Transformed Sentence Examples
The sand transformed into a mist and swirled around him before settling into his skin.
The messy studio from last week had been transformed into a professional art gallery.
The edges of the foot form parapodia, often transformed into fins.
His expression transformed slowly from perplexed to comprehension.
Sepals transformed into leaves.
Within this harbour is the small harbour of the deys, now transformed into a wet dock.
The withered grass and the bushes were transformed into a forest of icicles.
But, with the exception of these two battalions, the French army was quickly transformed into a flying rabble.
He tried to visualize her morphing into a wolf, writhing in pain as she transformed, foaming at the mouth, snarling.
P. Joule to achieve; his experiments conclusively prove that heat and energy are of the same nature, and that all other forms of energy can be transformed into an equivalent amount of heat.
AdvertisementBy a natural series of transitions the gift theory became transformed, in the minds of the sacrificers, into the homage theory, which again passed by an easy transition into the renunciation theory.
Visceral mass and shell sinistral; inferior pallial lobe very prominent, and transformed into a branchia.
Amongst them were the serfs on the lands formerly belonging to the church, which had been secularized and transformed into state demesnes by Catherine II.
The gradual replacement of Syriac by Arabic as the vernacular language of Mesopotamia by degrees transformed the Syriac from a living to a dead language.
The fine mosque of Sidi-el-Kattani (or Salah Bey) dates from the close of the 18th century; that of Suk-er-Rezel, now transformed into a cathedral, and called Notre-Dame des Sept Douleurs, was built about a century earlier.
AdvertisementIn such bipedal creatures the legs and pelvis became transformed to a condition similar to that of Dinosaurian reptiles.
He admitted a change (conversio) of the bread and wine into the body of Christ, in the sense that to those who receive them they are transformed by grace into higher powers and influences - into the true, the intellectual or spiritual body of Christ.
The Parthenon was transformed into a mosque; the existing minaret at its south-western corner was built after 1466.
The original triforium is transformed into a clerestory, the original clerestory being lost.
The orientation of higher substitution derivatives is determined by considering the diand tri-substitution compounds into which they can be transformed.
AdvertisementThis substance is transformed into hexachlor-R-pentene oxycarboxylic acid (3) when digested with water; and chromic acid oxidizes this substance to hexachlor-R-pentene (4).
Why should a Ring-motif be transformed into the theme representing Walhalla?
In both cases the dependence is clearly on the part of Peter; for ideas and phrases that in Ephesians and Romans have their firm place in closely wrought sequences, are found in 1 Peter with less profound significance and transformed into smooth and pointed maxims and apophthegmatic sentences.
The motley body of Aryan folk-belief, when subjected to the unifying thought of a speculative brain, was transformed to a selfcontained theory of the universe and a logical dualistic principle.
The distinction between the two is also plainly exhibited when for some local or private reasons an ancient arenaria has been transformed into a cemetery.
AdvertisementWarp speed and, hopefully, I'm transformed from kennel maid to sultry vamp.
Glucoseoxime on warming with acetic anhydride is simultaneously acetylated and dehydrated, yielding an acetylated gluconitrile, which when warmed with ammoniacal silver nitrate loses hydrocyanic acid and is transformed into an acetyl pentose.
Justly to estimate the work done by Kallay, it is only necessary to point to the contrast between Bosnia in 1882 and Bosnia in 1903; for in 21 years the anarchy and ruin entailed by four centuries of misrule were transformed into a condition of prosperity unsurpassed in south-eastern Europe.
It was transformed long since into a fixed amount per head of the animals taxed, which amount varies according to the region in which the tax is levied, the highest tariff being in the sanjak of Jerusalem (72 piastres) and the lowest in the Yemen (1 piastre).
The enforcement of these reforms, however, was postponed sine die owing to the revolution which transformed the Ottoman Empire into a constitutional state; and the powers, anticipating an improvement in the administration of Macedonia by the new government, withdrew their military officers in the summer of 1908.
Nearer the coast, where the melting on the surface is more considerable, the wet snow freezes hard during the winter and is more or less transformed into ice, on the surface of which rivers and lakes are formed, the water of which, however, soon finds its way through crevasses and holes in the ice down to its under surface, and reaches the sea as a sub-glacial river.
The theory was purely democratic, but was all ready to be transformed, by means of a series of fictions and implications, into an imperialist doctrine; and in like manner it contained a visionary plan of reformation which ended, not in the separation of the church from the state, but in the subjection of the church to the state.
If two solutions containing the salts AB and CD be mixed, double decomposition is found to occur, the salts AD and CB being formed till a certain part of the first pair of substances is transformed into an equivalent amount of the second pair.
To explain this result, chemists suppose that both changes can occur simultaneously, and that equilibrium results when the rate at which AB and CD are transformed into AD and CB is the same as the rate at which the reverse change goes on.
The traditional loyalty of the Danish middle classes was transformed into a boundless enthusiasm for the king personally, and for a brief period Frederick found himself the most popular man in his kingdom.
Utilizing this principle he constructed the radiometer, which he was at first disposed to regard as a machine that directly transformed light into motion, but which was afterwards perceived to depend on thermal action.
Abeokuta, under the reforming zeal of its native rulers, was largely transformed during the early years of the 20th century.
If the determinant is transformed so as to read by columns as it formerly did by rows its value is unchanged.
In the theory of forms we seek functions of the coefficients and variables of the original quantic which, save as to a power of the modulus of transformation, are equal to the like functions of the coefficients and variables of the transformed quantic. We may have such a function which does not involve the variables, viz.
The identities are, in particular, of service in reducing symbolic products to standard forms. A symbolical expression may be always so transformed that the power of any determinant factor (ab) is even.
Then if j, J be the original and transformed forms of an invariant J= (a1)wj, w being the weight of the invariant.
Of the quadratic axe+2bxy+cy2, he discovered the two invariants ac-b 2, a-2b cos w+c, and it may be verified that, if the transformed of the quadratic be AX2=2BXY+CY2, sin w 2 AC -B 2 =) (ac-b2), sin w A-2B cos w'+C = (sin w'1 2(a - 2bcosw+c).
Suppose that is transformed into Ax=BX=CX=...
The centre of its great industrial activity is the capital, Vienna (q.v.); but in the region of the Wiener Wald up to the Semmering, owing to its many waters, which can be transformed into motive power, many factories are spread.
Ordinary magnetizable iron is in many respects an essentially different substance from the non-magnetizable metal into which it is transformed when its temperature is raised above a certain point.
It was his just boast to have transformed mechanics (defined by him as a "geometry of four dimensions") into a branch of analysis, and to have exhibited the so-called mechanical "principles" as simple results of the calculus.
The lakes of the Alagoas coast, however, are long, narrow and deep, occupying valleys which were deeply excavated when the land stood at a higher level, and which were transformed into lakes by the elevation of the coast.
Such in brief were the doctrine and use of the early churches, gradually systematized, developed and transformed in the churches of the Roman obedience.
The electrolytic reduction of the aromatic nitro compounds gives rise to substituted hydroxylamines which are immediately transformed into aminophenols or amines.
The inner town was formerly fortified, but the fortifications were transformed into pleasure grounds in 1811.
At the head of the educational institutions stands the university, founded in 1784 by Joseph II., transformed into a lycee in 1803, and restored and reorganized in 1817.
The world saw with astonishment this vicious, rough, coarse-fibred man of the world transformed into an austere penitent, who worked miracles of healing.
The free fatty acid radicle then unites with an alkali, and becomes transformed into a soluble soap which is then readily absorbed in this fluid condition by the epithelial cells of the mucous membrane.
The ' haemoglobin may be transformed into haematoidin, a pigment that does not contain iron, or into a pigment which does contain iron, haemosiderin.
In hepatogenous pigmentation (icterus or jaundice) we have the iron-free pigment modified and transformed by the action of the liver cells into bile pigment (bilirubin).
The results of these experimental researches by many inquirers into the constitution of the brain have transformed our conceptions of cerebral physiology, and thrown a flood of light on the diseases of the brain.
St James's Park was transformed from marshy land into a deer park, bowling green and tennis court by Henry VIII., extended and laid out as a pleasure garden by Charles II., and rearranged according to the designs of John Nash in 1827-1829.
They combine readily with the alkyl iodides to form alkyl acridinium iodides, which are readily transformed by the action of alkaline potassium ferricyanide to N-alkyl acridones.
