Transmitted Sentence Examples
The internal organs are shown as seen by transmitted light.
The virus is transmitted to humans by mosquito bites.
In truth, the raw information funneled to us was transmitted as received after passing through our office.
The transmitted signals or electric impulses, which on a land line are sharply defined when received, become attenuated and prolonged in the case of a long cable, and are unable to actuate the.
There were no doubt in the earliest times popular songs orally transmitted and perhaps books - of annals and laws, but except in so far as remnants meat- of them are embedded in the biblical books, they have Scrip- entirely disappeared.
Dying in 1387, he transmitted Naples to his son Ladislaus, who had no children, and was followed in 1414 by his sister Joan II.
Besides definite works of this kind, there was also being formed during this period a large body of exegetical and legal material, for the most part orally transmitted, which only received its literary form much later.
The histological elements of this portion remain distinct both by transmitted light and in actual sections.
The chemical knowledge of Egyptian metallurgists and jewellers, he holds, was early transmitted to the artisans of Rome, and was preserved throughout the dark ages in the workshops of Italy and France until about the 13th century, when it was mingled with the theories of the Greek alchemists which reached the West by way of the Arabs.
This is that portion, also, where in the spring, the ice being warmed by the heat of the sun reflected from the bottom, and also transmitted through the earth, melts first and forms a narrow canal about the still frozen middle.
AdvertisementThey were unanimous in regarding ministerial service as mainly pastoral; preaching, administering the sacraments and visiting from house to house; and, further, in perceiving that Christian ministers must be also spiritual rulers, not in virtue of any magical influence transmitted from the Apostles, but in virtue of their election by the Church and of their appointment in the name of the Lord Jesus.
I believe if his story were impartially transmitted and the unprejudiced world well possessed with it, she would add him to her nine worthies.
The word is still sometimes employed in this sense, as of the ship's telegraph, by means of which orders are mechanically transmitted from the navigating bridge to the engine room, but when used without qualification it usually denotes telegraphic apparatus worked by electricity, whether the signals that express the words of the message are visual, auditory or written.
For working " double current," two sets of accumulators are provided, one set to send the positive and the other set the negative currents; that is to say, when, for example, a double current Morse key is pressed down it sends, say, a positive current from one set, but when it is allowed to rise to its normal position then a negative current is transmitted from the second set of accumulators.
An important modification of this method enables not only audible signals but articulated words to be transmitted, and gives thus a system of wireless telephony.
AdvertisementWhen the connecting string is held taut and sounds, such as those of ordinary speech, are produced in front of one of the membranes, pulses corresponding to the fluctuations of the atmospheric pressure are transmitted along the string and communicated to the other membrane, which in its turn communicates them to the air, thus reproducing the sound.
It still lived on, however, in the lower strata of Christian society; and in certain undercurrents of tradition it was transmitted from century to .century.
Interrupting one another, they all gave, and transmitted, orders as to how to proceed, reprimanding and reproaching him.
He sat in the only seat in the tiny craft, studying Ne'Rin, who transmitted from A'Ran's battle command center on the moon that was his interim home.
A ray of light is directed upon the mirror, and the motion of the latter, due to the varying strengths and direction of the received currents, is made to write the transmitted signals upon a strip of bromide photographic paper about three inches wide.
AdvertisementIn the same year numerous experiments were tried with the assistance of an Italian battleship, the " Carlo Alberto," lent by the Italian government, and messages were transmitted from Poldhu to Kronstadt, to Spezia, and also to Sydney in Nova Scotia.
Speech has been habitually transmitted for business purposes over a distance of 1542.3 m., viz., over the lines of the American Telegraph and Telephone Company from Omaha to Boston.
Pupin showed that by placing inductance coils in circuit, at distances apart of less than half the length of the shortest component wave to be transmitted, a non-uniform conductor could be made approximately equal to a uniform conductor.
The kingdom of Italy, transmitted on his death by Charles the Great, and afterwards Confirmed to his grandson Lotbar by the peace of Verdun in 843, stretched from the Alps to Terracina.
By means of vibrations or shocks transmitted through the - Sub water, or by displacements in the balance or position of the animal, the otoliths are caused to impinge against the bristles of the sensory cells, now on one side, now on the other, causing shocks or stimuli which are transmitted by the basal nerve-fibre to the central nervous system.
AdvertisementWhen a character is said to be transmitted, or to be correlated with another character, the biometricist declares the statement valueless without numerical estimations of the inheritance or correlation.
The weight W 1 carried by the part of the frame supported by the wheel (whose diameter is D) is transmitted first to the pins P 1, P2, which are fixed to the frame, and then to the spring links L 1, L2, which are jointed at their respective ends to the spring S, the centre of which rests on the axle-box.
The fundamental difference between the two methods is that while the mechanical energy developed by a steam engine is in the first case applied directly to the driving-axle of the locomotive, in the second case it is transformed into electrical energy, transmitted over relatively long distances, and retransformed into mechanical energy on the driving-axles of the train.
And if the work of criticism has brought a fuller appreciation of the value of these facts, the debt which is owed to the Jews is enhanced when one proceeds to realize the immense difficulties against which those who transmitted the Old Testament had to contend in the period of Greek domination.
From the text which Philo uses, it is probable that the translation had been transmitted in writing; and his legend probably fixes the date of the commencement of the undertaking for the reign of Ptolemy Lagus.
As Gaston left only daughters, the viscounty passed at his death to the family of Foix, from whom it was transmitted through the houses of Grailly and Albret to the Bourbons, and they, in the person of Henry IV., king of Navarre, made it an apanage of the crown of France.
The Stoics explained it as a transmission of the perceived quality of the object, by means of the sense organ, into the percipient's mind, the quality transmitted appearing as a disturbance_or impression upon the corporeal surface of that " thinking thing," the soul.
Occasionally, the virus is transmitted by the mosquitoes to humans.
High frequency sounds transmitted through the ear or pressure points of the body releases energy from the cortex of the brain.
Infection can also be transmitted through sharing of cups, silverware, or eating utensils, or by coughing or sneezing.
Some halophytes tend - to lose their succulence when cultivated in a nonsaline soil; and some non-halophytes tend to become succulent when cultivated in a salty soil; there is, it need scarcely be stated, little or no evidence that such characters are transmitted.
Modified though never essentially changed, (1) by contact with the star-worship of the Chaldaeans, who identified Mithras with Shamash, god of the sun,(2) by the indigenous Armenian religion and other local Asiatic faiths and (3) by the Greeks of Asia Minor, who identified Mithras with Helios, and contributed to the success of his cult by equipping it for the first time with artistic representations (the famous Mithras relief originated in the Pergamene school towards the 2nd century B.C.), Mithraism was first transmitted to the Roman world during the 1st century B.C. by the Cilician pirates captured by Pompey.
The doctrines and the works the works of Aristotle had been transmitted by the of Aris- Nestorians to the Arabs, and among those kept alive by a tole.
The analysis of the specific variations of organic form so as to determine what is really the nature and limitation of a single " character " or " individual variation," and whether two such true and strictly defined single variations of a single structural unit can actually " blend " when one is transmitted by the male parent and the other by the female parent, are matters which have yet to be determined.
Lamarck had put forward the hypothesis that structural alterations acquired by (that is to say, superimposed upon) a parent in the course of its life are transmitted to the offspring, and that, as these structural alterations are acquired by an animal or plant in consequence of the direct action of the environment, the offspring inheriting them would as a consequence not unfrequently start with a greater fitness for those conditions than its parents started with.
Whether such acquired characters can be transmitted to the next generation is a separate question.
Nevertheless it has been assumed, and also indirectly argued, that such acquired characters must be transmitted.
Darwin himself, influenced by the consideration of certain classes of facts which seem to favour the Iamarckian hypothesis, was of the opinion that acquired characters are in some cases transmitted.
The one fact which the Lamarckians can produce in their favour is the account of experiments by Brown-Sequard, in which he produced epilepsy in guinea-pigs by section of the large nerves or spinal cord, and in the course of which he was led to believe that in a few rare instances the artificially produced epilepsy and mutilation of the nerves was transmitted.
If a character of much longer standing (certain properties of height, length, breadth, colour, &c.) had not become fixed and congenital after many thousands of successive generations of individuals had developed it in response to environment, but gave place to a new character when new moulding conditions operated on an individual (Lamarck's first law), why should we suppose that the new character is likely to become fixed and transmitted by mere heredity after a much shorter time of existence in response to environmental stimulus ?
