Towards Sentence Examples
They moved towards the three.
Some of them ran towards the east, some towards the west, and some towards the south.
Darian darted towards the house.
Darian moved sluggishly towards the shivering woman.
The sense grew stronger as she led them down the hall past a waiting room and nurse's station towards the quiet hallway lined by patients' rooms, each housing four to five patients.
He nodded his head towards the garage door.
Jenn met his gaze, and he looked again towards the fire.
Is it not possible to take a step further towards recognizing and organizing the rights of man?
Jule looked again towards the garage, growing concerned he hadn't heard a car or garage door motor yet.
There are fourteen-ish bodies towards the back of the church.
AdvertisementTowards evening he told his men to ride home by the main road while he went by another way that was somewhat longer.
He fished his keys out of her pocket and hurried her towards the parking lot.
Might do you good to get out of sight, he said, nodding towards the windows.
Startled, she watched him dart towards Dusty.
She squinted towards the blazing buildings to see a dark figure half-trotting, half-limping towards them.
AdvertisementWhen she moved woodenly towards her bedroom, he disappeared.
She hugged herself and hurried towards the door to the pub.
Amused, Damian looked at Darian and tossed his head towards the door.
He started towards her.
Already she began to see quite plainly the little elves in their tall pointed hats, dancing down the dusky alleys, and peeping from between the bushes, and they seemed to come nearer and nearer; and she stretched her hands up towards the tree in which the doll sat and they laughed, and pointed their fingers at her.
AdvertisementShe followed him with her eyes as he retreated towards the kitchen.
Jonny looked towards the door to the kitchen suddenly, and his gaze darkened.
With a noisy sigh, he slinked out the back door of the kitchen towards the barracks.
Shivering, she pulled out her phone to call her father as she made her way towards the street.
A form loitering against one wall straightened as he started towards the stairs.
AdvertisementShe drove the winding roads from her father's manor through County Clare and south towards the Cliffs of Moher to Doolin, one of her favorite day trips.
Demons flew towards him.
She channeled her energy towards it, feeding it.
He rose and moved towards the kitchen.
Green-eyes stepped between Bianca and Purple-eyes, and Purple-eyes backed towards the window again.
The dark mist slid to the floor and crept towards them.
Hesitating only a moment more, Yully moved towards him and knelt.
He pushed her away and moved towards the bed.
Suddenly, towards evening, a band of robbers swooped down upon them.
He said nothing as they exited and drove north, towards the highway.
Though his body didn't speak of it, she directed her power towards it as well.
Bianca jogged after the two, who raced towards a small crowd at the opened gate of the compound.
They stared for a long moment then Talon shoved her towards the water.
Bianca moved away from Talon towards the violent waves and then sat with her back to a wave as high as her waist.
In another flash of lightning, she saw a form dart from the hallway, around the stunned crowd, towards her.
Sean caught his eye and tossed his head towards the restrooms.
She hesitated at the head of the stairs, tormented by the knowledge her father was incapable of mercy towards his daughter, let alone a stranger.
Gabriel glanced towards the fortress.
She chanted the words as they walked towards the horizon.
Her glance towards the mountain mansion told him things were not going well.
Jenn turned and walked towards the fortress again.
Jenn held her ground when the Black God marched towards her.
The yield of tin in Victoria is very small, and until lately no fields of importance have been discovered; but towards the latter end of 1890 extensive deposits were reported to exist in the Gippsland district - at Omeo and Tarwin.
In 1889 an important step towards federation was taken by Sir Henry Parkes.
Since his back was to the danger, he was unaware when the man gunned the engine and started to drive towards him.
Her heart quickening, she started towards the entrance of the church.
You already know the Immortal mating is what made you feel that way towards Gabriel.
Darian glanced towards his closest friend.
One minute, Dr. Wynn was headed back towards Deidre's exam room.
She didn't wait for him but flipped off her sandals and jogged down the beach, towards the abandoned lot nearby.
She forced herself to breathe deeply and continued towards the distant road.
She crossed her arms and walked towards him, stopping close enough for him to reach her, if he wanted to.
Deidre went obediently with her towards the fortress, numb and nauseous.
Deidre screamed, and Katie twisted in midair. The woman was tumbling towards the treetops. Branches snatched at her and missed, and Deidre fell through the canopy to the jungle below.
Darian stepped towards Claire.
She took a step towards it.
Jenn glanced towards her.
Laurie looked towards the bed.
He lifted his chin towards the beach.
She strode towards the car.
The experimental surgeries I performed the first six months were not geared towards curing you at all.
You feel the same way towards me that I do towards you.
He strode towards a dark wall of the in-between place.
Near full-blown panic again, Deidre was midway through her second step towards the door when the creature snatched her.
Toby began to panic and pull, and the jaguar lowered itself farther to the ground, planting its back legs and jerking the boy towards the forest.
She walked towards her quarters, uncertain why his departure bothered her.
Brady placed her on it and gripped the handle, walking towards the road.
Lana's heart skipped a beat, and she pulled out the tracker Elise gave her, starting through the forest towards the stream.
She started towards the forest hedging the road adjacent to the condo community.
Rhyn squinted towards the sound of his brother's voice, struggling to balance the sensations within him.
The crack grew fast, flying down the trail towards Gabriel. The sound of the earth tearing grew louder. The trees on either side of her expanded, quickly doubling and then quadrupling in size. Afraid of being crushed between them, Katie darted off the trail towards Andre, who ran ahead of her.
The two trees whose girth had been small enough for her wrap her arms around had expanded in width and height, reaching towards the gray sky of the underworld. Katie craned her neck, unable to see the tops of the trees. Their trunks had grown outward from the trail until they were as wide as a football field. Their massive roots ruptured the ground that had been the trail, creating a ravine she could see even from their safe distance.
Katie looked over her shoulder again towards the massive trees. She didn't know what happened with Gabriel, but she hoped he was safe, wherever he was.
He motioned dismissively towards the cell block.
His walk turned to a trot and then a run. Rhyn ran after him, feeling alive as they raced through the enchanted forest towards a fate he wasn't entirely certain how to handle yet.
Toby asked as they walked towards a glowing portal.
He was headed towards the stairs.
She moved towards the Other.
Katie angled herself towards the voice once again. The woman was close. She continued and then stopped suddenly, nearly tripping over the small form in her path.
She sat heavily, inching towards the other woman for warmth.
The Ully-demon launched towards him. The tree snatched Toby and lifted him to safety, and Toby dangled far enough over Ully's head that the demon couldn't reach him. As he watched, the Ully-demon transformed into its natural form, a creature of wings, talons, and teeth longer than Toby's fingers.
He flew through the air, drawing the attention of nearby demons in midflight. He saw them shift directions and dart towards him just before he dipped beneath the jungle canopy again.
Even the thunder of the underworld sounded weird. Katie glanced towards the sky, silently cursing the rain. She made her way over a fallen log and waited for Deidre before continuing.
Kris and Kiki both looked towards the sky when the thunder began. They'd both given their jackets to Hannah, whose step was growing slower the farther they went into the jungle. Kiki muttered but didn't openly bitch, probably knowing Kris had no patience for anyone insulting his mate.
Kris addressed Kiki with a worried look towards Hannah.
She didn't look convinced. Kris moved away her, his anxiety and concern growing. They'd come there to rescue one human and might just lose two. He paced and gazed up the tree, unable to see Kiki. He heard Hannah stir and glanced towards her. She rose from her seat.
Kris looked up in time to see Kiki crash through the canopy and plummet towards the ground. Kris gasped and sprung forward. A streak of black crossed his vision as a flying demon snatched Kiki out of the air.
Suddenly, Hannah stopped. Kris barreled towards her. He glimpsed movement before he burst into the small clearing. It wasn't until he leapt over the final hurdle – a massive fallen tree – did he see what stopped her. One moment she stood with her back to him. The next, she was on the ground, Rhyn's dagger dripping with blood.
