Traditionally Sentence Examples
The Grand Mosque (Jamaa-el-Kebir) is traditionally said to be the oldest mosque in Algiers.
It is separated on the south from the island of Shikoku by the Naruto channel, through which, in certain conditions of the tide, a remarkable torrential current is set up. The island is celebrated for its exquisite scenery, and also for the fact that it is traditionally reputed to have been the first of the Japanese islands created by the deities Izanagi and Izanami.
Traditionally Toluca was one of the earliest Toltec settlements on the Anahuac tableland, but no remains of this occupation have been preserved.
The introduction into England of the game of golf is traditionally placed here in 1608, and attributed to King James I.
At Bury Bank, on the hills to the north, an earthwork is traditionally considered to be the site of the capital of the Kingdom of Mercia; there are other works in the neighbourhood at Saxon Low.
It is so called in memory of Idris Gawr, celebrated in the Triads as one of the three "Gwyn Serenyddion," or "Happy Astronomers," of Wales, who is traditionally supposed to have made his observations on this peak.
The bear is traditionally associated with Bern in Switzerland, and in 1832 a statue of Artio, a bear goddess, was dug up there.
The foundation of Alfreton is traditionally ascribed to King Alfred.
Earliest of the Nahua nations, the Toltecs are traditionally related to have left their northern home of Huehuetlapallan in the 6th century; and there is other evidence of the real existence of the nation.
His special gift lay in the power to make what had been traditionally received impressive, to give to it its proper form, and to gain for it new currency.
AdvertisementThe Canadians on the other hand, both the French who were traditionally amenable to authority and those of English descent, who being largely sons of loyalists of the War of Independence had a bitter hatred of the Americans, did excellent service.
On the basis of the epistles of Paul to Timothy, Timothy is traditionally represented as bishop of Ephesus, and tradition also tells that he suffered under Domitian.
What is called the Stone of Mortlach is traditionally believed to have been erected to commemorate the success of Malcolm II.
The religion consists of fear of the spirits of the wood, the sea, disease and ancestors, and of avoidance of acts traditionally displeasing to them.
The contrast between island and mainland was natural enough in the days before the discovery of Australia, and the mainland of the Old World was traditionally divided into three continents.
AdvertisementThis circumstance deserves attention owing to the special connexion traditionally existing between the Minyans of Iolcus and those of Orchomenus, the point of all others on this side where the early Cretan influence seems most to have taken root.
The summit is occupied by a massive terrace, supported by arcades of fine opus incertum (traditionally, but wrongly, called the palace of Theodoric) on all sides except the E., and commanding a magnificent view seaward over the coast and over the Pomptine Marshes.
It is generally and traditionally praised, but those who have read it will be more disposed to agree with Charles Lamb, who considers it "of a vile and debasing tendency," and thinks it "almost impossible to suppose the author in earnest."
The City of Mexico dates, traditionally, from the year 1325 or 1327, when the Aztecs settled on an island in Lake Texcoco.
When his temple was dedicated in 1486 it is traditionally reported that 70,000 people were killed.
AdvertisementIn 961 it became the capital of the Bagratid kings of Armenia, and when yielded to the Byzantine emperor (1046) it was a populous city, known traditionally as the "city with the I oor churches."
The immediate family traditionally consists of parents and their offspring.
Traditionally, turkeys are stuffed with a mixture of bread cubes and seasonings.
This street dance competition is traditionally held each year in Paris, and includes various categories for both hip hop and break dancing.
As its name suggests, the Aires de Verbena comes from Spanish roots and is often traditionally danced on the steps and courtyard of town squares and government centers.
AdvertisementThere is, traditionally, a great deal of flirting and playful banter taking place during the dance, entertaining for both dancers and audience alike.
The probable origin of the story is the part traditionally taken in the foundation of Syracuse by the Iamidae of Olympia, who identified the spring Arethusa with their own river Alpheus, and the nymph with Artemis Alpheiaia, who was worshipped at Ortygia.
Many of these ruins are attributable to the Arabs, but older remains are traditionally ascribed to a people who were " before the Galla."
These towns are not known to have been Greek colonies; but the foundation of Aspendus was traditionally ascribed to the Argives, and Side was said to be a colony from Cyme in Aeolis.
In the centre is Cadair Rhys Goch o'r Eryri, a rock named as the chair of Rhys Goch, a bard contemporary with Glendower (died traditionally, 1420).
The neighbourhood, which is now covered with vineyards, contains remains of many Roman villas, one of which is traditionally attributed to Antoninus Pius.
Traditionally, Salamis was founded after the Trojan War (c. 1180 B.C.) by Teucer from Salamis, the island off Attica, but there was an important Mycenaean colony somewhat earlier.
