Transactions Sentence Examples
He remained too steamed up over the Claire Quincy transactions.
In business transactions Alex was frugal with his money, but when it came to his family, he was generous.
Taxes proper are divided into (a) taxes on business transactions and (b) taxes on articles of consumption.
Nine memoirs, entitled "Electro-Physiological Researches," were published in the Philosophical Transactions, 1845-1860.
But, in proportion as the people gained more power in the field the consuls rose into importance, superseded the bishops and began to represent the city in transactions with its neighbors.
In consequence of these transactions, he was suffered to betake himself unharmed to Venice.
That Danby, in spite of these compromising transactions, remained in intention faithful to the national interests, appears clearly from the hostility with which he was still regarded by France.
When the agents of the spinners, that is, the buying brokers, by becoming principals in some transactions, had acquired interests diametrically opposed to those of their customers, the consequent feeling of distrust among spinners gave birth to the Cotton Buying Company, which, constituted originally of twenty to thrity limited cotton-spinning companies, represents to-day nearly 6,000,000 spindles distributed among nearly one hundred firms. Its object was to squeeze out some middlemen and economize for its members on brokerage.
These official prices are sometimes prices actually paid, and sometimes prices settled by 1 Transactions of too bales only.
The analogous formula appertaining to n systems of quantities which Vienna Transactions, t.
AdvertisementIn 1692 he began his Lettres historiques, containing an account of the most important transactions in Europe; he carried on this work till the end of 1698, after which it was continued by others.
In this and certain other transactions Claudius seems to have acted from avaricious motives, - a result of his early poverty.
To the transactions of various learned societies he contributed from first to last between three and four hundred papers, and few of his contemporaries wrote so much for the various reviews.
The Select Transactions of this society were collected and published in 1743 by Robert Maxwell, who took a large part in its proceedings.
In 1828, shortly after the discontinuance of the Farmers' Magazine, its Prize Essays and Transactions began to be issued statedly in connexion with the Quarterly Journal of Agriculture.
AdvertisementHis first contributions to mathematical physics were two papers published in 1873 in the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy on "Graphical Methods in the Thermodynamics of Fluids," and "Method of Geometrical Representation of the Thermodynamic Properties of Substances by means of Surfaces."
Forster published a Catalogue of the Animals of North America in London in 1771, and the following year described in the Philosophical Transactions a few birds from Hudson Bay.
Hutton, Mr Potts and others are to be found in the Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute.
Owen com municated a detailed description of them to the Philosophical Transactions (1863, pp. 33-47), proving their bird-like nature, and referring them to the genus Archaeopteryx of Hermann von Meyer, hitherto known only by the impression of a single feather from the same geological beds.
In order to protect dealers against the losses due to the insolvency of those with whom they have had transactions, weekly settlements on the exchange have been made compulsory; between brokers and their clients they are also usual.
AdvertisementAs the cost of dealing in " futures " is only one shilling on each transaction for a member of the Cotton Exchange (the outsider is charged in addition a commission by his broker), it is not surprising that the transactions taking place in " futures " number legion.
We now return to exchange " future " transactions regarded as a genus.
May we infer deductively that they have been attained because of the increase of speculative transactions?
In 1721 he wrote a supplement to the Geometria organica, which he afterwards published, with extensions, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1735.
He was the author of over 70 papers on mechanics and physics published in the transactions of learned societies, notably Sub-Mechanics of the Universe, issued by the Royal Society, whose gold medal he won in 1888.
AdvertisementHis political and courtly employments, however, did not absorb all his time, and he contributed during his stay in Bavaria a number of papers to the Philosophical Transactions.
All the arrangements should be carried out according to the rules of business usually followed in such transactions.
The Indian rupee and the Persian kran are widely circulated through Mesopotamia; in Basra transactions are counted in krans, taking as a fixed exchange £T1 = 34.15 krans.
Its fluctuations in value have been not only a serious inconvenience in commercial transactions, but also the cause of heavy loss to the people.
The bank, in addition to its private functions, farmed many of the regalia, and was in the practice of advancing large sums to the state, transactions which gave rise to extensive corruption, and terminated some years later in the breaking of the bank.
Towards the close of 1828 he felt the approach of a fatal malady - a tumour in the brain - and devoted his last days to a careful revisal of his unpublished researches and industrial processes, dictating several papers on these subjects, which were afterwards published in the Philosophical Transactions.
Among the regular organs of the academy are the Transactions (from 1840), in some 60 vols., and the Annuals.
Between 1862 and 1866 valuable philological studies bearing on the same subject were published by Joseph Budenz in the Nyelvtudomdnyi kozlemenyek (Philological Transactions).
The principal contributors to the " Transactions " of this section of the academy were--for anatomy and physiology, Coloman Balogh, Eugene Jendrassik, Joseph Lenhossek and Lewis Thanhoffer; for zoology, John Frivaldszky, John Kriesch and Theodore Margo; for botany, Frederick Hazslinszky, Lewis Juranyi and Julius Klein; for mineralogy and geology, Joseph Szabo, Max Hantken, Joseph Krenner, Anthony Koch and Charles Hoffman; for physics, Baron Lorando Eotviis, Coloman Szily and Joseph Sztoczek; for chemistry, Charles Than and Vincent Wartha; for meteorology, Guido Schenzl.
We cannot solve the equation 7s.+X=4s.; but we are accustomed to transactions of lending and borrowing, and we can therefore invent a negative quantity - 3s.
