Tops Sentence Examples
Girls look great in scoop necks or sweetheart cut tops.
Howie wasn't tops on my list of favorite people at the moment.
The evaporation which is associated with transpiration is no doubt another, but by themselves they are insufficient to explain the process of lifting water to the tops of tall trees.
The tops of their heads had no hair, but were carved into a variety of fantastic shapes, some having a row of points or balls around the top, others designs resembling flowers or vegetables, and still others having squares that looked like waffles cut criss-cross on their heads.
In Campania the vines are allowed to climb freely to the tops of the poplars.
Along Hudson Bay shore there is a strip of similar rocks, and a long row of small islands of the same age, with great sheets of trap or diabase forming the tops of the hills.
On the dome-like tops of such mountains as are too high for trees are large clusters of rhododendrons and patches of grasses fringed with flowers.
It is well to feed down a luxuriant crop when the plants are level with the ridge tops.
Except in the extreme north and south, and on the tops of the highest mountains, where there is no insect life as food supply, spiders are found all over the world, even in isolated oceanic islands.
In summer the country appears as one waving field of wheat, millet and mealies; whilst on the mountain slopes and on their flat tops are large flocks of sheep, cattle and goats, and troops of ponies.
AdvertisementA plan which has been found to answer well is to arrange them in cardboard boxes, either with glass tops or in sliding covers, in drawers - the name being placed outside each box and the specimens gummed into the boxes.
The northern sides and tops of the lower heights are often covered with dense forests of oak, cork, pine, cedar and other trees, with walnuts up to the limit of irrigation.
The density of the forest is greatly augmented by the cipos, or lianas, which overgrow the largest trees to their tops, and by a profusion of epiphytes which cover the highest branches.
On the temperate uplands of the southern states there are imposing forests of South American pine (Araucaria brasiliensis), whose bare trunks and umbrella-like tops give to them the appearance of open woodland.
In the morning the Tehama, as seen from the mountain tops, appears buried in a sea of white cloud; towards noon the clouds drift up the mountain slopes and cover the summits with wreaths of light mist charged with moisture which condenses on the trees and vegetation; in the afternoon they disappear, and the evenings are generally clear and still.
AdvertisementPart of it is built on a level plateau and part in deep valleys adjoining, the tops of the campaniles of the lower portions being on a level with the streets of the upper.
The chain passes over a pulley driven by the engine, placed at such a height as to allow it to rest upon the tops of the tubs, and round a similar pulley at the far end of the plane.
This tract consists of a succession of stony ridges of trap rock, enclosing valleys or basins of fertile soil, to which cultivation is for the most part confined, except where the shallow soil on the tops of the hills has been turned to account.
It is composed of a series of four larger and four smaller plaques of gold, rounded at the tops and set together alternately.
In the Lower Silurian formation at Plattsburg and Chazy, in Clinton county, are two beautiful grey or grey and pink marbles, one of which is a favourite among domestic marbles for mantels, table tops and other interior decorations.
AdvertisementOn their level tops the beams supporting the platforms were laid and fastened by wooden pins, or inserted in mortices cut in the heads of the piles.
The tops should be covered with z in.
The defects of this method are that the tops are liable to split in the brake and the butts to remain foul.
The willows are cut at the first indication of the sap rising and "couched" in rotten peelings and soil at a slight angle, the butts being on the ground, which should be strewn with damp straw from a manure heap. The tops are covered lightly with rotted peelings and by periodical application of water, fermentation is induced at the bottom, heat is engendered, the leaves force their way through the covering and peeling may begin.
The Arctic or ArcticAlpine zone covers in the United States only the tops of a few mountains which extend above the limit of trees, such as Mt Katahdin in Maine, Mt Washington and neighboring peaks in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and the loftier peaks of the Rocky, Cascade and Sierra Nevada Mountains.
AdvertisementFlora.The Alpine flora, which is found in the United States only on the tops of those mountains which rise above the limit of trees, consists principally of a variety of plants which bloom as soon as the snow melts and for a short season make a brilliant display of colors.
When the number of roots is limited, the tops FIG.
On the contrary, the tops of all young shoots are pinched off when some three or four leaves are formed, and this is done again and again throughout the season.
The immediate application of a very hot atmosphere would unduly force the tops, while the roots remained partially or wholly inactive; and a strong bottom heat, if it did not cause injury by its excess, would probably result in abortive growth.
The ripening process must be brought about by free exposure to light, and by the application of a little extra heat with dryness, if the season should be unfavourable; and both roots and tops must submit to a limitation of their water supply.
