Tour Sentence Examples
It's so lovely a tour on a spring afternoon.
Nice cars, nice enough house, but the tour bus doesn't bother to point out their digs.
If only he didn't have to tour the Sector tonight!
In November, 1805, Prince Vasili had to go on a tour of inspection in four different provinces.
That was when Carmen realized Alex was a natural tour guide.
The countship, however, had passed in 1422 to the house of La Tour, and was not annexed to the domain until 1615.
Certainly, let me get after dinner drinks and the tour will begin.
Carmen began the tour as if it were a documentary.
The tour seemed to have attracted most of its riders from Colorado, California, Texas or some part of the west.
He accompanied Peter to the White Sea (1694-1695); took part in the Azov campaign (1695); and was one of the triumvirate who ruled Russia during Peter's first foreign tour (1697-1698).
AdvertisementThe best way to explore the area is to take a self-guided tour of the area, using the printable map available in the village's official website.
How was the mine tour?
I wasn't on a tour.
The Tour de L'Horloge, pierced by a gateway through which passes the Grande Rue, is a 15th century structure containing a museum on its second floor.
The top is Tour.
AdvertisementOf this tour he left a minute diary.
His reading was largely designed to enable him fully to profit by the long-contemplated Italian tour which began in April 1764 and lasted somewhat more than a year.
The five years and a half which intervened between his return from this tour, in June 1765, and the death of his father, in November 1770, seem to have formed the portion of his life which " he passed with the least enjoyment and remembered with the least satisfaction."
With a party of congressmen he visited the Philippines on a tour of inspection July-September 1905, and in September 1906, on the downfall of the Cuban republic and the intervention of America, he took temporary charge of affairs in that island (September - October).
On this tour he visited Japan, and on the 2nd of October, at Tokyo, made a speech which had an important effect in quieting the apprehensions of the Japanese on the score of the treatment of their people on the Pacific coast.
AdvertisementThe wish to meet people of the different sections of the country and to explain his position upon the questions of the day led the President to begin (14th September 1909), a tour which included the Pacific coast, the South-west, the Mississippi Valley and the South Atlantic states, and during which he travelled 13,000 miles and made 266 speeches.
Having made the grand tour he returned to Ireland; and being employed by the parliament in a mission to the duke of Ormonde, now reduced to the last extremities, he succeeded in concluding a treaty with him on the 19th of June 1647, thus securing the country from complete subjection to the rebels.
Here he became an active member of the committee of national defence, and when obliged to fly the country he joined Kossuth in England and with him made a tour in the United States of America.
Ray, who made a tour along the eastern coast in that year, says, " We observed little or no fallow ground in Scotland; some ley ground we saw, which they manured with sea wreck.
His retirement from official work was followed almost immediately by his wife's death at Avignon, whither they had come in the course of a tour.
AdvertisementDuring the course of a tour in Italy in December 1807 he gave a sharp turn to that world-compelling screw, the Continental System.
A Mr Clegg, who afterwards interested himself keenly in the activities of the Cotton Supply Association reported that in the course of a tour in 1855 through the Eastern countries bordering on the Mediterranean he had found none of the gins presented by the British government at work or workable.
The chief buildings are the chateau, mainly of the 15th century, of which the massive donjon of the 11th century known as the Tour de Cesar is the oldest portion; and the abbey-church of Notre-Dame, a building in the Romanesque style of architecture, frequently restored.
Several old houses, some remains of the medieval ramparts and the Tour de l'Horloge, an ancient gateway, are also preserved.
The only remains of the ancient castle of Alengon are two towers of the 15th century, which serve as a prison, and a third of the 14th century known as the Tour Couronnee, to which they are united.
There may be noted Durand's Marguerite de Valois et la tour de Francois Ier (1848); La Ferriere's Marguerite d'Angouleme (1891); Lotheissen's Konigin Margareta von Navarra (1885); Miss Edith Sichel's Women and Men of the French Renaissance (1901), and P. Courtault's Marguerite de Navarre (1904).
Jameson (1897) of the text of the Ring (first published in the pocket edition of the full scores) is the most wonderful tour de force yet achieved in its line.
In point of time the poet whose name is first connected with the region is Gray, who wrote a journal of his tour in 1769.
In 1865 he started on a long canoeing cruise in his " Rob Roy " canoe, and in this way made a prolonged water tour through Europe, a record of which he published in 1866 as A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe.
Her husband having meanwhile died, she set out in 1768 on an extended tour through Europe.
George Low (1747-1795), the naturalist and historian of Orkney, who made a tour through Shetland in 1774, described a Runic monument which he saw in the churchyard of Crosskirk, in Northmavine parish (Mainland), and several fragments of Norse swords, shield bosses and brooches have been dug up from time to time.
By September he had crossed the Rubicon, Henry Newman (his rector at Shepton Beauchamp and Sparkford) accompanying him on a tour in Carnarvonshire.
Asboth, An Official Tour through Bosnia and Herzegovina (London, 1890) is.
If any of these does write a pamphlet in the old manner, it is merely as a tour de force, or to prove to some faithful but clamorous partisan of the Persian style that it is not, as he supposes, lack of ability which causes the modern author to adopt the simpler and more natural fashion of the West.
It is in fact, what it was described as being at the time of its appearance, "a picturesque tour couched in the form of a novel."
He was now one of the recognized managers of the Jackson campaign, and a tour of Virginia, the Carolinas and Georgia in the spring of 1827 won support, for Jackson from Crawford.
After a brief tour on the Continent he reached New York on the 5th of July.
