Transported Sentence Examples
I'm transported back in time.
But it is known that in the first years of the 19th century nearly 2000 persons were transported every year to Siberia.
With an empty weight of 3640 kg, a payload of 2130 kg could be transported.
Still exhausted, he sat next to Dan in the helo that transported them from the medical facility to the lush green foothills of the Rockies.
Because they're not perishable they're transported by sea or land rather than air.
Oil can be transported to the city in tankers or via specially constructed under-water pipeline.
The site also includes information about safety issues and rules specifically for infants, toddlers and preschoolers who are being transported on a school bus.
Instead, he closed his eyes and Transported to the ranch.
On December 4th 1859, the aged paupers were transported " by omnibus " from the old premises to the new workhouse.
The final product is transported to the 50 ton capacity finished product silo by a dense phase pneumatic conveying system.
AdvertisementEach family-friendly water park is designed to make visitors feel as though they have been transported to the tropics.
It is from there that you are able to develop a massive empire, filled with infrastructure, transported goods, and AI competition.
On the night of the deed, Jericho makes his way to the safe and inadvertently unlocks a captured vampire being transported by Darkwatch, an old organization dedicated to defeating supernatural evils.
In America, crude petroleum was at first transported in iron-hooped barrels, holding from 40 to 42 American gallons, which were carried by teamsters to Oil Creek and the Allegheny River, where they were loaded on boats, these being floated down stream whenever sufficient water was present - a method leading to much loss by collision and grounding.
Stand Sora directly in front of the wall to which Pooh was transported by the Blue Butterfly Flowers.
AdvertisementTo have Miis in the Parade, you previously had to save the Mii to a Wii Remote and physically transported it to your friend's house.
If you do everything correctly at around midnight Santa Claus will be transported into your Sim's home and will leave some gifts.
Problem bears were transported far from people, and many were killed.
While it can only be guessed exactly how the pinot noir grape was transported and planted around the world, it was described as being very similar to today's vines that are grown in Burgundy in De re rustica.
The wine produced from these grapes was being transported to the Pope until the French Revolution in 1789.
AdvertisementIf a child develops hives, has difficulty breathing or swallowing, swelling of the lips or face, fainting, or dizziness, he or she should be transported to an emergency department immediately.
A partial or complete amputation is a medical emergency and as such, the affected child (and amputated body part, if possible) should be transported to an emergency center immediately.
Just when winter seems like it will never end, SI takes you to exotic locations full of sand and surf, and for a while you are transported to paradise.
Canister vacuum cleaners use vacuum hose to pick up dirt that is transported in to a large, plastic canister.
It was built to be pushed, pulled, and mounted onto other devices where it could be transported to highly populated areas.
AdvertisementHealthy villi promote an effective digestive track and, as a result, a healthy body, because nutrients are transported by the villi into the blood.
With many styles named after popular California surf spots, wearers are transported to the beach in styles that are not only limited to sandals.
Soap opera viewers want to be transported and swept away by the storylines.
In 1988, Clint Buchanan found himself transported back in time to 1888.
The site is available in English or Italian and upon clicking your are transported into the pages of a comic book.
These salads can be easily transported in plastic containers and pair well with sandwiches and a simple dessert for a complete picnic lunch.
Medical Evacuation - Pays the expenses involved if the sick or injured person needs to be transported home for further medical treatment.
A manufactured home, also known as a mobile home, is a home that can be transported in one piece.
Med Evac - One concern for frequent travelers, especially when traveling overseas, is the possibility of needing to be transported from remote areas if you get sick or injured.
And when the now-legendary 'a long time ago' appeared and John Williams' epic score thundered out of the speakers, we were transported.
In this episode, Kirk, Spock and McCoy are accidently transported into a dying planet's past.
It told the story of a Kansas farm girl, Dorothy, and how she was transported by a tornado to the land of Oz, a fantasy land populated with wonderful, strange and often magical creatures.
In the original book, Dorothy really is carried by a tornado to Oz, and transported back by her silver slippers.