Though an acquired or " superimposed " character is not transmitted to offspring as the consequence of the action of the external agencies which determine the " acquirement," yet the tendency to react to such agencies possessed by the parent is transmitted and may be increased and largely developed by survival, if the character developed by the reaction is valuable.
Aptitudes and want of aptitude, which are innate and constitutional, are transmitted to offspring, but not the results of experience, education and training.
Later investigations by Fraunhofer, Airy and others have greatly widened the field, and under the head of " diffraction " are now usually treated all the effects dependent upon the limitation of a beam of light, as well as those which arise from irregularities of any kind at surfaces through which it is transmitted, or at which it is reflected.
This indefiniteness of images is sometimes said to be due to diffraction by the edge of the aperture, and proposals have even been made for curing it by causing the transition between the interrupted and transmitted parts of the primary wave to be less abrupt.
The above observations relate to transmitted light, but Fraunhofer extended his inquiry to the light reflected.
We will next suppose that the light is transmitted by a slit, and inquire what is the effect of varying the width of the slit upon the illumination at the projection of its centre.
So far we have only considered rays of homogeneous light, and it remains to investigate how lights of varying refrangibilities will be transmitted.
This was notably the case with some of the Aristotelian writings, so that in this field, as in some others, the Syriac writers handed on the torch of Greek thought to the Arabs, by whom it was in turn transmitted to medieval Europe.
The psychopathic, the tubercular, the rickety, and the gouty constitution may all be transmitted through a line of ascendants, and only require the necessary exciting agents to render them apparent.
A distinction must be drawn between the above and diseases, like syphilis and small-pox, in which the contagion of, not the tendency to, the disease is transmitted directly to the foetus in utero.
The reaction with iodine is seen best by direct light; the reactions with the other substances are visible only by transmitted light.
Jerome followed, often carelessly, the accounts contained in the lost work of Suetonius De Viris Illustribus, written about two centuries after the death of Lucretius; and, although it is likely that Suetonius used the information transmitted by earlier grammarians, there is nothing to guide us to the original sources.
Consequently it is very difficult to reconcile the accounts of this district, as transmitted by ancient authors, with its present aspect and the distribution of the streams which water it.
There is also an intermediate stage in which the glass has a rusty red colour by reflected light, and a purpleblue colour by transmitted light.
All the other examples have the lower portion covered in like manner by a network of circles standing nearly a quarter of an inch from the body of the cup. An example connected with the specimens just described is the cup belonging to Baron Lionel de Rothschild; though externally of an opaque greenish colour, it is by transmitted light of a deep red.
Any additional pressure applied to the fluid will be y transmitted equally to every point in the case of a liquid; this principle of the transmissibility of 1 1 pressure was enunciated by Pascal, 1653, and FIG.
On the 1st of August 1907 the Belgian minister in London transmitted to Sir Edward Grey a draft, additional act prepared by the commission for carrying out the proposal of His Britannic Majesty's government, and on the 28th of August following an additional act was signed at Brussels by the plenipotentiaries of the contracting parties, by which they undertook to maintain the convention of the 5th of March 1902 in force for a fresh period of five years.
Each event is related in the words of eye-witnesses or contemporaries transmitted to the final narrator through a chain of intermediate reporters (rawis), each of whom passed on the original report to his successor.
Often, too, one event or one important detail is told in several ways on the basis of several contemporary statements transmitted to the final narrator through distinct lines of tradition.
The pardon transmitted by the secretary of state is applied by the supreme court, who grant the necessary orders to the magistrates in whose custody the convict is.
The sun shining, he fixed a round glass speculum (orbem e vitro) in a window-shutter, and then closing it the images of outside objects would be seen transmitted through the aperture on to the opposite wall, or better, a white paper screen suitably placed.
The two greatest masters of Japanese poetry were Hitomaro and Akahito, both of the early 8th century, and next to them stands Tsurayuki, who flourished at the beginning of the 10th century, and is not supposed to have transmitted his mantle to any successor.
The Imari ware, even though its thick biscuit and generally ungraceful shapes be omitted from the account, shows no enamels that can rival the exquisitely soft, broken tints of the famille rose; and the Kakiemon porcelain, for all its rich though chaste contrasts, lacks the delicate transmitted tints of the shell-like kwan-yao.
To the theory of knowledge Spencer contributes a "transfigured realism," to mediate between realism and idealism, and the doctrine that "necessary truths," acquired in experience and congenitally transmitted, are a priori to the individual, though a posteriori to the race, to mediate between empiricism and apriorism.
During the 140 days of his imprisonment there he wrote the marvellous Iambes (in alternate lines of 12 and 8 syllables), which hiss and stab like poisoned bullets, and which were transmitted to his family by a venal gaoler.
A high ideal of culture, literary as well as practical, was realized in Germanicus, which seems to have been transmitted to his daughter Agrippina, whose patronage of Seneca had important results in the next generation.
This telegram might have exercised the most prejudicial influence on the course of the battle had not Ladmirault (4th Corps), nearer to the seat of the imaginary danger, taken upon himself to disregard the warning transmitted to him by headquarters.
The cavalry of the Saxons had established the fact that the French had not retreated northward, but though scouts from the Guard had already seen the enemy on the heights of St Privat, this information had not yet reached headquarters, nor had it been transmitted to the IX.
He accordingly transmitted his orders, and the and brigade was the first to attempt their execution.
Events which greatly affected the physical condition of the human race, or were of a nature to make a deep impression on the minds of the rude inhabitants of the earth, might be vaguely transmitted through several ages by traditional narrative; but intervals of time, expressed by abstract numbers, and these constantly varying besides, would soon escape the memory.
It was ably argued by Sir George Cornewall Lewis, in connexion with his inquiries into early Roman history, that a verbal tradition is not transmitted from one generation to another in anything like an authentic form for a longer period than about a century.
If, then, the art of writing was unknown in Greece before, let us say, the 6th century B.C., it would be useless to expect that any events of Grecian history prior to about the 7th century B.C. could have been transmitted to posterity with any degree of historical accuracy.
It is believed to have been in use from the very time of its origin; for the observations of eclipses which were collected in Chaldaea by Callisthenes, the general of Alexander, and transmitted by him to Aristotle, were for the greater part referred to the beginning of the reign of Nabonassar, founder of the kingdom of the Babylonians.
That whatever he did was done for the service of God, that success or failure depended on the inscrutable will of the Almighty and not on himself, were his guiding convictions, which he transmitted to his successors.
At times details in the transmitted material are unintelligible to our author, and these in some cases he omits referring to in his interpretation.
It is opaque, except in exceedingly thin slices, such as made for microscopic investigation, which are imperfectly transparent, and of a dark brown colour by transmitted light.
The substitution of machinery for hand labour in cutting coal has long been a favourite problem with inventors, the earliest plan being that of Michael Meinzies, in 1761, who proposed to work a heavy pick underground by power transmitted from an engine at the surface, through the agencies of spear-rods and chains passing over pulleys; but none of the methods suggested proved to be practically successful until the general introduction of compressed air into mines furnished a convenient motive power, susceptible of being carried to considerable distances without any great loss of pressure.
In the first kind the work done is converted into heat; in the second it is transmitted, after measurement, for use.
The essential part of many transmission dynamometers is a spring whose deformation indirectly measures the magnitude of the force transmitted through it.
In spring dynamometers designed to measure a transmitted torque, the mechanical problem of ascertaining the change of form of the spring is complicated by the fact that the spring and the whole apparatus are rotating together.
The change in the distance d is proportional to the change in the torque transmitted from the shaft to the pulley.
A torque applied to the shaft A can be transmitted to D, neglecting friction, without change only if the central pulley K is held from turning; the torque required to do this is twice the torque transmitted.
No traces of this Persian translation can now be found, but nearly two centuries later, Abdallah-ibn-Mokaffa translated the Persian into Arabic; and his version, which is known as the "Book of Kalilah and Dimna," from the two jackals in the first story, became the channel through which a knowledge of the fables was transmitted to Europe.
Stanley, in response to Mutesa's questions about religion, obtained from that king an invitation to Anglican missionaries, which he transmitted to London through the Daily Telegraph.'
A supplementary statement of births, deaths and marriages for each parish was required from the clergy, who transmitted it to parliament through the bishops and primates successively.
Thus a push or a compression of the X air is transmitted onwards in the direction OX.
Thecurrent being alternately transmitted and shut off, as a hole passes on and off the aperture of the tube or bellows, causes a vibratory motion of the air, whose frequency depends on the number of times per second that a perforation passes the mouth of the tube.