Just before, he had made a very brief tour in Jamaica and South America.
Of the Château du Coudray, which is separated by a moat from the Château du Milieu, the chief remains are the Tour du Moulin (Tothce.ntury) and two less ancient towers.
A long tour in Italy in 1828 was the beginning of his intimacy with Bunsen and did much to develop his knowledge of art and love of antiquity.
In 1823 he was selected along with Dufrenoy by Brochant de Villiers, the professor of geology in the Ecole des Mines, to accompany him on a scientific tour to England and Scotland, in order to inspect the mining and metallurgical establishments of the country, and to study the principles on which Greenough's geological map of England (1820) had been prepared, with a view to the construction of a similar map of France.
When Dom Pedro left Brazil for the purpose of making a tour through Europe and the United States he appointed Princess Isabella to act as regent, and she showed herself so swayed in political questions by Church influence that Liberal feeling became more and more anti-dynastic. Another incident which gave strength to the opposition was the sudden abolition of slavery without any compensation to slave-owners.
The town has remains of old fortifications, among them the Tour Marguerite, and a chateau, now used as a law-court, dating from the 15th century.
Meantime, in February 1908, the governor - Sir Matthew Nathan, who had succeeded Sir Henry McCallum in August 1907 - had made a tour in Zululand, on which occasion some 1500 of the prisoners taken in the rebellion of 1906 were released.
He devoted about three months to this tour, passing rapidly through the seaboard states and the adjacent portion of Canada, and collecting as he went large stores of information respecting the condition, resources and prospects of the great western republic. Soon after his return to England he began to prepare another work for the press, which appeared towards the end of 1836, under the title of Russia.
I am going on an agitating tour through the continent of Europe."
In 1759, after completing with his pupils a tour of two years' duration through Gottingen, Utrecht, Paris, Marseilles and Turin, he resigned his tutorship and settled at Augsburg.
Generals Botha, De Wet and De la Rey, however, paid a visit to England (August - September, 1902) in an unsuccessful endeavour to get the terms of peace modified in their favour; they received little encouragement from a tour they made on the continent of Europe.
His university training was supplemented (1714) by a continental tour, untrammelled by a governor; at the Hague his ambition for the applause awarded to adventure made a gamester of him, and at Paris he began, from the same motive, that worship of the conventional Venus, the serious inculcation of which has earned for him the largest and most unenviable part of his reputation.
After spending a short time at Woolwich to complete his military education, he made a tour through Spain in 1787; and then, dejected by unrequited love for his cousin Georgina Lennox (afterwards Lady Bathurst), he sailed for New Brunswick to join the 54th regiment with the rank of major.
He was received with enthusiasm, but the work which his tour entailed, over-fatigued him.
This left the Tour Burbant as its sole relic of the middle ages.
During the tsar's first foreign tour, Menshikov worked by his side in the dockyards of Amsterdam, and acquired a thorough knowledge of colloquial Dutch and German.
In Coolidge's Tavern (still standing) Washington was entertained on his New England tour in 1789; and in a house recently moved from Mt Auburn Street to Marshall Street the Committee of Safety met in 1775.
Forbes was also interested in geology, and published memoirs on the thermal springs of the Pyrenees, on the extinct volcanoes of the Vivarais (Ardeche), on the geology of the Cuchullin and Eildon hills, &c. In addition to about 150 scientific papers, he wrote Travels through the Alps of Savoy and Other Parts of the Pennine Chain, with Observations on the Phenomena of Glaciers (1843); Norway and its Glaciers (1853); Occasional Papers on the Theory of Glaciers (1859); A Tour of Mont Blanc and Monte Rosa (1855).
Pecuniary embarrassments, from which he had never been free, finally compelled him to abandon his tour, and on his return to Norway he taught for some time at Christiania.
Tennyson's health slowly became restored, and in 1846 he was hard at work on The Princess; in the autumn of this year he took a tour in Switzerland, and saw great mountains and such "stateliest bits of landskip" for the first time.
In 1848, while making a tour in Cornwall, Tennyson met Robert Stephen Hawker of Morwenstow, with whom he seems - but the evidence is uncertain - to have talked about King Arthur, and to have resumed his intention of writing an epic on that theme.
In the summer of 1851 was made the tour in Italy, of which The Daisy is the immortal record.
This period of somewhat mysterious withdrawal from the world embraced a tour in Wales in 1857, a visit to Norway in 1858, and a journey through Portugal in 1859.
With this plan in view he began (1769) a tour through France, England, Holland, &c., for the purpose of collecting information respecting their systems of education.
Having completed his university course at Upsala, in 1710, Swedenborg undertook a European tour, visiting England, Holland, France and Germany, studying especially natural philosophy and writing Latin verses, a collection of which he published in 1710.
Close by is the Tour du Guet, or watch-tower, used as a lighthouse until 1848.
This tour de force was followed up by the publication in 1543 of Aristotelicae Animadversiones and Dialecticae Partitiones, the former a criticism on the old logic and the latter a new textbook of the science.
Of the ancient palace of the dukes of Burgundy there remain two towers, the Tour de la Terrasse and the Tour de Bar, the guard-room and the kitchens; these now form part of the hotel de ville, the rest of which belongs to the 17th and 18th centuries.
The disorders of his early years were notorious, and were a common subject of gossip. In the spring of 1767 he left Oxford and joined his father on the continent during a tour in France and Italy.
In 1724 appeared also the first volume of A Tour through the whole Island of Great Britain, which was completed in the two following years.