The simplicity of the legislation (traditionally associated with Moab and Sinai and with Kadesh in South Palestine), the humanitarian and reforming spirit, the condemnation of abuses and customs are features which, in view of the background and scope of Deuteronomy, can hardly be severed from the internal events which connect Palestine of the Assyrian supremacy with the time of Nehemiah.'
He died in 1304, traditionally of anger at the Syrian fiasco, and was succeeded by his brother Ijijaitu (Oeljeitu).
The name was traditionally derived from Cephalus, the Attic hero who was regarded as having colonized the island.
This fact, which became known in Bohemia, secured for him the support of the Bohemian church reformers, while the Romanists and retrograde Utraquists were traditionally on the side of the house of Habsburg.
It is traditionally supposed to occupy the site of a place of the worship of Woden or Odin, and the name of the town to be derived from this god through the form Wodensborough.
Nothing but the arched entrance remains of the Madrasa, which is traditionally not very old.
Ashburnham House, now containing one of the school houses, the library and class-rooms, is named from the family for whom it was built, traditionally but not certainly, by Inigo Jones.
The claims of the bishopric dated from Carolingian times, and the independence of Andorra, like most other Pyrenean anomalies, has been traditionally ascribed to Charlemagne (742-814).
It was here, at the foot of the mountain, that Alexander found the ancient city of Nysa and the Nysaean colony, traditionally said to have been founded by Dionysus.
It is traditionally stated that fences first came into general use in the 7th century.
This was dedicated to St Patrick, and is traditionally said to have been erected as a place of prayer for those at sea.
Though traditionally a site of great sanctity, Rangoon owes its first importance to its rebuilding in 1753 by Alompra, the founder of the Burmese monarchy, who gave it the present name of Yan Kon, "the end of the war."
The modern walled garden recreates the peaceful atmosphere traditionally associated with enclosed religious houses.
The word I focus on in the example is away, which has been traditionally called a directional adverb.
Traditionally Rumney has been considered more affluent than neighboring Llanrumney.
The old, traditionally Protestant, industries are in decline or are increasingly being challenged through the equality agenda.
It is precisely at this point (' the first fishing ') when Amazon fishermen traditionally move in to hunt the arapaima.
Traditionally, most charities have chosen the structure of an unincorporated association or charitable trust.
This traditionally styled trike (right) can be fitted with a supportive backrest, as shown.
We traditionally have a Christmas dinner, and a summer Bar-B-Que - not forgetting the all-important party after each production.
Traditionally, the diagnosis of JH has required excisional biopsy.
Of course traditionally working boatman emerged from locks leaving the gates open.
Traditionally, turkeys like ours were sold by independent family butchers, or by the farmer in the local market.
In Louisiana, Saturday night is traditionally celebrated in style.
The patterns are traditionally drawn with the fingers using flour, rice grains or colored chalk.
A semi-fermented tea of fine quality, traditionally hand rolled and fired in baskets over pits containing red hot charcoal.
My duck was more traditionally presented, nestling alongside dauphinoise potatoes and caramelized chicory.
Christmas Pudding Recipe Christmas Pudding Recipe Christmas crackers Traditionally a christmas cracker is placed next to each plate on the Christmas dinner table.
Clydach Vale has been a traditionally close-knit community and also a politically active one.
Traditionally most coco fiber is produced in Sri Lanka or thereabouts, with the most popular commercially available growing medium being Canna coco fiber is produced in Sri Lanka or thereabouts, with the most popular commercially available growing medium being Canna Coco.
The tunes are tighter and more traditionally songlike after this, which is a shame cos sprawling instrumental meltdowns are much more fun.
Christmas Pudding Recipe Christmas crackers Traditionally a christmas cracker is placed next to each plate on the Christmas dinner table.
In beauty treatments Lemon was traditionally used to whiten skin and teeth, fade freckles and blemishes, and lighten hair.
Traditionally, each nation has hosted a single grand prix that carries the name of the country.
Traditionally it takes place yearly on the anniversary of your birth.
Instead, they have traditionally focused on Cromwell 's role as a defender of nascent English ' parliamentary traditions ' against a tyrannical king.
Traditionally, schools produce a lot of waste.
It is important to educate yourself about what wines and cheeses have traditionally been served together.
Traditionally, IQ scores of 90-109 are considered average; scores below 70 indicate mental retardation.
Children who display savant syndrome have traditionally been referred to as idiot, retarded, or autistic savants.
A supplementary benefit of this development is that the daughters of single mothers have a greater than average likelihood of entering traditionally male professions offering higher pay and better opportunities for advancement.
