Touching Sentence Examples
Lana asked, touching one metal wall.
She had a nasty headache and groaned, touching her head.
Then he sang a wonderful song, so sweet, so lively, so touching, that many of the sailors were moved to tears.
It was his way of focusing in - pulling her close without the intimacy of touching.
He released her neck, touching it with a thumb that burned hot enough to singe her skin.
Darian strode to Damian's side, touching his cold skin.
Touching him was like sticking her finger in a light socket.
Touching a hand to her mouth, she stifled a feigned yawn of boredom.
Mother necklaces are touching gifts that are not only a beautiful piece of jewelry, but are a sentimental and personal gift as well.
The Conseil .suprieur devotes its attention to all questions touching the fighting efficiency of the fleet, naval bases and arsenals and- coast defence.
AdvertisementHe passed the oscillations to be detected through a fine wire or strip of gold leaf, and over this, but just not touching, suspended a loop of bismuth-antimony wire by a quartz fibre.
Thence he visited the African coast, touching at Mombasa and Quiloa, and then sailed across to Ormuz and the Persian Gulf.
After touching at Concepcion in Chile and at Easter Island, La Perouse proceeded to Hawaii and thence to the coast of California, of which he has given a very interesting account.
A patient with remittent may get well in a week under treatment, but the fever may go on for several weeks; the return to health is often announced by the fever assuming the intermittent type, or, in other words, by the remissions touching the level of absolute apyrexia.
His touching love for his worthless son is one of the most beautiful descriptions of paternal affection.
AdvertisementHers was one of the most touching tragedies of the Revolution; she perished because she was the sister of the king.
He published, with a touching dedication to his wife, the treatise on Liberty, which they had wrought out together.
Of his death a most touching and beautiful account has been preserved in a contemporary letter.
The Passover was kept in the first month on the 14th day of the month at even in the wilderness of Sinai; but certain men, unclean by touching a dead body, asked what they should do; they were to keep it on the second month on the 14th day, eating it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs, leaving none of it until the morning, nor breaking a bone.
Here we find less evidence of sedulous workmanship, yet not infrequently a piercing sweetness, a depth of emotion, a sincere and spontaneous lovableness, which are irresistibly touching and inspiring.
AdvertisementThe needles of the primitive compasses, being made of iron, would require frequent re-magnetization, and a " stone " for the purpose of " touching the needle " was therefore generally included in the navigator's outfit.
At the end of this volume there is a touching account of his life by the latter.
We imagine a wave-front divided o x Q into elementary rings or zones - often named after Huygens, but better after Fresnelby spheres described round P (the point at which the aggregate effect is to be estimated), the first sphere, touching the plane at 0, with a radius equal to PO, and the succeeding spheres with radii increasing at each step by IX.
It has been suggested that this part of his life was 1 See A Testimonie of Antiquitie, sheaving the auncient fayth in the Church of England touching the sacrament of the body and bloude of the Lord here publikely preached, printed by John Day (1567).
At Pirna the Elbe leaves behind it the stress and turmoil of the Saxon Switzerland, rolls through Dresden, with its noble river terraces, and finally, beyond Meissen, enters on its long journey across the North German plain, touching Torgau, Wittenberg, Magdeburg, Wittenberge, Hamburg, Harburg and Altona on the way, and gathering into itself the waters of the Mulde and Saale from the left, and those of the Schwarze Elster, Havel and Elde from the right.
AdvertisementEnactments were also passed touching procedure in the ecclesiastical courts, the creation of new monastic orders, appointments to offices in the church, marriage-law, conventual discipline, the veneration of relics, pilgrimages and intercourse with Jews and Saracens.
There is a touching epistle (Medea to Jason) in the Heroides of Ovid.
Though still comparatively young, Gerhard had already come to be regarded as the greatest living theologian of Protestant Germany; in the numerous "disputations" of the period he was always protagonist, while on all public and domestic questions touching on religion or morals his advice was widely sought.
The continued attacks upon the Presbyterians led him to publish his Short, Sober, Pacific Examination of Exuberances in the Common Prayer, as well as the Apology for Tender Consciences touching Not Bowing at the Name of Jesus.
The crucible was fitted with a cover in which were two holes; one at the side to serve at once as sight-hole and charging door, the other in the centre to allow a second carbon rod to pass freely (without touching) into the interior.
An old theory is that it represents the hand, while X= io is the two hands with the finger tips touching.
For the Master hath sworn by His glory (` His Son,' below) touching His elect, that if there be more sinning after this day which He hath limited, they shall not obtain salvation.
He reluctantly obeyed, and concluded his last discourse with the tenderest and most touching farewell.
Yet we cannot help feeling that it is a grotesque and unseemly anachronism to apply in grave prose, addressed to the whole world, those terms of saint and angel which are touching and in their place amid the trouble and passion of the great mystic poet.
When either walking or running, the square-mouthed rhinoceros holds its head very low, its nose nearly touching the ground.
If the ebonite is withdrawn without touching the tray, the latter will be found to be unelectrified.
Charge positively a brass ball held on an ebonite stem, and introduce it, without touching, into the canister.
If, before withdrawing the ball, after touching the outside of the canister for a moment the ball is touched against the inside of the canister, then on withdrawing it the ball and canister are found to be discharged.
If before the ball is withdrawn, after touching the outside of the canister with the finger, the ball is tilted over to make it touch the inside of the canister, then on withdrawing it the canister and ball are found to be perfectly discharged.
On touching the canister this last charge goes to earth.
From 1872 onwards he was a strict teetotaller, not touching alcohol even as a medicine, and there was some murmuring among his clergy that his teaching on this subject verged on heresy.
The sensitive impartiality which withheld him from touching perhaps the most interesting period in the history of the constitution did not save him from the charge of partisanship. The Quarterly Review for 1828 contains an article on the Constitutional History, written by Southey, full of railing and reproach.
Since that the moment of the lead touching the bottom by the sudden time the British cable-ships have been busy in all the oceans slackening in the rate at which the line ran out.
The time of touching bottom i studied by the Norwegian expedition on board the " VOringen " was judged by timing each loo-fathom mark and noting the in 1876-1878, and the north polar basin by Nansen and Sverdrup sudden increase in the time interval when the shot reached the in the " Fram " in 1893-1896, the Mediterranean by the Italians bottom.
The jury decided unanimously in the affirmative, and on the 16th of October 1793 Marie Antoinette was led to the guillotine, leaving behind her a touching letter to Madame Elizabeth, known as her "Testament."
Walton illustrates Herbert's kindness to the poor by many touching anecdotes, but he had not been three years in Bemerton when he succumbed to consumption.
The theological division was accentuated by the Salters' Hall Controversy (1717-1719), which, nominally touching religious liberty versus subscription, really involved differences as to Trinitarian doctrine.
There the Southern Alps rise range upon range, filling the whole centre, almost or quite touching the western shore, and stretching from end to end of the island.
Glauber's salt readily forms supersaturated solutions, in which crystallization takes place suddenly when a crystal of the salt is thrown in; the same effect is obtained by exposure to the air or by touching the solution with a glass rod.
Each of the first few harmonics may be easily obtained by touching the string at the first node of the harmonic required, and bowing at the first loop, and the presence of the nodes and loops may be verified by putting light paper riders of shape A on the string at the nodes and loops.
According to the Roman use the stole is now only worn at mass, in administering the sacraments and sacramentalia, when touching the Host, &c., but not e.g.