In1890-1891he made a tour in Greece, Egypt, India, Ceylon and Japan, where he narrowly escaped assassination at the hands of a Japanese fanatic. On the return journey by Siberia, at Vladivostok, he turned the first sod of the eastern section of the Siberian railway, and two years afterwards (1893) he was appointed president of the imperial committee for that great undertaking.
Some dispute caused him to leave Aquileia suddenly; and with a few companions, Innocentius, Evagrius, and Heliodorus being among them, he started for a long tour in the East.
Accompanied by these ladies Jerome made the tour of Palestine, carefully noting with a scholar's keenness the various places mentioned in Holy Scripture.
The Tour Hautefeuille (a keep of the 11th century) is the principal relic of a château of the counts of Champagne; the rest of the site is occupied by the law courts.
At the beginning of the 13th century there existed a tour des pairs which exercised judicial functions and dated possibly from the 11th century, but their prerogatives at the beginning of the 14th century appear to have been mainly ceremonial and decorative.
In March 1772 Francis finally left the war office, and in July of the same year he left England for a tour through France, Germany and Italy, which lasted until the following December.
It was built by the duke as a surprise present for the poet on his return from his Italian tour, and was regarded at the time as a palace of art and luxury.
Declining calls to Breslau, Tubingen, and thrice to Bonn, Hug continued at Freiburg for upwards of thirty years, taking an occasional literary tour to Munich, Paris or Italy.
He went on a tour round the world, partly to make money by lecturing and partly to get material for another book of travels, published in 1897, and called in America Following the Equator, and in England More Tramps Abroad.
The siren of C. Cagniard de la Tour is founded on the same principle as the preceding.
Returning from his campaign tour, he went immediately to the bedside of his dying wife, and for some weeks had practically no sleep at all.
That his early outdoor life furnished a definite training for his after career is indicated by the fact that when he was about fourteen years of age he went with his father on a tour up the Nile as far as Luxor, and on this journey he made a collection of Egyptian birds found in the Nile valley, which is now in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C. Mr Roosevelt was educated at Harvard University, where he graduated in the class of 1880; 2 his record for scholarship was creditable, and his interest in sports and athletics was especially manifest in his skill as a boxer.
The tour contains much minute information about roads, food, travelling, &c., but the singular condition in which it exists and the disappearance of the MS. make it rather difficult to use it as a document.
It has been thought from these two facts, and from an expression in one of the later essays, that the marriage of his daughter Leonore to Gaston de La Tour had not turned out to his satisfaction.
It comprises the chatelet a (15th century), a square entrance structure strengthened by flanking turrets and machicolation, the adjoining guard-room (13th century) with the salle des officiers above it, and behind all the Tour Perrine.
From 1886 he was forced by ill-health to spend much of his time abroad, and he died of smallpox Alicante on the 16th of March 1892, while on a tour in Spain.
On reaching Italy Czartoryski found that the monarch to whom he was accredited was a king without a kingdom, so that the outcome of his first diplomatic mission was a pleasant tour through Italy to Naples, the acquisition of the Italian language, and a careful exploration of the antiquities of Rome.
In the r5th-century Tour Baudet, adjoining the Town Hall, are preserved the rich archives of the city.
The old gentleman in his aristocratic imperiousness frequently reminds us of the amusing directions given by Sir John Wynne to his chaplain, quoted in Pennant's Tour in Wales.
In consequence of an attack on the empress of Russia, he was compelled to leave Poland, and accordingly made a tour in Italy, France, America, and England, dying at Marseilles at the early age of thirty-three.
Other objects of interest are the Tour de la Miotte, of unknown origin and date, which stands on the hill of La Miotte to the N.E.
He accompanied that monarch on a prolonged foreign tour in 1881, visiting Japan, China, Siam, India, Europe and the United States, and in 1904 published an amusing account of the journey, called Round the World with a King.
After a careful education, completed by the usual grand tour, Magnus learned the art of war under Gustavus Horn, and during the reign of Christina (1644-16J4), whose prime favourite he became, though the liaison was innocent enough, he was raised to the highest offices in the state and loaded with distinctions.
In 1781 he was appointed councillor in the tour des monnaies, and was advanced in 1791 to be a commissary-general in the same department.
He accepted, and resigned his professorship. He went abroad with his pupil in February 1764; they remained only a few days at Paris and then settled at Toulouse, at that time the seat of a parlement, where they spent eighteen months in the best society of the place, afterwards making a tour in the south of France and passing two months at Geneva.
A second objection urged, perhaps with less justice, against the theory is that it fails to account for the made his tour in 1773, whilst Hume's death did not take place till 1776.
He was appointed chairman of a committee for church extension, and in that capacity made a tour through a large part of Scotland, addressing presbyteries and holding public meetings.
At its May session in 1742 the General Court of Massachusetts forbade itinerant preaching save with full consent from the resident pastor; in May 1743 the annual ministerial convention, by a small plurality, declared against "several errors in doctrine and disorders in practice which have of late obtained in various parts of the land," against lay preachers and disorderly revival meetings; in the same year Charles Chauncy, who disapproved of the revival, published Seasonable Thoughts on the State of Religion in New England; and in 1744-1745 Whitefield, upon his second tour in New England, found that the faculties of Harvard and Yale had officially "testified" and "declared" against him and that most pulpits were closed to him.
In each of the years immediately following his arrival in Paris he collected and published a volume of his articles, the first on the salon of 1822, the second on a tour in the Pyrenees.
He undertook in the latter part of September and the first three weeks of October a circular tour to the different courts of Europe in the hope of obtaining some intervention, or at least some good offices.
