Transposon Sentence Examples
The transposon used contains splice acceptors in both orientations to disrupt the expression of genes in which it lands.
The transgenic bollworms are genetically modified using the piggyBac transposon.
For example, the chapters on transposon insertion, microscopy, gene disruption and analysis of Streptomyces DNA are all new.
The mutants were generated by random transposon mutagenesis with the Tn pho A transposon.
However, the inserted transposon efficiently creates mutations in genes such as recessive oncogenes associated with cancer.
The DNA was blotted onto a nylon membrane and the probe to the transposon was allowed to hybridize to those fragments containing the transposon.
The bollworm was modified using the piggyBac transposon that inserts at the sequence, TTAA in the chromosome (see above ).
The virus can also act as a vector for rapid spread of the modified transposon to a variety of insects.
The bollworm was modified using the piggyBac transposon that inserts at the sequence, TTAA in the chromosome (see above).
The function of genes located by transposon mutagenesis and sequencing was tested after sub-cloning of open reading frames into broad host range shuttle vectors.
AdvertisementThe growth of these transposon mutants in vitro and in vivo is being tested.
For the direct, high-throughput investigation of bacterial and oomycete genomes we have developed a transposon grid approach.