Touches Sentence Examples
Clara was putting the finishing touches on her map when Megan approached the counter.
Muscular and dark-skinned, Tamer was hunched over the table in the center of the room, putting the final magic touches on a new compass.
Such a vascular cylinder is called a haplostele, and the axis containing it is said to be haplostelic. In the stele of the root the strands of tracheids along the lines where the xylem touches the pericycle are spiral or annular, and are the xylem elements first formed when the cylinder is developing.
His narrative breaks off in the middle of 1141, though he added some finishing touches in 1142.
She is able not only to distinguish with great accuracy the different undulations of the air and the vibrations of the floor made by various sounds and motions, and to recognize her friends and acquaintances the instant she touches their hands or clothing, but she also perceives the state of mind of those around her.
It flickered on for her, and she correlated their coordinates with two touches.
Without these bold touches of color, creativity and ingenuity, the costumes would be incomplete.
Pay close attention if a guy touches you--especially if he does so more than others.
Deidre's insides were shaking already from the touches.
Moreover, whatever the lovers of the fine arts may say, it is nearly certain that the " Bewick Collector " is mistaken in attaching so high a value to these old editions, for owing to the want of skill in printing - indifferent ink being especially assigned as one cause - many of the earlier issues fail to show the most delicate touches of the engraver, which the increased care bestowed upon the edition of 1847 (published under the supervision of John Hancock) has revealed - though it must be admitted that certain blocks have suffered from wear of the press so as to be incapable of any more producing the effect intended.
AdvertisementTwo long eulogistic addresses and most of the brief apostrophes to the emperor are from a later hand, which has added some dualistic touches.
To the centre of this membrane is attached a small feather-fibre, which, when the reflector is suitably placed, touches lightly the surface of the revolving cylinder.
The Old Testament, however, only prepares the way for the Christian doctrine of the atonement; this is clear, inasmuch as its teaching is largely concerned with the nation, and hardly touches on the future life.
But the finishing touches to the new race were supplied by the great expulsion of Lao-Tai from south-west China by Kublai Khan in A.D.
So too, in his English in Ireland (1872-1874), which was written to show the futility of attempts to conciliate the Irish, he aggravates all that can be said against the Irish, touches too lightly on English atrocities,and writes unjustly of the influence of Roman Catholicism.
AdvertisementGrew says that "when the attire or apices break or open, the globules or dust falls down on the seedcase or uterus, and touches it with a prolific virtue."
Henry Hudson discovered the island in 1607 and called it Hudson's Tutches or Touches.
Its south-eastern frontier on the Pamirs is undetermined except where it touches the Russian dominions.
He therefore issues the work to satisfy their desires, although, he states, it is manifest that it would have seen the light in a far more perfect state if his father could have put the finishing touches to it; and he mentions that, in the opinion of the best judges, his father possessed, among other most excellent gifts, in the highest degree the power of explaining the most difficult matters by a certain and easy method in the fewest possible words.
Prayers and other formulas have been copied down by Sahagun and other chroniclers, of endless prolixity, but not without occasional touches of pathos.
AdvertisementThese characteristics reappear (accompanied, however, by frequent touches of the epigrammatic power above mentioned, which seems to have come to Thiers more readily as an orator or a journalist than as an historian) in his speeches, which after his death were collected in many volumes by his widow.
And it is easy to see how from this position Schelling was led on to the further statements that not in the rational conception of God is an explanation of existence to be found, nay, that all rational conception extends but to the form, and touches not the real - that God is to be conceived as act, as will, as something over and above the rational conception of the divine.
In front of the Brazos and the Colorado, the largest of the Texan rivers, the coast-line is very gently bowed forward, as if by delta growth, and the sea touches the mainland in a nearly straight shore line.
The author's own carelessness may be to blame, or, as in the case of Virgil and Lucan, he may not have been allowed to put the finishing touches to his work.
No doubt, however, he went on writing and rewriting well into the last period of his life; for example, the recently discovered 'Ath i valwv 7roXtreia mentions on the one hand (c. 54) the archonship of Cephisophon (329-328), on the other hand (c. 46) triremes and quadriremes but without quinqueremes, which first appeared at Athens in 325-324; and as it mentions nothing later it probably received its final touches between 329 and 324.
AdvertisementThe Vistula touches the province on the south-east, and receives a few small tributaries from it, while on the west the Spree and Black Elster belong to the system of the Elbe.
Ajmere is almost totally devoid of rivers, the Banas being the only stream which can be dignified with that name, and it only touches the south-eastern boundary of the district so as to irrigate the pargana of Samur.
Indeed, the velocity must be far greater than this where the edge or corner of one lump touches the side of another, and the only room for the passage of this enormous quantity of gas is that left by the roughness and irregularity of the individual lumps.
The story is well told; the digressions are few; and there are many touches of domestic life and natural sympathy.
The central authority in the United States, formerly almost unheard of by the average citizen, now touches him in many of the activities of life and sometimes intrudes even into the domain of local self-government.
Lysias excels in vivid description; he has also a happy knack of marking the speaker's character by light touches.
No public man of his time was more fitted to act as unofficial national orator; none more happy in the touches with which he could adorn a social or literary topic and charm a nonpolitical audience; and on occasion he wrote as well as he spoke.
It also follows that a line half-way between a point and its polar and parallel to the latter touches the parabola, and therefore the lines joining the middle points of the sides of a self-conjugate triangle form a circumscribing triangle, and also that the ninepoint circle of a self-conjugate triangle passes through the focus.
The southern point touches the Coastal Plain Belt at its northward extension called the "Mississippi Embayment."
The eastern touches the ports of Kolding, Fredericia, Vejle, Horsens, Aarhus, Randers, Aalborg on Limfjord, Frederikshavn and Skagen.
The pitch was then melted away from the front of the embossed relief, and applied in a similar way to the back, so that the modelling could be completed on the face of the relief, the final touches being given by the graver.
From near the Dorah pass (14,800 ft.), which connects Chitral with the Panja (or Oxus) river, a long, straight, snow-clad spur reaches southwards, which divides the Kafiristan valley of Bashgol from that of Chitral, and this continues to denote the eastern limits of Afghanistan till it nearly touches the Chitral river opposite the village of Arnawai, m.
From the abutment of the Hindu Kush on the Sarikol in the Pamir regions to Landi Kotal, and throughout its eastern and southern limits, the boundary of Afghanistan touches districts which were brought under British political control with the formation of the North-West Frontier Provinces of India in 1901.
Systematische Philosophie (1907), is excellent, and touches on quite modern developments.
Thus the Church touches and controls all realms of life, and the cycle is complete.
To this end he "added some touches where surviving tradition seemed to contain trustworthy additional particulars," such as the statement that Paul taught in the lecture-room of Tyrannus " from the fifth to the tenth hour."
It possesses thi property that the radius of gyration about any diameter is half thi distance between the two tangents which are parallel to that diameter, In the case of a uniform triangular plate it may be shown that thi momental ellipse at G is concentric, similar and similarly situatec to the ellipse which touches the sides of the triangle at their middle points.