For the record and diffusion of rapidly growing knowledge, learned societies, universities and laboratories, greatly increased in number and activity, issue their transactions in various fields; and by means of yearbooks and central news-sheets the accumulation of knowledge is organized and made accessible.
The early existence of an accurate system of dating is not surprising; it was necessitated by the fact that Babylonia was a great trading community, in which it was not only needful that commercial and legal documents should be dated, but also that it should be possible to refer easily to the dates of former business transactions.
In 1830 he published in the Philosophical Transactions a paper on the iodine and bromine of mineral waters.
After he had acquired what he considered to be a sufficient stock of material, and this happened before he had completed the Positive Philosophy, he abstained from reading newspapers, reviews, scientific transactions and everything else, except two or three poets (notably Dante) and the Imitatio Christi.
See also Transactions of the International Swedenborg Congress (London, 1910), summarized in The New Church Magazine (August, 1910).
In the article Societies an account is separately given of the transactions and proceedings of learned and scientific bodies.
Germany The earliest trace of the literary journal in Germany is to be found in the Erbauliche Monatsunterredungen (1663) of the poet Johann Rist and in the Miscellanea curiosa medico-physica (1670-1704) of the Academia naturae curiosorum Leopoldina-Carolina, the first scientific annual, uniting the features of the Journal des savants and of the Philosophical Transactions.
In 1705 appeared The Consolidator, or Memoirs of Sundry Transactions from the World in the Moon, a political satire which is supposed to have given some hints for Swift's Gulliver's Travels; and at the end of the year Defoe performed a secret mission, the first of several of the kind, for Harley.
This account appeared in the Philosophical Transactions for 1778, was afterwards reprinted in the second volume of his Tracts on Mathematical and Philosophical Subjects, and procured for Hutton the degree of LL.D.
His researches were published in the Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (1785-1799).
He was present at the Marburg conference in 1529, at the Augsburg diet in 1530 and at the signing of the Schmalkald articles in 1537, and took part in other public transactions of importance in the history of the Reformation; that he had an exceptionally large number of personal enemies was due to his vehemence, coarseness and arrogance in controversy.
The Supreme Magus, Dr William Wynn Westcott, has written its History (1900), with other important works on the subject, and the published Transactions of the Society are most valuable.
To the transactions of that society he contributed papers on the Wrekin and the Shropshire coalfield, &c. Later he became secretary of the Society of Arts, and in 1841 treasurer of the Chemical Society.
Before' the invention of letters the memory of past transactions could not be preserved beyond a few years with any tolerable degree of accuracy.
After political relations began to be established, the necessity of preserving a register of passing seasons and years would soon be felt, and the practice of recording important transactions must have grown up as a necessary consequence of social life.
In their correspondence and transactions with Europeans, they generally follow the era of the Incarnation, and adopt the Julian year.
Cajetan was employed in several other negotiations and transactions, being as able in business as in letters.
He contributed two memoirs to the Philosophical Transactions, one, "Logometria," which discusses the calculation of logarithms and certain applications of the infinitesimal calculus, the other, a "Description of the great fiery meteor seen on March 6th, 1716."
It is the universal medium of exchange throughout China for all retail transactions.
Reports of many minor expeditions and researches have appeared in the Reports of the Fishery Board for Scotland; the Marine Biological Association at Plymouth; the Kiel Commission for the Investigation of the Baltic; the Berlin Institut fur Meereskunde; the bluebooks of the Hydrographic Department; the various official reports to the British, German, Russian, Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Belgian and Dutch governments on the respective work of these countries in connexion with the international cooperation in the North Sea; the Bulletin du musee oceanographique de Monaco (1903 seq.); the Scottish Geographical Magazine; the Geographical Journal; Petermanns Mitteilungen; Wagner's Geogi'aphisches Jahrbuch; the Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh; the Annalen der Hydrographie; and the publications of the Swedish Academy of Sciences.
The attempts to implicate him in corrupt transactions were not successful; but his political opponents endeavoured to make capital in subsequent campaigns, out of the "Cipher Dispatches."
Leeuwenhoek's contributions to the Philosophical Transactions amounted to one hundred and twelve; he also published twenty-six papers in the Memoirs of the Paris Academy of Sciences.
He reproduces and further develops and defends his own views in his Mathematical Memoirs, and in his paper in the Philosophical Transactions for 1785.
In France, at Embrun, Peter de Bruys founded a sect known as Petrobrusians, who denied infant baptism, the need of consecrated churches, transubstantiation, 2 Bradshaw, in Transactions of Cambridge Antiquarian Society (1842).
The main results of his work are embodied in a very numerous and brilliant series of papers in the Transactions of the Chemical Society.
He received commissions from the cathedral of Cadiz, from the grand duke Paul, from the king of Prussia, from the directors of the Concert Spirituel at Paris; beside his transactions with Breitkopf and Hertel, and with La Chevardiere, he sold to one English firm the copyright of no less than 129 compositions.
Important magnetic observations were begun at Makerstoun in 1841, and the results gained him in 1848 the Keith prize of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, in whose Transactions they were published.
In addition to the Transactions of these societies - many of which contain valuable contributions to their respective departments in their relation to the East Indies - a considerable number of publications are issued in Batavia.
The principal establishment for monetary transactions is the Java Bank, established in 1828 with a capital of 50o,000.
At Warsaw, since the last insurrection, the university has become entirly Russianized, and its Transactions are published in Russian; but Polish works of merit still issue from the press - among others the leading Polish literary journal, Biblioteka warszawska.