The vizier stood between sovereign and subjects, representing the former in all matters touching the latter.
Its main object was ecclesiastical reform, but the provision that a copy of Magna Carta should be hung in all cathedral and collegiate churches seemed to the king a political action, and parliament declared void any action of this council touching on the royal power.
There was a touching incident when the queen's uncles, the dukes of Cumberland and Sussex, two old men, came forward to perform their obeisance.
No more touching ceremony of the kind had ever been performed in Westminster Abbey.
She reviewed the departing regiments; she entertained the wives and children of the Windsor soldiers who had gone to the war; she showed by frequent messages her watchful interest in the course of the campaign and in the efforts which were being made throughout the whole empire; and her Christmas gift of a box of chocolate to every soldier in South Africa was a touching proof of her sympathy and interest.
Few more brilliant pieces of historical writing exist than his description of the coronation procession of Anne Boleyn through the streets of London, few more full of picturesque power than that in which he relates how the spire of St Paul's was struck by lightning; and to have once read is to remember for ever the touching and stately words in which he compares the monks of the London Charterhouse preparing for death with the Spartans at Thermopylae.
A first step towards democratizing industrial undertakings was taken by an enactment touching mining councils.
An account of the work he did with this instrument was published in 1660 under the title New Experiments PhysicoMechanical touching the spring of air and its effects.
Before touching on the salient points in the subsequent centuries, in connexion with the leading nations of Europe, we may briefly note the cosmopolitan position of Erasmus (1466-1536), who, although he was a native of the Netherlands, was far more closely connected with France, England, Italy, Germany and Switzerland, than with the land of his birth.
Calvinists allowed these to communicate in the species of bread only, touching the cup with their lip; a course which was deemed a profanation by the Lutherans.
He bestowed on them the church of St Andrea and conferred at the same time the valuable privilege of making and altering their own statutes; besides the other points, in 1546, which Ignatius had still more at heart, as touching the very essence of his institute, namely, exemption from ecclesiastical offices and dignities and from the task of acting as directors and confessors to convents of women.
Among the resemblances to old-world law was the use of a judicial oath, the witness touching the ground with his finger and putting it to his lips, thus swearing by Mother Earth.
In the case of high tension voltmeters, the movable plate takes the form of a single plate of paddle shape, and for extra high tensions it may simply be suspended from the end of a balanced arm; or the movable system may take the form of a cylinder which is suspended within, but not touching, another fixed cylinder, the relative position being such that the electric forces draw the suspended cylinder more into the fixed one.
The general sense is clear, that those who consume the holy food without a clear conscience, like those who handle sacred objects with impure hands, will suffer physical harm from its contact, as if they were undergoing the ordeal of touching a holy thing.
These two kingdoms stood opposed to each other from all eternity, touching each other on one side, but remaining unmingled.
If the bearer be stationary, rain-drops will traverse the tube without touching its sides; if, however, the person be walking, the tube must be inclined at an angle varying as his velocity in order that the rain may traverse the tube centrally.
I cannot separate touching from my tactile organs, seeing from my eyes, or hearing from my ears.
I have nothing but argument to offer touching this matter, having never met with any person in Persia or the Indies to inform me when the compass was first known among them, though I made inquiry of the most learned men in both countries.
Immediately above this plane surface and almost touching it is a system of wires which enables angular distances from the centre of the field to be read at the eyepiece below.
But the likeness probably goes deeper than superficial resemblance that appeals to the eye, for spiders which distinguish flies from bees by touch and not by sight, treat drone-flies after touching them, not in the fearless way they evince towards bluebottles (Calliphora), but in the cautious manner they display towards bees and wasps, warily refraining from coming to close quarters until their prey is securely enswathed in silk.
Just below the places where the aprons terminate, the glass is embraced by two insulated metal forks having the sharp points projecting towards the glass, but not quite touching it.
The rotation continuing the ball thus negatively charged is made to give up this charge to that negatively electrified field plate, and the ball positively charged its charge to the positively electrified field plate, by touching little contact springs.
Continuing their rotation, the positively charged carrier gave up its positive charge by touching a little knob attached to the positive field plate, and similarly for the negative charge carrier.
In addition there are collecting combs which occupy an intermediate position and have sharp points projecting inwards, and coming near to but not touching the carriers.
The account of his distress is one of the finest and most touching passages in the poem.
Many local steamers penetrate the fjords, touching at every village and gaard.
Kingsley's life was written by his widow in 1877, entitled Charles Kingsley, his Letters and Memories of his Life, and presents a very touching and beautiful picture of her husband, but perhaps hardly does justice to his humour, his wit, his overflowing vitality and boyish fun.
It contains other features of considerable interest to which more importance seems to be attached, and the writer is evidently an artist who takes manifest delight in the touching and graceful details of his picture, and is not simply guided by a desire to impart historical information or to enforce some particular lesson.
Nothing else is known of his doings 1 The translation, under the title Eight Books of the Peloponnesian War, written by Thucydides the son of Olorus, interpreted with faith and diligence immediately out of the Greek by Thomas Hobbes, secretary to the late Earl of Devonshire, appeared in 1628 (or 1629), after the death of the earl, to whom touching reference is made in the dedication.
On the 17th of October it was ordered that the committee to which the bill was referred " should be empowered to receive information touching such books as tend to atheism, blasphemy and profaneness, or against the essence and attributes of God, and in particular the book published in the name of one White, 1 and the book of Mr Hobbes called the Leviathan, and to report the matter with their opinion to the House."
He would set his heart on touching every post in the streets through which he walked.
A line from Flensburg south-westward to Joldelund and thence northwestward to Hoyer will nearly give the boundary between the two idioms.i The German-French frontier traverses Belgium from west to east, touching the towns of St Omer, Courtrai and Maastricht.
Still more powerful, because touching other elements of human nature and affecting a more important class, was the influence of the Renaissance, which, towards the end of the 15th century, passed from Italy to the universities of Germany.
Those of the upper jaw are directed upwards from their bases, so that they never enter the mouth, but pierce the skin of the face, thus resembling horns rather than teeth; they curve backwards, downwards, and finally often forwards again, almost or quite touching the forehead.
It has been needful to cite so much of the evidence proving that our Homilies and Recognitions are both recensions of a common basis, at first known as the Circuits of Peter and later by titles connecting it rather with Clement, its ostensible author, because it affords data also for the historical problems touching (a) the contents and origin of the primary Clementine work, and (b) the conditions under which our extant recensions of it arose.
There was a tremor in Bright's voice in the touching parts of his great speeches which stirred the feelings even of hostile listeners.
If we wish to obtain mechanical registration from a horizontal pendulum of the above type, we may minimize the effect of the friction of the writing index - say a glass fibre touching the smoked surface of moderately smooth paper - by using a considerable weight and placing it near to the outer end of the boom.
In other places also the style is sometimes lively and impressive; though it is rarely indeed that we come across such strains of touching simplicity as in the middle of xciii.
The procedure in scientific excavation is directed to collecting and interpreting all the information that can he obtained from the excavation as to the history and nature of the site explored, be it town, temple, house, cemetery or individual grave, wasting no evidence that results from it touching the endless problems which scientific archaeology affordswhether in regard to arts and crafts, manners and customs, language, history or beliefs.
