Toxins Sentence Examples
Hyaline degeneration is found in certain acute infective conditions; the toxins specially act on these connective-tissue cell elements.
This and similar facts have suggested that some toxins are only produced in the living body.
In 1904 he delivered at the university of California a course of lectures, the object of which was to illustrate the application of the methods of physical chemistry to the study of the theory of toxins and antitoxins, and which were published in 1907 under the title Immunochemistry.
It has been proved that the pyo-genic bacterial toxins, if not too concentrated, will attract the polymorpho-nuclear leucocytes, but if concentrated, may have a repelling influence.
Massart and Bordet, Leber, Metchnikoff and others have studied the phenomenon in leucocytes, with the result that while there is evidence of their being positively chemiotactic to the toxins of many pathogenic microbes, it is also apparent that they are negatively influenced by such substances as lactic acid.
These powerful antioxidants help the body to eliminate toxins.
A lot of text has been generated, as well, about the beauty and power of candles, from their use to clean toxins via ear canals to their role in meditative practices.
On reaching the vicinity they leave the blood stream and join in the warfare - many performing their function of phagocytosis (q.v.), others falling victims to the toxins.
These facts, and the further knowledge that many bacteria never observed as parasites, or as pathogenic forms, produce toxins or poisons as the result of their decompositions and fermentations of organic substances, have led to important results in the applications of bacteriology to medicine.
Little is known of the mode of action of bacteria on these plants, but it may be assumed with great confidence that they excrete enzymes and poisons (toxins), which diffuse into the cells and kill them, and that the effects are in principle the same as those of parasitic fungi.
AdvertisementThough subsequent researches have on the whole confirmed these results, it is still a matter of dispute whether these proteids are the true toxins or merely contain the toxic bodies precipitated along with them.
Though the causal relationship of a bacterium to a disease may be completely established by the methods given, another very important part of bacteriology is concerned with the poisons or toxins formed by bacteria.
These toxins may become free in the culture fluid, and the living bacteria may then be got rid of by filtering the fluid through a filter of unglazed porcelain, whose pores are sufficiently small to retain them.
In other instances the toxins are retained to a large extent within the bacteria, and in this case the dead bacteria are injected as a suspension in fluid.
Methods have been introduced for the purpose of breaking up the bodies of bacteria and setting free the intracellular toxins.
AdvertisementAt this temperature the bacterial bodies are extremely brittle, and are thus readily broken up. The study of the nature of toxins requires, of course, the various methods of organic chemistry.
Such toxins being set free in the culture medium are often known as extracellular.
The toxins are here manifestly contained within the bodies of the bacteria, i.e.
The action of these intracellular toxins has in many instances nothing characteristic, but is merely in the direction of producing fever and interfering with the vital processes of the body generally, these disturbances often going on to a fatal result.
In other words, the toxins of different bacteria are closely similar in their results on the body and the features of the corresponding diseases are largely regulated by the vital properties of the bacteria, their distribution in the tissues, &c. The distinction between the two varieties of toxins, though convenient.
AdvertisementAlthough the formation of toxins with characteristic action can be shown by the above methods, yet in some cases little or no toxic action can be demonstrated.
This, for example, is the case with the anthrax bacillus; although the effect of this organism in the living body indicates the production of toxins which diffuse for a distance around the bacteria.
Regarding the chemical nature of toxins less is known than regarding their physiological action.
The methods used in the investigations were, however, open to objection, and it is now recognized that although organic bases may sometimes be formed, and may be toxic, the important toxins are not of that nature.
A later research by Brieger along with Fraenkel pointed to the extracellular toxins of diphtheria, tetanus and other diseases being of proteid nature, and various other observers have arrived at a like conclusion.
AdvertisementIt may also be mentioned that many toxins have now been obtained by growing the particular organism in a proteid-free medium, a fact which shows that if the toxin is a proteid it may be formed synthetically by the bacterium as well as by modification of proteid already present.
With regard to the nature of intracellular toxins, there is even greater difficulty in the investigation and still less is known.
Certain toxins resemble enzymes as regards their conditions of precipitation and relative instability, and the fact that in most cases a considerable period intervenes between the time of injection and the occurrence of symptoms has been adduced in support of the view that enzymes are present.
It is important that these two essential factors should be kept clearly in view, since the means of defence against any disease may depend upon the power either of neutralizing toxins or of killing the organisms producing them.
In such diseases the bacteria, when introduced into the subcutaneous tissue, rapidly gain entrance to the blood stream and multiply freely in it, and by means of their toxins cause symptoms of general poisoning.
The action of toxins on various glands, producing diminished or increased functional activity, has a close analogy to that of certain drugs.