Suddenly, Deidre's vague story of lost love and Gabe's bitterness towards her clicked.
He tugged her towards the portal. "Everyone has to deal with Death on their own. Please, pleeeeeeease come with me, Mama! We have to take you to the Sanctuary. You're still not alive or dead yet. We have to make you alive."
Death lowered the hand displaying the end of the world scenario. The images of Gabe fighting demons switched to those of Katie on the beach under the moonlight. Rhyn's breath caught at the sight of her. She appeared exhausted, tattered, and drenched from the underworld rain. She'd never looked as beautiful as she did, even if she looked as if she'd just left the underworld. Toby was with her, pulling her from the beach towards the Sanctuary.
And get rid of the demons. And with that, she strode past them both, towards the door.
He hefted Kiki once again. Hannah sniffled and crawled to her feet. Rhyn hurried towards the Sanctuary, concerned for Kiki but even more anxious about making sure Katie was alive and well.
Everything was a struggle, and life in general wasn't heading towards her goal.
He reached out and gently took her arm, pulling her towards him.
Darian started towards the palace, intending to take her to bed with him once more before he started his official duties.
One of the Guardians stepped towards him.
Jenn's gaze went towards the main room of the dwelling.
She hurried to her feet and continued, heart racing as she ran through the city towards her home.
He didn't go the way they did but cut through an alley towards the center of the city.
Dustin shouted, darting through the obelisks towards her.
Damian struggled to lift the woman at his feet then carried her towards a tree.
She went, walking towards the tree without knowing what to expect.
Jenn started forward then paused with a glance towards the closed bedroom door.
The Other glowed purple-black in the night, and more lightning streaked towards Darian.
She'd pulled on her boots and snatched her backpack before she was half awake, running towards the door.
All looked towards the door when she entered, and she smiled.
The small town had only dirt roads, and his glanced lingered towards a farmers market under the awnings in the center, a couple of blocks away.
Jenn trotted through the orchard towards the city, energized by the plentiful magic in the world around her.
Her gaze flickered towards the other end of the orchard, where the White God's palace had been.
Satisfied he could find it, Darian started towards the door.
You've been acting strange towards me for days now.
Jenn took several steps towards him, Darian shifted, reminded of another temptress, one that had succeeded not only in mating with him but betraying him.
She pulled on her shirt and jacket, turning towards her locker without opening it.
He shook his head to clear it and walked away, towards the front door.
Redheaded Yully and tiny Bianca raced down the hallway towards the foyer, chasing the vamp Charles.
Darian started towards the palace.
He roused himself and trotted down the hill, towards the obelisk.
He trotted back towards the orchard, pensive.
She got dressed and looked at the time, her heart pounding harder and harder as she moved towards the door.
Her gaze assessed their location for a safe path towards the ocean.
Jenn trotted forward, towards the huge block of marble.
She started forward again, towards more debris.
Jenn gazed towards the wall, mentally determining her chances at taking on six guardsmen and getting them all over the wall before more came or worse—before Others showed up.
His rhythm disrupted, he glanced towards the boulder where he'd hidden Yully and Charles, making sure they weren't in danger.
Jonny cried, moving towards them.
He felt Jenn's pain the moment he stepped towards Claire.
I've come to peace with some things and am working towards peace on others.
He started away from her towards the obelisk.
She trotted away from him up the beach towards the marble obelisk that rose out of the orchard.
The Other raised a hand, and Jenn dived to the ground as lightning ripped through the air towards her.
Purple lightning sizzled and a guardsman's sword arced towards her simultaneously.
Jenn ducked at the sight of purple lightning, stunned when he caught it midair and flung it back towards the Other.
She looked towards their destination then back at the pillar of magic, which had grown thicker and had begun eating away at the earth around it.
Instinct took over, urging her towards the gateway.
He glanced towards the Watcher to find the space empty.
The woman clenched his arm and slid towards the ground until she held only his wrist.
Swords flashing, they sprinted towards her and the center of the city only to be brought down by a flurry of arrows a dozen feet before her.
Vara pulled her body towards him until she cleared the cell then lifted her.
Sirian straightened his clothing and looked around, towards the mountains in the north and Dierdirien's stronghold.
She and her friends fell away as he moved into the crowd, towards the blonde.
Xander knew the effect he had on women; they tended to be compelled towards him then melted when he touched them.
Xander picked up on one of the Guardians from the local station moving towards the alley.
The Guardian sighed and turned, starting the long walk towards LA.
He started up the beach towards his condo.
Jessi turned towards the door, ready to leave him in the hallway so she could lock herself and Ashley in the room.
He forced his attention away and walked slowly down the hallway, towards the room where the girl had been – and where Jonny had appeared twice this morning.
She was like a walking rectangle with a bird face, and she got outright hostile towards the beautiful women she escorted out of his home every morning.
Yet Xander felt nothing negative towards her.
Darian strode away towards the large jungle gym, out of hearing distance but close enough to watch and react.
He tilted his head towards one cabinet in response.
He turned away towards the stairs leading down to the main floor, and she sneaked a glance to see if he still wore the necklace.
Startled by his interest, she looked towards the stairs.
She wrung the water out of his shirt and walked down the hallway towards the laundry room.
He grabbed it as he strode towards the door and saw Jessi had anticipated him.
She all but fled up the stairs to the kitchen, heading towards the iPad.
She looked towards the porch and jumped.
Jessi glanced towards his bedroom, not about to knock on his door to see if he was ready.
With another glance towards the porch, Jessi started down the hallway.
Toni looked her over in irritation as Jessi walked towards Laurencio.
She tried to look towards Gerry and silently beg him to help her.
Laurencio rushed towards it, snatching it from his assistant and cradling it to check for sand.
Jessi started towards Brandon's to tell him to pack or hide.
They turned in unison towards the speaker.
He led them towards the massive red barn at the center of the buildings.
She breezed past him towards the entrance.
Jessi watched her cousin walk away then break into a run as she crossed the street and headed towards the bookstore.
Their leader eyed a family of five walking across the aisle towards their car.
Images of him sliding it south, towards the part of her that ached, filled her mind.
At her silence, he glanced towards her.
He took a step towards her.
She glanced towards the blocky sign as they passed it.
She strode towards the mall, hating the reminder.
She glanced towards him.
Jenn struck off towards the barn.
She led them through the mall towards the entrance, while her cousins talked.
The cousins hesitated, but Xander tossed his head towards the restaurant.
She found herself leaning towards Xander, if the choice was between him and Gerry.
She swatted him away, striding towards the car.
Xander felt her grow tenser as they were waved down the long driveway, towards the oceanfront building.
He gazed towards his nonexistent condo and crossed his arms, leaning back against the car.
He looked towards the sound and raised his eyebrows.
He moved away, towards an open door leading into the building.
Men her size hurled strange purple lightening towards Darian.
The vampire moved towards her.
Xander walked with her towards the barn.
Jonny left her in front of the windows and strode towards one hallway.
Jonny whirled, starting towards Ashley, when the teen girl winked out of existence in a flash of purple light.
Unable to determine what his emotions towards her were, he needed to experience what he did whenever he was inside her.
The Other released the teen, who darted away from him, towards Jessi.
Lightening arced from the Original Other towards the necklace.
The Original Other motioned to the men around him, pointing towards Xander with a silent command.
Purple lightening sizzled past her towards Xander.
Before she registered lightening coming towards them, he had blocked it.
The magic trickled, and he glanced towards the female form in an outcropping of boulders nearby.
It was strong enough to wipe out anything negative he might feel towards her.
Xander lifted her easily into his arms and carried her towards the bedroom.
Theveste was founded towards the close of the 1st century A.D.
The view peculiar to him is reached in the end as the crowning conception towards which all separate channels of thought have tended, and in the light of which the life of man in nature and mind, in the individual and in society, had been surveyed.