Among prose writers should be mentioned the grammarian Peder Syv,5 (1631-1702); Bishop Erik Pontoppidan (1616-1678), whose Grammatica Danica, published in 1668, is the first systematic analysis of the language; Birgitta Thott (1610-1662), a lady who translated Seneca (1658); and Leonora Christina Ulfeld, daughter of Christian IV., who has left a touching account of her long imprisonment in her Jammersminde.
His famous son writes with reverence and affection of both parents, and has left a touching narrative of their death-bed hours.
It was reviewed by Mill in the Westminster and by Thackeray in The Times, and Carlyle, after a heroic struggle, was at last touching land.
He was now called upon, in advanced life, to undo not a little of the work in which he had been instrumental in his earlier years - to vindicate the legitimacy of the queen's birth and the lawfulness of her mother's marriage, to restore the old religion, and to recant what he himself had written touching the royal supremacy.
The account of his steps contains details touching Judah and its relation to Israel which cannot be reconciled with certain traditions of Saul and the Ephraimite Joshua.
To prevent their growing lanky, they should be kept with their heads almost touching the glass; and as the pots get filled with roots they must be shifted into others, 7 or 8 in.
Severus also fully sympathized with the action of St Martin touching Priscillianism.
From Nushki it crosses the Helmund desert, touching the crest of a well-defined mountain watershed for a great part of the way, and, leaving Chagai to Baluchistan, it strikes nearly west to the Persian frontier, and joins it on the Koh-i-Malik Siah mountain, south of Seistan.
The almucantar was therefore used only to observe the vertical transits of stars in different azimuths over fixed horizontal webs, without touching the telescope.
According to her small ability she served the state well, and was zealous and conscientious in the fulfilment of public duties, in which may be included touching for the king's evil, which she revived.
Touching the coast of Arakan or Burma, he reached Sumatra in forty days, and was provided with a junk for China by Malik al Dhahir, a zealous disciple of Islam, which had recently spread among the states on the northern coast of that island.
Nor would such silence touching Paul's speedy martyrdom be disingenuous, any more than on the theory that martyrdom overtook him several years later.
There is no evidence that any speech in Acts is the free composition of its author, without either written or oral basis; and in general he seems more conscientious than most ancient historians touching the essentials of historical accuracy, even as now understood.
In these pieces, as in almost every production of his, in lieu of melody Liszt offers fragments of melody - touching and beautiful, it may be, or passionate, or tinged with triviality; in lieu of a rational distribution of centres of harmony in accordance with some definite plan, he presents clever combinations of chords and ingenious modulations from point to point; in lieu of musical logic and consistency of design, he is content with rhapsodical improvisation.
The radius of the pitch-circle of a wheel is called the geometrical radius; a circle touching the ends of the teeth is called the addendum circle, and its radius the real radius; the difference between these radii, being the projection of the teeth beyond the pitch-surface, is called the addendum.
Teeth of Skew-Bevel Wheels.The crests of the teeth of a skew-bevel wheel are parallel to the generating straight line of the hyperboloidal pitch-surface; and the transverse sections of the teeth at a given pitch-circle are similar to those of the teeth of a bevelwheel whose pitch surface is a cone touching the hyperboloidal surface at the given circle.
While heretical on so many points, he was a firm believer in supernatural Christianity, and frequently took the field in defence of prophecy and miracle, including anointing the sick and touching for the king's evil.
The player on the dealer's left, without touching or looking at his cards, can bet the amount of the pool, or any part of it, that among his cards is one that is higher (of the same suit) than the turn-up. If he wins, he takes the amount from the pool; if he loses, he pays it to the pool.
In 441 a synod of sixteen bishops was held at Orange under the presidency of St Hilary of Arles, which adopted thirty canons touching the reconciliation of penitents and heretics; the ecclesiastical right of asylum, diocesan prerogatives of bishops, spiritual privileges of the defective or demoniac, the deportment of catechumens at worship, and clerical celibacy (forbidding married men to be ordained as deacons, and digamists to be advanced beyond the sub-diaconate).
Starting from the fact that if an electrified globe, placed within two hemispheres which fit over it without touching, is brought in contact with these hemispheres, it gives up the whole of its charge to them - in other words, that the charge on an electrified body is wholly on the surface - he was able to deduce by most ingenious reasoning the law that electric force varies inversely as the square of the distance.
He invented for this purpose a radiator consisting of two metal rods placed in one line, their inner ends being provided with poles nearly touching and their outer ends with metal plates.
Yet there were faint indications of coming fame, and the eagerness with which each new tribute from critic and admirer was welcomed is both touching and amusing.
Gyllenborg (1731-1808) was a less accomplished poet, less delicate and touching, more rhetorical and artificial.
A great expedition under the command of Belisarius (in whose train was the historian Procopius) sailed from the Bosporus in June 533, and after touching at Catana in Sicily finally reached Africa in the beginning of September.
An interesting letter to his god-child, written twelve days before his death, sums up his spiritual experience in a most touching form.
Yet his power of touching the springs of tragic awe and horror is a genuine poetical gift, of the same kind as that which is displayed by some of the early English dramatists.
The youth then washes his hands, which on touching the sacrament had withered up, and is healed.
When the conjugate axis of the hyperbola is made smaller and smaller, the nodoid approximates more and more to the series of spheres touching each other along the axis.
Draw Pp and Qq touching both catenaries, Pp and Qq will intersect at T, a point in the directrix; for since any catenary with its directrix is a similar figure to any other catenary with its directrix, if the directrix of the one coincides with that of the other the centre of similitude must lie on the common directrix.
Such pre-eminence was but the sequel of personal distinctions visible even in the preparatory days of discipleship, and it warns us against viewing the primitive facts touching apostles in the official light of later times.
The bishops had formerly jurisdiction over all questions touching the validity of marriages and the status of married persons, but this jurisdiction has been transferred from the consistorial courts of the bishops to a court of the crown by the Matrimonial Causes Act of 1857.
The churchwardens, who are representative officers of the parishes, are also executive officers of the bishops in all matters touching the decency and order of the churches and of the churchyards, and they are responsible to the bishops for the due discharge of their duties; but the abolition of church rates has relieved the churchwardens of the most onerous part of their duties, which was connected with the stewardship of the church funds of their parishes.
Of his numerous other Bohemian works we may mention the Postilla (collection of sermons), the treatises 0 poznani testy grave k spaseni (the true road to salvation) and O svatokupectvi (on simony), and a large collection of letters; those written in prison are very touching.
He ranges freely about the world, touching the laughable sides of things with kindly laughter, and every now and then dropping the risibile and taking to the rationale.
When dry it explodes even on touching with a feather.
In 1563 was issued from the press of John Day the first English edition of the Actes and Monuments of these latter and perillous Dayes, touching matters of the Church, wherein are comprehended and described the great Persecution and horrible Troubles that have been wrought and practised by the Romishe Prelates, speciallye in this Realme of England and Scotland, from the yeare of our Lorde a thousande to the time now present.
He chose to accept the latter, journeyed in February 1341 to Naples, was honourably entertained by the king, and, after some formal disputations on matters touching the poet's art, was sent with magnificent credentials to Rome.
James Russell Lowell said, "To him more than to all other causes did the young martyrs of our Civil War owe the sustaining strength of thoughtful heroism that is so touching in every record of their lives."
His pervading characteristic, therefore, is that of an eloquent vagueness, very stimulating and touching at times, but as deficient in coercive force of matter as it is in lasting precision and elegance of form.