Some 30 years later the Federation transported a group of refugees to Earth.
Season five finds Clark transported to the Fortress of Solitude, where Jor-El tells him he cannot return to Smallville.
However, Chloe is also transported to the Fortress and can't handle the sub-freezing temperatures.
Archer accepted the Vulcan officer T'Pol as a concession to the Vulcans when the Enterprise transported an injured Klingon home.
The cabin is conveniently located on the shuttle route, so you can be transported to ski areas without the hassle of driving.
It was one of the misfortunes of Palestine that it served as a Botany Bay, to which the criminals of the West were transported for penance.
Under the Quaker Act of 1662 and the Conventicle Act of 1664 a number were transported out of England, and under the last-named act and that of 1670 (the second Conventicle Act) hundreds of households were despoiled of all their goods.
Between 1700 and the end of 1786 as many as 610,000 were transported to Jamaica alone, which had been an English possession since 1655.
They promised to convey the ignorant savages in their ships to the "heavenly shores" where their departed friends now dwelt, and about 40,000 were transported to Hispaniola to perish miserably in the mines.
The connexion that seemed to be first established was between variations in the quantity of water transported from the tropical to the sub-polar Atlantic and variations in the intensit y of solar radiation.
In 663 it was destroyed by Constans II., and was only restored in 1223 by Frederick II., who transported 20,000 Saracens hither from Sicily.
After the precious relics together with the bones of Adam had been saved in the ark, they were transported by Shem and Melchizedek to Golgotha under the guidance of an angel.$ The tripartite narrative which is known as the Romance of Julian (the Apostate) has no claim to be regarded as an historical document.
Although similar teeth occur in the phosphorite beds of South Carolina, which may have been transported from elsewhere, no undoubted remains of Megatherium are known from North America.
There are transported or drift soils, the particles of which have been brought from other areas and deposited over the rocks below.
A closer investigation of the numerous long, narrow banks which lie off the Flemish coast and the Thames estuary shows that they are composed of fragments of rock abraded and transported by tidal currents and storms in the same way that the chalk and limestone worn off from the eastern continuation of the island of Heligoland during the last two centuries has been reduced to the coarse gravel of the off-lying Dune.
These have reference to the mode in which the mineral is obtained, and the manner in which it is transported to market.
The important archives have been transported to Naples.
Finally, the Fuegian bark canoe, made in three pieces so that it can be taken apart and transported over hills and sewed together, ends the series.
In 818 he had given his estate at Michelstadt to the abbey of Lorsch, but he retained Mulinheim, where about 827 he founded an abbey and erected a church, to which he transported some relics of St Peter and St Marcellinus, which he had procured from Rome.
At the same time in 794, as a fresh experiment in policy, every third man was transported; while the king was assisted in his work of conquest by the Abotrites who inhabited a district east of the Elbe.
Two years later a final campaign was undertaken, when a large number of these people were transported into the country of the Franks and their land was given to the Abotrites.
Hippolytus and Pontius, who was then bishop, were transported in 235 to Sardinia, where it would seem that both of them died.
The conquered populations were now transported to distant parts of the empire.
Theirs were not the everyday experiences of ordinary men, but of men lifted out of themselves and transported into a higher sphere.
According to Nitschmann in his Geschichte der polnischen - Litteratur - a work which has been of service in the preparation of this article - the books were transported to Russia very carelessly, and many of them injured by the way.
There are very few roads; goods are transported on camels, or on horses and donkeys in the hilly tracts.
It is true that a great variety of evidence is afforded by the composition of the rocks, that glaciers have left their traces in glacial scratchings and transported boulders, also that proofs of arid or semiarid conditions are found in the reddish colour of rocks in certain portions of the Palaeozoic, Trias and Eocene; but fossils afford the most precise and conclusive evidence as to the past history of climate, because of the fact that adaptations to temperature have remained constant for millions of years.
He destroyed their rearguard, the Tigurini, as it was about to cross, transported his army across the river in twenty-four hours, pursued the Helvetii in a northerly direction, and utterly defeated them at Bibracte (Mont Beuvray).