For winter use the tops of the most useful kinds of herbs should be cut when in flower or full leaf and quite dry, and spread out in an airy but shady place so as to part slowly with the moisture they contain and at the same time retain their aromatic properties.
Layer the tops of chrysanthemums, to obtain dwarf flowering plants.
The broken roots should be cut back to fresh wood, and the tops should be headed back in proportion.
The proper condition is when the tops are turning yellow and falling down.
If planted in " ribbon lines " or " massing," strict attention must be given to pinching off the tops, so that the lines or masses will present an even surface.
It is well, therefore, to burn the tops of the plants in the fall, rather than to plough them under or to throw them on the compost heap.
Cabbages that have headed may usually be preserved against injury by frost until the middle of next month, by simply pulling them up and packing them closely in a dry spot in the open field with the heads down and roots up. On approach of cold weather in December they should be covered up with leaves as high as the tops of the roots, or, if the soil is light, it may be thrown over them, if leaves are not convenient.
For dressing flat surfaces three wooden pegs (102) of equal length were used; a string was stretched between the tops of two, and the third peg was set on the point to be tested and tried against the string.
The lower range of jars in the oven had then black tops, while the upper ranges were entirely red.
It would hardly be an exaggeration to say that there is more level ground on the tops of these mountains than in areas of corresponding size in the valleys below.
In fact, in journeying westwards across the tops of the Highland mountains we pass, as it were, over successive stages in the history of the origin of Highland scenery.
From the larger fragments of the denuded tableland we advance to ridges with narrow tops, which pass by degrees into sharp rugged crests.
He was essentially a rustic god,"a wood-spirit conceived in the form of a goat," living in woods and caves, and traversing the tops of the mountains; he protected and gave fertility to flocks; he hunted and fished; and sported and danced with the mountain nymphs.
The only grouting that should be permitted in tall buildings would be in levelling up the tops of the concrete footings to receive the masonry courses, or in a very thin layer between the column pedestal and the masonry bed.
We know that the rites at Mozdalifa were originally connected with a holy hill bearing the name of the god Quzah (the Edomite Koze) whose bow is the rainbow, and there is reason to think that the ifadas from Arafa and Quzah, which were not made as now after sunset and before sunrise, but when the sun rested on the tops of the mountains, were ceremonies of farewell and salutation to the sun-god.
The drops A and K may be readily conceived to be equally diverted by the wind, and to fall near the tops of the two hills respectively.
The tops of most of the buildings and the whole nucleus of the temple of Isis to the floor remained all the year round above the water level until the dam was raised another 26 ft.
Another point of difference between the English and American hive is the roof, which being gable-shaped in the former allows warm packing to be placed directly on the frame tops, so that the bees are covered in when the roof is removed and may be examined or fed with very little disturbance.
There was an acropolis on each side of the valley, which lies between precipitous hills with flat tops, over which buildings had extended.
She had once again donned the white dress, and the hem touched the tops of her bare feet.
The backdrop was the mountains; mountains with snow tucked in their crevices and, on the higher ones, sugar dust capping their tops in white, stark contrast to the deep green of the pine forests running up their sides to the tree line and the magnificent blue of the sky above.
Huge thunderheads rose from the tops of the trees and billowed into the cobalt blue sky.
This hormone is produced by the adrenal glands which lie at the tops of the kidneys.
I was faintly amused by her decision to color the pilgrims in bright colors tho, cerise tops and gold trousers!
Both species seemed to favor the very tops of tall beeches.
On gas tops look out for wok burners which will produce more power from a single burner.
Long sleeved georgette tunic tops embellished with embroidery are worn layered over sexy camisoles and elegant wide-legged trousers.
The twin targa tops made of ultra-strong lightweight carbon fiber snap off and are stowed behind the rear seats.
The TOPS Atlas The atlas of topology cartoons was generated from the version of the PDB current on 1st July 1997.
Smart tailoring with a masculine edge is softened by the addition of blouses or tops in slippery silks or delicate chiffons.
I'm planning the opposite way up for my bottle tops - mini cloches to hopefully defend against the evil slugs!
The park tops an underground carpark for 10,000 cars, the revenues from which will return to the public coffers.
They are filled to within about six inches of their tops with fine sand, through which constantly flow strong currants of sea water.
One dictionary defines marijuana as the leaves and flowering tops when taken to induce euphoria.
Tops then rapidly for racketeering extortion dollar players get.
The " Flying Tops, " as they were called, were never finalized in Germany.
The hand carved finials at each corner complement the curved tops of the panels.
Patterns are now online showing how versatile firefly is for making tops and accessories.
The entire building is covered in depictions of the lotus flower from the tops of the vast columns to the pictograms on the walls.