The superscription shows points of connexion with the Rest of the Words of Baruch, but little weight can be attached to the fact, since titles and superscriptions were so frequently transformed and expanded in ancient times.
Later the nitrogen-content of the nodule decreases, most of the organisms, which are largely composed of proteid material, becoming digested and transformed into soluble nitrogenous compounds which are conducted to the developing roots and seeds.
The other is the already existing institutions which began to be transformed to meet the new needs.
In conjunction with this work the entire Danube Canal has been transformed into a harbour by the construction of a lock at its entrance, while increased accommodation for shipping has also been provided at the other end of the canal known as the winter harbour.
If, as Hegel asserted, our experience is all knowledge, and if knowledge is indefinitely transformed by the conditions of knowing, then we are tempted to regard the object as superfluous, and to treat our innate conviction that knowledge has reference to objects as a delusion which philosophical reflection is destined to dispel.
Frederick's importance as an historical figure arises from his having obtained the electorate of Saxe-Wittenberg for the house of Wettin, and transformed the margraviate of Meissen into the territory which afterwards became the kingdom of Saxony.
In the Christian Church the tradition of faith healing dates from the earliest days of Christianity; upon the miracles of the New Testament follow cases of healing, first by the Apostles, then by their successors; but faith healing proper is gradually, from the 3rd century onwards, transformed into trust in relics, though faith cures still occur sporadically in later times.
Whatever we may think of the political sagacity of such a judgment, it is due to Comte to say that he did not expect to see his dictatorial republic transformed into a dynastic empire, and, next, that he did expect from the Man of December freedom of the press and of public meeting.
The principal secular building is the town-hall, completed in the 15th century, flanked on one side by a Gothic chapel, transformed now into a museum.
It was he who after Austerlitz aggrandized the margravate at the expense of Austria; transformed it into a sovereign principality and raised it to a grand-duchy.
To the specialists in sciences which were advancing rapidly and in divergent directions to results which often reacted on and transformed their initial assumptions, Spencer has often appeared too much of a philosopher and defective in specialist knowledge.
The Siemens and Halske ozonizer, in form somewhat resembling the old laboratory instrument, is largely used in Germany; working with an alternating current transformed up to 650o volts, it has been found to give 280 grains or more of ozone per e.
The Cronica cientifica y literaria (1817-1820) was afterwards transformed into a daily newspaper.
From an idyllist and elegist we find him suddenly transformed into an unsparing master of poetical satire.
His diction is still very artificial, the poetic diction of Delille transformed in the direction of Hugo, but not very much.
If, starting from E, the same amount of heat h is restored at constant pressure, we should arrive at the point F on the adiabatic through B, since the substance has been transformed from B to F by a reversible path without loss or gain of heat on the whole.
After performing several feats of valour, he was appointed by Hera to watch the cow into which Io had been transformed.
It shared to the full in all the quickening that transformed so many departments of civilization during that epoch, and has been specially influenced by the missionary enterprise, the discoveries of science, the fuller knowledge of the Bible, the awakened zeal for social service.
The first dorsal fin and the ventrals are transformed into pointed formidable spines, and joined to firm bony plates of the endoskeleton.
This V Olkerwanderung, as it is called by German historians, again transformed the face of Europe, resulting in the establishment of independent kingdoms and a great mixture of races and institutions.
The Camoens grotto, where the exiled poet found leisure to celebrate the achievements of his ungrateful country, lies in a secluded spot to the north of the town, which has been partly left in its native wildness strewn with huge granite boulders and partly transformed into a fine botanical garden.
This was, in its day, a colossal undertaking; and its success transformed Holyoke from a farming village into a great manufacturing centre - in 1900 and 1905 the ninth largest of the commonwealth.
Not merely were artistic sculptures and bas-reliefs found that demonstrated a high development of artistic genius, but great libraries were soon revealed, - books consisting of bricks of various sizes, or of cylinders of the same material, inscribed while in the state of clay with curious characters which became indelible when baking transformed the clay into brick.
His investigation tends to show that in the course of tradition cosmological myths are transformed into eschatological dogmas.
When the force acts on a body free to turn about a fixed axis only, it is convenient to express the work done by the transformed product TO, where T is the average turning moment or torque acting to produce the displacement 0 radians.
Owing to a great fire in 1777, the town is almost entirely modern; and its fortifications have been transformed into promenades.
It is in seeking to realize its own ideas in the world of knowledge, feeling and action that the mind comes into possession of itself; it is in becoming permeated and transformed by the mind's ideas that the world develops the fullness of its reality as object.
Throughout the 9th and 10th centuries, as the life-benefices of the later Carolingian kings were gradually transformed into hereditary fiefs, the insecurity of life and property increased, for there was no central power to curb the warring local magnates.
Of the long-billed paradise birds the most remarkable is that known as the "twelve-wired" (Seleucides alba), its delicate yellow plumes, twelve of which are transformed into wire-like bristles.
It is readily soluble in water, the solution being gradually transformed into the orthoacid, a reaction which proceeds much more rapidly on boiling.
In a short time, and without any pressure from the Government, but solely as a result of the favourable prices it offered, industrial conditions were completely transformed so as to meet the exigencies of the war.
It was taken on the 4th of February 1860 by the Spaniards under O'Donnell, and almost transformed by them into a European city before its evacuation on the 2nd of May 1862, but so hateful were the changes to the Moors that they completely destroyed all vestiges of alteration and reduced the city to its former state.
The improvements effected in Brussels during the 19th century were enormous, and completely transformed the city.
This description, quoted from James Clerk Maxwell's article in the 9th edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, represents the historical position of the subject up till about 1860, when Maxwell began those constructive speculations in electrical theory, based on the influence of the physical views of Faraday and Lord Kelvin, which have in their subsequent development largely transformed theoretical physics into the science of the aether.
This single principle of energy has transformed physical science by making possible the construction of a network of ramifying connexions between its various departments; it thus stimulates the belief that these constitute a single whole, and encourages the search for the complete scheme of interconnexion of which the principle of energy and the links which it suggests form only a single feature.
The transformed spiritual life of the believer expresses itself not in the observance of the Jewish law, but in love, purity and peace.
Two tendencies appeared in the thought of the primitive Church, the one to regard Christianity as a law given by God for the government of men's lives, with the promise of a blessed immortality as a reward for its observance; the other to view it as a means by which the corrupt and mortal nature of man is transformed, so that he becomes a spiritual and holy being.
Only he is saved who on the one hand is forgiven at baptism and so released from the power of Satan, and then goes on to live in obedience to the divine law; and on the other hand receives in baptism the germ of a new spiritual nature and is progressively transformed by feeding upon the body and blood of the divine Christ in the eucharist.
Christianity is at once a revealed law which a man must keep, and by keeping which he earns salvation, and a supernatural power whereby his nature is transformed and the divine quality of immortality imparted to it.
The effect of the mystical conception was to identify Christ with God in order that by his incarnation the divine nature might be brought into union with humanity and the latter be transformed.
The old institutions of the Catholic Church were transformed to suit the new position of the pope.
A further step must be taken - the two independent countries must be transformed into a single state.
Originally, Helen was perhaps a goddess of light, a moon-goddess, who was gradually transformed into the beautiful heroine round whom the action of the Iliad revolves.
The university took possession of the Collegium Claromontanum, then known as the College Louis-le-Grand, and transformed it into an ecole normale.
When the oxide-free metal is heated gently in dry ammonia it is gradually transformed into a blue liquid, which on cooling freezes into a yellowish-brown or flesh-coloured solid, potassamide, KNH 2.
When, therefore, the breach came, and the struggle between reformers and conservatives within the undivided Church was transformed into a struggle between Protestants and Romanists, it was inevitable that the authority which in the previous centuries had been ascribed to the Church 1 E.g.
There are likewise traces of survival in the examples of "sympathetic magic" transformed into the acted parable of prophecy.
In the genus Tejus the teeth of the adult become molar-like; and in Dracaena they are transformed into large, oval crushers, indicating strictly herbivorous habits, while most members of the family live upon animal food.
Ablepharus, the lower eyelid is transformed into a transparent cover which is fused with the rim of the reduced upper lid.
Forelimbs absent; hind-limbs transformed into a pair of scale-covered flaps.
It changed thought into an emotional dream; it plunged into the ocean of sentiment; it treated the old world of fable as the reflection of a higher reality, and transformed reality into poetry; and after all these expedients, to borrow a phrase of Augustine's, it only saw afar off the land of its desire.