The herpolhode curve in the fixed plane is obviously confined between two concentric circles which it alternately touches; it is not in general a re-entrant curve.
Hence the path will be confined between two horizontal circles which it touches alternately, and the direction of motion is never horizontal except at these circles.
The line T on the surface bbb has for the instant no velocity it a direction perpendicular to AB; becau2e for the instant it touches, without sliding, the line T on the fixed surface aaa.
The side on which it touches that circle B C is determined by the fact that the obliquity A of the reaction is such as to oppose the A rotation.
Whatever he touches, lies already dead on the dissecting table, and his skill is that of the analytical pathologist.
It touches at its south-eastern extremity the government of St Petersburg, includes the northern half of Lake Ladoga, and is separated from the Russian governments of Arkhangelsk and Olonets by a sinuous line which follows, roughly speaking, the water-parting between the rivers flowing into the Baltic Sea and the White Sea.
When this preparation is completed, the whole is covered up by a somewhat stouter sheet, which forms a protection to the whole making-ready, but which can easily he lifted should it be necessary to give any finishing touches to it before beginning to run.
From Astara eastwards the boundary is formed by the shore of the Caspian until it touches the Bay of Hassan Kul north of As arabad.
Though, unlike Cyrus and Cambyses, Darius made no new expeditions of conquest, yet a great empire, which is not bounded The wars by another equally great, but touches on many small against tribes and independent communities, is inevitably Greece.
The picture drawn may be a caricature, or a misrepresentation of the fact - as that of the father of Demosthenes, " blear-eyed with the soot of the glowing mass," &c. - but it is, with rare exceptions, realistically conceived, and it is brought before us with the vivid touches of a Defoe or a Swift, or of the great pictorial satirist of the 18th century, Hogarth.
Occasionally even there are touches of humour and of trenchant satire - always the sign of an honest writer.
Here and there there are touches of the latter, as in the portrait of Quintessence, but passion is everywhere absent - an absence for which the comic structure and plan of the book do not by any means supply a complete explanation.
That he felt the beauties of nature keenly is certain, and he frequently touches them with obvious appreciation.
In the simple arts of broiling and roasting meat, the use of hides and furs for covering, the plaiting of mats and baskets, the devices of hunting, trapping and fishing, the pleasure taken in personal ornament, the touches of artistic decoration on objects of daily use, the savage differs in degree but not in kind from the civilized man.
In the orchestral ballad, La Belle Dame sans Merci, he touches the note of weird pathos, and in the nautical overture Britannia his sense of humour stands revealed.
In this work,, with a true insight into the relative importance of things, he passed over with a few strong broad touches the antiquarian discussions on the origins of the city, on which previous historians.
It will readily be understood how the like considerations apply to other cases, - for instance, if the line is a tangent at an inflection, passes through a crunode, or touches one of the branches of a crunode, &c.; thus, if the line S2 passes through a crunode we have pairs of hyperbolic legs belonging to two parallel asymptotes.
The two legs of a hyperbolic branch may belong to different asymptotes, and in this case we have the forms which Newton calls inscribed, circumscribed, ambigene, &c.; or they may belong to the same asymptote, and in this case we have the serpentine form, where the branch cuts the asymptote, so as to touch it at its two extremities on opposite sides, or the conchoidal form, where it touches the asymptote on the same side.
The severity of the treatise is relieved by characteristic touches of humour, and by quaint anecdotes and allusions furnished from his wide reading and perfect memory.
From the time the sheaves of wheat are tumbled into the wagon until the flour reaches the hands of the cook, no hand touches the wheat that passes through the great Minneapolis mills.
Terrific thunderstorms are also common at that period; waterspouts are sometimes seen; and as the Indian Ocean cyclone region touches the eastern coast, hurricanes occur every few years, at rare intervals ascending into the interior highland.
Nay, his complexion shows that Venus touches Libra.
No one touches my Guardian!
Don't let him into this house when I'm not here — and if he ever so much as touches you in a way you don't like, tell me.
Focusing hard on not letting him affect her, she continued her game of seduction, teasing him with looks, touches, whispers, until Darian's body was rigid and his turmoil had melted into lust intense enough to make his eyes glow.
I will definitely need to use the carbon arc brazing attachment on my arc welder for some fine touches on outer wing.
A young brunette goes into the doctor's office and says that her body hurts wherever she touches it.
Frank Skinner is putting the finishing touches to an old Gypsy caravan in the Bull Inn's yard.
The touches are seldom light, or delicate; the brush is heavy, the color loaded; the picture appears a gross caricature.
What is the realistic chance that this technology touches off another wave of crime against airlines?
This new kind of PIM touches rich product and features data that can drive pervasive commerce.
Broken is often a frustrating read in that each chapter requires contemplation due to the thought-provoking themes it touches upon.
Contemporary, spacious bedrooms with king-sized beds and with welcoming touches such as fresh flowers, a port decanter and home-made biscuits.
We have the earth engulfed in darkness which in touching the surface of the earth touches the surface of water.
Within the spacious and modern cabin, detailed design touches include a scented air freshener built into the high quality, stylish dashboard.
This is not, however, a work that even touches on international unionism or labor internationalism.
These, made from local larch, were put together in the workshops on site, and the finishing touches added in situ.
Perry tells me that Mr. Cole never touches malt liquor.
Mankiewicz's directorial debut is an old fashioned romantic melodrama with some macabre touches.
The showroom looked thoroughly modern, following its renovation last year, with additional design touches now being introduced by Honda.
But as play settled City became dominant, showed exceptional play touches and turns to firstly dominate and then outplay the home side.
It's added touches like this that make the game varied and interesting to play without being overly repetitive.
Although written by the scriptwriter of Psycho, the poor dialog and an unrewarding conclusion mars what few good touches the film manages.
There is a taint in Chicago, a barely suppressed shiver of horror that touches all who make their home in the city.
Some nice touches include slightly flared sleeves to up ventilation to the forearms when wanted or to make rolling them up easier.
The technique involves inserting the needle until it touches the pubic symphysis.
Some very modern, very thoughtful touches highlight the finesse of the service here.
Late on Sunday afternoon David Coleman puts the finishing touches to the pedestrian walkway across the newly installed turnout.
They had a few fleeting opportunities and new signing Delroy Facey showed some neat touches early on.
Color coordinated door mirrors, contrasting chrome door handles and roof rack with rather trendy wheels add the finishing touches.
There's none of the scenic touches or neat tricks.
For an entertaining evening with some very wry touches this show really is hard to beat.
To illustrate the intensity of the pleasure he found alike in the solitude of his study and in the relaxations of genial social intercourse, almost any page taken at random, either from the Life or from the Letters, would suffice; and many incidental touches show that he was not a stranger to the delights of quiet contemplation of the beauties and grandeurs of nature.