Monthly meetings covering smaller districts, were organized to consider local matters, the transactions of which were to be reported to the Quarterly Association, to be confirmed, modified, or rejected.
His papers, numbering over 100, were published principally in the Philosophical Transactions, Proceedings of the Royal Society, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society and Crelle, and one or two in the Comptes rendus of the Paris Academy; a list of them, arranged according to the several journals in which they originally appeared, with short notes upon the less familiar memoirs, is given in Nature, xxvii.
Money, however, is in men's actual transactions the measure of value, as well as the vehicle of exchange; and the precious metals are best suited for this function, as varying little in their own value for periods of moderate length; for distant times, corn is a better standard of comparison.
The national revenues are derived from import and export duties, port dues and other taxes levied on foreign commerce; from excise and stamp taxes and other charges upon internal business transactions; from direct taxes levied in the federal district and national territories, covering a land tax in rural districts, a house tax in the city, commercial and professional licences, water rates, and sundry taxes on bread, pulque, vehicles, saloons, theatres, &c.; from probate dues and registry fees; from a surcharge on all taxes levied by the states, called the " federal contribution," which is paid in federal revenue stamps; from post and telegraph receipts; and from some minor sources of income.
Restrictions on speculative operations in real estate and on the use of hypothecated and discounted paper as security for other transactions, together with the publication of detailed monthly balance sheets, have kept these banks free from unsound methods, and their record thus far (1909) has been conspicuously good.
Mexico adopted the metric system in 1862, and it is used in all official transactions, land measurements, railway calculations and public school work.
These taxes included in the last periodthat of the Civil Warincome and legacy taxes, taxes on commercial transactions, and taxes on persons and property.
Wheatstone's physical investigations are described in more than thirty-six papers in various scientific journals, the more important being in the Philosophical Transactions, the Proceedings of the Royal Society, the Comptes rendus and the British Association Reports.
Robert Maxwell (1695-1765) was the author of Select Transactions of the Society of Improvers and was a great benefactor to Scottish agriculture.
Quin's universal hydrometer is described in the Transactions of the Society of Arts, viii.
Thus in Germany the commercial code fixes the legal rate of interest on commercial transactions at 5%.
In France, again, the Code fixes the rate of interest on ordinary loans at 5%, and on commercial transactions at 6%.
His valuable notes on Indian dialects are in The Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (1862), in The American Journal of Science (1862) and in The Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society (1869).
Of the public transactions of this period we have but scant information, but, to judge by what we possess, those twenty-two years were not remarkably eventful.
In 1769, in a letter to Dr Franklin, he wrote some observations on the expectation of lives, the increase of mankind, and the population of London, which were published in the Philosophical Transactions of that year; in May 1770 he communicated to the Royal Society a paper on the proper method of calculating the values of contingent reversions.
Smith, writing in the Philosophical Transactions for 1683-1684, says of the Turks (p. 439), "They have no genius for Seavoyages, and consequently are very raw and unexperienced in the art of Navigation, scarce venturing to sail out of sight of land.
Litigation in the yarn trade is very unusual, and Lancashire traders generally have only vague notions of the bearing of law upon their transactions, and a wholesome dread of the exp'erience that would lead to better knowledge.
Transactions with distant markets are now done almost entirely by cable, and a remarkable development of the telegraphic code has enabled merchants to pack a good deal into a brief message.
Transactions between spinners and manufacturers are largely effected on Tuesdays and Fridays, the old "market days," when the manufacturing towns are well represented, but a large amount of business is transacted every day.
Some few years ago an attempt was made to mark more clearly the course of business in Manchester, and a scheme was prepared for the recording of daily transactions.
A good many transactions on the Manchester Exchange are intermediate, without fulfilling any useful function, and could be accomplished by the principals if they were brought together.
It is, of course, the verbal bargain that binds, and large transactions are commonly completed without witnesses, though before the contract or memorandum of sale passes the fluctuations of the market may have made the bargain, to one side or the other, a very bad one.
For the substantial publication of these researches reference must be made to the Transactions of the Royal Society; but an account of many of them was incorporated in his best-known books, namely, the famous Heat as a Mode of Motion (1863; and later editions to 1880), the first popular exposition of the mechanical theory of heat, which in 1862 had not reached the textbooks; The Forms of Water, &c. (1872); Lectures on Light (1873); Floating Matter in the Air (188x); On Sound (1867; revised 1875, 1883, 1893).
But apart from the doubtful morality of his transactions he must still be regarded as one of the great Scottish writers.
Of course there are many transactions, generally in the cheaper and coarser kinds of furs, used only in central Europe, Russia and Asia which in no way interest the London market, and there are many direct consignments of skins from collectors in America and Russia to London, New York and Leipzig merchants.
Moreover, he had a pharmaceutical system of his own which did not harmonize with the commercial arrangements of the apothecaries, and he not only did not use up their drugs like the Galenists, but, in the exercise of his functions as town physician, he urged the authorities to keep a sharp eye on the purity of their wares, upon their knowledge of their art, and upon their transactions with their friends the physicians.
The mines of Golconda and Kurnool were described as early as 1677 in the twelfth volume of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.
In 1850 Homeyer was elected a member of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, in the Transactions of which he published various papers exhibiting profound learning (Ober die Heimat, 1852; Genealogic der Handschriften des Sachsenspiegels, 1859; Die Stadtbiicher des Mittelalters, 1860; Der Dreissigste, 1864, &c.).
