Travesties Sentence Examples
The multiplication of art periodicals, lectures, books, photographs, meetings of societies and gilds, museums, schools of arts and crafts, polytechnics, scholarships, facilities for travel, exhibitions, even those of the Royal Academy, to which objects of applied art are now admitted, not only encourages many persons to become workers and designers in the applied arts, but exposes everything to the plagiarist, who travesties the freshest idea before it has well left the hands of its originator.
They are either mythological travesties (resembling the satyric drama of Athens) or character comedies.
For no philosophy which travesties the real course of history and distorts the moral facts is likely to commend itself to the sober judgment or mankind however brilliant be its exposition or ingenious its arguments.
With such creations, far from broadening the UK 's palate, supermarkets have conditioned it to accept travesties of the real thing.
By 1948, the buildings had " become pathetic travesties of the original design ", as Walter Ison sadly noted.
The Small Faces are a case study for such travesties.
Jazz parodies - and their closely related cousin, travesties, or burlesque - borrowed themes and some melody from generally tamer music and rewrote the song with a jazz bent musically.