John Frederick, who had retained and transmitted to his descendants the title of duke of Saxony, forbade his sons to divide their inheritance; but his wishes were respected only until after the death of his eldest son in 1565.
Thus if the members are pinned together, the, joint consisting of a single circular pin, the centre of which lies in the axis of the piece, it is clear that the direction of the only stress which can be transmitted from pin to pin will coincide with this axis.
Between the Conquest and the 14th century the earldom of Kent was held successively by Odo, bishop of Bayeux, William of Ypres and Hubert de Burgh (sheriff of the county in the reign of Henry III.), none of whom, however, transmitted the honour, which was bestowed by Edward I.
How far such adaptations are produced afresh in each generation, whether or no their effects are transmitted to descendants and so directly modify the stock, to what extent adaptations characteristic of a species or variety have come about by selection of individuals capable, in each generation, of responding favourably, or how far by the selection of individuals fortuitously suitable to the environment, or, how far, possibly by the inheritance of the responses to the environment, are problems of biology not yet definitely solved.
They were transmitted from India by Buddhist missionaries to China, but remained in abeyance until the Jesuit reform of Chinese astronomy in the 17th century.
The Hindu zodiacal constellations belong then to an earlier epoch than the Chinese " stations," such as they have been transmitted to our acquaintance.
He was one of the evil demons of the seven planets, the Maskim of the ancient Akkadian religion, a conception transmitted through the Chaldeans, the Babylonians and the Jewish Kabbala to medieval and modern astrologers and magicians.
His speech against peace with Pyrrhus was the first that was transmitted to writing, and thereby laid the foundation of prose composition.
But even before the conquest by Alexander the Bithynians appear to have asserted their independence, and successfully maintained it under two native princes, Bas and Zipoetes, the last of whom transmitted his power to his son Nicomedes I., the first to assume the title of king.
He is the industrious compiler who gathered up the remnants of the learning of his predecessors and transmitted them to posterity.
The Arabic translations of Aristotle passed from the East to the West by being transmitted through the Arab dominions in northern Africa to Spain, which had been conquered by the Arabs in the 8th century.
The scholars of the Byzantine age cannot be compared with the great Alexandrians, but they served to maintain the continuity of tradition by which the Greek classics selected by the critics of Alexandria were transmitted to modern Europe.
Before 1525 the study of Greek had begun to decline in Italy, but meanwhile an interest in that language had been transmitted to the lands beyond the Alps.
The freedom with which they used each other's work, and with which the early texts were transmitted, excludes this.
Hence we see that if one unit is derived from another it may be possible, by the similarity or difference of the forms of the curves, to discern whether it was derived by general consent and recognition from a standard in the same condition of distribution as that in which we know it, or whether it was derived from it in earlier times before it became so varied, or by some one action forming it from an individual example of the other standard without any variation being transmitted.
It should be borne in mind that in early times the larger values, such as minae, would be transmitted by commerce, while after the introduction of coinage the lesser values of shekels and drachmae would be the units; and this needs notice, because usually a borrowed unit was multiplied or divided according to the ideas of the borrowers, and strange modifications thus arose.
If the refractive index is, for instance, the same for both in the case of green light, and a source of white light is viewed through the mixture, the green component will be completely transmitted, while the other colours are more or less scattered by multiple reflections and refractions at the surfaces of the powdered substance.
Wood, when white light is transmitted through a paste made of powdered quartz and a mixture of carbon bisulphide with benzol having the same refractive index as the quartz for yellow light.
P. Leroux discovered that iodine vapour refracted the red rays more than the violet, the intermediate colours not being transmitted; and in 1870 Christiansen found that an alcoholic solution of fuchsine refracted the violet less than the red, the order of the successive colours being violet, red, orange, yellow; the green being absorbed and a dark interval occurring between the violet and red.
Such bodies show strong absorption bands in those colours which they reflect, while of the transmitted light that which is of a slightly greater wave-length than the absorbed light has an abnormally great refrangibility, and that of a slightly shorter wave-length an abnormally small refrangibility.
Thus if a horizontal slit is illuminated by an arc lamp, and the light - rendered parallel by a collimating lens - is transmitted through the sodium tube and focused on the vertical slit of a spectroscope, the effect of the sodium vapour is to produce its refraction spec trum vertically on the slit.
Here the light corresponding to the space between the D lines is transmitted, being strongly refracted upward near D I, and downward near D 2.
Thus the ether within the dispersive medium is loaded with molecules which are forced to perform oscillations of the same period as that of the transmitted wave.
Of these the Mahommedan, though of comparatively late date, are distinguished by the excellent manner in which they have been transmitted to us, as well as by their impartiality.
The votes are transmitted to Washington, and there opened by the president of the Senate, in the presence of both houses of Congress, and counted.
His treatise on Conics gained him the title of The Great Geometer, and is that by which his fame has been transmitted to modern times.
When the instrument was played, the vibrations were transmitted silently, and became audible in the lyre, which thus appeared to play of itself.
Texts may be either autographs or they may be transmitted texts; the latter, again, being immediate copies of autographs or copies of copies in any degree.
The importance of this must be borne in mind when we are dealing with transmitted texts, which have passed through many stages of copying.
This begins with the investigation of its traditional or transmitted form.
When this is done we shall have the materials for pronouncing a judgment upon the text as directly transmitted.
A text so transmitted must in the lapse of time be profoundly though insensibly modified, its forms and expressions modernized, and, if widely disseminated, local variations introduced into it.
Even where, as in the Vedas, the sacred books of India, there is proof that the work has been transmitted without change through many centuries, the existence of unintelligible passages and unmetrical verses shows that here too there is work for textual criticism to perform, though in the opinion of most scholars it should be confined to the restoration of such forms as would be unconsciously and inevitably corrupted through changes of pronunciation and the like.
For the bettering of the transmitted text we can call in aids of a C D partial or subsidiary character which are known in general as testimonia.
At certain epochs in the transmission of literature systematic efforts have been made to improve the transmitted texts, and these efforts have naturally been accompanied by a good deal of emendation both successful and unsuccessful.
The fidelity of a scribe has to be judged chiefly by internal tests, and these are best applied to his work in passages where there is no reasonable doubt of the correctness of the transmitted text.
The "conservative" critic's chief concern is for the safety of the traditional and by preference the transmitted text.
This strange, exotic, ascetic view was adopted by some philosophers, and especially by the Pythagoreans, and so transmitted to Plato.
Italian though he was by birth, education and nature, France owed him a great debt for his skilful management during the early years of Louis XIV., and the king owed him yet more, for he had not only transmitted to him a nation at peace, but had educated for him his great servants Le Tellier, Lionne and Colbert.
All Kirchhoff's further conclusions are based on the assumption that the radiation transmitted through a partially transparent body can be expressed in term,s.
The particular persons whose virtue is to be transmitted lay their hands on the head or shoulders of the consecrand, e.g.
If he is to be believed, at the bottom of all organic evolution organic impulses becoming habits produce structural changes, which are transmitted by heredity; and as an impulse thus gradually becomes secondarily automatic, the will passes to higher activities, which in their turn become secondarily automatic, and so on.
A rumour transmitted to England went so far as to assert that she had proposed him to their common half-brother Murray as a fourth husband for herself; a later tradition represented her as the mother of a child by him.
Plants in glass houses require for their fullest development more solar light probably than even our best hot-houses transmit - certainly much more than is transmitted through the roofs of houses as generally constructed.
The heat Q transmitted in a given time T may be deduced from an observation of the rise of temperature of the water, and the amount which passes in the interval.
The heat transmitted should be measured calorimetrically, and not in terms of the uncertain emissivity.
The heat transmitted was measured by observing the difference of temperature between the inflow and the outflow, and the weight of water which passed in a given time.
The heat transmitted through the plane x is equal per unit area of surface to the product of k by the mean temperature gradient (de /dx) and the interval of time, T - T'.
The heat absorbed is the difference of the quantities transmitted through the bounding planes of the stratum.
All the apartments and arrangements described by Vitruvius and other ancient writers may be readily traced in the houses of Pompeii, and in many instances these have for the first time enabled us to understand the technical terms and details transmitted to us by Latin authors.
The bronze civilization of the Aegean seems to have had direct influence along the basins of the Danube and Elbe, while the culture of the western parts of central Germany was transmitted through Italy and France.
These crimes necessitate further acts of vengeance, and the curse is thus transmitted from generation to generation.