Wallis replied shortly in the Philosophical Transactions (August 1666).
Wallis replied in the Transactions, and then finally held his hand.
He became secretary to the Royal Society in 1693, and edited the Philosophical Transactions for twenty years.
The transactions of all these companies included in 1900 over 4,179,000 persons, and the amount of insurances effected was 80,000,000.
In 1667 Ray was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and in 1669 he published in conjunction with Willughby his first paper in the Philosophical Transactions on "Experiments concerning the Motion of Sap in Trees."
Slave-dealing and transactions of every kind in slaves were now made illegal.
Properly a "duty" differs from a "tax" in being levied on specific commodities, transactions, estates, &c., and not on individuals; thus it is right to talk of import-duties, excise-duties, deathor succession-duties, &c., but of income-tax as being levied on a person in proportion to his income.
Financial transactions by Jews settled at the southern extremity of Egypt, at Assuan, are found as early as the reign of Artaxerxes.
The society of sciences, that of northern antiquaries, the natural history and the botanical societies, &c., publish their transactions and proceedings, but the Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift, of which 14 volumes with 259 plates were published (1861-1884), and which was in the foremost rank in its department, ceased with the death in 1884 of the editor, the distinguished zoologist, I.
The Philosophical Transactions contain several of his papers.
Now Hagenbach is known to have committed many cruelties like those attributed to the bailiffs in the legend, and it has been plausibly conjectured that his case has really given rise to these stories, especially when we find that the Confederates had a hand in his capture and execution, that in a document of 1358 Hagenbachs and Gesslers appear side by side as witnesses, and that the Hagenbachs had frequent transactions with the Habsburgs and their vassals.
His article "On Recent Discussions of Grimm's Law" in the Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association for 1873 in large part anticipated Verner's law.
Welstede, but in all probability by himself, was inserted by him in his Oratory Transactions.
When an immigrant moved to Rome from one of the cities of the Latin league, or any city which enjoyed the jus commercii with Rome, and by the exercise of the right of voluntary exile from his own state (jus exulandi), claimed Roman citizenship, it is impossible to suppose that it was necessary for him to make application to a Roman patron to represent him in his legal transactions; for the jus commercii gave its holder the right of suing and being sued in his own person before Roman courts.
On the Arab coast the rupee is legal tender, and is almost exclusively used for commercial transactions, but the Maria Teresa dollar circulates freely, and is preferred by the inhabitants of the interior of Arabia.
Hogg in the Transactions of the Royal Literary Society, may with some probability be assigned to the middle of the 4th century.
It was entitled a Criticism on the Transactions of the Estates of Wurttemberg in 1815-1816.
Full explanations do not remove from some important transactions in his political life an impression of indirectness.
For the part played by Nelson in these transactions see the articles Caracciolo and Nelson.
A proclamation forbidding transactions with a state which might still be capable of maintaining its independence could obviously bind only those subject to the authority of the state issuing it.
In 1728 was published "A Letter from Dr Clarke to Benjamin Hoadly, F.R.S., occasioned by the controversy relating to the Proportion of Velocity and Force in Bodies in Motion," printed in the Philosophical Transactions.
Nearly all commercial transactions in salt with White Russia are effected at Kremenchug.
From the close of the 13th century downwards countless transactions on the basis of leases for terms of years occur between the peasants themselves, any suitably kept set of 14th-century court rolls containing entries in which such and such a villein is said to appear in the halimote and to surrender for the use of another person named a piece of land belonging to the holding.
With the growth of intercourse and security money became more frequent and the number of such transactions increased in proportion.
As instances we may take Goodwin's and O'Brien's papers in the Cambridge Philosophical Transactions for 1849.
C and IC, as k was frequently written, would easily be confusedin writing, and Professor Hempl (Transactions of the American Philological Association for 18 99, pp. 24 ff.) shows that the Chalcidian form of y` - = developed into shapes which might have partaken of the confusion.
Most of the original papers on this subject of engini balancing are to be found in the Transactions of the Institution 01 Naval Architects.
But Bacon did not know the true character of the transactions in which Essex had been.
Thus the commercial transactions of the United Kingdom with foreign states and British colonies increased more than sevenfold in the course of fifty years.
In the Transactions of the Illinois State Historical Society for 1905 may be found a paper, "The Bloomington Convention of 1856 and Those Who Participated in it."
Sclater, "On the Struthious Birds living in the Zoological Society's Menagerie," Transactions, iv.
In consequence of this depreciation of the coinage and the fall in the price of silver, partly also in consequence of exchange transactions by banks, the value of the kran has since 1895 rarely been more than 4.8od., or half what it was in 1874, and fell to less than 4d.
Until then the banking was done by the natiye money-changers (sarrafs) and some merchantsforeign and nativewho occasionally undertook special outside transactions.
For advances with good security a native sarraf charges at least 12% interest per annum; ac the security diminishes in value the rate of interest increases, and transactions at 10% a month, or more than 120% per annum, are not infrequent.
Several papers appeared in the Philosophical Transactions.
In the years 1815-1817 he contributed three papers on the "Calculus of Functions" to the Philosophical Transactions, and in 1816 was made a fellow of the Royal Society.
The five numbers of his Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism (1835-1842) were separately republished from the Transactions.
On the lower Congo transactions are in cash, but on the middle and upper Congo the use of coins in place of barter or the native brass wire currency makes but slow progress.
His first memoir on the subject was published in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.
Although no longer the centre of the banking transactions of the world, the Amsterdam exchange is still of considerable importance in this respect.
