Transparent Sentence Examples
Other nations are becoming more transparent as well.
He stood on the balcony, visible beyond the transparent curtains rustling in the moving haze.
The houses of the city were all made of glass, so clear and transparent that one could look through the walls as easily as through a window.
They're pretty transparent, aren't they?
The bare twigs in the garden were hung with transparent drops which fell on the freshly fallen leaves.
The different kinds of mica vary from perfectly colourless and transparent - as in muscovite - through shades of yellow, green, red and brown to black and opaque - as in lepidomelane; the former have a pearly lustre and the latter a submetallic lustre on the cleavage surfaces.
Glasses are generally transparent but may be translucent or opaque.
It's well known that white, when wet, can be transparent.
Were the atmosphere non-existent or absolutely transparent, the sky would necessarily be black.
If a clear strap slips a little, many people won't even notice because their transparent qualities allow your skin to show through them.
AdvertisementSome of the camis are nice enough that they can work as shells underneath sweaters, jackets or more transparent blouses.
If you wear a sheer top beneath a vest or blazer, a transparent camisole adds a thin layer without being too bulky or heavy.
Transparent lingerie is often very stretchy and flexible, which lends itself to a comfortable fit.
Transparent lingerie is usually very thin and delicate and often features mesh or lacy materials.
Sheer transparent lingerie is a wonderful way to kick things up a notch in the romantic department because for the most part, these styles are incredibly easy to wear, and many of them are also quite flattering.
AdvertisementAt Flirt catalog, you'll find items to suit your every transparent need.
Picture a full cat suit that's completely transparent, and you'll have a clear picture.
Once you click on the category you are interested in, you'll immediately be greeted with a dizzying array of sheer and transparent styles, one seemingly more sexy that the last.
Keep in mind too that it is possible to buy a transparent look that features another fabric, for example, satin or silk, in addition to the sheer fabric.
The fairy's peacock-inspired gossamer-thin wings are transparent against the moon, as compared to the tiger's.
AdvertisementThey also resented the transparent attempt to offer her as the series' female 'sex object', wearing non-standard, revealing outfits while on duty.
Now in the upper right, I select the 'layers' tab, and with the Harry layer selected, I adjust the opacity of the Harry layer to make it as transparent as I'd like.
The process for transparent soaps, also referred to as glycerin soaps, requires the addition of an ingredient such as alcohol to change the composition of the soap.
Consider a transparent light pink or a clear finish that is available for purchase at your local craft or drug store.
The White House Blog reports that President Obama wants to make our government "more transparent," and wishes to "reach beyond the halls of government" to engage the American public.
AdvertisementHe also, by a transparent petitio principii, brought the law of the sufficient reason under that of non-contradiction.
Tests made for several successive years by means of culture media and sterile plates, demonstrated the perfect bacteriologic purity of the air, first drawn into the caverns through myriads of rocky crevices that served as natural filters, then further cleansed by floating over the transparent springs and pools, and finally supplied to the inmates of the sanatorium.
The 19th series (1845) contains an account of his brilliant discovery of the rotation of the plane of polarized light by transparent dielectrics placed in a magnetic field, a relation which established for the first time a practical connexion between the phenomena of electricity and light.
An immediate deduction from Maxwell's theory was that in transparent dielectrics, the dielectric constant or specific inductive capacity should be numerically equal to the square of the refractive index for very long electric waves.
At the time when Maxwell developed his theory the dielectric constants of only a few transparent insulators were known and these were for the most part measured with steady or unidirectional electromotive force.
The only refractive indices which had been measured were the optical refractive indices of a number of transparent substances.
Hence some substances were opaque to them and others transparent.
To bolster up the case a fresh packet of five forged letters was concocted (31st August); but the forgery was transparent, and even Sir William Jones, the attorney-general, though a violent upholder of the plot, dared not produce them as evidence.
The ends of the char-kadd cover the shoulders, but the gauze pirahan is quite transparent.
The mineral is transparent to opaque and white, sometimes greyish, bluish or greenish in colour.
How much more beautiful than our lives, how much more transparent than our characters, are they!
They become almost completely transparent in appearance.
They are available in convenient tubes and can be used to create both opaque and transparent effects.
HungryFrog also offers a French online learning tools on the Transparent website using arcade-style games to teach French.
The pouches are made of materials such as mesh, fishnet, or transparent Lycra.
Great Glam - This website offers possibly the most high tech of selection of transparent bra straps.
If you are searching for a transparent bra strap bra or just transparent straps, there are plenty of options out there available to you.
If you have found that the transparent bra straps you own tend to break, you might want to give the straps made of silicone a try.
As classic as a nurse or French maid, a really lovely bra and panty set with a garter belt, stockings, heels and perhaps a transparent robe or feather boa will never go amiss.
These bras will cover your breasts, but you'll still be able to see everything through the transparent material.
Nylon looks like chiffon and thin weaves can be transparent.
Gregg Homme is one of the more unusual labels that stocks transparent or sheer nylon briefs and boxer briefs.