But neither the severe climate nor the neighbourhood of wild and warlike hillmen shook their faith, and in the course of half a century, in one of the most unhealthy and unfertile localities in the Caucasus, they transformed this wilderness into flourishing colonies, and continued to live a Christian and laborious life, making friends with, instead of fighting, the hillmen.
Here we note the stress laid on the Invocation of the Spirit to operate the transformation of the elements, though in what sense they are transformed is not defined.
They remain the same in outward appearance as they were received, but by that power they are transformed into a spiritual power.
The word is also applied to many mechanical devices by which raw material is transformed into a condition ready for use or into a stage preparatory to other processes, e.g.
Examination will, however, show that a modification similar to that which has transformed the comparatively simple molar tooth of the mastodon into the extremely complex grinder of the Indian elephant has served to change the tooth of the common pig into that of Phacochoerus.
For in such a construction every point of the figure is obtained by the intersection of two straight lines, a straight line and a circle, or two circles; and as this implies that, when a unit of length is introduced, numbers employed, and the problem transformed into one of algebraic geometry, the equations to be solved can only be of the first or second degree, it follows that the equation to which we must be finally led is a rational equation of even degree.
Until the middle of the 19th century the methods of agriculture were of a primitive character, but since then they have been entirely transformed, and Orcadian farming is now not below the average standard of the Scottish lowlands.
Septibranchia Gills have lost their respiratory function, and are transformed into a muscular septum on each side between mantle and foot.
Under artificial illumination many sapphires appear dark and inky, whilst in some cases the blue changes to a violet, so that the sapphire seems to be transformed to an amethyst.
Some of the navigable canals which connected the harbour with the interior of the city have been either modified or filled up. Several streets have been widened, and a road along the shore has been transformed into a fine and shady promenade.
By the action of concentrated sulphuric acid it is transformed into chromium ammonium sulphate.
The rooms occupied by Wallenstein have been transformed since 1872 into a museum, which contains many historical relics and antiquities of the town of Eger.
The Romanesque churches, still reminiscent of antique models, had preserved all the simplicity of the ancient basilicas with much more than their grandeur; but the taste for religious symbolism which culminated in the 13th century, and the imaginative genius of the northern peoples, transformed them into the marvellous dreams in stone of the " Gothic " period.
Dealing with the formation of habits, he is compelled to note that passive impressions, however transformed, do not furnish a complete or adequate explanation.
Fichte thus transformed the transcendental idealism of Kant by identifying the thing with the object, and by interpreting noumenon, not in Kant's sense of something which speculative reason conceives and practical reason postulates to exist in accordance with the idea, but in the new meaning of a thought, a product of reason.
Fichte transformed this unity of the conscious self into a unity of all conscious selves, or a common consciousness; and this change enabled him to explain the unity of anything produced by the Ego by contending that it is not the different objects of different thinkers, but the one object of a pure Ego or consciousness common to them all.
They declared Christ to be the Son of God only through grace like other prophets, and that the bread and wine of the eucharist were not transformed into flesh and blood; that the last judgment would be executed by God and not by Jesus; that the images and the cross were idols and the worship of saints and relics idolatry.
Satanail was thus transformed into Satan.
Two missionaries were sent to the Friendly Islands in 1826, and in 1835 a mission was undertaken among the cannibals of Fiji, which spread and deepened till the whole group of islands was transformed.
The missions begin by establishing apostolic prefectures under the charge of priests; the prefecture is later transformed into an apostolic vicariate, having at its head a bishop; finally, the hierarchy, i.e.
As heat is supplied, the hydrate is transformed gradually into the anhydrous salt and water.
In some of the writings no Messianic kingdom is looked for; in others only a temporal duration on earth is assigned to it; in others still it abides for ever either on earth as it is, or on earth transformed.
On the 13th of October 1825, he was succeeded by his son, Louis I, an enlightened patron of the arts and sciences, who transferred the university of Landshut to Munich, which, by his magnificent taste in building, he transformed into one of the most beautiful cities of the continent.
Other noteworthy buildings are the provincial museum of antiquities, containing interesting Germanic antiquities, as well as medieval and modern collections of porcelain, pictures, &c.; the courts of justice (transformed in the middle of the 18th century); the old Ommelanderhuis, formerly devoted to the administration of the surrounding district, built in 1509 and restored in 1899; the weigh-house (1874); the civil and military prison; the arsenal; the military hospital; and the concert hall.
In modern times pumping engines have replaced windmills, and the typical old Dutch landscape with its countless hooded heads and swinging arms has been greatly transformed by the advent of the chimney stacks of the pumping-stations.
They formerly served to support large flocks of sheep and some cattle, but are gradually transformed by the planting of woods, as well as by strenuous efforts at cultivation.
The stadholderate, the offices of captain and admiral-general, and all the ancient organization of the United Netherlands were abolished, and were transformed into the Batavian Republic, in close alliance with France.
It is the last part of the metal to undergo this transformation and, when thus transformed, it is of constant though not atomic composition, and habitually consists of interstratified plates of its component metals.
Its construction may fairly be taken to mark the period at which the roads of which we have spoken, hitherto probably mere tracks, began to be transformed into real highways.
The monovalent iodine, for instance, is transformed by heating into an allotropic form, corresponding to the formula I, whereas ordinary iodine answers to I 2.
Some petioles are long, slender and sensitive to contact, and function as tendrils by means of which the plant climbs; as in the l,' nasturtiums (Tropaeolum), clematis and c in others; and in compound leaves the midrib and some of the leaflets may similarly be transformed into tendrils, as in the pea and vetch.
In such a movement as early Christian gnosticism, Babylonian elements - modified, to be sure, and transformed - are largely present, while the growth of an apocalyptic literature is ascribed with apparent justice by many scholars to the recrudescence of views the ultimate source of which is to be found in the astral-theology of the Babylonian and Assyrian priests.
Within a month it was transformed, and presented, says an eyewitness, "a scene where stillness and propriety reigned."
The most permanent interest of the history of the United States is the picture it offers of a primitive democratic society transformed by prosperity and the acquisition of capital into a great republican commonwealth.
The great boundary rivers flow through low-lying valleys fertilized by their overflow or percolation, while a high bank leads up to the central upland, which, though naturally dry and unproductive except where irrigated by wells, has been transformed by various canal systems. This favoured region may be regarded as the granary of upper India.
When heated in a current of hydrogen it is transformed into the colourless disulphide, whilst if the heating be carried out in a current of nitrogen it yields the trisulphide, Rb 2 S 3 H 2 0.
Rubidium nitrate, RbNO 3, obtained by the action of nitric acid on the carbonate, crystallizes in needles or prisms and when strongly heated is transformed into a mixture of nitrite and oxide.
The Path is represented as the great work whereby the inner nature of the individual is consciously transformed and developed.
During the administration of Noel Ballay (1848-1902), governor of the colony 1890-1900, Konakry was transformed from a place of small importance to one of the chief ports on the west coast of Africa and a serious rival to Freetown, Sierra Leone.
Even in Upper Egypt a few decades ago, there was a tomb of the Mahommedan sheikh Heridi, who - it is alleged - was transformed into a serpent; in cases of sickness a spotless virgin entered the cave and the serpentoccupant might permit itself to be taken in procession to the patient.
In the downfall of Jerusalem, the experiences of the exile in Babylon, and the return to Judaea, the nation was transformed into a church.
So too some thought of a literal resurrection of the body of flesh and blood, while others thought that it would be transformed.
As religion thus becomes thoroughly ethical, so is the notion of the Messianic kingdom transformed.
Here the cosmological element is and though naturally this self-assertion seemed blasphemous to those who did not accept him, yet as he had transformed the traditional notion of the kingdom, so did he the current thought of the Messiah.
Transplanted into the Greek world-view, inevitably the Christian teaching was modified - indeed transformed.
In 1872 the city ceased to be a fortress, and the bastions have been transformed into boulevards and public gardens.
The North, alarmed at the threat, speedily transformed Washington into a great military post and protected it on all sides with strong earthworks.
Tennessee, where it is transformed into massive mountain groups.
The genuine Isopoda are divided among the Flabellifera, in which the terminal segment and uropods form a flabellum or swimming fan; the Epicaridea, parasitic on Crustaceans; the Valvifera, in which the uropods fold valve-like over the branchial pleopods; the Asellota, in which the first pair of pleopods of the female are usually transformed into a single opercular plate; the Phreatoicidea, a fresh-water tribe, known as yet only from subterranean waters in New Zealand and an Australian swamp nearly 6000 ft.
