Transplant Sentence Examples
Transplant all kinds of evergreens, this month and September being the proper seasons.
The 1960s brought us hip replacement, the artificial heart, a liver transplant, and a lung transplant.
I plan on having the same transplant in about ten years.
Transplant herbaceous plants in light soils, if not done in autumn; also deciduous trees, shrubs and hedges.
Transplant all sorts of hardy evergreens and shrubs, especially in dry soils, giving abundance of water.
Transplant strong plants of biennials and perennials to their final situations; also the select plants used for spring bedding.
Some attempts were made to transplant the theories of the symbolists to Denmark, but without signal success.
Nor did the emperor's fall by any means entail the fall of his ideas; Count Joseph de Maistre, the great orator of ultramontanism, did little more than transplant them on to the ecclesiastical domain.
When all other options fail, some patients may need a heart transplant.
Transplant evergreens in moist weather, about the end of the month; and propagate them by layers and cuttings.
AdvertisementIt also shows you how to transplant plants from soil to hydroponics and how to take clones from valuable plant stock for hydroponic cultivation.
Keep the roots moist and protected until you transplant.
It's best to plant strawberries on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon to avoid transplant shock.
Gardeners growing flowers from seeds using indoor lights often need to transplant seedlings into the garden.
Bone meal is a gentle fertilizer and is fine to use on new plantings for reducing transplant shock.
AdvertisementAre you trying to establish a better root system or reduce transplant shock?
If the damage is severe enough, a liver transplant may be needed.
Parents of children with biliary atresia require help in coping with the strain of this chronic illness as well as the stress associated with waiting for a liver transplant.
A bone marrow transplant involves removing marrow from a donor and transplanting blood-forming cells to a recipient.
There are two ways of doing a bone marrow transplant.
AdvertisementIn an allogeneic bone marrow transplant, healthy marrow is taken from a donor whose tissue is either the same as or very closely resembles the patient's tissues.
In the second type of bone marrow transplant, called an autologous bone marrow transplant, some of the patient's own marrow is taken out and treated with a combination of anticancer drugs to kill all the abnormal cells.
This mode of bone marrow transplant is in the early 2000s being investigated in clinical trials.
Infants with a duct obstruction within the liver itself usually require a liver transplant by the age of two.
Finally, individuals can also become infected through blood and organ transplant from an infected person.
AdvertisementImmunosuppression-Techniques used to prevent transplant graft rejection by the recipient's immune system.
Left untreated, however, those individuals who do develop amyloidosis of the kidneys may require a kidney transplant or may even die of renal failure.
Dialysis and/or a kidney transplant might become necessary in someone with advanced kidney disease.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)-A common human virus causing mild or no symptoms in healthy people, but permanent damage or death to an infected fetus, a transplant patient, or a person with HIV.
Transplantation of a healthy pancreas into a patient with type 1 diabetes can eliminate the need for insulin injections; however, this transplant is typically done only if a kidney transplant is performed at the same time.
Although a pancreas transplant is possible, it is not clear if the potential benefits outweigh the risks of the surgery and life-long drug therapy needed to prevent organ rejection, particularly in the case of children.
A second type of transplant procedure, as of 2004 in experimental clinical trials and not available to children, is an islet cell transplant.
Long-term complications may include the need for kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant due to kidney failure.
A heart transplant involves replacing the child's heart with a healthy heart from a donor who has died or been declared brain dead.
The child's eligibility for a transplant depends on the results of blood tests and other factors related to his or her health and potential for survival.
Patients who develop liver failure as a result of the disease may be candidates for a liver transplant.
Dialysis or a kidney transplant is needed when the kidneys fail.
Sometimes curable by bone marrow transplant, but potentially fatal, aplastic anemia is characterized by decreased production of red and white blood cells and platelets (disc-shaped cells that are a key component of blood coagulation).
In an allogeneic bone marrow transplant, healthy marrow is taken from another person (donor) whose tissue is either the same or very closely resembles the patient's tissues.
This mode of bone marrow transplant is as of the early 2000s being investigated in clinical trials.
Severe kidney disease can be treated with dialysis or a kidney transplant.
One person may exhibit mild symptoms, while another person may become wheelchair-bound or require a kidney transplant.
The finding is important, since even chickenpox can be a serious complication in children who must undergo a kidney transplant.
Family members of patients who do require a protected environment, such as people who have had a stem cell transplant, should only receive the killed virus vaccine (injection).
About 50 percent of all transplant patients develop severe illnesses due to reactivation of dormant CMV infection.
In 2003, a new high-dose prophylactic (preventive) treatment was being tested to reduce CMV risk in stem cell transplant recipients.
If the deficiency is not treated (usually by bone marrow transplant), a person with SCID usually dies from infection before the age of two years.