Chelsey Minx's Micro Mini Thong in White Mesh is done in a sheer mesh fabric that is transparent, very soft and breathable.
They even have fashion-conscious styles like the 770 Truly Transparent line, Samson and Delilah, and the 761 Sculptors.
Wearing a slip is a good way to prevent garment see-through when your dress material is thin or slightly transparent.
Wearing transparent lingerie is one way to add some sizzle and spice to your intimate apparel wardrobe, even if no one sees it but you.
Some lingerie is incredibly sheer, while other pieces use lace and embroidery for a transparent illusion.
You don't have to save your transparent intimates just for evenings in.
It looks as if it would be transparent, but it isn't.
If you're under-eye skin is unusually transparent, you are more likely to exhibit circles no matter what you do.
Transparent drawers let you identify what's inside.
The term "revealing" has different meanings for different people, so one person may think that a transparent lace teddy is quite revealing, while another may find that very modest.
For a romantic encounter, transparent lingerie is sure to make it successful.
Elderly men and women often have skin so transparent it resembles tissue paper.
Amongst the loose tissue of the leaf numerous transparent threads are shown; these are the mycelial threads or spawn of the fungus; wherever they touch the leaf-cells they pierce or break down the tissue, and so set up decomposition, as indicated by the darker shading.
He did not, however, enter into the explanation of particular phenomena, as this had been done already by Laplace, but he pointed out to physicists the advantages of the method of Segner and Gay Lussac, afterwards carried out by Quincke, of measuring the dimensions of large drops of mercury on a horizontal or slightly concave surface, and those of large bubbles of air in transparent liquids resting against the under side of a horizontal plate of a substance wetted by the liquid.
The cell-walls in some forms swell up into a gelatinous mass so that the cell appears to be surrounded in the unstained condition by a clear, transparent space.
Besides the transparent yellowishbrown of the wax when used in its natural state, as it very frequently was used in the earlier middle ages, many other colours, FIG.
The transparent prolonged into the four long tissues allow the enteric cavities and oral arms, perradial in position.
They consist of a varying number of ommatidia or visual elements, covered by a transparent region of the external cuticle forming the cornea.
Substances which were comparatively transparent to heat he designated by the adjective "diathermane," the property being "diathermanate," while for the heattint or heat-coloration produced by passage through different materials he coined the word "diathermansie."
Further, these varieties may be of almost any colour, whereas transparent crystals have only a limited range of colour, being either colourless (rock-crystal), violet (amethyst), brown (smoky quartz) or yellow (citrine).
Another play, La Ultima Noche, also written in 1867, was produced in 1875; but in the latter year Echegaray was already accepted as the successful author of El Libro talonario, played at the Teatro de Apolo on the 18th of February 1874, under the transparent pseudonym of Jorge Hayaseca.
Even the most transparent bodies known absorb an appreciable portion of the light transmitted through them.
The solution is moderately transparent for a large number of rays in the neighbourhood of the green part of the spectrum; it is, on the whole, much more opaque for red rays, but is readily penetrated by certain red rays belonging to a narrow region of the spectrum.
It crystallizes in large transparent cubes, but rapidly dissociates into its constituents on exposure.
Phosphorus tetroxide, P204, was obtained by Thorpe and Tutton by heating the product of the limited combustion of phosphorus in vacuo as a sublimate of transparent, highly lustrous, orthorhombic crystals.
It consists of a thin sheet of transparent gelatinous material 2 or 3 f t.
In front of the aperture were placed a plate of transparent rock-salt, and a flat cell of thin glass containing a solution of iodine in carbon bisulphide.
Both rock-salt and carbon bisulphide are extremely transparent to the luminous and also to the infra-red rays The iodine in the solution, however, has the property of absorbing the luminous rays, while transmitting the infra-red rays copiously, so that in sufficient thicknesses the solution appears nearly black.
The button which distinguishes the first grade is a transparent red stone; the second grade, a red coral button; the third, a sapphire; the fourth, a blue opaque stone; the fifth, a crystal button; the sixth, an opaque white shell button; the seventh, a plain gold button; the eighth, a worked gold button; and the ninth, a worked silver button.
Those nearest to the lens are the corneagen cells of this more elaborated eye, and those between the original retinula cells and the corneagen cells become firm and transparent.
Chian turpentine is a tenacious semi-fluid transparent body, yellow to dull brown in colour, with an agreeable resinous odour and little taste.
Examining the light reflected from the windows of the Luxemburg palace with a doubly refracting prism, he was led to infer (though more refined experiments have shown that this is not strictly the case) that light reflected at a certain angle, called the polarizing angle, from the surface of transparent substances has the same properties with respect to the plane of incidence as those of the ordinary stream in Iceland spar with respect to the principal plane of the crystal.
During a prolonged audience he had received from the pope assurances of private esteem and personal protection; and he trusted to his dialectical ingenuity to find the means of presenting his scientific convictions under the transparent veil of an hypothesis.
A transparent atmosphere and clear horizon are necessary, conditions which can best be secured on a mountain top. The visibility of a light corresponding to the inference was shown by Simon Newcomb, by observations at the top of the Brienzer Rothorn, in 1905.