The "cascades" are wonderful formations like foaming cataracts caught in mid-air and transformed into milk-white or amber alabaster.
Even in copies of Jerome this is transformed into millibus; and it is perhaps not impossible that to this misreading we may indirectly owe the "thousands" in the Ursula legend.
The musts from which the Sauternes wines are made are so concentrated that only a part of the sugar is transformed into alcohol, an appreciable portion remaining unfermented.
In April 1754 Townshend was transformed from the position of a member of the board of trade, which he had held from 1749, to that of a lord of the admiralty, but at the close of 1 755 his passionate attack against the policy of the ministry, an attack which shared in popular estimation with the scathing denunciations of Pitt, the supreme success of Single-Speech Hamilton, and the hopeless failure of Lord Chesterfield's illegitimate son, caused his resignation.
So long as the religious motive remained dominant, "blue laws" were a prominent feature of the administration, but by a slow transition the economic motive became the dominant one, and, as a consequence of this transition and of the corporate form of government, European institutions were transformed into American institutions and new political ideas were generated more rapidly in New England than in either the Middle or the Southern colonies.
Under Dr James Robertson, professor of church history in Edinburgh, one of the leading champions of the Moderate policy in the Ten Years' Conflict, the extension scheme was transformed into the endowment scheme, and the church accepted it as her duty and her task to provide the machinery of new parishes where they were required.'
In several cases entire "Separate" churches reached the conviction that the baptism of infants was not only without Scriptural warrant but was a chief corner-stone of state-churchism, and transformed themselves into Baptist churches.
The bulk of the copper is thus transformed into cupric chloride, little cuprous chloride being obtained.
Immediately after the Greek revolution, Prince John Sturdza took an active part in subduing the roving bands of Greek Hetairists in Moldavia; he transformed the Greek elementary schools into Rumanian schools and laid the foundation for that scientific national development which Prince Michael Sturdza continued after 1834.
The original ethical contrast of " good " and " just " is thus transformed into the cosmological contrast of " spirit " and " matter."
It was transformed, with the strong approval of all its chief members and the consent of the rest, into a Fourierist "phalanx" in 1845.
The relations of the modern Baluch with the government of India were entirely transformed by the life work of Sir Robert Sandeman.
From the elements the one substance is transformed into the multitude of individual things in the orderly universe, which again is itself a living thing or being, and the Pneuma pervading it, and conditioning life and growth everywhere, is its soul.
During the few months in which he acted as regent for his daughter, he had transformed Portugal from a semi-feudal into a modern state.
Golden Gate Park (about 1014 acres) was a waste of barren sand dunes when acquired by the municipality in 1870, but skilful planting and cultivation have entirely transformed its character.
In 1837 he became pastor in Neuendettelsau, a small and unattractive place, where his life's work was done, and which he transformed into a busy and influential community.
No doubt Varro contemned the Hellenizing innovations by which the hard and rude Latin of his youth was transformed into the polished literary language of the late republican and the Augustan age.
The interior was transformed in the 18th century to the Renaissance style, and the whole church thoroughly restored in 1877-1896.
The dukedoms in the neighbourhood of the seat of power were gradually absorbed, and their holders transformed into royal officers.
Rich as the country is in coal and iron, and in water supplies which can be transformed into motive power, the inhabitants were not slow to utilize these advantages, so that the industry of Bohemia made enormous strides during the last half of the 19th century.
The house in which Mozart was born has been transformed into a museum, which contains many interesting relics.
The latter offers a cannibal-meal to the disguised God, who turns him into a wolf for his sins; and the later Arcadian ritual in honour of this God betrays a hint of lycanthropy; some one who partook of the sacrifice or who swam across a certain lake was supposed to be transformed into a wolf for a certain time.4 Robertson Smith 5 was the first to propose that we have here the traces of an ancient totemistic sacrifice of a wolf-clan, who offered the " theanthropic " animal " the man-wolf " to the wolf-God.
To the south-east is the temple of Aesculapius, which served originally as a kind of court chapel, and has long been transformed into a baptistery.
Diocletian died in 313; and before long the city became an episcopal see, with St Doimo as its first bishop. The palace was transformed into an imperial cloth factory, and, as most of the workers were women, it became known as the gynaecium.
As the peaceful results of British rule developed, and the old feuds between the Mhairs and their Rajput neighbours died out, the Mhair battalion was transformed into a police force.
During the regime of this able administrator New South Wales was transformed from a penal settlement to a colony.
The book of laws (Vendidad) is characterized by an arid didactic tone; only here and there the legislator clothes his dicta in the guise of graceful dialogues and tales, or of poetic descriptions and similitudes; and then the book of laws is transformed into a didactic poem.
The entire spikelet, or single flowers, are transformed into small-leaved shoots which fall from the axes and readily root in the ground.
The monastery has been transformed into a medieval museum, where many specimens illustrating the modern history of Naples may be studied, and some fine specimens of majolica from the southern provinces can be inspected.
But when light is transmitted through a material medium, it always suffers some loss, the light energy being absorbed by the medium, that is, converted partially or wholly into other forms of energy such as heat, a portion of which transformed energy may be re-emitted as radiant energy of a lower frequency.
It phosphoresces in ozone, but not in air, and is nonpoisonous; from its solution in alcoholic potash acids precipitate the hydride P 12 H 6, and when heated it is transformed into the red modification.
Although the characteristic titles of voivode, knez and ban (all implying military as well as civil authority) are of Slavonic origin, and perhaps derived from the practice of the later Bulgarian (or Bulgaro-Vlachian) empire, the growth of Vlach feudal institutions is attributed to German influences, which permeated through Hungarian channels into the Vlach world, and transformed the primitive tribal chiefs into a feudal aristocracy of boiars or boyards 2 (nobles).
Rosetti, and Maiorescu, and transformed into a political association in 1881.
The absence of lines of the spectrum of any element from the solar spectrum is no proof that the element is absent from the sun; apart from the possibility that the high temperature and other circumstances may show it transformed into some unknown mode, which is perhaps the explanation of the absence of nitrogen, chlorine and other non-metals; if the element is of high atomic weight we should expect it to be found only in the lowest strata of the sun's atmosphere, where its temperature was nearly equal to that of the central globe, and so any absorption line which it showed would be weak.
Moreover, the terrible events in which he had played a part transformed his character.
By alkalis they are transformed into stereo-isomers, the a-acid giving 7 -truxillic acid, and the, 3-acid S-truxillic acid.
Poole Harbour, extending inland 6 m., with a general breadth of 4 m., has a very narrow entrance, and is studded with low islands, on the largest of which, Brownsea or Branksea, is a castle, transformed into a residence, erected as a defence of the harbour in Tudor times, and strengthened by Charles I.
Similarly, if we have a curve U= o derived from the curve u = o in a manner independent of the particular axes of co-ordinates, then from the transformed equation u' = o deriving in like manner the curve U' = o, the two equations U= o, U' = o must each of them imply the other; and when this is so, U will be a covariant of u.
In particular if D =o, that is, if the given curve be unicursal, the transformed curve is a line, 4 is a mere linear function of 0, and the theorem is that the co-ordinates x, y, z of a point of the unicursal curve can be expressed as proportional to rational and integral functions of 0; it is easy to see that for a given curve of the order m, these functions of 0 must be of the same order m.
And so if D =2, then the transformed curve is a nodal quartic; 4 can be expressed as the square root of a sextic function of 0 and the theorem is, that the co-ordinates x, y, z of a point of the tricursal curve can be expressed as proportional to rational and integral functions of 0, and of the square root of a sextic function of 0.
The "age of small factions" was now succeeded by an age of great principles, and selfish ties of mere families and persons were transformed into a union resting on common conviction and patriotic aims. It was Burke who did more than any one else to give to the Opposition, under the first half of the reign of George III., this stamp of elevation and grandeur.
Many polymerize readily, or are transformed into isomers by boiling with dilute alcoholic sulphuric acid.
With the assistance of the famous architect, Pieter Post of Haarlem, he transformed the Recife by building a new town adorned with splendid public edifices and gardens, which was called after his name Mauritstad.
The old myths in which Bel of Nippur was celebrated as the hero were transformed by the priests of Babylon in the interest 'The name Mordecai denotes "belonging to Maduk."
They have been transformed.