One of the chief wants of Ireland in that day, and for many a day afterwards, was that of small currency adapted to the daily transactions of life.
A discussion of this question may be found in a paper on the Araucarieae by Seward and Ford, published in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London (1906).
When of moderate account, however, dues of this sort appear no more objectionable than harbour dues already mentioned, or any other moderate charges on transactions.
The transactions of that revolt chiefly took place in northern India, and are narrated in the article Indian Mutiny.
International commercial transactions were based on the American gold dollar, which was usually worth loo pesos of this depreciated currency.
In the interior and in all domestic transactions the old Spanish weights and measures are still used - including the Spanish libra of 1.102 lb avoirdupois, the arroba of 25 libras (122 kilogrammes), the quintal of Too libras (50 kilog.), the carga of 250 libras (125 kilogs.), the vara of 80 centimetres, and the fanega.
The paper was finally entitled " Theory of Systems of Rays," and the first part was printed in 1828 in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.
It is understood that the more important contents of the second and third parts appeared in the three voluminous supplements (to the first part) which were published in the same Transactions, and in the two papers " On a General Method in Dynamics," which appeared in the Philosophical Transactions in 1834-1835.
The step from optics i to dynamics in the application of the method of " Varying Action " was made in 1827, and communicated to the Royal Society, in whose Philosophical Transactions for 1834 and 1835 there are two papers on the subject.
He subsequently published many papers in the Philosophical Transactions on various parts of the science of optics, and, although some of his views have been found to be erroneous, and are now almost universally rejected, his investigations led to discoveries which are of permanent value.
Upon receiving a copy of this work, Sir Isaac Newton printed, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1725, a paper entitled " Remarks on the observations made on a Chronological Index of Sir Isaac Newton, translated into French by the observator, and published at Paris."
Even in commercial transactions, in dealing with sums of money, the statement of an amount often has reference to the last item added rather than to a total; and geometrical measurements are practically ordinal (§ 26).
Text-books on arithmetic usually contain explanations of the chief commercial transactions in which arithmetical calculations arise; it will be sufficient in the present article to deal with interest and discount, and to give some notes on percentages and rates in the £.
Not all the transactions in which Burke was a combatant could furnish an imperial theme.
His great pleasure was to contrast the hidden motive with the public pretext of transactions."
Other linguistic publications of Humboldt, which had appeared in the Transactions of the Berlin Academy, the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, or elsewhere, were republished by his brother in the seven volumes of Wilhelm von Humboldt's Gesammelte Werke (1841-1852).
An instance of this is given in the Philosophical Transactions (1768), where it is stated that one seedling plant in the Cambridge botanic garden was divided into eighteen parts, each of which was replanted and subsequently again divided, till it produced sixty-seven plants in one season.
There is no proof that he profited by these irregular transactions; in fact he went out of the office FIG.
The subject was then taken up by Brown, who in a series of researches published in the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society and in the Transactions of the American Mathematical Society extended Hill's method so as to form a practically complete solution of the entire problem.
But the demonstration of Adam's result was soon made 1 Philosophical Transactions, 1853.
An act of indemnity is a statute passed for the purpose either of relieving persons from disabilities and penalties to which they have rendered themselves liable or to make legal transactions which, when they took place, were illegal.
Since then, owing to the greater facilities of communication, the transactions at the fairs have diminished in relative, though they have increased in actual, value.
See Transactions of the Bristol and Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, vols.
He communicated papers to the Philosophical Society of Glasgow before the work of that society was recorded in Transactions, but his first published paper, "On the Absorption of Gases by Liquids," appeared in the Annals of Philosophy for 1826.
As a substantive and pronounced minnit the word (usually in the plural) is applied to a written summary of the transactions of a meeting of a public or other body, or to a memorandum of instructions, &c. A Treasury minute in the United Kingdom is an official memorandum authorizing certain procedure.
With reference to his invention (in 1810) of a process of artificial congelation, he published in 1813 A Short Account of Experiments and Instruments depending on the relations of Air to Heat and Moisture; and in 1818 a paper by him "On certain impressions of cold transmitted from the higher atmosphere, with an instrument (the aethrioscope) adapted to measure them," appeared in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
It has a library of upwards of ioo,000 volumes and its transactions have been published bi-annually since 1849.
The survey shows that the industry is introducing enhanced due diligence for sensitive transactions.
Traders Club - An online exchange for business and consumer transactions using barter.
This workshop is designed to trigger a detailed debate from all parties; beyond just the issue of cross boarder transactions.
You will be given a varied caseload, which will include handling a broad range of commercial property transactions.
The LT rejected the transactions by specialists and specialized clinics as being too different both in use and type of premises.
There are no exchange controls but transactions in foreign currency must be through an authorized dealer.
Computer-based commercial transactions are essentially decoupled from emotionality, trust becomes a security code, a bond a secure server.
The Act of Sasine, or the granting of legal possession of feudal property, is still enshrined in Scots Law for property transactions.
The number of public transactions that involve local authorities vastly exceeds those that involve central Government.
The government has well over a trillion pounds of transactions flowing through its central exchequer accounts each year.
Is a network in which the commencement of transactions within any practical field begin at the middle of an already existent practical formation.
These can deter hackers from following authenticated users transactions with the image server over the network.
Backlog CRESTCo would also like to recommend that firms take this opportunity to perform housekeeping on their backlog of open transactions.
Interdepartmental transactions Revised guidance on accounting for interdepartmental transactions Revised guidance on accounting for interdepartmental transactions.
