Tooth Sentence Examples
Being outdoors all day has worked up a sweet tooth for me.
Avulsions. These occur when an entire structure or part of it is forcibly pulled away, such as the loss of a permanent tooth or an ear lobe.
The absence of a gap between the lower canine and first premolar and between the latter and the following tooth is regarded as an essentially tapir-like feature.
Finally, we have the family Rhinocerotidae, which includes the existing representatives of the group. In this family the dentition has undergone considerable reduction, and may be represented inclusive of all the variations, by the formula i a or a m a The first upper incisor, whenpresent, has an 430r2; PP antero-posteriorly elongated crown, but the second is small; when fully developed, the lower canine is a large forwardly directed tusk-like tooth with sharp cutting-edges, and biting against the first upper incisor.
With changes of the pressures of the blood in arteries, veins or capillaries, and in the heart itself and its respective chambers, static changes are apt to follow in these parts; such as degeneration of the coats of the arteries, due either to the silent tooth of time, to persistent high blood pressures, or to the action of poisons such as lead or syphilis.
In 1889 a medal was struck to commemorate the Tooth anniversary of the mayoralty which according to popular tradition was founded in 1189.
In geared hoists the drums. are on a separate shaft, driven from the crank-shaft by tooth or friction gearing, and make one revolution for, say, 4 or 5 double strokes.
Independent drums, on the contrary, are loose upon their shaft, and are thrown on or off by tooth or friction clutches.
The whole apparatus is so exactly analogous in structure to the poison-gland and tooth of a venomous snake as to suggest a similar function, and there is now evidence that it employs this organ as an offensive weapon.
In some all the teeth are nearly of the same size; others possess in front of the jaws (Lycodonts) or behind in the maxillaries (Diacrasterians) a tooth more or less con spicuously larger than the rest; whilst others again are distinguished by this larger posterior tooth being grooved along its outer face.
AdvertisementThe snakes with this grooved kind of tooth have been named Opisthoglyphi, and also Suspecti, because their saliva is more or less poisonous.
Besides these variations in the number of ridges or plates of which each tooth is composed, the thickness of the enamel varies so much as to have given rise to a distinction between a " thick-plated " and a " thin-plated " variety - the latter being most prevalent among specimens from the Arctic regions.
Under the Florida treaty of 1819-21 a portion of the Red river was to be the northern boundary of Texas east of the tooth meridian, but as there are two branches of%the river meeting east of the meridian the enclosed territory (Greer county) was in dispute.
It has also one premolar tooth less in the lower jaw.
On the completion of each revolution of this toothed wheel (which, if the number of its teeth be 100, will comprise loo revolutions of the movable plate), a projecting pin fixed to it catches a tooth of another toothed wheel and turns it round, and with it a corresponding index which thus records the number of turns of the first toothed wheel.
AdvertisementFor this purpose a resistance, say, of one ohm is placed in series with the lamp and a resistance of 100,000 ohms placed across the terminals of the lamp; the latter resistance is divided into two parts, one consisting of loon ohms and the other of 99,000 ohms. The potentiometer enables us to measure therefore the current through the lamp by measuring the drop in volts down a resistance in series with it and the potential difference of the terminals of the lamp by measuring the drop in volts down the tooth part of the high resistance of 100,000 ohms connected across the terminals of the lamp.
After the removal or loss of a tooth, braces or another orthodontic appliance may be used to prevent the remaining teeth from moving into the empty space.
The pressure causes bone in the jaw to dissolve in front of the moving tooth as new bone grows behind the tooth.
Removable appliances are often plastic plates that fit into the roof of the mouth and clip onto a tooth.
Removable bionators hold the lower jaw forward and guide tooth eruption while helping the upper and lower jaws to grow proportionately.
AdvertisementOrthodontic appliances trap food, bacteria, and plaque, leading to tooth decay.
Food particles and plaque deposits around orthodontic appliances can cause demineralization of the tooth enamel, leading to cavities and permanent whitish scars on the teeth.
Crown-The natural part of the tooth covered by enamel.
A restorative crown is a protective shell that fits over a tooth.
Plaque-A sticky film of saliva, food particles, and bacteria that attaches to the tooth surface and causes decay.
AdvertisementDental x rays are designed to locate decay within the tooth.
Children should avoid trauma, such as biting the inside of their mouth and tongue, or vigorous tooth brushing.
Left untreated, periodontal disease results in the destruction of the gums, alveolar bone (the part of the jaws where the teeth arise), and the outer layer of the tooth root.
Thence westward to the Tooth meridian are the prairies, the south-westward extension of the Prairie Plain province.