The Federalist party gradually showed broad-construction, nationalistic tendencies; the Anti-Federalist party became a strict-construction party and advocated popular rights against the asserted aristocratic, centralizing tendencies of its opponent, and gradually was transformed into the Democratic-Republican party, mustered and led by Thomas Jefferson, who, however, had approved the ratification of the Constitution and was not, therefore, an Anti-Federalist in the original sense of that term.
The later Syriac, curiously enough, has behmoth, - apparently the behemoth of Job transformed into a bird.
Thus in various ways ecclesiastical benefices were gradually transformed into fiefs, and lay suzerains claimed the same rights over ecclesiastics as over other vassals from whom they received homage, and whom they invested with lands.
On the other hand, the need for political and social order involved the necessity for a disciplined and homogeneous religious body; the exercise of power, moreover, soon transformed the democratic Christianity of the earlier churches into a federation of little conservative monarchies.
An uprising obliged him to call the states-general together again in February 1357, when they transformed themselves into a deliberative, independent and permanent assembly by means of the Grande Ordonnance.
By giving the king the ecclesiastical patronage they not only made a docile instrument of him, but endowed him with a mine of wealth, even more productive than the sale of offices, and a power of favoring and rewarding that transformed a needy and ill-obeyed king into an absolute monarch.
Thus the aristocratic constitution of Sieys was transformed into an unavowed dictatorship, a public ratification of which the First Consul obtained by a third coup detat from the intimidated and yet reassured electors-reassured by his dazzling but unconvincing offers of peace to the victorious Coalition (which repulsed them), by the rapid disarmament of La Vende, and by the proclamations in which he filled the ears of the infatuated people with the new talk of stability of government, order, justice and moderation.
After this, in four campaigns from transformed his Carolingian feudal and federal empire into one modelled on the Roman empire.
In order, for example, to maintain the necessity of creation, he taught that all things except God were admissible or possible in their own nature, but that certain of them were rendered necessary by the act of the creative first agent, - in other words, that the possible could be transformed into the necessary.
In this period of half-trained reason, it appears as happy conjecture, not yet transformed into art or science proper.
By his interpreters it was transformed into a theory of one soul common to all mankind, and when thus corrupted conflicted not unreasonably with the doctrines of a future life, common to Islam and Christendom.
After many years the larva is transformed into the pupa or nymph, which is distinguishable principally by the shortness of its antennae and the presence of wing pads.
The act of presentation (Vorstellen) then becomes partly transformed into an effort, and its product, the idea, becomes in the same proportion less and less intense till a position of equilibrium is reached; and then at length the remainders coalesce.
The Tour St Martin is an old church-tower of the 15th and 18th centuries transformed into a belfry.
The Latin combinations ci, fi, p1 at the beginning of words are transformed in two ways iii words of popular origin.
In Babylonian mythology "the old serpent goddess ` the lady Nina' was transformed into the embodiment of all that was hostile to the powers of heaven" (Sayce's Hibbert Lectures, p. 283), and was confounded with the dragon Tiamat, "a terrible monster, reappearing in the Old Testament writings as Rahab and Leviathan, the principle of chaos, the enemy of God and man" (Tennant's The Fall and Original Sin, p. 43), and according to Gunkel (Schopfung and Chaos, p. 383) "the original of the ` old serpent ' of Rev. xii.
The peduncle occasionally becomes abortive, and in place of bearing a flower, is transformed into a tendril; at other times it is hollowed at the apex, so as apparently to form the lower part of the outer whorl of floral leaves as in Eschscholtzia.
In some cases, however, they are transformed into leaves, like the calyx, and occasionally leaf-buds are developed in their axil.
The Green Revolution transformed agriculture in a country where hunger is still an issue today.
Choline is transformed into the brain neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is vital to the efficient transmission of brain signals.
Once we divorce the subjective aspect from the objective, such a philosophy becomes transformed into sheer revolutionary adventurism.
First, the rewrite rules are transformed into so-called minimal rewrite rules, using the pattern-match automaton of Hoffmann and O'Donnell.
The transformed rice was resistant to sap sucking insects and to bacterial blight [17] .
His power hungry father has transformed their terrace house into a fish canning factory.
The stereotypes of happy smiling natives from Columbian cocaine cartels to the Jamaican yardie gangs are transformed.
Many changes have taken place over the years and coastguard co-ordinator centers of the 21st centaury have been transformed by new technology.
In addition, it has a single chloroplast, which makes it easy to produce a uniformly transformed culture.
Nick too had earlier experienced Reethi Rah's zen calm, treating himself to a one-to-one yoga class and declaring himself transformed.
Will you be transformed into a genetic changeling, or fall into the clutches of a doomsday cult?
A few months ago, sick of being a bleary-eyed Tube creature, I transformed into one of London's commuter cyclists.
The property is an old working dairy transformed into an intimate retreat with six distinctive lodgings.
John Percival recalls the season which transformed classical dance in Britain Are short plays too risky to stage?
A problem pattern can be more efficiently discerned, more easily decoded, and more effectively transformed.
Once they have made it past all the rapids they are transformed into celestial dragons.
After some time they went to Rome where they transformed themselves into a somewhat effete aristocratic body tho they retained residual sovereign powers.
Both venues will be transformed into a gastronomic extravaganza.
Adding and subtracting Before adding or subtracting fractions, they must be transformed so that they all have a common denominator.
The area has been transformed into a lovely woodland glade, exposing the obvious ditch and mound formation of the round barrow.
The search space is transformed into a connected graph.
The radio guest claimed that wild blue green algae totally transformed his life to one of optimum health, well being and vitality.
Growth hormone is synthesized in a transformed murine cell line that has been modified by the addition of the gene for pituitary growth hormone is synthesized in a transformed murine cell line that has been modified by the addition of the gene for pituitary growth hormone.
Later in the year, the garden is dramatically transformed by a blaze of autumn hues.
And in part they have already become transformed, for the crisis now impends.
A facility to allow the punching of both transformed integrals and CI coefficients from the full CI code has been introduced.
These cells are thus being transformed into a hard protective layer.
Have you established that the relationship is linear or can be transformed to become linear?
Situated on the banks of the river, the former 17th century hunting lodge has been transformed into an award winning restaurant.
In short order she has completely transformed into a bay thoroughbred mare.
And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
In just a few short years, the state has been transformed from a golfing desert to a virtual golfing Mecca.
One of the darkest episodes of German history has been transformed into romantic melodrama.
Electrophysiology has remained a major theme of departmental research, culminating in the era of Sherrington and Eccles which transformed modern neurophysiology.
Registration is performed using the telescope offsets transformed to pixels.
Two girls are transformed into hideous ogres by a magic cabinet.
Conversely poorer weeks can be transformed by a sudden downpour a couple of days earlier upstream, into a veritable Paradise.
This stretch of the river bank is now largely pedestrianized and has been transformed into a thriving public space.
The lack of shared experiences means that Basildon Man finds his personal optimism transformed to social pessimism behind his back.
They have transformed a dangerous playground full of drug needles and other detritus into an oasis of tranquility for the children who live nearby.
The 1932 Grade II* listed theater will be transformed to create the best modern playhouse for performing Shakespeare in the world.
Japan's advance through the Pacific and into Burma transformed Indian politics.
In formal reasoning, such open sentences may be transformed into logical predicates in the usual way.
Transformed with the goodly transformation of the transfiguration of Christ, we find ourselves made radiant by our good works, magnifying it.
Thus, the theme of millennarian expectation has in the Bahá'à Faith been transformed into the theme of social reformism.
They were to be transformed into armored regiments by the time World War II came along.
When they come to seek reincarnation, they will find an Earth transformed beyond the stage where it can fulfill their further needs.
It's rather like The Red Shoes transformed into an epic saga.
On contact with the tissue, the solution was transformed into a solid scaffold.
We were transformed from dangerous activists to good money spenders, and no trouble tourists.
When Naota transformed his hair would get really spiky with dark red highlights.
The legendary ghost tower is once more transformed into a chilling live-action spook experience.
At that time, the Muscle Pass was transformed from an acrobatic stunt to an element of real magic.
With the change of the economic foundation the entire immense superstructure is more or less rapidly transformed.
Plush, dense sheepskins are hand selected from the finest Australian sheep flocks and transformed into the highest quality leather by craftsman tanners.
For connoisseurs of Swiss quality timepieces, all these accomplishments transformed the name Eterna into a genuine legend.
Out and About From mid summer, the flora and fauna comes alive with the landscape transformed into a lush green paradise.
