Transfusion Sentence Examples
Can West Nile virus be transmitted by blood transfusion?
Medical science has not been able to create a synthetic alternative for blood, so when an individual requires a blood transfusion, doctors must have access to blood made available through blood donations.
The aim of this study was to clarify the prognostic significance of perioperative blood transfusion following oesophagectomy in a specialist center.
The risk of transfusion (such as transfusion reactions, potential toxins, and infections such as HIV or hepatitis) are carefully weighed against the severity of the anemia in the infant.
The policy should also establish who is permitted to complete the pre transfusion request form.
But his enthusiasm for mental science, and his command over the language of popular exposition, made him a great international medium for the transfusion of ideas.
Transfusion of blood directly from the vein of a healthy person to the blood-vessels of the patient, and infusion of saline solution into a vein, may be practised (see Shock).
There has been enormous progress in transfusion medicine, which has developed into a specialist area of its own.
It has been reported in children born from identical twin pregnancies which were complicated by twin-twin transfusion syndrome.
Infections transmissible by transfusion Over the past 30 years, the viruses that cause hepatitis B, AIDS and hepatitis C have been identified.
AdvertisementAnother study by the team on the transmission of scrapie - a BSE-like sheep disease - through blood transfusion has found similar results.
Increasingly sophisticated measures have reduced the risks of infections transmitted by blood transfusion.
Potential for the Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome where the shared placenta contains abnormal blood vessels affecting the babies' ability to get necessary resources from the mother.
Since this disease can cause severe anemia, a transfusion may become necessary at some point.
Full-term infants rarely require an exchange transfusion if intense phototherapy is initiated in a timely manner.
AdvertisementExchange transfusion corrects anemia associated with the destruction of red blood cells and is effective in removing sensitized red blood cells before they are destroyed.
An Rh-negative mother who was exposed to her fetus's Rh-positive blood during a previous pregnancy or delivery or who has accidentally received an Rh-positive blood transfusion has antibodies against Rh-positive blood cells.
If bilirubin approaches a dangerous level, an exchange blood transfusion is used to rapidly lower it.
Rh incompatibility also may be treated by exchange transfusion.
This treatment may be infusion with saline or plasma or a transfusion of whole blood.
AdvertisementUp to 15 percent of twins who share a placenta (monochorionic twins) have twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS).
If red blood cell levels fall too low, a blood transfusion may be given.
Overall, however, transfusion and desferoxamine therapy have increased the life expectancy of individuals with the most severe types of beta thalassemia major to the fourth or fifth decade.
In extreme cases, your baby may need a blood transfusion or need to be delivered early.
According to America's Blood Centers, 4.5 million Americans need a blood transfusion each year and 43,000 pints of donated blood are put to use each day.
AdvertisementFirst of all, you are helping to ensure safety for yourself and loved ones in case you come into a situation where you yourself need a transfusion.
Roslin's cancer went into remission for a time thanks to a transfusion from Hera, but returned.
Damian ordered his body to cease the transfusion and pulled the tube from his neck, healing the tear.
He had not needed a transfusion, so the transition was imminent.
Platelet transfusion through negatively charged filters can also activate the contact system and give rise to significant hypotension in patients receiving ACE inhibitors.
The book soon achieved wide acceptance within the blood transfusion services and was also used by hospital blood banks.
Treatment Supportive therapies are required for acute bleeding episodes (blood transfusion, iron and folate supplementation, oxygen therapy etc ).
Total exchange transfusion has been used in the treatment of severe intoxication in children.
Investigation will usually start with a report to the hospital blood transfusion laboratory.
We also provide specialist medical advice and clinical support to hospitals, as well as educating and training transfusion medicine specialists.
Investigations can be carried out by the bacteriology section of transfusion microbiology.
The recipient (58 year old male) suffered fatal septic shock after transfusion with a 2-day old unit of pooled platelets.
In patients dependent on platelet transfusion, HPA antibodies may be a cause of refractoriness to random donor platelets.
Post-transfusion purpura Post-transfusion purpura (PTP) is a rare but serious transfusion reaction occurring 5 to 12 days after the transfusion of blood.
Post transfusion purpura (5) accounted for 1.7% and 4 transfusion transmitted infections were reported.
Collection of blood from satellite refrigerators is also a major root cause of transfusion accidents.
Case 5 This 77 year-old, previously transfused female presented with gastro-intestinal bleeding and required an urgent transfusion of 2 units of red cells.
It was not always possible to ascertain from the questionnaire the timing of an earlier transfusion and the implicated transfusion.
The surgical team can also consider the appropriateness of various methods of reducing the likelihood of allogeneic transfusion.
It has recently become apparent that peri-operative allogeneic blood transfusion is associated with a clinically relevant immunosuppressive effect.
The patient had no detectable anti-A and suffered no ill effects as a result of the major ABO incompatible transfusion.
In five cases the transfusion reaction occurred within 5 days of transfusion reaction occurred within 5 days of transfusion.
The ancient practice of transfusion has been placed on a more intelligible footing, and by the method of saline injections made more manageable as a means of relief or even of cure.
Frequently bleeding may be severe enough to require transfusion despite local treatment such as cautery, estrogen therapy or even catheter thromboembolism.
Local policy should include how the transport boxes are returned to the hospital transfusion laboratory in a timely manner.
In five cases the transfusion reaction occurred within 5 days of transfusion.
The agent from which transfusion recipients during 2003-2004 were most at risk was HBV.
If a transfusion is not performed and bilirubin levels get higher, the infant progresses through three phases.
Children who are identified early can be started on ongoing blood transfusion therapy as needed.
When severe anemia occurs, it is treated with blood transfusion therapy.
This factor allows for treatment with blood transfusion therapy, which can prevent most of the complications of the severe anemia caused by beta thalassemia major.
Individuals with beta thalassemia intermedia have a more moderate anemia that may only require treatment with transfusion intermittently, such as when infections stress the body.
Transfusion therapy does have limitations, however.
Individuals can develop reactions to certain proteins in the blood, called a transfusion reaction.
An additional side effect of repeated transfusions is that the body is unable to get rid of the excess iron that accompanies each transfusion.
A similar infection, though slightly more serious, may occur two to four weeks after receiving a blood transfusion containing CMV.
More than 50 percent of women with type 2 VWD experience heavy menstrual periods that may require a blood transfusion.
Treatment in the early stages includes intravenous sugar to return blood sugar levels to normal and plasma transfusion to restore normal clotting time in the blood.
Because blood does not clot properly, even minor injuries can cause significant blood loss that may require a blood transfusion, with its associated minor risk of infection.
There are two techniques that are used to deliver a blood transfusion to a baby before birth.
The original intrauterine fetal transfusion, an intraperitoneal transfusion technique was first performed around 1963.
A newborn born with erythroblastosis should be attended to immediately by a pediatrician who is prepared to perform an exchange transfusion at once if required.
The umbilical cord can snap underwater, causing blood loss and leading to a transfusion.
To concentrate, induce and renovate are, however, but aspects of one process of acquisition by the transfusion of a transmissible energy.
On the practical side, mysticism maintains the possibility of direct intercourse with this Being of beings - intercourse, not through any external media such as an historical revelation, oracles, answers to prayer, and the like, but by a species of ecstatic transfusion or identification, in which the individual becomes in very truth " partaker of the divine nature."
They may experience problems if given a blood transfusion, and therefore they should wear a Medic Alert bracelet or have some other way of alerting any physician who treats them that they have this disorder.