In short, if we place aside the outstanding exception of tumour growth, we may say that practically all the important phenomena met with in disease may be experimentally produced by the injection of bacteria or of their toxins.
A third method is by injections of the separated toxins of a bacterium, the resulting immunity being not only against the toxin, but, so far as present knowledge shows, also against the living organism.
In the development of toxin-immunity the doses, small at first, are gradually increased in successive inoculations; or, as in the case of very active toxins, the initial injections are made with toxin modified by heat or by the addition of various chemical substances.
Immunity of the same nature can be acquired in the same way against snake and scorpion poisons, and against certain vegetable toxins, e.g.
The laws of antitoxin production and action are not confined to bacterial toxins, but apply also to other vegetable and animal toxins, resembling them in constitution, viz.
It is by means of such side-chains that toxin molecules are attached to the protoplasm, so that the living molecules are brought under the action of the toxophorous groups of the toxins.
Natural immunity against toxins must be taken into account, and, if Ehrlich's view with regard to toxic action be correct, this may depend upon either the absence of chemical affinity of the living molecules of the tissues for the toxic molecule, or upon insensitiveness to the action of the toxophorous group. It has been shown with regard to the former, for example, that the nervous system of the fowl, which possesses immunity against tetanus toxin, has little combining affinity for it.
Pharmacology is a branch of biology; it is also closely connected with pathology and bacteriology, for certain drugs produce structural as well as functional changes in the tissues, and in germ diseases the peculiar symptoms are caused by foreign substances (toxins) formed by the infective organisms present in the body.
The effects of many of these toxins bear a close resemblance to the action of certain wellknown drugs, as in the case of tetanus toxin and strychnine, and are studied by the same methods of observation and research.
Tolerance is therefore analogous to, but not identical with, the immunity which takes place with the toxins of infectious diseases and snake poison.
Antitoxins can be prepared by immunizing a large animal, such as a horse, by injecting gradually increasing doses of specific toxins into its subcutaneous tissue.
Antitoxins are organic products designed to neutralize the formation of the toxins of certain diseases in the blood.
Fiber helps to sweep toxins out of the body and the rich supply of protective antioxidants protect body cells against damage.
Green tea antioxidants have been shown to protect the liver against toxins like alcohol and chemicals in cigarette smoke.
Trikatu formula increases the digestive fire, which then burns away these accumulated toxins and cleanses the alimentary canal.
Aflatoxins are fungal toxins, which are potent carcinogens.
Finally the neutrophils can use chemical means to direct themselves toward toxins of interest, and this mechanism is called chemotaxis.
This treatment combines vacuum and laser to eliminate toxins, break down fatty deposits and smooth unwanted dimples.
For example, it appears to produce antioxidants in response to harmful free radicals and other poisonous toxins it encounters.
Exercise the toxins out Ever felt strangely frisky with a hangover?
It is also diuretic and speeds the elimination of toxins, which makes it valuable for treating gout.
The otters were either killed directly through a build up of the toxins in their body or it rendered the females infertile.
Lung toxins Some of the toxins present in smoke are highly irritant or directly toxic to the bronchial mucosa causing airway inflammation.
The Cry gene toxins target specific insect cell receptor proteins and create pores that lead to osmotic lysis of the insect gut cells.
A vaccine can also consist of the weakened toxins produced by microorganisms.
Bad Bug Book - an introduction to foodborne pathogenic microorganisms and natural toxins.
Many countries regulate specific mycotoxins and most countries try to limit exposure to the toxins [1] .
Nettles are useful in ridding the lungs of excess phlegm and cleansing the body of toxins and make an ideal herbal cuppa.
It has the ability to form a gel, which can bind water and toxins together, thus solidifying watery stools.
Bt toxins encompass a large superfamily of Cry proteins made by different strains of B. thuringiensis.
It provides a short introduction and overview of food toxicology which of course includes a number of toxins of microbial origin.
Drink plenty of water to help eliminate the toxins from your body.
Cleansing your body of its accumulated toxins is a great way to boost well-being.
The leaves, flowers and berries are beneficial in cases of cols and flu, as they expel toxins from the body.
The problems are not confined to land; there are also concerns about algal toxins in fish and the chemicals used in fish farming.
For example, Monsanto's approach to Colorado Beetle is to develop potato plants that produce bacterial toxins which kill the beetles.
Kahn found high levels of lethal toxins in Frost's fatty tissue.
It only takes harmful toxins out of the body.
This is no joke when the ants are fierce when provoked and have some of the most potent toxins around, wear your shoes.
Secondly an increased gut transit time means that toxins normally confined to the small bowel can irritate and inflame the more sensitive colonic mucosa.
Horses cannot vomit to get rid of toxins, or indigestible food.
