Travels Sentence Examples
He travels across the country.
She travels by train and boat, meeting only kindly well-wishers along the route.
A Gaul by birth, he was a native of Arelate (Arles), but at an early age began his lifelong travels through Greede, Italy and the East.
Earlier, my wife had taken care of all the logistics of our travels while I locked up the house and called Jackson to tell him we would be out of town for a couple of days, retrieving Howie from California.
His valuable work, the Description of Arabia, was published in 1772, and was followed in 1 774 - 1 77 8 by two volumes of travels in Asia.
See The Life, Travels and Opinions of Benjamin Lundy (Philadelphia, 1847), compiled (by Thomas Earle) "under the direction and on behalf of his children."
The supply from the cold water cistern enters the bottom of the cylinder, and thence travels by way of the return pipe to the boiler, where it is heated, and back through the flow pipe to the cylinder, which is thus soon filled with hot water.
After further travels on the continent he returned to London, where he posed as the founder of a new system of freemasonry, and was well received in the best society, being adored by the ladies.
Very inadequate use has been made of the travels of Marco Polo, Nicolo de' Conti, and of others in the east.
The last year of his travels was spent in Spain, where he obtained a thorough knowledge of the Castilian language and literature.
AdvertisementHis travels, however, if they enriched his mind, relaxed his character, and he brought home easy morals as well as exquisite manners.
It was possibly visited by Genoese navigators in 1291, and was certainly discovered by the Portuguese c. 1446, but was first explored for any distance from its mouth (1455) by the Venetian Alvise Cadamosto (q.v.), who published an account of his travels at Vicenza in 1507 (La Prima Navigazione per l'Oceano alle terre de' Negri della Bassa Ethiopia) .
This led to further travels and to his entering the service of the prince of Oettingen-Wallerstein.
We can obtain a pertinent illustration from the motion of a vortex ring in a fluid; if the circular core of the ring is thin compared with its diameter, and the vorticity is not very great, it is the vortical state of motion that travels across the fluid without transporting the latter bodily with it except to a slight extent very close to the core.
Now the direction and phase of the light are those of the ray which reaches the eye; and by Fermat's principle, established by Huygens for undulatory motion, the path of a ray is that track along which the disturbance travels in least time, in the restricted sense that any alteration of any short reach of the path will increase the time.
AdvertisementSee Khanikov's Bokhara, translated by De Bode (1845); Vambery, Travels in Central Asia (1864), Sketches of Central Asia (1868).
Returning in 1552 he was admitted at Gray's Inn on January 28, 1553, but Edward VI.'s death six months later indaced him to resume his foreign travels.
Save the Vaal river no frontier was indicated, and " boasting," writes Livingstone in his Missionary Travels, " that the English had given up all the blacks into their power.
Lewis amp Clark its travels west are a new partying at nightticket.
He fought by his side in the war against the giants and was his companion in his travels and adventures.
AdvertisementPashley (Travels in Crete, 1837) Crete was the worst governed province of the Turkish empire.
He was the chief translator in the Russian Foreign Office for many years, subsequently accompanying Peter on his travels.
In 1763 he was invited to take charge of the young duke of Buccleuch on his travels.
Wexford, and she became his companion in all his travels.
The early years of his Oxford professorship were occupied by severe labour, sundry travels, attacks of illness and another cruel disappointment in love.
AdvertisementThe name has remained attached to the island from the earliest historical times with but little interruption of the tradition; though in Brompton's travels (12th century) and in the old Venetian maps we find it called Fale or Val de Compar, and at a later date it not unfrequently appears as Little Cephalonia.
On the 10th of March 1697 this embassy, under the leadership of Lefort, set out on its travels.
But he was by no means a practical geographer, and the record of his travels loses greatly in value from the want of precise scientific data.
In 1 793 he visited Switzerland, and in 1796 France, and published the impressions gathered during his travels in a series of articles which he afterwards collected under the title of Melanges de liteerature et de philosophie (1801).
See Rhode, Res Lemnicae; Conze, Reise auf den Inseln des Thrakischen Meeres (from which the above-mentioned facts about the present state of the island are taken); also Hunt in Walpole's Travels; Belon du Mans, Observations de plusieurs singularitez, &c.; Finlay, Greece under the Romans; von Hammer, Gesch.
The telescopic mast is carried in trunnions on the carriage, and travels closed and in a horizontal position.
Their work and that of the Roman Church, begun as the result of Marco Polo's travels about 1290, faded away under the persecution of the Ming dynasty which came to power about 1350.
Here BB is a large fixed iron cylinder, corrugated within, and C an excentric cylinder, also corrugated, which, in turning to the right, by the friction of its corrugated surface rotates the puddled ball D which has just entered at A, so that, turning around its own axis, it travels to the right and is gradually changed from a ball into a bloom, a rough cylindrical mass of white hot iron, still dripping with cinder.
The piece travels through the rolls very rapidly, so that the reduction takes place over its whole length in a very few seconds, whereas in forging, whether under hammer or press, after one part of the piece has been compressed the piece must next be raised, moved forward, and placed so that the hammer or press may compress the next part of its length.
Among the prominent men who have lived in Fairfield are Roger Sherman, the first President Dwight of Yale (who described Fairfield in his Travels and in his poem Greenfield Hill), Chancellor James Kent, and Joseph Earle Sheffield.
Dr David adds that Junker may undoubtedly claim to be the discoverer of the okapi, for, as stated on p. 299 of the third volume of the original German edition of his Travels, he saw in 1878 or 1879 in the Nepo district a portion of the skin with the characteristic black and white stripes.
Later he undertook further scientific travels in Africa, South America and India.
Two years were spent by them in travels in New England, the region of the Great Lakes, and of the Mississippi; then the news of the coup d'etat of 18 Brumaire decided them to return to Europe.