The ghost has now been brought back to much of true life again by the skill of the most scrupulous of all restorers, Cavaliere Cavenaghi, who, acting under the authority of a competent commission, and after long and patient experiment, found it possible to secure to the wall the innumerable blistered, mildewed and half-detached flakes and scales of the original work that yet remained, to clear the surface thus obtained of much of the obliterating accretions due to decay and mishandling, and to bring the whole to unity by touching tenderly in with tempera the spots and spaces actually left bare.
Four children were born of the marriage - a son who died in his father's lifetime, and was lamented by him in very touching verse; another a captain in the navy, drowned at Madeira in 1827; a third son, Charles, afterwards created Earl Canning; and a daughter Harriet, who married the marquess of Clanricarde in 1825.
It was, in some degree, an imitation of Goethe's Hermann and Dorothea, and its plot, which was derived from Hawthorne's American Note-Books, is even simpler than that of the German poem, not to say much more touching.
Each state touching the lake has its own fishery regulations, which differ amongst themselves as well as from those of the Dominion.
In the summer steamboats ply, touching at all the villages lying on the shores.
The victims were nearly all clergy or citizens; the king shrank from touching the Lollards of higher rank, and even employed in his service some who were notoriously tainted with heresy.
But it can be shown, analytically or geometrically, that if the given curve has a node, the first polar passes through this node, which therefore counts as two intersections, and that if the curve has a cusp, the first polar passes through the cusp, touching the curve there, and hence the cusp counts as three intersections.
But if the given curve has a node, then not only the Hessian passes through the node, but it has there a node the two branches at which touch respectively the two branches of the curve; and the node thus counts as six intersections; so if the curve has a cusp, then the Hessian not only passes through the cusp, but it has there a cusp through which it again passes, that is, there is a cuspidal branch touching the cuspidal branch of the curve, and besides a simple branch passing through the cusp, and hence the cusp counts as eight intersections.
Again, when there is in question only one pair of points or lines, these, if coincident, must be real; thus, b line meets a cubic curve in three points, one of them real, and other two real or imaginary; but if two of the intersections coincide they must be real, and we have a line cutting a cubic in one real point and touching it in another real point.
If a line S2 cut an arc aa at b, so that the two segments ab, ba lie on opposite sides of the line, then projecting the figure so that the line Sl goes off to infinity, the tangent at b is projected into the asymptote, and the arc ab is projected into a hyperbolic leg touching the asymptote at one extremity; the arc ba will at the same time be projected into a hyperbolic leg touching the same asymptote at the other extremity (and on the opposite side), but so that the two hyperbolic legs may or may not belong to one and the same branch.
A profoundly touching impression was created throughout the whole world by the suicide of Gen.
From that gate the wall descended towards the Sea of Marmora, touching the water in the neighbourhood of the Seraglio lighthouse.
Besides, steamers go round the island, touching at nearly every port.
For seven years there was no communication between the two branches of the family, till at last, when Hypatius had become a Christian, Salvian wrote him a most touching letter in his own name, his wife's, and that of his little daughter Auspiciola, begging for the renewal of the old affection (Ep. iv.).
The literary efforts of young Ireland eventuated in another rebellion (1848); a revolutionary wave could not roll over Europe without touching the unlucky island.
This having no effect, he issued the most outspoken of his works, De septem ecclesiae statibus, in which he reviewed the work of the reforming councils of his time, and, without touching the question of doctrine, championed a drastic reform of life and practice of the church on the lines laid down at Constance and Basel.
In the high interior the climate resembles that of the temperate zones, although six-sevenths of the island are within the tropics; there is no intense heat, and it is quite cold, occasionally touching freezing point, during the nights of the cool season.
In the course of events he soon became involved in quarrels with the intendant touching questions of precedence, and with the ecclesiastics, one or two of whom ventured to criticize his proceedings.
The principal railway is the Great Northern, its main line touching the county in the S.W.
The touching letters of Galileo's eldest daughter, Sister Maria Celeste, to her father were printed in 1864 by Professor Carlo Arduini, in a publication entitled La Primogenita di Galileo Galilei.
In vain did Rib-Addi send touching appeals for aid to the distant Pharaoh, who was far too much engaged in his religious innovations to attend to such messages.
A curious fact, which may be used for the detection of the minutest quantity of oils and fats, is that camphor crushed between layers of paper without having been touched with the fingers rotates when thrown on clean water, the rotation ceasing immediately when a trace of oil or fat is added, such as introduced by touching the water with a needle which has been passed previously through the hair.
The supreme ecclesiastical authority is the consistory in Dessau; while a synod of 39 members, elected for six years, assembles at periods to deliberate on internal matters touching the organization of the church.
Alex said, a faint smile touching the corners of his mouth.
Unlike touching Czerno, whose dark memories had overwhelmed her just standing near him, Jonny had only one bad memory, that of his first kill that turned him from human to immortal.
While she could've bought anything and everything she wanted with the handful of money he'd give her, she found even the simple thoughtfulness of a scrunchie touching.
Damian looked at him, touching his thoughts long enough to realize Rainy had volunteered to take on the bodyguard assignment to the beautiful woman in his thoughts.
In my world, you'd be called an Oracle, one who can see a person's future by touching them.
She didn't relax until her plane was in the air, and only then was she able to loosen the muscles in her neck when she sat pressed against the window to prevent her elbow from touching the man beside her.
It was a very long night, a night of whispering secrets to strangers and sharing life stories and holding and thinking aloud and even some kissing and touching stuff—lots of stuff.
Your faith in him is touching – but totally naïve.
The Oracle wasn't intimidated by Xander; she wasn't about to let him disrupt her day, a thought he heard when they were touching.
His 2003 film Touching the Void earned worldwide acclaim for its gripping true account of two climbers ' perilous journey in the Peruvian Andes.
The touching up of the auctioneers ' image is a very amateurish thing.
When he is fishing bloodworm and joker he sometimes fishes with his bait just touching or slightly off of the bottom.
Check that none of the copper braid is touching the inner copper wire.
We are led to see ourselves touching his clammy magician's hands, and almost to imagine wiping the hair from his fevered brow.
Try touching the aerial onto the grid of the frequency changer on the affected band.
Barring some freak discovery, the story will remain as cryptic as it is touching.
For the last 5 years I have been touching up vehicles for auto dealerships.
Hilaire too was deeply touching as des Grieux; his good looks and innate dignity are perfect for the role.
We have the earth engulfed in darkness which in touching the surface of the earth touches the surface of water.
Touching ways such manong migrant farmworkers control of the.
They do absurd things like remove eyes, do therapy with colored lights, and remove severe pain by touching the forehead.
The films he produces are touching as well as being genuinely funny.
Such behavior may include undressing in public, fondling the genitals, or touching someone in an inappropriate way.
Just touching a cold milk bottle without using protective gloves can cause the fingers to go numb.
They were to implement a hammer moving across the screen, touching a gong, and a gong sound should then be made.
Some of the scenes were touching, others a little goofy.
She has been healed just by touching the hem of his cloak.
In the left-hand corner is a curious hieroglyphic like four crosses in a line with their arms touching.
In between waging class war and fighting imperialism, Ms German leads a rather touching crusade on behalf of the Routemaster bus.
The first is that by touching the leper Jesus himself breaks the law.
Is the reader supposed to ' drink ' the book or by touching it acquire or intuit its content through some psychic osmosis?
In a touching display of filial piety, she told me it's " a picture of your bottom, Daddy " .