It remains, of course, a question whether the tradition was transmitted by the Greek dynasties from Bactria or by intercourse with the Roman empire; the latter seems now almost certain; but the fact of the influence is equally striking on either theory.
In defiance of promises to the British government, orders were transmitted from Constantinople to Husain Pasha, the Turkish high admiral, to ensnare and put to death the principal beys.
This massacre was the signal for an indiscriminate slaughter of the Mamelukes throughout Egypt, orders to this effect being transmitted to every governor; and in Cairo itself the houses of the beys were given over to the soldiery.
Any Contents which used or transmitted for or on behalf of the United States of America, its agencies and/or instrumentalities (U.S. Government), is provided with Restricted Rights.
He believed that life was an expanding, growing force, and that animals responded to the environment by developing new wants, seeking to satisfy these by new movements and thus by their own striving producing new organs which were transmitted to their descendants.
It is the character as acquired that affords the opportunity for selection, but the quality of responding to the environment so as to produce that character is transmitted.
To what extent such responses are transmitted to offspring, and what part they play in the formation of the adaptive characters that are conspicuous in many animals, remain dubious, but it is at least clear that natural selection can favour those individuals and those races which show the greatest power of responsive plasticity in the individual.
Unfortunately the reports transmitted to us differ so widely that it is almost impossible to determine what Pytheas himself stated.
From Byzantium the special skill in this art was transmitted in the 9th and 10th centuries to the Rhenish provinces of Germany and to Italy, and thence to the whole of western Europe; in this way the 18th century smith who wrought the Hampton Court iron gates was the heir to the mechanical skill of the ancient metalworkers of Phoenicia and Greece.
The Power Was Transmitted To The Paddles By Bevel Wheels F, G, Rotating A Spindle Passing Through A Stuffing Box In The Bottom Of The Calorimeter.
To this Augustine opposed the view that Adam's sin is, as its penalty, transmitted to all his descendants, both as guilt and as weakness.
Modern scientific research has vividly illustrated the stereotyped nature of the human mind; there is a general similarity in the effect of similar phenomena upon people at a similar stage of mental growth; there is an almost inherent or unconscious belief which has been transmitted through the countless ages of man's history.
He narrates how the few that had themselves escaped the pest transmitted the contagion to all they met.
The motion and force are transmitted from the prime mover through the train of mechanism to the working pIece or pieces, and during that transmission the motion and force are modified in amount and direction, so as to be rendered suitable for the purpose to which they are to be applied.
In the pneumatic power-transmitter the motion of one piston if transmitted to another at a distance by means of a mass of air contained in two cylinders and an intervening tube.
In the wheel and axle, motion is received and transmitted by two cylindrical surfaces of different radii described about their common fixed axis of turning, their velocity-ratio being that of their radii.
Elizabeth, daughter of Bouchard le Ve'ne'rable, count of Vendome, he had a daughter, Adela, who married Boon of Nevers and transmitted to her children the countship of Vendome.
They produced a brilliant succession of eminent scholars and scientists who transmitted to the Moslems the results of Babylonian civilization and Greek learning, and their influence at the court of Baghdad secured more or less toleration for Sabianism, although in the reign of Harlan al-Rashid the Harranians had already found it necessary to establish a fund by means of which the conscientious scruples of Moslem officials might be overcome.
Thus, in man, do sentiments of love and mutual sympathy become instinctive and, when transmitted by inheritance, innate.
In 1697 the Barrier Act was passed, which provides that any act which is to be binding on the church is to come before the assembly as an overture and to be transmitted to presbyteries for their approval.
Watson carried out elaborate experiments to discover how far the electric discharge of the jar could be conveyed along metallic wires and was able to accomplish it for a distance of 2 m., making the important observation that the electricity appeared to be transmitted instantaneously.
By these electric current was generated and transmitted to towns and factories around, being sent overhead as far as Buffalo, a distance of 18 m.
The goods transmitted in largest quantity are fish, metals, manufactured wares, hides, flax, timber, cereals, petroleum, oils and salt.
Jevons (in An Introduction to the History of Religion, vii.) distinguishes between " things taboo," which have the mystic contagion inherent in them, and " things tabooed," to which the taboo-infection has been transmitted.
This led Clerk Maxwell to frame his theory of electro-dynamics, in which electrical impulses were assumed to be transmitted through the ether by waves.
But lords, ladies and burghers also crowded around his bed, and his colleague and his servant have severally transmitted to us the words in which his weakness daily strove with pain, rising on the day before his death into a solemn exultation - yet characteristically, not so much on his own account as for "the troubled Church of God."
Two points are selected on the surface of the shaft at different positions along it, and the relative displacement which occurs between them round the shaft when power is being transmitted is determined either by electrical means, as in the Denny-Johnson torsion-meter, or optically, as in the Hopkinson-Thring and Bevis-Gibson instruments.
This document was transmitted almost word for word to Vienna as the Russian proposals.
It would appear, however, that the sceptre was quietly transmitted to Abdulla Khan, the fourth in descent from Kambar, who, being an intrepid and ambitious soldier, turned his thoughts towards the conquest of Kach Gandava, then held by different petty chiefs under the authority of the nawabs of Sind.
As soon as the tyrant was dead, Nasir Khan mounted the musnud amidst the universal joy of his subjects; and immediately transmitted a report of the events which had taken place to Nadir Shah, who was then encamped near Kandahar.
Certain crystals from Cumberland are beautifully fluorescent, appearing purple with a bluish internal haziness by reflected light, and greenish by transmitted light.
The Church of Christ is the fellowship of ALL Those Who Accept And Profess All The Articles Of Faith Transmitted By The Apostles And Approved By General Synods.
Very thin laminae of haematite, blood-red by transmitted light, occur as microscopic enclosures in certain minerals, such as carnallite and sun-stone, to which they impart colour and lustre.
Unsuccessful attempts to lay the cable were made in August 1857 and in June 1858, but the complete cable was laid between the 7th of July and the 5th of August 1858; for a time messages were transmitted, but in October the cable became useless, owing to the failure of its electrical insulation.
During the execution of this project, the infant king was carried off by some faithful adherents, and conveyed to Shoa, where his authority was acknowledged, while Judith reigned for forty years over the rest of the kingdom, and transmitted the crown to her descendants.
As a boy, he showed an extraordinary quickness of apprehension, and, choosing a learned life instead of the knightly career natural to a youth of his birth, early became an adept in the art of dialectic, under which name philosophy, meaning at that time chiefly the logic of Aristotle transmitted through Latin channels, was the great subject of liberal study in the episcopal schools.
The latter transmitted it to her son, Cesar of Vendome, and his descendants held it till 1712.
But when light is transmitted through a material medium, it always suffers some loss, the light energy being absorbed by the medium, that is, converted partially or wholly into other forms of energy such as heat, a portion of which transformed energy may be re-emitted as radiant energy of a lower frequency.
Even the most transparent bodies known absorb an appreciable portion of the light transmitted through them.
But all such bodies appear to lose their distinctive properties when heated in a vessel which nearly encloses them, for in that case those radiations which they do not emit are either transmitted through them from the walls of the vessel behind, or else reflected from their surface.
If white light is allowed to fall on some coloured solutions, the transmitted light is of one colour when the thickness of the solution is small, and of quite another colour if the thickness is great.
The small amount of red transmitted is at first quite overpowered by the green, but having a smaller coefficient of absorption, it becomes finally predominant.
In such a case the two systems must be regarded as a single more complex one, the absorbed vibration becomes large, though remaining always finite, and the transmitted vibration undergoes a remarkable change in its period.
The line n shows the factor by which the index of refraction of the transmitted vibration is multiplied, and the curve p the intensity of the absorbed vibration for that wave-length.
Having engaged to furnish the Academy of St Petersburg with as many memoirs as would be sufficient to complete its Acta for twenty years after his death, he in seven years transmitted to the academy above seventy memoirs, and left above two hundred more, which were revised and completed by another hand.
The pull of the load is transmitted to a hook which hangs freely from the middle of a horizontal bar below the drum casing.
When the load comes upon the platform the pull of the vertical rod is transmitted by the nickel bands to the cylinders around which they are wrapped, and causes them to revolve.
By their title the Constitutions profess to have been drawn up by the apostles, and to have been transmitted to the Church by Clement of Rome; sometimes the alleged authors are represented as speaking jointly, sometimes singly.
I have refracted it with Prismes, and reflected it with Bodies, which in Day-light were of other colours; I have intercepted it with the coloured film of Air interceding two compressed plates of glass, transmitted it through coloured Mediums, and through Mediums irradiated with other sorts of Rays, and diversly terminated it; and yet could never produce any new colour out of it.