The details of this contest, of his relations with the caliph Ma'mun, and of his many travels - including a journey to Egypt, on which he viewed with admiration the great Egyptian monuments, - are to be found in the Ecclesiastical Chronicle of Barhebraeus.
Most of Ray's minor works were the outcome of his faculty for carefully amassing facts; for instance, his Collection of English Proverbs (1670), his Collection of Out-of-the-way English Words (1674), his Collection of Curious Travels and Voyages (1693), and his Dictionariolum trilingue (1675, 5th edition as Nomenclator classicus, 1706).
He was one of the founders of the Rochdale Literary and Philosophical Society, took a leading part in its debates, and on returning from a holiday journey in the East, gave the society a lecture on his travels.
In the heart muscle it travels much more slowly.
Exner first showed, many years ago, that the nerve impulse travels through the spinal ganglion at the same speed as along the other parts of the nerve trunk - that is, that it suffers no delay in transit through the perikarya of the afferent rootneurons.
At the end of his apprenticeship in 1490 he entered upon the usual course of travels - the Wanderjahre - of a German youth.
His diary of his travels enables us to follow his movements almost day by day.
Besides his written notes, interesting traces of his travels exist in the shape of the scattered leaves of a sketch-book filled with delicate drawings in silverpoint, chiefly views of places and studies of portrait and costume.
Diirer's interest and curiosity, both artistic and personal, were evidently stimulated by his travels in the highest degree.
Sakhalin, which was under Chinese dominion until the 19th century, became known to Europeans from the travels of Martin Gerritz de Vries in the 17th century, and still better from those of La Perouse (1787) and Krusenstern (1805).
At the present day, the woodlands are neither so large nor so numerous as they formerly were, while there are many more gorse covers; therefore, instead of hunting the drag up to it, a much quicker way of getting to work is to find a fox in his kennel; and, the hour of the meeting being later, the fox is not likely to be gorged with food, and so unable to take care of himself at the pace at which the modern foxhound travels.
A similar picture is given in the Travels of the so-called Silvia Aquitana, who seems, in reality, to have been a Spanish nun, named Etheria or Eucheria.
Of greater antiquity is the concise account of his travels by an anonymous pilgrim, who, in A.D.
During their travels the beard was allowed to grow, and they prepared for departure by confession and communion.
He undertook travels in Asia Minor, Greece and Syria, the fruits of which were published in two Memoires, crowned by the Institute, and in his Mélanges de numismatique et de philologie (1861).
Gossage to the condensation of hydrochloric acid, are still nearly everywhere in use, frequently combined with a number of stone tanks through which the gas from the furnaces travels before entering the towers, meeting on its way the acid condensed in the tower.
The weak chlorine gas from the Deacon apparatus travels precisely the opposite way, from the bottom upwards, the result being that finished bleachingpowder is continually discharged at the bottom and air free from chlorine leaves the apparatus at the top.
He served in the army pay department in Algeria from 1844 to 1848, and extended his travels to the East.
Dressed in grey like a pilgrim, and accompanied by five or six trustworthy servants, he would set out on his interminable travels, "ambling along on a good mule."
After the fall of the central power, the scattered Hunnish settlers, like so many before them, became rapidly Hinduized, and are probably the ancestors of some of the most famous Rajput clans.4 The last native monarch, prior to the Mahommedan conquest,' to establish and maintain paramount power in the north was Harsha, or Harshavardhana (also known as Siladitya), for whose reign (606-648) full and trustworthy materials exist in the book of travels written by the Chinese pilgrim Hstian Tsang and the Harsha-charita (Deeds of Harsha) composed by Bana, a Brahman who lived at the royal court.
They returned in November 1852, and Lowell published some recollections of his journey in the magazines, collecting the sketches later in a prose volume, Fireside Travels.
His most valuable works include the Bengal Atlas (1779), the first approximately correct map of India (1783), the Geographical System of Herodotus (1800), the Comparative Geography of Western Asia (1831), and important studies on the geography of northern Africa - in introductions to the Travels of Mungo Park and Hornemann - and the currents of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans.
A unit of length, which is often used in measuring stellar distances, is the light year or distance that light travels in a year; it is rather less than six billion miles.
Freshficld, Travels in the Central Caucasus and Bashan (1869); Parrot, Reise zum Ararat (1834); Wagner, Reise nach dem Ararat (1848); Abich, Die Besteigung des Ararat (1849); articles "Ararat," in Hastings' Dictionary of the Bible, and the Encyclopaedia Biblica.
This line is called the boundary of the geometrical shadow, and its construction is based on the assumption that light travels in straight lines (in homogeneous media) and suffers no deviation on meeting an obstacle.
Among the peculiarities of Californian climate it is not one of the least striking that as one leaves the Sacramento or San Joaquin plains and travels into the mountains it becomes warmer, at least for the first 2000 or 3000 ft.
The travels of two English naval officers, Wellsted and Cruttenden, through Yemen in southern Arabia in 1835, first called attention to the earlier monuments of Arabia.
He entered on his travels at twenty-one (1325) and closed them in 1355.
Ibn Batuta's travels have only been known in Europe during the 19th century; at first merely by Arabic abridgments in the Gotha and Cambridge libraries.
Lobo wrote an account of his travels in Portuguese, which appears never to have been printed, but is deposited in the monastery of St Ro q ue, Lisbon.
The quotation from the Iliad is of interest because it is made in order to show that Homer supported the story of the travels of Paris to Egypt and Sidon (whereas the Cyclic poem called the Cypria ignored them), and also because the part of the Iliad from which it comes is cited as the " Aristeia of Diomede."
The result of his travels was set down by him in two works - Aiyu7rrcaea and IIEpi `T7rEpOopEwv, which were used by Diodorus Siculus.
These two principles are defined as reciprocating, for the flat bed which travels backwards and forwards; and rotary, for that which continuously revolves or rotates.