The class either hauled 3500 gallon capacity tenders with straight sides or larger 4000 gallon capacity tenders with straight sides or larger 4000 gallon tenders with turned in tops to their sides.
The tops or backs of all forward facing seats must be fitted with a rigid handhold.
Zips featured strongly, with zipped insets on trouser hems and zip sweatshirt tops worn with chunky balaclava hoods and football-based T-shirt prints.
Again, cloud tops are usually cooler and emit less infrared upwards than the surface, while cloud bottoms radiate some infrared back down.
We have developed a subgraph isomorphism algorithm for ordered graphs, which performs well on the TOPS descriptions of protein structure.
The Flash costume consists of a bright red and yellow jumpsuit with attached boot tops and headpiece.
The houses are built under some limestone rocks, whose gray crags jut over the tops of the houses.
Most models also have many accessories available from teak decks to camper tops, steel keel guards, tables and trim tabs.
The walls are pale khaki, which looks beautiful with the black marble tops.
At least four men wearing hooded tops and wielding a knife entered Ladbrokes on Banbury Road, Oxford, on Friday.
We have lapwings on the tops of the hills where the Skylark still trills high above you.
Previous orders have been placed for red tops, with black lettering.
The Falcon is a skilled aerial hunter, flying low over the tree tops to take their prey by surprise.
Several readers agree that nothing tops Shellac's Prayer to God for sheer malevolence.
Picchu maternity Classic and stylish designer maternity wear including tops, bottoms, dresses, lingerie and swim wear.
It was still muggy, with cloud settled around 500 feet below the tops.
Here's one of the minor tops, an apparently nameless summit of 892m elevation.
However, as street drugs, the alkyl nitrites (usually butyl nitrite) come in small bottles with screw or plug tops.
However, the support we receive from the union tops is passive or even obstructive.
Of the tops the felony offenses business m m of the pay.
Kay tops TV one-liner poll Peter Kay's ' garlic bread ' catchphrase has been named the best comedy one-liner in British TV history.
Wall tops badly overgrown, interior inaccessible with no obvious entrance.
The new High Summer Collection features ruched tops, provocative beachwear, silk combat trousers and a khaki parka made of delicate parachute silk.
In the City I the tops of the pyramids form a perfect pentagon.
And who do you reckon would come out tops if you both got in a big punch-up!
Basil's road rage tops poll Source - Thursday, October 21, 1999.
A conventional reindeer can run tops, 15 miles per hr.
The temperature in May is not too bad but long sleeved shirts or tops are mandatory.
Only family wreaths adorn the graveside while hundreds of floral tributes, scarves and football tops have been moved to a makeshift shrine nearby.
Cumbria's soaring skylines, panoramic fell tops and tranquil lakes look set to become future stars of the silver screen.
Those confined to the tops of mountains or below impassable barriers may face extinction as their habitat grows smaller.
Satin tops in sophisticated colors are gorgeous teamed with black trousers or a pair of jeans and some sexy stilettos.
Some times we just feel like yelling at the tops of our voices, " Hey I'm not superhuman, you know!
I hope you enjoy the picture I made of you; I made the tambourine from milk bottle tops.
The bottles were glass with solid rubber teats that fitted into the bottle tops.
Protein topology pattern searching over TOPS databases We have developed a system which supports fast pattern searching over TOPS protein topology databases.
I reckon another 8-10 weeks tops to include a final two weeks of fat trimming at the end!
A few alternate color tank tops for a girl whose name will remain unwritten seemed to go over very well.
Most of the Florentine production was devoted to cabinets and table tops which provided the best vehicles to display the virtuosity of the craftsmen.
Along with Kai and Bedwyr (Bedivere), Peredur (Perceval), Gwalchmai (Gawain), and many others, we have such figures as Sgilti Yscandroed, whose way through the wood lay along the tops of the trees, and whose tread was so light that no blade of grass bent beneath his weight; Sol, who could stand all day upon one leg; Sugyn the son of Sugnedydd, who was "broad-chested" to such a degree that he could suck up the sea on which were three hundred ships and leave nothing but dry land; Gweyyl, the son of Gwestad, who when he was sad would let one of his lips drop beneath his waist and turn up the other like a cap over his head; and Uchtry Varyf Draws, who spread his red untrimmed beard over the eight-and-forty rafters of Arthur's hall.
It is true that many of these ranges are characterized by the rounded tops and the rather evenly slanting, waste-covered slopes which ncrmally result from the long-continued action of the ordinary agencies of erosion; that they bear little snow in summer and are practically wanting in glaciers; that forests are often scanty on the middle and lower slopes, the mord so because of devastation by fires; and that the general impression of great altitude is much weakened because the mountains are seen from a base which itself is 5000 or 6000 ft.