Under Nicholas I., in the years 1840 and 1850, the Doukhobors, who on religious grounds refused to participate in military service, were all banished from the government of Tauris - whither they had been previously transported from various parts of Russia by Alexander I.
Thirty only escaped, who were afterwards transported as slaves to Barbados.
But the ease with which food can nowadays be transported from one part of the world to another minimizes the danger of famine from natural causes, as we can hardly conceive that the whole food-producing area of the world should be thus affected at once.
With the accession of Phocas (602) began the great war which shook the two kingdoms. The loss of Edessa, where Narses revolted, was temporary; but the Roman fortress of Dara fell after nine months' siege (c. 605); Harran, Ras al-`Ain and Edessa followed in 607, many of the Christian inhabitants being transported to the Far East, and Chosroes carried the victorious arms of Persia far into the Roman Empire.
The latter is said to have derived its name from a colony of Hyrcanians, transported thither by the Persians.
It can be rapidly erected or taken down and transported on its carriage.
Antrim, and have the advantage of being near the coast, so that the alumina can be transported by water-carriage.
The tree can then be transported to its new position.
In this way large quantities of manure are easily transported to any required spot, and although the work looks hard to an English gardener, the Frenchman says he can carry more manure with less fatigue in half a day than an Englishman can transport in a day with a wheelbarrow.
The coal has to be transported by railway via Solok to Padang (Emmahaven), a seaport on the west coast.
Where detachable buds are produced, which can be transported through the air to a distance, each of them is an incipient shoot which may have a root, and there is always reserve-food stored in some part of it.
The pirates and their families were, accordingly, transported to the interior of Croatia, where they gave their name to the Uskoken Gebirge, a group of mountains on the borders of Carniola.
This altarpiece was afterwards replaced at Frankfort (all except the protraits of the donors, which remained behind) by a copy, while the original was transported to Munich, where it perished by fire in 1674.
This unequalled treasure of German art and invention has in later times been broken up, the part executed by Diirer being preserved at Munich, the later sheets, which were decorated by other hands, having been transported to Besancon.
It was subsequently visited by La Perouse (1776), Kotzebue (1816), &c. At the time of Roggeveen's discovery the island probably contained from 2000 to 3000 inhabitants of Polynesian race, who, according to their own tradition, came from Rapa Iti (Little Rapa) or Oparo, one of the Tubuai or Austral group. In 1863 a large proportion of the inhabitants were kidnapped by the Peruvians and transported to work at the guano diggings on the Chincha Islands.
But it was not in place, and was probably a mass transported by ice.
These transported relics show that the Chalk must once have been in place at no great distance, if indeed it did not actually occupy part of Aberdeenshire and the neighbouring counties.
One of the most attractive works of early medievalism - Einhard's little book, Translatio Marcellini et Petri - gives a vivid description of the methods by which the bodies of the two saints were acquired and transported from Rome to Seligenstadt on the Main.
Later the Portiuncula church at Assisi displaced all other religious resorts, with the exception of Rome; but in the 15th century it was overshadowed in turn by the "Holy House" at Loretto on the Adriatic. According to an extravagant legend, the house of Joseph and Mary in Nazareth was transported by angels, on the night of the 9th - 10th of May 1291 to Dalmatia, then brought to the Italian coast opposite (Dec. 10, 1294), till, on the 7th of September 1295 it found rest on its present site.
The exports of the province are almost wholly transported on these rivers, and are shipped either at Guayaquil, or at Puna, its deep-water port, 62 in.
In December Gustavus and his family were transported to Germany.
The Arab, transported to a soil which does not always suit him, so far from thriving, tends to disappear, whereas the Berber becomes more and more aggressive, and yearly increases in numbers.
Convicts with more than six years to serve are transported to the Andaman Islands, where the penal settlement is organized on an elaborate system, permitting ultimately self-support on a ticket of leave and even marriage.