Mechanics (including dynamical astronomy) is that subject among those traditionally classed as "applied" which has been most completely transfused by mathematics - that is to say, which is studied with the deductive spirit of the pure mathematician, and not with the covert inductive intention overlaid with the superficial forms of deduction, characteristic of the applied mathematician.
Many minor ones serve the needs of a population traditionally fanatical.
In the old parish church was traditionally Owen's pew; his knife, fork and dagger, are at the neighbouring Rig (Rhig); his palace, 3 m.
Newton is a burgh or barony of very ancient creation, the charter of which is traditionally said to have been granted by Robert Bruce in favour of forty-eight of the inhabitants who had distinguished themselves at Bannockburn.
The forest is traditionally noted as the retreat of Robin Hood, whose cave is seen at Papplewick near Newstead.
The fact that the Vatican presents a great force hostile to and obstructive of certain characteristic tendencies of modern life and thought has; necessarily raised up a powerful opposition even in countries traditionally Catholic. France no longer deserves the title of eldest daughter of the Church; the Catholicism of Italy is largely superficial; even Spain has shown signs of restiveness.
Old legends represent him as having exterminated the Picts to the last man; and the Picts become, hi popular tradition, a mythical folk, hardly human, to whom great feats, including the building of Glasgow cathedral, are attributed, as the walls of Tiryns and Mycenae in Greece were traditionally assigned to the energy of the Cyclopes.
Traditionally, of course, "the land of Moriah" is identified with the site of the Temple at Jerusalem,' except by the Samaritans and a few western scholars (such as Dean Stanley) who accept their belief that the mountain.
Traditionally the island formed part of the territory of Ulysses, king of Ithaca.
Traditionally Alpine in style with picturesque chalets and a lively village center, people are drawn back to Meribel year after year.
Traditionally ascribed to Vyasa, it is the longest literary epic poem in the world.
Barton Farm is a 250 acre organic dairy farm traditionally managed for four generations.
Easter weekend traditionally marks the start of the garden visiting season.
The phylum Chytridiomycota has traditionally been characterized on the basis of motile cells with a single posterior flagellum.
Apex's true test comes in the New Year when traditionally corporate projects slow down and the normal holiday hangover develop.
Picardy Belgian and Flemish influences are apparent with this traditionally hearty cuisine.
Even one researcher said " At the morphological level feathers are traditionally considered homologous with reptilian scales.
Traditionally the travel marketplace really hots up in January and February.
Farmers have traditionally controlled the problem using highly toxic insecticides.
Apparently Passion Plays traditionally include a comedy interlude in the middle.
Traditionally the woods were coppiced to provide charcoal for the forge which processed ore from locally mined ironstone.
Brides traditionally wear white to symbolize purity, although variations, including ivory, cream or pastels are sometimes used.
Almond paste is traditionally adhered to cake with apricot jam.
Research Traditionally my chief area of research has spanned a broad range of tectonic topics concentrating on the deformation of continental lithosphere.
Traditionally, the trine and sextile are benefic aspects, while the square, opposition and quincunx are considered malefic.
Target Heads (12) is an assemblage that is clearly evocative of the traditionally masculine domains of heavy engineering and weaponry.
Visitors can explore ancient oak and beech woods, flower-rich grasslands, or wander through traditionally managed riverside meadows.
Mr Justice Kelly stated that this plea had traditionally never been looked on in a very meritorious light because it was not very meritorious.
Traditionally, English Courts have taken a restrictive view on what amounts to wilful misconduct.
Keen to avoid moral hazard, many authorities have traditionally declined to discuss their policy stance on the grounds of " constructive ambiguity " .
Cross-stitch and other needlework have traditionally been extremely popular in Scandinavia.
The Fulani are an ancient people, traditionally nomadic, who live across much of sub-saharan Africa.
The cycle of capitalist economic crises has traditionally seen workers thrown onto the dole by the financial oligarchs.
It was acutely painful to Leslie to be photographed in a major Gwent newspaper wearing a traditionally ludicrous hat.
Traditionally, the monitoring of arsenic has been made on the total suspended particulates in air.
But the school system's political paymasters have traditionally seen schooling as an instrument of economic growth.
These businesses traditionally often remain insular, and tend to ask for support and advice from their own peer groups.
Our beautiful traditionally designed pelmets are accompanied by fresh modern alternatives, all specially made to meet your specific requirements.
Two single coil pickups on a full size body are accented by a traditionally shaped sound hole.
Other local specialities include saltfish (traditionally eaten with tomato sauce ), goat water, barbecue chicken and roast suckling pig.
We are currently enjoying great demand for our services in relation to major PFI, NHS LIFT and traditionally procured projects.
Computational Steering Traditionally, large compute-intensive simulations are run non-interactively, through submission of one or more jobs to a batch queue.