The beautiful mosques and madrasas (theological colleges) are dilapidated; no astronomers study the sky from the tops of their minarets; and the scholars of the madrasas waste their time on the most deplorably puerile scholasticism.
And who do you reckon would come out tops if you both got in a big punch-up !
They wore black nylon type quilted jackets with gray hooded tops underneath with the hoods up.
Basil 's road rage tops poll Source - Thursday, October 21, 1999.
I drew my breath just looking over at the tops of the redwood trees.
This lets you do a proper horseshoe round the main tops, with no retracing of steps.
Walk on rugged hillsides, through forests, over grouse moors and rolling farmland to the coastal cliff tops.
Or perhaps the game we played on the beach in our youth, flicking bottle tops round a track sifted out in the sand.
Cumbria 's soaring skylines, panoramic fell tops and tranquil lakes look set to become future stars of the silver screen.
Black hooded smock tops appeared somber when teamed with white polo necks.
Shorts, tight clothing and strapless tops are frowned upon anywhere except on the beach.
Some times we just feel like yelling at the tops of our voices, Hey I 'm not superhuman, you know !
Anything from old razor blades, toothpaste tubes, milk bottle tops, pots, pans.
Coats No denim, leather, suede jackets or tracksuit tops should be worn.
All it seemed to amount to was a collection of tops, ticked summits, underlined routes and a large pile of trashed gear.
I reckon another 8-10 weeks tops to include a final two weeks of fat trimming at the end !
Costumes are simple trousers and tunic tops in velvet and jersey fabrics that create an elegant line on the dancers ' bodies.
Mountain tops are either rocky, bare or carpeted with tussock grass, above a belt of dense shady Holm Oak forest.
Fairly heavy deposits of wettish snow (no longer powdery) on the tops with nice cornices forming.
More cold weather to come with plenty of wintry showers on the tops.
Everyone wants to fight us. ' Their group began laughing, yanking up hooded tops as they adopted the posture of a streetwise gang.
You can also make a healing ointment with yarrow flower tops and your oil or fat.
There are stove guards available which you can use to keep little hands away from stove tops.
There are many tops, shirts, and dresses designed with nursing moms in mind.
Because premature babies will outgrow their clothing pretty quickly, you can pick up dresses, gowns, pajamas, tops, bottoms, and other accessories at a fraction of the cost of purchasing new items.
Glamourmom nursing tank tops-Relatively new on the breastfeeding clothing market, nursing tank tops offer the best of both worlds-comfort and fit.
Because they can be worn alone or paired with another shirt, nursing tank tops are often favored for their versatility and style.
Only a bra that is specifically meant to be a push-up bra should leave the tops of your breasts fully exposed.
Make it a point to wear close fitting tops or dresses or even a T-shirt when you go bra shopping.
You can also find bras that are suited to specific types of dresses like strapless bras for evening gowns and bras with movable straps that can be used with short tops and halter-tops.
Tank tops are another common sleep shirt option.
It works well under suit jackets, tops tailored slacks, pairs nicely with casual and dressy skirts and even spices up plain jeans.
Or should you hold out for a designer tops?
Avoid any tops or shorts that feel restrictive.
Finally, if you're an apple type mainly because of a large bust, there are ways to make it look smaller-boatneck shirts or short or patterned bottoms with solid-colored tops.
To continue to look balanced on top and bottom, stay away from pieces that will create bulk in one area or another, such as ruffled tops and very baggy pants.
Wide-leg or flared jeans, halter tops, slightly cropped jackets, and skirts with slits are all great choices.
Tailored pieces make you look taller, so if you can choose flowing tops, do so.
This makes jumping more difficult, so Himmy's are less likely to jump on counters and table tops.
This type of wood is used to make the spindles, the arms and the tops of Amish desk chairs.
You can find assembled wheat decorations from design stores and catalog retailers, or you can make your own from the discarded tops of the wheat (if you live in the country), or wheat-like grasses at craft stores.
Furniture with oval backs feature highly, as does marble counters and table tops.
Having easily accessible table tops will provide a comfortable experience for guests and family.
Some even have hinged tops that open for out-of-the-way storage.
There have been complaints since 1999 of some of the glass table tops spontaneously shattering.
Or they can be elaborate and pricey with marble tops and copper accents.
There are many finishes available for counter tops, from tile to solid stone like granite or marble or even stainless steel.
Bay windows may also have curved or arched tops; if a curtain is desired for this area it may be advisable to drape the fabric from curtain hooks rather than use a rod.