There is reason to believe that the magnifying power of transparent media with convex surfaces was very early known.
To reduce the aberrations Sir David Brewster proposed to employ in the place of glass transparent minerals of high refractive index and low dispersion.
Since, however, only relatively low powers are now employed, the ordinary rack and pinion movement for focusing suffices, and for the illuminating the object only a mirror below the stage is required when the object is transparent, and a condensing lens above the stage when opaque.
Illumination of transparent objects is effected by the universal-jointed mirror.
When forming an image by a microscope objective it often happens that the transparent media bounding the system have different optical properties.
Very finely divided sub-microscopic particles in liquids or in transparent solids can be examined; and the method has proved exceptionally valuable in the investigation of colloidal solutions.
As, however, the object represents a real image, the problem is to project a transparent diapositive.
He owed his influence partly to his natural genius and partly to the transparent integrity and nobility of his character.
The intine is uniform in different kinds of pollen, thin and transparent, and possesses great power of extension.
Sometimes at the place where they exist, the outer membrane, in place of being thin and transparent, is separated in the form of a lid, thus becoming operculate, as in the passionflower and gourd.
If perfectly transparent ice is required, the two sides of the block are not allowed to join up, and it is then called plate ice, which is often made in very large blocks, afterwards divided by saws or steam cutters.
The Black God climbed a wave as he might a grassy knoll and picked his way across the choppy waters near the beach, walking atop the transparent shallows towards the dark depths beneath the black clouds.
The book was an immortal's, clasped in a flexible leather-like cover with thin, transparent pages.
Transparent and cool, the Springs were the chosen means of deception by Tiyan's warlords to hide their magic while helping their people.
These deliver pragmatic, appropriate, transparent actions leading directly to positive impacts.
The model consists of many small ball bearings trapped in a single layer between two transparent plates.
Among many other innovations are the introduction of transparent ballot boxes, and a provision for future introduction of electronic voting.
Electron transparent cross-sections through the deformed region were prepared using a focused ion beam.
However diamonds are usually thought of as transparent, not red, and they have never been called carbuncles.
Around her neck she wore a choker with a transparent stone.
Are operations transparent, or do things seem to be run by cliques?
In 1968 he was the first couturier to use transparent material.
This Formaldehyde free formula penetrates thick, dry cuticles leaving them soft and transparent.
Whether it's maggi dawn, Kathryn, Daniel, or many others, our identity is transparent.
We will maintain a transparent process with our suppliers as part of the two-way information exchange.
Systems that are characterized by an absence of political choice, transparent governance, economic opportunities and personal freedoms can create incubators for extremism.
We have used the transparent conductor indium tin oxide to fabricated electrode arrays with approximately 500 electrodes spaced at 60 Am.
Use matte to the change the pixel matte value to transparent.
The Commission believes appraisal methodology must be grounded in objective and scientific analysis and be transparent as to its intent.
The freely movable spots by Aura are focussed on the transparent displays.
Natural carnuba wax is derived from a tree native to Brazil, and is nature's hardest, purest and most transparent wax.
The painterly adaptations of her sources impede our ability to read the image as transparent; their surfaces are literally rendered opaque.
You can extract more large otoliths from the head of an adult fish, but they are not transparent and often have irregular shapes.
A system of transparent overlays was also developed to permit even more accurate up dating to be made.
In transparent materials with anisotropic dielectric permittivity, important optical effects can be observed.
Nevertheless they sufficed to attract the eye, when the whole petiole was viewed as a transparent object beneath the microscope.
To assert that He has never in fact spoken thus involves a transparent petitio principii.
This consists of sparking plug with a transparent top which enables you to see the color of the combustion taking place.
These have resulted in the development of new forms of both double glazing and transparent polycarbonate or plastic roof materials.
Using a biodegradable polymer they've created a mobile phone case with a seed embedded in a small transparent window.
The aim of this study was to obtain transparent and conductive polymers using the plasma technique.
A personal preference would be a completely transparent picture - and completely clean disk pressings to go with them!
Are our officers ' negotiations with operators about concessions well documented and sufficiently transparent for us to demonstrate probity?
Then there are dark-field stops, and colored filters for optical staining of the transparent protists I like to observe.
It is a transparent ftp proxy which is released under the GPL.
Do animals that have been bred in captivity for many generations have more transparent skin than their wild relatives?
Package includes resuscitator With Patient Valve, Valve Controlled Oxygen Resevoir Bag, Oxygen Supply Tube And A Transparent Plastic Bag For Storage.
However, it will be not a timber replica but a transparent glass rotunda designed by Lord Foster of Thames Bank.
Fashioned in a matt, transparent material they feature a smooth, slim satin band at the top and have a flat toe seam.
Visual monitoring is facilitated by passing the air through a transparent tube containing silica gel mounted on the control panel.
This allows our speakers to deliver the most open, transparent soundstage possible.
The review is to be a clear, open, transparent process involving stakeholders.
Reasons for approval will make the system more transparent.