After retiring from the presidency Pierce returned to Concord, and soon afterwards went abroad for a three years' tour in Europe.
Little is left of the old fortifications except a tower of the 13th or 14th century, surmounting a gateway known as the Tour de Garnabie.
During a tour through Kashmir with Sir Henry Lawrence he kept the purse and Sir Henry could never obtain an account from him; subsequently Sir George Lawrence accused him of embezzling the funds of the Lawrence Asylum at Kasauli; while Sir Neville Chamberlain in a published letter says of the third brother, Lord Lawrence, "I am bound to say that Lord Lawrence had no opinion of Hodson's integrity in money matters.
The second court of the abbey contains a remarkable building, the Tour d'Evrault (12th century), which long went under the misnomer of chapelle funeraire, but was in reality the old kitchen.
He accompanied the young tsar abroad on his first foreign tour, and worked by his side in the dockyards of Saardam.
In the autumn he made a motor tour of the south of France, - being greeted everywhere with popular acclamation, the bands playing the irredentist march "Sambre et Meuse," - and attended the army manoeuvres at Toulouse.
After the conclusion of the Armistice Poincare made a tour in Alsace and Lorraine, his official entrance into Metz taking place on Dec. 4 1918.
Although his exceptional method of address seems to have gained him the qualified approval of certain dignitaries of the church, the prospect of his obtaining a settled charge seemed as remote as ever, and he was meditating a missionary tour in Persia when his departure was arrested by steps taken by Dr Chalmers, which, after considerable delay, resulted, in October 1819, in Irving being appointed his assistant and missionary in St John's parish, Glasgow.
Peter's foreign tour had more than ever convinced him of the inherent superiority of the foreigner.
A long and fatiguing tour of inspection over the latest of his great public works, the Ladoga Canal, during the autumn of 1724, brought back another attack of his paroxysms, and he reached Petersburg too ill to rally again, though he showed himself in public as late as the 16th of January 1725.
This amazing reversal of policy was procured by the intrigues of Catholic diplomatists and German French Jesuits, conveyed to Paris by Prince de la Tour d'Auvergne.
He continued to work as a journeyman bookbinder till the 1st of March 1813, when he was appointed assistant in the laboratory of the Royal Institution of Great Britain on the recommendation of Davy, whom he accompanied on a tour through France, Italy and Switzerland from October 1813 to April 1815.
His elevation above the common run of men was conspicuous in his treatment of the money which came to him in connexion with his successful lecturing tour in America (1872-1873).
About the year 1337 this hesychasm, which is obviously related to certain well-known forms of Oriental mysticism, attracted the attention of the learned and versatile Barlaam, a Calabrian monk, who at that time held the office of abbot in the Basilian monastery of St Saviour's in Constantinople, and who had visited the fraternities of Mount Athos on a tour of inspection.
In 1756 he accepted the invitation of Gottfried Winkler, a wealthy young merchant, to accompany him on a foreign tour for three years.
In 1737 James despatched his son on a tour through the chief Italian cities, that his education as a prince and man of the world might be completed.
In 1918 he visited England, France and Italy on a tour of inspection.
He concluded his years of preparation by a European tour, in the course of which he received kind attention from almost every distinguished man in the world of letters, science and art; among others, from Goethe, Humboldt, Schleiermacher, Hegel, Byron, Niebuhr, Bunsen, Savigny, Cousin, Constant and Manzoni.
With the exception of occasional changes of residence in England, generally for the sake of his wife's health, one or two short holiday trips abroad, a tour in the West Indies, and another in America to visit his eldest son settled there as an engineer, his life was spent in the peaceful, if active, occupations of a clergyman who did his duty earnestly, and of a vigorous and prolific writer.
Hobbes was his companion rather than tutor (before becoming secretary); and, growing greatly attached to each other, they were sent abroad together on the grand tour in 1610.
During this tour he meets with persons of typically erroneous views, which it was presumably the aim of the work to refute in the interests of true Christianity, conceived as the final form of divine revelation - a revelation given through true prophecy embodied in a succession of persons, the chief of whom were Moses and the prophet whom Moses foretold, Jesus the Christ.
In the spring of 1663 Ray started together with Willughby and two other pupils on a tour through Europe, from which he returned in March 1666, parting from Willughby at Montpellier, whence the latter continued his journey into Spain.
From this tour Ray and Willughby returned laden with collections, on which they meant to base complete systematic descriptions of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Willughby undertook the former part, but, dying in 1672, left only an ornithology and ichthyology, in themselves vast, for Ray to edit; while the latter used the botanical collections for the groundwork of his Methodus plantarum nova (1682), and his great Historia generalis plantarum (3 vols., 1686, 1688, _1704).
The Stirpium Europaearum extra Britannias nascentium Sylloge (1694) is a much amplified edition of the catalogue of plants collected on his own European tour.
The princess wrote Aventures de la tour de Perse, in which, under the veil of fictitious scenes and names, she tells the history of her own time.
In 1802 he happened to meet the young Norwegian Henrik Steffens (1773-1845), who had just returned from a scientific tour in Germany, full of the doctrines of Schelling.
After a struggling youth of great poverty, he published, in 1807-1809, a translation of Ossian; in 181 4 a volume of lyrical poems; and in 1817 he attracted considerable attention by his descriptive poem of The Tour in Jutland.
He early studied at Bologna, where the bishop, Nicholas Albergati, was so much struck with his ardour for learning that he gave him the chance to pursue his studies further, by sending him on a tour through Germany, France and England.