For areas of extreme inflammation, try a witch hazel poultice or spray if touching cannot be tolerated.
In any matter touching church preferment you would of course be listened to.
Not that you need to have seen the prequel to enjoy this tender and touching story.
At last he said with an almost touching vagueness, " Well, I'm afraid you'll think it so prosy.
Don't engage in or allow any sexually provocative games involving or observed by children, whether based on talking or touching.
Next Exit is in turn humorous, touching surprising and emotionally resonant.
You can catch ringworm by touching people who are infected or by sharing things like combs or shoes.
Touching upon car ownership and use is politically sensitive the issue has been toned down.
The Regent singers, with whom she had been rehearsing, sang a touching anthem by John David called This is the New Day.
Thus being bit by a rattlesnake is what you get for touching a snakeskin.
A long, luminous sunbeam fell across the landing, touching the edge of her hair till it glimmered like bronze afire.
It also has its touching moments amid the exciting clashes of bronze swords.
It was touching as few TV shows can be, in that it touched a nerve few would see as vulnerable.
They involved the touching of a Koran during the normal performance of duty, " the press release said.
Everyone has something touching or amusing to say, but the movie maintains a feeling of being entirely natural and unscripted.
Not allow or engage in inappropriate touching of any form.
Richmond man in court A RICHMOND, Whitehaven, man is to face trial at Carlisle Crown Court over an alleged sexual touching.
Perhaps it is worth touching on some of it.
The simpler he keeps the lyrics the more touching they become.
Not so on ' Heartland ' tho, the vocal and guitar are both delicate and genuinely touching, the lyric is touching.
But at the center is a surprisingly touching story about a family trying to survive in the world.
The stories that these persons in care shared with me were wonderfully touching.
Luxuria, a deeply touching work bursting with emotion, falls squarely in the latter category.
However, he also seems genuinely fond of some of his subjects, which i found rather touching.
With a little imagination on your part you would be able to make a quite touching story out of it.
The soloists from Canterbury were of course first class, the boy treble especially touching the emotions.
With the trimmed edge touching the cake board carefully unroll against the sides of the cake.
Additionally a suspended walkway took visitors across the space without touching this ground.
Gently touching on themes of racism and ethnic cleansing, Untold Legends tells the tale of a kingdom overtaken by a monstrous warlord.
Others are touching, outrageous, sinister, inspiring, or downright weird.
Sibella takes the witness stand and gives a touching performance as the grieving widow.
This friendship appears to have decided Lydgate's career, and in his Troy-book and elsewhere are reverent and touching tributes to his "master."
In the sacrificial system of sin-offerings (Jhattath and'asham) we have to do with sin as ceremonial violation and neglect (frequently involuntary), or violation of holiness in the old sense of the term or as personal uncleanness (touching a corpse, eating unclean food, sexual impurity, &c.).
The minister of finance did, however, allude to it in his budget speech, (April 23, 1910), and stated that four destroyers purchased in Germany had been paid for from the national subscription only, without touching the ordinary state revenues.
On the annexation of Piedmont to France in 1796, a touching compliment was paid to him in the person of his aged father.
There, owing to measures taken in 1565-1566 to enforce clerical subscription to the authorized order of worship, especially touching vestments, certain persons of humble station began to assemble in houses " for preaching and ministering the sacraments " (Grindal's Remains, lxi.).
Thus, if an elastic metal slip or a pig's bristle be attached to one prong of a tuningfork, and if the fork, while in vibration, is moved rapidly over a glass plate coated with lamp-black, the attached style touching the plate lightly, a wavy line will be traced on the plate answering to the vibrations to and fro of the FIG.
While he was in the bath two " ancient and grave knights " attended him " to inform, instruct and counsel him touching the order and feats of chivalry," and when they had fulfilled their mission they poured some of the water of the bath over his shoulders, signing the left shoulder with the cross, and retired.
Thus the table of social precedence attached to the Cochin report shows that while a Nayar can pollute a man of a higher caste only by touching him, people of the Kammalan group, including masons, blacksmiths, carpenters and workers in leather, pollute at a distance of 24 ft., toddy-drawers at 36 ft., Pulayan or Cheruman cultivators at 48 ft., while in the case of the Paraiyan (Pariahs) who eat beef the range of pollution is no less than 64 ft."In this bewildering maze of social grades and class distinctions, the Brahman, as will have been seen, continues to hold the dominant position, being respected and even worshipped by all the others."
Yes, there it was, all quivering in the warm sunshine, its blossom-laden branches almost touching the long grass.
If any one whom she is touching laughs at a joke, she laughs, too, just as if she had heard it.
It was touching and beautiful to see Helen enjoy her first Christmas.
One hand moved as if to clutch the window sill, but refrained from touching it.
It was pleasant and touching to see these little girls in love; but apparently the sight of them roused no pleasant feeling in Vera.
She said the count had died as she would herself wish to die, that his end was not only touching but edifying.
But Anatole's expression, though his eyes were fixed on her, referred not to her but to the movements of Mademoiselle Bourienne's little foot, which he was then touching with his own under the clavichord.
But, my dear, will you not give us a little hope of touching this heart, so kind and generous?
And the talkative Dolgorukov, turning now to Boris, now to Prince Andrew, told how Bonaparte wishing to test Markov, our ambassador, purposely dropped a handkerchief in front of him and stood looking at Markov, probably expecting Markov to pick it up for him, and how Markov immediately dropped his own beside it and picked it up without touching Bonaparte's.
Alley! said the Cossack, touching the prisoner's arm to make him go on.
Though they were all going with him, Anatole evidently wished to make something touching and solemn out of this address to his comrades.
Now he rode beside Ilyin under the birch trees, occasionally plucking leaves from a branch that met his hand, sometimes touching his horse's side with his foot, or, without turning round, handing a pipe he had finished to an hussar riding behind him, with as calm and careless an air as though he were merely out for a ride.
Again he honored him by touching his ear.
That old man noticed a face thrust out of the carriage window gazing at them, and respectfully touching Pierre's elbow said something to him and pointed to the carriage.
Having repeated these words the captain wiped his eyes and gave himself a shake, as if driving away the weakness which assailed him at this touching recollection.
With a rapid but careful movement Natasha drew nearer to him on her knees and, taking his hand carefully, bent her face over it and began kissing it, just touching it lightly with her lips.
Pierre was seized by a sense of horror and repulsion such as he had experienced when touching some nasty little animal.
Napoleon or I, said the Emperor, touching his breast.
Now you've curled up and got warm, you daughter of a bitch! said Karataev, touching the dog that lay at his feet, and again turning over he fell asleep immediately.
N'ayez pas peur, on ne vous fera pas de mal, * he added shyly and affectionately, touching the boy's hand.
Feel the pulsation touching the sun, moon and stars.
With her most recent work getting rave reviews, Mary is touching the sky.
The disk ends with Hope 's touching solo rendition of Ravel 's Kaddish, the Jewish prayer for the dead.
The Regent Singers, with whom she had been rehearsing, sang a touching anthem by John David called This is the New Day.
His touching soliloquy at the end showed a man still puzzled by his continuing inability to ever see anything more than the facts.
Touching or tampering with the vehicle will almost certainly be an offense.
They involved the touching of a Koran during the normal performance of duty, the press release said.
But reading all the touching tributes from all your friends here, I wish I had.
A humorous, touching tale by the author of The Wind in the Willows.