Drinking raki is a ritual and is traditionally accompanied by a variety of meze (hors d'oeuvres ).
Tom watches this with an indifference that belongs not to enlightenment rationality, but to the callousness traditionally attributed to the fairy world.
The root of this plant was traditionally used to make a red dye.
Interestingly, one of the fe respondents felt that this was not necessarily a priority for FE as numbers are traditionally smaller.
Hawes Matured Wensleydale takes on the appearance of a truly traditionally ripened cheese.
Polenta is made by stirring the maize flour into boiling water, traditionally in a heavy copper saucepan.
Traditionally drum scanners provided the best quality, but were expensive to use and hard to operate.
Building material - Traditionally oak was the main building timber in Europe including posts or beams, boards or roof shingles.
Indian snakeroot has been used traditionally to treat hypertension, especially when associated with stress and anxiety.
The traditionally drilled aluminum alloy spokes are anodised matt black.
The European Corn Borer is traditionally controlled using chemical or biological insecticide sprays which are applied to the outside of the plant.
Britain was a naval superpower, but had traditionally eschewed maintaining a big standing army at home.
Visit the traditionally staunch Labor former mining communities where I live.
Irish stout is traditionally very bitter whilst British stout, like Charles Wells ' Bowman Stout, has a softer flavor.
This has caused much bad feeling in a traditionally republican stronghold.
Traditionally, the basal ganglia have been associated with motor processes, although recent evidence suggests that they may also subserve parallel cognitive functions.
Traditionally, the sudoku puzzle grid is made up of... into the Sudoku puzzle grid is made up of... into the sudoku process.
A cactus traditionally eaten by Kalahari bushmen has been found to contain a potent appetite suppressant.
This was traditionally styled, beautifully designed and has a proved track record at the box office - making it a very smart buy.
The ecological conditions that traditionally sustained natural pest control in citrus have been disturbed, thus trapping farmers in the pesticide treadmill.
I am German and Germany is traditionally underrepresented in the UN.
Traditionally, cosmopolitanism is associated with rather Utopian notions of world citizenship or universal brotherhood.
Traditionally, English poetry consists of metrical verse, which means that the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables is regular.
Enterprise 23.25 Boosting enterprise and enhancing business development was identified as a priority for the traditionally economically weaker regions.
White Traditionally baked white bread available in 680g loaves.
White pepper, milled (organic) Finely ground white pepper, milled (organic) Finely ground white pepper has traditionally been used in Western cook... .
Folklore The Boar Stone is traditionally said to have marked the spot where the last wild boar (or a boar) was slain.
Children from Rushey Mead secondary school have learned the ancient art of charcoal burning and other traditionally rural woodcrafts with environmental charity, Environ.
These were traditionally named after two lovers who fled the wrath of the girl's father.
When standing in dense woods the trees are rather straight and formal in early growth, especially the sessile-fruited kinds, and the gnarled character traditionally assigned to the oak applies chiefly to its advanced age.
The vast authority of Cuvier was employed in support of the traditionally respectable hypotheses of special creation and of catastrophism; and the wild speculations of the Discours sur les revolutions de la surface du globe were held to be models of sound scientific thinking, while the really much more sober and philosophical hypotheses of the Hydrogeologie were scouted.
Regarded as a tribe, it lay to the north of Benjamin, which traditionally belongs to it; but whether the young "brother" (see Benjamin) sprang from it, or grew up separately, is uncertain.
In the literature and drama of his country, the Andalusian is traditionally represented as the Gascon of Spain, ever boastful and mercurial; or else as a picaresque hero, bull-fighter, brigand or smuggler.
Drinking raki is a ritual and is traditionally accompanied by a variety of meze (hors d'oeuvres).
Tom watches this with an indifference that belongs not to Enlightenment rationality, but to the callousness traditionally attributed to the fairy world.
Interestingly, one of the FE respondents felt that this was not necessarily a priority for FE as numbers are traditionally smaller.
The Air signs are traditionally connected with the sanguine humor or the blood.
Dill is traditionally added to any dish with a white sauce, from potato salad to sour cream fresh vegetable dip.
Design characteristics SUVs were traditionally derived from light truck platforms, but have developed to have the general shape of a station wagon.
This has caused much bad feeling in a traditionally Republican stronghold.
Traditionally, the sudoku puzzle grid is made up of... into the sudoku process.
The surveying profession traditionally gets most attention from property lawyers.
On the eponymous album, the songs move from a synth driven frenzy into some more traditionally Asian minor chords.
Tapeworm infection has traditionally been more difficult to diagnose.
Traditionally, British telly addicts have had to wait weeks or months to see US shows.
