Trainees Sentence Examples
It must have worked, because his trainees were some of the best officers.
He discovered their whereabouts when he hand-delivered the first round of trainees – minus a few pints of blood – who were stupid enough to challenge him instead of backing off like the experienced Guardians did.
About you We aim to recruit four trainees a year.
Following the precedent of St. John's house, St. Thomas's had two sorts of trainees.
The 3 German trainees on board who joined us for the dive start to look apprehensive.
Borstal trainees were released at the outbreak of war and premises converted to other uses.
Initial teacher education that includes a course in language proficiency and assesses trainees ' linguistic competence.
Graduate fairs are an extremely cost-effective way of recruiting trainees.
Trainees ought to endeavor to observe proper etiquette at all times.
Trainees have the opportunity to develop traditional techniques, and to use the gamelan as a stimulus for composition.
AdvertisementThe courses are very much hands-on so that the trainees leave with precious practical knowledge as well as theoretical knowledge.
This would ensure that the trainees are not isolated and have ready access to academic support.
Trainees must complete logbooks detailing the work they have been exposed to.
He was dynamic, did not suffer fools gladly but was intensely loyal to his staff and trainees.
During the reciprocal visit in the UK by the German apprentices, British Telecom's trainees acted as workplace mentors.
AdvertisementThis unique pilot project will employ six trainees commencing mid April and is supported by the Skillset Film Skills Fund and Film London.
All trainees are required in addition to have 6m adult neurology experience, which can be at SHO level.
Met my new line manager, my placement co-ordinator and Trust sponsor who are collectively responsible for taking care of trainees during placement co-ordinator and Trust sponsor who are collectively responsible for taking care of trainees during placements.
Starting the course exploring trainees ' own preconceptions about teaching.
Most trainees would expect to do pediatric radiology, neurology, oncology and some will do nuclear medicine.
AdvertisementThe monitoring of trainees ' subject knowledge was insufficiently rigorous on most courses.
Trainees can either be referred to the hair Study Center by a hair salon or can contact the Study Center direct.
Trainees attend a two month course run by Rehab Lanka before they are selected by factories in need of skilled seamstresses.
This means that trainees who change their mind on their chosen specialty will not have to return to the start.
Its aim is to encourage student teachers and trainees to consider how they would respond to racist incidents.
AdvertisementView This is a cross-phase activity for ITE student teachers and trainees.
In addition, solicitors responsible for supervising trainees must review performance on a quarterly basis.
There is an agreed procedure to screen, assess, support and equip trainees with dyslexia.
Details of the opening and closing dates and the upcoming process have been sent to all our F1 trainees.
Most of the prospective trainees that I come across tell me they have made " 27 " applications.
Whilst this may seem disruptive, our pre-registration trainees have often valued the broader view of hospital practice gained.
A training salary of £ 9000 awaits all PGCE trainees and a maintenance grant of up to £ 2700 is available.
On this side of the Atlantic, in-house trainees are by no means uncommon.
Our trainees, mostly from school, have gone on to pursue careers in the trades at the local building college.
Trainees need to have completed at least 18 months of clinical radiology training to enter.
We seek to recruit trainees who reflect the wide range of diversity represented by clients using services.
All trainees will receive a comprehensive set of user notes, which may be retained for future reference.
Trainees can either be referred to the Hair Study Center by a hair salon or can contact the Study Center direct.
Greater educational emphasis should be placed on the systems and sociopolitical environment in which trainees practice '.
There are moves to establish a national system for the appointment of trainees in the various sub specialties.
Trainees in job shares were as satisfied with their training as those in supernumerary posts or in full-time training.
In practice, these candidates are likely to be closer to achieving the QTS Standards than supernumerary trainees.
The author suggests that experienced nurse prescribers should be able to supervise trainees.
About you We aim to recruit four Trainees a year.
The Local Government Group is the professional association for all solicitors and trainees employed by Local Government in England and Wales.
Flexible trainees will be accommodated in line with current arrangements.
Job training classes that are available at no cost to trainees receive funding from a variety of sources.
They should be communicated at the outset to both the trainers and trainees.
Trainees from HUD seminars go on to provide the information to additional homeowners through non-profit counseling agencies.
A training logbook will help new trainees prepare for passing out.