The matter transported consisted of soil of various kinds - sand, ashes, fragments of lava, pozzolana and whitish pumice, enclosing grains of uncalcined lime, similar in every respect to those of Pompeii.
Notwithstanding the protest of the Basrians, he transported this booty safely to Mecca.
As he could not or would not tell, he together with all his brothers and some other relatives were seized and transported to Irak, where Abdallah and his brother Ali were beheaded and the others imprisoned.
Thence they were transported to Ainzarba (Anazarba) on the frontier of the Greek empire.
Next year Mecca was taken and plundered; even the sacred Black Stone was transported to Lahsa, where it remained till 339 (950), when by the express order of the Imam, the Fatimite caliph, it was restored to the Ka`ba.
This they were allowed to do, on the condition that they came unarmed, and their children were transported to Asia as hostages.
As it is unlikely that these delicate insects could be transported across seachannels, their wide and discontinuous range suggests both their great antiquity and the former existence of continental tracts over which they may have travelled to their present stations.
It was sacked by the armies of Jenghiz Khan, and the survivors transported to a position farther north, where there are still great ruins.
For the same reason the grapes are collected in baskets in order to avoid excessive pressure, and are transported in these to the press house.
After confinement in various English prisons, he was transported in 1867 to Bunbury, Western Australia.
He was transported to Rangoon, and died there on the 7th of November 1862.
On the 23rd of April 1903 a body of cavalry and artillery mutinied in Lisbon and proclaimed a republic; but they were overpowered and ultimately transported to Mozambique.
This was regafded as a miraculous feat brought about by the incantations of the magician Merlin, who caused a great stone circle in Ireland (said to have been previously carried thither out of Africa by giants) to be transported to Salisbury Plain, where, at Merlin's "word of power," all the stones moved into their proper places.
In 846 or 848 he transported the relics of St Columba to a church which he had constructed at Scone.
The scenes are partly mythological (labours of Heracles), partly purely heraldic. Eighteen panels were transported to the Louvre in 1838; other fragments rewarded the Americans, and a scientific ground-plan was drawn.
An immense number of statues and bas-reliefs, excavated by Botta, were transported to Paris, and formed the first Assyrian museum opened to the world.
By no means all the trade with the interior is transported by the railways; no inconsiderable portion of the goods is carried by water.
The contrast between the lower grounds of the Western and the Eastern Divisions is masked in many places by the general covering of the surface with glacial drift, which is usually a stiff clay composed on the whole of the detritus of the rocks upon which it rests, though containing fragments of rocks which have been transported from a considerable distance.
But although the reality of some such modification is not disputed, especially as to stature and constitution, its amount is not enough to upset the counter-proposition of the remarkable permanence of type displayed by races ages after they have been transported to climates extremely different from that of their former home.
The invading sovereign, going to Sta Maria delle Grazie with his retinue to admire the renowned painting of the "Last Supper," asked if it could not be detached from the wall and transported to France.
After a temporary sepulture elsewhere his remains were transported on the 12th of August to the cloister of St Florentin according to his wish.
The last of his theological works were Nazarenus, or Jewish, Gentile and Mahometan Christianity (1718), and Tetradymus (1720), a collection of essays on various subjects, in the first of which (Hodegus) he set the example, subsequently followed by Reimarus and the rationalistic school in Germany, of interpreting the Old Testament miracles by the naturalistic method, maintaining, for instance, that the pillar of cloud and the fire of Exodus was a transported signal-fire.
By the 5th of April a great army was safely transported to Fortress Monroe, and other troops were sent later, though a large force was (much against his will) retained to cover Washington.
He was strongly opposed to the project of a Channel tunnel to France, and in 1872 he endeavoured to obtain the consent of parliament to a Channel ferry scheme, whereby trains were to be transported across the strait in large ferry steamers.
Excellent timber of various kinds - eagle-wood, rose-wood, liquidambar, &c. - is one of the principal products of the island, and has even been specially transported to Peking for imperial purposes.