The first or semi-historical part shows us Alexander the Great as the conqueror of the world, while the second, of a more ethical tendency, describes him in the character of a prophet and philosopher, and narrates his second tour through the world and his adventures in the west, south, east and north.
At Cambridge he founded the "Whig Club," and the "Amicable Society," and became very intimate with Byron, who accompanied him on a tour in Spain, Greece and Turkey in 1809.
In 1855 she made a tour in the United States with comparatively small success, but this was after her powers, through continued ill-health, had begun to deteriorate.
In the winter and spring of 1852-1853 he made a tour in Egypt and the Holy Land, the result of which was his well-known volume on Sinai and Palestine (1856).
After his mother's death in 1858 the count made a long foreign tour.
The procedure was almost a recognized part of education, and was analogous to the grand tour made by our great-grandfathers in the 18th century.
Visiting America on a lecture tour in 1864, he received an enthusiastic welcome, and was entertained at a public banquet in New York.
It is pleasing to turn from these vehement struggles of thought to a tour which Hegel in company with three other tutors made through the Bernese Oberland in July and August 1796.
When John Keats was in Girvan during his Scottish tour in 1818 he apostrophized the rock in a fine sonnet.
Broken in health and spirits by the incessant labours of the time when he did "half the work of the Reichstag," he went in 1883 for a tour in America, and died suddenly in New York on the 5th of January 1884.
His own attitude towards the World War was vigorous and patriotic. He made a recruiting tour in 1915 through Great Britain, where he won a popularity perhaps greater than he enjoyed at home, and pledged himself to introduce conscription in Australia, though he failed to carry it.
In 67 he accompanied Nero on his tour in Greece.
At the close of his undergraduate career he undertook a literary tour through Germany, Holland, France and England.
Six months later, the indefatigable astronomer started for Danzig to set at rest a dispute of long standing between Hooke and Hevelius as to the respective merits of plain or telescopic sights; and towards the end of 1680 he proceeded on a continental tour.
After leaving his second post he was received into the house of a merchant at Riga named Johann Christoph Behrens, who contracted a great friendship for him and selected him as his companion for a tour through Danzig, Berlin, Hamburg, Amsterdam and London.
In 1807 an account of the magnetic observations made during the tour with Humboldt was published in the first volume of the Memoires d'Arcueil, and the second volume, published in 1809, contained the important memoir on gaseous combination (read to the Societe Philomathique on the last day of 1808), in which he pointed out that gases combining with each other in volume do so in the simplest proportions-1 to 1, 1 to 2, 1 to 3 - and that the volume of the compound formed bears a simple ratio to that of the constituents.
The hero, a young Scythian descended from the famous philosopher Anacharsis, is supposed to repair to Greece for instruction in his early youth, and after making the tour of her republics, colonies and islands, to return to his native country and write this book in his old age, after the Macedonian hero had overturned the Persian empire.
In 1894 he made an extended campaign tour before the Congressional elections, and spoke even in the South.
In these circumstances, President McKinley, accompanied by the greater part of his cabinet, set forth in the early summer on a tour to visit the Pacific coast, where he was to witness the launching of the battleship "Ohio" at San Francisco.
In 1889-1890 she went on a lecturing tour in the United States.
The dukedom of Albret, united to the crown of France by the accession of this prince, was granted to the family of La Tour d'Auvergne in 1651, in exchange for Sedan and Raucourt.
Of these, the Tour de Constance, built by Louis IX., is the most interesting; it commands the northwestern angle of the ramparts, and contains two circular, vaulted chambers, used as prisons for Protestants after the revocation of the edict of Nantes.
Educated at the Jesuit seminary at Kalksburg and at the universities of Vienna and Pesth, a long foreign tour completed his curriculum, and at Paris he made the acquaintance of Montalembert, a kindred spirit, whose influence on the young Apponyi was permanent.
As the leading "aesthete," Oscar Wilde became one of the most prominent personalities of the day; apart from the ridicule he encountered, his affected paradoxes and his witty sayings were quoted on all sides, and in 1882 he went on a lecturing tour in the United States.
In the summer of 1787, a year after the marriage, the elder Schopenhauer, whom commercial experiences had made a cosmopolitan in heart, took his wife on a tour to western Europe.
In 1803 the Schopenhauers and their son set out on a lengthened tour, of which Johanna has given an account, to Holland, England, France and Austria.
This was followed by a tour of inspection of foreign hospitals.
To escape the necessity of working to the end of his days at the orders of the State in order to pay this sum, Courbet went to Switzerland in 1873, and died at La Tour du Peilz, on the 31st of December 1877, of a disease of the liver aggravated by intemperance.
After a tour in the unsettled parts of North America in 1796-1797, his journal of which was edited by Augustus de Morgan in 1856, he entered the London Stock Exchange in 1799.
He married in June 1841, and visited Italy on his wedding tour.
In the same year he visited Oxford, and after a short tour in Wales went to Bristol, where he met Southey.
Then Gustavus made a tour of the city and was everywhere received by enthusiastic crowds, who hailed him as a deliverer.
He began life as an officer in the guards, subsequently making the grand tour, which first awakened his deep interest in art.
The Parlement was at the same time the court of peers (tour des pairs).
Such vague notions began to take more definite shape as the ferment theory of Cagniard de la Tour (1828), Schwann (1837) and Pasteur made way, especially in the hands of the last-named savant.
In October he started with his wife for a continental tour, and with them, as "assistant in experiments and writing," went Michael Faraday, who in the previous March had been engaged as assistant in the Royal Institution laboratory.