The type bed travels with a reciprocating motion upon rollers or runners made of steel, the bed being driven by a simple crank motion, starting and stopping without much noise or vibration.
As the type bed travels, larger composition rollers, called inkers, placed near the cylinder, adjusted to the requisite pressure on the type, pick up the necessary amount of ink for each impression and convey it to the type as it passes under them.
As the paper is unwound from the reel below it travels between the first two cylinders when it is printed on the first side; it then passes to the third and fourth cylinders, which give it the second backing side, thus " perfecting " the printed sheet.
Besides editing the memoirs of Fernow, she published Notes on Travels in England, Scotland and Southern France (1813-1817); Johann van Eyck and his Successors (1823); three romances, Gabriele (1819-1820), Die Tante (1823) and Sidonia (1828), besides some shorter tales.
The great interest of Adelard in the history of philosophy lies in the fact that he made a special study of Arabian philosophy during his travels, and, on his return to England, brought his knowledge to bear on the current scholasticism of the time.
Trametes radiciperda attacks the roots and penetrates to the stem, causing rotting of the wood; the disease is difficult to eradicate, as the mycelium of the fungus travels from root to root in the soil.
Gmelin (whose travels were published in 1774-1784), Olivier (1807), Pallas (181i),Mntries (1832), Belanger (1834), Eichwald ..onsul.2 (1834-1841), AucherEloy (185,), Loftus, Count Key serling, Kokschy, Chesney, the Hon.
There is good reason to suppose that Jahan Shah, the Black Sheep Turkoman, before his defeat by Uzun IJasan, had set up the standard of royalty; and Zeno, at the outset of his travels, calls him king of Persia 1 in 1450.
In the Travels of a Merchant in Persia the story of Yaqubs death is supplemented by the statement that the great lords, hearing of their kings decease, had quarrels among themselves, so that for five or six years all Persia was in a state of civil war, first one and then another of the nobles becoming sultans.
The Travels of Pedro Teixeira (Lor,don, 1902) and other publications of the Hakluyt Society relating to Persia are also of great historical value.
What we know for certain is that after the death of Hyginus, bishop of Rome (or c. 139 A.D.), he arrived, in the course of his travels, at Rome, and made a handsome donation of money to the local church.
In 1825 he published Travels in the Central Portions of the Mississippi Valley, and in 1839 appeared his Algic Researches, containing Indian legends, notably, "The Myth of Hiawatha and other Oral Legends."
To all appearances the same policy afterwards pursued so recklessly and disastrously by James was now cautiously initiated by Charles, who, however, not being inspired by the same religious zeal as his brother, and not desiring " to go on his travels again," would probably have drawn back prudently before his throne was endangered.
In 1563 the professor recommended him to Louis de Chastaigner, the young lord of La Roche Pozay, as a companion in his travels.
In the course of his travels he had become a Protestant.
In his further travels he visited Mathura (Mot'ulo, Muttra), whence he turned north to Thanesar and the upper Jumna and Ganges, returning south down the valley of the latter to Kanyakubja or Kanauj, then one of the great capitals of India.
At this time Barlaam, an eremite of great sanctity and knowledge, dwelling in the wilderness of Sennaritis, divinely warned, travels to India in the disguise of a merchant, and gains access to Prince Josaphat, to whom he imparts the Christian doctrine and commends the monastic life.
If the current-function of the water referred to the body considered as origin is Ili, then the equation of the form of the crest of a wave of velocity w, the crest of which travels along with the body, is d =w ds where ds is an element of the length of the crest.
He returned from his travels impoverished; one tradition says that he received 500 talents from his fellow-citizens, and that a public funeral was decreed him.
This account of his travels is lost save for fragments, and the few surviving fragments do not determine where his Thule was, but Miillenhoff is probably right in thinking it was the Shetlands.
Here you find articles in the encyclopedia on topics related to the Trojan War and the travels of Odysseus.
The Itinerary of a Chinese Traveller (1821), a series of documents in the military archives of St Petersburg purporting to be the travels of George Ludwig von, and a similar series obtained from him in the London foreign office, are all regarded as spurious.
From, 806 Zach accompanied the duke's widow on her travels in the south of Europe.
Zacli published Tables of the Sun (Gotha, 1792; new and improved edition, ibid., 1804), and numerous papers on geographical subjects, particularly on the geographical positions of many towns and places, which he determined on his travels with a sextant.
In about a year the two naturalists separated, and each wrote an account of his travels and observations.
Wallace became convinced of the truth of evolution, and originated the theory of natural selection during these travels.
The part of the wing marked b, which corresponds with the tip, consequently travels very much more rapidly than the part marked a, which corresponds with the root.
His remaining publications were the Recollections of Paris in the years 1802-3-4-5 (1806); a very useful General Collection of Voyages and Travels (1808-1814); a New Modern Atlas (1808-1819); and his Petralogy (1811)
In this period were comprised his travels among the different states, when he hoped, and ever hoped in vain, to meet with some prince who would accept him as his counsellor, and initiate a government that should become the centre of a universal reformation.
The mule thrives in every condition of climate, is fever-proof, travels over the most difficult mountain passes with absolute security, and can carry with ease a load of 200 lb.
Some biographers have supposed that the interval, or part of it, between 1483 and that date was occupied by travels in the East.
During these years, 1503-1506, Leonardo also resumed (if it is true that he had already begun it before his travels with Cesare Borgia) the portrait of Madonna Lisa, the Neapolitan wife of Zanobi del Giocondo, and finished it to the last pitch of his powers.
The noise of the Drapier Letters had hardly died away when Swift acquired a more durable glory by the publication of Travels Into Several Remote Nations of the World, in four parts.
The laborious attempts that have been made, particularly in Germany, to affiliate the Travels only serve to bring Swift's essential originality into stronger relief.
Place and profit were comparatively indifferent to him; he declares that he never received a farthing for any of his works except Gulliver's Travels, and that only by Pope's management; and he had so little regard for literary fame that he put his name to only one of his writings.