The germs were Jewish; but, transported to a new soil, and watered with a new enthusiasm, they assumed new forms. These cannot claim the merit of correctness, but they are works of religious genius.
Among the other products we must notice the marble - both that of Pentelicus, which afforded a material of unrivalled purity and whiteness for building the Athenian temples, and the blue marble of Hymettus - the trabes Hymettiae of Horace - which used to be transported to Rome for the construction of palaces.
All land journeys are made on horseback, and in the remoter parts all goods have to be transported by the same means.
A tablet dated 275 B.C. states that on the 12th of Nisan the inhabitants of Babylon were transported to the new town, where a palace was built as well as a temple to which the ancient name of E-Saggila was given.
Arab astronomy, transported by the Moors to Spain, flourished temporarily at Cordova and Toledo.
His name was, however, unknown to the general public till he was arrested on the 15th of October 1894 on a charge of selling military secrets to Germany, condemned, publicly degraded (January 4, 1895), and transported (March Io) to the Ile du Diable, French Guiana.
Yet with all their faults the Nights have beauties enough to deserve their popularity, and to us their merit is enhanced by the pleasure we feel in being transported into so entirely novel a state of society.
Tadpoles transported from one place to another.- Dendrobates, Phyllobates, Sooglossus.
In the first decade of the next century Edessa was taken by Chosroes II., and a large part of the population transported to eastern Persia.
Most clays are waterborne, having been carried from the surface of the land by rain and transported by the brooks and rivers into lakes or the sea.
A few years later he had a fleet of ships built near Birejik on the Euphrates by his Phoenician captives; these were manned by Ionians and transported from Opis overland to the Euphrates and so to the Persian Gulf.
Armed and ready, Jule Transported himself to the Guardians' local station, where he startled Rourk.
Jule Transported himself from the Other's Irish manor to the study of the White God's temporary headquarters in Texas.
Jule Transported himself to the Black God's compound, vaguely aware of Xander's presence.
Silently cursing Oracles, he Transported back to the mountainside.
They Transported to the study where Sofi, Bianca, and the Grey God awaited.
Separate cassettes with external glass beading are then transported to site and anchored to the bearing structure.
The truck begins to shake, and someone is transported into the truck... another faceless man, there to kill the bounty hunter.
This does not include several dozen brigands killed in skirmishes or while being transported to prisons.
Each boulder was transported on a low horse-drawn cart.
Approximately 50,000 civilians will end up in the german concentration camps, and an additional 150,000 are transported into forced labor camps in Germany.
The day and must-reads economist and we were transported.
The protons are transported through the proton conducting electrolyte to the cathode.
When transported in groups, horses must wear halters (unless they are unbroken) and their hind feet must be unshod.
The oxaloacetate is converted to other 4-carbon intermediates that are transported to photosynthetic cells, where CO 2 is released by decarboxylation.
A memorial removed for the purpose of a further interment shall be transported from the Cemetery grounds.
A direct result is that sheep are transported relatively long distance with very low casualty rates.
Cholesterol is transported in blood bound to proteins called low-density lipoproteins (LDL ).
They're all on their way to a new maximum security prison, being transported by air by a bunch of federal marshals.
Damage in the muscle causes the release of pigment called myoglobin into the bloodstream where it is transported to the kidneys.
It was then transported by packhorse to Byland's property at Clifton, just outside York, on the River Ouse.
Thus skeletal elements which have been transported distances along river beds or streams will appear similar to those from heavily reworked deposits.
The Malt was transported initially by rail, with wagons loaded in an adjacent siding.
The quarried slate was taken to Wadebridge and Padstow by barge and then transported further afield or used locally.
The ore was transported by rail 4 miles to the city of Trail where a large smelter was located.
The remaining wounded and sick would be transported on by the regimental stretcher-bearers or proceed under their own steam.
The dry lichen thallus is brittle, so fragments can be broken off easily and transported by wind or by animals.
Oxygen is transported through the body tiny tubes called trachea.
Also, a weaker increase of O 3 in the lower troposphere occurs due to an increase in the downwards transported O 3 values.