They were to be, in general terms, the Sabine river, the 94th meridian (approximately), the Red river, the tooth meridian, the Arkansas river, and the 42nd parallel.
In the older books of travel are often found the alternative names for this region, Tooth Coast (Cate des Dents) or Kwa-Kwa Coast, and, less frequently, the Coast of the Five and Six Stripes (alluding to a kind of cotton fabric in favour with the natives).
It was observed that ten of the caudal vertebrae of the latter skeleton bore tooth marks and grooves corresponding exactly with the sharp pointed teeth in the jaw of the carnivorous dinosaur.
In this line there is a tendency 'to lose the last upper molar, but in Prolagus, which ranges in the Pliocene from Sardinia and Corsica to Spain, and forms a side-branch, the corresponding lower tooth has likewise disappeared.
There is, however, a minute upper canine developed at first, which is early shed; and in extinct forms this tooth was FIG.
The canine was like a premolar, and in contact with the first tooth of that series; and the cheek-teeth were short-crowned, with the premolar simpler than the molars, and a third lobe to the last lower tooth of the latter series.
The radula when present comprises several transverse rows of teeth, and each transverse row may have several teeth (polystichous), two teeth (distichous), or one tooth (monostichous).
On the floor of the pharynx or buccal mass is a rudimentary radula, which in many species consists of a single large tooth, bearing two small teeth or a row of teeth.
In the cheekteeth the sectorial or scissor-like cutting function is developed at the expense of the tubercular or grinding, there being only one rudimentary tooth of the latter form in the upper jaw, and none in FIG.
The mandibular symphysis extends backwards at least to the fifteenth tooth.
The mandibular symphysis does not reach beyond the eighth tooth.
C. cataphractus is the common crocodile of West Africa, easily recognised by the slender snout which resembles that of the gavial, but the mandibular symphysis does not reach beyond the eighth tooth.
In 1902 the tooth anniversary of the city's incorporation with Prussia was celebrated.
Hence, if there are 365 days in a year, the Tooth day from the beginning is the 266th, not the 265th, from the end.
Oyocos, like, 6 oi,s, tooth), and in the case cited, as the teeth are never changed, it is also monophyodont (Gr.
Many mammals have, between these two sets, a tooth at each corner of the mouth, longer and more pointed than the others, adapted for tearing or stabbing, or for fixing struggling prey.
The third upper molar (m 3) is the only tooth wanting to complete the typical heterodont mammalian dentition.
This distinction is, however, not so important as it appears at first sight, for their connexion with the bone is only of a secondary nature, and, although it happens conveniently that in the great majority of cases the division between the bones coincides with the interspace between the third and fourth tooth of the series, still, when it does not, as in the mole, too much weight must not be given to this fact, if it contravenes other reasons for determining the homologies of the teeth.
Of the five teeth between the incisors and molars the most anterior, or the one usually situated close behind the premaxillary suture, very generally assumes a lengthened and pointed form, and constitutes the " canine " of the Carnivora, the tusk of the boar, &c. It is customary, therefore, to call this tooth, whatever its size or form, the " canine."
With regard to the lower teeth the difficulties are greater, owing to the absence of any suture corresponding to that which defines the incisors above; but since the number of the teeth is the same, since the corresponding teeth are preceded by milk-teeth, and since in the large majority of cases it is the fourth tooth of the series which is modified in the same way as the canine (or fourth tooth) of the upper jaw, it is reasonable to adopt the same divisions as with the upper series, and to call the first three, which are implanted in the part of the mandible opposite to the premaxilla, the incisors, the next the canine, the next four the premolars, and the last three the molars.
Dron was one of those physically and mentally vigorous peasants who grow big beards as soon as they are of age and go on unchanged till they are sixty or seventy, without a gray hair or the loss of a tooth, as straight and strong at sixty as at thirty.
Tikhon scratched his back with one hand and his head with the other, then suddenly his whole face expanded into a beaming, foolish grin, disclosing a gap where he had lost a tooth (that was why he was called Shcherbaty--the gap-toothed).
Not all dentists agree, however, that thumb sucking is harmful to tooth development.
If the patient has been self-inducing vomiting, she may have eroded tooth enamel or Russell's sign (scars on the back of the hand).
Once a child's lower baby incisors have erupted, an orthodontist can measure the child's jaw and tooth size, project their growth rate, and possibly predict whether the child will have orthodontic problems with their permanent teeth.
Periodontal (meaning "around the tooth") disease is usually seen as a chronic (long-term) inflammatory disease.