The irritants may be bacteria and their toxins, or they may be mechanical, chemical or thermic.
This acquired immunity is brought about by the development of a protective body as a result of the struggle of the cells and fluids of the body with the invading bacteria and their toxins.
The phagocytes are attracted from the blood vessels and elsewhere towards the noxious focus by the chemiotaxis exerted upon them by the toxins secreted by the bacteria contained within it.
The chemiotaxis in this instance is positive, but the toxins from certain other bacteria may act negatively; and such bacteria are fraught with particular danger from the fact that they can spread through the body unopposed by the phagocytes, which may be looked upon as their natural enemies.
Both sleeplessness and pain are sometimes due to the action of toxins absorbed from the intestine, and both of them may High sometimes be relieved more efficiently by thorough purgation than by narcotics.
The changes produced at a distance by distribution of toxins may be very manifold - cloudy swelling and fatty degeneration, serous effusions, capillary haemorrhages, various degenerations of muscle, hyaline degeneration of small blood-vessels, and, in certain chronic diseases, waxy degeneration, all of which may be widespread, are examples of the effects of toxins, rapid or slow in action.
Toxins are also injected in order to stimulate the blood plasma to form antitoxins (see Bacteriology).
Reheating food wo n't get rid of the toxins.
It is not enough to undergo dietary regimens to rid the body of toxins.
North Isles scallop fishing ban The first outbreak of algal bloom in Orkney this year to produce shellfish toxins was reported at the weekend.
Click Here Further Details Mushroom toxins An account of various mushroom toxins ingested as food, leading to mushroom poisoning, or toadstool poisoning.
The ban follows the detection of high levels of amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP) toxins in shellfish in the area.
For example, Monsanto 's approach to Colorado Beetle is to develop potato plants that produce bacterial toxins which kill the beetles.
Unbalanced food intake or excessive feeding of treats, leading to increased toxins in the blood and muscles.
Unripe green tomatoes can contain glycoalkaloids, which are natural toxins that can irritate the gastrointestinal tract.
Suspicions that this may indeed be the situation prompted the FDA to screen many of these pet foods for kidney-harming mold toxins.
Allergies can be an indicator of toxins in the system.
Some vets believe that cats get toxins built up in their systems just like humans do.
It helps the body rid itself of toxins that may be suppressing proper metabolic functions.
When there is a build up of toxins, the body can't provide proper nourishment to all of the cells, no mater how balanced the diet is.
If the liver you are serving your feline friend is not organic then you should keep in mind that the liver filters out the toxins in the things that go into the body.
Other feline ailments appear later in a cat's life due to aging or repeated exposure to environmental toxins.
Antigens or toxins cause the body to produce antibodies in order to destroy the foreign matter.
You will also save yourself from the potential toxins found in household insecticides, the kind you will need to use should your cat bring in fleas and other pests.
Elderly cats cannot deal with such toxins properly, and this is why kidney disease is so prominent in aging felines.
Keep your household free of toxins such as chemical cleaners.
A product can do this by reducing VOC's or other toxins that can leach into the air.
While environmentalists often talk about toxins and chemicals, many people are unsure what the true effects of regular exposure to some cleaning products could mean for their bodies.
Kidney and liver damage is also a common side affect of some toxins found in cleaning products.
Factories and industrial sites often contaminate the soil with hazardous chemicals, and waste treatment plants, landfills, and septic systems leach contaminants into the soil that are both chemical and organic toxins.
Biofuels produce fewer carbon emissions than fossil fuels, thereby reducing air pollution, greenhouse gasses, and toxins.
Anything that churns out harmful smoke, toxins, chemicals, or biological substances into the air is considered a pollutant.
Not only would you be contributing to the volume of our already bulging landfills, but you'd also be potentially contaminating the earth with toxins.
Toxins have leached out of industry facilities and factories into water supplies such as streams, rivers and into the world's oceans.
The potential exists for these toxins to leach into the soil and groundwater that can be a source of drinking water.
Land, air and water environmental problems are also all threatened by pollution and toxins that are a result of unsustainable industry practices and chemical dumping.
It contains a wealth of information on the most commonly used toxins in household products.
Dementia, Alzheimer, reproductive problems in men, asthma, bronchitis and headaches are all linked to the toxins found in a typical home.
This in turn allows toxins to be flushed from the body more quickly.
Because your body has been poisoned with toxins that are now building up in your bloodstream much faster than you get rid of them.
Sports drinks - Chugging down sports drinks will not only hydrate your body, but also replace some of the glucose and other water-soluble nutrients that are flushed out of your system along with the toxins.
Unfortunately, as the body battles the toxins, your normal sleep patterns are disrupted, so that your sleep is not refreshing or revitalizing.