Monopoly Here & Now Electronic Banking Monopoly has been dramatically transformed to keep up with changing lifestyles.
To endure that you'd have to be a totally transformed person, all sin removed.
In particular the is effected the city's once shabby waterfront, which was completely transformed & opened up Barcelona to the sea.
In this case, the fixed point and shift vector are transformed using the current normalization transformation.
To outline how stations can be transformed into sustainable transport interchanges.
Case material showing how famous child analysts worked with deeply troubled children in ways which transformed their lives will be used.
The largely unquestioned ' Users get what we give them ' attitude was being transformed into the ' What do users want?
The enthusiastic group transformed the Station by painting and cleaning the platform area and taming the garden to maintain the upkeep of the railroad.
The account which follows traces the process of how this unease has been transformed from an intuition to an articulated viewpoint.
Now new investment around the harbor has transformed the waterfront and attracts generations of new visitors to the city.
All the buildings on Orchard Road are transformed into a fairytale wonderland during the Christmas Light-Up, which runs from November through to January.
If it can be shown that, however the duration and all other conditions of the experiment may be varied, the same amount of heat can in the end be always produced when the same amount of energy is expended, then, and only then, can we infer that heat is a form of energy, and that the energy consumed has been really transformed into heat.
It was on that occasion pointed out that the ethnica or tribal and oppidan names of communities belonging to the Sabine stock were marked by the use of the suffix -NOas in Sabini; and that there was some linguistic evidence that this stratum of population overcame an earlier population, which used, generally, ethnica in -CO-- or -TI- (as in Marruci, Ardeates, transformed later into Marrucini, A rdeatini).
In the 19th century the doctrine of evolution received new biological contents and became transformed from a vague, partly metaphysical theory to the dominant modern conception.
The story of Orpheus, as was to be expected of a legend told both by Ovid and Boetius, retained its popularity throughout the middle ages and was transformed into the likeness of a northern fairy tale.
The dorsal or hyomandibular portion of this same arch is transformed into the auditory chain, ending in the fenestra ovalis.
As to the formation of precipitated sulphur, Smith considers that the element first separates in the liquid S,,, condition, which is transformed into SA and finally into Sa; the insoluble (in carbon bisulphide) forms arise when little of the Sw has been transformed; whilst the soluble consist mainly of Sa.
Gradually, however, the chancelleries had to withdraw their protests, for it came to be generally recognized that the semibarbarian, who died at the early age of fifty-three, had transformed the oriental tsardom of Muscovy into a state of the Western type and had made it a powerful member of the European family of nations (see Peter I.).
The god, the victim and the human group are regarded as of the same kin; the animal (totem) is the earlier form of the god; the deity was originally female, for under matrilineal rules the mother alone is of kin to her children, but, with the rise of descent in the male line, the god was transformed into a male.
No ctenidium, pallial cavity transformed into a lung; aperture of shell circular; terrestrial.
Parapodia separate from ventral surface, and generally transformed into XI.
In central Italy the influence of the First Consul was paramount; for in 1801 he transformed the grand duchy of Tuscany into the kingdom of Etruria for the duke of Parma; and, seeing that that promotion added lustre to the fortunes of the duchess of Parma (a Spanish infanta), Spain consented lamely enough to the cession of Louisiana to France.
Hertz, have transformed applied mathematics by systematically basing their deductions upon the Law of the conservation of energy, and the hypothesis of an ether pervading space.
When a homogeneous polynomial is transformed by general linear substitutions as hereafter explained, and is then expressed in the original form with new coefficients affecting the new variables, certain functions of the new coefficients and variables are numerical multiples of the same functions of the original coefficients and variables.
The part devoted to algebra has the title al-jebr wa'lmugabala, and the arithmetic begins with " Spoken has Algoritmi," the name Khwarizmi or Hovarezmi having passed into the word Algoritmi, which has been further transformed into the more modern words algorism and algorithm, signifying a method of computing.
In the case of a steady motion of homogeneous liquid symmetrical about Ox, where 0 is advancing with velocity U, the equation (5) of § 34 p/p +V +Zq'2-f(,P') = constant becomes transformed into P +V + 2- dy + 2U 2 -f(t +2Uy 2) = constant, = 1,t+4Uy2, subject to the condition, from (4) § 34, Y -2 V = - f ' (Y', y 2 2 +2Uy2).
It is known, however, that when two bodies impinge, the kinetic energy which appears to be lost from the mass-motion of the bodies is in reality transformed into heat-energy.
Muller) has the second maxillae transformed into suckers, but in Dolops (Audouin, 1837) (fig.
The Mantispidae are remarkable among the Neuroptera for their elongate prothorax, raptorial fore-legs and hypermetamorphic life-history, the young campodeiform larva becoming transformed into a fat cruciform grub parasitic on young spiders or wasp-larvae (see Mantis-Fly).
One or two circumstantial forgeries of this kind would form the basis of a scheme for explaining not a few other problems of the case, such as the plain inscription "Jacobus," whom St Elizabeth promptly transformed into a supposititious British archbishop of Antioch, brother to the equally imaginary British Pope Cyriacus.
When digested with fuming hydrochloric acid for some time it is converted into ad furfurane dicarboxylic acid (see Furfurane); while on heating with barium sulphide it is transformed into a - thiophene carboxylic acid (see Thiophene).
The two volumes of his speeches, as edited by James Redpath, were fortunately made from verbatim reports, and they wisely enclose in parentheses those indications of favour or dissent from the audience which transformed so many of his speeches into exhibitions of gladiatorial skill.
At Orchomenus, the three daughters of Minyas refused to join the other women in their nocturnal orgies, and for this were transformed into birds (see Agr10nia).
Thales, Anaximander and Anaximenes suppose the single element which they respectively postulate to be transformed into the various sorts of matter which they discover in the world around them, thus assuming the non-existence of that which is elemental and the existence of that which is non-elemental]; another, pursued by " restless " persons, whose " road returns upon itself," assumes that a thing " is and is not," " is the same and not the same " [an obvious reference, as Bernays points out in the Rheinisches Museum, vii.
The princess pondered awhile with a thoughtful smile and her luminous eyes lit up so that her face was entirely transformed.
His whole appearance and manner were suddenly transformed.
While Pierre, standing in the middle of the room, was talking to himself in this way, the study door opened and on the threshold appeared the figure of Makar Alexeevich, always so timid before but now quite transformed.
From the time Rostov entered, her face became suddenly transformed.
I have sung songs in church and heard prayers that have transformed God into a purring cat and not a wild lion.
Then the remains of Dave Lister 's curry is transformed into a rampaging monster.
Simply righteous deeds, holy deeds, godly deeds, transformed life.
It 's rather like The Red Shoes transformed into an epic saga.
The necessity to earn more than could be put together by begging, slowly transformed them from itinerant musicians into itinerant ice-cream salesmen.
Human saliva actually contains factors that promote competence of resident bacteria to become transformed by DNA [48 ].
True believers, true Christians, totally transformed people, those who have been made new in Christ, will have a sanctified tongue.
When Chavez transformed their mission into community self-improvement groups, tho, they faltered and disappeared, just as the Bolivarian Circles.
In other words, we [p.15] are completely changed and transformed and our very lives will shew forth the faith we profess.
This script I transformed into the short story of the same name which can he found in Now 's The Time.
He totally transformed what we were doing from students tottering around in a studio to dancers beginning to understand the movement.
Modern trade unions, such as ATL, have transformed the way that they work.
Godly Love is the result of a transformed life, it is the result of the filling of the Holy Spirit.
But that dull cookie is transformed when incorporated into this concoction.
With sand, palm trees and a stock of deck chairs the Old Truman Brewery has been transformed into a complete beach haven.
Or a derelict area that could be transformed into a playground or garden?
The History of History of Windsor Castle - the castle is transformed into a palace !
Once the Sands of Time are unleashed, all humans except the Prince, the girl and the villain are transformed into sand creatures.
To endure that you 'd have to be a totally transformed person, all sin removed.
In particular the is effected the city 's once shabby waterfront, which was completely transformed & opened up Barcelona to the sea.
Within the space of a few years the face of the British wine trade was transformed beyond recognition.
Patti Pavilion to be transformed May 2006 Swansea 's historic Patti Pavilion is to be transformed into a major entertainment venue.
Our recent remodeling project transformed our dusty, airless basement into a colorful, inviting playroom for the children.
Adding a padded seat, colorful pillows, and a new lamp transformed the unused alcove into a cozy reading nook.