Chronic gingivitis may lead to a deepening of the pockets between the gum and tooth.
As the molar emerges, a flap of gum still covers the tooth.
Periodontitis, also called pyorrhea, is a condition in which gingivitis has extended down around the tooth and into the supporting bone structure.
Children who have chronically bleeding gums, open sores on the gums, or who complain of gum or tooth pain, should see a dentist promptly.
In periodontitis, tartar and plaque can extend far down the tooth root.
The sweet tooth at the table will not be disappointed with the wide array of deserts offered; the dark chocolate torte and crème brulee are two of the most popular options.
Dessert selections such as red velvet cake, chocolate crème brulee and apple pie ravioli are sure to delight guests with a sweet tooth.
It is well known that cancer may develop in places where there has been chronic irritation; an example may be found in cancer of the tongue following on prolonged irritation from a jagged tooth.
The hole leads into a canal, which opens as a semi-canal towards the end of the tooth.
This independence of adaptation applies to every detail of structure; the six cusps of a grinding tooth may all evolve alike, or each may evolve independently and differently.
Great waves of extinction have followed the long periods of the slow evolution of relatively inadaptive types of tooth and foot structure, as first demonstrated by Waldemar Kowalevsky; thus mammals are repeatedly observed in a cul-de-sac of structure from which there is no escape in an adaptive direction.
The third or last molar tooth of both jaws is of great size, and presents a structure at first sight unlike that of any other mammal, being composed of numerous (22-25) parallel cylinders or columns, each with pulp-cavity, dentine and enamel-covering, and packed together with cement.
Examination will, however, show that a modification similar to that which has transformed the comparatively simple molar tooth of the mastodon into the extremely complex grinder of the Indian elephant has served to change the tooth of the common pig into that of Phacochoerus.
The tubercles which cluster over the surface of the crown of the common pig are elongated and drawn out into the columns of the wart-hog, as the low transverse ridges of the mastodon's tooth become the leaf-like plates of the elephant's molar.
The teeth are disposed in transverse rows, and in each row they are arranged symmetrically on either side of a central tooth.
There are three pairs of rooted molars, whose crowns carry transverse plates, decreasing in number from three in the first to one in the last tooth.
Of these the first upper premolar is a simple tooth placed close behind the premaxilla and separated by a long gap from the two other teeth of the same series; while the lower incisors, of which the outermost is the largest, are directed partially forwards.
Besides the 5th, the tooth and the Jager also took part in the attack, which was renewed again and again during i o days, but no further progress was made.
That part of the acting surface of a tooth which projects beyond the pitch-surface is called the face; that part which lies within the pitch-surface, the flank.
It is required to find, first, how many pairs of teeth must pass the line of contact of the pitch-surfaces before I and T work together again (let this number be called a); and, secondly, with how many different teeth of the larger wheel the tooth t will work at different times (let this number be called b); thirdly, with how many different teeth of the smaller wheel the tooth T will work at different times (let this be called c)
During the approach, the flank D1B1 of the driving tooth drives the face D,B1 of the following tooth, and the teeth are sliding towards each other.
During the recess (in which the position of the teeth is exemplified in the figure by curves marked with accented letters), the face BiAi of the driving tooth drives the flank B2A2 of the following tooth, and the teeth are sliding from each other.
If the same rolling curve R, with the same tracing-point T, be rolled on the outside of any other pitch-circle, it will have the fare of a tooth suitable to work with the flank AT.
In like manner, if either the same or any other rolling curve be rolled the opposite way, on the outside of the pitch-circle BB, so that the tracing point T shall start from A, it will trace the face AT of a tooth suitable to work with a flank traced by rolling the same curve R with the same tracing-point T inside any other pitch-circle.
Let BB be part of the pitch-circle, and a the point where a tooth is to cross it.
For example, the pain of a gum-boil is generally relieved more by warmth, because the yielding tissues of the gum, mouth and cheek can be readily relaxed by heat and their vessels dilated; but when the pain is dependent upon inflammation in the hard unyielding socket of a tooth, cold generally gives greater relief.
Pain may be stopped by removing the cause of irritation, as, for example, by the extraction of a carious tooth or by rendering the nerveendings insensitive to irritation, as by the application of cocaine; by preventing its transmission along the spinal cord by antipyrin, phenacetin, acetanilide, cocaine, &c.; or by dulling the perceptive centre in the brain by means of opium or its alkaloids, by anaesthetics, and probably also, to a certain extent, by antipyrin and its congeners.
