Transmits Sentence Examples
When the gold is finely divided, as in " purple of Cassius," or when it is precipitated from solutions, the colour is ruby-red, while in very thin leaves it transmits a greenish light.
A rocker bearing under these pins transmits the load at the joint to the steel columns of the towers.
The problem is whether we can represent the facts more simply by supposing the intervening space to be occupied by a medium which transmits physical actions, after the manner that a continuous material medium, solid or liquid, transmits mechanical disturbance.
The lachrymal forj amen is always within the orbital margin; and in many species the infra-orbital foramen is very large (in some as large as the orbit) and transmits part of the masseter muscle.
He mentioned as an important exception the case of ferric ferrocyanide, which, when dissolved in oxalic acid, transmits the rays in great abundance, though the same rays be absorbed both by ferrocyanides and by ferric salts.
It was probably at the time when a desire for revenge on her calumniatress made her think the opportunity good and safe for discharge of such a two-edged dart at the countess and the queen that Mary wrote, but abstained from despatching, the famous and terrible letter in which, with many gracious excuses and professions of regret and attachment, she transmits to Elizabeth a full and vivid report of the hideous gossip retailed by Bess of Hardwick regarding her character and person at a time when the reporter of these abominations was on friendly terms with her husband's royal charge.
This is the principle of the modification of motion by the lever, which consists of a rigid body turning about a fixed axis called a fulcrum, and having two points at the same or different distances from that axis, and in the same or different directions, one of which receives motion and the other transmits motion, modified in direction and velocity according to the above law.
The rod which transmits the pull of the long body lever of the platform machine to the knifeedge at the end of the short arm of the steelyard is continued up - wards, and by a simple mechanical arrangement transmits to an upper steelyard any additional pull of the long body lever due to the weight of goods placed on the platform.
He transmits them to the common council with his recommendations.
The eyepiece, which by means of narrow pencils represents the relatively large real image at infinity, transmits from all points of this real image parallel pencils, whereby the inclination of the principal rays becomes further increased.
AdvertisementYour speed is monitored using a trainer mounted accelerometer (Foot Pod) that wirelessly transmits your speed.
There are two hypotheses about the TSE agent [the agent that transmits Spongiform encephalopathy] .
Unlike WEP, WPA never actually transmits the key itself and thus is virtually immune to a simple packet sniffing attack.
A built-in microphone, which transmits sound across the Net, is also part of the package.
The system transmits the sound signal to the person's hearing aid.
AdvertisementRemember, it's blood that transmits viruses, not just equipment on it's own.
Dickel states that a German male bee mated with a female of the Italian race transmits distinct paternal characters to hybrid male offspring.
The system transmits the sound signal to the person 's hearing aid.
Acetyl choline One of the naturally occurring chemicals that transmits impulses from one nerve to another.
An input signal at port 1 transmits on one frequency, whilst at port 2 signals are simultaneously received on another frequency.
AdvertisementRemember, it 's blood that transmits viruses, not just equipment on it 's own.
The camera then transmits images to a television-like monitor.
The base is stationed in the room where the baby's crib or play area is located, and it transmits sound to the remote which is carried around by the parent.
There is a camera that you can mount in the baby's room as well as a hand-held or small television where the camera transmits images.
The collar transmits a signal to a GPS receiver that displays the location of the missing dog, which way he is headed and how fast he is going.
AdvertisementThe collar continuously transmits information regarding the dog's location back to the receiver, and the pet owner can access this information from an LCD screen on his or her receiver.
The disease transmits to humans through a fly bite.
These lenses are available in grey (transmits 12 percent of the visible light), rose (15 percent), and bronze (16 percent).
These lenses are available in grey (transmits 8 percent of visible light), rose (10 percent), and bronze (12 percent).
Tendon-A tough cord of dense white fibrous connective tissue that connects a muscle with some other part, especially a bone, and transmits the force which the muscle exerts.
Neurotransmitter-A chemical messenger that transmits an impulse from one nerve cell to the next.
Specifically, acetylcholine, a chemical in the body that transmits nerve signals, is released from nerve endings and stimulates secretion of sweat.
Nervous system-The system that transmits information, in the form of electrochemical impulses, throughout the body for the purpose of activation, coordination, and control of bodily functions.
Rubbing one's eyes after handling the cat then transmits the bacteria to the conjunctiva.
Lyme disease is a vector-borne disease, meaning that it is transmitted from one host to another by a carrier-called a vector-that transmits but does not become infected with the disease.
It is not only needed to help regulate our mood and sleep, but it also transmits nerve impulses from the brain and as a neurotransmitter controls feelings like thirst and hunger.
An infrared portable heater transmits heat into a room but rather than exposing the room to direct infrared light, it collects the heat that's produced and blows it into the room.
If the process of astral projection transmits a form of energy of our consciousness, researchers believe that this energy could potentially create apparitions that people at those remote locations sometimes witness.
This watch transmits a signal wirelessly to your iPod.
The distress frequency has a range of approximately 100 miles and transmits on the frequency that is monitored by Cospas-Sarsat, an international search-and-rescue operation.
The signal from the atomic clock feeds the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and this transmits the time signal which is picked up by atomic watches.
The source that keeps American atomic devices synchronized is the NIST (National Institute of Standards) atomic clock in Colorado which transmits radio signals and serves as the official U.S. timekeeping clock.
Copper is an excellent conductor and transmits data in frequencies.
Sodium also regulates blood volume and blood pressure, transmits impulses for muscle contraction and nerve function, and regulates the acid balance in the blood and body fluids.
The prefect supervises the execution of the laws; has wide authority in regard to policing, public hygiene and relief of pauper children; has the nomination of various subordinate officials; and is in correspondence with the subordinate functionaries in his department, to whom he transmits the orders and instructions of the government.
Accepting the law he distinguishes productive from permissive or transmissive function (p. 32), and, rejecting the view that brain produces thought, he recognizes that in our present condition brain transmits thought, thought needs brain for its organ of expression; but this does not exclude the possibility of a condition in which thought will be no longer so dependent on brain.
These currents are furnished by an alternator which transmits sine currents over the line and operates a motor at the distant end of the line, both machines running in synchronism.
He serves as a local source of information to the government, and transmits to it complaints or representations from those under his administration.