Traditionally haibun is prose that includes one or more haiku, the prose have the same observational, uncritical stance of haiku.
Traditionally, cosmopolitanism is associated with rather utopian notions of world citizenship or universal brotherhood.
Finished in a high luster white gloss, complete with a traditionally styled weir waste overflow.
White pepper, milled (organic) Finely ground white pepper has traditionally been used in Western cook....
A shepherds crook and the handles of witches brooms were traditionally made of Ash.
The mash tun, traditionally used in Britain, is integrated to serve as a masher as well as a vessel for wort separation.
These were traditionally named after two lovers who fled the wrath of the girl 's father.
Roast beef is traditionally served with roast potatoes and yorkshire puddings.
Latin American cultures have traditionally had a great respect formachismobut women are now tiring of this aggressive masculinity.
Latin American cultures have traditionally had a great respect for machismo but women are now tiring of this aggressive masculinity.
Getting married and having children have been traditionally seen as markers of adulthood.
Traditionally, phone companies were assigned phone numbers in blocks of 10,000, according to the nxx.
Traditionally, showers are held in the home of the hostess, who is not a member of the mommy-to-be's immediate family, at least a month before the baby is born.
Traditionally, baby showers have been held from one to two months before the baby is born.
There are numerous benefits to purchasing natural baby toys over traditionally made toys.
Note that 'pull-up' covers (the kind traditionally used with cloth diapers before there were disposables) can be slightly more difficult in terms of aligning the liner with the cover, but a little practice is all it takes.
Retailers traditionally offer generous sales and promotions immediately after Thanksgiving, though more and more retailers are discounting items even before the official start of the Christmas shopping season.
As the holidays where fireworks are traditionally used approaches, prices will skyrocket courtesy of a dramatic rise in demand and an accompanying decrease in supply.
You can get discounts in July and August, which is traditionally the time of year when students purchase new computers for the next fiscal year.
Traditionally some of the best bargains of the holiday shopping season, these deals are legendary for drawing huge crowds at the crack of dawn the Friday after turkey day.
Toys are traditionally some of the most in-demand holiday gifts and this year it's the same old story.
They can be designed in numerous shapes and are good for solitary play or interaction with a human.They are traditionally shaped like mice, but there is no reason why they can't be shaped as something else.
Traditionally, The Disney book club membership included Disney books sent straight from the Disney Corporation once a month to all book club members.
Even if books are traditionally defined as novels, it can be just as beneficial to get a boy to pick up a graphic novel, comic book, or nonfiction fact book to raise his reading level and maybe even change his mind about books in general.
Mint Juleps were traditionally served in a frozen pewter cup.
Traditionally, a martini is made with gin and extra dry vermouth.
Traditionally a Spanish drink, Mexico puts its own spin on this refreshing, fruity cocktail.
Traditionally, rum is the main liquor in a strawberry Daiquiri.
Pewter Mint Julep cups were inspired by the works of early craftsmen in the south.The cup is traditionally 6.5 inches tall, with a top diameter of 4 inches, a flat bottom and straight sides that flare only slightly at the top.
Sea Breeze, a drink traditionally made today with vodka mixed with grapefruit and cranberry juice, was originally made with gin and grenadine.
Lenders traditionally offer extremely low APRs for six-to-15 months before returning to the standard 10-18 percent APR.
Traditionally, it was paid by a husband to his wife, but that is no longer necessarily the case.
Traditionally, second and third marriages are more likely to end in divorce.
Since husbands are traditionally the payers of alimony, this section legislation has been dubbed the "2nd Wives" clause, although if the payer is a woman, it also applies to 2nd husbands.
Traditionally a jelly cupboard had two drawers above the doors, and the shelving was kept short and plentiful, allowing for more shelving throughout the cabinet to provide extra storage for preserves and canned goods.
Traditionally rocking chair seat cushions have been fairly flat, but in recent years box cushions have become popular (particularly for outdoor rocking chairs).
This could help farmers all over the world, who have traditionally struggled to earn a fair wage for all of the work involved in their trade.
A home built by the Energy star specifications is said to reap between 15 percent to 30 percent more energy efficiency than a traditionally built home.
Passive solar works to reduce the amount of energy traditionally used to power a location, such as a building or house.
Traditionally, it is used in many Asian dishes, but can be used in a variety of recipes.
According to New York University's Langone Medical Center, ashwagandha was traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine as a general strengthening tonic, but is regarded by modern herbalists as an adaptogen.
Traditionally, outside of the major cities, French furniture was used for a purpose, not merely as decoration.
The classic tongue and groove paneling is traditionally used as wainscoting and often found in dining rooms, kitchens, porches, and family rooms.