It is formed by the confluence, just below Kolditz, of the Zwickauer Mulde, which rising in the Vogtland of Saxony passes Zwickau, Glauchau and Rochlitz, and the Freiberger Mulde, which, rising in the Bohemian Erzgebirge, touches Freiberg, Dobeln and Leisnig.
Examples of Selenops (Clubionidae) lie flat and absolutely still on the bark of trees, to which their coloration assimilates, and spring like a flash of light upon any insect that touches their legs; the Lycosidae dart swiftly upon their prey; and the Salticidae, which compared with other spiders have keen powers of vision, stealthily stalk it to within leaping distance, then, gathering their legs together, cover the intervening space with a spring and with unerring aim seize it and bury their fangs in its body.
Unfortunately, on almost every point on which he touches, the statements of Gildas are vague and obscure.
Nothing heroic or romantic was within Defoe's view; he could not understand passionate love, ideal loyalty, aesthetic admiration or anything of the kind; and it is probable that many of the little sordid touches which delight us by their apparent satire were, as designed, not satire at all, but merely a faithful representation of the feelings and ideas of the classes of which he himself was a unit.
St Gregory's characterization of the Rule as "conspicuous for its discretion" touches the most essential quality.
Samson's mother is forbidden to eat unclean things during pregnancy, but Samson himself touches the carcass of a lion and is often in contact with the slain, nor does he abstain from giving feasts.'
The cartesian equation to a parabola which touches the coordinate axes is 1 / ax+'1 / by= i, and the polar equation when the focus is the pole and the axis the initial line is r cos 2 6/2 = a.
So why not share what truly inspires us, or touches the heart, or purges the conscience?
If the quoit that touches an object outside the court, the player that threw it loses the point.
It 's added touches like this that make the game varied and interesting to play without being overly repetitive.
Even Craven 's touches later on ca n't really paper over the fact that this is a run-of-the-mill thriller with a recycled plot.
Advertising touches more people than poetry, yet surely such saturation coverage is not what poetry is seeking.
You should fall to the ground with the soles of both feet off the ground whilst your torso touches the ground.
In short, there are many imaginative touches, and interpretative subtlety in abundance.
Topiary trees add the finishing touches to your venue decor.
Deliver Us From Evil is a good read, clever, brutal, with sly touches of dark humor.
There 's none of the scenic touches or neat tricks.
She touches the fresh trickle of blood on her head.
Whatever verse in the bible, that in anyway, touches you can be shared here freely.
What follows is not a gay film but a drama pleading for tolerance and dialog which touches deep social wellsprings.
Don't forget a few quirky touches, such as bronzed baby shoes, antique wooden shoe forms, and other footwear-related decorative objects.
Use lots of bright touches to make this nursery energetic and cute.
A newborn is learning from everything he sees, hears, touches, and even tastes.
Be aware that 120 degrees F. can still burn your baby, so always mix hot water with cold water before it touches your child's skin.
Baby showers do not necessarily need an abundance of decorations, but a few touches here and there can make a cute, fun difference.
From this point, you'll want to add filler like silk leaves or baby's breath and finishing touches like ribbon or baby charms.
These final touches bring it all together.
Attach other finishing touches with a clue gun.
As you finalize the plans and put everything into place, don't forget the finishing touches.
Of course, like with baby shower invitations, you can also try your hand at making your own card on your home computer or making a handmade card with three-dimensional details, calligraphy, or other special touches.
Don't worry if he touches a wrong key or clicks on the wrong area.
The width of the wheel -- the part that actually touches the ground -- is fairly universal, but the diameter can vary substantially.
Do you need some last-minute touches for your big event, but didn't order quite the number you needed after all?
This sobering fact touches pet owners deeply as they try to provide the best in nutrition and quality for their pets by buying good cat food.
Shel Silverstein poems create a path of learning that touches upon many different aspects of life.
This rapid ethanol expansion touches every aspect of the agricultural sector, as well as impacting the United States as a whole.
Pinecones, acorns, and berries also make great natural touches.
In part two of our nursery series, we bring your ideas to put the finishing touches on your nursery design and make the whole room pop.
Quilt sets make beautiful finishing touches on dark wood four-poster bed frames reminiscent of the early days of American history.
Classic styles, with touches of modern flair, are usually the best way to go.
Whatever you decide, the final touches you choose for your home office should reflect the same warm and inviting feeling as the rest of your home.
Remember, Italian kitchen design is supposed to be cozy and inviting; don't be afraid to add the touches that are special to your family.
French Country style interior design is an enormously popular design style for many people today, and so the options available for the finishing touches, like French Country curtains has never been better.
Safari Gifts - Although you're unlikely to find the bigger pieces you want here, like Charlotte Kay, this is a great website for all of the finishing touches you need.
Ceiling tiles add a sense of warmth and character to a room, and they are one of those little finishing touches that can really pull a look together.
Decorative touches such as seashells or driftwood are used for accents.
Farmhouse touches such as quilts and greenery are used as well as gingham prints in reds and blues.
The smallest touches can make a piece look unique.
Use a light hand - remember, you can always add more touches later.
If you are concerned about resale value, consider choosing plain appliances and fixtures that can be adapted to many styles, and adding decorative touches to create your desired style.
With the bed frame and bedding chosen and a sitting area established, you can put the finishing touches on your bedroom.
When your home is already furnished and you are just looking for a few finishing touches to complete your interior, there are plenty of decorating catalogs to choose from.
Whether your cabin is a vacation home or your permanent house, or you simply love the log cabin look, you can create a cozy home with just a few simple touches.
Don't forget the accent touches that can make your bathroom pop.
The ends can be capped with decorative finials for added romantic touches.
Look for subtle touches, like covered buttons on pillows, refined fabrics, one-of-a-kind upholstered antiques re-covered in a modern fabric.
The key components to your beach house décor are the small touches that repeat and tie your overall design together.
It's the little touches that make a great room design.
When you add personal touches to the room that are important to your child, this will help her feel ownership.
There are many things you can do to add mystique, magic and whimsical touches to your princess room without spending a lot of money.
Home accents catalogs offer unique design touches, often at prices lower than those you find in the stores.
Although the term "home accent" conjures up images of those little finishing touches, most home accent catalogs offer much more than that.
Consider playful touches, such as using a 2-inch decorative tile of a cricket placed just at the place where your fireplace surround joins your hearth.
All of these special design touches raised the status of the bathroom from its former placement as an outhouse ten or more feet away from the home.
Because Art Deco was a collection of rather eclectic designs, it was easy to add touches of the new movement in order to renovate the older designs.
There are many kinds of rugs you can use in your home to add decorative touches.
After completing the previous steps, you're ready to add the final touches that will help make your home stand out.
Sending your kids off to college or boarding school with a few personal touches can be a great way of easing the transition.
You can adapt your home interior to this design and make your kitchen totally French Country or simply add a few touches that hint at this inviting style.
Adding the final touches to your master bedroom decor can really help bring the room together.