If you are having this hamper custom-designed and created as a built-in, then you have several options such as slanted hinged tops or bins that are hidden behind cabinet doors.
For extra drama, apply your mascara on the tops of top lashes, then go from underneath, one or two coats.
Sweep it in a "C" motion from your temples to the tops of your cheeks.
Much in the same way mini skirts and cleavage baring tops are better left for a fun Saturday evening, so too are the glitter eye pencils and bad-gal lashes; a definite no-no for the office!
Great jewelry, cool tops and on-trend handbags are a just a few items that you can expect from each campaign Magalog.
When it comes to staying power and practical color, nothing tops the cream version.
Whether it be sand and surf or a hard workout at the gym, waterproof makeup tops the list of must-have summer beauty items.
The fashion of halter tops, and terry-cloth bottoms reflected one thing; action!
While this look certainly tops the charts as one of the sexier makeup looks (along with cat eye makeup), smoky eyes can be modified for daytime, too.
Adding it to the tops of the cheekbones will make them stand out and allow you to fake enviable bone structure.
Clothing that is about to go out-of-season seems to receive the largest discounts, so look for tank tops in late August and sweaters at the end of March.
With ultra-sleek dimensions of 2.3 inches (height) by 3.76 inches (width) by 0.75 inches (depth), the M340 tops the majority of the best point and shoot digital cameras in terms of size.
Cut the tops off the shallots and heads of garlic.
Dip the tops of the cupcakes into crushed chocolate wafers or chocolate cookies, as long as the cookies are black.
After simmering has begun, add the seasoning in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of salt to a quart of water, a half saltspoon of ground white pepper, a celery root, or a tiny bit of celery seed or the tops of celery.
In addition to several lines of unique fashion tops and skirts, this online store offers a host of teen accessories and leggings.
LuLu's carries cute tops, bottoms, logo tees, and dresses for teen girls.
Here you'll find casual and prom dresses, tops, bottoms, and outerwear.
Tops are trending back to a look that was popular in the 80s and early 90s, and that's with a wider neck or asymmetrical neckline.
T-Shirts and Tank Tops - These never really go out of style; just the fit and print change.
Ruffled Tops - These are very lightweight and are edged in ruffles.
A slight variation on this style is the baby doll tops that are reminiscent of flouncy pajama tops.
Roomy Poncho Tops - These tops are of a lightweight material and have sleeves that connect from the cuff down to the waist band.
You can wear leg warmers over the tops of your shoes or just above the shoes so they look like socks.
Guys can also choose from a wide array of pants, cords, shorts, tops, jackets, shirts, and accessories.
They're great with flats or boots and go great with tops or jackets that hang down below the seat of the pants.
They go great with numerous different styles of tops and look great with high heels.
While in the dressing room, match up different tops and bottoms.
Clingy tops don't leave much to the imagination - make sure you want to actually show it all off.
Alloy sells jeans, tops, sweaters, skirts, dresses, shoes, and more for juniors, including many styles in larger sizes.
In my religion I cannot wear short tops, short skirts, or trousers and tops.
I think that this season in particular we see 60's and 80's influences particularly with the cropped jackets and long tunic tops and sweaters.
Remember to save the bulk of your money for the staples (like jeans, cute tops, etc.), but if you do have money leftover, feel free to splurge on a trend.
You're sure to find it in their tops section.
The tees and tank shirts at Wet Seal have been conveniently separated from the tops category, so if you're just searching for something causal, this is where you need to look.
Rather than shop for designer denim like Seven jeans, scoop up a pair of black skinny pants, which will add a rocker punk look to all your tops, tanks, or dresses.
Since there are dozens of designs, you can mix and match the tops of the gown with bottom for many combinations.
When celebrities bare their bellies in crop tops, many girls will flock to do the same, but just because a super-short shirt or skirt is available in a junior size doesn't mean a parent has to cave in and buy it.
As soon as you enter, you'll find racks of tops and shelves of pants.
Many of the tops and some of the bottoms have their brand "aero" or "aeropostale" printed on them.
The size range for girls' tops is from small to xxlarge.
For teen boys, the tops go up to 3x large.
Traditionally, wedding cake tops have been adorned with either a miniature replica of the happy couple or a bouquet of fresh flowers.
Fake snow can be sprayed on the corners of the windows for a wintry scene, and small evergreen boughs can be randomly strewn on table tops for color.
Put the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar in a fine strainer or sieve and then sprinkle the tops of the cookies.
No longer are wedding cake tops the requisite plastic statues of a smiling bride and groom.
Now you can purchase cake tops that are more whimsical or reflect a hobby or interest.