The floor is a wire trampoline stretched between the walls with an acoustically transparent catch net below.
I think Calcareous subjects, especially the optically transparent types work best.
The best thing to do is to be completely transparent?
Fundamentally these steps are not sufficiently transparent for citizens, who are eager to know the outcome ", the President added.
The highest layer is totally transparent to the programmer.
The organic corridor took us to an organic door, partially transparent.
Once the MUDding skills are acquired, the process of play becomes transparent.
The higher the value, the further from edge-on, the view has to be for the surface segment to appear transparent.
Video bandwidth of 250MHz ensures that it remains transparent even in the most critical production, presentation, or broadcast applications.
Depending on your perspective, they cover or reveal; depending on the time of day, they cast shadows or seem transparent.
Forward Plan This is a new tool arising from the Local Government Act 2000, to make decision making more transparent.
The specified transparent index represents a pixel that is considered entirely transparent regardless of any alpha value specified for it.
Clear or slightly amber transparent resin is a sign that the glandular trichome is still active.
Soft as a feather, the almost transparent black voile floats gently to the ground when tossed with unbridled passion into the air!
The transparent roof and panoramic windscreen erase the boundary between the interior and the outside world and also ensure a brightly-lit cabin.
Other celebrities who figure in the Lettres under a transparent disguise are Liszt and Mme d'Agoult (known to literature as Daniel Stern), whom she met in Switzerland and entertained for some months at Nohant.
After fusion the mass solidifies to a transparent vitreous solid which dissolves readily in water to form boric acid (q.v.); it is exceedingly hygroscopic and even on standing in moist air becomes opaque through absorption of water and formation of boric acid.
Light from stars at unfathomable distances reaches us in such quantity as to suggest that space itself is absolutely transparent, leaving open the question as to whether there is enough matter scattered through it to absorb a sensible part of the light in its journey of years from the luminous body.
Though it was meant, as he said, to give expression to a simple piety rather than to exhibit a profound knowledge of religious truth, it was the work of a man who knew little of the child mind, and, though it served as an admirable and transparent epitome of his famous Institutes, it was too long and too minute for the instruction of children.
The normal alcohols were found to be transparent to the ultraviolet rays, the normal fatty acids less so.
The homely terseness of his style, his abounding humour - rough, cheery and playful, but irresistible in its simplicity, and occasionally displaying sudden and dangerous barbs of satire - his avoidance of dogmatic subtleties, his noble advocacy of practical righteousness, his bold and open denunciation of the oppression practised by the powerful, his scathing diatribes against ecclesiastical hypocrisy, the transparent honesty of his fervent zeal, tempered by sagacious moderation - these are the qualities which not only rendered his influence so paramount in his lifetime, but have transmitted his memory to posterity as perhaps that of the one among his contemporaries most worthy of our interest and admiration.
It is very transparent for Röntgen rays, whereas paste imitations are opaque.
And when he heaps suspicion, not on Christian dogmas, but on beliefs of which the resemblance to Christian tenets is sufficiently patent, the real aim is so transparent that his method seems to partake rather of the nature of literary eccentricity than of polemical artifice; yet by this disingenuous indirectness he gave his argument that savour of duplicity which ever after clung to the popular conception of deism.
A man in intellect and courage, yet without conceit or bravado; a woman in sensibility and tenderness, yet without shrinking or weakness; a saint in purity of life and devotion of heart, yet without asceticism or religiosity; a knight-errant in hatred of wrong and contempt of baseness, yet without self-righteousness or cynicism; a prince in dignity and courtesy, yet without formality or condescension; a poet in thought and feeling, yet without jealousy or affectation; a scholar in tastes and habits, yet without aloofness or bookishness; a dutiful son, a loving husband, a judicious father, a trusty friend, a useful citizen and an enthusiastic patriot, - he united in his strong, transparent humanity almost every virtue under heaven.
It is a soft, flocculent powder, which on sublimation forms transparent, monoclinic crystals.
Any solid or liquid transparent medium of lenticular form, having either one convex and one flat surface or two convex surfaces whose axes are coincident, may serve as a " magnifier," the essential condition being that it shall refract the rays which pass through it so as to cause widely diverging rays to become either parallel or but slightly divergent.
Package Includes Resuscitator With Patient Valve, Valve Controlled Oxygen Resevoir Bag, Oxygen Supply Tube And A Transparent Plastic Bag For Storage.
Sundry Kit Transparent toiletry kit keeps contents visible to help speed you through airport security checks.
Amethyst Amethyst can vary in color from a pale transparent lilac to deep purple translucent crystal.
Its functionality must be transparent in order to avoid disturbing the user in the process of course building.
The beneficiaries of this training should be selected in a transparent manner.
So it might not be only transparent gifs that could be (mis)used in this manner.
In all transparent pixels the color will be replaced by the specified color.
My ISP, for one, uses transparent proxies.
When combined with the Tablet 's peel-off transparent overlay, this allows tracing, a feat impossible with a mouse.
Lift walls and doors are manufactured from transparent polycarbonate with a choice of alternate finishes and colors available as added choice options.