He also visited Spa, in Belgium, about 1870, and in October 1887 went for a lecturing tour in the United States.
Mather conducted an open-air missionary tour in the Midlands and the North with some success.
After wintering in Syria Germanicus started for a tour in Egypt.
There is a further appeal in all cases where the sum in dispute exceeds a thousand pounds, to a superior council at Brussels, composed of a number of jurisconsults who sit as a tour de cassation.
In November 1804 he was elected a fellow of All Souls College; and, after finishing his distinguished university career, he made a long tour in Europe.
A fine view of Etampes is obtained from the Tour Guinette, a ruined keep built by Louis VI.
He gave up his post in 1868, and, after a lecturing tour in the United States, joined the staff of the Daily News as leader-writer in 1870.
Having studied at the universities of Heidelberg and Leipzig, he went for a tour in Italy, on his return from which he lectured as Privatdozent in Heidelberg.
In 1905 Dr. Hyde set out on a tour through America to collect money for the League, and returned after seven months with £Ii,000.
The expectation of obtaining these sinecures drew young men towards the church in considerable numbers, and the class of abbes so formed - abbes de tour they were sometimes called, and sometimes (ironically) abbes de sainte esperance, abbes of St Hope - came to hold a recognized position.
He then began an evangelizing tour in Bath, Bristol and other towns, his eloquence at once attracting immense multitudes.
But, as he refused to limit his ministrations to one sect, the Seceders and he parted company, and without their countenance he made a tour through the principal towns of Scotland, the authorities of which in most instances presented him with the freedom of the burgh, in token of their estimate of the benefits to the community resulting from his preaching.
After a second visit to Scotland, June - October 1742 (where at Cambuslang in particular he wielded a great spiritual influence), and a tour through England and Wales, 1 74 2 -1744, he embarked in August 1744 for America, where he remained till June 1748.
In 1831 he had been made a member of the court of appeal (tour de cessation), and the same year was nominated a member of the academy of moral and political sciences.
It was not possible that this brilliant tour de force should become the theology of Christendom.
Soon after the publication of Vivian Grey, Disraeli, who is said by Froude to have been "overtaken by a singular disorder," marked by fits of giddiness ("once he fell into a trance, and did not recover for a week"), went with the Austens on a long summer tour in France, Switzerland and Italy.
He was, indeed, one of the most trusty agents of Nicholas I., whom in 1837 he accompanied on his foreign tour.
He made a tour of inspection in the north of France and reported untruly to the Assembly that all was in readiness.
In 1788 she set out on a lengthened tour through Italy, accompanied by Goethe.
In the autumn of 1783 he set out with Pitt on a tour in France; and after his return his eloquence proved of great assistance to Pitt in his struggle against the majority of the House of Commons.
In 1846 Barrot made a tour in the Near East, returning in time to take part a second time in the preliminaries of revolution.
On the edge of the cliff to the east of the port are some rude brick remains of an old building called Tour d'Ordre, said to be the ruins of a tower built by Caligula at the time of his intended invasion of Britain.
Legend sends the student to southern France, and even on a tour of the world.
The Tour St Martin is an old church-tower of the 15th and 18th centuries transformed into a belfry.
The viceroy Said, who made a rapid tour through the Sudan in 1857, found it in a deplorable condition.
As to the general state of the country Sir Eldon Gorst after a tour of inspection declared in his report for 1909, " I do not suppose that there is any part of the world in which the mass of the population have fewer unsatisfied wants."
It was during the course of this tour that he wrote most of the short poems which a year later were printed in the Lyra Apostolica.
In 1850 he first travelled through Sweden, singing and reciting in public, and his tour was a long popular triumph.
He had already begun a series of journeys through England and Wales, and gave an account of his observations in books which appeared from 1768 to 1770 - A Six Weeks' Tour through the Southern Counties of England and Wales, A Six Months' Tour through the North of England and the Farmer's Tour through the East of England.
He made a tour in Ireland in 1776, publishing his Tour in Ireland in 1780.
Arthur Young was the greatest of all English writers on agriculture; but it is as a social and political observer that he is best known, and his Tour in Ireland and Travels in France are still full of interest and instruction.
In 1815 he was with the Allies in Paris, and in the following year set out on the grand tour, visiting Moscow and the western provinces of Russia, Berlin (where his engagement to Princess Charlotte Louise, daughter of Frederick William III., was arranged) and England, where his handsome presence and charming address created a profound impression.'
After ample coffee and food, we set out, as discussed, on a tour of local campgrounds.
If you love me, you'll send me the blu-ray versions of the Blue Collar Comedy Tour.
She vaguely remembered it from her tour of the castle and was relieved to see several small groups congregated around all but one of the five fireplaces in the room.
It's a one-week tour, each day a separate segment, with everyone riding at their own pace—within reason.
While he loved the exhilarating feeling of biking alone or on an organized tour, the après ride time was nearly as enjoyable when you could mingle with others with like interests.
If stiff muscles didn't let them down, the group would pedal into Durango, Colorado, with one leg of the tour behind them.
Although Dean was anxious to locate "P. Corbin," he was cautious enough to wait for Fred to confirm the named party had actually joined the tour.
No luck there—the tour doesn't record that.
Dean was surprised just how tired he was and happy to get a decent night's sleep before tackling the next day's 60-mile run to Pagosa Springs—leg two of the "Ride the Rockies Tour."
In spite of the scenery, the weather, and all the other splendid elements of the tour, Dean was experiencing a serious sense of trepidation.