Acai Berry Supreme is one of the many acai pills that more and more everyday people and celebrities alike are taking to flush toxins out of their system and lose weight.
It also draws increased blood flow to the area it is applied, causing infection, foreign bodies and toxins to rise to the surface.
Burdock root contains both vitamin A and the chemical selenium which has been shown to help reduce toxins in the body.
When consumed, these ingredients help cleanse the liver of toxins and aid good digestion.
While kidney cleansing or detoxification is not as well known perhaps as liver or colon cleansing, the kidneys are also an important organ for removing toxins and wastes from the body.
Avoid the extra toxins on your skin and choose a natural line instead.
The key to pale and pure looking skin is to rid your pores of any nasty toxins.
Just as the label implies, mineral makeup does not contain many of the same toxins found in mainstream cosmetic products, but is still able to enhance your individual features.
Many companies that tout "mineral" makeup actually manufacture products with toxins in them.
Many early makeup products contained poisons and toxins.
Making a point of drinking plenty of fluids each day will help your system to eliminate toxins.
Massage - Massage releases the toxins that build up in the muscles, forcibly relaxing them from their tensed state.
The higher the temperature and the longer the time, the more toxins formed!
There may be toxins within the drug that will cause immediate death, even for first-time users.
Coughing - This happens because mucus is breaking up in your lungs as your body purges built-up toxins.
That's the toxins being released, and they can stick around in your bathroom for a month.
These toxins are proven to be harmful, especially to children.
Additionally, vinyl doesn't recycle so when you throw out the moldy old curtain, it goes to landfill and releases still more toxins.
After a few weeks, the toxins will have cleared from your dog's system.
If the kidneys are sufficiently compromised they can't filter toxins efficiently.
The heart pumps blood into the tissues and also carries away carbon dioxide and toxins to the liver and kidneys to be eliminated from the body.
It can also reduce pain and discomfort because it releases endorphins as well as helping flush toxins from your dog's body.
In fact, we should all watch our dogs very carefully because of the toxins we could give them in a simple Thanksgiving treat.
I was sent a story about all the toxins in our dogs' toys and other items around the house, so I had to go online to look this up for myself.
It's believed to contain the properties necessary to cleanse your body of all toxins from natural substances to alcohol, smoking, drugs, and poor diet.
Practioners claim that it cleanses you from all toxins and restores vitality.
According to Australia's Department of Primary Industries, toxins from these chemicals can remain in the plant for an undetermined amount of time.
If an organic item is dyed with the less expensive chemical dyes, it will contain toxins even though it is organic.
They were surprised to learn that all natural cotton was as bad as any of the synthetics because of the amount of toxins used in the growing process.
These toxins remain in the finished clothing.
The University of Georgia reports what most people all ready knew, a baby is more vulnerable to environmental toxins, including chemicals in clothing and bedding, than adults are.
All of the parts of the clothes, including buttons and zippers, are tested for lead and other toxins.
The toxins in cotton are still present when the cotton is processed and you put on that tee shirt or pair of jeans.
Toxins in the environment can impair development and lead to serious medical conditions.
Findings of melamine, salmonella and other toxins are reason for worry.
Your baby deserves the best, and organic infant socks will bring a little warmth and comfort to tiny toes without the risk of any harmful chemicals or toxins getting close to your baby's precious skin.
Studies have shown that organic baby foods make a difference in the level of toxins in your baby's body.
It stands to reason that reducing a baby's exposure to toxins will be healthier for the baby.
We are exposed to hundreds of toxins in our homes from the products that we use.
They are free from artificial preservatives, fragrances, dyes, and toxins, and are designed especially for the needs of sensitive baby skin.
Organic cotton is different from conventional cotton in that it is grown without the use of toxins, pesticides, and other chemicals.
To see numerous scientific studies on how these chemicals and toxins can harm your baby's delicate skin visit Organic Wear USA.
Every time items are grown or treated with pesticides, chemicals, and toxins, traces (sometimes large traces) end up back in the soil, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the foods we eat.
If people are getting sick from toxins and chemicals, that drives up long-term health care costs.
Not only do you avoid nasty toxins but you add beneficial nutrients.
Most people do not knowingly dump toxins into their water.
Some consumers prefer organic herbal remedies over other variations of herbs because the organic herbs - in theory - are generally exposed to fewer potential toxins such as pesticides and herbicides and are not genetically modified.
They do not want to pollute their bodies with harmful toxins or unnatural chemicals and preservatives.
Organic coffee does not encounter the same potential toxins that conventionally farmed coffee may encounter.
If you have young children or pets who often play on the lawn you might be exposing them to harmful toxins, which can be easily tracked back into your home on the soles of people's shoes or animals' feet.