Fundamentally these steps are not sufficiently transparent for citizens, who are eager to know the outcome, the President added.
Underglaze Decoration applied to pots which are subsequently glazed with a transparent glaze.
Material that seems obvious and unforgettable to project managers at their inception may not be so transparent a few years down the line.
Two similar transparent uniaxial crystals show the same (principal) extraordinary refractive index, n e.
Soft as a feather, the almost transparent black voile floats gently to the ground when tossed with unbridled passion into the air !
Artistic moms can try printing out a Dr. Seuss character onto a transparent sheet of plastic, then projecting it onto the wall for a one-of-a-kind mural.
To really make the theme of your baby nursery transparent, some decals or murals on the walls are a great addition.
The color of opals may vary from almost milky white to red and blue colors, and even a semi transparent orange.
A perfect but extremely rare gem-sized diamond that's transparent with no color is called a white diamond.
Most formal skirts are made form materials that are usually sheer and transparent.
Translucent contacts contain a transparent tint that allows the natural eye color to show through.
Most people think of plexiglass as a clear, transparent sheet but there are many other forms available.
Transparent Colored - These sheets come in various colors but are transparent so you can still see through them.
The larvae are usually about ¼ inch long and almost transparent.
There will be some fees involved, but they should be modest and transparent.
Juniper calls itself a transparent banking card.
Actually, there is the debate of whether gray hair is really gray at all or from the loss of its melanin, simply transparent making it appear to be gray.
If you're just not into sporting a full red pout throughout the day, yet crave the distinct glamour of the shade, simply apply your red lipstick and gently pucker your lips on a tissue until the color is a transparent wash.
The word translucent means clear or transparent.
Because the film is very thin and perfectly transparent, it does not alter the appearance or functionality of the iPad.
It has an interesting editing environment with transparent tools so you can see what's under the tool you are working with.
Glass pots have the advantage of being transparent so cooks can see how their soup is coming along.
Saute the onion in the olive oil until the onion is transparent and fragrant.
Continue stirring until the rice is transparent - about 7-10 minutes.
These tinting pens are transparent and quick drying, making them fairly easy to use.
Beyond that, construction paper, velum, parchment, even transparent sheets will work.
They contain at least one transparent frame area for photos, along with placeholders for layers of background and foreground papers, embellishments, titles, and journaling.
Quick pages (or quickpages) are pre-made scrapbook pages, or templates, with one or more transparent frame areas for you to place over your photos.
The .PNG file format is what allows the frame portion of your template to be transparent so that your photo(s) will show through it.
Occasionally, you may find templates in transparent .GIF file formats, but these may tend to be of lower quality.
Whether it's an extra layer, a base under a transparent top or a top all on its own, this handy garment really is one a girl can't be without.
The word "camisole" derives from Latin, French and Italian and originally referred to a negligee jacket or a garment worn under a transparent top to conceal what back then would have been a corset.
Cover the photos with transparent contact paper.
Delicate swags of transparent fabric in your chosen wedding colors can also add to a beach wedding altar.
Every project is different, but we work primarily with emerging designers and use our unique platform and transparent approach to highlight their role in the creative process.
This hookup, even though it looks to be only of the "just friends" variety is, to most, a very transparent way for fame mongering Tequila to stay in the spotlight.
Slips provide coverage, which is sometimes necessary when dresses are made of more transparent fabric.
One of the best things about the University of Oklahoma CIDL program is that their website is very transparent, which makes it easy to learn about the program and select the coursework that will help you achieve your own goals.
More elaborate designs may even utilize glare-resistant transparent flooring to create intricate displays beneath passengers' feet.
Its leaves are pale yellowish-green, and sometimes almost transparent, becoming 4 or 5 inches long, and occasionally even 7 inches towards the end of the season.
The leaves are thick, fleshy, studded all over with minute transparent dots, and have a fine aromatic smell.
The flowers, borne on slender stems 6 to 12 inches high, are bell-shaped and drooping, more like a Campanula than an Iris, and rich purple in color, which becomes a transparent white in the variety album.
The lustrous white flowers are of a peculiarly delicate texture, the petals somewhat transparent, and yet enduring in a good state for days; their fragrance is delicate.
First act has a philosophy and a transparent business model that makes it much more interesting than the average, large-run production guitar manufacturers out there.
The transparent red finish and custom fit hardshell case round out this excellent package.
A transparent amber finish and a custom fit, hardshell case complete the deal.
It is a transparent, deep penetrating oil-based stain with a fungicidal preservative to protect wood from rot and decay.
Amethyst, for instance, can range from the palest of mauves, to deep purple, and can be transparent or opaque.
Amethyst can be both a clear transparent color as well as a milky opaque and this means that there are many different types of jewelry available.
Faceted gemstones have a greater sparkle and this type of cut is often used with transparent gemstones.
Transparency - Some thin white fabrics can appear transparent in bright sunlight, showing skin and undergarments.
Anita Safina Series Comfort Strap Soft Cup Bra is a three-section soft cup bra with transparent embroidery.