There are several different types of transplant surgeries.
This type of transplant may require several sessions over many months to adequately fill in a bald or thinning area.
Most surgeons require you to be in generally good health to have hair transplant surgery.
Although costs can vary, transplant surgeries generally range between $4000and $20,000.
The most popular type of hair transplant involves taking thin strips of hair from areas of the scalp that aren't balding, diving the strips into smaller pieces, and then placing that hair in thinning or bald spots.
An eyebrow transplant is a good choice if you are currently unhappy with your brows, and are looking for a permanent solution to regain confidence in your looks.
The first leg on your eyebrow transplant journey is to consider whether or not you are a good candidate for this kind of surgery.
The decision to have an eyebrow transplant is entirely yours.
The Microscopic Follicular Unit Hair Transplant is done with the use of high-powered surgical microscopes.
Since a bone marrow transplant requires a very close genetic match, it can be hard to match donors and recipients.
But, if you have a child or other family member in need of a transplant, you may want to find out if your stored blood is a good match.
Small trees are also far more likely to transplant successfully.
It's also important to note that you should not take Alli if you have had an organ transplant, if you are taking cyclosporine, if you have been diagnosed with problems absorbing food or if you are not overweight.
Transplant from the nursery to their final sites annuals sown in autumn, with biennials and herbaceous plants.
The young men of Walachia had come into contact with Western literature, which they were anxious to transplant to their own country.
As you will see, the rest of his body has no fixed abode but its amazing what a transplant operation can do.
This time, fully allogeneic CBA mice with the MHC haplotype H2 k were used as transplant recipients.
However, in the case of cardiac transplant patients, post-transplantation prophylactic cholecystectomy would appear to be the most cost-effective option.
Leave the potted cuttings in a closed cold frame during winter and transplant next spring.
Supporting 100 years of cornea donation 7 December 2005 marks the 100th anniversary of the world's first cornea donation 7 December 2005 marks the 100th anniversary of the world's first cornea transplant.
About 50% of patients require dialysis or a kidney transplant at some time in their lives.
Transplant of embryonic cells into the brains of Parkinson's patients turned into an irredeemable nightmare because the cells grew uncontrollably [17] .
How long to take Myfortic Usually treatment will continue for as long as you need immunosuppression to prevent you rejecting your transplant.
Thus, it might be expected that non-specific immunosuppression would lead to an increase in the incidence of cancer in transplant patients.
By transplanting a new pancreas into a diabetic patient we also transplant the islets.
Josh Eaton's Home Page A 7 year old who has had a bone marrow transplant for Philadelphia chromosome positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Last year 461 people received a living kidney transplant - a 21% increase on the previous year.
Thus ANN tools could be used for improved donor kidney allocation and for exploring the role of HLA in transplant rejection.
Once you leave hospital, your transplant co-ordinator will be your main contact with your transplant team.
Transplant surgeons typically earn $ 200,000 to $ 300,000 per year, placing their income in the upper ¼ of 1% of Americans.
Not everyone is a suitable organ donor and the decision to request the removal of organs is made by the doctors or transplant coordinators.
Despite those successes, almost 500 people died waiting for a transplant because no suitable donated organ was available.
Additionally, they can not have had an organ transplant in the past 10 years or have a history of cancer, lupus, epilepsy, and other disorders.
What is the prognosis of a kidney transplant for a fifteen-year-old cat?
The Feline CRF Center provides a list of transplant centers, and more in-depth information about the actual procedure.
As seedlings do not transplant well, seed should be sown in the open in March, and the plants well thinned out.
As all the kinds of Furze are difficult to transplant when large, the best plan is to get small plants of the double and of the dwarf kinds and to sow seed of the common single kind.
To divide and transplant in spring when in growth is fatal to success, equally bad being that of transplanting large specimens intact.
You can opt to start your seeds in the potting mix and later transplant into the organic soil.
There is another surgical option, which is not a transplant.
Denny was a very active and healthy man who found himself stricken by a heart condition that required a heart transplant.
When the organ transplant board came through, the heart was sent to Seattle Grace, but Cristina, George and Meredith had to create a wall of silence to cover Izzie's actions.
Denny woke from the transplant and seemed healthier, happier and more in love with Izzie than ever.
This season features a Grey's Anatomy crossover when Miranda brings a kidney transplant to L.A. Violet gives up her baby to Pete while she recovers.
Just before undergoing his heart transplant, Denny pops the question to Izzie.
Addison gets upset with Izzie for getting too close to the patients, as Izzie begins a relationship with heart transplant patient Denny (Jeffrey Dean Morgan).