Not only are adults exposed to these pesticides through their food, but the endocrine system is particularly sensitive to toxins.
Children are even more prone to side effects as the toxins build up over time.
Not only will you prevent the build up of toxins in your body, but you'll support local farmers and the local economy.
It is also a great way to keep chemicals and toxins away from their developing systems.
Jessica was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2004 and began researching the impact of toxins on health.
She chose to design maternity dresses, casual clothing, and organic baby bedding because she felt that babies developing systems were most at risk from environmental toxins.
Many of the toxins may all ready be out of the garment by the time you get it and you can get an entire wardrobe for the price of a couple of new items.
With all the chemicals and toxins that seep into the ground on a daily basis, it really isn't necessary to add harmful pesticides and herbicides to that mix.
Furthermore, wool diaper covers are 100 percent natural and contain none of the chemicals and toxins of plastic disposable diapers and even some other synthetic cloth diapers.
Overall, they're easy to maintain and contain no toxins whatsoever.
Remember that toxins don't have to be eaten to wind up within a body's system, so organic beauty items are a nice addition to an already natural and organic lifestyle.
As you wear the cotton, minute amounts of toxins may be being absorbed through your skin.
The body is growing at a rapid rate in the first few years of life and toxins can have more of an effect on those developing immune systems.
Knowing how to eat organically will keep a majority of modern toxins out of your body.
Because organic cotton is produced with strict guidelines, organic cotton can often have a higher price tag than synthetic cottons where the use of toxins is permitted.
Organic foods do not feature the same potential toxins, preservatives and artificial ingredients that many conventionally produced food items regularly contain.
The term "organic pregnancy diet" refers to eating organic foods while pregnant in an attempt to avoid dangerous toxins; it does not refer to a special diet consisting of organic foods that will allow a pregnant woman to lose a few pounds.
While some of the toxins that are present in conventionally produced foods have been deemed safe for human consumption, any tests related to these toxins have been conducted using adult participants.
Keep in mind the size of your developing baby's internal organs; the miniscule amounts of pesticides and preservatives that are present in the foods you eat aren't so miniscule when compared to the tiny organs trying to process the toxins.
This organization champions for sustainable agriculture and foods that are safe for consumption without toxins or preservatives.
Foods containing GMO ingredients cannot hold an organic certification because even if they are not exposed to additional toxins and chemicals during production, they are still not technically natural because of the scientific modification.
Young digestive tracts absorb toxins more readily than adult digestive tracts, and young kidneys don't detoxify as efficiently as adult kidneys.
As a result, toxins circulate longer in babies' bodies, boosting exposure to four times that of adults.
This may mean the toys are produced with harsh chemicals and other toxins in ways that are anything but environmentally friendly.
Buying organic kid toys ensures that your children are not being exposed to harmful toxins while engaged in play with their toys.
Children have smaller internal organs, yet are often exposed to the same (if not more) toxins as their adult counterparts who have much larger internal organs that have to work hard to process any toxins they come into contact with.
Why expose them to dangerous toxins that may stifle that rapid development?
The toxins and chemicals are present in the non-organic cotton you buy.
If you like to knit or crochet and you are concerned about environmental toxins, you might be interested in Rowan Purelife organic cotton yarn.
Choosing organic foods and home care products will reduce the amount of environmental toxins your body needs to fight off, reducing the wear-and-tear that manifests as aging skin.
The pasture may have been treated with chemical fertilizers and herbicides and these toxins may be in the meat.
Homemade organic home pest control can help you keep your home free of toxins.
You won't have any worries about hidden toxins or expensive products.
Farming without the use of toxins keeps all aspects of the environment healthy.
Since conventional farming uses a lot of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and other toxins, the soil becomes polluted.
Ground water can also become infused with toxins used in farming and the drinking water supply is compromised.
Healthy Green Goods - Healthy Green Goods is committed to offering a broad line of good for home and body that are free of harmful toxins and friendly toward the environment.
These products can sometimes still include harmful chemicals, toxins, and allergens that can make you or your family sick.
Avoidance of these toxins can mitigate some of the problems caused by agriculture.
Though many people may not realize it, typical mattresses and bedding, for that matter, may contain toxins, chemicals, and pesticide residue.
There is little difference between organic cotton clothing and conventional cotton clothing other than the lack of chemical toxins in organic.
Because organic goods contain fewer chemicals, pesticides, and toxins, they are better for those with allergies and for sensitive children and infants.
Organic Cotton Clothes - Babies where clothes everyday, so it's important that you purchase those made from organic, natural fabrics that contain no chemicals or toxins that can harm baby's skin or health.