After all, these cozy touches are what make a house a home.
Add a few final touches with exotic animal figurines, African tribal masks and some decorative candleholders.
To achieve this look, stick to what you know, but add a few extra little touches for that all important wow-factor.
The finishing touches of eyeliner and mascara sometimes came in teal and bright blues.
You can truly save a lot on all of the other color products - but foundation is the one product that touches the skin and protects it.
Primarily a floral, it touches just slightly into spicy and musky territories before retreating back to its comfort zone.
The scent might best be described as a bright floral, though there are vivid fruity notes and soft touches of warmth to keep it from being a complete bouquet.
No matter how much money or thought you've invested in a creepy Halloween suit, your look will do anything but thrill if you forget to add the finishing touches.
Even if your costume is created from second hand threads or from a few pieces of clothing found jumbled in your closet, you can create a head-turning ensemble by focusing and investing in the finishing touches.
You can also carry the shine to other place with touches of body shimmer on shoulders and cleavage.
With a flair for beautiful presentation and freshness, this style of cooking pleasingly touches all the senses.
These special touches can help add some pizzazz to your page.
Free scrapbook printouts are useful for adding special touches to projects without adding extra expense.
Even small touches of your handwriting can add a personalized look to your scrapbook layout.
Digital embellishment sets can be purchased to add even more creative touches to your layouts.
Small scrap pieces are exactly what you need to add finishing touches.
Adding unique touches to your scrapbook can be affordable, while still allowing you full creativity, once you know where to find free embellishments and accessories.
In addition to its inspirational layout galleries, the Creative Memories website also features free self-adhesive quotations and journaling ideas to help you add special touches to your pages.
These little tidbits can add the finishing touches to beautiful scrapbook pages.
If you lose your balance, and your foot touches the ground, you will have to start all over again.
As it slows down and touches the back of your legs you simply sit down.
Coping with the responsibilities of family and work combined with the pressures of tight schedules and mounting bills just touches the surface of the many stressors in people's lives.
Ecards include music, animation, and other fun touches you won't find in a traditional card.
The store also sells bedding, pillows, and other touches to help you decorate your personal space.
He always touches me like in my arms, then in my shoulders.
You can add your own alterations and touches to create the perfect punk look for you.
We can trace this fashion trend back to the 1980's as well, but this time the color is all grown up.What's truly great about this trend is that instead of blinding people with your neon colored shirt, it's now all about touches of color.
Once you've found the perfect dress, it's time to shop for the finishing touches.
Find something that truly touches your heart and something you are passionate about.
If a player touches the object, that player is out.
These items are small details that add the finishing touches to a wedding.
When a gift giver takes the time to choose a gift instead of purchasing one in haste, it truly touches the heart.
Since the candle makes a wonderful keepsake, adding special touches such as these only makes it more memorable.
While it isn't necessary to reserve a designated honeymoon package for your Tahiti honeymoon, the special touches may lend an added air of romance to your visit and ultimately be worth every penny.
Choose a box, bag, tin, wrap, or other container that fits your style and wedding, and add special touches such as ribbon, silk rosebuds, raffia, charms, tags, or special messages.
No matter where you use them, the small touches will give your wedding a soft glow and romantic atmosphere.
Adding seasonal holiday touches will not only help coordinate the decorations with autumn, but with the holiday as well.
Whether you include simple accents or go all out, the Christmas touches will add a dash of festiveness to your wedding decorations.
The little touches are what makes scrap wedding invitations unique.
By ensuring that these classic elements are part of customized vows, couples can inject their personal touches while still honoring the timeless love and romance of the wedding ceremony.
Snowflake wedding cakes are also popular for Christmas weddings, or a couple may choose a sleigh wedding cake stand or a Claus couple wedding cake top for more seasonal touches.
To customize your invitations for less, consider adding your own DIY touches to a professionally printed invitation.
There are many different designs for princess themed invitations, from classic royal images to more subtle elegant touches.
Add princess touches to the wedding invitation wording, such as requesting guests join the fairy tale or attend a banquet.
Add personal touches to the invitation, such as sprinkling glitter into the envelope, creating a custom postage stamp with a castle or related scene, or gluing small crystals to the corners of the invitation card.
By adding unique, personalized touches to the box, not only will it be a beautiful and practical decoration, but it can also become a treasured keepsake of your special day.
Different Cinderella wedding ideas can make your special day a dream come true, whether you want a classic, traditional fairytale or one with modern Disney touches.
Regardless of how you decide to decorate, it is important to add a few touches to your wedding location.
All eyes will be up front during the ceremony, so make sure that area has a few wedding touches, too.
Christmas weddings are often laced with opulent grandeur, so small weddings with modest yet elegant touches are a welcome alternative for couples who enjoy the season but do not want to overwhelm the occasion.
However, there's a wide variety of more subdued marine life forms that can add unique touches to a cake without making it look tacky.
As you initially consider designs and decorators, try paging through photographs of real castles to get inspiration and ideas for detailed touches.
While many people focus on the reception decorations and assume that the garden itself is the décor for their ceremonies, it is still important to add a few personal touches to your garden venue.
The fresh berries provide an incredible pop of color on their own, but they can also pair with fresh flowers, fondant decorations, or other finishing touches to create a dessert that's just as beautiful as it is delicious.
The below virtual tutorials walk you through the process of making your own cake, from choosing a design to baking the layers to assembling the cake to adding the finishing touches.
These kinds of additional touches will increase the cost of your comfort set, but will give your bedroom a luxurious and expense look.
If you buy or make a bed, add curtains, lamps, bedding and other decorative touches, with all those Star Wars characters splashing about the room your child may think it is "cool" but the overall look may be busy, cluttered or even dark.
Designer shower curtains can help to spruce up a dated bathroom, finish the re-design of a remodeling project or complete the final touches to new construction.
The fun part comes in choosing the basket and adding finishing touches to give it a customized feel.
Why not let her help you add the finishing touches to your home with her line of affordable yet classy home accents?
Everyone can add finishing touches and decorations.
The design of the wedding cake guides the entire process, from the baking to the finishing touches.
The prepared cake is now ready for the application of the fondant and the finishing touches.
The finishing touches pull the design together when making a fondant wedding cake.
The cake is now ready for the finishing touches that will complete the design.
Stick the parts together with sugar syrup or tiny dabs of buttercream, and then add finishing touches with other fondant colors and sculpting tools.
A "pal" of the band reportedly told OK! magazine the Fall Out Boy's Grammy pass-over was due to Wentz's relationship with Simpson, stating that the band believes that "everything Ashlee touches is poison."
Whether you shop online or at the mall, don't forget all the finishing touches to create a picture-perfect outfit.
Pieces may have touches of gold embellishment near the neck and hem.
Looking sharp on infants, toddlers, and children, paisley vests are a hot accessory in the world of boys' dress clothes, and can put the finishing touches on any color and style of tux.
No special outfit is complete without a few girly touches.