But irritation may be produced by numerous other causes besides this - such as a decayed tooth, diseased bone, local inflammations in which nerves are implicated, by some source of pressure upon a nerve trunk, or by swelling of its sheath in its passage through a bony canal or at its exit upon the surface.
Corresponding to these in the lower jaw is but one tooth on each side, which is of great size, directed horizontally forwards, narrow, lanceolate and pointed with sharp edges.
The milk-dentition, as in other marsupials, is confined to a single tooth on each side of each jaw, the other molars and incisors being never changed.
In 1560 a supposed tooth of Buddha was brought to Goa; the raja of Pegu offered ioo,000 for the relic, and as Portuguese India was virtually bankrupt the government wished to accept the offer; but the archbishop intervened and the relic was destroyed.
The its muscular coat; g, g, the heart is of the usual Arthro lateral teeth, which when podous type, lying in a more or in use are brought in conless well-defined pericardial blood tact with the sides of the sinus, with which it communi median tooth m; c, c, the cates by valvular openings or muscular coat.
The only British representative is Cynodon Dactylon (dog's tooth, Bermuda grass) found on sandy shores in the south-west of England; it is a cosmopolitan, covering the ground in sandy soils, and forming an important forage grass in many dry climates (Bermuda grass of the southern United States, and known as durba, dub and other names in India).
It differs from the true crocodile principally in having the head broader and shorter, and the snout more obtuse; in having the fourth, enlarged tooth of the under jaw received, not into an external notch, but into a pit formed for it within the upper one; in wanting a jagged fringe which appears on the hind legs and feet of the crocodile; and in having the toes of the hind feet webbed not more than half way to the tips.
The cheek-teeth have transverse plates of enamel on the crowns; the number of such plates diminishing from three in the first tooth to one or one and a half in the third.
In mentioning any single tooth, such a sign as mi will mean the first upper molar,, nl the first lower molar, and so on.
The milk-dentition is expressed by a similar formula, d for deciduous, being added before the letter expressive of the nature of the tooth.
Opinions differ as to the mode in which the more complicated cheek-teeth of mammals have been evolved from a simpler type of tooth.
According to one theory, this has been brought about by the fusion of two or more teeth of a simple conical type to form a compound tooth.
A more generally accepted view - especially among palaeontologists - is the tritubercular theory, according to which the most generalized type of tooth consists of three cusps arranged in a triangle, with the apex pointing inwards in the teeth of the upper jaw.
That wonderful agricultural region, extending from the international line on the north to the 37th parallel, and from the Atlantic Ocean to the Tooth meridian, and comprising 26 states, produces 76% of the American wheat crop. This region, which contains only 30% of the land surface of the country, but embraces 60% of its total farm area and 70% of its improved farm acreage, is the greatest cereal-producing region of the world.
They perform complicated surgical operations with an obsidian knife or a shark's tooth.
Between the molar teeth it is broader, and it ends posteriorly in a rounded excavated border opposite the hinder border of the penultimate molar tooth.
The enamelled surface is infolded in a complex manner (a modification of that found in other perissodactyles), the folds extending quite to the base of the crown, and the interstices being filled and the surface covered with a considerable mass of cement, which binds together and strengthens the whole tooth.
The palate is long and narrow; its mucous surface has seventeen pairs of not very sharply defined oblique ridges, extending as far back as the last molar tooth, beyond which the velum palati extends for about 3 in., having a soft corrugated surface, and ending posteriorly in an arched border without a uvula.
Its duct leaves the inferior anterior angle, at first descends a little, and runs forward under cover of the rounded inferior border of the lower jaw, then curves up along the anterior margin of the masseter muscle, becoming superficial, pierces the buccinator, and enters the mouth by a simple aperture opposite the middle of the crown of the third premolar tooth.
A and feet with two primary papillae on the anterior side and one on the posterior side; outer jaw with one minor tooth at the base of the main tooth, inner jaw with no interval between the large tooth and the series of small ones; last fully developed leg of the male with enlarged crural gland opening on a large papilla placed on its ventral surface; coxal organs absent; the nephridial openings of the 4th and 5th pairs of legs are placed in the proximal spinous pad.
With 23 to 25 pairs of claw-bearing legs, four spinous pads on the legs, and nephridial openings of legs 4 and 5 in the middle of the proximal pad or on its proximal side; feet with two primary papillae, one anterior and one posterior; outer jaw with two, inner jaw with two or three minor teeth at the base of the main tooth, separated by a diastema from the row of small teeth; crural glands present in the male only, in the two pairs of legs preceding the generative opening; coxal glands present.
The black line separating these two structures is the enamel or hardest constituent of the tooth.