Then place a Lens of about three foot radius (suppose a broad Object-glass of a three foot Telescope), at the distance of about four or five foot from thence, through which all those colours may at once be transmitted, and made by its Refraction to convene at a further distance of about ten or twelve feet.
On the 29th of January 1696/7 Newton received from France two copies of the printed paper containing the problems, and on the following day he transmitted a solution of them to Montague, then president of the Royal Society.
The charging machines travel on lines in front of the retort bench, and the power is transmitted by connexions made with flexible hose.
It forms iron-black plates or tablets which appear red by transmitted and a metallic green by reflected light.
In opposition to this the school of which the late Gaston Paris was the leading, and most brilliant, representative, maintains that the Arthurian tradition, romantic equally with historic, was preserved in Wales through the medium of the bards, was by them communicated to their Norman conquerors, worked up into poems by the AngloNormans, and by them transmitted to the continental poets.
Alcuin transmitted to the ignorant Franks the knowledge of Latin culture which had existed in England since the time of Bede.
But a powerful counterpoise to this tendency was continually maintained by the fervid inwardness of Augustine, transmitted through Gregory the Great, Isidore of Seville, Alcuin, Hrabanus Maurus, and other writers of the philosophically barren period between the destruction of the Western empire and the rise of Scholasticism.
That is to say, they stop out just those sections of white light transmitted through them which form their own special luminous badges.
Queenstown is a port of call for American mail steamers, and the mails are transmitted overland by express trains; it is also a port of embarkation for colonial troops, and a government emigration station.
Large quantities of fresh fish are transmitted to Paris by railway, but an abundant supply is reserved to the town itself.
The consciousness of being saved in this sense is now transmitted and mediated by the Christian church, but in the case of Jesus, its originator, it was an entirely new and original factor in the process of religious development, and in so far, like every new and higher stage of being, a supernatural revelation.
Arago in 1811 found that in the case of white light and with moderately thin plates the transmitted light is no longer white but coloured, a variation of brightness but not of tint being produced when the polarizer and analyser being crossed are rotated together, while the rotation of the analyser alone produces a change of colour, which passes through white into the complementary tint.
Since the first term represents a stream of white light, the plate will appear uncoloured whenever the plane of polarization of either stream transmitted by it coincides with either the primitive or final plane of polarization.
Thus constructed, the ' prism produces no lateral shift of the transmitted pencil; a conical pencil, incident directly, has nearly constant polarization over its extent, and consequently the error in determining the polarization of a parallel pencil, incident not quite normally, is a minimum.
These two horses have transmitted Herod's qualities down to the present day in the direct male line, although in the female line he is represented through some of his other sons and his daughters as well.
With reference to his invention (in 1810) of a process of artificial congelation, he published in 1813 A Short Account of Experiments and Instruments depending on the relations of Air to Heat and Moisture; and in 1818 a paper by him "On certain impressions of cold transmitted from the higher atmosphere, with an instrument (the aethrioscope) adapted to measure them," appeared in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
To ensure the telecentric transmission, the diaphragm in the back focus of the objective may be replaced by a diaphragm in the front focal plane of the condenser, supposing that uniformly illuminated objects are being dealt with; for in this case all the principal rays in the object-space are transmitted parallel to the axis.
The rectilinear rays, which we have considered above, but which have no real existence, are nothing but the paths in which the light waves are transmitted.
Illuminating Systems Most microscopic observations are made with transmitted light; an illuminating arrangement is therefore necessary, and as the plane of the object is nearly always horizontal or only slightly inclined, the illuminating rays must be directed along the optical axis of the microscope.
The male cells in the end of the pollen-tube are then transmitted to the embryo-sac and fertilization is effected.
Further support is given to the view that, in the main, the constellations were transmitted to the Greeks by the Phoenicians from Euphratean sources in the fact that Thales, the earliest Greek astronomer of any note, was of Phoenician descent.
The husband or male partner has an incurable sexually transmitted disease such as HIV.
It was possibly the most one-sided piece of blatant propaganda that has ever been transmitted in Britain in time of peace.
In addition, strain HA 5-1 was only poorly transmitted by aphids.
All are transmitted by arthropods such as lice, mites and ticks.
It is now known that the plague was caused by a bacillus transmitted by rat fleas.
Other topics covered include bioterrorism, sexually transmitted diseases, brucellosis, systemic mycoses, immunizations, and antimicrobials.
Cattle are the main reservoir of bluetongue virus which is transmitted by biting midges, although cattle themselves do not generally become ill.
The update indicated that experimental BSE in sheep had been transmitted to mice through the intracerebral inoculation of infected spleen material.
Since the virus is highly infectious and extremely communicable, it was easily transmitted.
Even tho condoms are not 100 per cent safe, they do protect you against sexually transmitted diseases.
Here, the causal efficacy of the paternal human form is transmitted through the generative potentialities of the semen of the father.
In order to calculate an emissivity we first need to determine the transmitted and reflected components.
Bird flu is transmitted from bird to bird by direct contact with bodily excrement and respiratory secretions.
Power is transmitted through the super direct 6-speed gearbox to the rear wheels.
Gravity is believed to be transmitted by particles called gravitons, but these have not yet been detected.
Repeater Compasses The indications of the master gyro compass can be transmitted to almost any number of repeater compasses.
In 1909, Landsteiner and Popper (4) transmitted poliomyelitis to monkeys by the intracerebral inoculation of human brain tissue homogenates.
Cervical cancer jab ' in a year ' Gardasil worked against the sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV ).
The unit consists of a heated flat plate with central hole for transmitted illumination.
The rise in sexually transmitted infections among young people is a major public health challenge.
Can BSE be transmitted to cows inseminated with ' infected semen '?
These pictures are transmitted in a digital format that is encoded to prevent interception of the pictures.
The basic idea of these techniques, known as adaptive modulation, involves continuously modifying certain parameters of the transmitted signal.
The virus is transmitted by various beetles with biting mouthparts.
The virus causing myxomatosis is transmitted between infected and healthy rabbits by insects, particularly rabbit fleas, but also by flies.
The images MGS has transmitted to Earth have much higher resolution than those obtained by the viking orbiters in the 1970s.
During weight-bearing, 80 to 90% of the load is transmitted through the tibial plafond to the dome of the talus.
Urinary tract infection, including prostatitis or sexually transmitted diseases, causing frequency and urgency.
At this point arterial pulsation is usually transmitted to needle.
Notice in Fig 11 that the time during which echoes may be displayed on the c.r.t. is limited to the interval between transmitted pulses.
Post transfusion purpura (5) accounted for 1.7% and 4 transfusion transmitted infections were reported.
Clip cited reports of criminals using hand-helds to steal anti-theft car passcodes that are transmitted by infrared radio waves over short distances.
Our relationship with the Islamic world, our ability to be self righteous are all transmitted by image.
Ignorance about how HIV is transmitted often fuels HIV related stigma.
The purple glow is probably a combination of red-orange light transmitted through the lower atmosphere and scattered blue light from still sunlit stratospheric dust.
Then on November 22nd 1953, as an experimental test for RCA it became the first network telecast to be transmitted in color.
Can West Nile virus be transmitted by blood transfusion?
All the spongiform encephalopathies can be transmitted in the laboratory but only scrapie is known to be naturally transmissible among sheep.
These clamps are important as they suppress coil vibration transmitted from the engine.
The notion of a sexually transmitted disease still has great stigma attached.
The disease is transmitted by direct contact with infected urine, poop or saliva.
Note, however, that any URN scheme intended to allow secure resolution must provide for encryption of transmitted urn scheme intended to allow secure resolution must provide for encryption of transmitted URN data.
In a broadcast mode, data would be transmitted to everyone within a certain range, which is somewhat wasteful of precious bandwidth.
The mites can be transmitted to humans and cause an itchy rash, so they are a potential zoonosis.
It must not be held to imply that one nation imitates the course pursued by another, nor that the points of resemblance between them are transmitted by tradition from one to the other, but merely that all are subject to one law, inasmuch as this is based on the human nature common to all alike.
The method consisted in having motion transmitted to the micrometer screw from an axis on which is mounted a disk that presses with friction-contact upon a cone that revolves uniformly by clockwork.
In more recent instruments at the observatories of the Cape of Good Hope and Paris the motion is transmitted from a separately mounted cone and clock by a light rod passing through a perforation in the pivot of the transit instrument and thence through bevel-wheels in the cube of the axis to a second rod leading to the eyepiece.