In traditionally decorated rooms, the mantel could include balanced arrangements of candles, art, antiques and vases.
Kitchen - Kitchen fireplaces are traditionally in country kitchens.
Previously, a piece of furniture traditionally had to be either handmade by a family or craftsmen or artisans had to be commissioned to make a piece of furniture to order.
While these irrigated beauties have traditionally been used on garden or patio walls, they are now designed to create a natural environment inside as well.
Although bamboo plants are traditionally found in China, bamboo materials are frequently used in Japanese-inspired settings.
Task lighting is also popular in closets and other traditionally inadequately lit spaces.
Traditionally, minimalism has favored hard flooring, such as wood, concrete, or tile, over carpet.
The Bohemian way of life is traditionally linked with free thinking counterculture and is influenced by the gypsy lifestyle.
Although this style varies widely according to a homeowner's personal tastes, there are a few key concepts that appear in nearly every traditionally designed interior.
These pieces are traditionally made from mahogany and other solid woods, which can accommodate the elaborate carvings that were the hallmark of this style.
While traditionally used on ceilings, these modern fixtures can also be mounted to walls for a sconce-like effect.
Traditionally used as decorative wall tiles, hand painted tiles have graced the walls of many styles of homes.
There are colors that are traditionally associated with young boys' and girls' rooms (such as blue and pink), but don't be afraid to venture into different colors.
Scrap wool and cotton fabrics were used to make these unique rugs that were traditionally round or oval, although square and rectangle shapes were also made.
A Mission style mirror is traditionally made out of oak, but you aren't limited to just this one variety of wood; you can find mirrors made from other woods.
Traditionally, henna is worn by women particularly during wedding celebrations.
Ranked number one as the most popular and well loved mineral line, Bare Essentials Mineral makeup is pure and free from the chemicals, unnatural dyes, and the preservatives traditionally packed in most cosmetics.
For those seeking an organic approach to skincare, or for the many women who have sensitive skin that reacts negatively to traditionally formulated skin cosmetics, mineral makeup has proved worthy for many reasons.
Red hair makes its own statement, so it's natural to shy away from some of the seasonal color trends traditionally found in fashion magazines and on the runway.
Traditionally, women of color with dark chocolate complexions have shied away from brighter shades of red.
Kebabs are traditionally served with grilled vegetables, like onions, but hot rice and flat bread can also accompany a typical kebab meal.
Cantonese - Cantonese food, also called Guangdong food, is traditionally cooked by steaming, boiling, or stir-frying.
Traditionally they are made of cast iron.
Traditionally, rosettes are dusted with confectioners sugar, but I like to change things up a bit and mix some cocoa powder, nutmeg, cinnamon, and whatever spices I happen to have on hand together and sprinkle that mixture on the rosettes.
Vegetables are cooked over low heat for long periods and traditionally include some type of meat (salt pork, or bacon) as an additional seasoning and by some standards this makes them void of all nutritional value.
Traditionally, antipasto platters consist of Italian style meats and cheeses, but the selection is entirely up to you.
Similarly, scrapbookers with sons are likely to have a much larger supply of blues, greens, and other traditionally "masculine" colors.
Traditionally used in the packaging of office supplies and paper products, it is now becoming one of the most popular scrapbooking embellishments.
Do you want to order copies of individual pages so you have the option of mixing in a few traditionally created layouts?
The advantage with this type of timer of course is the use of incense which has traditionally been used to time meditations.
They often use a female main character in a traditionally female environment.
Traditionally the male pays; however, times have changed.
Most Tiffany designs are traditionally full-length, but teens will also find dresses that are much shorter and semi-formal and can be used for homecoming or dances other than the prom.
Back then, a young man who wanted to court a girl would traditionally go to her house with a bouquet of flowers to meet her parents.
The bracelet corsage is traditionally worn on the left wrist, but ask her preference if you aren't sure.
While traditionally the tux is a dark neutral, more and more designers are making colorful modern tuxedos.
Traditionally rennet is extracted from the stomach lining of butchered veal calves.
Although they traditionally contain lamb, it is a simple matter to create myriad vegetarian fillings for grape leaves.
Traditionally, an engagement party is held 6 months to 1 year before the wedding.
Traditionally speaking, the groom will handle gifts for the groomsmen and the bride will pick out gifts for her bridesmaids.
These gifts are traditionally given out at the rehearsal dinner.
Ushers and groomsmen traditionally get a small token of appreciate from the groom.
The wedding rehearsal dinner is traditionally held the night before the wedding, just after the rehearsal.
Traditionally brides registered just one wish list.
Do not put registry information in your wedding invitations -- this is traditionally considered poor wedding registry etiquette and can potentially offend guests.