Can we even trust Julie to keep her mouth shut the first time Howie leaves the cap off the tooth paste or pisses her off some other way?
Francois, the Ulysses resident dentist, repaired my tooth, saying the epoxy glue applied in Cape Town would have caused an abscess.
A diabetic patient with an open wound in his neck as a result of a surgically drained tooth abscess.
In these cases a root canal therapy may be required to the tooth involved. return to top What is a bone augmentation?
Despite the problem of root caries, it does not necessarily lead to the loss of an affected tooth.
Outcome measures Loss of a tooth, caries in a tooth or loss of periodontal attachment on a tooth.
Prior to our forming a government, we will fight tooth and nail against the looming catastrophe of forced integration within secondary schools.
The single gear is about 46.5 inches - a 42 tooth chainwheel driving an 11 tooth sprocket with a 12.2 inch rolling diameter.
But on second thoughts it seems a cop-out, because the same could be said of Father Christmas and tooth fairies.
Plain water doesn't cause tooth decay or erosion.
Fluoridation does not address the real causes of tooth decay - poor dental hygiene and excessive refined sugar consumption.
Each examined tooth was carefully dissected from the upper jaw.
She will not see their eroding tooth enamel, or their ulcers, the dehydration or electrolyte imbalance.
Finally, no evidence was found to suggest any delay in permanent tooth eruption patterns of the F subjects.
Carter was a correspondent of the female evangelist Mary Tooth.
D has only £ 2 from the tooth fairy & can't decide.
For example, your dentist may not recommend a tooth-coloured filling for a large cavity or for the chewing surface of a back tooth.
The toxic products of dead tissue and bacteria diffuse out of the apical foramen of the tooth root into the periodontal ligament.
Fighting for the tooth The sugar industry is up in arms over new WHO dietary guidelines.
For example, if you took a tooth out by gas you charged a half guinea and the doctor charged the same.
Always avoid brushing curly hair, use a wide tooth comb to just separate the curls instead.
The gears were all hobbed from the solid, shaved, induction hardened and honed to produce the correct tooth form.
Badgers, like too many children, have a very sweet tooth, which can prove very harmful for them.
Systematic analysis of dental remains focuses on caries, ante-mortem tooth loss, abcesses, calculus, and enamel hypoplasias.
The victim suffered a swollen jaw, a missing tooth and a cut to the back of his head.
For extruded or laterally luxated teeth, the tooth should always be monitored even if there has only been a mild displacement.
Hold the film up against the window to see the tooth marks, use a hand lens magnifier to see in more detail.
Mandibles with less complete tooth rows were assigned to age groups on the basis of comparison with more complete ageable mandibles with less complete tooth rows were assigned to age groups on the basis of comparison with more complete ageable mandibles from the assemblage.
Outcomes Children identify some illnesses eg rubella, chicken pox and some conditions eg boils, tooth decay caused by microorganisms.
We recommend warm salty mouthwashes 3 - 4 times a day, as well as normal tooth brushing.
Osteonecrosis of the jaw is generally associated with tooth extraction and / or local infection (including osteomyelitis ).
If I lose this tooth I've told the PCT I'll sue the pants of them!
On the way he encounters many perils which he must overcome including ghouls, a giant walrus and a saber tooth tiger.
In advanced periodontitis there is destruction of the periodontal ligament and resorption of alveolar bone, resulting eventually in loss of the tooth.
Gaussian quadrature is used to obtain a 2-D expression covering all points on the tooth face.
The most treasured item in the procession is a copy of a golden reliquary said to hold a tooth of the Buddha.
Toms warned that residents would fight tooth and nail to retain their school.
A fluoride mouth rinse can help prevent tooth decay.
Everything you always DIDN'T want to know about fluoride For decades the message that fluoride safely prevents tooth decay has been considered sacrosanct.
The majority (73 %) of children had some sealant on at least one tooth.
Top J Junctional epithelium - the epithelium which seals the base of the gingival sulcus against the tooth.
The chocolate isn't too much of a problem as I don't have a sweet tooth.
However, proving they are intelligent, they can develop a sweet tooth just like kids!
Tooth brushing will help prevent tartar from building up on the teeth.
The polishing is to smooth the tooth after tartar removal, as the tartar removal, as the tartar pits the tooth.
They are all there to tempt the sweet tooth.
My dentist even gave me it the tooth in a little tooth fairy envelope.
Another suggestion is that herbs or roots used to relieve toothache were pressed into tooth cavities using a piece of tar.
A pledget of cotton saturated with passiflora and introduced into a carious tooth has promptly allayed violent toothache.
