Transhipped Sentence Examples
Formerly of some importance, the harbour can no longer be entered by large vessels, and goods are transhipped into flat-bottomed lighters for conveyance ashore.
Foreign and colonial merchandise transhipped was valued at £989,289 in 1889 and at £746,246 in 1903.
All cargo to or from Szech`uen is here transhipped from steamer to junk, or vice versd.
Native boats, as a rule, prefer the canal route to the turbulent waters of the Yangtsze, their cargoes being transhipped at Shasi across the embankment into river boats.
The Confederates established agencies in England for the purchase of arms, which they despatched in ordinary merchant vessels to the Bahamas, whence they were transhipped into fast steamers especially constructed for the purpose.
A crane once transhipped cargo here from boats into trucks which would then descend the 237 feet inclined plane.
The remaining volume is then transhipped to Argentina due to the price advantage provided by Paraguayan market.