Pastoral pipes and acoustic guitar combine in this beautiful song with touching lyrics.
Jeff Feuerzeig 's The Devil and Daniel Johnston is a touching portrait of the eponymous American musician and artist.
A touching and sensitive book on the unbending determination and strength of Chinese women living under extremely challenging conditions.
Sample Turning the Pages BL computer interactive turn the pages of a book unroll a scroll by touching the screen.
The Raven - Visually vanish a coin from a spectators hand without touching it !
Think about the five senses-hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, and touching.
The training usually focuses on cuddling, eye to eye communication, facial expressions, and of course gentle, rhythmic touching.
Towel quality is usually easy to judge by simply touching the fabric and observing the weave.
There is nothing like actually touching and handling beads of various sizes and types to get a feel for the medium.
Described as "touching, beautiful, fun and engaging," this game was called "the reason I play video games" by IGN editor Greg Miller.
Many people prefer to drink Daiquiris through a straw so they don't warm the drink by touching the glass, and only very fine bits of ice will make it through an average-sized straw.
When you sit in them you are almost touching the ground.
Additionally, the battery and charging system are all designed to prevent accidental touching, shorting or leaking.
When treating any herpes lesion, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with warm soapy water and dry them before touching anything else.
He collected dewdrops from the plants and believed that the sun's rays, passing through the morning dew and touching the plant, imbued the dew with the plant's energy essences.
Make sure the herbs aren't touching each other; if they are they may stick together.
Prepare by setting the pieces you're going to stain up on benches or wooden horses, touching as few spots as possible.
Don't bother touching them up with paint.
Deemed feminine and sensual, it claims to leave your skin incredibly moisturized, smooth, silky, and ready for touching.
Pressed minerals also typically come in a convenient compact form, which makes it ideal for women on the go, traveling, and touching up makeup away from home.
Photographers can use camera features just by touching the screen, instead of using menu guides, buttons and controls for choosing items.
Simmer the water over low heat, making sure that the bottom of the bowl or double boiler isn’t touching the water.
You can also design the kit from their baby's perspective, touching their hearts in a sweet and sensitive way.
However, you want to avoid touching the glue dots with your fingers, since the oil on your hands will make them less tacky.
This stance is where you stand with your skis in a pizza wedge position with the tips slightly touching.
Touching the bar of wax with the base of the iron is the easiest way to do this.
When the game begins, all of the players try to get everyone else to touch the object, without touching the object themselves.
Creating blended family wedding vows is a touching and personal way to share the joining of not just two people, but of an entire family.
This can be very easy if you simply opt to use traditional wedding invitation wording, not touching upon the theme of the ceremony itself.
Often the father daughter dance follows the first dance and is a touching moment for the bride and her father to share, and at some receptions, she will also dance with her new father-in-law.
The person telling the lie does not feel the response on a conscious level, but does react to it by touching his or her nose.
People who are lying tend to touch their face, mouth and throat, but avoid touching their heart or chest.
Touching feet, adjusting clothing and fidgeting are also behaviors of someone who might be lying.
Position the cupcakes to the upper right and left of the cake, just touching it.
The most "scandalous" of the pictures that surfaced were of Cyrus and a friend eating a piece of licorice Lady and the Tramp style, except the two girls don't end up touching lips.
Soon, you've gone weeks without touching your research and you're hopelessly behind.
Applicants begin by touching base with our Assistant Director of Admissions for the Master of Arts program to discuss their educational goals and to get a better understanding of the admissions process.
Static shock style collars deliver a zap that is similar to touching metal after you've walked on carpet--uncomfortable, but not really life threatening.
Just as you derive comfort from touching your dog, so will your dog derive his greatest comfort from being with the person who means the most to him.
Get the dog to sit in your lap or next to you and begin by touching his feet.
While the grinder is running, pick up one of your dog's paws and start touching his nails as you would if you were going to trim them.
The hardier varieties are admirable for artistic gardening, their fine forms being very effective when tastefully grouped on the fringe of beds of choice bushes and when touching and seeming to spring out of the grass.
It starts to look dull when it is ripe, and the area touching the ground turns yellow.
Take a look at the garden area you want to grow vegetables in first thing in the morning, and write down whether or not the sun is actually touching the ground.
Rubber mulch prevents sunlight from touching the weed seeds and also creates an unfriendly barrier for searching weed roots looking to retain a foothold.
The legs should be touching the plaster or drywall.
And while you won't want to have that fiberglass on an area you are prone to touching, the lack of insulation can be a major problem in some homes.
Piercing artists advise against touching the piercing until fully healed.
If you're touching these peppers with your hands, be sure to wear gloves.
Full-length coat hems may range from touching the knees to falling about one to two inches above the ankle.
A-line skirts are fitted at the waist and begin to flare slightly barely touching the hips.
You will need to avoid touching it with your hands, since this will reduce the level of UV output the bulb will give off.
Quote books are filled with meaningful and touching quotes having to do with the lives of older individuals.
Framed personalized poems are touching and hang on the wall.
As a rule of thumb, you should wash your hands in warm, soapy water before touching your lenses.
To care for your lenses, always wash your hands before touching them to take them out or put them in.
When three or more of the same color block are touching either horizontally or vertically, you click anywhere in that group to blow them up.
In Drafting you have to get behind your opponent and follow them closely without touching or hitting them.
Over the past few months, Nintendo has treated us to many new games for their portable "touching is good" system.
After touching a fire flower, his overalls became white and his shirt turned red.
Have your puppy sit, either by using the trick above or by touching him and motioning down with your stylus.
Have your dog sit and then lay down, either with the tricks above or by touching and motioning downward with the stylus.
Grab your dog's tail by touching it with the stylus and wag it back and forth.
Simply click on one colored ball, and then click on any ball that is touching it to swap the two.
The winner of the swordsmen competition has the privilege of touching the ancient Picori sword, a relic that seals evil powers inside a treasure chest.
Their marketing campaign, "Touching is good", was aggressive and largely successful.
In games such as Yoshi Touch and Go, players actually draw platforms, toss eggs and manipulate the world around Yoshi by touching the screen.
And by directly touching, not using a symbolic button for an action.
Without venturing into the realm of spoilers, let me just say that hers is one of the most touching and heartfelt journeys even seen in an RPG.
The best way to go about doing this is to group your wine glasses together and make sure the bowls are touching.
A stem, particularly on a white wine glass, to hold the glass without warming the wine by touching the bowl.
Allergic disease arises in the sensitive child from either acute or chronic exposure to certain allergens by inhaling, ingesting, or touching them.
In other words, a child can catch a rotavirus infection if she puts her finger in her mouth after touching toys or things that have been contaminated by the stool of another infected child.
When a baby or child has a cold sore, parents should do all they can to keep them from touching their eyes.
Touching them this way induces them to resume breathing.
The swab is removed gently without touching the teeth, gums, or tongue.
Rooting reflex is stimulated by touching a finger to the infant's cheek or the corner of the mouth.
Stepping reflex is observed by holding the infant in an upright position and touching one foot lightly to a flat surface, such as the bed.
Keep cooked foods separate from raw foods and avoid touching cooked foods with knives or other utensils that have been used with raw meat.
Not touching or rubbing the eyes with the hands, especially if they are unwashed, can also prevent styes.
During the latter half of the first year, they begin exploring and testing objects before grabbing, touching them with an entire hand and, eventually, poking them with an index finger.