An organic cotton baby doll can provide hours of fun and cuddle time for your child while protecting her from the chemicals and toxins so often found in conventional toys.
Not only can these substances be absorbed into your child's body through contact with her skin, the fabric will outgas toxins even after it is washed.
Most pads are made of conventional cotton and outgas toxins for years after they are made.
By choosing organic natural food source liquid vitamins, you can ensure that you get the nutrients you need to support your healthy lifestyle without any added chemicals or toxins.
Less Toxins - Many of the disease concerns associated with commercially raised beef are eliminated through the use of organic beef products.
The argument against fire retardant chemcals states that more people will develop cancer, lung problems and other health issues related to toxins in the mattresses than will die from the mattress catching on fire.
Using organic dog shampoo can help guard your pet against the harsh chemicals and toxins present in regular shampoos.
Organic grooming products for your pet can keep his coat healthier and more luxurious as well as guard against cancers and other illnesses stemming from toxins and harsh chemicals associated with grooming products.
Choose organic coffee, carrots, or whatever you are using to ensure you are not putting pesticide residues and other toxins in your hair.
Organic cotton is grown without synthetic fertilizers and toxins and is produced without using chemical bleaches and dyes.
Many cancers have been shown to result from exposure to environmental toxins (carcinogens) and related alterations in DNA.
Other well-known risk factors, such as family history, infectious agents, diet, environmental toxins, and pollution, can apply equally to children.
Studies have established links between environmental toxins, such as asbestos, and cancer.
Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system in response to infectious agents that are foreign to the body, such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, or toxins.
In the case of mitochondrial cytopathies that are caused by environmental factors such as certain drugs or toxins, avoidance of these substances may minimize the risk of developing mitochondrial disease.
Other conditions can induce a fever, including allergic reactions, ingestion of toxins, teething, autoimmune disease, trauma, cancer, excessive sun exposure, or certain drugs.
Fever, an elevation of normal body temperature, is a natural response of the body that helps fight off foreign substances, such as microorganisms (bacteria and viruses), parasites, fungi, and toxins.
Rest is recommended and large quantities of clear liquids to flush out toxins and help prevent dehydration.
Supporting the immune system is one way to help avoid infection by exposure to bacteria, viruses, and toxins as a potential source of fever.
Although FUO cannot actually be prevented because the sources are unknown, the immune system can be strengthened to help avoid infection from bacteria, viruses, and toxins.
Finally, damage caused by diseases of the pancreas (such as pancreatitis), endocrine disorders (e.g., endocrine tumors), and drugs or toxins can also destroy beta cell function.
For those with a history of antibiotic use in the preceding two months, stool samples need to be examined for the toxins that cause antibiotic-associated colitis.
If the toast is slightly burnt, the charcoal can help sequester toxins and pull them from the body.
Ridding the body of toxins is believed to be aided by hydrotherapy (bathing regularly in water containing baking soda, sea salt or Epsom salts).
Elimination of toxins is aided as well as by such herbs as milk thistle, burdock, and licorice.
The history may also reveal current related medical problems and recent or past exposure to drugs, toxins, infection, or trauma.
It is caused by toxins (poisons) produced by the bacterium Clostridium tetani.
The risk of transfusion (such as transfusion reactions, potential toxins, and infections such as HIV or hepatitis) are carefully weighed against the severity of the anemia in the infant.
Shigella also produce a number of toxins (Shiga toxin and others) that increase the amount of fluid secretion by the intestinal tract.
These antibodies are specific proteins (immunoglobulins) produced by the immune system to respond to bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, or toxins that invade the body.
Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the most abundant class of immunoglobulins, directed toward viruses, bacterial organisms, and toxins.
Food may be contaminated by bacteria, viruses, environmental toxins, or toxins present within the food itself, such as the poisons in some mushrooms or seafood.
Some food-borne toxins can affect the nervous system.
Environmental toxins (heavy metals) in foods or water, and poisonous substances in certain foods such mushrooms and shellfish are other causes of food poisoning.
Food poisoning is not spread from one individual to another but through direct contact with the causative bacteria, viruses, or other toxins in consumed food.
Food poisoning symptoms occur when food-borne bacteria release toxins or poisons as a byproduct of their growth in the body.
These toxins (except those from C. botulinum) cause inflammation of the stomach lining and the small and/or large intestines, resulting in abdominal muscle cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.
Because E. coli toxins are produced in the large intestine rather than higher up in the digestive system, symptoms typically occur from one to three days after eating contaminated food.
The bacterial toxins affect the small intestine.
Infant botulism is a special form of food poisoning not related to the food-borne toxins that cause adult botulism.
Adult botulism outbreaks are usually associated with toxins found in home-canned food, although poisoning occasionally results from eating commercially canned or vacuum-packed foods.