If you wear a transparent blouse, wearing a nude bra is always an option, but you can also wear a bra that matches the color of the top.
The fabric should be light and airy without being transparent.
A completely sheer cup won't provide the coverage you need to avoid a potentially embarrassing, transparent experience.
Lace, skinny straps, demi-cups and transparent material all make beautiful bras, but these types of elements don't often lend the support that women with ample busts need, regardless of their size.
For women who can't see themselves wearing a regular bra under such a transparent top, consider a longline bra, which will give more coverage, but still provide an air of mystery.
Many plus size see-thru teddies are cut in this design and boast a pattern or embroidery that keeps them from being wholly transparent.
He also wrote down information about looking through a transparent surface with the convex side toward the eye.
This style of frames is available in a wide variety of colors, including dark tortoise, black, opale green, transparent violet, transparent burgundy and opale white.
Available in black, dark tortoise, transparent violet, olive and opale white, they feature a large and distinctive company logo at the temples.
If the design is less transparent, the contact can block vision.
The TF 2008B style is transparent with the arms of the frame showing red, while the TF 2008B c. 8016 is red throughout.
Other frames, however, are available as well, including the TF 2007B c. 8026, a delightfully whimsical pink and tortoise colored frame, as well as the TF 2007B c.2008, a transparent and super shiny frame.
Because glass is transparent to UVA, it is not usually the best choice.
Transparent mercury blobs represent your opponant's place on the board and how close you are to winning.
The menu is interesting, and looks like a transparent mirror surrounded by hieroglyph-like symbols.
For example, a character is rendered in isolation with a fully transparent background.
It is pale yellow and almost transparent in the glass.
An oil is first applied to the mole to make the outer layers of skin transparent.
The second stage involves damage to the cornea, the transparent covering of the front of the eye.
Also, jellyfish tentacles may be transparent and up to 120 feet (36.5 m) long; therefore, great caution must be exercised whenever a jellyfish is sighted nearby.
To be suitable for eyeglass lenses, a material must be transparent, without bubbles, and have a high index of refraction.
Lens-The transparent, elastic, curved structure behind the iris (colored part of the eye) that helps focus light on the retina.
The cornea located is a transparent tissue covering the eyeball and can be tested for intactness by lightly brushing a wisp of cotton directly on the outside of the eye.
Spermicides come in many different forms such as jelly, foam, tablets, and even a transparent film.
Vitreous-The transparent gel that fills the back part of the eye.
Peritoneum-The transparent membrane lining the abdominal and pelvic cavities (parietal peritoneum) and the membrane forming the outer layer of the stomach and interstines (visceral peritoneum).
Deep within the outer ear canal is the eardrum, which is a thin, transparent membrane that vibrates in response to sound.
Right before ovulation, cervical mucus becomes slippery and transparent, similar in consistency to raw egg whites.
When a suit is wet it becomes very transparent and if you don't want others to see those intimate parts of you, it's important to test it out.
Be careful when wearing it since the gauze fabric becomes transparent when it gets wet and will reveal everything it covers!
Transparent bikinis are either completely see-through or made from ultra sheer fabric.
Even though the effect is most evident when wet, the bikini will be somewhat transparent to people standing close to you.
Tiegs was wearing a white mesh one piece during one shoot, and the moment she hit the water it became transparent.
If G strings raise the temperature, transparent swimwear might just break the thermometer.
Transparent swimwear tends to work best for people that prefer to tan without any of those annoying tan lines, but when you really look at it, can you imagine anything more sexy, or scandalous, than this swim style?
Super model Cheryl Tiegs was clad in a white fishnet swimsuit that looked perfectly decent on the beach, but once she hit the water, the suit became transparent.
Small transparent swimsuits are also "must have" costumes for professional exotic dancers.
It can be preferable to totally transparent swimwear since the material is quick-drying and still offers a modicum of coverage.
Depending on the style you choose, sheer swimsuits do not look any more transparent wet than they do when they're dry.
Although not completely transparent, some styles, especially mesh suits, can be quite revealing.
Not for the faint of heart or for every venue, sheer transparent swimwear is sure to get you noticed if you're brave enough to wear it.
Just make sure you know which one you're getting when you buy because you don't want to take a dip in the family pool only to see that your top is transparent when you climb out!
While most transparent swimsuits are made in a bikini style, you can still find one-piece designs available if you prefer the coverage they offer.
What can you expect to find in the sheer transparent swimwear market?
Not as transparent as other swimwear on the market, but still sexy, this is a perfect pool side outfit for sipping your favorite cool drinks and just taking in all the action.
Some family-friendly beaches prohibit items such as thong bottoms and transparent bathing suits, so be aware of your location before showing up in such a revealing suit.
Although the suit had been opaque when dry, it became quite transparent as soon as Cheryl had taken a dip in the water.
This is more so true for white swimwear versus other colors, but when in doubt, sprinkle your suit before you reach the pool or beach, to make sure water doesn't render it transparent.
Another way you can decide if a see-through style is for you is to shop for a traditional swimsuit, but purchase one in a color that can be transparent.