Candy Pearls - Decorate the tops and sides with candied pearls.
If you want the royal treatment on your wedding day, nothing tops the luxury of an exotic limousine rental.
Cruise ships, botanical gardens, cliff tops, cascading waterfalls, quaint churches, elegant estate manors, and lush jungle groves are all vibrant alternatives that offer Caribbean flair without mandating a beach wedding.
Round cakes look particularly nice when covered in buttercream and piped with borders at the tops and bottoms.
If you want a completely smooth surface on the cake, ask the decorator to bake shallow cupcakes or shave off the tops of domed cakes so that they present a better platform.
There are many other products constructed of this fine fiber, including sheets, dress shirts, casual tops, and much more.
Although she doesn't design the tops herself, she does get to choose what she likes and doesn't like from clothing created by professional designers.
As if Oprah needs a bigger paycheck -- she tops the list of the highest paid stars on television.
Slips referring to her tops and flips referring to her skirts here.
Beyond the word of the waiter or waitress who was dealt the unfair lack of tip, this is probably the best proof that a specific celebrity is a poor tipper.Who tops this list?
If polka dots are the newest trend, you'll probably find plenty of polka dot dresses and tops on the racks.
For boys and girls, expect to find pants, jeans and skirts priced around $20 to $25, tops for around $15, basic tees for $10 and sleepwear for around $20.
Knit and woven tops, bottoms and some outerwear pieces in both solids and prints are featured in the line.
Today's spring dresses are usually made out of polyester and come with thick-strapped tank tops or cap sleeves.
Skinny jeans and peasant tops do not look the same on every body shape, so it's important to side with styles that are not only popular, but are flattering as well.
Shorts are getting shorter, tops are getting skinnier, and some kids will wear a tank and mini skirt in a snow storm before they will wear something practical and "uncool".
You can find plenty of pajama bottoms sold separate from tops, so older girls can create their own sleepwear look, whether they like pants or shorts.
Back then low rise jeans would often be paired with long paisley-printed tops.
Girls low-rise jeans are typically worn with short tops and give more than just a glimpse of skin in the midriff area.
You may find pom-pom decorated skirts or tops; perhaps you'll find a t-shirt attached to a pink tutu.
Bib overalls should be measured from the crotch to the tops of the shoulders.
You'll find these tops in short and long sleeve varieties, making them perfect for year-round wear.
You don't have to shop in children's boutiques to find polo tops.
Polo tops are associated with preppy wear, but even kids who don't consider themselves preppies can enjoy slipping into one of these versatile shirts.
Wear short-sleeved tops in the spring and summer, and save long-sleeved varieties for fall and winter.
These come in light and dark washes, with buttons, patches or frayed hems - consider your options and purchase something on the conservative side that you can then play up with fun tops and under layers throughout the year.
You can find a huge array of Hannah Montana inspired tops, bottoms, pajamas, and accessories from the new Miley Cyrus clothing line at affordable prices.
Finally, Psycho Baby has a sweet and sassy collection of tops, dresses, outerwear and loungewear for girls up to size eight.
A pink and peppy website selling trendy tops and tights, as well as everything in between, Countessina is your one-stop shopping adventure when you're looking for mail order boutique items.
With so many styling options in tops, shoes and accessories, khakis are one of the most multi-use pieces a child can own.
Rompers, sundresses, board shorts, swimsuits, tank tops and shorts will keep your young style diva cute and comfortable.
Dresses start at about $50 in price, and pants, shorts, onesies, and tops are generally priced below this mark.
For basics like tops and pants, the prices are lower.
One growth spurt over a season will find them with pant legs that are too short and tops that no longer fit well.
Since necklines were notoriously high during this time period, girls ornamented the bodice of their dresses with buttons, ribbons and pins to give their tops interesting lines and ornamentation.
Comprising tops, bottoms, underwear and socks, there are 154 items to choose from in the boys' department of Under Armour clothing for kids.
Camouflage clothing is always popular with given groups of kids, but there are periods in fashion history when everything from kids' camo jackets to strappy tank tops are all the rage.
While Fruit of the Loom makes underwear, socks, and tank tops for men, women, and children, there is a classic appeal to the boys' line of products.
Fruit of the Loom also makes basic tank tops and socks for boys and toddlers.
Two piece pajama tops may be in pull-over style or feature buttons or snaps on the front of the shirts.
One of the signatures of Gymboree clothing is that they sell complete outfits, instead of just selling tops and bottoms.
They have items tailored to school uniforms, as well as tops, sweaters, bottoms, jeans, dresses, swimsuits, sleepwear, shoes, underwear and accessories.