Toxins may be absorbed into the blood stream where they destroy red blood cells and platelets, tiny cells important in blood clotting.
The rash is a reaction to toxins released by the streptococcus bacteria.
Some researchers think that the syndrome may be caused by the interaction of an immune cell, called the T cell, with certain poisons (toxins) secreted by bacteria.
Toxins and pollution in the environment have also been associated with autism.
The function of the immune system is to respond to organisms and substances that invade the body, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and toxins, by producing antibodies against them.
IgG antibodies, the specific immunoglobulins absent or reduced in CVID, are targeted at bacterial organisms, viruses, and certain toxins.
Labyrinthitis can also be caused by toxins, by a tumor in the ear, by trauma to the ear, and sometimes high doses of medications or allergies.
Germanium-helps improve the delivery of oxygen to tissues and remove toxins and poisons from the body.
At the end of the twentieth century 17 countries were known to be developing biological weapons, including the culture of botulism toxins.
Toxins produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum are the main culprit in botulism.
Human botulism (caused by botulism toxins A, B, and E) may stem from contaminated food, wound contamination, or the intestinal botulism toxin found in infants.
This antitoxin can provide protection against A and B toxins for approximately four months.
The symptoms of diphtheria are caused by toxins produced by the diphtheria bacillus, Corynebacterium diphtheriae (from the Greek for "rubber membrane").
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is an uncommon, but potentially serious, illness that occurs when poisonous substances (toxins) produced by bacteria enter the bloodstream.
The toxins cause a type of blood poisoning that results in high fever, symptoms of shock, and potentially organ failure.
When an infectious agent enters the body, the immune system develops antibodies which can weaken or destroy the disease-producing agent or neutralize its toxins.
Active immunity comes from having the disease or by inoculation with antigens, such as dead organisms, weakened organisms, or toxins of organisms.
Brown leaves are an indication of toxins.
This will aid in the protection of healthy hair, as many of these environmental toxins have been linked to brittle hair and dry skin.
It also balances the hair's pH while protecting it from environmental toxins and hazardous UV damage.
Consuming the recommended eight glasses of water per day will restore vitality in your skin, hair and nails, while flushing out your system and removing the toxins that can cause bad skin, wrinkles, and dry hair.
Drink lots of water to help flush toxins from your skin.
Fetal exposure to medications, toxins, or chemicals in the first trimester of pregnancy may lead to genetic birth defects that may or may not be detected before birth.
Have you had exposure to chemicals, toxins, or radiation?
Preliminary chemical analysis suggests that kombucha enhances liver function, adding to the liver's ability to cleanse toxins from the body.
The product is said to help people lose weight by cleansing the body of toxins.
A third potential harmful effect comes not from the fish oil itself but from potential toxins found in the oils.
If you're concerned about ingesting toxins through fish oil supplements, you may want to switch to krill oil.
Krill are tiny crustaceans living near the Antarctic, and their oil typically contains fewer trace toxins than that of fish.
Astaxanthin is known as a powerful antioxidant that can rid the body of toxins that lead to cell damage, diseases and illnesses.
Prescription drugs are manufactured to be free of common allergens and certain toxins.
Purity standards must be regulated very carefully to ensure a supplement is free of toxins and can function at maximum efficacy.
It also releases fewer toxins into the air than paraffin wax.
You're transforming nutrients into fuel and helping to rid your body of toxins.
The heated room also causes the body to sweat, which allows for the natural release of poisons and toxins.
Hatha Yoga combines asanas with pranayama, or breath control, to stretch and strengthen the muscles, open up the energy channels of the body, rid the system of toxins, and help focus the mind.
Some believe that genetic differences in some children prevent them from expelling environmental toxins, such as mercury, from the body as the average person does.
The toxins build up to harmful levels, which may trigger the symptoms of ASD since studies are finding that higher levels of some toxins are present in individuals on the spectrum.
Some studies provide insight into possible causes such as a virus, environmental toxins, brain abnormalities, immune deficiencies, food allergies or genetics.
Many studies have investigated the possibility of a connection between environmental toxins and autism.
One of those toxins, mercury, and its connection to vaccines has been a controversial subject in the medical community.
While the cause of autism is unknown, many theories ranging from genetics to environmental toxins have been studied as possible causes.
Finally, your ingredient list is free of chemicals and toxins that aren't good for your family, so you're sparing the risk of any skin irritation or allergy attack.
Exercise stimulates the metabolism and also the flow of lymphatic fluid responsible for the movement of many toxins.
A sedentary lifestyle hinders many of the body's natural processes and when toxins build up in the blood and lymph fluids, your chance for disease increases markedly.