Traditionally, wedding cake tops have been adorned with either a miniature replica of the happy couple or a bouquet of fresh flowers.
Traditionally most couples go with flower centerpieces, but this doesn't have to be the case.
Since the mother of the bride traditionally chooses a wedding dress before the mother of the groom, the bride will also alert the groom's mother as to what you are wearing.
Traditionally this cake is made up of the groom's favorite flavors; either chocolate or fruit.
It may be a little more difficult to find a groom's gift, as guys are traditionally much harder to shop for.
Traditionally, a man proposes to a woman in a romantic setting.
Traditionally a woman is usually surprised with the question and the ring.
While brides often take on the majority of the wedding planning, the honeymoon is an area where the groom traditionally takes charge of planning.
Traditionally, the bride's father is invited by the best man to the toast the health of the happy couple.
Rings-It is traditionally his responsibility to safeguard the rings until the ceremony.
However, bridal stores traditionally offer try-on samples in a size 8!Fortunately, some companies are adapting to meet the changing needs of their clientele.
Traditionally the bridal party throws the shower.
Locating a venue - Traditionally showers are held in the home of a close friend or relative.
Traditionally, people tend to have their wedding rehearsal dinner party in a restaurant.
Men are traditionally known as sports enthusiasts, which makes a gift in this category not only appreciated and useful, but also personal.
Traditionally served at either the rehearsal dinner or the wedding reception, the groom cake offers a way to incorporate a man's perspective into an event often dominated by the bride and other women.
Traditionally, the wedding cake has been white while the groom cake is a chocolate or chocolate base.
Traditionally, the groom pays for the groomsmen gifts.
Check out the recent release by Clay Walker called 'Fore She Was Mama for an unexpected but amusing twist on the traditionally sentimental songs.
Along with the controversial cash bars and dollar dances, a money tree is traditionally viewed to be a ploy for cash by a money-grubbing couple.
Even though black is flattering on most women, remember that this color is traditionally associated with mourning.
Traditionally, the bride in a Hawaiian wedding wears a lei that is made of white jasmine or orchids.
Groom's cakes are traditionally chocolate, but as with many other things in weddings today, it's fine to break with tradition and have the groom's cake be any flavor you like.
If you can't afford to hire a dress designer to make one from scratch, purchase a traditionally white gown and then alter it with your own cuts and embellishments.
The ceremony is traditionally casual with the wedding performed on the sand.
The look of thermography printed invitations is glossy whereas traditionally engraved invitations tend to have a matte finish.
Southern Chinese brides traditionally dress in bright red, a color that symbolizes luck in China.
Crystal is another gift traditionally given as a wedding present.
Silverware, though not as popular as china or crystal, is another item couples traditionally receive as wedding presents.
Traditionally the newlyweds were just moving in together and required all of the items needed to furnish a home.
Traditionally, the bride and groom will cut into the cake once and serve a slice to each other before the entire cake is divided into pieces.
They are traditionally light on embellishments and made of flowing, lightweight materials.
Traditionally, bridal shops and department stores put their formal wear on sale at least two times per year.
Silver, though not traditionally a fall metallic, adds a pretty modern sparkle to the berry scheme.
Religious wedding ceremonies are traditionally fairly solemn and serious, so having silly or crazy vows could offend the church or religious leader.
German couples traditionally throw a party the night before the wedding, during which their guests throw porcelain dishes at the couple's feet for good luck.
The first dance at the wedding reception is traditionally an elegant waltz, and elaborate speeches are offered by the families of the bride and groom.
German wedding cakes are traditionally large and elaborate, decorated with beautiful ornaments.
Traditionally, a decorator will wrap each tier of a finished cake with a thick ribbon to display a slight contrast in texture and color.
Women have traditionally been raised to consider other people's feelings, and many of them would feel very uncomfortable, to say the least, if they said something that hurt someone else.
Traditionally, silk is a year round fabric, good equally for summer and winter.
Traditionally they were worn by farmers and cowboys in the old West, tied around the neck in order to wipe away sweat.
Traditionally, a bed skirt is laid flat over the box spring so that the decorative fabric hangs loosely over the sides.
Traditionally, celebrity endorsements have not helped presidential hopefuls in the past.
Traditionally, the bow is at the back, but many dresses will have the bow in front or slightly off center.
Spring, the season of renewal, has traditionally been a time for new clothes.
But punk does traditionally have its uniform, so it makes sense to look for the desired clothes in places tailored for those tastes.
The overalls are traditionally made of denim and consist of loose, jeans-type pants and a bib-shaped top that fastens around the shoulders.
They include the usual pockets and are still most often made of denim, although they come in traditionally feminine colors such as pink and purple, as well as the standard blue denim.