The house was a little smaller than they wanted, but the hallway alcove was easily transformed into a nursery for their new baby.
The wonderful idea behind a jungle nursery is that it is easily transformed into a preschooler's haven by removing the crib and replacing it with a toddler bed or full-size bed.
These days, when watching television can be transformed by an array of technologies, a television is just the cornerstone of the home entertainment center.
What started as a single device with minimal features has transformed in to car-systems, mobile applications, even GPS devices equipped to work with laptops.
Most notably, author Susan Nanus transformed the work into a two-act children's play in 1977, and producer Chuck Jones created a combination live-action and animated film based on the novel in 1970.
If you'd like to take a green approach, even a salvaged piece of flooring or wrought iron gate can be transformed into a table with the proper hardware and a little imagination.
To understand what is wind energy, you need to exam how the wind is transformed into energy.
You can't just plug your television into the wind; however, the energy needs to be captured and transformed into usable energy.
A recycled item is transformed from its original state into something else that becomes a new product created from the old item.
Reusing or repurposing an item doesn't require that the item be broken down and transformed.
Deforestation occurs when a forested area is transformed into a non-forested area.
Fifteen minutes later, and using about $5 worth of paint, my side entryway was transformed.
When the fresh laurel leaves dry out, this wreath is magically transformed into a true work of art with a coat of spray paint and some nutty accents and twigs topped off with dazzling berries.
Try using a damask wall stencil to decorate a portion of your walls and see how your space is instantly transformed.
Despite looking very pretty in the pot, the color transformed into something much too bright and garish when applied.
Gothic makeup has truly transformed into a creative and dramatic type of look.
With the migration to computers and the Internet, the game of Pokemon has truly transformed over the years.
When your school hosts a masquerade ball, then the gym or auditorium of the school will be transformed into a classic, Cinderella style room for the night.
During puberty, a child’s body goes through a period of development, in which her body is transformed into what she will become.
Many times you'll discover that the bamboo has been transformed into a bamboo rayon or the towel is a blend of bamboo and some other fiber.
Any room can be spiced up or totally transformed when ribbons, bows, ties, studs, or just about anything is applied to your window valance.
Any bedroom can be transformed into a tranquil oasis with Asian inspired bedding.
With the right accessories and colors, any part of your abode can be transformed into a calm environment.
Within a year she had transformed the show from a failing platform to the most popular morning talk show in Chicago, surpassing even Donahue.
Her home will be transformed to look like the Van De Kamp's house.
Starting his career in his teens, Maguire has transformed into an award-winning, accomplished young actor with little trouble or controversy following him.
Over the years, his face has transformed from having a "normal" African-American look to one that shows absolutely no resemblance to his younger years.
At the time, she was a media darling, a sweet girl from Louisiana that was transformed quickly into a pop star.
It comes as no surprise that the series was quickly transformed into movie scripts.
Though the daytime talk show queen is leaving the show that transformed her into the media powerhouse she is today, Oprah isn't going off the airwaves completely.
A humble collared shirt and tie number will be transformed into a outfit that may include an Old English top hat and cape.
To help you narrow down the choices and get the best buy for your money, consider styles that can be easily transformed or altered for other occasions.
Designated decks, pools, restaurants and nightclubs are transformed into fantasy playgrounds with sexy, erotic atmospheres.
The band slowly transformed into Less Than Jake and added a horn player, Jessica Mills, for their Smoke Spot record.
As the forced air pushes through the coils, the refrigerant absorbs the heat out of the air, cooling it; the liquid in the coils is transformed into gas as cold air is directed into the home.
If you're having an existing room transformed into a sunroom, you may not a building permit, but check to be sure because odds are you will.
It all started back in the late '70s and the early '80s, at a time when punk was emerging and transformed to be known as hip hop.
Even a day at the office, where your standard (and rather unsexy) everyday suit is the uniform of choice, can be transformed if you slip a flirty bra on underneath.
They can also be transformed into regular binoculars with a conversion pack.
It has been transformed into a peninsula, located in the southern region of Brooklyn in New York City.
During the fall, however, the park is transformed from a summer playground into a masterfully spooky netherworld where monsters roam the midways day and night.
Heading to the opposite corner of England, one finds Blackpool Pleasure Beach, a fairground and beach resort area that's transformed into a magnificent theme park with some of the oldest and most thrilling rides in the United Kingdom.
For the last few weekends of each operating season, typically from mid-September to the end of October, Cedar Point is transformed from a classic amusement park into a spooktacular seasonal destination.
The park is transformed into a hauntingly frightful sight, with haunted rides, roaming zombies and special trick-or-treat options for the kids.
Could the popular series be transformed into 3D?
Your goal is to get to Dr. Eggman who has transformed Amy and Tails into cards and obtain the Master Emerald before your opponent does.
Link pursues but is sucked into a mysterious realm of twilight and transformed into a blue-eyed wolf. - This professionally-designed website has all sorts of the latest video games transformed into some radical-looking desktops.
The media once blamed rock music, saying that artists like Marilyn Manson and Metallica transformed teens into devil worshipers and suicidal individuals.
In normal development, the primary reflex system is inhibited or transformed in the first year of life and a secondary or postural reflex system emerges.
One of the pioneers of multicultural education was James Banks, who believed all aspects of education needed to be transformed in order to create a multicultural school environment.
One day he was asked to make a pair of shoes in a pinch, and he transformed into a shoemaker specializing in pointe shoes.
Finally, and most importantly, the Internet has transformed the world into an incredibly large classroom - allowing dancers the opportunity to view countless videos of different routines and performances.
When the transformed chi meets the earth, it undergoes another transformation as it begins to nourish plant life.
Not only have you added a rectangle onto the square, but you've also transformed the square into a large rectangle.
The chi is immediately transformed into water that falls from the sky in the from of rain.
The newly transformed energy nourishes plant life and manifests as the wood element.
As the practice of feng shui continues to spread throughout the Western world, homes across the country are being transformed into abodes where positive energy flows freely and clutter disappears.
Once it's been transformed into a beautiful, natural looking wig, it's given to a child who wouldn't be able to afford one otherwise.
Jenny McCarthy transformed her casual, wash-and-go bob into a sleeker, sassier look with the addition of heavy fringe straight across her forehead.
A medium to long men's cut can be easily transformed into a polished style by combing a glossy paste into the hair when it's wet.
The fetal period is an exciting time because the embryo has transformed into a fetus that gradually develops into a baby.
By 1955, Mound Metalcraft had transformed into the Tonka Toy Company.
The Captain was an action figure who could be transformed into different characters by using different accessory packs that were available.
We owe this fashionable wonder to Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, who adopted the color and transformed it into something more acceptable than just mourning-wear.
Toasters have transformed from metal boxes to beautiful kitchen appliances.
The game board can be transformed as well.
However, when combined with a special candle holder, it is transformed into a multidimensional piece of design.
Even a regular purchased votive can be transformed into a dripless candle with a few easy steps.
Just about any little girl's fancy and frilly party dress can be embellished and transformed into a fairy costume.
The following girls party dress patterns can be transformed to woodland fairy dresses.
This type of Renaissance costume can be found as a set at various costume shops or you may opt to hunt around your home for pieces that can easily be transformed into the perfect medieval getup.
The pink dresses are designed to look as though the person wearing the costume has been transformed into a popular cocktail.
With a bit of creative thought and perhaps using some of the techniques above these can be transformed into truly unique ideas.
Keep in mind that even the most basic and low cost rings can be transformed with engraving and many jewelers offer this service at a low cost.
The Antwerp craftsmen met the challenge and developed techniques and skills that transformed the mediocre stones into expertly cut gems.
Green bean casserole is a classic holiday dish that can be easily transformed into a gluten-free favorite.
It can be transformed into pizza dough, or you can make a sweet bread by adding nuts and dried fruit.
After the night falls, women and their handbags are transformed into creatures of the evening.
She transformed and expanded the product lines, creating luxury totes and backpacks that featured classic black nylon.
The most basic handbags are suddenly transformed with the addition of this printed fabric.
Mary Alice transformed into Linda during World War II, where she worked for a popular WCOM radio show called Love Letters from Linda.
The primary reason a normal bed cannot be instantly transformed into a trundle bed is the top bed must be a certain height off the floor in order for the trundle to fit under.
Shot by shot, frame by frame, your rough cut is ready to be transformed into a veritable masterpiece.
The foreground shot is done over a blue screen, which is later erased in the editing room and transformed into the background shot.