Baby bottle tooth decay can cause painful toothaches which can hinder eating.
Definately my kind of book and it had me in stitches, especially the vampire tooth fairy, who got bitten in Dracula's castle.
The mortar is applied using a tooth notched trowel to give a 3 to 6mm adhesive bed.
The use of tooth wear as a guide to the age of domestic ungulates.
The pair fought tooth and nail with Reid being the eventual victor, while Dixon recovered from a spin to take fifth.
To prevent tooth decay and gum disease it is necessary to have regular dental visits.
In Dental care for people with special needs What does tooth whitening involve?
Recently, dentifrices to combat stains and promote tooth whitening have increased in popularity.
Special Offer 13th & 14th August 2006 - professional laser tooth whitening - introductory offer £ 299.00.
Well now you can buy direct from us the same tooth whitening supplied at the dentist for only £ 139.
Research shows that xylitol is extremely effective in helping to prevent both tooth decay and harmful plaque from building up on your teeth.
In some cases (as in rat-kangaroos) this tooth retains its place and function until the animal has nearly, if not quite, 1 The presence or absence of the corpus callosum has been much disputed; the latest researches, however, indicate its absence.
The extinct members of the family are represented by the genera Epanorthus, Acdestis, Garzonia, &c. In a second family - Abderitidae - also from the Patagonian Miocene, the penultimate premolar is developed into an enormous tooth, with a tall, secant and grooved crown, somewhat after the fashion of the enlarged premolar of Plagiaulax.
At about twelve or fourteen circumcision took place and (or sometimes as an alternative on the east coast) a front tooth was knocked out, to the accompaniment of the booming of the bullroarer.
The old doctrine of types, which was used by the philosophically minded zoologists (and botanists) of the first half 1 A very subtle and important qualification of this generalization has to be recognized (and was recognized by Darwin) in the fact that owing to the interdependence of the parts of the bodies of living things and their profound chemical interactions and peculiar structural balance (what is called organic polarity) the variation of one single part (a spot of colour, a tooth, a claw, a leaflet) may, and demonstrably does in many cases entail variation of other parts - what are called correlated variations.
A duct leads to the furrow or canal of the tooth.
In the interior the boundary fell between Casinum and Teanum Sidicinum, at about the Tooth milestone of the Via Latina - a fact which led later to the jurisdiction of the Roman courts being extended on every side to the Tooth mile from the city, and to this being the limit beyond which banishment from Rome was considered to begin.
In a word, though most men anywise eminent have found reason to complain of calumny, I never was touched, or even attacked, by her baleful tooth; and, though I wantonly exposed myself to the rage of both civil and religious factions, they seem to be disarmed on my behalf of their wonted fury.
The most common cause of sensitive teeth in adults is exposed tooth roots due to receding gums.
The reality now is that nature is " red in tooth and claw ".
Root canal treatment is a technique which focuses on the treatment of the inside of the tooth.
With either method, the tooth is prepared for bonding by roughening the front surface with mild etching solution.
Saber tooth under construction What we are aiming for !
The reduced saliva flow can increase the chance of tooth decay.
Ultrasonic scalers are used to remove calculus rapidly from the tooth surface.
Sonic scalers remove calculus from the surface of the tooth.
Where the serpent 's tooth is, shun the tree.
This is the long splined shaft with a sixteen tooth spur gear at one end on which are mounted the other countershaft gears.
In the book, the barrows are described as being clad in springy grass, with tooth like standing stones marking their zenith.
The chocolate is n't too much of a problem as I do n't have a sweet tooth.
However, proving they are intelligent, they can develop a sweet tooth just like kids !
The polishing is to smooth the tooth after tartar removal, as the tartar pits the tooth.
Dental First Aid Bleeding from tooth socket Apply biting pressure using a gauze pad or unused tea bag for 15 minutes.
How sharper than a serpent 's tooth is a thankless child.
In Cosmetic treatment How much does tooth whitening cost?
Use of toothpaste with fluoride is one of the major factors why children today have less tooth decay.
The Tower Tooth Challenge level will now be unlocked in challenge mode.
I wish I could. whistle a tune, spin a web like a spider, catch a tooth fairy.
In Dental care for people with special needs When might tooth whitening not work?
Lola has a wobbly tooth but hates the thought of it dropping out.
This type of personalized baby gift could be anything from a cup, birth certificate frame, first tooth holder, fork/spoon set, bowl, plate, or picture frame.
Baby tooth development is a perfect example.
Deep down parents generally realize that early tooth development doesn't mean much.