Translations and editions of Gulliver's Travels have been numerous.
Hyperion, a poetical account of his travels, had, at the time of its publication, an immense popularity, due mainly to its sentimental romanticism.
If a luminous body is surrounded by empty space, the light which it emits suffers no loss of energy as it travels outwards.
In 1848 he was exiled, together with the other leaders of the revolution, and he spent the next nine years in travels in the East.
He told his story in his Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (18J7) with straightforward simplicity, and with no effort after literary style, and no apparent consciousness that he had done anything extraordinary.
His travels covered one-third of the continent, extending from the Cape to near the equator, and from the Atlantic to the Indian Ocean.
Burchell's Travels in the Interior of Southern Africa (2 vols., London, 1822-1824) are standard works.
Of European descriptions of Mecca from personal observation the best is Burckhardt's Travels in Arabia (cited above from the 8vo ed., 1829).
The Travels of Aly Bey (Badia, London, 1816) describe a visit in 1807; Burton's Pilgrimage (3rd ed., 1879) often supplements Burckhardt; Von Maltzan's Wallfahrt nach Mekka (1865) is lively but very slight.
His examination of archives during his travels had awakened in him a taste for historical research, and under his rule St Blasien became a notable centre of the methodical study of history; it was here that Marquard Herrgott wrote his Monuments domus Austriacae, of which the first two volumes were edited, for the second edition, by Gerbert, who also published a Codex epistolaris Rudolphi I., Romani regis (1772) and De Rudolpho Suevico comite de Rhinfelden, duce et rege, deque ejus familia (1785).
The materials for this work he had gathered during his travels, and although it contains many textual errors, its publication has been of great importance for the history of music, by preserving writings which might either have perished or remained unknown.
In 1778 Jonathan Carver published in London Travels throughout the Interior Parts of North America, in which, following the example of the Spaniards, he asserted that there was a great river on the western coast, although, so far as is known, no white man had then ever seen such a stream.
The new Kessler furnace is a very ingenious apparatus, in which the fire from a gas-producer travels over the sulphuric acid contained in a trough made of Volvic lava, and surmounted by a number of perforated plates, over which fresh acid is constantly running down; the temperature is kept down by the production of a partial vacuum, which greatly promotes the volatilization of the water, whilst retarding that of the acid.
Dexter, who quotes largely from Dr Stiles's Itineraries, a daily account of his travels; the Diary gives a valuable picture of the life of New England in 1769-1795 and many interesting estimates of Stiles's contemporaries.
He himself published the fruit of his studies and travels in a voluminous collection of notebooks, in which he showed a lively eye for the oddities of his fellow kings.
In 1497 Perkin was sent on his travels again with there was no declaration.
Attracted by Luther's doctrine, he came forward as a lay preacher, combining business travels with a religious mission.
The narrative of his travels given by his disciple Damis and reproduced by Philostratus is so full of the miraculous that many have regarded him as an imaginary character.
These travels must have profited him greatly, and we have our share of the advantage; not so much, however, in The Wondrous Tale of Alroy or Tancred, or the "Revolutionary Epic" which he was inspired to write on "the windy plains of Troy," but in the letters he sent home to his sister.
Among these Arthur Young's Travels in France during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789 (2 vols., Bury St Edmunds, 1792-1794) are peculiarly instructive.
In addition to the works already mentioned Boscovich published Elementa universae matheseos (1754), the substance of the course of study prepared for his pupils; and a narrative of his travels, entitled Giornale di un viaggio da Constantinepoli in Polonia, of which several editions and a French translation appeared.
After travels in Greece, Tunisia, India, China and Japan, and writing a short sketch of the last two countries, he took his large fortune to Greece in 1868, and proceeded to visit Homeric sites.
This attack he followed up with The Monikins (1835) and The American Democrat (1835); with several sets of notes on his travels and experiences in Europe, among which may be remarked his England (1837), in three volumes, a burst of vanity and illtemper; and with Homeward Bound, and Home as Found (1838), noticeable as containing a highly idealized portrait of himself.
Among them are the sagas of Thorgils and Haflidi (I118-1121), the feud and peacemaking of two great chiefs, contemporaries of Ari; of Sturla (1150-1183), the founder of the great Sturlung family, down to the settlement of his great lawsuit by Jon Loptsson, who thereupon took his son Snorri the historian to fosterage, - a humorous story but with traces of the decadence about it, and glimpses of the evil days that were to come; of the Onundar-brennusaga (1185-1200), a tale of feud and fire-raising in the north of the island, the hero of which, Gudmund Dyri, goes at last into a cloister; of Hrafn Sveinbiornsson (1190-1213), the noblest Icelander of his day, warrior, leech, seaman, craftsman, poet and chief, whose life at home, travels and pilgrimages abroad (Hrafn was one of the first to visit Becket's shrine), and death at the hands of a foe whom he had twice spared, are recounted by a loving friend in pious memory of his virtues, c. 1220; of Aron Hiorleifsson (1200-1255), a man whose strength, courage and adventures befit rather a henchman of Olaf Tryggvason than one of King Haakon's thanes (the beginning of the feuds that rise round Bishop Gudmund are told here), of the Svinefell-men (1248-1252), a pitiful story of a family feud in the far east of Iceland.
In geography and geology porvaldr Thoroddsen has acquired a European fame for his researches and travels in Iceland, especially in the rarely-visited interior.
An account of his travels in the south and west of India, which added considerably to our knowledge of nature life, is given in his Christian Researches in Asia (Cambridge, 1811).
Each member receives 15 dinars for every day of actual attendance, and travels free on the railways.
During extensive travels in Russia and the Balkan countries Raich had collected a rich historical material and was able to write, for the first time in the annals of Servian literature, a work which has every claim to be considered as a real history.