Toddlers also add a new dimension to touching and manipulating objects by simultaneously being able to name them.
Examples of complex motor tics include such gestures as jumping, squatting, making motions with the hands, twirling around when walking, touching or smelling an object repeatedly, and holding the body in an unusual position.
People with phantom tics experience temporary relief from the tic by touching or scratching the object involved.
Some children harm themselves deliberately by self-cutting or self-hitting, while others hurt themselves unintentionally by touching or handling lighted matches, razor blades, or other dangerous objects.
It includes, among other things, sexual touching and penetration, persuading a child to expose his or her sexual organs, and allowing a child to view pornography.
In creeping the infant is prone, with the abdomen touching the floor, and the head and shoulders supported with the weight borne on the elbows.
Healthcare providers and patients should always wash their hands thoroughly with warm water and soap after treating a staph infection or touching an open wound or the pus it produces.
Another method, called kangaroo care, entails placing a medically stable, diaper-clad premature infant on a parent's chest for periods of time so that the parent and child are touching skin-to-skin.
Children and adolescents can be instructed on safety and strangers and inappropriate touching, and the importance of telling parents about any uncomfortable situation.
Rubbing a runny nose and then touching food can introduce the bacteria into cooked food.
Some males and females enjoy touching, rubbing, or pinching their nipples while masturbating, and both sexes also sometimes use lubricants, such as hand lotion, to improve the sensation.
More common problems associated with doctor visits are dealing with fears babies have of strangers touching them, and managing the child's pain from vaccinations.
Compulsions usually involve repetitive rituals such as excessive washing (especially hand washing or bathing), cleaning, checking and touching, counting, arranging, and/or hoarding.
It is important to teach these students using all the senses-hearing, touching, writing, and speaking-through a multi-sensory program.
Touching, stroking, and talking, and, later, massaging are encouraged during frequent parental visits to the nursery.
In addition, there have been a few cases where workers have developed Listeria skin infections by touching infected calves or poultry.
It usually appears within 48 hours after touching or brushing against a substance to which the skin is sensitive.
In older cats, petting-induced aggression is often a sign that the cat feels pain from touching or pressure on arthritic joints in its neck or back.
Step right with the right foot, "collecting" it by bringing it towards the left but not touching the floor, then moving it to the right side and placing it on the ground.
To try the low version, keep your arms rounded and lower them until your arms are almost touching your legs.
The other step, the "retro hustle," is basically the same kind of step, but with the foot doing the "touch" crossing over the planted foot and touching the floor on the outside (instead of the inside) before moving back.
The woman holds the man's left hand with her right, and their elbows come very close to touching.
Especially if this is the first time you have met the person, touching them might seem awkward.
The more sensual parts of the dances were developed in the mid-1800s, including body rolls and touching the navel, which were immediately denounced as sinful by Portuguese clergy.
If there will be a wake or viewing, designer caskets can make the ceremony extra special and touching.
Furthermore, tweezing is great for touching up any stray hairs, giving every woman the ability to perfect her look with a simple pluck.
Plan on touching up your style in between washings with your iron.
It is quite common among school-aged children (and their family members), since children tend to have fewer inhibitions about sharing products and touching one another's heads.
Arranging a hair donation to cancer patients can be a touching way to show support for a loved one with cancer or it can be an admirable service project to arrange to help worthwhile organizations.
Young children learn best by touching, seeing, and hearing.
Mom lying on her side, with her significant other sitting behind her, touching her tummy.
Another can be with all of them touching Mom's belly with one hand, while the other embraces Mom or other brothers and sisters.
Another thing to consider about barrier methods is that they require you to be comfortable touching your own genitals.
The style is looser, the sleeves are longer than most (usually touching the elbows) as well as much wider, and they tend to dip low in the back, creating an enticing back view.
Board shorts for girls are usually modest, touching down to the knee or just below.
A discussion all about vitamins and their benefits would not be complete without touching on this vital nutrient.
The lower end of the sari should be touching the floor.
The filtration system is unique in that the "Easy Empty" canister permits you to change the filter without ever touching the dirt.
As you progress, reduce the amount of pressure you place on the cutter until you're just lightly touching it near the end.
Each card tells how much the player will "earn" if they successfully remove the part with the tweezers without touching the sides of the opening from which the part is being removed.
The candle is lit by touching the end of the wick using a catalyst with a flame, such as a match or a lighter.
Present the need of your organization and include a short, yet touching story telling of a time your group helped out another.
With crayons, markers and colored pencils as well as paper and a sharpener, your child will have fun passing the time using his kit and creating touching pieces of art to help commemorate the day.
Like all influenza strains, H1N1 spreads through direct human contact, including through sneezes and coughs as well as picking up the virus from infected surfaces and then touching your nose or mouth.
These gifts can have some surprising and touching advantages that you should explore before you choose another option.
The only thing more touching than the popular holiday song featured on the card is the delightful squirrel running around your computer screen collecting jingle bells like they were acorns.
Look for positive signals from the other person, like touching, turning towards you, moving in.
Touching with your hands is another indicator of feelings.
A common self-caress that signals intimacy is touching your hair, ears, and neck.
Often in Hispanic culture, hugs and other casual touching is common among acquaintances and not a sexual advance.
It's called self touching, and women tend to do it when they are around a guy they like.
She has to see the whole experience, being naked, touching her partner and ensuring she does not get pregnant as wonderful and exciting.
Eye contact, smiling, touching on the arm and laughing are all skills for flirting.
And what's with the constant face touching?
However, there are other clues including laughing at his jokes, lightly touching him, good eye contact, and leaning in when talking with him.
If you know the person well enough, and it is appropriate to do so, lightly touching his or her arm while you are conversing is another effective way of expressing interest through body language.
The laughing will make you feel better, and the touching may lead to more intimacy.
If he isn't touching you, he will at least try to be near you.
People from the southern part of China and the Mediterranean will stand almost touching nose to nose while talking with someone.
A soft swap occurs when the watchers begin to participate by kissing and touching others' partners.
Women and men show their affection similarly in personal space, touching, and eye contact.
However, that is not the case because animated ones are cute, touching and some funny.
This website is easy to use and has some of the most touching ones to send.
While not every man or woman is a poet, it's amazing how sweet and touching a simple children's poem can be.
A book (or even a word document) of reasons why you love your partner can be one of the most touching and romantic gifts of all.
Simply inviting a tongue kiss by opening your own mouth during a kiss, or by lightly touching your partner's with the tip of your tongue, will give them a chance to respond with whether they like it or not.
Touching is a greater invasion of personal space and it should only be attempted if you're first casual invasion was well-received.
Sometimes it can be as simple as a hug or touching a girl's arm in a conversation.
It's amazing what a little role play and touching can do for a relationship.
Once you've started talking to your crush on a regular basis, you may want to start touching him.
Sensual touching can be a very useful method for establishing or renewing intimacy in any relationship.
The act of sensual touching, though, adds another dimension to the act of reaching out and making contact.
That is because sensual touching requires the full attention of the one touching towards the one touched.
Some touching can be inadvertently sensuous - the brushing of hair off of your lover's cheek, for example, or the feeling of a gentle hand at the small of your back as you go through a door first.
However, to get the full benefit of sensual touching with your lover, it's best to have a plan first.
The whole point of this kind of touching is for both parties to enjoy themselves - and that can't happen if physical comfort boundaries aren't fully understood by both parties.
