knocked down by a treacle lorry and ends up in intensive care.
Back to Sticky Fingers with the new mudguard for Treacle to wave his magic paint wand over.