The colour varies from yellowish or reddish to blackish-brown, and by transmitted light it is often blood-red; the streak is brownish-yellow; hardness, 5; specific gravity, 4.3.
I believe if his s story were impartially transmitted and the unprejudiced world well possessed with it, she would add him to her nine worthies."
Several ingenious applications of his method were proposed and practically worked, as, for example, the copying telegraph of Bakewell and of Cros, by means of which a telegram may be transmitted in the sender's own handwriting; the pantelegraph of Caselli; the autographic telegraphs of Meyer, Lenoir, Sawyer and others; and the autographic typo-telegraph of Bonelli; all forms of the apparatus have, however, fallen into disuse.
In this way several thicknesses of paper can be perforated at the same time, which is a great convenience for press work, since copies of the same message have often to be transmitted to several newspapers at the same time.
The charging of C3 at the receiving end will take place, no matter what is the absolute potential of the condensers, consequently the incoming signals are not affected by those which are being transmitted from that end.
It was very early recognized - and, indeed, is mentioned in the first patents of Bell, and in a caveat filed by Elisha Gray in the United States patent office only some two hours after Bell's application for a patent - that sounds and spoken words might be transmitted to a distance by causing the vibrations of a diaphragm to vary the resistance in the circuit.
In the light of Sachss theory the interpretation is this, that the act of fertilization causes the formation in the female cell of substances which are transmitted to adjacent structures and stimulate them to further development.
Mechanical energy may be developed in bulk at a central station conveniently situated with regard to a coal-field or a waterfall, and after transformation by means of electric generators into electric energy it may be transmitted to the locomotive and then by means of electric motors be retransformed into mechanical energy at the axles to which the motors are applied.
At whatever spot an insect becomes entangled in the frame, the vibration set up by its struggles is transmitted along the nearest radiating thread to the centre and thence up the trap line to the shelter where the occupant lurks awaiting the signal.
The idea of such transmutation probably arose among the Alexandrian Greeks in the early centuries of the Christian era; thence it passed to the Arabs, by whom it was transmitted to western Europe, and its realization was a leading aim of chemical workers down to the time of Paracelsus and even later.
The supervision of the whole order was vested in a "Board of Erin," meeting quarterly in England, Ireland or Scotland, and at each meeting arranging a new code of signals and passwords, which were communicated to the national delegate in the United States by the steward of a transatlantic steamship, and thence were transmitted to the various subdivisions.
The familiar illustration of Lamarck's hypothesis is that of the giraffe, whose long neck might, he suggested, have been acquired by the efforts of a primitively short-necked race of herbivores who stretched their necks to reach the foliage of trees in a land where grass was deficient, the effort producing a distinct elongation in the neck of each generation, which was then transmitted to the next.
Hegesippus, after a journey to all the principal seats of Christian tradition, testifies that all are holding to the true doctrine as transmitted at the original seat, where it was witnessed first by the apostles and afterwards by the kindred of the Lord and " witnesses " of the first generation.
Aquickvariation, or a periodic variation of the magnitude of the force or torque transmitted through the springs, tends to set up oscillations, and this tendency increases FIG.
To take an instance already referred to, it is not clear at first sight whether in the couplet from Propertius Scythiae is more likely to be a misrecollection of some text of the 1st century A.D., or Scythicis some scribe's assimilation which made its way into the transmitted text in the course of the next thousand years.
The homely terseness of his style, his abounding humour - rough, cheery and playful, but irresistible in its simplicity, and occasionally displaying sudden and dangerous barbs of satire - his avoidance of dogmatic subtleties, his noble advocacy of practical righteousness, his bold and open denunciation of the oppression practised by the powerful, his scathing diatribes against ecclesiastical hypocrisy, the transparent honesty of his fervent zeal, tempered by sagacious moderation - these are the qualities which not only rendered his influence so paramount in his lifetime, but have transmitted his memory to posterity as perhaps that of the one among his contemporaries most worthy of our interest and admiration.
Some fifty volumes, the relics of the mission library, were in 1847 recovered from Lhasa by Brian Hodgson, through the courtesy of the Dalai lama himself, and were transmitted as an offering to Pope Pius IX.
When, however, he died on the 14th of November 1060, at the monastery of St Nicholas at Angers, he left no children, and transmitted the countship to Geoffrey the Bearded, the eldest of his nephews (see ANJou).
Helmholtz also wrote on philosophical and aesthetic problems. His position was that of an empiricist, denying the doctrine of innate ideas and holding that all knowledge is founded on experience, hereditarily transmitted or acquired.
If the pencil with the angle u 2 be that of the maximum aberration of all the pencils transmitted, then in a plane perpendicular to the axis at O' 1 there is a circular " disk of confusion" of radius 0' 1 R, and in a parallel plane at 0'2 another one of radius 0' 2 R 2; between these two is situated the " disk of least confusion."
In early Irish literature the druids chiefly appear as magicians and diviners, but they are also the repositaries of the learning of the time which they transmitted to the disciples accompanying them (see Druidism).
In many cases of rabies transmitted by bats to humans, bites are not reported.
Caused by a virus that is in the saliva of infected animals, rabies is usually transmitted by bites from infected animals.
When viruses started mainly floppy disks (sneaker net) transmitted them !
Alcohol may promote oral HIV transmission Alcohol may enable HIV to be more easily transmitted through oral sex, a new test-tube study suggests.
Using condoms reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
But not before she transmitted the virus to her mother, who also became ill but survived.
Malaria Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease transmitted by mosquitoes.
This is one of the most important viruses in UK potato production transmitted by aphids.
Increasingly sophisticated measures have reduced the risks of infections transmitted by blood transfusion.
A digital copy was quickly transmitted over the Internet to London for Reservoir 's performance.
His work was transmitted orally for over 200 years.
A GPS receiver can pinpoint any location on earth with the help of data transmitted by the satellites.
Total transmittance - the ratio of the flux transmitted at all forward angles to the incident flux.
Note, however, that any URN scheme intended to allow secure resolution must provide for encryption of transmitted URN data.
Others are receiving chemotherapy for transmissible venereal tumors, which are sexually transmitted.
Reflected and transmitted rays do not take advantage of the light and vista buffer.
It is transmitted by wind-borne asexual spores and the dormant phase is as mycelium in dead leaf matter during frosty or dry summer conditions.
The virus affects cats specifically and cannot be transmitted to humans, but it is also not commonly spread through sexual intercourse.
Ear mites are not transmittable to humans, although they can be transmitted from animal to animal quite easily.
Rabies is transmitted by a bite from an infected animal.
The virus is transmitted from one person who has an outbreak to another, so don't kiss someone while you have the cold sores or they'll probably get this type of herpes as well.
Some symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) such as trichomas or 'trich' mimic yeast infections, but if left untreated they can cause fertility problems.
All teens need to know about the basics of how a person becomes pregnant and how sexually transmitted diseases are spread.
This study and others suggest there is a link between lyrics that objectify women and glorify the sexual appetites of men, and the increased risks of sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies.
Does just listening to suggestive lyrics lead to higher rates of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases?
Sex addiction can lead to risky behavior, raising the chances for unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.
Although use of heroin by injection has decreased due to the fear of transmitted diseases like AIDS and hepatitis, the drug is still a major money-maker on the street.
Dog owners should be aware of what heartworm is, how it is transmitted, and what treatment and preventative measures are available to protect their dogs' health.
The purpose of this quarantine period is to determine if pets may be carrying dangerous parasites and/or zoonotic diseases which could be transmitted to the indigenous population, both humans and animals.
When you consider the dangerous diseases that are carried and transmitted by ticks, it's easy to see why tick control is so important.
These internal parasites are transmitted through mosquito exposure and lodge themselves in your dog's heart and pulmonary system.
Since kennel cough is transmitted via the air, it can be found in even the cleanest kennels and can be contracted by even the most pampered and pedigreed pooch.
The cardiac form of parvo is usually transmitted to unborn pups via the uterus of an infected mother.
Since heartworm is transmitted via the bite of a mosquito, it is important to begin treatment with Interceptor® at least one month before mosquito season starts in your area.
However, a problem with some virtual tuners is that since the noise has been recorded and is being transmitted through computer speakers, the sound becomes a little too distorted for some people to tune by.
Some types of underlayment reduce sound transmitted and keep moisture from wicking into your laminate.Most flooring systems do not require glue; the planks just snap together.
According to the Center for Disease Control there are over 200 known diseases and illnesses transmitted through food.