The majority of Celebrity's décor focuses on modern and Art Deco designs with classic touches such as rich suedes, polished woods, and muted colors.
Stateroom decorations vary but include distinctive touches often missing on other cruise ships.
In public areas, silk flower arrangements and topiaries add bright, lively touches to corridors and lounges, and the art collections are among the finest at sea.
Décor varies among Norwegian's ships and includes both traditional seafaring elements (cherry-wood trim and brass and chrome fittings) as well as modern glitz (vibrant, tropical-colored carpeting and art deco touches).
Several ships' color schemes are coordinated with their itineraries, such as the tropical touches for the Pride of Aloha's Hawaiian cruises.
These distinctive touches make each ship doubly photogenic and add an element of luxury even to the vessel's exterior.
Throughout the fleet, seafaring memorabilia - including exquisite paintings of former Holland America ships - adds nautical touches and pays homage to the line's lengthy cruising history.
Distinctive touches pervade each ship, such as the Flemish clock in the Rotterdam's atrium and baroque pipe organ aboard the Zaandam.
Oceania Cruises is the perfect choice for passengers who want to avoid the crowded mass of humanity aboard modern megaships without sacrificing fine dining, attentive service, and other touches of luxury.
The Mediterranean Sea is located along southern Europe and touches not only European countries, but also northern Africa and Middle Eastern nations with unusual ports of call.
Most Nile River cruises, which sail during Christmas, include a variety of festive touches, including seasonal décor, elaborate holiday meals and extra-long shore excursions to Egyptian markets to stock up on Christmas presents.
In these cases, Royal Caribbean offers a selection of special touches to add to your stateroom, from fresh flower bouquets to buckets of champagne and strawberries.
The process is so easy that you'll soon be able to personalize this recipe, adding your own special touches.
The shock is similar to what a person receives when he walks on carpet and then touches a metal object.
The brightness of the flower is relieved by touches of white, or frequently by a white stripe across the centre of the lower petals, which are very full and rounded.
It tends to root wherever the tip of a branch touches the ground.
Whether you like the acoustic touches of Sap or Jar of Flies or the heavy metal touches of Facelift, there are some great Alice in Chains bass tabs available free of charge for bassists to get their hands on.
A variety of sash locks and sash lifts in a variety of different finishes allows you to add personal touches to your replacement window.
Accent lights can also highlight decorative touches that help to make your bathroom a soothing retreat.
A cabinet that touches the ceiling can be further integrated into the room by installing crown molding around it.
Adding a few extra touches such as a new porch light can also emphasize the classic points of the exterior of your home.
It doesn't require extra preservatives to prevent rot unless the cedar touches the ground.
Attach the fan brace by slipping it through the hole in the ceiling and positioning it so that it touches the joists on both sides of the hole.
Because art deco items have strong, basic lines and an understated elegance, fixtures from this era can command attention in a remodeled bathroom without distracting from other more subtle touches of the room.
One of the reasons professionals are usually called in to perform spray foam insulation is because the product does contain diisocyanates, which can cause reactions if inhaled or touches the skin.
Today Chanel jewelry designs continue to be inspired by and reflect her classic style, but pieces are interlaced with contemporary and futuristic touches, resulting in wonderfully unique jewelry.
These touches can make this heartfelt gift even more meaningful.
There's just something about this innocent little kitten that touches our heart strings, and next generation items like belly and tongue rings help us hold onto her for just a little while longer.
Endless hoop earrings with added touches are both fashionable and stylish.
If your hemline touches the ground and "drags," you might find that the leg of your trousers gets wrinkled and rumpled.
It's also very common for bikers to add their own personal touches.
For years, men have been wearing baseball caps, but straw hats like boaters, Panamas and trilbys have come back with minor modern touches.
Even washed, some of the chemicals and pesticides can remain in regular clothing and that clothing touches your baby's skin each day.
Flamboyent touches, especially ruffles, ruches, flounces, and asymmetrical hemlines are common.
A microfleece jacket has delicate floral embroidery and touches of satin.
You also want to take time to find the right shoes and finishing touches that make for a complete outfit.
Ivory is a complex color, offering underlying shades subtly moving as the light touches the surface of the gown.
This radiant shade touches on many different parts of the color spectrum, so it can appear simple and understated at times, and rich and dramatic at others.
Along with these choices you can opt for finishing touches like decorative stitching or no stitching.
If your boat mast touches a power line you could be in trouble.
Is it strictly an institutional or does it offer touches of home?
Focusing on the personal touches, Retirement Inn in Dallas strives to offer a homelike setting unlike other assisted living or nursing homes.
The best thing you can do for your look is to maintain your own style but adapt it with some modern touches.
If they are side sleepers, they may also experience a slippage of the mask to the side when the face touches the pillow.
They want a helping hand in establishing lasting memories and they do it with the help of a team that adds exquisite details and loving touches on all of their products.
The decorative touches are already built-in.
Gucci is now a status symbol, in perfumes, shoes, accessories, clothing…anything the double G logo touches is gold.
Eye Care Biz also touches on the hard water deposits some people get on their lenses.
These often outrageously styled glasses go hand in hand with everything else that Cavalli does; pushing the envelope of what is hip by adding risqué touches and lavish embellishments is what Cavalli has always done best.
We are also in the process of putting the finishing touches on a vacation giveaway for the spring break season.
For weeks, the entire park is decorated with pumpkins, skeletons, cobwebs, hay bales, and other touches that bring the Halloween spirit to life.
Touch one to send it moving, making a unique sound when it touches each grid point.
Samus and the bounty hunters have detailed animations, and small touches like glowing eyes or shining armor make them leap into reality.
If a cube touches two or more other cubes of the same color (either vertically or horizontally), the cubes vanish.
The game is over if any of column of balloons touches the bottom of the screen.
The goal is to fill up the meter and clear the stage before the first ball of the chain touches the skull.
Additionally, special touches, such as a small cheese board and cheese cutter, corkscrew, fun wine glasses or chocolates can also be added.
A holiday basket can include some touches of the season, and a thank you gift may include a gift certicate to a restaurant or spa.
Everything that Apple touches these days turns to gold, whether it be the latest iPod or an absolutely alluring MacBook laptop computer.
The doctor looks for signs of bruising and tissue swelling as well as bleeding and gently palpates, or touches, the various facial bones for movement and stability.
Put the condom on before the penis touches the vulva, rectum, or mouth.
Urushiol oil can be transmitted on clothing, pets, garden tools, shoes, or virtually anything that touches a plant.
When children reach age three, parents should begin teaching them about "bad touches" and about confiding in a suitable adult if they are touched or treated in a way that makes them uneasy.
Palatal lisp-the middle of the tongue touches the soft palate, or roof of the mouth, when trying to produce the s sound.
It can also spread when a child touches his or her nose and then other children's toys or by children eating or drinking with the same utensils.
The sick person touches his or her nose and then another person's hands.
If that person then touches his nose, mouth, or eyes, the infection is transmitted.