Make sure the person touching knows what parts of the body are ok to explore with his/her hands, and which parts might be overstepping boundaries.
In order to really enjoy sensual touching, you need to be able to give your mind over to the experience of physical contact, of hands touching body, perhaps of skin meeting skin.
Remember that both partners deserve thanks after a time of sensual touching.
The idea is that the ring binds two lovers together through the words touching the skin.
You'll often find him touching these treasures and marveling over the craftsmanship.
If left touching a hot light bulb for long enough, the heat could potentially start a fire.
NeuroSky created a character to look like Star War's Darth Vader who can turn his saber light or wand on and off without touching it.
Some museums have a space designated for touching, while others are entirely kid-friendly.
Still, director Ang Lee's (The Hulk, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) touching story in Brokeback Mountain is doing just that.
Others may work by touching the hand of the person or holding a personal article of that person, such as a piece of clothing.
In the 1980s, a group of college girls were huddled in a circle in the middle of a dorm room using a Ouija board, their fingers just barely touching the planchette as it slid around the board in a lazy figure eight motion.
With just the two girls touching the planchette, it moved more slowly, but eventually it dragged itself to the bottom of the board and over the word "GOODBYE".
The thought of some invisible entity touching her, even in the form of a plastic device, did not sit well.
Psychometry is the ability to read the history of an object by touching the object.
Many people make the claim that the movement of the pointer is the result of the vibration of people touching the it.
When more than one person is touching the planchette, it is considered a collective ideomotor action.
There are accounts of the planchette moving across the board without anyone touching it.
Psychometry is the ability to receive information that can include all of the senses by simply touching an object or person without the intensity an empath experiences.
For example, the empath may unknowingly use psychometry abilities to receive information simply by touching a person or object.
Instead, he lets his creative streak run wild, designing everything from flat boots to stiletto-heeled boots and touching them all with either a hint or plenty of faux fur.
Touching up a faded design can breathe new life into your artwork while providing the opportunity to change some of the colors in your design.
Always wash your hands thoroughly before touching your fresh tattoo.
From here there were some added shades and touching up of other areas.
While prison tattoos are normally the only option for body art within cell walls, many recipients of prison tattoos find their designs need professional touching up and redesign if and when they are released back into society.
Wash your hands before touching your piercing.
While your belly button piercing is healing, avoid touching it with dirty hands.
Within each section created by those lines was a T shape, base pointing inward without touching the circle.
This symbol dates back to the Knights Hospitaller and is comprised of four V-shaped arms with the narrow ends touching to make up the center of the cross.
If you can't get to a restroom on a regular basis, then use hand sanitizer, and avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
Some Caribbean destinations are better suited to adults, and touching down at one of these island hot spots, kids in tow, can be a real vacation bummer.
Your mind should wander over each portion of your body as if you are literally touching it.
Stretch the head forward, touching the forehead on the mat.
Lie prone on the floor, stretching the legs back with the tops of the feet touching the yoga mat.
Stand with feet almost touching one another, toes pointing forward, and palms together at the chest.
The pose is practiced by touching the tips of the middle finger and thumb together.
Surya Ravi Mudra is practiced by touching the tips of the ring finger and the thumb together.
Touching the right index finger and the left middle finger.
Right ring finger touching left pinky finger.
Bend your knees to your chest, touching your thighs to your abdomen.
Lift your head, touching your nose to your knees.
Grab your ankles, pull up with your hands, and using your legs, push until only your stomach is touching the floor.
Touching a variety of materials helps her become accustomed to the way things feel against her skin.
Always keep these within touching distance of your leg under the table.
For example, if you use a communal kitchen, be sure to wash your hands after touching appliance handles, buttons on a soda machine, or other surfaces.
Allow the fabric paint to dry for a day or two before touching and at least 72 hours before washing.
No more vegetables "touching each other." I kept it simple, and saved the omelets for the mornings.
No more vegetables "touching each other."
Lace your arms behind your head and lift your head, shoulders and back, touching your chin to your knees before lowering yourself again.
Lie face down with your elbows touching the floor, next to your chest.
Then, squat down until your butt is almost touching the floor.
Your back knee should be nearly touching the floor.
Your left knee should be nearly touching the floor.
Another option is to add oblique twists, where you use the spare arm to alternate between touching the floor and stretching straight up.
Grip the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width, so that your forearms are touching the outside of your thighs.
If you're a beginner, you may want to start with your knees touching the floor instead of your toes.
However, you exercise by reaching down and touching alternate heels.
Place your hands on your hips with your palms touching your hips.
Slowly, lower them to your chest without touching.
Slowly lower your body to the floor without touching.
To begin, step into the center of your hula hoop and pull it up to waist level, with the hoop touching your back.
The closed-grip push up is one example of a modification that will place the challenge on your triceps.In this modification, you will place your palms flat on the floor, with your thumbs touching in a diamond-like shape.
Inhale as you bend your elbows, lowering your body so it is almost touching your support.
While leaning slightly back, extend your legs out in front of you without touching the floor.
Stand next to a wall with your right side almost touching the wall.
Touch the cone, then slide to your right, touching the far right cone.
Immediately slide all the way to the left, touching the far left cone.
Slide back to the center, touching the center cone, then backpedal back to the starting position.
These special plates have segregated areas to keep your different bites from touching each other, which is particularly useful when you are dealing with raw and cooked meats.
First bra shopping stories can range from the poignant and touching to the amusing and disastrous.
Tension between the band members squeezed and molded the music they produced, resulting in some of the most touching, terrifying and mind-blowing songs you are ever likely to hear.
The touching acoustic ballad was inspired by the death of his 4-year-old son and aches with intense sadness and reflection.
It's a touching sentiment but also a musical masterpiece by one of the most talented artists the genre has ever seen.
Without touching the blindfolded player, kids who aren't blindfolded can give directions and help him get closer when he misses.
While dancing to Caribbean or Hawaiian style music, participants try to dance under a horizontal pole without touching it or falling to the floor.
The winner is whoever goes the lowest without touching the stick or falling onto the floor while going under the limbo stick.
Sometimes the show lets you see some touching moments as the brides and their fiancés go on dates or have a romantic moment.
Oftentimes the participants have touching personal stories that facilitate the need for a makeover, while sometimes those involved are nominated by friends or family.
When families were reunited, they met up underneath the symbolic "family tree," a large tree that Find My Family used as a gimmick to try and add meaning to these already touching scenes.
Not all hair dyes can be covered but if they can it will prevent you from accidentally touching your head during the dying process.
According to the directions, permethrin helps prevent insects from even touching clothing for as much as several weeks after application.
Excessive face touching can encourage the growth of bacteria and cause infection to the areas that are prone to adult acne.
If you are scratching or touching the areas often, it's a good idea to apply sterile gauze to prevent further irritation of the burn.
Avoid picking or touching existing blemishes to prevent marks from forming.
Always wash your hands with soap and water before touching your facial skin.
This prevents you from touching or picking at it and may help heal the sore.
The original insignia of the Department of Civil Defense had a blue circle with a white triangle in the center, touching the edges of the circle at its tips.
At the moment, she wasn't sure whether she found all his concern touching or insulting.
Your concern is touching, but I know I can rely on my friends here in the wagon.
A large chest invited, and she knelt, touching the lid.
Yet it was touching and somehow personal.
He leaned down and kissed her cheek softly and she rolled her head, finally touching his lips briefly with hers.