It also covers certain disabled citizens who are under the age of 65 and people suffering from End-Stage Renal Disease, which is permanent kidney failure treated with dialysis or a transplant.
In 2008, Jon got a free hair transplant from The New Hair Institute in L.A. If you look on the "Our Favorite Businesses" tab on their website, you will find that this company is listed.
In people without an HLA-identical sibling but with an alternative donor, this type of transplant was rated appropriate in those with unfavorable cytogenetics.
Brod S, Katz S, Phan T and Stepkowski S. Ingested interferon alpha prevents allograft islet transplant rejection.
Investigations into his suitability for a liver transplant revealed a heart condition, caused by chewing khat.
Most likely to happen with a transplant kidney, or in American football apparently.
During a transplant, healthy bone marrow will be fed into your blood stream.
Graft Versus Host A term used in donor bone marrow transplant.
You can only have a liver transplant if you have no more than 3 tumor nodules and none are more than 5 centimeters across.
These include the laboratory processing facility and the transplant physician.
Drugs commonly used to suppress the immune system after transplant include prednisone, azathioprine (Imuran ), cyclosporin, OKT3 and ALG.
Excluded were patients with mitral stenosis, artificial valves or heart transplant.
She was rushed to hospital, where, at the age of 21, she underwent a heart transplant.
Recent studies have included people with treatment with schizophrenia, children with cystic fibrosis and adults with renal transplant.
She needed large amounts of blood before receiving a life-saving bone marrow transplant, donated by her brother.
Once you leave hospital, your transplant co-ordinator will be your main contact with your transplant co-ordinator will be your main contact with your transplant team.
What can go wrong There are up to 2,000 patients waiting for a bone marrow transplant at any given time.
There is now a whole section on liver transplant in the surgery for primary liver cancer section.
Balance began 2001 with a series of reports on the islet transplant team at Edmonton, Canada.
Dialysis came a few years later, then chemotherapy, then the defibrillator, then the polio vaccine; then came cloning, then a kidney transplant.
Still recuperating herself she helped to nurse David through a very serious time following the transplant.
Transplant the seedlings into your open plot, or a large pot, during the spring.
Of the 71 eggs obtained, 22 eggs were chemically stimulated to develop parthenogenetically, and 19 were used for nuclear transplant cloning.
However, GVHD is not an issue with regards to autologous or syngeneic stem cell transplant.
Mick Anson, a 40-year-old town planner from Brighton who received his new kidney in 1987, is the player with the longest-surviving transplant.
The oldest organ transplant recipient received a new kidney at the age of 85.
Organ transplant is not a miracle cure by any means.
One documented case reported in Australia resulted in liver failure requiring a liver transplant.
In introducing it where it is scarce, to transplant it successfully large sods containing the strong creeping roots must be dug up, and planted in light soil; if peaty, so much the better.
The usual plan is to transplant just when the flowers are opening, but at this period of growth the plant is forming a tuber for the following year, and if this is in any way injured it dies.
It may look droopy for a day or two because of transplant shock, but soon it will be thriving.
You can also start watermelon seeds indoors about three weeks before planting them outside, but they should be started in peat pots to minimize transplant shock.
Transplant the seedlings outside when daytime temperatures are consistently 80 degrees or higher.
While you may plant from seeds, the highest quality fruit is produced when you transplant.
For example, patients who have an organ transplant are given drugs to suppress the immune system so the body will not reject the organ.
In some severe cases, a bone marrow transplant or thymus transplant can be performed to correct the problem.
The bone marrow of the person receiving the transplant is destroyed and is then replaced with marrow from the donor.
If a bone marrow transplant is not successfully performed, the child usually may not live beyond two years of age.
About two-thirds of children who have severe malignant infantile osteopetrosis die before age ten unless they have a successful bone marrow transplant.
The more severe form of congenital osteopetrosis is usually fatal within the first ten years of life unless successfully treated with a bone marrow transplant.
If you answered yes to any of these questions,a transplant may be a viable option.
A hair transplant uses your own hair to fill in bald or thinning spots.
They can now transplant the hairs just one or two at a time, which createsa more natural look.
The docs put you in a coma for over a week in order to transplant half your organs.
Transplant to the bottom of a south wall a portion of the peas sown in pots in frames in November and January for the first crop. Sow Brussels sprouts in gentle heat for an early crop.
Kidney transplant patients in particular are prone to gout and are often prescribed allopurinol.
The results and outcomes of our services - particularly cardiac and transplant surgery - have been included in Clinical Governance reports for some time.
When the seedlings are 4 to 6 inches tall, transplant to 4-inch pots or plant out in the garden if the ground has warmed.
The author's task indeed was somewhat akin to that of Philo, "to transplant into the world of Hellenic culture a revelation originally given through Judaism."