He was no follower of their ideas, indeed often opposed to them; but he derived from Bacon an increasing stimulus towards the investigation of certain great problems of history and philosophy, while Grotius proved valuable in his study of philosophic jurisprudence.
But Vico maintained that the one was continually progressing towards the other, positive law showing an increasing tendency to draw nearer to natural and rational law.
Tables towards the wider, more general and more humane jus gentium.
It has been justly observed by many that this continuous cyclical movement entirely excludes the progress of humanity towards a better future.
But Oswio and his son Ecgfrith greatly extended their territories towards the north and north-west, making themselves masters of the kingdoms of Strathclyde and Dalriada, as well as of a large part of the Pictish kingdom.
In 1894 and 1895, Fischer, in a remarkable series of papers on the influence of molecular structure upon the action of the enzyme, showed that various species of yeast behave very differently towards solutions of sugars.
In this respect the plasma behaves in a similar manner towards the sugars as does the living yeast cell.
She found the maestro towards the end of 1837 dispirited by a temporary eclipse of popularity and in the first stage of his fatal malady, and carried him off to winter with her in the south.
He obtained 150,000 ducats towards the expenses of the expedition from Henry VIII.
The pope had repeatedly used the rich northern benefices to reward members of the Roman curia, and towards the close of the year 1516 he sent the grasping and impolitic Arcimboldi as papal nuncio to Denmark to collect money for St Peter's.
The more important of the suburbs lie towards the east, where the promontory joins the main plateau, of which it forms the north-western extremity.
At the temperate stations the maximum occurs near mid-winter; in the Arctic it seems deferred towards spring.
He was back in Scotland towards the end of June.
These ordinary ridge beds furnish a good supply towards the end of summer, and in autumn.
For a winter supply the beds should be made towards the end of August, and the end of October.
He was essentially a student, with strong leanings towards archaeology and ecclesiology.
The state rejected decisively the overtures made by Virginia in 1866, looking towards a reunion of the commonwealths.
From these streets others strike at right angles down to the harbour, while others again lead obliquely up towards the Belt, beyond which are extensive suburbs.
The streets of Valletta, paved with stone, run along and across the ridge, and end on each side towards the water in steep flights of steps.
The knights strengthened Valletta and its harbour by bastions, curtain-walls, lines and forts, towards the sea, towards the land and on every available point, taking advantage in every particular of the natural rock and of the marvellous advantages of situation, rendering it then almost impregnable.
He signed a blank treaty of peace with the Mahrattas, who were still in arms, reversed the action of the Madras government towards the nizam, and concentrated all the resources of Bengal against Hyder Ali.
She survived her husband, who cherished towards her to the last the sentiments of a lover.
The cylinder contains towards n a sliding rod, and towards 0 a compressed spiral spring.
He had a share in an attempt made towards union with the Greek Church.
A tendency is growing up towards the extension of technical and commercial education in place of the exclusively classical instruction hitherto imparted.
They are distributed over the whole island, but are perhaps most frequent towards the centre and in the Nurra.
Whatever the obligations of the state towards the ecclesiastical society may be in pure theory, in practice they become more precise and stable when they assume the nature of a bilateral convention by which the state engages itself with regard to a third party.
But with these reservations it must unhesitatingly be said that concordats are bilateral or synallagmatic contracts, from which results an equal mutual obligation for the two parties, who enter into a juridical engagement towards each other.
The numerous concordats concluded towards the middle of the 19th century with several of the South American republics either have not come into force or have been denounced and replaced by a more or less pacific modus vivendi.
A large variety of materials have been used in their manufacture by different peoples at different times - painted linen and shavings of stained horn by the Egyptians, gold and silver by the Romans, rice-paper by the Chinese, silkworm cocoons in Italy, the plumage of highly coloured birds in South America, wax, small tinted shells, &c. At the beginning of the 8th century the French, who originally learnt the art from the Italians, made great advances in the accuracy of their reproductions, and towards the end of that century the Paris manufacturers enjoyed a world-wide reputation.
The great difference is in the attitude towards the Lord's Supper, the Reformed or Calvinistic Churches repudiating not only transubstantiation but also the Lutheran consubstantiation.
Towards the end of the 12th century the town was in the hands of the Servian prince Stephen Nemanya, who there received hospitably the German emperor Frederic Barbarossa and his Crusaders.
Towards the end of the r8th century Mannheim attained great celebrity in the literary world as the place where Schiller's early plays were performed for the first time.
When, towards the end of his student-days in Berlin, he was acting as clinical assistant in the eye department of the Berlin Hospital, he noticed that in keratitis and corneal wounds healing took place without the appearance of plastic exudation.
The blue eyes -and the white coat of the kitten indicate that the Siamese breed is a semi-albino, which when adult tends towards melanism, such a combination of characters being apparently unknown in any other animal.
Some - for instance, Otto, the mayor of the palace of Austrasia towards 640 - were devoted to the Crown.
His policy was steadily directed towards maintaining the peace of Utrecht, and this made him the main opponent of the schemes of Cardinal Alberoni for the aggrandizement of Spain.
Towards the end of the year Descartes was on his way to Italy.
Both these methods, differing from that now employed, are interesting as preliminary steps towards the method of fluxions and the differential calculus.
In that gland the mystery of creation is concentrated; thought meets extension and directs it; extension moves towards thought and is perceived.
Excavations on the site of Ostia were only begun towards the close of the 18th century, and no systematic work was done until 1854, when under Pius IX.
Nothing could now retard the natural advance of the young Russian state towards the east and the south-east.
Towards the end of his life Ivan was partially consoled for his failure in the west by the unexpected acquisition of the kingdom of Siberia in the east, which was first subdued by the Cossack hetman Ermak or Yermak in 1581.
His dying boast, that "no Athenian had put on mourning through his doing," perhaps refers to his forbearance towards his political rivals, whom he refused to ruin by prosecution.
In his attitude towards the members of the Delian League Pericles likewise maintained a purely Athenian point of view.
The influence of Aspasia on Athenian thought, though denounced unsparingly by most critics, may indeed have been beneficial, inasmuch as it tended towards the emancipation of the Attic woman from the over-strict tutelage in which she was kept.
He took the first steps towards the canonization of Queen Margaret of Scotland, and sent missionaries under Portuguese auspices to the Congo.
But the earlier clubs did nothing towards organizing the game.
His "Love" is His will as directed towards the realization of His purpose in the kingdom.
A little south of Samarra are found remains of the Median Wall, which stretched south-west towards the Euphrates near Sahlawych, marking the edge of the Babylonian alluvial plain.
This was the name in common use when the Jesuits entered China towards the end of the 16th century, and began to send home accurate information about China.
Towards the end of the 17th century the fortifications were greatly strengthened by Coehoorn, and in 1725 they were further extended.
The earliest known French romance of Alexander, by Alberic of Besancon (or more properly Briancon), was, until the discovery of a fragment of ioq lines at Florence in 1852, known only through the German adaptation by Lamprecht the preacher, who wrote towards the end of the 12th century, and by the version made by a Poitevin poet named Simon in decasyllabic lines.
It is picturesquely situated in a shallow defile of the Chiltern Hills, towards their western face.
It rises gradually towards the centre, where it culminates in Mount Elias, 1864 ft.
It was opened to foreign trade towards the latter end of the 18th century.
Albania is perhaps the least-known region in Europe; and though more than a hundred years have passed since Gibbon described it as "a country within sight of Italy, which is less known than the interior of America," but little progress has yet been made towards a scientific knowledge of this interesting land and its inhabitants.
In general the attitude of the Albanians in the north-eastern districts towards the Slavonic peasantry may be compared with that of the Kurds towards the Armenians.
As the power of the Balshas declined, the Venetians towards the close of the 14th century established themselves at Scutari, Budua, Antivari and elsewhere in northern Albania.
The decline of the Ottoman power, which began towards the end of the 17th century, was marked by increasing anarchy and lawlessness in the outlying portions of the empire.