There's still too many coincidences and things that don't add up and we'll probably never get the answers, but I agree—it looks like this is the end of the line if we can't locate him on this tour.
Then Randy told me about the bike magazine and how you'd been interested in it—how Jeff marked the information on this tour.
I'll take you on tours into the areas where we most often see the animals, but they are not kept in cages, so I can't guarantee you will see any specific animal on every tour.
In fact, a young single girl might be exactly what they needed to inject more interest in the tour – and Felipa was an excellent rider.
This tour is the second undertaken by the monastery trust under its own auspices.
The tour finished with a buffet lunch at Maglands, a sheltered housing complex in Watchet.
Your guide will be knowledgeable about all aspects of your tour, from geography through history.
The wonders of the temple were made more lucid by a guided tour of the little museum.
Please note it is THE FULL BAND and not acoustic, check out the on tour commentary by guitarist Frankie Lee.
At the end of January 1940, the F¸hrer had sent his chief military adjutant on a flying tour of the western front.
On the upper agora we use signposts the user can select to start a tour to the most important " sights " .
Anzac has created the first real ' anzac battlefield tour and stays in Turkey.
Take part in our Samurai school, be amazed by Japanese horse archery, and enjoy a tour of the Oriental gallery.
The central bus station can feel a little bit like a gladiatorial arena if you arrive looking disorganized and vulnerable to tour operators.
Leslie worked for a Concert Promotion Company that brought famous American artistes to tour the UK.
But I was genuinely astonished to play with a band with a worse name on the same tour.
Five of London's Royal Parks will provide a stunning backdrop to the grand finale of this year's Tour of Britain.
The house was built by an English baron, Sir John Sutton, who visited the Rhine Valley on his Grand Tour.
One way to get records or CDs into the stores is to tour, extend your fan base, and increase demand.
Discover Padova in the afternoon with an introductory guided tour of the center including the basilicas followed by free time.
Includes a plethora of stills, on-set photos, movie trailers, cast and crew bios, and a tour of the studio.. .
A classic birding tour which never fails to produce superb birding.
A classic birding tour which never fails to produce superb birding tour which never fails to produce superb birding.
The former Charlton Athletic defender, who joined the bluebirds this summer, missed the start of their Scandinavian tour with a sore knee.
I shouldn't have made a bogey all week, " added Thorpe, who joined the Senior PGA Tour this year.
The way to avoid boredom with the tour is to bring something else into your life.
Backstreet boys begin a summer headlining tour in mid-July.
At Prime Ministerâs Questions yesterday, Tony Blair and Michael Howard were like two old bruisers on a farewell tour.
The exception is on Bleaker Island on the ' Veteran's Tour ' where we stay in self-catering bungalows.
London open-top tour busses stop next to Marble Arch near to the hotel.
Visitors begin their tour in the reconstructed cruck house which houses the museum's collection of domestic bygones.
The author is reputed to tour London on his bike picking out decent old caffs to list.
Half Day Voucher £ 19.50 Day Trip Voucher £ 40 Weekend Voucher £ 220 Our tour calendar is now even simpler than ever.
Tour which airs and strong brand in universal city calif based on the.
In universal city calif tour merchandise can quot we want.
Meet your clan chief, trace your roots, stay in a castle, tour the distilleries.
This immensely enjoyable feature documentary follows the male-voice choir of Berlevag, above the Arctic Circle, as they prepare for a Russian tour.
We had a number of days during the tour which began clear but soon clouded up; today remained virtually cloudless all day.
Peter Kay Multi award-winning comedian Peter Kay has extended his current tour by 40 dates due to an unprecedented demand for tickets.
The tour runs every Tuesday from 18 July to 22 August 2006 with on-board commentary from a local expert.
We may even see our first Andean condors of the tour today.
Then take the tour and visit the gallery where you can actually see the coopers at their work.
Next day we did a tour of the house, which is two thirds completed and overlooks an idyllic creek.
To signing Coastal cruise Tour Guides agreements years best cruise Mexico of putting.
The 1998 canal tour was cut short due to the tragic death of John Fleming.
In our opinion Tribes certainly deserves the award for Most Responsible Tour Operator.
Once you have drawn up a shortlist of tours then you can request detailed tour dossiers.
Please consult your tour dossier for particular advice on the area you are traveling to.
And of course, at the end of your tour a complimentary dram will enable you to taste the culmination of all our labors.
After a tour of the distillery and grounds we were invited for a few drams in the Ship's Room.
After rocking The Boat during Canadian Music Week, Sailboats Are White will tour eastern Canada with Lullabye Arkestra next month.
I'm looking for more slogans for my limited edition Steve Allen Tour badges.
A Russian emissary later announced he would undertake a new tour of Middle East nations.
In the past the band have taken the whole entourage on tour with them when they have visited America.
Izzard's own touring entourage was very limited for a tour of this size.
The tour revolves around Hexham - historic abbey town and heart of Hadrian's Wall Country - and its rural environs.
Even in this case we will absorb an amount equivalent to 2% of the tour price.
He is playing solo euphonium with the Greater Gwent Youth Band in a tour that also takes in Australia.
They are participation camping expeditions, where you help make the tour work by being a part of the team.
Take on a whistle-stop tour of the history of planetary exploration.
Recently we caught up with John Lynch, drummer extraordinaire and life-long Kiss fan to talk about their recent European tour and Oreo's.
It was probably the best tour I've done in my life - a really big eye-opener and everyone was like one big family.
In a few hours they are to launch their provincial tour of " Nothing On, " a slapstick farce.