The G-6 styles are especially hot, as they have a transparent outsole with court-style traction, letting you see into the quality construction of the sole.
He grabbed one of the Immortal books, fingering the soft, leather-like cover and transparent pages.
Although Mount Everest appears fairly bright at 100 miles' distance, as seen from the neighbourhood of Darjeeling, we cannot suppose that the atmosphere is as transparent as is implied in the above numbers; and, of course, this is not to be expected, since there is certainly suspended matter to be reckoned with.
During this stage the cuticle draws away from the imaginal cuticle which is forming beneath, ultimately becoming separated as a thin transparent pellicle through which the form of the adult can be seen.
Boron dissolves in molten aluminium, and on cooling, transparent, almost colourless crystals are obtained, possessing a lustre, hardness and refractivity near that of the diamond.
No opening into the body-cavity has been made; the organs which lie in the coiled visceral hump show through its transparent walls.
After some time the contents of the pan begin to clear and become in the end very transparent.
This, when cast into forms and allowed to harden and dry slowly, comes out as transparent soap. A class of transparent soap may also be made by the cold process, with the use of coco-nut oil, castor oil and sugar.
It is generally more or less translucent, and large masses of it are quite transparent.
In 5802 she published the first of her really noteworthy books, the novel of Delphine, in which the "femme incomprise" was in a manner introduced to French literature, and in which she herself and not a few of her intimates appeared in transparent disguise.
Thin splinters and the sharp edges of fragments are transparent.
We conclude that, with a grating composed of transparent and opaque parts, the utmost light obtainable in any one spectrum is in the first, and there amounts to I/wr 2, or about 6, and that for this purpose W a and d must be equal.
The light stopped by the opaque parts of the grating, together with that distributed in the central image and lateral spectra, ought to make up the brightness that would be found in the central image, were all the apertures transparent.
The outstanding feature of his life was a transparent simplicity and saintliness of spirit, and the testimony of his contemporaries to his godliness is unanimous.
The geometrical theory first requires a consideration of the path of a ray of light falling upon a transparent sphere.
The cell body, or cytoplasm, is apparently composed of a fine reticulum or network, containing within the meshes a soft viscid, transparent substance, the cell-sap, or hyaloplasm, which is probably a nutrient material to the living cell.
This term has been applied to several of the transparent homogeneous appearances found in pathological conditions.
It is now commonly used to indicate the transparent homogeneous structureless swellings which are found affecting the smaller arteries and the capillaries.
Early Assyrian glass is represented in the British Museum by a vase of transparent greenish glass found in the north-west palace of Nineveh.
The Romans had at their command, of transparent colours, blue, green, purple or amethystine, amber, brown and rose; of opaque colours, white, black, red, blue, yellow, green and orange.
There are many shades of transparent blue and of opaque blue, yellow and green.
In these every colour and every shade of colour seem to have been tried in groat variety of combination with effects more or less pleasing, but transparent violet or purple appears to have been the most common ground colour.
One variety is that in which transparent brown glass is so mixed with opaque white and blue as to resemble onyx.
The ground of these cameo glasses is most commonly transparent blue, but sometimes opaque blue, purple or dark brown.
Avanturine glass, that in which numerous small particles of copper are diffused through a transparent yellowish or brownish mass, was not invented until about 1600.
What these vapours are like is not known in many cases, since, as a rule, they can be produced only at very high temperatures, precluding the use of transparent vessels.
Transparent glass seems to have been first introduced in the reign of Sargon.
Chemically pure sand is silicon dioxide (SiO 2) or quartz, a clear transparent glass-like mineral, but as ordinarily met with, it is more or less impure and generally coloured reddish or yellowish by oxide of iron.
They are transparent leaf-like organisms and may often be found attached to the skin, mouth, nostrils or gills of fish; on the skin and bladder of Amphibia; and on those of certain Reptilia.
Besides the imposing proportions of its chambers, the cavern is remarkable for the variegated beauty of its stalactite formations, some resembling transparent drapery, others waterfalls, trees, animals or human beings, the more grotesque being called by various fanciful appellations.
A third kind of inlaying, peculiar to Japan, is sumi-zogan (ink-inlaying), so called because the inlaid design gives the impression of having been painted with Indian ink beneath the transparent surface of the metal.
Thus, having pierced a spray of flowers in a thin sheet of shibuichi, the artist fits a slender rim of gold, silver or shakudo to the petals, leaves and stalks, so that an effect is produced of transparent blossoms outlined in gold, silver or purple.
They did not, indeed, achieve their ideal, but they did succeed in producing some exquisitely lustrous glazes of the, tlamb type, rich transparent brown passing into claret color, with flecks or streaks of white and clouds of iron dust.
He cannot, like them, cover the greater part of a specimens surface with a lacework of transparent decoration, exciting wonder that pate deprived so greatly of continuity could have been manipulated without accident.
The small eyes are some- T y p h l o p s bra- times covered by transparent shields.