A notable feature of the conference was the presence of the Swedish bishop of Kalmar, who presented a letter from the archbishop of Upsala, as a tentative advance towards closer relations between the Anglican Church and the Evangelical Church of Sweden.
The Troy-book, undertaken at the command of Henry V., then prince of Wales, dates from 1412-1420; the Story of Thebes from 1420-1422; and the Falls of Princes towards 1430.
This episcopacy was at first rather congregational than diocesan; but the tendency of its growth was undoubtedly towards the latter.
He was thought to show a leaning towards Socinianism and Arminianism.
Towards the east they lie at a lower level; but in the Andes they reach a height of nearly 10,000 ft., and are strongly folded, showing that the elevation of the chain was not completed until after their deposition.
No sooner had President Juarez Celman come into power towards the close of 1886, than the respectable portion of the community began to feel alarmed at the methods practised by the new president in his conduct of public affairs.
A number of officers of the army and navy agreed to lend assistance to a revolutionary outbreak, and towards the end of July 1893 matters came to a head.
Along the Atlantic coast from the mouth of the Adour to the estuary of the Gironde there stretches a monotonous line of sanddunes bordered by lagoons on the land side, but towards the sea harbourless and unbroken save for the Bay of Arcachon.
Below Orleans it takes its course towards the south-west, and lastly from Saumtir runs west, till it reaches the Atlantic between Paimbceuf and St Nazaire.
Towards the close of the Palaeozoic era France had become a part of a great continent; in the north the Coal Measures of the Boulonnais and the Nord were laid down in direct connection with those of Belgium and England, while in the Central Plateau the Coal Measures were deposited in isolated and scattered basins.
Towards the end of the period, however, during the deposition of the Portlandian beds, the sea again retreated, and in the early part of the Cretaceous period was limited (in France) to the catchment basins of the Sane and Rhnein the Paris basin the contemporaneous deposits were chiefly estuarine and were confined to the northern and eastern rim.
According to this the figures of combatants do not all face towards the centre, but are broken up, as in other early compositions, into a series of groups of two or three figures each.
On each side of this, in the western pediment, is a group of two combatants over a fallen warrior; in the eastern pediment, a warrior whose opponent is falling into the arms of a supporting figure; other figures also - the bowmen especially - face towards the angles, and so give more variety to the composition.
There are two piers, of which the Palace pier, near the site of the old chain pier (1823), which was washed away in 1896, is near the centre of the town, while the West pier is towards Hove.
Tail of moderate length, thick at the base and tapering towards the apex, clothed with short hair_ First hind toe (including the metacarpal bone) absent.
The five-toed feet are of normal structure, and the rat-like tail is prehensile towards the tip. The female has a small pouch.
In the skeleton the second and third toes are distinctly more slender than the fourth, showing a tendency towards the character so marked in the following families.
The growth has been chiefly towards the north and north-west; but there are large suburbs on the west, and on the southwest near the railway station on the plain of Rephaim.
He began his education at Valladolid, and studied law afterwards at Madrid University, where he leaned towards Radicalism in politics.
It is a military station, and was founded towards the close of the 11th century.
The general position which He takes up, that "the Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath," 2 is only a special application of the wider principle that the law is not an end in itself but a help towards the realization in life of the great ideal of love to God and man, which is the sum of all true religion.
In 1613 he led a large army against his persecutor, on whose murder by two of his officers that year Bethlen was placed on the throne by the Porte, in opposition to the wishes of the emperor, who preferred a prince who would incline more towards Vienna than towards Constantinople.
The lesser of these lies towards the east, and its entrance is obstructed by a barrier of rocks, so as to admit the entrance of but one ship at a time.
Forbes drew attention to a certain community amongst birds and other vertebrates, invertebrates, and amongst plants, on all the lands stretching towards the south pole.
As a step towards such hypothesis it has been noted that the Antarctic, the South African, and the Australian floras have many types in common.
Among some tribes a circular grave was dug and the body placed in it with its face towards the east, and a high mound covered with bark or thatch raised over it.
Towards the close of the year 1696 this expedition reached the island of Rottnest, which was thoroughly explored, and early the following year a landing party discovered and named the Swan river.
At last one cast a stone towards the boat, which earned him a charge of small shot in the leg.
The Barcoo or Cooper's Creek and its tributary streams were traced from the Queensland mountains, holding a south-westerly course to Lake Eyre in South Australia; the Flinders, the Gilbert, the Gregory, and other northern rivers watering the country towards the Gulf of Carpentaria were also explored.
The convex side rests upon the duchy of Coburg and is in part bounded by Bavaria, while the concave side, turned towards the north, contains portions of four other Thuringian states and Prussia between its horns, which are 46 m.
Towards the close of the year 1837 he returned to France, and on the 21st of December married Mlle Agathe Delamalle, daughter of the government prosecuting attorney at the court of Angers.
While in the interests of his canal Lesseps had resisted the opposition of British diplomacy to an enterprise which threatened to give to France control of the shortest route to India, he acted loyally towards Great Britain after Lord Beaconsfield had acquired the Suez shares belonging to the Khedive, by frankly admitting to the board of directors of the company three representatives of the British government.
Once this goodwill had been shown, he bore no malice towards those who rendered him his liberty by preferring Gambetta.
Towards the end of the century, Charlemagne, himself a Netherlander by descent and ancestral possessions, after a severe struggle, thoroughly subdued the Frisians and Saxons, and compelled them to embrace Christianity.
The policy of Charles towards the Netherlands was for many years one of studied moderation.
The first choir was burned down in 1213, but was rebuilt in 1242 at the same time as the transept, and is a superb specimen of pointed Gothic. There are five towers with spires, which give the outside an impressive appearance, and much has been done towards removing the squalid buildings that formerly concealed the cathedral.
The cause of medical materialism is the natural bias of physicians towards explaining the health and disease of mind by the health and disease of body.
Hobbes, Locke, Hume, Mill and Herbert Spencer are not systematic materialists, but show tendencies towards materialism.
Towards the end of the 11th century, when the tide of Norman invasion swept upwards along the Wye valley, the district became a lordship marcher annexed to that of Brecknock, but was again severed from it on the death of William de Breos, when his daughter Matilda brought it to her husband, Roger Mortimer of Wigmore.
The international Conference which met at Constantinople towards the end of 1876 was, indeed, startled by the salvo of guns heralding the promulgation of a constitution, but the demands of the Conference were rejected, in spite of the solemn warnings addressed to the sultan by the Powers; Midhat Pasha, the author of the constitution, was exiled; and soon afterwards his work was suspended, though figuring to this day on the Statute-Book.
In his attitude towards Arabi, the would-be saviour of Egypt, Abd-ul-Hamid showed less than his usual astuteness, and the resulting consolidation of England's hold over the country contributed still further to his estrangement from Turkey's old ally.
Then the best was made of it, and for some years the sultan preserved towards Bulgaria an attitude skilfully calculated so as to avoid running counter either to Russian or to German wishes.
In life, however, its appearance must be wholly unlike, for it rarely flies, hops actively on the ground or among bushes, with its tail erect or turned towards its head, and continually utters various and strange notes, - some, says Darwin, are "like the cooing of doves, others like the bubbling of water, and many defy all similes."
The catkins appear soon after the young leaves, usually in England towards the end of May; the acorns, oblong in form, are in shallow cups with short, scarcely projecting scales; the fruit is shed the first autumn, often before the foliage changes.
The leaves are frequently irregular in outline, the lobes rather short and blunt, widening towards the end, but with setaceous points; the acorns are nearly globular.
The army with Cromwell then advanced towards London.
Large steps were made towards the union of the two kingdoms by the representation of Scotland in the parliament at Westminster; free trade between the two countries was established, the administration of justice greatly improved, vassalage and heritable jurisdictions abolished, and security and good order maintained by the council of nine appointed by the Protector.