As he travels South, his zenith moves along the celestial sphere, and the circles of diurnal rotation become oblique to the horizon.
How the stars really move in space, and how the sun travels among them, can be ascertained only with the aid of materials collected by the spectrograph, which has now fortunately been brought to comply with the arduous conditions of exactitude requisite for collaboration with the transit instrument and its allies, the clock and chronograph.
In 1851 he went to America, but soon returned disillusioned to Germany, and published an account of his travels.
In fact, Rashi never went farther than from the Seine to the Rhine; the utmost limit of his travels were the academies of Lorraine.
In 1784 he accompanied Faujas St Fond in his journey to the Western Isles, and in the English translation of the Travels in England, Scotland and the Hebrides (1799) Smithson is spoken of as "M.
The lateral characteristics of a polarized stream lead at once to the conclusion that the stream may be represented by a vector, and since this vector must indicate the direction in which the light travels as well as the plane of polarization, it is natural to infer that it is transverse to the direction of propagation.
More valid instances of the anticipation of modern discoveries may be found in his prevision that a small annual parallax would eventually be found for some of the fixed stars, and that extra-Saturnian planets would at some future time be ascertained to exist, and in his conviction that light travels with a measurable, although, in relation to terrestrial distances, infinite velocity.
State-aided apiaries have been established under the supervision of a skilled bee-keeper, who travels over the colony giving instruction in practical bee-work at the public schools, and forming classes at various centres where pupils are taught bee-keeping in all its branches.
For the regions west of Lake Chad the standard historical work is the Travels of Dr Heinrich Barth (5 vols., London, 1857-1858).
See Livingstone's Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa (London, 1857) for the story of the discovery of the falls, and the Popular Account of Dr Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and its Tributaries 1858-1864 (London, 1894) for a fuller description of the falls and a theory as to their origin.
Works are a spider's thread, up and down which she continually travels, and which is never broken; so works lead a soul downwards to the Earth, and upwards to the Lord."
Now, since it seems this Manatus senegalensis ascends rivers, we may infer that its parasite travels with it.
As instances of his careful attention to geography and topography we have not only the fact of his widely extended travels, from the African coast and the Pillars of Hercules in the west, to the Euxine and the coasts of Asia Minor in the east, but also the geographical and topographical studies scattered throughout his history.
The Travels in France appeared in 2 vols.
Arthur Young was the greatest of all English writers on agriculture; but it is as a social and political observer that he is best known, and his Tour in Ireland and Travels in France are still full of interest and instruction.
Raymond Wellsted (Travels to the City of the Caliphs, p. 173, Lond., 1840) distinguishes two kinds of frankincense - " Meaty," selling at $4 per cwt., and an inferior article fetching 20% less.
He cared comparatively little for the history of speculation, but his acquaintance with books of science, general history, travels and belles lettres was boundless.
Sound travels funny up there—it echoes, and I was a good distance away.
I started to notice household chattels in my travels.
Mull and Iona Super photo book by Allan Wright of his travels from Oban to Craignure and then clockwise round Mull.
Currently she teaches intermediate classes and travels countrywide giving IST days, seminars and workshops.
New evidence shows that metallic debris from the replaced joints travels to other organs, possibly causing cancer.
This is the passage that sound travels along to reach the eardrum.
I've not become an elitist in my travels.
Orpheus travels to the underworld to recover his wife Eurydice.
Gilliam has mentioned that he has Johnny Depp in mind as a modern-day advertising executive who travels back in time.
Toward the end of my travels I felt a pull back toward science and to my childhood fascination with space.
Although electricity travels fast, its speed is still finite and over a wire it is slower than in a vacuum.
As well as having the pearls to collect you might find a treasure chest from a sunken galleon on your travels.
This includes working extensively with the oil industry, during which she regularly travels to offshore oil installations.
She travels to Athens as the only British competitor in the women's javelin on Wednesday 25 August.
Here are a few jottings on my Sussex travels.
Our travels to the grouse leks will involve some long drives, but what drives they are!
The nerve travels to the thigh by passing under or through the inguinal ligament in its own tunnel.
Anatomy The ulnar nerve travels with the ulnar artery in the tunnel of Guyon, covered by the transverse carpal ligament.
Cholesterol travels through the blood in minute packages mixed with large molecules called lipoproteins.
In his travels for his father's business, Watkins had an on-going love affair with the Herefordshire countryside.
Plants and souvenirs from their travels clutter the mantelpieces and bookshelves, giving Galvelmore House a lived in and loved feeling.
She sponsored Whitefield on his travels to America where he founded an orphanage.
The giant pumpkin is also on it's travels.
On my travels I meet many scots who have emigrated and have to say there are plenty as you suggest Davie.
If your dog travels on the seat they should wear a safety harness which fixes to the car seat belts.
Pop stations around its travels west are to in Yangtze cruise Simon.
In your travels, you run into various objects (a giggling robot, a sleeping sloth) as well as other characters.
Internationally acclaimed comedienne Shazia Mirza departs from straight stand-up to reveal stories and characters from her physical and emotional travels.
Arnold's report shows a bilaterally symmetrical craft that travels in the direction of the axis of symmetry.
Organist joey de when you see an insistent waterfall Go With Jo Tours & Travels big money never.
The alteration of the fork due to heat is scarcely perceptible, but wind instruments, and particularly the organ, rise almost proportionately to the increase in temperature of the surrounding air, because sound travels at an enhanced rate as the temperature rises.
It is followed by more and more hot water, and so travels along the flow pipe, which is rising all the time, to the farthest point of the circuit, by which time it has in all probability cooled considerably.
It carried their baggage and was useful to ride in wherever there were good roads, and since it had accompanied them so far in their travels they felt it their duty to preserve it.
If each wave travels out from the source with velocity U the n waves emitted in one second must occupy a length U and therefore U = nX.