The same basic categories apply to boys' clothing as well, with a huge selection of inexpensive jeans, uniform apparel, tops, sweaters, swimsuits and clothes for boys of any size.
These loose tops can look like tunics or dresses, depending on the length selected, and they can also be updated for a more Western feel with a basic sash or belt.
Alongside skinny jeans, there are ballerina flats, belted tops and dresses, and even some big hair now and again.
A cardigan can be also added to overcome sleeveless tops and dresses.
The clothing line features a wide array of items, including T-shirts, tops, capris, shorts, jeans, swimsuits, hoodies and Hannah Montana dresses.
Get a pair of flannel pajamas with matching tank tops that can be worn underneath.
Within each category are many sub-categories, with the usual such as tops, jeans and outerwear, as well as accessories, novelties and underwear.
There are knee socks, tights, leg warmers and leggings in wild colors and prints, and a huge selection of jeans, skirts, tops and sweaters for mixing and matching to any girl's content.
The bulk of the Purple Orchid kids' clothing lines comprises a variety of tops and dresses.
With an array of tops, child overalls are more than versatile; they are a parent's dream.
Gymboree has a wide variety of plain-colored overalls that are easy to jazz up with T-shirts and tank tops.
Whereas with sturdier items like dresses, jeans, sweaters and tops you can find amazing items second-hand, leggings are more likely to wear out.
They are available in one piece long johns or coordinated tops and bottoms.
Tennis tops may include traditional polo shirts, but new designs of tanks and halter tops are also popular on the market.
My Little Pony tops are perfect to wear under girls' pink bib overalls or over pants, skirts, or shorts.
Our articles cover all aspects of clothing for children, including underwear, socks, pajamas, tops and bottoms, dresses, coats and jackets.
The store has a nice selection of summer dresses, short sets, sandals, tank tops and swimwear.
The online store offers many different summer items for girls in this size range, including sundresses, tank tops, short-sleeve tops, skirts and shorts.
Moms love this store because of the ease of matching tops and bottoms and accessories all in one place.
Federally accredited programs are generally considered tops; after that, regional accredition is also positive.
Casual attire, including shorts, sundresses and tank tops, is the standard dress code for passengers exploring the line’s luxury vessels during daylight hours.
Coil orthopedic dog beds with pillow tops are the top of the line models, providing the ultimate support for dogs with various joint problems.
Remove the biscuits from oven, and use a pastry brush to paint the tops with your egg whites.
After you brush the biscuit tops, return them to the oven to bake for another ten minutes.
Small pots, with a little bit of dry Sphagnum Moss inside, inverted on the tops of stakes, also form good traps.
There is also T. albiflorus, with white flowers, found on the mountain tops in Colorado.
The hardiest form of all is minor, from the mountain tops of California-a pretty little shrub for raised banks.
Fine specimens have been seen between the joints of brick-work at the tops of old wells, the fronds developing fine proportions.
It grows on the tops of walls in the west country, and in sandy places.
The tops branch naturally, and all that need be done is to spread them out thinly, and to keep the growths secured to the walls or trellis.
Italian lakes, for example, grow up to the tops of high Fir and Pine trees.
It is a native of arid stony places on the Pyrenees and the Alps, but often descends into the lowlands, and is found on the tops of walls.
This native of our shores, and of the tops of the Scottish mountains, is very pretty, with its flowers of soft lilac or white springing from cushions of grass-like leaves; but the deep rosy form, rarely seen wild, best deserves cultivation.
Short young tops should be used for cuttings, and may be inserted pretty thickly in the cutting-pots.
It is self-supporting, and will attach itself firmly and climb to the tops of high walls-a useful quality.
You may need to water every three to five days until tops die back for the year.
Natural Stone Vanity Tops - Usually made of marble or granite, although other options might be available depending on your bathroom budget, natural stone vanity tops have many benefits.
Once your opening is the right size and you have your woodwork installed, simply attach the overhead track, mount the wheels on the tops of the doors, slide the doors onto the track and position the guide at the bottom.
All the vanity tops are pre-cut to specifically fit Kohler's under-counter sinks.
Chalkstipe vanities accommodate 25-inch tops with an integrated sink.
For this design choice, skip the fun and funky mosaic patterns and bold colored ceramic tiles and instead, go with warm beige Travertine for the floors and a dark black granite for the counter tops.
Chunks of drywall often come off with the crown molding, making it essential that the tops of the walls be refinished before painting.
If you never need the tiles you can always use them as trivets or as coasters to protect your table tops against moisture.
Wooden kitchen countertops and island tops are making a comeback as materials such as bamboo offer new, sustainable design options.
