Trade-unions Sentence Examples
Although in some industrial centres the working-class movement has assumed an importance equal to that of other countries, there is no general working-class organization comparable to the English trade unions.
The last named was opened in 1904, and is controlled by the Winona Lake corporation, having official connexion with several national trade unions.
The change was emphasized by the active intervention in politics of the trade unions.
They were therefore not merely trade unions in the current meaning of that phrase, but xvi.
Groener was instrumental in maintaining, in spite of strikes and other difficulties, the cooperation of the German trade unions in securing a steady supply of munitions.
Election website launched by unions Trade unions affiliated to the Labor party have opened a website in anticipation of a General Election in May.
The creaking world economy was started up again by a coalition of industrial capitalists and government, with the trade unions as junior partner.
However, in a period of acute class struggle, the bureaucracy of the trade unions inevitably plays a treacherous role.
This was how the utterly corrupt bureaucracy of the British trade unions received its training.
Trade unions at the Earth Summit You may think sustainable development has very little to do with trade unions.
AdvertisementWorkers are actively discouraged from joining independent trade unions.
Barbara Castle and Jim Callaghan handled the 1968 Donovan Report so disastrously, and the government became embattled with the trade unions.
The Club will make every effort to be flexible with staff and to promote harmonious working relations, through trade unions and other organizations.
Trotsky emphasized the importance of the British trade unions.
Some tried to organize trade unions that were easily infiltrated by the police.
AdvertisementIt can be an acceptable alternative to redundancy for employees and trade unions and thus have a less detrimental effect on workforce morale.
Historians with left-of-centre outlooks preferred to research early trade unions or religious nonconformity.
Talks between managers and trade unions aimed at preventing an all-out stoppage at the plant are to continue on Monday.
For too long the trade unions have bowed down before the tough talk of free market Tories and New Labor.
This is an important lesson to every worker - make sure the company you are employed by recognizes trade unions.
AdvertisementEveryone has the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests.
The Wales TUC represents 56 trade unions who in turn represent around half a million members across Wales.
Ford employees were reached through LaunchPad's partnership with EDAP, the Employe Development assistance Program run by the trade unions and management.
Discussions with the relevant trade unions are ongoing to bring this work to a conclusion.
The transition to the new arrangement is being overseen by a Steering Committee with representatives of all the campus trade unions.
AdvertisementTo protect the jobs and wages of their members, trade unions insisted that the female dilutees did largely unskilled work.
There are a number of trade unions outside the American Federation of Labor which strive to organize the unskilled and semiskilled workers.
He expresses surprise at the supine attitude of the Labor Party and the Trade Unions toward the motor slaughter.
Ford employees were reached through LaunchPad 's partnership with EDAP, the Employe Development assistance Program run by the trade unions and management.
The TUC 's regional staff represent the TUC by supporting TUC campaigns and objectives and seeking the views of trade unions in the regions.
On such shifting sands are the pensions of future generations to be built with barely a whimper of protest from Britain's trade unions.