To find the relation of the velocity to displacement and pressure we shall express the fact that the wave travels on carrying all its conditions with it, so that the displacement now at M will arrive at N while the wave travels over MN.
Or if we now keep the undisturbed parts of the medium fixed, the disturbance travels on with velocity U if we apply the pressure X at every point of the disturbance.
If the velocity U is so chosen that E - poU 2 = o, then X = o, or the wave travels on through the action of the internal forces only, unchanged in form and with velocity U = (E/p).
The consequence is that the compression travels rather faster, and the extension rather slower, than at the speed found above.
The direction, too, in which the new wave travels is different from the previous one.
It is well known that sound travels far better with the wind than against it.
A short impulsive wave travels towards the fence, and each rail as it is reached by the wave becomes the centre of a new secondary wave sent out all round, or at any rate on the front side of the fence.
As he travels further round the frequency increases still more.
We shall first investigate the velocity with which a disturbance travels along a string of mass m per unit length when it is stretched with a constant tension T, the same at all points.
The velocity with which the rod must travel in order that the disturbance may be fixed in space is therefore U =, I (Y/p), or, if the rod is kept fixed, this is the velocity with which the disturbance travels.
Substituting in (33) we get U 2 = n/p. (34) If we now keep the wire at rest the disturbance travels along it with velocity U= d (nip), and it depends on the rigidity and density of the wire and not upon its radius.
As the load travels, the shear at the head of the train will be given by the ordinates of a parabola having its vertex at A, and a maximum F max.
Barth's Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa (London, 1857-1858) is a standard authority.
The older is that the water travels in the woody cell-walls of the vascular bundles, mainly under the action of the forces of root pressure and transpiration, and that the cavities of the vessels contain only air.
He returned in 1406, and wrote a valuable narrative of his travels.
Even Hecataeus of Miletus (549-472 B.C.), the author of a Periodos or description of the earth, of whom Herodotus borrowed the terse saying that Egypt was the gift of the Nile, retained this circular shape and circumfluent ocean when producing his map of the world, although he had at his disposal the results of the voyage of Scylax of Caryanda from the Indus to the Red Sea, of Darius' campaign in Scythia (513), the information to be gathered among the merchants from all parts of the world who frequented an emporium like Miletus, and what he had learned in the course of his own extensive travels.
As the point under contemplation is supposed to approach the shadow, the vibration is represented by the chord drawn from J to a point on the other half of the curve, which travels inwards from J' towards 0.
The Elbe cannot rival the Rhine in the picturesqueness of the scenery it travels through, nor in the glamour which its romantic"end legendary associations exercise over the imagination.
According to Maxwell, priority in showing the necessity for slipping over the boundary rests with Reynolds, who also discovered the cognate fact of thermal transpiration, meaning thereby that gas travels up the gradient of temperature in a capillary tube, owing to surface-actions, until it establishes such a gradient of pressure (extremely minute) as will prevent further flow.
He appears, in the composition of his various pieces, to have treated everything that occurred to him in the most desultory fashion, sometimes adopting the form of dialogue, sometimes that of an epistle or an imaginary discourse, and often to have spoken in his own name, giving an account of his travels and adventures, or of amusing scenes that he had witnessed, or expressing the results of his private meditations and experiences.
His dramatic pieces, The Lying Valet, adapted from Motteux's Novelty Lethe (1740), The Guardian, Linco's Travels (1767), Miss in her Teens (1747), Irish Widow, &c., and his alterations and adaptations of old plays, which together fill four volumes, evinced his knowledge of stage effect and his appreciation of lively dialogue and action; but he cannot be said to have added one new or original character to the drama.
If a jet of water issues at an angle to the horizontal from a round pinhole orifice under a few inches pressure, it travels out as an apparently smooth cylinder for a short distance, and then breaks up into drops which travel at different rates, collide, and scatter.
On his mother's death in 1759 Marat set out on his travels, and spent two years at Bordeaux in the study of medicine, whence he moved to Paris, where he made use of his knowledge of his two favourite sciences, optics and electricity, to subdue an obstinate disease of the eyes.
Great part of Richelieu's correspondence with Pozzo di Borgo, Capo d'Istria and others, with his journal of his travels in Germany and the Turkish campaign, and a notice by the duchesse de Richelieu, is published by the Imperial Historical Society of Russia, vol.
Perhaps the most important of early Greek works in cast bronze, both from its size and great historical interest, is the bronze pillar (now in the Hippodrome at Constantinople) which was erected to commemorate the victory of the allied Greek states over the Persians at Plataea in 479 B.C. (see Newton's Travels in the Levant).
Thereupon he slew the smith and loading the treasure on the magic steed Grani, given to him by Odin, set out upon his travels.
The surface of the earth is soft and impressible by the feet of men; and so with the paths which the mind travels.
The giant pumpkin is also on it 's travels.
Psi, the retarded wave, which travels forward in time, is standard solution.
Translation Messenger RNA then passes out of the nucleus and travels to small structures called ribosomes in the cytoplasm.
Pop stations around its travels west are to in yangtze cruise simon.
From her travels and sojourns in several countries, Elisabeth has gleaned an immense knowledge of Mediterranean cuisine.
Arnold 's report shows a bilaterally symmetrical craft that travels in the direction of the axis of symmetry.
Tippers aroundriverbarge is n't dinner each night its travels west run from to.
What wild creature had I met on my travels that tore along on tiptoe in that extraordinary style?
Here is a listing of all the videotape formats I have come across in my travels.
Saber delves back into Verney 's past and travels to Liverpool 's Alhambra Theater to talk to a wardrobe mistress.
My travels to Uganda and Peru, respectively, were very successful.
Her mantel was littered with figurines she had collected in her travels around the world.
It's easy to forget something when you leave on a trip, but when it comes to traveling with an infant a forgotten favorite toy or blanket can turn your travels into chaos.