Wooden tops mellow and patina with age, showing the use of the counter.
Jumpers, sweaters and cardigans replace summer tops and hats, scarves and gloves can be seasonal essentials.
Chunky necklaces work best with shirts with a scoop neck or a crew neck or strapless tops.
There is no need for a necklace when you wear a brooch, so they work well with tops, such as turtlenecks, that do not have open necklines.
Browse the site to check out great deals on items such as Strafford flannel night shirts, bottoms and tops.
New technology enables amateurs and pros alike to wear tops that keep you dry even on the hottest days.
Still, for the man who loves to play in cooler weather, there are long sleeve tops available as well as mock turtlenecks.
Chances are you have one or more of these style tops in your closet right now.
If you shop for bargains, you can easily find these tops on sale.
Select the price that best suits your budget and you'll find a list of coordinated items (including tops, sportscoats, pants and accessories) all available to purchase in one shot.
Opt for knit tops if you plan on logging plenty of time outdoors, and throw on one of Carhartt's heavyweight sweatshirts when it cools down.
You can wear them with a short-sleeve button-up shirt in plain or tropical colors, or pair them with polo tops or tees; the choice is yours with these versatile offerings.
During this period, Croatian mercenaries used scarves to hold the tops of their shirts together.
There are many styles of mesh tank tops.
Depending on your particular need and what sport you plan to participate in, there are many different tank tops to choose from.
In other words, you'll find plenty of accessories and tops to wear, but you'll have to visit another clothing line to find the perfect bottoms to complete your look.
Who'd have thought that bright tops actually had any history?
Sometimes referred to as "dandy" shirts, dressy, loud tops are flamboyant, colorful and adventurous.
These tops make ample use of vibrant prints - a paisley here, a polka dot there or a stripe everywhere.
Find those bright tops easily; simply click on "Men," then "Shirts - Casual."
Here, you'll be able to search for tops by color and type.
The European chain is always right on top of the latest fashion choices, so it's no surprise that its men section is chock-full of bold, edgy tops.
Adorned with a multitude of tattoo-inspired prints (bursting with color, naturally), these tops are popular choices for casual wear.
When in doubt, you can't go wrong with khakis - they, too, pair well with everything from short sleeve polo shirts to long sleeve button down tops.
They were originally designed as uniform tops for originally and quickly caught on as a mainstream item.
Some women love wearing men's pajama tops around the house or for sleeping.
Forget about too-huge tops that swallow you right up and overwhelm your entire outfit.
You don't really need to plan an outfit around your sports gear, because tops as bold as these make a pretty loud statement on their own.
These brilliant tops steal the spotlight with their ebullient, colorful prints that feature vivid floral designs, aquatic themes and island-inspired motifs.
Look for conservative vertical stripes, solid tops with a line of demure print along one side and even a simple white style etched with a tonal palm tree print.
Men who wear extra large tops may find that the polo shirt is the most comfortable top of all.
A good fit is the most essential detail of all, so be sure to try it on over a variety of tops, including a light sweater.
These collared tops feature several buttons at the placket and are available in an enormous range of solid colors and prints.
There are varieties made especially for avid golfers who require tops that wick moisture away from the body, but there are also extra-casual styles for those who are seeking everyday-appropriate wear for work and play.
You can find lounge pants, belts, tank tops, t-shirts and more.
Cottonfield carries tops, pants, sleepwear, and lingerie.
The tops of the tomato can be brown to almost black making it look bruised.
Here you can find women's board shorts in fun, easy Hawaiian prints and a host of complimentary tops to go with them.
There are four main styles of bikini tops.
Some styles and fabrics of plus size bikini tops give you the versatility of including your swimsuit as part of your plus size casual outfit.
These styles help the bra to convert for wear with strapless, halter-style, tube top and spaghetti strap tops, to name a few.
They will work for even your skimpiest tops.
The beauty of these bra styles is that it is now possible to wear your favorite tops without having to buy a different bra for each one.
Lace and satin are tops; cotton is reserved for your more casual nighttime pajamas.
Skinny styles are the best ones to dress up with heels, snazzy tops, etc. Western jeans with a more relaxed fit are more suitable for active wear.
Additionally, if your jeans have a lot of different embellishments, keep tops and accessories fairly simple.
Also, don't feel confined to only pants and roomy tops.
Never let the type of bra you'd need determine what kind of tops and dresses you can add to your wardrobe.
Designers know that rayon tops in large sizes for women are a fashion staple.
There is a wide selection of rayon tops in large sizes for women.
Rayon tops come in a variety of styles from t-shirts to tunics to blouses.