Cromwell's strong personal inclination towards toleration is clearly seen in his treatment of the Jews and Quakers.
Cromwell wisely inclined towards France, for Spain was then a greater menace than France alike to the Protestant cause and to the growth of British trade in the western hemisphere; but as no concessions could be gained from either France or Spain, the year 1654 closed without a treaty being made with either.
He was naturally compassionate towards objects in distress even to an effeminate measure; though God had made him a heart wherein was left little room for fear,.
According to Japanese annals they were discovered towards the close of the 16th century, and added to the fief of a Daimyo, Ogasawa Sadayori, whence the name Ogasawarajima.
North of the fiftieth parallel the depths diminish towards the north-east, two long submarine ridges of volcanic origin extend north-eastwards to the southwest of Iceland and to the Faeroe Islands, and these, with their intervening valleys, end in a transverse ridge connecting Greenland, through Iceland and the Faeroe Islands, with Northwestern Scotland and the continental mass of Europe.
Beyond this parallel the gradient is directed towards the north-west, and temperatures are much higher on the European than on the American side.
In all of these water of relatively high salinity usually appears for a long distance towards the north on the eastern side of the channel, while on the western side the water is comparatively fresh; but great variations occur at different seasons and in different years.
The second branch proceeds north-westwards towards the West Indies, where it mingles with the waters of the northern equatorial; and the two drifts, blocked by the
The Kabul (ancient Kophes), which is the most important (although not the largest) river in Afghanistan, rises at the foot of the Unai pass leading over the Sanglakh range, an offshoot of the Hindu Kush towards Bamian and Afghan Turkestan.
As regards chronology he is not very trustworthy; on the other hand, his moderation towards opponents, not excepting Cyril, deserves recognition.
Towards the Black Sea, the less elevated Istranja Dagh stretches from north-west to south-east; and the entire south coast, which includes the promontory of Gallipoli and the western shore of the Dardanelles, is everywhere hilly or mountainous, except near the estuaries of the Maritza, and of the Mesta, a western frontier stream.
It was the first German colony to dispense (1903-1904) with an imperial subsidy towards its upkeep. Several firms have acquired plantations in which coffee, cocoa, cotton, kola and other tropical products are cultivated.
An intelligent creature, or "demon," possessed of unlimited powers of vision, is placed in charge of each door, with instructions to open the door whenever a particle in A comes towards it with more than a certain velocity V, and to keep it closed against all particles in A moving with less than this velocity, but, on the other hand, to open the door whenever a particle in B approaches it with less than a certain velocity v, which is not greater than V, and to keep it closed against all particles in B moving with a greater velocity than this.
This attitude of the reformers towards the festival, however, intensified by their abhorrence of the traffic in indulgences with which it had become closely associated, only tended to establish it more firmly among the adherents of the "old religion."
Geologically considered, the country may be divided into three regions - a central, and the largest, comprising the whole width of the Aravalli system, formed of very old sub-metamorphic and gneissic rocks; an eastern region, with sharply defined boundary, along which the most ancient formations are abruptly replaced by the great basin of the Vindhyan strata, or are overlaid by the still more extensive spread of the Deccan trap, forming the plateau of Malwa; and a western region, of very ill-defined margin, in which, besides some rocks of undetermined age, it is more or less known or suspected that Tertiary and Secondary strata stretch across from Sind, beneath the sands of the desert, towards the flanks of the Aravallis.
It forms, like Giglio and Monte Cristo, part of a sunken mountain range extending towards Corsica and Sardinia.
The cable is carefully coiled into the tanks in horizontal flakes, each of which is begun at the outside of the tank and coiled towards the centre.
This cone is driven by gearing from the wire drum, so that it rotates at the speed of the outgoing wire, the direction of rotation being such as to cause the nut to travel towards the smaller end of the cone.
The ship is then stopped, and the cable gradually hove up towards the surface; but in deep water, unless it has been caught near a loose end, the cable will break on the grapnel before it reaches the surface, as the catenary strain on the bight will be greater than it will stand.
When the key is released the condensers and cables at once begin to return to zero potential, and if the key is depressed and released several times in rapid succession the cable is divided into sections of varying potential, which travel rapidly towards the receiving end, and indicate their arrival there by producing corresponding fluctuations in the charge of the condenser C3.
The city stands on a hill separated by a little plain from the harbour; towards the north and east it communicates with a fertile valley; on the south and west it is hemmed in by high mountains.
But the tendency is towards a system of charging a moderate sum to cover the rent of the instrument and an additional fee per message.
A seraph with wings extended flew towards him from the horizon and inundated him with pleasure unutterable.
He seems to have maintained to a certain degree an attitude of independence, if not of opposition, towards Augustus.
Towards the north-east, the point where the Julian Alps approach close to the seashore (just at the sources of the little stream known in ancient times as the Timavus) would seem to constitute the best natural limit.
The great spur or promontory projecting towards the east to Brindisi and Otranto has no direct connexion with the central chain.
As they extend towards the east they increase in elevation; the Monte Bue rises to 5915 ft., while the Monte Cimone, a little farther east, attains 7103 ft.
The northern part of Tuscany is indeed occupied to a considerable extent by the underfalls and offshoots of the Apennines, which, besides the slopes and spurs of the main range that constitutes its northern frontier towards the plain of the Po, throw off several outlying ranges or groups.
While the rugged and mountainous district of Calabria, extending nearly due south for a distance of more than 150 m., thus derives its character and configuration almost wholly from the range of the Apennines, the long spur-like promontory which projects towards the east to Brindisi and Otranto is merely a continuation of the low tract of Apulia, with a dry calcareous soil of Tertiary origin.
Heavy falls of snow in June are not uncommon, and only for a short time towards the end of July are the nights totally exempt from light frosts.
Much, however, is effected towards unification, by compulsory military service, it being the principle that no man shall serve within the military district to which he belongs.
The movement of emigration may be divided into two currents, temporary and permanentthe former going chiefly towards neighboring European countries and to North Africa, and consisting of manual laborers, the latter towards trans-oceanic countries, principally Brazil, Argentina and the United States.
There was a tendency towards increased emigration during, the last quarter of the 19th century.
There is a tendency towards the fostering of feminine home industrieslace-making, linen-weaving, &c.
Here the Via Appia turned eastward towards Beneventum, while the Via Popiia continued in a south-easterly direction through the Campanian plain and thence southwards through the mountains of Lucania and Bruttii as far as Rhegium.
The most marked proof of the change which came over Italy towards the middle of the I4th century is furnished by the companies of adventure.
On a far higher level was his conduct towards the Milanese.
The wreck of his force drifted away helplessly towards Genoa.
The Garibaldians, mowed down by the new French chassept rifles, fought until their last cartridges were exhausted, and retreated the next day towards the Italian frontier, leaving 800 prisoners.
The advent of Thiers, his attitude towards the petition of French bishops on behalf of the pope, the recall of Senard, the French minister at Florencewho had written to congratulate Victor Emmanuel on the capture of Romeand the instructions given to his successor, the comte de Choiseul, to absent himself from Italy at the moment of the kings official entry into the new capital (2nd July 1871), together with the haste displayed in appointing a French ambassador to the Holy See, rapidly cooled the cordiality of Franco-Italian relations, and reassured Bismarck on the score of any dangerous intimacy between the two governments.
The friendly attitude of France towards Italy during the period immediately subsequent to the occupation of Rome seemed to cow and to dishearten the Vatican.
The irritation displayed by Bismarck at the Francophil attitude of Italy towards the end of the Franco-German War gave place to a certain show of goodwill when the great chancellor found himself in his turn involved in a struggle against the Vatican and when the policy of Thiers began to strain Franco-Italian relations.
Count Corti had no suspicion that France had adopted a less disinterested attitude towards similar suggestions from Bismarck and Lord Salisbury.
The fall of Cairoli, and the formation of a second Depretis cabinet in 1878, brought no substantial change in the attitude of the government towards Irredentism, nor was the position improved by the return of Cairoli to power in the following July.