However, the passage of time and the effects of Christian beliefs transformed this "good" female goddess into a witch and made the day of her worship an evil day.
They are transformed as a result of a curse, by heredity, or even by having been bitten by another werewolf, a means of transmission almost unknown in werewolf lore.
However, in 1901, the Lemp Family fortunes transformed into a curse when Frederick, the son and future heir of owner William Lemp, died of heart failure.
Scientists also believe that energy cannot be destroyed, only transformed into another form of energy.
This tall man transformed himself into a statuesque blonde with cosmetics, wigs, beautiful gowns and heels.
Classic satin pumps are transformed with origami-style or ruched ribbon bows and rosettes.
Steve Burton - The heir to the Quartermaine family suffered a brain injury in the mid-90s that led to a transformed personality and character dynamic.
Even worse is when they discover that Maryann has transformed their grandmother's house into her private shrine.
In the novels, he transformed into Dean the Dog, a lion and more.
In China, it is believed that if the koi succeeded in climbing to "Dragon Gate" on the Yellow River, the koi will be transformed into dragons.
The butterfly had transformed from a lowly caterpillar to a noble butterfly.
People like Tom Leppard, who has covered his entire body in leopard spots and The Lizard Man, who has a tattoo of lizard scales covering his body have transformed their image into a blend of human and animal characteristics.
Families are the number one tourism target and the city has transformed itself into a huge, 24 hour per day open theme park.
The park was completely revamped during the 1970s and was transformed from a small regional park to one of the most popular and innovative amusement parks in the US.
The watch goes along with his Lotus Esprit car that transformed into a submarine and fired missiles out of the rear at unwary passing helicopters.
The laptop is basically the size of a normal laptop, but thanks to the flexible fixing mechanism and a detachable keyboard it can be transformed into a desktop or various other setups very easily.
The sounds replicate the noise that takes place as Ben is transformed from a 10 year-old boy into an alien superhero.
In 1979, China instituted a number of economic reforms that transformed the country from an ineffectual developing country whose economic structure was inefficient and largely agricultural-based to a relative industrialized powerhouse.
However, changes in auto manufacturing technologies and overall consumer sentiment since the 1980s transformed the global automobile industry into one that has no borders.
By 1928, the company transformed that simple logo with a blue background, the same stylized lettering in white, and a white border just within the edge of the blue background.
By 2005, Kia had transformed its former "throw-away" reputation into that of an innovative automaker with unique style, high-quality engineering and design, and a flair for offering "cool" vehicles.
By the time cheerleading hits the college circuit, it has transformed into something devilishly acrobatic.
The clean machines have transformed the way we do laundry, making it easier than ever to tackle mounds of soiled items.
To understand how embroidery designs have transformed throughout the years, one must understand their roots.
Basically, an altered book is a book that has been transformed into a work of art through the use of rubber stamping, drawing, painting, tearing, folding, and other crafting techniques.
With a little imagination and some time, paper bags can be transformed into costumes, centerpieces, and a variety of other fun crafts.
Fortunately, purchased bar soap or soap scraps from previous projects can easily be transformed into liquid soap with the addition of distilled water.
Carbohydrates are of particular concern because they are transformed into glucose.
Recent Pilates chair innovations have transformed the chair from a bulky and heavy piece of wood equipment to a slim and sleek metal bench with black padding and accents.
Take a look at the selection at if you're looking for simple lingerie transformed into holiday magic.
Along with other styles of lingerie, corsets have really transformed the way women shop for and wear clothing.
They reigned in the late 1980s, and transformed British pop music, combining funky dance grooves with indie guitars.
With the right tropical decorations, a party can be transformed into a Caribbean beach, South Pacific island, Hawaiian luau, or other exotic destination.
From food to drinks and from decorations to activities, your home can be transformed into a Mexican fiesta by choosing the right items to complement your celebration.
A third long running MTV show is Made, in which teenagers are transformed into their dream persona.
Their home was transformed into a 5,300-square-foot extravagance.
She is credited for her husband's look in Twisted Sister, and for Howard Stern's makeover that transformed him from plain to noticeable.
After a shoot-out at a chemical plant between the police and a band of thugs working for a local organized crime ring, Jack Napier, having fallen into a vat of chemicals, is transformed into the Joker.
In this multi-generational epic, some characters are portrayed by more than one actor, and many actors were completely transformed by special effects, elaborate costumes and makeup.
After embracing the dark side of the Force, Anakin Skywalker is transformed into Darth Vader.
Ten years later, the book was transformed into a television series.
Through the years and several feature films, Godzilla has transformed from enemy to ally to neutral party.
Million Dollar Man - While not fully a robot, astronaut Steve Austin of the 6 Million Dollar Man TV series became a bionic human with legs, an arm and even one eye replaced by robotic implants that transformed him into a superhuman.
The Internet transformed the genre into one where science fiction and fact offer readers a wide variety of the interesting, the fascinating and the strange.
After using the Blue Peel system, patients may be prescribed the Nu-Derm system in order to help maintain their transformed skin.
The advancement from analog to digital electronics transformed the computer industry, sparking a rapid growth of the Internet.
In recent years the simple typed symbols have been transformed into cartoon like faces and these are used to express emotion.
One of the most important lessons this episode taught the world is that the Internet has completely transformed the landscape of Information warfare.
Ever since its inception, the Internet has become a powerful tool for businesses for many reasons, but the more recent integration of business networks and social networks has completely transformed the landscape of the Internet.
Web page design has transformed over the years to include a plethora of services, including online applications, dynamic intranets, online communities, digital newspapers, message boards, and blogs.
Web search engines have truly transformed the way people find information online.
The Interconnected "information" quickly transformed into interconnected web pages.
This specifies the values that will be transformed into a string.
Her curtains were open, as they had been every night since she transformed.
Originally an Arab settlement, the oasis was transformed in the course of time from a mere halting-place for caravans to a city of the first rank.
The parts of the leaf are frequently transformed into tendrils, with the view of enabling the plants to twine round others for support.
The harbour, a natural recess among the cliffs, is sheltered on the east by Hilsborough Head, where there are some alleged Celtic remains; on the west by Lantern Hill, where the ancient chapel of St Nicholas has been transformed into a lighthouse.
But Henrys bitter humiliations transformed his character; they brought out all his latent capacities of manliness.
They were often transformed into free knights by the grant of a fief, and the class ultimately became absorbed in that of the knights.
Sometimes the Greek city was not an absolutely new foundation, but an old Oriental city, re-colonized and transformed.
Even where there was no new foundation the older cities of Phoenicia and Syria became transformed from the overwhelming prestige of Hellenic culture.
The Nile, however, has transformed the land through which it passes.
The whole social fabric had been convulsed and transformed.
Thus the ancient constitution was transformed; and Denmark became a monarchy hereditary in Frederick III.
In January 1661 a land commission was appointed to investigate the financial and economical conditions of the kingdoms; the fiefs were transformed into counties; the nobles were deprived of their immunity from taxation; and in July 1662 the Norwegian towns received special privileges, including the monopoly of the lucrative timber trade.
In unicellular forms (Sphaerella) the thallus becomes transformed into a zoosporangium at the reproductive stage.
In the zoosporangia of Oedogonium, Tetraspora and Coleochaete the contents become transformed into a single zoospore.
The Iranian tradition, preserved in the Avesta and in Firdousi's Shahnama, localizes a part of its heroes and myths in the east of Iran, and has transformed the old gods who fight with the great snake into kings of Iran who fight with the Turanians.
The oxygen uniting with the substance undergoing oxidation is generally known as "bound oxygen," whilst that which is transformed into ozone or hydrogen peroxide is usually called "active oxygen."
It has been completely transformed into a national Hungarian seat of learning since 1867, and great efforts have been made to keep at home the Hungarian students, who before then frequented other universities and specially that of Vienna.
If so, Isaiah has transformed and ennobled these supernatural guardians of sacred things and persons.
In regard to the contest with Athena, it is probable that Poseidon is really Erechtheus, a local deity ousted by Athena and transformed into an agricultural hero.
The electrolysis is carried on until about a quarter of the chloride has been transformed; it must be stopped at this stage lest the formation of hypochlorite and chlorate should set in.
However, these transformed salamanders, of which twenty-nine were obtained from 1865 to 1870, did not breed, although their branchiate brethren continued to do so very freely.
Thus we see that in our aquariums most of the axolotls remain in the branchiate condition, transformed individuals being on the whole very exceptional.