Sexually transmitted diseases, which may also indicate rape.
Sleep apnea in this form happens when messages fail to be transmitted by the brain to the muscles in the throat which control your breathing.
The protozoa, transmitted by the bite of tsetse fly, works their way through a victim's bloodstream.
Despite being mentioned on an episode of House, no recorded cases of African trypanosomiasis have been reportedly transmitted via sexual contact.
The yellow tint reduces the amount of blue light that is transmitted through the eye.
While traditional viruses are most common on PCs and are often sent in emails or transmitted via file downloads, virus propagators are expanding their horizons and looking for new frontiers for their malfeasance.
With the OTA option, which most sites highly recommend over downloading it to your desktop, you will receive instructions on your phone for download once it has been transmitted.
The majority of illnesses are not transmitted via breast milk; in fact, breast milk prevents many illnesses.
This change can be transmitted to offspring.
Telemetry uses radio waves transmitted from an instrument on the mother's thigh, which allows the mother to remain mobile.
This greatly reduces the chance of GBS being transmitted from mother to baby when the baby is in the birth canal.
It is transmitted among adults through sexual intercourse.
It can be transmitted through body secretions, as well as by sexual contact; some newborns acquire CMV through the mother's breast milk.
Because toxoplasmosis can be transmitted by handling cat feces, pregnant women should avoid cleaning cat boxes or handling cats.
Transmission remains possible while the virus is being excreted and it can be transmitted for as long as the virus remains in the throat or feces.
Under normal circumstances, information is transmitted in the brain by means of electrical discharges from brain cells.
The viruses causing croup are highly contagious and easily transmitted between individuals through sneezing and coughing.
It is usually transmitted via the respiratory route, entering through the nose and nasopharynx.
The way in which a sore throat is transmitted depends on the agent causing the sore throat.
The organism that causes toxoplasmosis can be transmitted in four ways.
The bacteria are then transmitted by close physical contact with family members and other caregivers.
The cause of herpes stomatitis is the herpes virus type 1 (not to be confused with genital herpes, which is caused by the herpes virus type 2 and is a sexually transmitted disease).
There is evidence that a protozoan parasite (Dientamoeba fragilis) is transmitted among humans in the eggs of pinworms.
Herpes simplex virus is transmitted by infected body fluids (such as saliva) when they contact breaks in another person's skin or mucous membranes.
A-T is genetically transmitted by parents who are carriers of the gene responsible for A-T.
The mutation was transmitted to later generations because people who carried a single copy of the mutated gene had a modified (but not abnormal) inflammatory response that may have protected them against some infectious agent at that time.
A condom is a device, usually made of latex, used to avoid pregnancy and/or sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, syphilis, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
In the early 2000s, however, condoms are just as important as a device for preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), especially HIV, the virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
However, spermicides alone do not kill HIV or other sexually transmitted viruses and do not prevent the spread of HIV and other STDs.
Non-latex condoms do not prevent the spread of STDs, including HIV, and should not be used by gay or bisexual men or men who have HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases.
These problems can lead to pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV.
Genital herpes-A life-long, recurrent sexually transmitted infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV).
Tinea capitis, which affects the hair root, is a highly contagious condition and is often transmitted when a child uses the comb, brush, hat, or bed linen of an infected child.
Infection in the mother is sometimes not passed to the fetus through the placenta but is transmitted to the baby during delivery.
There are also indications that circumcised men are less likely to suffer from penile cancer, inflammation of the penis, or have many sexually transmitted diseases.
Education and good safe-sex practices can prevent sexually transmitted diseases in ways that a surgical procedure cannot because these are diseases acquired through risky behaviors.
Tetanus is also rare but can be transmitted by a dog bite if the victim is not immunized.
They may be bacteria that are already present in the stomach and intestines, or they may be transmitted by contaminated food and water.
Through the headphones or earpiece pure sounds in both frequency and intensity are transmitted to the patient and the threshold at which the patient can hear for each frequency is established.
There is also a chance that if transmitted to the face or other parts of the body the bacteria in the sty can cause impetigo, a contagious skin infection.
Styes and internal hordeola in children are usually caused by Staphylococcus aureus bacterial infections that are transmitted from a child's eyes and nose.
Bacteria can contaminate contact lenses or be transmitted by lenses when they are removed or inserted into the eyes.
It can affect one or both eyes and, if caused by infection, can be very easily transmitted to others during close physical contact, particularly among children in a school or daycare setting.
This bacterium causes gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted infection of the genitals and urinary tract.
Cat-scratch disease (also called cat-scratch fever) is caused by the Bartonella henselae bacterium, which is found in cats around the world and is transmitted from cat to cat by fleas.
Although fever is one of the most common symptoms of JDMS, the disease cannot be transmitted from one child to another.
Urushiol oil can be transmitted on clothing, pets, garden tools, shoes, or virtually anything that touches a plant.
The disease is usually transmitted to humans by the bites of infected rodent fleas.
The condom is the only form of birth control that also protects against sexually transmitted diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
However, spermicides do not kill HIV or other sexually transmitted viruses and do not prevent the spread of HIV and other STDs.
These can lead to pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, especially HIV.
In about 5 percent of cases, retardation is transmitted genetically, usually through abnormalities in chromosomes, such as Down syndrome or fragile X syndrome.
Tics as such are symptoms and are not transmitted directly from one person to another.
The job of the retina is to transform the light into information that can be transmitted to the optic nerve, which will transmit this information to the brain.
Since the translocation form of Patau syndrome is genetically transmitted, genetic counseling for the parents should be part of the management of the disease.
Tonsillitis is transmitted from one person to another in the same way that many common diseases are, such as by coughing and sneezing.
Herpes viruses are the cause of infections as diverse as sexually transmitted diseases, chickenpox and cold sores.
Lyme disease-An acute, recurrent, inflammatory disease involving one or a few joints, and transmitted by the bite of ticks carrying the spiral-shaped bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi.
Carrier state-The continued presence of an organism (bacteria, virus, or parasite) in the body that does not cause symptoms, but is able to be transmitted and infect other persons.
Food-borne illness-A disease that is transmitted by eating or handling contaminated food.
Because staph infection is easily transmitted from one member of a household to others, towels, washcloths, and bed linens used by someone with a staph infection should not be used by anyone else.
Ringworm can be transmitted by infected people or pets or by towels, hairbrushes, or other objects contaminated by them.
Nonallergic rhinitis is generally transmitted in the same ways as the common cold.
It is transmitted from person to person.
If that person then touches his nose, mouth, or eyes, the infection is transmitted.
Allergic rhinitis cannot be transmitted from person to person.
Genital warts, also called condyloma acuminata or venereal warts, are one of the most common forms of sexually transmitted disease (STD) in this country.
Since genital and cervical warts are transmitted sexually, they should be treated by a physician.
Symptoms do not always exist with chlamydial infections, and thus it is often transmitted unknowingly.
A healthcare provider should be informed if the mother or father of a newborn has an untreated sexually transmitted disease.
Since in the United States adult inclusion conjunctivitis is primarily a sexually transmitted disease, the incidence of inclusion conjunctivitis can be decreased either through abstinence or through the use of condoms.
Gonorrhea-A sexually transmitted disease that causes infection in the genital organs and may cause disease in other parts of the body.
The bacterial and viral organisms that cause pneumonia, however, can be transmitted through airborne or direct contact.
The most commonly transmitted diseases are gonorrhea, chlamydia, genital warts, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)/human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Kawsar, M., et al. "Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections and Mental Health Needs of Female Child and Adolescent Survivors of Rape and Sexual Assault Attending a Specialist Clinic."
The food-borne organisms are found and transmitted mainly in food derived from cows, such as raw milk and raw or rare ground beef.
Other causes of bleeding are sexually transmitted disease, an ectopic pregnancy, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids or polyps.
Chickenpox is highly contagious and easily transmitted among children through personal contact, coughing, or sneezing.
Oral contraceptives do not protect against AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases.
Oral contraceptives do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
In older adolescents, common fears include anxiety about school achievement, social rejection and related worries, and sexual anxieties, including dating and sexually transmitted diseases, especially human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
It is also considered the safest form of sex in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
Calciviruses are transmitted from person-to-person contact, as well as through contaminated water or food.
Nociceptive pain, or the pain that is transmitted by nociceptors, is typically called acute pain.
This may encourage casual sexual relationships that heighten the risk of exposure to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and other sexually transmitted diseases.
Some perinatal infections are sexually transmitted.