The cashier is required to complete this with details of all the transactions made from the LOLA estate ledger.
Trust, however minimal it may be, is a prerequisite for any market transactions that go beyond simple cash exchanges.
The smart card also allows authorisation of financial transactions to take place off-line.
How can I see what transactions I have pending?
In his latter days he proved a great penitent, reflected greatly on his youthfull transactions.
Some accounts come as package deals offering various perks - travel or health insurance, free foreign exchange transactions.
Stamp duty on UK share transactions, a British rarity, presents a typical quandary.
During the past six months, property developers and investors seeking funding for their property transactions have contacted me on an increasingly regular basis.
The Guidelines do not have sufficient safeguards for basic transactions relating to IP at present.
This allows shippers to perform standardized shipment transactions, over a common platform, with all the participating carriers.
Several big players only exist on the web and there are many traditional traders running a nice little sideline in online transactions too.
Buyers can enter transactions with the knowledge that transaction compliance is managed by a trusted third party and tied to payment.
The receiver is required to handle all financial transactions for the benefit of the person.
Nominee directors are needed when you must maintain a certain level of anonymity when conducting transactions.
To help avoid fraudulent transactions we are doing everything to ensure the safety of our customers.
In the case of employe share-based payment transactions, for example, an expense should be recognized.
This is a real career opportunity, you will develop your existing knowledge and be exposed to some lighter commercial conveyancing transactions.
Most online banking transactions however are now secured by SSL using 128 encryption.
Switching secure online atm transactions at uninterrupted availability is the core business of the company and provides its principal revenue.
They were cash transactions, bought sight unseen, no returns allowed.
The challenge for the club was to install a product that could handle heavy volumes of high value transactions securely.
Vossianus, c. 1300 (A); Laurentianus, end of 14th century (F); Ottoboniano-Vaticanus, 15th century (V); Daventriensis, 15th century (D), to which has to be added the Holkhamicus, 1421 (L), collated by Postgate, Cambridge Philological Transactions (1894) vol.
To defend his conduct in Bengal Vansittart published some papers as A Narrative of the Transactions in Bengal from 1760 to 1764 (London, 1766).
Such transactions are made easy by the foreign banks established in all the large cities of the republic. The conversion law of 1899, which gave a fixed gold value to the currency (44 centavos gold for each 100 centavos paper), has had beneficial influence on commercial transactions, through the elimination of daily fluctuations in the value of the currency, and the commercial and financial situation has been steadily improved, notwithstanding heavy taxation and tariff restrictions.
See Victoria County History - Sussex; Sussex Archaeological Society Transactions, vol.
In the 16th and 17th chapters of the Differential Equations we find, for instance, a lucid account of the general symbolic method, the bold and skilful employment of which led to Boole's chief discoveries, and of a general method in analysis, originally described in his famous memoir printed in the Philosophical Transactions for 1844.
In response to the first view it might be argued that if speculators are influenced only by the differences for which they become liable, a " point " movement would have a somewhat slighter effect on their action, other things being equal, when price was high, because, supplies being relatively short, each of them would tend to be engaged in a smaller volume of transactions measured in quantity of cotton, than when supplies were larger.
Other sources of revenue are stamp taxes on business transactions, domestic consumption taxes (usually payable in stamps) on manufactured tobaccos, beverages, boots and shoes, textiles, matches, salt, preserved foods, hats, pharmaceutical preparations, perfumeries, candles, vinegar, walking sticks and playing cards, and taxes on lotteries, passenger tickets, salaries and dividends of joint-stock companies.
Besides his papers in the Philosophical Transactions, the principal works of Greaves are Pyramidographia, or a Description of the Pyramids in Egypt (1646); A Discourse on the Roman Foot and Denarius (1649); and Elementa linguae Persicae (1649).
The market reporters make some attempt to materialize the current gossip, and doubtless catch well enough the great movements in the ebb and flow of demand, but the sum of countless obscure transactions cannot be estimated.
It is a record of almost unredeemed " envy, hatred, and malice," and of vice with its consequent diseases, all rendered the more repulsive in that its transactions were carried on in the name of religion.
In all these transactions, whilst full justice must be done to the force and patriotic vigour which Lord Palmerston brought to bear on the questions he took in hand, it was but too apparent that he imported into them an amount of passion, of personal animosity, and imperious language which rendered him in the eyes of the queen and of his colleagues a dangerous minister.
For authoritative declarations upon the latest moot points the Transactions of the International Union for Solar Research (Manchester) may be consulted, vol.
The greatest value of his work naturally lies in his account of transactions of which he had personal knowledge, notably in his relation of the church history of Scotland, of the Popish Plot, of the proceedings at the Hague previous to the expedition of William and Mary, and of the personal relations between the joint sovereigns.
For example we welcome CESRs rewording of the definition in order to take account of Recital 53 (the exclusion of OTC transactions).
Now notarial fees are capped at a rouble amount that ceases to create an issue in transactions.
In other circumstances the self-interest of the parties would normally operate to ensure transactions take place on an arm 's length basis.
Gender subordination has long been seen as reproduced through schooling, through curricula and curricular transactions.
In the event of any suspicious transactions arising, the Bank is obliged to notify the National Criminal Investigation Service.
Contact Mike Edge Joint Ventures Specialist advice on joint venturing in property transactions, advising on vehicle structuring, asset management and taxation implications.
Whilst a single telegraphic transfer fee may be quoted some lenders may require more than one fee for multiple transactions.
