Toxoid Sentence Examples
Presentation Tetanus toxoid Concentrated is an inactivated vaccine containing 150 I.U. per dose (1 ml) purified tetanus toxoid.
The disease can be prevented by immunization with tetanus toxoid or the use of antitoxin which is routinely carried out in horses.
These pediatric formulations have the same amount of tetanus toxoid as adult formulations, but contain between three and four times more diphtheria toxoid.
The initial objectives for these programs will be the development of both multivalent botulinum toxoid vaccines and multivalent recombinant botulinum vaccines.
Presentation Tetanus Toxoid Concentrated is an inactivated vaccine containing 150 I.U. per dose (1 ml) purified tetanus toxoid.
Although a toxoid vaccine is available, it has no place in post-exposure treatment.
Vaccinating a pregnant woman with tetanus toxoid can prevent tetanus in the baby at birth.
Adults should be immunized at ten-year intervals with Td (tetanus-diphtheria) toxoid.