Pit ponies, pulling wagons along rails, transported these items to the end of the barrier.
The land rover was stabilized using a tirfor winch attached to the rear of the appliance and equipment was transported down the slope.
A military conspiracy was formed, and on the night of the 10th of August the prince was seized in the palace at Sofia, and compelled to sign his abdication; he was then hurried to the Danube at Rakhovo, transported on his yacht to Reni, and handed over to Russian authorities, by whom he was allowed to proceed to Lemberg.
With the capital, the Babylonian provinces in Syria fell to the Persians; in 538 Cyrus granted to the Jews, whom Nebuchadrezzar had transported to Babylonia, the return to Palestine and the rebuilding of Jerusalem and its temple (see JEws, § 19).
At Tyre, as among the Hebrews, Baal had his symbolical pillars, one of gold and one of smaragdus, which, transported by phantasy to the farthest west, are still familiar to us as the Pillars of Hercules.
The inhabitants of Bari organized an expedition, seized his remains by means of a ruse, and transported them to Bari, where they were received in triumph on the qth of May 1087, and where the foundations were laid of a new basilica in his honour.
The revival of Greek from the time of Chrysoloras onward, instead of begetting a Hellenistic spirit, transported the more serious-minded to the nebulous shores of NeoPlatonism, while the less devout became absorbed in scholarly or literary ambitions, translations, elegantly phrased letters, clever epigrams or indiscriminate invective.
It was in consequence of the aid which the people of Miletus lent to the Eretrians on this occasion that Eretria sent five ships to aid the Ionians in their revolt against the Persians (see IoNiA); and owing to this, that city was the first place in Greece proper to be attacked by Datis and Artaphernes in 490 B.C. It was utterly ruined on that occasion, and its inhabitants were transported to Persia.
The spent fuel will be transported by sea to Sellafield for reprocessing according to the UKAEA proposal.
The proteins synthesized on ribosomes attached to the ER, are then transported to the Golgi, and packaged for secretion.
They are too scrawny for beef and used to be transported to continental veal crates.
Almost all food sold in supermarkets is transported to distribution depots around the country before being distributed back to supermarkets.
Dry ice may be transported when the passenger completes a shipper 's declaration at check-in, with a $ 40 USD one-way charge.
Samples are transported back to the laboratory for sieve analysis in this fashion.
The balsa stringers used on the rear fuselage look thick and clumsy and will be prone to damage while the model is being transported.
It is very tenacious of life - and easily transported alive in damp moss.
If you plan to carry the monitor around, you also may want to look for one with a belt clip or that can be easily transported by hand.
Fish stored aboard a ship must be kept at temperatures just above freezing, and is considered fresh even if it's been down in the hold for a few weeks, then transported by truck for another few days.
You should also leave open the door of the crate in which you transported the cat and leave the bedding inside.
They can be used and transported with very little trouble, folding to two inches in diameter.
The uranium that is used in the reactor to create the nuclear energy must be mined, transported, contained in ceramic pellets, and packed into tubes which are brought to the reactor.
Once the coal is out of the ground, it is transported to plants to be cleaned and made ready for use.
Items are transported long distances using billions of gallons of gasoline.
These pieces are designed to be disassembled and transported with the British troops, adventurers, or explorers as they moved their camp from one location to another.
Mix in some toile fabrics and voila, you can pretend you have been magically transported to a villa in Provence.
Some styles even include portable wall-mountings, such as suction cups, that can be transported and affixed in hotel bathrooms, or dressing areas during your travels.
Choose simple bridesmaids dresses that can be easily transported in luggage.
Larson was transported to the hospital by ambulance.
Spears was transported to the hospital by ambulance, where she is continued to remain for up to three days so doctors can asses her mental and physical well-being.
After the accident, Richardson was initially taken to a local hospital but then, assumingly due to her injuries, was transported to a larger hospital better equipped to handle such severe injuries.