If a person with a cold touches his runny nose or watery eyes, then shakes hands with another person, some of the virus is transferred to the uninfected person.
If that person then touches his mouth, nose, or eyes, the virus is transferred to an environment where it can reproduce and cause a cold.
If a child with a cold touches his runny nose, then plays with a toy, some of the virus may be transferred to the toy.
The second child then touches his contaminated hands to his eyes, nose, or mouth and transfers some of the cold virus to himself.
It is a good food safety practice to wash and sanitize your cutting board and everything that touches the food between tasks, especially if you are working with chicken.
Ultimately, even if you aspire to be a professional dancer in a corps de ballet and not a soloist, these finishing touches on your form are what will make the difference between a passable and a successful audition.
Then, the original foot steps out again and then the opposing foot touches next to it.
The flag is removed from the casket before the actual burial takes place, and great care is taken that the flag never touches the ground.
While costume wigs may be great for Halloween, subtler touches are needed for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other end-of-year special occasions.
Having hot wax applied to the eyebrow area is not painful, but may feel very warm or hot for a few seconds before it cools and attaches itself to the hair it touches.
Hair sticks, pins, combs, tiaras, and clips are all popular, and some choices include rhinestones, flowers, glitter, and other elegant touches.
Adding the right touches of color can create a stunning style for a special occasion or just to feel confident every day about one's beautiful hair.
Whatever the reason you want to color your hair, there are many ways to add touches to your locks to bring out the best of your hair hues.
Hints of New Wave inspiration from the 1980s, as well as trendy emo and gothic touches, are found in many of these styles.
Aim for a cut that touches your neck in the back and angles past your shoulders in the front.
Whether fun and flirty or sleek and sophisticated, prom hairstyles for long hair are crowning touches that communicate your personality and style.
The cause and effects of unemployment is a hot topic, because unemployment touches so many people.
The information shown below touches on a few of the many different types of mortgage loans offered by Wells Fargo, as well as information on how to contact the company and start the application process.
They can even paint or color it to give it some personal touches after they have learned how to create the gun.
Lay the snowflake on the top of the cake, and make sure the entire snowflake touches the surface of the cake.
The dye must be painted on the affected skin, and it can stain the skin and any clothing that it touches.
The hotel is designed to blend the traditional Japanese style with modern western touches to give guests a serene atmosphere where they can escape from the chaos of every day life.
It showcases modern Japanese cuisine with European touches.
One side of the blanket may be made of a soft material while the other side (the side that touches the ground) may be made of nylon or another material that's easy to clean.
Nevertheless, some suits have their own individual touches that may distinguish them from others.
Love this look for its plunging neckline (all the way down to the waist!), soft pink touches and black tie-bands.
What Diamond Dobby refers to is a new design of 3-D diamond pattern material that guarantees 30 percent less of the short touches your skin.
Your bikini can look better than ever when you wear it with these interesting touches, which can include high-fashion pieces and low selections as well.
This almost-naked swimwear can be made to look dressier and more sophisticated on the shore with only a few touches.
When a child touches any surface with the fingers of this glove, they'll hear Elmo giggle and talk and the glove will shake.
A short-sleeved jacket or a blazer can get a special, girlier look with just a few touches like this.
No evening look is complete without the appropriate finishing touches.
The way the grill is designed allows it to have dual contact with items being grilled, that is, the grill's heat touches both sides of the meat at the same time.
They usually take the elements and concept they like from other games, add their own special touches and end up with a new game to share with their family and friends.
Make the candle yourself or just add some personal touches to discount votives you picked up on sale at a craft store or online.
If you purchase them in bulk, you can always have them on-hand for various decorative touches throughout your house.
The wick begins to burn down the sides of the wick until it touches the wax.
She spreads her wealth out over many areas making a positive difference in the lives of those she touches.
Community service touches the hearts of individuals for different reasons, and below are just a few reasons worth getting involved with a local organization in your region.
Most themes are fairly gender-neutral, but you can use add custom touches for a more masculine or feminine feel.
A few extra touches can really make a gift bag a charming way to play Santa.
Will I use antique touches throughout the rest of my tree room/home?
How do I feel about "antique-style" ornaments versus more modern touches?
Crafted from classic materials such as red velvet and rich embroidery, our ornaments and tree skirts are detailed with classic touches to add a timeless elegance to any tree.
I decorate it with a collection of ornaments which were passed down to me, and vary the look each year with different embellishing touches such as bows, garlands, or using a different tree topper.
Ideas for church Christmas plays likely date back to Biblical times, so as the director of your church's play, your challenge is to add your own touches to make your church play unique and memorable.
This angel doesn't need to look common, though, if you add some Christmas magic to her with your own designer touches.
There are other variations to the sexy bunny costume that are tighter, different colors (pink is also popular), feathers, garters and other fun touches.
If the tutu isn't your kid's style, there are also the Prestige version and the Magic Lights version, with fiber optic touches.
Even with a pattern you can always add your own personal touches full of whimsy.
If you're looking for a versatile costume that can be made unique with your own personal touches, the fairy princess costume is definitely for you.
These are the finishing touches which you can use to create a fright.
Finishing touches are what makes your fairy costume extraordinary.
For a vampire, Gothic touches are added - the costumes are usually black and red, with hair and makeup to match.
Add some other touches, like a bit of red in the lips and some eyeliner to bring out the redness.
What's more, you can tailor the costume to your specific size and add some personal touches that will set you apart from other Hannah Montana wannabes.
Adding a few accessories and finishing touches to your Indian costume will complete the look and make you look more authentic.
Some sexy Mrs. Claus costumes also feature gloves with faux fur touches, as well as a shiny belt, faux fur boot toppers and Santa hat.
A man who is appealing touches a woman's heart.
Find some personal touches and it will show the admiration you have for him or her.
The special touches you give the bracelet will mean a lot to him.
Everyone has different ways they like kissing - using the lips, the tongue, the teeth, with hard pressure or feather touches from the lips.
If you can enjoy the kisses and snuggles and touches and joys for themselves, you will have learned how to make out like a master.
Light touches can give her the right impression without being too forward.
Titanium can also be treated to appear in various stunning colors, including blues and purples, adding distinctive touches to any engagement ring.
At the same time, many designs incorporate fun modern touches, such as the unusual "martini" setting that encloses a round diamond shape in an elevated, tapered bezel setting similar to a martini glass.
It contains some great information that touches on the vague aspects of copyright law and how to interpret them.
If you find yourself searching for a church which uses gluten free communion wafers, you have a good idea how deeply gluten intolerance can affect your life, even to the point where it touches upon your spirituality.
It is these little touches that can make your holiday recipes stand out.
People may be inclined to be extra cautious with anything that obviously touches their mouth like lipstick or toothpaste.
When you're shopping, look for the signature touches that set these bags apart such as the top stitched piping and decorative buckle straps.
The styles offer great touches that spice up a mostly solid-color handbag line, such as braided leather, whipstitiching, and tassels.