Though aware of Bismarcks hostility towards Italy, of the conclusion of the Austro-German alliance of 1879, and of the undisguised ill-will of France, Italy not only made no attempt to crush an agitation as mischievous as it was futile, but granted a state funeral to General Avezzana, president of the Irredentist League.
The sudden fall of Gambetta (26th January 1882) having removed the fear of immediate European complications, the cabinets of Berlin and Vienna again displayed diffidence towards Italy.
France remained cold, while Bismarck and Kalnky, distrustful of the Radicalism of Depretis and Mancini, assumed towards their ally an.
Towards Prince Bjsmarck Robilant maintained an attitude of dignified independence, and as, in the spring of 1886, the moment for the renewal of the triple alliance drew near, he profited by the development of the Bulgarian crisis and the threatened Franco-Russian understanding to secure from the central powers something more than the bare territorial guarantee of the original treaty.
Contemporaneously with the vicissitudes of home and foreign policy under the Left there grew up in Italy a marked tendency towards colonial enterprise.
About the same time Mancini was informed by the Italian agent in Cairo that Great Britain would be well disposed towards an extension of Italian influence on the Red Sea coast.
Marching towards the Blue Nile, he joined battle with the Mahdists, but on the 10th of March 1889 was killed, in.
Meanwhile the enthusiastic reception accorded to the young German emperor on the occasion of his visit to Rome in October 1888, and the cordiality shown towards King Humbert and Crispi at Berlin in May 1889, increased the tension of FrancoItalian relations; nor was it until after the fall of Prince Bismarck in March 1890 that Crispi adopted towards the Republic a more friendly attitude by sending an Italian squadron to salute President Carnot at Toulon.
Crispis so-called megalomania gave place to retrenchment in home affairs and to a deferential attitude towards all foreign powers.
Instead of maintaining a firm policy, Giolitti allowed the movement to spread until, towards the autumn of 1893, he became alarmed and drafted troops into the island, though in numbers insufficient to restore order.
Towards the Sudan, however, the Mahdists, who had recovered from a defeat inflicted by an Italian force at Agordat in 1890, resumed operations in December 1893.
For a moment Baratieri thought of retreat, especially as the hope of creating a diversion from Zaila towards Harrar had failed in consequence of the British refusal to permit the landing of an Italian force without the consent of France.
During the night the army advanced towards Adowa in three divisions, under Generals Dabormida, Arimondi and Albertone, each division being between 4000 and 5000
By adroit negotiations with Mangash the Italian general obtained the release of the Italian prisoners in Tigr, and towards the end of May withdrew his whole force north of the Mareb.
That agreement also served to clear up the situation in Tripoli; while Italian aspirations towards Tunisia had been ended by the French occupation of that territory, Tripoli and Bengazi were now recognized as coming within the Italian sphere of influence.
The Triple Alliance was maintained and renewed as far as paper documents were concerned (in June 1902 it was reconfirmed for 12 years), but public opinion was no longer so favorably disposed towards it.
Austria had persistently adopted a policy of pin-pricks and aggravating police provocation towards the Italians of the Adriatic Littoral and of the Trentino, while encouraging the Slavonic element in the former and the Germans in the latter.
A further cause of resentment was Austrias attitude towards the Vatican, inspired by the strong clerical tendencies of the imperial family, and indeed of a large section of the Austrian people.
The progress of the archbishop's opinion towards that middle Protestantism, if it may be so called, which he did so much to impress on the formularies of the Church of England, was gradual, as a brief enumeration of the successive steps in that progress will show.
The gradual elaboration of the sacrificial ceremonial, as the all-sufficient expression of religious devotion, and a constantly growing tendency towards theosophic and mystic speculation on the significance of every detail of the ritual, could not fail to create a demand for explanatory treatises of this kind, which, to enhance their practical utility, would naturally deal with the special texts and rites assigned in the ceremonial to the several classes of officiating priests.
Thus, as employed by most writers, " Natural Religion " connotes neutrality or even friendliness towards Christianity; just as is the case with theism in sense (2), or with Natural Theology.
Mill tried to reconcile criminal law and its punishments with his very hard type of determinism by saying that law was needed in order to weight the scale, and in order to hold out a prospect of penalties which might deter from crime and impel towards good citizenship, so Paley held that virtue was not merely obedience to God but obedience " for 1 Criticism of the scheme, from the point of view of an idealist theism, will be found in John Caird's Introduc to the Phil.
The fixed given points of intuitionalism furnish Hamilton with one of his arguments in his unexpected development towards a sceptical or " faith philosophy."
Free will is shaping itself towards discussion in Aristotle's Ethics, but is hardly yet a formulated problem.
The critics of Aquinas - Duns Scotus and the later Nominalists - show some tendency towards rational scepticism.
On the whole then Butler in personal conviction is an intuitionalist, wavering towards the idealism of his age; but in argument he is an empiricist, trying to reason every question as one of given facts.
The element of agnosticism tends rather towards pantheism, just as Indian pantheism long ago tended towards agnosticism.
Its provisions, real and imaginary, formed the standard towards which Englishmen must strive.
At once they took another step towards the goal.
They marched towards London, while John made another attempt to delay the crisis, or to divide his foes, by granting a charter to the citizens of London (May 9, 1215), and then by offering to submit the quarrel to a court of arbitrators under the presidency of the pope.
New provisions were introduced for the preservation of the peace - unlawful castles were to be destroyed - while others were directed towards making the administration of justice by the visiting justices less burdensome.
Narcondam, Barren Island and the Invisible Bank, a great danger of these seas, are in a line almost parallel to the Andamans inclining towards them from north to south.
The first step towards the formation of a mixed hydroid colony is undoubtedly a hastening of the sexual maturity of the medusaindividual.
Each is a tube dilated at or towards the base and containing a mouth at its extremity, leading into a stomach placed in the dilatation.
The planula becomes elongated and broader towards one pole, at which a pit or invagination of the ectoderm arises.
Towards the end of the 3rd century, the inroads of the Franks having been repelled by the emperor Probus, the city rapidly acquired wealth and importance.
It would be difficult to say what branches of science had done most towards the establishment of this doctrine.
To Aristotle the whole of nature is instinct with a vital impulse towards some higher manifestation.
Their fundamental conception is that of Democritus; they seek to account for the formation of the cosmos, with its order and regularity, by setting out with the idea of an original (vertical) motion of the atoms, which somehow or other results in movements towards and from one another.
Again he works towards the same end in his celebrated refutation of the scholastic theory of real specific essences.
The question of human development which Holbach touched on was one which occupied many minds both in and out of France during the 18th century, and more especially towards its close.
Nature to Hegel is the idea in the form of hetereity; and finding itself here it has to remove this exteriority in a progressive evolution towards an existence for itself in life and mind.
On the contrary, the lower members of each tend to converge towards the lower members of all the others.
He showed no illwill towards Cesare, but declared that the latter's territories must be restored to the church, for "we desire the honour of recovering what our predecessors have wrongfully alienated."
The edicts of Milan had only admitted the Christian Church among the number of lawful religions; but the tendency (except in the time of Julian) was towards making it the only lawful religion.
But they sat again for this purpose under Mary and Elizabeth and (save between 1640 and 1661) continued regular criminal sessions till towards the end of the 17th century as continuously and constantly as the king's courts (op. cit.).
She published also a small volume of religious poems, and towards the end of her career gave some public readings from her writings.
A glandular streak extending from the nostril towards the eye is the lachrymal canal.
To no town has the memory of one famous son brought wider notoriety than that which the memory of William Shakespeare has brought to Stratford; yet this notoriety sprang into strong growth only towards the end of the 18th century.
As a bundle is traced towards its blind termination in the mesophyll the peridesmic stereom first disappears, the sieve-tubes of the phloem are replaced by narrow elongated parenchyma cells, which soon die out, and the bundle ends with a strand of tracheids covered by the phloeotermic sheath.