The following is a general time frame for tooth development.
If your baby still isn't showing signs of tooth development by the time she reaches her first birthday, you might want to talk to your pediatrician.
This will drastically cut down on her risk of tooth decay.
Tooth Fairy Box-This whimsical gift will look adorable on baby's dresser, just waiting to hold her first baby tooth!
Silver Memory Box-This memory box has a picture frame and memento boxes for baby's first lost tooth and first curl.
You anticipate every new skill, each new tooth or inch of growth-these are all milestones which follow the path from infancy to early childhood.
Most people have a sweet tooth, so candy is a classic favor idea.
Engraved picture frames, silver cups, first tooth holders, birth certificate frames, picture frames, and more, make wonderful one-of-a-kind gifts that parents really appreciate.
To the eye it seems that the teeth are raised for cutting, but the reality is that they make the excellent mulching effect that you get with an angled tooth.
While other whitening products typically include bleach and chemicals that can actually be harmful to tooth enamel, the Emmi-dent does not.
Emmi-dent works by using ultrasound to kill the bacteria that cause food and drink-related stains on teeth, as well as nicotine stains and other sources of tooth discoloration.
Using Emmi-dent is not a permanent "fix" for tooth discoloration.
Gum and tooth problems are the leading cause of health problems in cats.
A forl is a pit that develops on a tooth near the gum line, and this can be very painful.
In addition, this can mean a cat has a bad tooth that needs to be extracted.
This is reflected in their digestive systems, their tooth structure and their behavior.
Stevia may inhibit the growth and reproduction of oral bacteria that leads to gum and dental diseases, as well as tooth decay.
Laser tooth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry process to brighten what time has discolored.
Also known as power bleaching, laser tooth whitening is an in-office whitening procedure.
In the laser tooth whitening process, the highest concentration of hydrogen peroxide is used.
Thus, weakening the stain, and then allowing the oxygen to reach the tooth enamel.
The oxygenation process then bleaches the tooth.
As one of the more expensive types of teeth bleaching, expect to spend between $300 to a $1000 on laser tooth whitening.
Although the procedures are similar, there are different types and brands of laser tooth whitening.
The whole tooth whitening process should start with a pre-whitening consultation.
At this time, your dentist should help you select the best product, clean your teeth, and then record your tooth shade before treatment.
If you have selected laser tooth whitening, your dentist will first polish your teeth with a mild abrasive agent.
Tooth whitening is not a permanent procedure and with severe stains, you may have to also return for multiple appointments.
Tooth whitening products can be found everywhere lately.
Are tooth whitening products and procedures safe?
If you're interested in tooth whitening, talk to him or her first.
Before choosing a tooth whitening product however, be sure to also have your dentist's approval.
Many times tooth whitening products are unnecessary.
Bonded teeth and those with white or "tooth" colored fillings are also not good candidates for bleaching.
Your dentist may also use a special light in conjunction with the bleaching agent, known as laser tooth whitening.
Tooth whitening strips are an easy way to brighten your smile.
For maximum results, it's recommended tooth whitening strips are used daily for two weeks.
Tooth whitening strips cost between $20 and $30 per box and are available in most supermarkets and drugstores.
Be sure to have your dentist's blessing before taking it upon yourself to bleach your teeth with any type of tooth whitening product.
Paint on tooth whitener is exactly what it sounds like.
If you have any questions or concerns, or experience problems with home tooth whitening, talk to a dental professional.
Bleaching may cause tooth sensitivity, but it's usually a temporary side effect.
Just about all tooth whitening toothpastes are safe to use and don't require dentist approval.
This is why tooth bleaching has become one of the most popular beauty makeovers in the United States today.
It also includes a unique infrared filter designed to minimize the heat generated on the tooth enamel during treatment.
Explore these with your dentist before selecting any tooth bleaching process.
Selected customers have complained of increased tooth sensitivity after treatment.
Good candidates for veneers are those with crooked or chipped teeth or those who suffer from severe tooth discoloration.
In many cases, pieces of the original tooth will need to be removed to accommodate the veneers.
Depending on the depth of your tooth discoloration, there are a variety of tooth whitening products on the market today.
All standard tooth whitening products contain a bleaching gel with either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide.
The more complicated the technique and the higher the concentration of the chemicals, the more likely the tooth whitening product will be applied in a dentist office verses at home.
The following is a list of tooth whitening products commonly found in dentist offices and drugstore shelves today.
Active ingredient is carbamide peroxide - a FDA approved oral antiseptic that has been discovered as a tooth whitening product.
Fluoride and potassium nitrate are added to reduce tooth sensitivity.