National Archeology Week finishes on Sunday 23 July with a fascinating guided tour of one of Dartmoor's historic farmsteads.
After the lecture Richard took course participants on a tour of the " Cutty Sark " to view its large collection of merchant figureheads.
I'll remember him and the times we had on tour with much fondness.
Out with him on a tour of some of the branch monasteries I was nearly frantic to get my stinking robes washed.
And the changing of the set list away from the July tour songs also freshened up things.
The best place to start your tour of the abbey is in the imposing gatehouse at the west end of the site.
A walking tour takes in the more active geysers and pools which form part of the worldâs second largest geyser field.
During a one-hour tour visitors learn about the history of the sewers before donning plastic gloves and hard hats to explore underground.
We cross to " The Millenium gnome " for an exclusive film behind the scenes of Oasis's tour.
I've also included a couple of tour guides.
All students had to wear hairnets, hats and plastic aprons during their tour.
Jobs at the lodge include chef, chef's assistant, tour guide, housekeeper, barman, gardener and general handyman.
The Tour will not require you to enter a hovel that is inhabited.
The first event was a tour of the Middle East last December undertaken by a group of Danish imams to publicize the cartoons.
The tour was a resounding success, only marred by one small incident.
We are also members of The British incoming Tour Operators Association (BITOA ), the key organization promoting in-bound tourism into the UK.
During the tour members visited the Ostbahnhof interchange - the second largest interchange terminal in the city.
I decided that the film would be her story intercut with the story of a traveling cinema tour.
For a scenic tour of Bromley traffic jams, go to Road Tour.
I can do Beatles Tour, Jack the Ripper, walks around st James and Westminster with a Guard change at the end.
Just like the Tour de France, riders will chase the yellow jersey to be worn by the race leader.
Judas priest 6. what do you do to relax when on tour?
Part of the tour includes visiting the underground labyrinth of tunnels which were part of a vast industrial complex 4,000 years ago.
The vehicle later developed a major electrical malfunction, and was pulled out of the Tour de Sol.
A clickable map allows you to make a visual tour of the gardens, with many of the garden features described and illustrated.
There's the bustling central marketplace, tour busses, overloaded vans and two-stroke tuks tuks weaving through the city streets.
Along with Bill McConnell, the then chairman, Kay helped mastermind the tour of America.
In this ' Give me Ed... Till I'm Dead ' Tour, Iron Maiden continue the non-stop metal mayhem.
During Bond's tour of Q's laboratory, a boom mic is briefly visible at the top of the screen.
Tour quot Michael have benefited from who's who of.
In November 1979 Victim supported The Damned (a package that also included The misfits for a while) on an extensive UK tour.
He died a tragic early death on the barren moonscape of the Mont Ventoux during the 1967 Tour.
The Tour includes endless fascination, religious mystique and great natural beauty.
During the tour, the children visited the kitchen and were shown how to make authentic naan.
Also see the tour operator list compiled by The Scotsman newspaper.
Leaving the Auvergne region behind, the tour continues as we cross the Rhone Valley and head northeast toward the French Alps.
The tour ends with a tutored nosing and tasting session of our finest whiskies and the cost is £ 15 per person.
It was also sobering to realize that only seven years ago such a tour would have been strictly off-limits.
During the guided tour in the Guácharo cave we saw many oilbirds.
The sighting was too brief to be sure, but it seemed to provide an omen for the actual tour.
The Frames don't seem to tour England anymore - why the glaring omission?
Bridge Travel is the UK's leading short breaks tour operator.
Passengers can join a tour of an ostrich farm or try riding an ostrich.
Lawrence Dallaglio's fine England career, for instance, may not outlast the summer tour.
After devouring plates of scrambled eggs, bacon, and fresh papaya we headed off for a tour of the nearby Prospect Plantation.
The fauna and flora (including nesting peregrines ), of this basalt based grassland reserve will form the basis of the tour.
Visit London's only live planetarium shows where an expert from the Royal Observatory will take you on a guided tour of the skies.
All of which leaves the centenary Tour delicately poised.
They have also visit post offices in Bideford, Torrington and Holsworthy during the tour which started on Saturday, December 13.
Once again the truth was stranger than fiction, and later that same year the band was asked to support The pretenders on tour.
Or why not take a minibus tour to see the puffins or a cruise to see the local dolphins?
We have always tour r r is last three seasons.
In 1900 he served a short tour of duty with the troops with infantry regiment number 76 at Graz.
The Wessex region is organizing a coastal tour in 2000.
If we are lucky we might see both reindeer, polar fox and grouse during the tour.
A specialist tour operator in East London / Essex are seeking an experienced all rounder to join their dynamic team.
He was also carrying a big rucksack, ' cause he intended to do a tour around London.
Rv park on how prop tour players can was donald trump's.
In the 1960s, I once took two delightful English schoolteachers on a Highland Tour.
She took me on a guided tour of gobbledygook which included critical success factors, traffic lights, milestones and a balanced score card.
During the spring semester the UEFC embarks on a European tour.
Jen SUMMER TOUR 11 Th 19 th sept '99 This year we embarked on the great journey from London to Kent.
Dangerous is chomping on the bit and ready for some on tour shenanigans once more.
On this tour we visit the sacred shrines of our ancestors whose spirit dwells in these natural sanctuaries.
These directional aspects do not affect the planned sightseeing or tour highlights.
Visit a cheese farm and see how clogs are made on our afternoon sightseeing tour.
Day 5 A morning sightseeing tour to discover Ireland's Capital City.
A city sightseeing tour is included during your stay.