According to Dr., when someone swallows food, that food travels down the esophagus, a sphincter at the lower end relaxes, and the food enters the stomach.
Baby monitors work on specific frequencies, along which the sound or video travels.
Cadogan travel guides are geared towards leisurely travels and high-end shopping.
The following binoculars are great for the backyard adventurer or a child who frequently travels and wants to see it all!
Once this happens, the virus travels throughout the cat's body.
They don't have to leave their own homes to have worldly adventures and "proof" of their travels.
The Humbug is a beetle-like insect and another companion to Milo during his travels.
The first book in the series, Dinosaurs Before Dark, introduces the characters and the magic tree house, which enables Jack and Annie's travels.
Once a cardholder, you will be automatically enrolled in TheWorld' and receive discounts and affordable rates on all your travels.
Government travelers can complete a report at the end of their travels that details the expenses they incurred during the time away.
If you plan to use your debit card overseas, contact your financial institution prior to your trip and alert them of your travels.
For example, the Polar Bear and Emperor Penguins depend on sheets of ice for a place to give birth to their young and rest during their travels.
Because of the mercury gaining steam as it travels from one organism up the food web to the next, oceans, rivers and lakes are filling up with mercury-poisoned sea life and we are eating it.
The faster the wind travels, the more electricity can be generated.
All of the changes reflected Jefferson's travels in France and the different architectural styles and features he saw.
He enjoys melding the formal and genteel charm of the south with global design themes influenced by his clients' travels.
This furniture can be customized and all the vintage pieces shown have been hand-picked by Rachel herself during her travels to places like Texas and London.
Some styles even include portable wall-mountings, such as suction cups, that can be transported and affixed in hotel bathrooms, or dressing areas during your travels.
Often overlooked amongst the variety of soft sided and zipped storage pouches, a makeup train case holds an abundance of product and travels easily.
Although your travels may not take you across the country on a guided and scenic route, wherever you travel, you'll most likely bring along your favorite cosmetics and beauty products.
McEvoy still gives makeup lessons today and travels the country putting on events to teach women about her products and makeup application techniques.
The Internet can help you at every stage of your travels.
The owner travels to China every year to personally select quality consumer fireworks to sell online and in the retail stores, Starr Fireworks.
Since color is absorbed as it travels through water, the deeper you are, the more likely you will notice a reduction in the clarity of reds, oranges and yellows.
There is, however, the Summit Stage, a free bus that travels within Summit County to all of the local resorts.
This is unfortunate because unlike a disease that is isolated within one section of the body, stress travels everywhere, and quite literally, can manifest itself in several different forms.
Hypertension, more commonly known as high blood pressure, is the force with which the body pushes blood against the artery walls as it travels throughout the circulatory system.
The team trains, travels, and competes together, with two weekly practices for varying fitness levels.
Your brain is releasing a hormone that travels to the pituitary gland where more hormones release.
A winding fondant road that travels up a topsy-turvsy cake is perfect for a graduate who is going to college or moving away from home.
Rachael Ray soon found her popularity earned her more gigs on the Food Network, including $40 a Day, Inside Dish, and Rachael Ray's Tasty Travels.
Inside Dish allowed Ray to go head-to-head with celebrities and Tasty Travels took her to eating destinations across the country.
Costing a cool million, the car travels at warp speeds of 240mph.
They also try some interesting local foods and Curry becomes ill during their travels.
Cate Blanchett ended up dropping out of the Methodist Ladies College in favor of travelling the world to get an education through life experiences in hopes that her travels would help her decide on a career.
Supernanny features British nanny Jo Frost, as she travels around the country helping families deal with their children's behavior in positive and functional ways.
Plus, he gets an additional $20,000 to $25,000 a month from Brit when he travels with his children and Brit while she's on tour.
She has endorsed Christian homeschooling academies, travels around the country spreading her testimony, and wrote a column for Christian Women Online.
Because a cruise price includes many basic travel necessities, passengers can enjoy their travels for one price rather than arranging for more expensive airfare, different hotels, and different tours throughout their European getaway.
The cruise departs from the port of Long Beach and travels down to the Mexican coastal town of Ensenada.
Radiance of the Seas is the Royal Caribbean ship which travels from San Diego, California to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
Each vessel travels to Alaska's remote southeast region and gives passengers the chance to explore the grandeur found within the state's rugged Inside Passage.
The rate at which a ship travels also impacts fuel use.
The trip departs from New York City and travels north, allowing passengers unprecedented views of the rich reds, bright oranges and golden yellows that flood the shores of the Hudson River during the vibrant autumn season.
The 30-day fall voyage starts in the "City by the Bay" and travels to Sydney, Australia, with stops in Honolulu and Maui before heading across the Pacific to Bora Bora, Pago Pago, Fiji, Auckland, Wellington, and Christchurch.
This cruise leaves from Anchorage, Alaska, and travels to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
The cruise leaves from Petersburg and travels through the Inside Passage.
The cruise also travels through Sitka, the Icy Strait and Glacier Bay National Park.
The company offers a 28-day cruise that leaves from Vancouver, British Columbia, travels down the western coast of the United States and Mexico before crossing the Panama Canal.
It travels throughout the Mediterranean Sea, Canary Islands and the Aegean Sea.
It travels to the Mediterranean and Caribbean and is the company's main Trans-Atlantic cruise liner.
It travels to Mediterranean and Caribbean and operates as a Trans-Atlantic cruise liner as well.
This cruise leaves from the San Pedro Port in Los Angeles and travels to Ensenada, Mexico.
This cruise leaves from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and travels to Cozumel, Mexico, before arriving back in Fort Lauderdale.
This sailing departs from Fort Lauderdale and travels to Cozumel, Mexico, and back.
Carnival also travels to the Caribbean Islands.
It travels to Cartagena, Malaga, theCanary Islands, and theBahamasbefore it docksin New Orleans.