Are you interested in a way to jump-start a raw diet or cleanse the body and eliminate fat and toxins?
The goal of the diet is to rest the digestive tract, cleanse the system of impurities, mobilize and eliminate toxins stored in various areas of the body, and burn excess fat stores.
These types of diets address the individual's specific health concerns or cleanse their systems further from the pollutants and toxins so prevalent in highly developed societies.
A detoxification diet is meant to rid the body of toxins.
Toxins accumulate in several areas of the body, including glands, digestive tract and blood stream.
As toxins collect in our systems, the functions of these systems are negatively affected.
Hormone imbalances, exposure to toxins, including mold, and chronic illness can also overwhelm the bacteria balance and cause candida.
Detoxification is the process of eliminating toxins and other unhealthful compounds from the body, specifically the liver.
Eliminating toxins and stimulants is key to any diet claiming to detoxify the body.
This happens, according to medical research, from the toxins that build up in vulnerable areas of the body, such as breast tissue.
Water helps flush out waste products and toxins from your body, provides energy, assists in absorption of many nutrients, and helps all your organ systems run better.
Stimulate more efficient blood flow to muscles, which helps relieve cramps and remove the body's toxins.
The ongoing argument, however, is the fact that the soils are healthier in organic agricultural sites, which offer greater flavor and texture, while overall exposure to toxins is greatly reduced.
It is also important to stay hydrated and drink enough water during a workout; dehydrated muscles will build up toxins that can lead to pain and injury.
During this time, supporters claim that the body will cleanse itself and many of the unwanted build-ups of impurities and toxins will be eliminated from the body.
It is meant to help cleanse the body of toxins, and allow the user to lose weight at the same time.
The Master Cleanse is a detoxification process, which means that it aims to get toxins and other unsavory things out of the body.
Those who are experienced with detoxification describe these symptoms as signs that you are eliminating significant toxins from your body and say that it is likely you will feel much better then next day after having these symptoms.
Raw foods help your body to eliminate toxins that cause disease from the cooked food you ingest.
It is a detox diet meant to cleanse the body of toxins and help you lose weight at the same time.
Detoxification is said to clear out toxins, the result of which is a better functioning body with more energy.
The Martha's Vineyard folks call this a "healing crisis" and say that it's totally normal as your body works to remove toxins.
People typically choose to go on a detox diet to rid their bodies of various toxins.
These toxins can come from within the body or from outside in the environment.
Fennel seed has diuretic properties that aid in relieving fluid retention and in the elimination of toxins from the system through the urine.
An appetite stimulant used to treat digestive disorders and also used by herbalists to purify the liver and gallbladder of toxins.
Used to remove toxins from the blood and also has diuretic properties.
When someone attempts to detoxify their body via a detox diet plan, it means that they're striving to rid their body of certain toxins or other contaminants.
Research shows that people consume many unhealthy chemicals and toxins, like pesticides from the foods they eat.
So in theory a detox diet plan might eliminate these toxins, thus clearing the body of them.
Fasting is quite simply abstaining from solid foods for a while, giving your digestive system a chance to rest and toxins to be flushed out.
As body fat is used for fuel during a fast, the toxins normally stored therein are released into the bloodstream and eventually flushed out.
What happens is when the body has too many toxins, the liver is supposed to neutralize these toxins and when it can't handle it anymore, it stores them in fat cells.
When a person fasts, the body has all kinds of energy freed and will do the second step and take the toxins from where they're stored, mobilize them and neutralize them.
The toxins we want to get rid of are acidic.
In order to eliminate acid toxins the body must neutralize it.
This regiment removes unnatural toxins from your body allowing you to live a longer, healthier life.
Using acai berry products flushes excess waste and toxins from your body.
The acai detoxification program is supposed to rid the body of harmful toxins that inundate it on a daily basis.
Stress is among the toxins because the emotion effects of stress on the body is physical as well as emotional.
These elements build up in the body and are distributed through the bloodstream, and many toxins wind up stored in fat cells.
Amino acids are among cleansing boosters that help remove toxins while replenishing the body with healthy nutrients.
Detox diets are all the rage and an acai slim diet quick method can remove toxins from your system.
The lemonade mixture works as a detoxifying agent to cleanse the body of toxins, but it also helps people to lose weight.
It's important to note that even though Stanley Burrough's claimed his diet cleansed the system of toxins and helped people regain their health, there is no scientific evidence that backs up his claims.
This rids the body of excess fluid and toxins stored in the body while re-hydrating the cells in the process.
The Sassy drink is a soothing agent that reduces bloat and removes toxins, but the body may experience caffeine withdrawals in the process.
Protease enzymes remove toxins and breaks down proteins.
The toxins in pesticides can be ingested and stored in fat cells.