This usually has the form of a tetrahedron, with its points base occupying the surface of the body of the axis and its apex pointing towards the interior.
The fibrous bands are generally formed towards the end of the years growth in thickness.
Some make their way through the cells of the outer part of the cortex towards the root-tip, and form a mycelium or feltwork of hyphae, which generally occupies two or three layers of cells.
They are more easily seen, when the nucleus is about to undergo mitosis, at the ends of the spindle, where they form the centres towards which the radiating fibres in.
As division proceeds, the filamentous nature of this cytoplasm becomes more prominent and the threads begin either to converge towards the poles of the nucleus, to form a bipolar spindle, or may converge towards, or radiate from, several different points, to form a multipolar spindle.
They can be distinguished by their insolubility in cupramfnonia, which dissolves cellulose, and by their behaviour towards stains, some of which stain pectic substances but not cellulose.
Darwins expression the nature of the organism has been interpreted in the preceding paragraph to mean an inherent tendency towards higher organization; that interpretation may now be completed by adding that the organism is susceptible to, and can respond to, the action of external conditions.
AdaptationThe morphological and physiological differentiation of the plant-body has, so far, been attributed to (I) the nature of the organism, that is to its inherent tendency towards higher organization, and (2) to the indefinite results of the external conditions acting as a stimulus which excites the organism to variation, but does not direct the course of variation.
It is excentric as regards the pole and sends tapering extensions towards the south.
The vegetation of the Palaeozoic era, till towards its close, was apparently remarkably homogeneous all over the world.
There is a marked tendency towards a succulent habit.
At the least there should be some consideration of four separate systems of discovery - the Eastern, in which Chinese and Japanese explorers acquired knowledge of the geography of Asia, and felt their way towards Europe and America; the Western, in which the dominant races of the Mexican and South American plateaus extended their knowledge of the American continent before Columbus; the Polynesian, in which the conquering races of the Pacific Islands found their way from group to group; and the Mediterranean.
The conception of the north-western route to Cathay now leads the story of exploration, for the first time as far as important and sustained efforts are concerned, towards the Arctic seas.
Cook's second voyage was mainly intended to settle the question of the existence of such a continent once for all, and to define the limits of any land that might exist in navigable seas towards the Antarctic circle.
In February 1773 the Royal Society submitted a proposal to the king for an expedition towards the North Pole.
Elie de Beaumont, in his speculations on the relation between the direction of mountain ranges and their geological age and character, was feeling towards a comprehensive theory of the forms of crustal relief; but his ideas were too geometrical, and his theory that the earth is a spheroid built up on a rhombic dodecahedron, the pentagonal faces of which determined the direction of mountain ranges, could not be proved.'
The valley, composed of two lateral parallel slopes inclined towards a narrow strip of plain at a lower level which itself slopes downwards in the direction of its length.
To every type of coast there may be related a special type of occupation and even of character; the deep and gloomy fjord, backed by almost impassable mountains, bred bold mariners whose only outlet for enterprise was seawards towards other lands - the viks created the vikings.
Thence they marched with a strong force towards Edinburgh, meeting the lords on the 15th of June at Carberry Hill.
Towards the end of 1700 the need for the act was obvious, if the country was to be saved from civil war.
When typically developed its long tendon passes the knee j oint, turning towards its outer side, and lastly, without being anywhere attached to the knee, it forms one of the heads of the flexor perforates digit, ii.
Lastly, towards the caudal region the right and left strands approach and anastomose, eventually coalescing in the mid line.
Near the posterior pole of the fundus, but somewhat excentrically placed towards the temporal or outer side, is the fovea centralis, a slight depression in the retina, composed almost entirely of cones, the spot of most acute vision.
One, the quadratus or bursalis muscle, arises from the hinder surface of the eyeball, and forms with its narrow margin, which is directed towards the optic nerve, a pulley for the long tendon of the pyramidalis muscle.
The apex of the cochlea is turned towards, and almost reaches the anterior wall of the occipital condyle; at most it makes but half a twist or turn; it possesses both Reissner's membrane and the organ of Corti.
The next chamber, the urodaeum, is small, and receives in its dorso-lateral wall the ureters and the genital ducts; above and below this chamber is closed by circular folds, the lower of which, towards the ventral side, passes into the coating of the copulatory organ when such is present.
From this time forward it was against Assyria instead of Babylonia that Elam found itself compelled to exert its strength, and Elamite policy was directed towards fomenting revolt in Babylonia and assisting the Babylonians in their struggle with Assyria.
He seems now to have resigned all hopes of recovering Ferghana, and as he at the same time dreaded an invasion of the Uzbegs from the west, his attention was more and more drawn towards India.
So far we have dealt with forms of address explicitly directed towards a power that, one might naturally conclude, has personality, since it is apparently expected to hear and answer.
These considerations may help towards the understanding of a second class of cases, namely forms of implicit address shading off into unaddressed formulas.
The ease with which explicit invocations attach themselves to many of these apparently self-contained forms proves that there is not necessarily any perceived difference of kind, and that implicit address as towards a "something not-ourselves" is often the true designation of the latter.
As many as one hundred and thirty-seven painters and pictorial students passed through his school, established towards 1440, which became famous all over Italy.
The summit of the mountain is then covered by a whitish-grey cloud, which is being constantly forced down the northern face towards Cape Town, but never reaches the lower slopes.
Bacharach was a man of wide culture, and holds an honourable place among the pioneers of the Jewish Renaissance which was inaugurated towards the end of the 18th century.
The Dzungarian Ala-tau Mountains, which separate it from Kulja, extend south-west towards the river Ili, with an average height of 6000 ft.
Another mountain-complex of much lower elevation runs north-westwards from the Trans-Ili Ala-tau towards the southern extremity of Lake Balkash.
He was sent as a child to be educated at Port Royal, and there he received his final bent towards the life of a recluse, and even of a hermit, which drew him to establish himself in the neighbourhood of Port Royal des Champs.
His philosophical standpoint may be characterized as a reaction from the pantheistic tendency of Hegel's idealistic rationalism towards a more pronouncedly theistic position.
The point where it joins the other part is marked by a piece of bunting, and the line from this point towards its other end is marked at known intervals with "knots," which consist of pieces of cord worked in between its strands.
On the inner side towards the Acropolis, this wall is faced with a portico of six Doric columns.
The tendency of modern times has been towards the breaking down of formal hereditary privileges.
The Gabun was discovered by Portuguese navigators towards the close of the I 5th century, and was named from its fanciful resemblance to a gabao or cabin.
The Christian apologist indeed may himself seek, following John Fiske, to philosophize evolution as a restatement of natural theology - " one God, one law, one element and one far-off divine event " - and as at least pointing towards personal immortality.
More reserve is being shown towards the other or " nature" miracles.
Flagellation was occasionally practised as a means of salvation by certain Jansenist convulsionaries in the 18th century, and also, towards the end of the 18th century, by a little Jansenist sect known as the Fareinists, founded by the brothers Bonjour, cures of Fareins, near Trevoux (Ain).
Towards the end of the reign of lEthelberht, who died about 616, Radwald of East Anglia, who had apparently spent some time at the court of Kent, began to win for himself the chief position among the Anglo-Saxon kings of his day.
The transverse fold of the hind-wing is towards the tip, about two-thirds of the wing-length from the base.
The wings are well developed for flight, and there is a tendency in the group, especially among the males, towards an excessive development of the mandibles or the presence of enormous, horn-like processes on the head or pronotum.
The most active form of larva found in this family resembles in shape that of a ladybird, tapering towards the tail end, and having the trunk segments protected by small firm sclerites.
Finally, he did not allow his friendliness with Argos to involve him in war with Sparta, towards whom he pursued a policy of moderation.