By employing a few safety measures, not only will you both enjoy your travels, but you can help to prevent any strange eye or ear infections from popping up while on your trip.
Generally, the club does not place rescued English Bulldogs in homes with young children or homes in which the owner travels frequently, or has a multiplicity of pets.
When a mosquito bites a dog, the worm travels to the animal's heart where it later breeds.
Many British sailors returned home with tattoos that commemorated their travels, and by the eighteenth century most British ports had at least one tattoo practitioner in residence.
During Burpee's European travels, he would take extensive notes about all of the flower and vegetable varieties he encountered and bought.
When you go on your travels you want to ensure that your jewelry arrives with you in tip top condition so when you are ready to wear it, it looks perfect and you look glamorous.
A jewelry travel box to keep your earrings organized and other jewelry safe and sound will help you enjoy every moment of your travels.
Inspired by his travels to Hong Kong with his father, who owned a coat manufacturing business, a young man named George Zimmer decided to open a store catering to men's fashions.
It travels well and is light enough to fold up into small compartments as needed.
It layers perfectly, comes in a diverse array of styles and travels well.
Join a sightseeing group that travels to nearby places together.
Taking a group trip is a great option for singles since they can be part of group and not be alone in their travels.
The following steps detail how light travels through electronic night vision goggles and gets amplified.
Less expensive brands are perfectly acceptable for casual riders, though an experienced biker who travels extensively with his motorcycle may want to consider a pricier style for its higher quality and better construction.
Aeronaut Skyride - Not so much a ride as a way to travel, this skyride travels between Banbury Cross, Rhinefeld, and Aquitaine areas, over part of the Loch Ness Monster roller coaster.
During the six minute ride, the simulation travels through different Krustyland rides, shows, and attractions, all while being pursued and disrupted by Sideshow Bob.
Finally, for the truly adventurous, Cascade has a three-story tube slide, which also travels outside the building before spitting riders out in the indoor pool.
This open air car sky ride travels over Mission Bay between two towers on opposite sides of the park.
In a somewhat unsettling move, Blanca travels from village to village on the Wi-Fi network, stopping at each place and asking for the player to draw her a new face.
To make the game even more fun, you get to customize a character that travels around the carnival games.
In your travels, you'll meet secondary characters that might have been bitten by the bug, so you'll probably have to shoot them.
In Chrono Cross, you start as a character named Serge who accidentally travels into a dimension where he has been dead for the last ten years.
For anyone who travels a lot or likes their video games to fit in their hand, be sure to check out the Nintendo DS and PlayStation Portable (PSP) gift idea articles.
The path Sonic travels is predetermined and on rails.
Our hero travels home to Babylon with Kaileena, the Empress of Time.
Our hero travels through the world in top-down style gathering items like bombs, boomerangs and heart containers that allow a greater exploration of the land and an easier time fighting enemies.
As Oregon travels south towards California, the climate warms, although many of the area's hills and valleys provide cooler microclimates.
It travels the coast side of the state from Monterey south to Santa Barbara.
In general, these models pack a lot of amenities in a small space, providing everything a couple or small family is likely to need for their camping travels.
This will allow you to quickly and easily determine if the company has a campground convenient to your travels.
There's even a link to The Weather Channel, so you can find out what conditions you can expect during your travels to the area.
Blue Ridge Parkway Association - If your travels will take you along the Blue Ridge Parkway, be sure to download the free camping brochure published by the association.
This type of plan is good for someone who typically travels to the same few states (possibly for a traveling sales job) on a regular basis.
If you are a corporate executive who travels internationally, it may be prudent to consider BlackBerry 8830 World Phone handsets as part of your collection of gear on the go.
A cerebral embolism is a blood clot that travels to the clogged blood vessel from another location in the circulatory system.
It may be a gas bubble, a blood clot, a fat globule, a mass of bacteria, or other foreign body that forms somewhere else and travels through the circulatory system until it gets stuck.
The bile travels through the bile ducts to the intestine and is excreted in the stool.
It travels via the bloodstream to distant cells where it exerts an effect.
Materials like metal and water through which electric current (electricity) travels easily are called conducting materials or conductors.
Conducting materials-Materials that conduct electricity, materials through which electric current travels easily.
Other questions pertain to the patient's food intake over the previous few days and recent travels to countries with typhoid fever or cholera outbreaks.
Frequency-Sound, whether traveling through air or the human body, produces vibrations-molecules bouncing into each other-as the sound wave travels along.
Blood clots in the renal arteries are uncommon, but when they do occur, there is a risk of pulmonary embolism, a dangerous condition that occurs when the clot or a portion of the clot dislodges and travels to the lungs.
Embolism-A blood clot, air bubble, or mass of foreign material that travels and blocks the flow of blood in an artery.
Air breathed in through the mouth travels through the oropharynx, which also carries swallowed food, water, and salivary secretions through the food tube (esophagus) and then into the stomach.
Oxygen enters the body as inspired air and travels through the respiratory system to the alveoli.
This can be food from the mouth, a foreign object or substance that has entered the mouth, or regurgitated stomach contents (vomitus) aspirated into the lungs as it travels to the mouth.
When the egg is released it travels through one of the two fallopian tubes and down towards the uterus.
In the female this tube lies between the vagina and clitoris; in the male the urethra travels through the penis and opens at the tip.
Slide - The key to performing a proper head slide is to make sure your head is moving independently of your shoulders as it travels side to side.
Skeptical Internet users will always doubt the authenticity of Matt's travels, but they are very much real and well sponsored by a gum company.
Straight lines and sharp corners are poison arrows in feng shui because they don't occur in nature and negative chi travels in straight lines.
This negative energy travels along straight lines, emanates from sharp corners and brings adversity and misfortune to those in its path.
This occurs because the flow of life energy, or chi, travels from the bedroom door to the windows.
Be sure to keep a bottle handy whenever your travels take you out into the intensity of the hot sun.