The details and special touches in the design Gucci wallets are part of their appeal.
With sleek and streamlined styles, ample sizing, and sophisticated touches, many totes can easily be carried to the office as well as for evenings and informal weekends out, making them great everyday bags.
Normally, accessories are meant to supplement an ensemble, adding those finishing touches that accentuate the intended look.
The boxier design of most totes, in fact, is an excellent way to show off intricate quilted designs or special touches on your shoulder accessory.
Read on for some creative ideas for monogrammed tote bags and other personal touches ideal for that next present.
Hard-sided suitcase can be dressed up with re-created retro luggage travel stickers, luggage tags, or other unique touches in pink.
The sand-colored Vachetta leather trim and chunky nautical rope handles are the perfect finishing touches.
The styles are trendy, chic and glamorous with classic touches and fun elements.
There are many fun touches that girls will love including a dollhouse headboard, a daisy chain lamp, and a canopy bed.
Furniture is wooden, functional, and basic-looking without unnecessary touches that boys do not want.
Pottery Barn Kids offers storage units for baby paraphernalia, as well as changing tables and adorable little décor touches such as a farmyard mobile, silver keepsake frames and wall letters.
Décor touches include personalized chairs that every child loves, pretend washer and dryer and pegboards.
Finishing touches include wall clocks, framed prints, placemats, and growth charts.
Just because a girl has sports theme bedding does not mean she has to give up her love of pink or other special touches.
In this version of tag, one person is still it, but when he or she touches someone, that person is frozen in place.
A person who exposes a child to pornography or exhibits indecent exposure toward a child is guilty of sexual abuse even if that person never physically touches that child.
Free birthday cards for kids can also be FROM kids, as children will love choosing from's wide array of designs, and adding their own special touches with crayons or markers.
It's still a lovely story that inspires hope, gives us a little magic and a brief escape, and touches our hearts.
If you're shooting something you've only imagined until now, your project is sure to be rife with those personal touches that make it uniquely your own.
Reported activities include doors that open and close doors on their own, moving objects and even ghostly touches felt by people within the home.
Simple touches to add to the atmosphere of the room will enhance the theater experience.
Fake the look by adding handmade touches to inexpensive purchased cards or your favorite free printable greeting card designs.
Glamorous touches like brass heels, faux snake skin, and rhinestones accentuate some styles, while other styles offer simple intricacies added to classic styles for the purposes of intrigue.
The vintage leather strap and slight heel are two finishing touches that take this from an ordinary boot to something special.
The series touches on many of the challenges facing large families as they struggle with personal identity.
Because the ink is embedded so deeply, your skin's natural cell regeneration never touches the ink.
Awestruck only touches on what you'll feel.
With its soft, chic, and lovely color, it touches every female.
With sporty styling and luxurious touches like diamonds, an Elektra is the perfect go anywhere watch.
These watches are at once beautiful and feminine, with elegant touches like a diamond encrusted case and 18 karat pink gold.
The new giant watches are fun and funky to wear, available in a wide range of colors and styles and often having additional unusual touches such as watch charms dangling from the strap.
They combine the functionality of a high quality watch with unique extra touches that make the watch special to the wearer.
We have an audience that cares so much about this music and it touches them so profoundly that we hope we've done our job by providing it.
In addition to the flattering fit, roll top pants can add all kinds of finishing touches, such as color and prints, to what is often a basic pair of black or gray pants.
For women, the right pinky stays at the bottom; for men, the left pinky is in that position, while one of the thumbs touches the fleshy part between the other thumb and the index finger.
Each child receives a duck card and the person who is the goose carries a goose card and touches each duck card as he names each duck and then selects the new goose.
If your child pushes on your belly, you laugh or if your child touches your nose, you stick out your tongue.
These extensions include nice touches like an ad banner remover, a built-in spell-checker, flash video downloaders and much more.
Make sure it touches on all your most desirable skills, experiences and training.
Well-crafted cars, especially those with handmade touches and high quality materials, are more likely to increase in value as they age.
When you're finished, you can take it down and add color and other finishing touches!
Once you have your family's schedule, the errands, and the housecleaning checklists. . .all in one place, you can add finishing touches to your master planner.
Kids get a chance to express their creativity and love, so don't worry if there are air bubbles or misspellings -- those touches just add to the charm of these special items.
You could add scrapbooking touches to a quilt by making a crazy quilt with all sorts of meaningful things sewn onto the fabric.
Place cards, decorated napkin rings, centerpieces, and other special touches are just a few of the possibilities to consider.
Decorating your home for Halloween starts with adding festive touches to your front lawn.
Secure the flower base with wire and then add any decorative touches like satin ribbon or fresh Baby's Breath flowers.
With a hot glue gun or another strong adhesive, dot a small amount of glue at the points where each ring touches the other.
Skip complicated crafting techniques in favor of simple touches that add a lot of impact.
This statistic only touches the major health-related diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
When you lift, twist your abs so that your right elbow touches your left knee, or gets as close to it as you can without throwing your spine out of alignment.
Raise your torso until you're sitting up, then lower yourself to just before your back fully touches the bench.
Keeping your elbows pointing straight at the ceiling, lower the barbell down until it lightly touches your forehead, then push back up to the starting position.
Take a big step forward with one leg, lunging down until your "rear" knee almost touches the ground.
Make sure your back is straight, then squat down until your butt nearly touches the floor.
In a slow, controlled fashion, squat as low as you can, stopping right before your butt touches the floor.
Bend knees but don't let the shin of your front leg go beyond your ankle (lower back knee until it almost touches the floor).
Grab a small medicine ball and move it over your knees and down the side, until it touches the floor.
Take a big stride forward with one leg and let your body descend until the rear knee almost touches the floor.
Pull yourself up until your chin touches the bar, squeeze the scapulae together for a second, then slowly descend to the starting position.
Bend the elbows so that the bar touches your forehead before pushing back up again.
For example, mix up the regular abdominal crunches with exercises like bent-knee hip raises, air bike, the plank, plank sidestands, alternate heel touches, or any of the other dozens of exercises featured here.
Slowly and deliberately, raise one leg towards your chest and then lower it slowly until your foot touches the floor.
Instead, stretch the neck by placing your chin to your chest and slowly and gently rolling the head to each side until your ear touches your shoulder.
As you crunch up, engage your obliques and begin twisting your torso until your right elbow touches your left knee.
One season black and red may be all the rage, and then the next season pretty pastels and dainty feminine touches dominate the scene.
You can also add personal touches to your boxers such as hand-embroidered monograms, something that the average store-bought boxer can't boast.
Some are very plain and look like little more than a sleeveless tank, while others have touches of lace on the neckline.
Camisole designers have added sexy touches like cutouts and slitted bra tops.
Go to the Arlene Massey website for long, simple nightgowns with special touches, like floral patterned fabric underneath the collar or a satin-ribbon bow at the neck.