The following represent some of the more common infections that can be transmitted perinatally.
The bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis is the cause of the most common bacterial sexually transmitted disease in the United States, causing more than 4 million infections each year.
Genital herpes, which is usually caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), is a sexually transmitted disease that causes painful sores on the genitals.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease that causes genital warts and can increase the risk of developing some cancers.
Syphilis is a sexually transmitted bacterial infection that can be transferred from a mother to an infant through the placenta before birth.
Use of a barrier method of contraceptive (e.g. condom) can prevent transmission of some sexually transmitted infections during intercourse.
Rabies vaccine is an injection that provides protection against the rabies virus that can be transmitted to humans via the saliva of an infected animal.
Most human exposure to rabies occurs via an animal bite in which the skin is broken and the virus is transmitted from the infected animal's saliva to the blood and tissues of the victim.
It is transmitted primarily by exposure to contaminated body fluids, especially blood and semen.
The majority of scientists believed that HIV originated in other primates and was somehow transmitted to man.
Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) is sexually transmitted and is usually associated with genital ulcers or sores.
Herpes viruses can be transmitted to a newborn during vaginal delivery in mothers infected with herpes viruses, especially if the infection is primary (first occurrence) and is active at the time of delivery.
The organism can be transmitted by person-to-person contact or by contact with nasal discharges and other body fluids.
Unlike venereal syphilis, endemic syphilis is not sexually transmitted.
Treponema pallidum subspecies endemicum, the bacteria that causes bejel, is very closely related to the one that causes the sexually transmitted form of syphilis, but the method of transmission is different.
One is a sexually transmitted disease caused by A systemic infection caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum.
It is most commonly transmitted by sexual contact.
Congenital nystagmus may be transmitted genetically, either as an autosomal recessive or dominant, or as an X-linked recessive trait.
It can also be associated with other conditions that are genetically transmitted.
Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease transmitted through the bite of a deer tick carrying the spiral-shaped bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi.
Lyme disease is a vector-borne disease, meaning that it is transmitted from one host to another by a carrier-called a vector-that transmits but does not become infected with the disease.
Lyme disease is transmitted when a tick carrying the Borrelia burgdorferi bacterium bites a human to feed on blood.
Neither Borrelia burgdorferi nor Lyme disease can be transmitted directly from one person to another or from pets to humans.
Babesiosis-A infection transmitted by the bite of a tick and characterized by fever, headache, nausea, and muscle pain.
Seborrheic dermatitis is not an infection and is not transmitted from individual to individual.
They can be transmitted when unaffected clothing is stored with infested items.
Among children head lice are commonly transmitted by the sharing of hats, combs, brushes, hair accessories, headphones, pillows, and stuffed toys.
Pubic lice are sexually transmitted, although occasionally they can be transmitted through infested bedding, towels, or clothing.
Although pubic lice do not carry diseases, they often are found in association with other sexually transmitted diseases.
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are viral and bacterial infections passed from one person to another through sexual contact.
The mode of transmission varies among the different sexually transmitted diseases.
While rates of syphilis declined between 1990 and 2004, the disease continues to be an important cause of sexually transmitted infection.
The treatment of sexually transmitted diseases varies according to the diagnosed infection.
Parents should be encouraged to talk to their children about sexually transmitted diseases and the risks of sexual activity.
In May 2002, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) included scabies in its updated guidelines for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.
It is based on the theory that when various areas of the chest and back are percussed, shock waves are transmitted through the chest wall, loosening the airway secretions.
The probe measures how much sound energy bounces back off the eardrum, rather than being transmitted to the middle ear.
The bacteria that causes TB, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is transmitted by droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes.
Rabies is an acute viral disease of the central nervous system that is transmitted through saliva from the bite of an infected animal.
Rabies is almost exclusively transmitted through saliva from the bite of an infected animal.
Because rabies is transmitted through saliva, a person should wear rubber gloves when handling a pet that has had an encounter with a wild animal.
Zoonosis-Any disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans.
These antibodies cross the placental barrier, but not all types are transmitted equally.
Cat-scratch disease is caused by Bartonella henselae, a bacterium that is carried in cat saliva; infection may be transmitted by a bite or scratch.
Rabies is caused by a virus that is transmitted through the bite of an animal that is already infected.
It is classified as a zoonosis, which is a term that refers to any disease of animals that can be transmitted to humans.
They teach women about sexually transmitted infections and focus on prevention of the spread of infections.
You will be asked about other sexually transmitted diseases and any recent body piercings, but these won't necessarily prevent donation.
Infection. Certain sexually transmitted infections can be very harmful to the baby.
A man can choose to wear a condom, which also provides protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
Most handle things like sexually transmitted diseases (STD's), gynecological check-ups, and pregnancy tests as well as birth control.
It does not prevent HIV/AIDS, or any other sexually transmitted disease.
It does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, though, so you'll still need to use condoms if protection against STDs and HIV is a concern.
However, it's important to remember that this method is only recommended for couples in committed relationships who have been tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
The pill does not protect you against sexually transmitted diseases or HIV.
Latex condoms also reduce your chances of getting a sexually transmitted disease (STD), including HIV.
Birth control pills do not protect you against HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases.
Besides being cost effective, the risks of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases are not present.
Birth control pills do not prevent any sexually transmitted diseases.
As with any oral contraceptive, Camila does not protect against HIV, AIDS, or other sexually transmitted diseases.
However, with the danger of sexually transmitted diseases, women need to be safe.
It must be remembered that the methods of contraception mentioned above do not provide any protection against sexually transmitted infections.
These symptoms should not, however, be confused with a potential sexually transmitted infection such as Chlamydia.
Often, they worry about urine infections, sexually transmitted infections, and yeast infections.
Remember that no birth control pill can protect against HIV/AIDS or other sexually transmitted diseases.
Sometimes, it is an indicator of an infection or evidence of a sexually transmitted disease.
The condom is a popular choice for many men because it serves two purposes--it is effective in preventing pregnancies and is effective in preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.
It does protect against unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases but it has to be used correctly, leaving much room for human error.
The male condom also helps protect men and women from sexually transmitted diseases by preventing direct contact between the vagina and penis.
Male condoms are also the most effective contraceptive option for preventing infection from sexually transmitted diseases and HIV.
Vasectomies offer no protection against HIV or sexually transmitted diseases.
She may also run blood tests to check for sexually transmitted diseases or any other illnesses that might affect your baby.
However, if you've ever had a reproductive health problem like PCOS or endometriosis or have been treated for a sexually transmitted disease, you may want to discuss your concerns with your healthcare provider a bit sooner.
Sexually transmitted diseases can also cause bleeding and these should be treated for the safety of both mother and child.
Proponents of abstinence promote it because it is the only 100 period guaranteed way to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Since having your tubes tied does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, women who are not in a long-term monogamous relationship are still advised to use a barrier form of birth control.
Women who have an IUD are at greater risk of developing an infection caused by a sexually transmitted disease.
Mirena does not protect you or your partner against sexually transmitted disease.
Have you had any sexually transmitted diseases?
You should also keep in mind that no birth control pill will protect you against sexually transmitted diseases.
While there are a few important tips to remember, if you know how to put on a condom and use it appropriately, condoms are a very effective method of preventing both pregnancy and sexual transmitted infection.
It is a form of permanent birth control, but does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
While a man who has had a vasectomy has a very small chance of making a woman pregnant, his risk of contracting or spreading sexually transmitted diseases remains unchanged.
Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a virus that is passed during sexual contact with an infected partner.
It's transmitted to the towers, as well as to the anchorages on each side.
During these tests, UV light is pointed at the clothing in question and the radiation transmitted through the garment is calculated.
If this isn't possible, then properly cleaning a metal grinder can help prevent those oils from being transmitted from one use to another.
Safety. There's no risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.
That being said, saying you don't want to have kids, as this man said to you, and then having sexual relations and not wearing a condom, doesn't constitute wanting to have a baby or catch a sexually transmitted disease either.
It simply means that two people are engaging in high risk behaviors that may result is pregnancy or the possibility of contacting a sexually transmitted disease.
Zenegra is not intended to perform as a contraceptive and does not protect from sexually transmitted diseases.
You might get a sexually transmitted disease.
Your mind has new intense thoughts, fear of pregnancy, fear of your mom's reactions, and fear of a possible sexually transmitted disease.
Singles who have herpes often have a hard time dating because of common prejudices and fears about the sexually transmitted disease.
Imagine, taking a class that explains how packets are transmitted.