Being on the receiving end of the fist of Mike Tyson, the man was knocked to the ground and subsequently transported to a local hospital from which he was soon released.
Police handcuffed and booked Sheen while Brooke stayed home, as reports read she was not transported to the hospital.
The quality of these products is not acceptable for the retail stores, as this might damage the reputation of the garment maker, so these pieces are transported to outlet stores to be sold at a discount.
A bag of chemical fertilizer must be manufactured, packaged, and transported, while natural methods are generally available right on the farm.
Damian Transported himself before he ditched his mission for some quality time with his mate.
He Transported himself into Yully's room and looked around briefly before stepping into the quiet hallway.
Jule Transported himself back to Damian's headquarters.
They Transported to the mountainside again, and the cold wind swept past him.
The Traveling was quick and transported them from the quiet, dry heat of Texas to the heavy, warm ocean air.
Instantly, the three of them were transported somewhere cold and dark.
From a sick-bed, from which he never rose, he conducted this work with surprising energy, and there composed those poems, too few in number, but immortal in the English language, such as the "Song of the Shirt" (which appeared anonymously in the Christmas number of Punch, 1843), the "Bridge of Sighs" and the "Song of the Labourer," which seized the deep human interests of the time, and transported them from the ground of social philosophy into the loftier domain of the imagination.
Jib cranes can be subdivided into fixed cranes and portable cranes; in the former the central post or pivot is firmly fixed in a permanent position, while in the latter the whole crane is mounted on wheels, so that it may be transported from place to place.
Among these petty chieftains, Sargon in 715 mentions Dayukku, "lieutenant of Man" (he probably was, therefore, a vassal of the neighbouring king of Man in the mountains of south-eastern Armenia), who joined the Urartians and other enemies of Assyria, but was by Sargon transported to Hamath in Syria "with his clan."
The river is navigable for 770 m.; grain and a variety of goods conveyed from the upper Kama are floated down, while furs, fish and other products of the sea are shipped up the river to be transported to Cherdyn on the Kama.
The Ural industry is the older, and is still conducted on primitive methods, wood being largely used for fuel, and the ore and metals being transported by water down the Kama and other rivers.
Roads had been constructed in advance of settlement, and land-seekers had been transported to these frontier sections only to become dependent upon the railways for their very existence.
The weight required to cause the downward motion is obtained either by means of the material which has to be transported to the bottom of the hill or by water ballast, while to aid and regulate the motion generally steam or electric motors are arranged to act on the main drums, round which the cable is passed with a sufficient number of turns to prevent slipping.
He was found guilty and was condemned to death, but his sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in Van Diemen's Land, whither he was transported in the summer of 1849.
The object of these movements will be appreciated when it is remembered that, if the pollen-masses retained the original direction they had in the anther in which they were formed, they would, when transported by the insect to another flower, merely come in contact with the anther of that flower, where of course they would be of no use; but, owing to the divergences and flexions above alluded to, the pollen-masses come to be so placed that, when transplanted to another flower of the same species, they come in contact with the stigma and so effect the fertilization of that flower.
A good deal of this is transported by gravitation from Baku to Batum on the Black Sea by means of a pipe laid overland.
It is easily transported from place to place in seed-cotton, and for this reason the Egyptian government in 1904 prohibited the importation of American cotton seed.
The indigo plant is grown in large quantities in the plain country to the north of Mukden, and is transported thence to the coast in carts, each of which carries rather more than a ton weight of the dye.
In the early days of the petroleum industry the oil was transported in the most primitive manner.
Bulk barges were soon introduced on the larger rivers, but the use of these was partially rendered unnecessary by the introduction of railways, when the oil was at first transported in barrels on freight cars, but later in tank-cars.
Kerosene is transported in bulk by various means; specially constructed steel tank barges are used on the waterways of the United States, tank-cars on the railroads, and tank-wagons on the roads.
Among these lavas is the "pipe" amygdaloid of which many blocks have been transported great distances down the Vaal river.