Tulio takes sheer nylon to a new level with lace boxer briefs and contrast opaque touches, in addition to low-rise briefs and jock straps.
This luxurious top can be worn in many ways like a camisole, and you can easily shop for a chemise with the details and touches you require.
Camo lingerie isn't only for the tomboy, but for the girl who's decided to ramp up her wardrobe of essentials with touches of tough stuff.
You'll find a lot of careful seaming and other touches to flatter on Rampage intimates.
Wide satin ribbons sewn to the hem are pretty touches.
Satin ribbons and embroidered roses are fun touches for any plain piece of lingerie.
These are the little finishing touches that let you personalize your iPod nano, while at the same time protecting it from scratches.
Their biggest hits in the late 1980s had a grungy sound with touches of the punk styles that had influenced the band from the beginning.
There are plenty of other themes that Pink touches on with her lyrics, from sexuality to reflection on the past and personal growth.
Make a list of the items that you want to include, from basics to finishing touches, and plan ahead so that you'll have plenty of time to find the perfect supplies for your party.
If you don't want to throw a party that is that fancy, you can stick with the bare bones rooms and outdoor areas you have, perhaps adding little festive touches like tiki torches.
It may not be reasonable to completely redesign your house or apartment in marble but a few touches here and there can do wonders.
Your touches make the ambience-the whole scene-a warm, inviting, festive, and fun one!
It's a simple, effortless exchange that touches upon the true meaning of the holiday.
Gifts should be carefully crafted with appropriate attention to detail to give them the highest quality, with extra touches added to personalize the gift for the hostess and her home.
A few special touches can make the party complete.
After printing, you can add your own touches to the cards.
If the location you choose for your tea party doesn't seem quite suitable for the event, you can add lots of decorative touches to make the surroundings more pleasing.
If the player touches the pole, he or she is out.
Plan for special touches at your party that will be a welcome surprise for your guests and won't have you scrambling last minute.
It's a scary ability, scary to the people he touches and scary to Johnny himself.
It's easy to see why much of subsequent vampire literature decided to forgo these final touches - too messy.
Created by Chris Claremont in 1981, Rogue is an unusual mutant who has the ability to absorb the powers, life force and memories of any person she touches.
For this reason, people continue to know the story and it touches each new generation.
If you wind up with too many decorative touches or gifts from friends that you can't use, you can sell them by dragging them to the cash register.
You can change the colors to create your own version and sometimes even add your own personal touches to a template.
As you can see, there is great variety in size, style, and personal touches, all from a few simple patterns.
These touches can turn a regular online album into a fun photo sharing experience.
Don't let him into this house when I'm not here — and if he ever so much as touches you in a way you don't like, tell me.
Carmen, when a man touches and talks to you in an inappropriate matter, you set him straight.
No, Watcher, the gem will kill any who touches it.
She works from within outwards, touches first the mainspring and then sets it to play.
Marble terraces and balustrades surround the tank, and a marble causeway leads across the water to the temple, whose gilded walls, roof, dome and cupolas, with vivid touches of red curtains, are reflected in the still water.
An eastern system in South Australia touches at a few points a height of 3000 ft.; and the Stirling Range, belonging to the south-western system of South Australia, reaches to 2340 ft.
In the latter case the overturning tendency begins as soon as the load leaves the ground, but ceases as soon as the load again touches the ground and thus relieves the crane of the extra weight, whereas overturning backwards is caused either by the reaction of a chain breaking or by excessive counterweight.
Thence its northern and northeastern frontier marches with the Punjab and the United Provinces until it touches the river Chambal, where it turns south-eastward for about 200 m., dividing the states of Dholpur, Karauli, Jaipur and Kotah from Gwalior.
Locke half playfully touches on certain monsters, with respect to which it is difficult to determine whether they ought to be called men.
The same principle of maintaining an intervening width of neutral territory between the two countries is definitely established throughout the eastern borders of Afghanistan, along the full length of which a definite boundary has been demarcated to the point where it touches the northern limits of Baluchistan on the Gomal river.
In the north-east and north the Great Central system touches the county; in the west the North Staffordshire and a branch of the London & North-Western; while a branch of the Great Northern serves Derby and other places in the south.
In the case of many subjects this would matter very little, but in that of economics, which touches the ordinary life of the community at so many points, it is of great importance, especially at a time like the present, when economic questions determine the policy of great nations.
Sieyes now sketched its outlines in vaguely republican forms; thereupon Bonaparte freely altered them and gave them strongly personal touches.
The latest critics, even those of the Society itself, give 1548 as the date when the book received its final touches; though Father Roothaan gives Rome, the 9th of July 1541, as the date at the end of the ancient MS. version.
If Marca's criticism is too often undecided, both in the ancient epochs, where he supports the text by a certain amount of guesswork and in certain points where he touches on religion, yet he always gives the text correctly.
The continuation of the valley west of I-Ioshangabad forms the northern portion of the district of Nimar, the farther limit of which touches the Khandesh district of the Bombay presidency.
The rod touches this pole at a single point, and is pulled away from it by the action of a lever, the long arm of which is graduated and carries a sliding weight.
It is possible that this is the Gospel of Perfection (Eimy-yatov TEXEL60-Ews) which he touches upon in xxvi.
Its territory touches that of every South American nation, except Chile, and with each one there has been a boundary dispute at some stage in its political life.
During his primacy (1616-1637), when he had the whole influence of the court, and the sympathy and the assistance of the Catholic world behind him, he put the finishing touches to his life's labour by founding a great Catholic university at Nagyszombat (1635), and publishing a Hungarian translation of the Bible to counteract the influence of Gaspar Karoli's widely spread Protestant version.
Far from adopting the levity of style too often observable in French romances, the Magyar novels, although enlivened by touches of humour, have generally rather a serious historical or political bearing.
On the west, Badakshan is bounded by a line which crosses the Turkestan plains southwards from the junction of the Kunduz and Oxus rivers till it touches the eastern waterdivide of the Tashkurghan river (here called the Koh-i-Chungar), and then runs south-east, crossing the Sarkhab affluent of the Khanabad (Kunduz), till it strikes the Hindu Kush.
Another important development of Darwin's conclusions deserves special notice here, as it is the most distinct advance in the department of bionomics since Darwin's own writings, and at the same time touches questions of fundamental interest.
The Rhine connects the highest Alps with the mud banks of Holland, and touches in its course the most varied geological periods; but the river valley itself is, geologically speaking, of comparatively recent formation.
The northern portion of this tract, which on the east touches the basin of the Salween river, is hilly; the remainder towards the confluence of the Salween, Gyaing and Attaran rivers consists of broad fertile plains.
Touches of colour may be added to vessels in course of manufacture by means of seals of molten glass, applied like sealing-wax; or by causing vessels to wrap themselves round with threads or coils of coloured glass.
The wetter off touches the top of the neck of the bottle with a moistened piece of iron and by tapping the blowing iron detaches the bottle and drops it into a wooden trough.