No government intervention is really needed to develop a set of third parties in respect to commercial transactions.
Switching secure online ATM transactions at uninterrupted availability is the core business of the company and provides its principal revenue.
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction.
The higher volume of settled transactions might merely reflect the higher number of unsettled transactions when circles began.
That 's because Berne uses his own specialized vocabulary to describe the transactions involved in games.
While you can dispute such transactions, it may cost you more time and money in the long run.
Although demand for silver fluctuates daily, the demand is usually good, making this a more solid investment than riskier types of financial transactions.
Private collectors may sell their coins at auctions or in private transactions, but working with an individual increases the risk of fraud due to a lack of checks and balances.
No matter where you order your silver from, you should use caution when making large financial transactions.
If your card says "Valid only in the United States," do not attempt to use the card for foreign transactions.
Purchasing gold does not need to be difficult, but if you want to be successful you have to choose reputable dealers that will provide secure transactions.
While you can still pick up the phone or drive to your brokerage to make transactions, most stock trades occur online.
Discount brokers mostly just make the transactions for you.
When you put your ATM card into a machine and enter the correct PIN, you can access your corresponding bank account and make transactions.
The card makes it easier for business owners to keep track of their monthly purchases and transactions, even if more than one employee uses the card.
If you own or manage a business that frequently has single transactions for more than $20, or just want to offer your customers more convenience, consider getting a machine.
While database breaches do happen occasionally, major corporations invest considerable time and money to protect your personal data, especially during online transactions.
They believe they can use their card number to pay for transactions the same day, but the process is a bit slower than that.
This distracts the cardholder from realizing that signature transactions are less secure, but it does save them from potentially paying the on-the-spot pin transaction fee.
You may want to view the last twelve months worth of transactions.
One form of fraud protection from this scam is to use the same ATM for all of your cash withdrawal transactions.
Most online vendors also offer secure transactions.
Many people are concerned about internet security in regards to online payments and transactions.
The security code (found on the back of most cards) is a precaution designed especially for the internet - this 3- or 4-digit number is only needed for online transactions.
The conditions and limitations of this protection vary for each type of card, however, and consumers should investigate which card would be best for their internet transactions before shopping online.
Designate only one card for online transactions to minimize electronic exposure.
Keep detailed records about online transactions and compare them to your monthly statements to catch suspicious charges immediately.
When you use a pin number for your transactions, the funds are immediately withdrawn from your account.
These are considered on-line transactions.
These types of transactions are considered off-line.
Transactions are sent directly to your processor at no additional charge.
Be sure to understand what you are signing up for or you may find yourself saddled with timed rate increases or extremely high rates for different types of transactions.
However, since most of your competition readily allows instant transactions, you almost do not have a choice.
You will only have to pay a small percentage of the transactions made with an Amex card.
Discount Rate Plus a Flat Fee - If you are expecting to have less than $5,000 in American Express transactions each year and plan to authorize, submit, and receive payments electronically, you will pay a monthly flat fee of $5.95.
In person transactions are considered less risky for banks to process.
Before you apply for a merchant account, consider the type of business that you own and the transactions you are likely to process.
The fee structure for transactions varies, depending on whether the transactions are done online or in person.
Consider whether you wish to accept Discover Card and American Express transactions and find out whether this option is included on your merchant account application.
Virtual prepaid cards can be a safer way to complete transactions when you're shopping online.
Free shopping cart set-up for Internet based transactions - Average price $300.
As long as a merchant keeps good records of their transactions, including detail tapes from cash registers or information from an online purchase, they will usually be able to settle any chargeback inquiry.
Be sure to review your monthly statement for unauthorized transactions and immediately report to American Express any transactions you don't recognize.
This service has become so streamlined that oftentimes companies won't even need to purchase any addition equipment since transactions can be accomplished via the Internet.
For example, someone who does transactions at a flea market or on the road will need wireless equipment as opposed to a mail/phone order business that would use electronic equipment with a phone line.
Generally, the accounts are declined because of the high rate of charge backs initiated for the transactions, whether they are fraudulent or not.
Most orders are completed within minutes, though transactions that need verification may require up to two hours to complete.
As with the other HSBC Platinum accounts, you'll be able to take advantage of twelve months with no interest on balance transfers or purchase transactions.
This security feature is available for all account activity and not just for Internet transactions.
Review your bill each month for false charges and report any bad transactions immediately.
If you use your computer to conduct financial transactions, this can prove disastrous if spyware is loaded onto your system.
Account Activity enables you to view your current and past transactions, and allows you to sort by date, amount, or description.
This type of account, also known as a Mail Order/Telephone Account is best for businesses who conduct the majority of transactions over the telephone or through the mail.
The only drawback is these accounts are useful only for transactions done online.
When you access your bank account online, you get a complete history of all transactions and can download all existing statements into your file.
The card has flexible terms and allows its cardholders to make purchases with comfort because they are protected against unauthorized transactions.
Track each of your transactions, though there may be a delay from the time of purchase to the time of listing online.
Account activity provides you with a detailed overview of account transactions.
This includes a list of your transactions, the dates and the amounts.
It also includes the posting date of each transaction.You can also use this window to sort your transactions based on date, description or amount.
Registration provides you with access to numerous features including the ability to review past statements and transactions, view current statements and activity and even set up automated or one time online payments.
In addition to being able to see the balance due, the due date for payments and a list of your recent transactions, you can also get a great deal of other account management information when you log in to your online account access.