Light-yellow monoclinic needles of 2KAuC1 4 H 2 O are deposited from warm, strongly acid solutions, and transparent rhombic tables of KAuCl 4.2H 2 O from neutral solutions.
Shaftesbury took great pains in the elaboration of his style, and he succeeded so far as to make his meaning transparent.
The normal nitrate, Bi(N03)3.5H20, is obtained in large transparent asymmetric prisms by evaporating a solution of the metal in nitric acid.
The eyes are well developed, with numerous facets; the antennae minal one shaped like that of the are transparent, with few nervures, flight.
There is a distinct relationship between colour and transparency in the ocean; the most transparent water which is the most free from plankton is always the purest blue, while an increasing turbidity is usually associated with an increasing tint of green.
It is opaque, except in exceedingly thin slices, such as made for microscopic investigation, which are imperfectly transparent, and of a dark brown colour by transmitted light.
Every page is marked by transparent sincerity, and reflects the beautiful character of "holy George Herbert."
It crystallizes in large transparent prisms, which melt on heating and decompose, leaving a residue of metaphosphoric acid, (HP03).
Again, we may split a narrow beam of light by partial reflexion from a transparent plate, and recombine the constituent beams after they have traversed different circuits of nearly equivalent lengths, so as to obtain interference fringes.
Hull published accounts of an exact and extensive research, in which the principle had been fully and precisely confirmed as regards both transparent and opaque bodies.
It is a colourless transparent glass mass, which dissolves in boiling water to form a thick liquid.
Graphite is black and opaque, whilst diamond is colourless and transparent; it is one of the softest (H= I) of minerals, and diamond the hardest of all; it is a good conductor of electricity, whilst diamond is a bad conductor.
They are transparent, very hard and absolutely permanent in the air.
Ablepharus, the lower eyelid is transformed into a transparent cover which is fused with the rim of the reduced upper lid.
Seps, of the Mediterranean countries and south-western Asia, has a transparent disk on the lower eyelid which is movable; limbs very short or reduced to mere vestiges.
He was transparent in character, chivalrous, kindly, firm, eloquent and sagacious; his purity of motive and unselfishness commanded absolute confidence; he had originality and initiative in dealing with new and difficult circumstances, and great aptitude for business details.
The eyes are refractive globules set in a cup of red pigment traversed by a nerve fibre, and lie on the proximal side of the body, directly on the postero-dorsal surface of the brain, or at a little distance from it, on the neck, often within the circle on the corona, and usually well within the transparent body.
The order of the successive colours in all colourless transparent media is red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
If the powder of a transparent substance is immersed in a liquid of the same refractive index, the mixture becomes transparent and a measurement of the refractive index of the liquid gives the refractivity of the powder.
Only very thin layers are sufficiently transparent to show the dispersion near or within an absorption band, and a large refracting angle is not required, the dispersion usually being very considerable.
If suitable values are chosen for these constants, the formula can be made to represent the dispersion of ordinary transparent media within the visible spectrum very well, but when extended to the infra-red region it often departs considerably from the truth, and it fails altogether in cases of anomalous dispersion.
It is of a pale brown colour, transparent, brittle, and in consequence of its agreeable odour is used for fumigation and in perfumery.
A pyloric caecum connected with the stomach is commonly found, containing a tough flexible cylinder of transparent cartilaginous appearance, called the " crystalline style " (Mactra).
In Stanzas written in Dejection near Naples the two lines 4, 5, "The purple noon's transparent might, I The breath of the moist earth is light," were printed in the 1st edition, "` The purple noon's transparent light," owing to the homoeographon " might" "light."
Real larch turpentine is a thick tenacious fluid, of a deep yellow colour, and nearly transparent; it does not harden by time; it contains 15% of the essential oil of turpentine, also resin, succinic, pinic and sylvic acids, and a bitter extractive matter.
A typical resin is a transparent or translucent mass, with a vitreous fracture and a faintly yellow or brown colour, inodorous or having only a slight turpentine odour and taste.
The hard transparent resins, such as the copals, dammars, mastic and sandarach, are principally used for varnishes and cement, while the softer odoriferous oleo-resins (frankincense, turpentine, copaiba) and gum-resins containing essential oils (ammoniacum, asafoetida, gamboge, myrrh, scammony) are more largely used for therapeutic purposes and incense.
Hydrogen still remains transparent.
All Kirchhoff's further conclusions are based on the assumption that the radiation transmitted through a partially transparent body can be expressed in term,s.
Young, according to which the dark line observed in the centre of each component of the sodium doublet in a Bunsen burner is transparent to a radiation placed behind.
The name referred to the contrast between its water and that of the transparent lakes to the east.
He then describes a new compass with a needle thrust through a pivoted axis, placed in a box with transparent cover, cross index of brass or silver, divided circle, and an external "rule" or alhidade provided with a pair of sights.
Faraday had for a long time kept in view the possibility of using a ray of polarized light as a means of investigating the condition of transparent bodies when acted on by electric and magnetic forces.
The first evidence which he obtained of the rotation of the plane of polarization of light under the action of magnetism was on the 13th of September 1845, the transparent substance being his own heavy glass.