Traditionally made of durable, hard-wearing wool, boys' sweaters are available in various fabrics and designs.
Boys traditionally wear suits or dress slacks, dress shirts and white ties, and girls are outfitted in white dresses and veils.
Even winter items, which traditionally are more muted, are designed to stand out on a dull day.
Traditionally, boys love to stuff things in their pockets, so why not give them trousers with serious pockets that they can fill to their hearts' delight without any worry that the pockets will tear?
Traditionally, little girls embrace the opportunity offered by their birthday to wear a party dress.
They are traditionally made of cotton but you can also find them in combination fabrics designed to wick away moisture - crucial during a hot afternoon's game.
If you do opt to look for really inexpensive clothing, taking advantage of some sources that traditionally offer used clothing can be your best bet.
Certain religious events, like infant baptisms, traditionally call for infant formal dresses, but there are many other times to consider dressing up your little girl to make a spectacular entrance.
Traditionally they were worn by both girls and boys.
Traditionally, boys wore shorts as part of their school uniforms.
While bachelor's degrees have traditionally been seen as "four-year" degrees, with scheduling difficulties, internships, and other obstacles, they frequently take five years for even full-time students to complete.
The program is structured traditionally and consists of 14 self-paced lessons that cover topics ranging from initial consultations to wedding etiquette, time management, and organizing honeymoons.
A college traditionally offers a four-year bachelor's degree, either a Bachelor of Arts or a Bachelor of Science.
Those types of schools traditionally offer two-year degrees, certificate programs, or vocational training.
Traditionally, well-known colleges have achieved their reputations based purely on academics, but The Princeton Review considers other factors as well.
Recent graduates of paralegal schools traditionally find entry-level positions with law firms or in corporate legal departments and pursue more challenging and financially rewarding jobs as they gain experience.
Younger families typically choose shorter sailings because of kids' shorter attention spans whereas seven to ten-day cruises traditionally cater to older passengers.
Summer is traditionally the busiest season and therefore seats go quickly.
Meanwhile, shorter voyages traditionally have just one formal night.
Canine acupuncture is traditionally done with very fine sterile needles.
For this reason, anesthesia has traditionally been used for teeth cleaning to combat dental disease in dogs.
The long Shih Tzu cut traditionally features a long coat all over.
For many feminists, such unabashed idealism is not only conceptually untenable, it is politically suspect, since it denigrates the (traditionally feminized) body.
Because the wood is strong even when thinly cut, it has traditionally been used for berry crates.
Traditionally, an asparagus trench is dug about eighteen inches wide and about two and a half to three feet deep.
The roots, which are traditionally called 'crowns', are planted about ten inches below the surface and about two feet apart.
Traditionally, a potager is a French kitchen garden, but it is laid out in geometric patterns, usually circles or other patterns with paths between the different sections.
Row covers are traditionally used in vegetable gardens that are planted in rows and may be made of fabric or plastic.
The reason for this is that the classical guitar is typically used in classical and flamenco style music, which traditionally has been played sitting down.
Traditionally, it is considered more beneficial for players to learn to read the standard musical notation provided in classical guitar sheet music before moving on to tablature in order to develop good playing technique.
At many camps, the songs are traditionally sung around the campfire (known as campfire songs or cries) as well as throughout the camp.
Traditionally, there are only one or two basins, but more and more people are choosing a newer option of having a third, usually much smaller, basin.
Wood fireplace inserts convert the traditionally inefficient masonry fireplace into a high efficiency heat source.
Traditionally, these tile rugs were in bathrooms or commercial settings, and many homeowners used them as borders for larger tile.
In addition to the number of panes and tracks, storm windows traditionally come with a variety of frames.
Jewelry makers have traditionally used glass and "paste" stones to mimic the more costly genuine stones in fine jewelry.
The claddagh was traditionally part of a ring that was given to a friend or used as a wedding ring, however the symbol is used on bangles, earrings and more in the Fado Celtic jewelry collection.
While beads are traditionally round, glass bead artists create wonderful unique beads in a variety of shapes.
Traditionally pearls were highly prized because of the challenge of finding them in the wild.
Traditionally friendship bracelets were hand knotted out of colored threads.
Diamonds are traditionally thought of as being a clear bright white, however, over recent years colors have become very fashionable such as black and pink.
Opals can be found in many colors and are traditionally cut into smooth shapes.
While traditionally precious metals such as gold and silver were the most common choice for jewelry, today other materials including acrylic, leather and even rubber are all popular jewelry choices.
Purity rings are traditionally worn on the ring finger of the left hand, although some people wear the ring on the right hand.
Purity rings were traditionally sterling silver rings but today they are made out of many different materials.