View past transactions dating back as far as 24 months from the date you sign on.
This is a particularly good choice for an accountholder who prefers not to conduct financial transactions online and who does not want the potential delay that can come with sending a payment by mail.
The interest charged on transactions is usually expressed as a nominal Annual Percentage Rate (APR).
Personalized alerts may help you avoid being late on your payments, while great features such as password protected online transactions will keep you safe.
Pay attention to what transactions are included in the intro offer.
Therefore, your savings will be reduced by making additional transactions or having balances with standard APRs.
This allows businesses to offer numerous payment options for their transactions.
They provide USB Flash memory, dual connectivity and powerful processors for fast transactions.
Remember that your customers usually do not relate problems with transactions to the processing company, but instead directly to you.
In the past, many financial institutions approved overdraft transactions as a courtesy and charged a hefty per-transaction fee as a result.
Opting in allows the financial institution to pay your debit card transactions despite an insufficient balance in your checking account.
While this results in transactions being declined when there are not sufficient funds in the account, it also saves you from paying costly overdraft charges.
If the account runs out of money, more funds need to be added before any additional card transactions can occur; some prepaid cards, such as those cards intended as gifts or for travelers, aren't reloadable.
It also includes free check writing, online bill payment, direct deposit and an unlimited number of transactions.
Direct deposit is free, as are unlimited transactions, online bill payment and balance alerts via email or cell phone messages.
Until the cardholder speaks to the security company's security department and confirms transactions, the account may remain frozen.
Check if there are any additional costs associated with signature transactions.
In addition, with the number of online retailers growing, and the number of transactions occurring online growing, hackers are focusing efforts on new hacking methods.
Those who use the card to make foreign transactions pay a 2.7 percent transaction fee in U.S. dollars.
This includes over the phone, Internet or in-person transactions.
Citibank charges a higher interest rate on cash advances and fees for balance transfers, cash advances and foreign transactions.
Some companies allow users to avoid these fees by using the card for a set number of transactions.
Identity theft is always a concern, particularly when you are conducting important financial transactions on the Internet.
The Internet has made numerous financial transactions easier, from paying bills to opening new accounts.
Over time, people have learned to trust the internet and the security it offers for monetary transactions, and many people now use the internet as their primary source for buying, selling and trading investment securities.
Many agree that the internet is a much faster and easier way to manage brokerage accounts than calling a broker on the phone and waiting for him or her to complete transactions.
Risks can be elevated when an inexperienced investor tries to undertake complicated transactions online without the expert advice of a professional.
The second most popular form of currency used in transactions is the Euro.
You can see your balance and all of your transactions instantly.
Some transactions take a few days to process but many of them will show up on your recent pending transactions as soon as you make a purchase.
Check your account regularly for any unfamiliar transactions.
No longer do you have rush to the bank to make transactions.
Set up personalized alerts on your account online, such as when certain types of transactions occur.
Chase Bank uses SSL (Secure Socket Layering) to protect your online transactions.
Once you have created an account, you can keep track of all of your transactions, view your balance and posted payments.
While paper mail may delay payments substantially and you may not be able to see exactly when a company receives your payment, online banking provides up-to-date access to your financial statements and transactions.
Both Schelske and Evans are barred from making certain financial transactions without permission from the courts.
A couple of places that combine good secure transactions as well as better prices are eBay and BlueFly.
Fair Trade business practices focus, as much as possible, on eliminating middlemen to broker transactions, resulting in higher margins for farmers.
From that team management screens, you can view the different player attributes, just like in other EA Sports games, and perform player transactions as you see fit.
Be sure to read any trading rules, though, as transactions are from gamer to gamer alone with no third party intervention.
Auction listings are simple, and the sellers and buyers can rate each other on transactions.
For these transactions, always meet in person to minimize the risk of being a victim of a scam.
Underneath the seller's feedback score is also a percentage, indicating the ratio of transactions in which they received a positive feedback.
Job duties include selling and/or renting properties, securing real estate transactions, and arranging loans.
Likewise, a stagnant economy will move the Fed to lower interest rates to encourage more business transactions and growth.
Consumers must be diligent in their efforts to stay on top of the factors that impact the real cost of financing real estate transactions.
Bridge loans Oklahoma are common within the realms of the state's commercial real estate transactions, but these types of loans are also available to people purchasing residential properties for use as primary dwellings.
Additionally, over 30 percent of all foreign currency exchange transactions are conducted through London banking offices.
Another avenue may be to seek out local real estate agents who have previous experience in owner-financed transactions.
They probably had a personal relationship with the people who worked in the branch since they often did their financial transactions in person.
Transactions on sites like eBay rely heavily on buyer feedback.
The cashier will just need to ring them up as separate transactions.
Its ability to summarize recent transactions is particularly beneficial to nonprofits with a continuous influx of donations.
Adult dating online requires the same caution that we, as adults, apply to other important transactions with people who may not have our best interests at heart.
Where there is management, there are transactions and displacements that accrue paperwork, paperwork which inundates your inbox, leaving your office in a state of entropic disarray.
For whatever reason, your job requires you to handle monetary transactions of a substantial amount.
None of these electronic devices, however, allow one instant access to your physical checkbook, which is still a standard for transactions in America.
All transactions are 100 percent secure and guaranteed.
They want know their purchase is covered by Amazon's A to Z Guarantee, and they want the reassurance that their financial transactions are going through Amazon's secure servers.
The company's coupon codes are good on Internet transactions.