The limits of the Russian Jurassic system may be represented by a line drawn from the double valley of the Sukhona and Vytchegda to that of the upper Volga, and thence to Kieff, with a wide gulf penetrating towards the N.W.
This upheaval - the consequences of which have been felt even within the historic period, by the drainage of the formerly impracticable marshes of Novgorod and at the head of the Gulf of Finland - together with the destruction of forests, contributes towards a decrease of precipitation over Russia and towards increased shallowness of her rivers.
Towards the end of the reign of Alexander II., the government, in order to preserve order in the country districts, also created a special class of mounted rural policemen (uryadniki, from uriad, order), who, armed with power to arrest all suspects on the spot, rapidly became the terror of the countryside.
The steady tendency of Russian society towards increasing the number of secondary schools, where instruction would be based on the study of the natural sciences, is checked by the government in favour of the classical gymnasiums. 5 Sunday schools and public lectures are virtually prohibited.
This central swelling may be considered a continuation towards the E.N.E.
The round flattened summits of the Valdai plateau do not rise above 1100 ft., and they present the appearance of mountains only in consequence of the depths of the valleys - the rivers which flow towards the depression of Lake Peipus being only 200 to 250 ft.
Towards the Black Sea coast its thickness diminishes, and it disappears in the valleys.
Finally, in the S.E., towards the Caspian, on the slopes of the southern Urals and the plateau of Obshchiy Syrt, as also in the interior of the Crimea, and in several parts of Bessarabia, there are large tracts of real desert, buried under coarse sand and devoid of vegetation.
The rivers freeze rapidly; towards November 10th all the streams of the White Sea basin are ice-bound, and so remain for an average of 167 days; those of the Baltic, Black Sea and Caspian basins freeze later, but about December the 10th nearly all the rivers of the country are highways for sledges.
Viewed as a whole, the flora of the forest region is to be regarded as European-Siberian; and, though certain species disappear towards the E., while new ones make their appearance, it maintains, on the whole, the same features throughout from Poland to Kamchatka.
Russia, however, towards the Caspian, there is a notable admixture of Asiatic species.
Russia was 'the seat of the empire' of the Khazars, who drove the Bulgarians, descendants of the Huns, from the Don, one Section of them migia.tiug up thu Volga to found there the Bulgarian empire, and the remainder travelling towards the Danube.
They had Lithuanians to the W.; various Finnish tribes, intermingled towards the S.E.
The Zaporozhian Cossacks colonized the steppes farther E., towards the Don, where they met with a large population of Great Russian runaways, constituting the present Don Cossacks.
Indeed, towards paganism, at least, he is perhaps even more than tolerant, preferring on the whole to keep on good terms with pagan divinities.
It is this political rather than religious spirit which also underlies the repressive attitude of the government, and of the Orthodox Church as the organ of the government, towards the various dissident sects (Raskolniki, from raskol, schism), which for more than two centuries past have played an important part in the popular life of Russia, and, since the political developments of the end of the 19th and early years of the zoth century, have tended to do so more and more.
Russia, was reduced to a very low ebb, in consequence of the silkworm disease, and was only renewed with any vigour towards the end of the 'eighties.
Important monopolies in the 18th maritime- century, and prohibitive import duties, as well as large tares and money bounties, in the 19th, contributed towards the pe t t y - In accumulation of immense private fortunes, but manu- pastries.
From that moment Ivan's subjects noticed a change in his attitude towards them, and attributed it to the evil influence of the Greek princess.
When the two became united under one ruler towards the end of the 14th century they formed a broad strip of territory stretching from the Baltic to the Black Sea and separating Russia from central Europe.
Smolensk and Chernigov were definitely incorporated in the tsardom of Muscovy, and great progress was made towards the absorption of Little Russia.
Nicholas immediately sent his Black Sea fleet into the Bosphorus, landed on the Asiatic shore a force of 10,000 men, and advanced another large force towards the Turkish frontier in Bessarabia.
From that time Russia gravitated slowly towards an alliance with France, and sought to create a counterpoise against the Triple Alliance of Germany, Austria and Italy.
In time it became a common practice to cover them with a thin sheathing or plating of iron, in order to add to their life; this expedient caused more wear on the wooden rollers of the wagons, and, apparently towards the middle of the 18th century, led to the introduction of iron wheels, the use of which is recorded on a wooden railway near Bath in 1734.
At the same time that these two extensions were being undertaken by old and well-established railways, a new company-the Kansas City, Mexico && Orient-was engaged in constructing a line almost due south-west from Kansas City, Mo., to the lower part of the gulf of California in Mexico; while an additional independent line was under construction from Denver in a north-westerly direction towards the Pacific coast.
It increases the tendency, already too strong, towards concentration of industrial life in large towns.
The result was the passage, in 1887, of the Interstate Commerce Act, which was directed towards the extirpation of illegal and unjust practices in commerce among the states.
Similarly in Great Britain there is a tendency towards combination by mutual agreement among the companies while they still preserve their independent existence.
If, however, cost within reasonable limits is a secondary consideration and the intention is to build a line adapted for express trains and for the carriage of the largest volume of traffic with speed and economy, he will lean towards the second.
The speed at which the journey has to be completed is obviously another important factor, though the increased power of modern locomotives permits trains to be heavier and at the same time to run as fast, and often faster, than was formerly possible, and in consequence the general tendency is towards increased weight as well as increased speed.
On the continent of Europe the average carrying capacity is rather higher; though wagons of less than io tons capacity are in use, many of those originally rated at io tons have been rebuilt to hold 15, and the tendency is towards wagons of 15-20 tons as a standard, with others for special purposes holding 40 or 45 tons.
Towards the end of 1901 a departmental committee of the Board of Trade was formed to consider the Light Railways Act, and in 1902 the president of the Board of Trade (Mr Gerald Balfour) stated that as a result of the deliberations of this committee, a new bill had been drafted which he thought would go very far to meet all the reasonable objections that had been urged against the present powers of the local authorities.
Both the mainland of Greece and the Greek colonies practised human sacrifice, usually as a means towards expulsion of evil.
The town walls were in the main demolished towards the end of the 19th century.
Elizabeth then suggested that he should resign; this he declined to do, and after making an apology to the queen he was reinstated towards the end of 1582.
In spite of his own leaning towards mysticism he was a strong opponent of the IIasidim, a mystical sect founded by Israel Ba'al Shem Tobh (Besht) and promoted by Baer of Meseritz.
Moreover, it is hardly probable that a great leader like Moses remained unaffected by the higher conceptions tending towards monotheism which prevailed in the great empires on the Nile and on the Euphrates.
The active measures taken then and later reduced their numbers greatly, so that towards the end of the century they became scarce, but, as in the case of the sister island, the date of their final disappearance cannot now be ascertained.
Cyprian, although inspired by lofty notions of the prerogatives of the church, and inclined to severity of opinion towards heretics, and especially heretical dissentients from the belief in the divine authorship of the episcopal order and the unity of Christendom, was leniently disposed towards those who had temporarily fallen from the faith.
Towards his sixteenth year he tell us " nature displayed in his favour her mysterious energies," and all his infirmities suddenly vanished.
Indeed, as one of the acutest and most sympathetic of his critics has remarked, the deep and settled grudge he has betrayed towards every form of Christian belief, in all the writings of his maturity, may be taken as evidence that he had at one time experienced in his own person at least some of the painful workings of a positive faith.
My studies were sometimes interrupted with a sigh, which I breathed towards Lausanne; and on the approach of spring I withdrew without reluctance from the noisy and extensive scene of crowds without company, and dissipation without pleasure."
In regard to the attitude of the Roman government towards the Christian religion, there are questions still sub judice; but Gibbon had the merit of reducing the number of martyrs within probable limits.
As this vast mass cooled it must by the laws of heat have contracted towards the centre, and as it contracted it must, according to a law of dynamics, rotate more rapidly.
A great deal may be done towards this end by suppressing their breeding-places, which means the drying of the ground.