It reached Marmorice Bay, in Asia Minor, on the 31st of January, to arrange a co-operation with the Turks, and after some delay the army was transported and landed in Egypt, on the 7th and 8th of March.
This iron is considered by several of the first authorities"on the subject to be of meteoric origin,' but no evidence hitherto given seems to prove decisively that it cannot be telluric. That the nodules found were lying on gneissic rock, with no basaltic rocks in the neighbourhood, does not prove that the iron may not originate from basalt, for the nodules may have been transported by the glaciers, like other erratic blocks, and will stand erosion much longer than the basalt, which may long ago have disappeared.
Lime is transported in solution as sulphate and bicarbonate, both of which salts are soluble to some extent in water.
Raskolniks or Nonconformists in the second half of the 17th century, rebel stryeltsy under Peter the Great, courtiers of rank during the reigns of the empresses, Polish confederates under Catherine II., the " Decembrists " under Nicholas I., nearly 50,000 Poles after the insurrection of 1863, and later on whole generations of socialists were sent to Siberia; while the number of common-law convicts and exiles transported thither increased steadily from the end of the 18th century.
To the three named should be added the Calton burying-ground, with its Roman tomb of David Hume, and the obelisk raised in 1844 to the memory of Maurice Margarot, Thomas Muir (1765-1798), Thomas Fyshe Palmer (1747-1802), William Skirving and Joseph Gerrald (1765-1796), the political martyrs transported towards the end of the 18th century for advocating parliamentary reform.
The inhabitants, in accordance with the IndoChinese custom of the day, were transported to Lower Siam.
The remains of Victor Emmanuel were interred in the Pantheon instead of being transported to the Savoy Mausoleum at Superga.
When the mineral is transported by rail or water to concentration or metallurgical works for treatment, or to near or distant markets for sale, provision must be made for the economical loading of railway wagons or vessels, and for the temporary storage of the mineral product.
The whole pot, with its contents of viscous glass, is then removed bodily from the furnace by means of huge tongs and is transported to a crane, which grips the pot, raises it, and ultimately tips it over so as to pour the glass upon the slab of the rolling-table.
From the annealing kiln the slabs of glass are transported to the cutting room, where they are cut square, defective slabs being rejected or cut down to smaller sizes.
Dom Enrique, Infante of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator (1394-1460) transported it about 1420, from Cyprus and Sicily to Madeira, whence it was taken to the Canaries in 1503, and thence to Brazil and Hayti early in the 16th century, whence it spread to Mexico, Cuba, Guadeloupe and Martinique, and later to Bourbon.
A similar vessel was transported to the Louvre in 1867.
If, on the one hand, huge stones are transported hundreds of miles from sea-shore or river-bed where, in the lapse of long centuries, waves and cataracts have hammered them into strange shapes, and if the harmonizing of their various colors and the adjustment of their forms to environment are studied with profound subtlety, so the training and tending of the trees and shrubs that keep them company require much taste and much toil.
His chief agent, Captain (afterwards Sir William) Sleeman, with several competent assistants, and the co-operation of a number of native states, succeeded in completely grappling with the evil, so that up to October 1835 no fewer than 1562 Thugs had been committed, of which number 382 were hanged and 986 transported or imprisoned for life.
Fertilization is effected by insects, especially by bees, which are directed in their search by the colour and fragrance of the flowers; but some pollen must also be transported by the wind to the female flowers, especially in arctic species which, in spite of the poverty of insect life, set abundant fruit.
Porphyra laciniata, the edible laver; Codium tomentosum, a coarse species; Padina pavonia, common in shallow water; Ulva latissima; Haliseris polypodioides; Sargassum bacciferum; the well-known gulf weed, probably transported from the Atlantic; Zostera marina, forming dense beds in muddy bays; the roots are cast up by storms and are valuable to dress the fields.
Erosional processes have transported small soil particles downslope, while larger rocks and artifacts remained at or near the top of the knoll.
She is at once transported into the midst of the events of a story.
She took it, and he Transported them to the small storage room.
Dean's gear was now being transported by sag wagon like everyone else's.