One hour, one office visit tooth whitening product applied by your dentist.
Similar process to Laser Tooth Whitening, except it doesn't use a laser or heat, only gentle light.
Visit our extensive article at LoveToKnow about this popular tooth whitening product.
Natural teeth actually come in an array of colors; with perfect white not necessarily the real tooth color.
The advantages in whitening your teeth arrive from the perception of a white tooth.
In particular, the antibiotic tetracycline is well-known to cause discolorations of the tooth enamel, especially in children.
While both of these mostly affect children, other medications can cause slight color variations in tooth enamel, even in adults.
Sometimes, only one tooth will be discolored.
This can be caused by an infection, root canal, or trauma to the tooth.
It is always best to have a single grey tooth inspected by a dentist to rule out any potential medical problems.
Often, the one tooth can be bleached separately if needed.
The bleaching chemicals are applied to your teeth for a certain length of time and they gradually remove the stain molecules from the tooth surface.
Tooth Whitening - a brief summary of the different methods to whiten your teeth.
Based on the rigid shape of the strip, parts of my tooth were not covered and it did not whiten the areas in the cracks between the teeth.
The endodontist is a dentist who focuses on the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disorders involving the interior of the tooth.
Home tooth whitening products allow you to enjoy a dazzling smile without costly dental visits.
Home tooth whitening is a popular choice for people who want to increase their confidence and improve their looks with a whiter smile.
It is more convenient and much cheaper than dental procedures like laser tooth whitening.
All tooth whitening products use peroxide to get the job done.
This is the same chemical dentists use in their offices to perform tooth whitening treatments.
The peroxide cleans both the surface of the tooth and the layer beneath the enamel for a deep clean and a whiter smile.
Tooth whitening strips apply the peroxide to one side of a sticky strip of tape.
In these home tooth whitening products, the peroxide is applied directly to the teeth with a brush or other applicator.
The bleach then stays on the tooth until it wears off.
This is a more thorough bleaching solution since it reaches every single tooth, a feat strips can't accomplish and is difficult to achieve with brush-on products you must apply yourself.
This is the easiest way to add home tooth whitening to your beauty regimen.
They also don't actually bleach the tooth surface.
It's known for being a bit dessert-like, so steer clear if your sweet tooth is too strong!
If you have a sweet tooth that can't be satisfied, these are the cupcakes for you!
Moms enjoy comfort foods just as much as anyone else, and there's no shame in satisfying a sweet tooth with a classically simple recipe.
Your Cricut makes it easy to create a special flower bouquet for someone with a sweet tooth!
You will also experience stomach upset, bloating, sore throat, weakness, dizziness, a ruptured stomach, acid reflux, ulcers, mouth sores, or tooth decay and discoloration.
With standard braces, brackets attach to each tooth with a bonding material or a metal band.
For example, only have a few cookies to satisfy your sweet tooth instead of a whole box and walk around the block a time or two to work it off.
Both the bride and groom to be should have their own attorneys read over the agreement with a fine tooth comb prior to signing.
Tradition usually puts white cake front and center, with a chocolate grooms cake offering an alternative for people with a super sweet tooth.
Even if a user escapes cancer, he/she is at risk for tooth decay and gum disease.
These same irritants can cause the gums to separate from the teeth, eventually leading to tooth loss.
Increased risk of tooth decay - As well as nicotine, another constituent of chewing tobacco is sugar.
As with any type of sugary product that is taken orally, the risk of tooth decay rises.
Chewing tobacco also has a coarse consistency and is prone to scratching at tooth enamel.
Mills doesn't believe she's being unreasonable, however, and promises to fight tooth and nail on both sides of the pond for her due.
They have fragile bones, develop tooth decay more easily and deteriorate rapidly when ill.
While tooth loss is undesireable in its own right, tooth decay can also lead to larger problems, including heart disease.
The inventor of these treats, Joe Roetheli, actually developed them because his own dog was so resistant to regular tooth brushing, and he felt he could devise a better way to clean and freshen his pet's mouth.
This bite usually results in tooth loss because the dog is unable to chew properly and gum disease ensues.
If it's not his ears, he may have a gum infection that has worked it's way through to the sinus nerve above the tooth.
Now, let's discuss the best methods for tooth cleaning, as well as ways to accustom your dog to this procedure.
You don't want to accidentally yank so hard that you pull out or damage a tooth.
A regular tooth brushing is also recommended to help prevent early tooth decay and loss.
Each one is easy to maintain at home with minimal grooming supplies including a quality dog clipper with blades, blunt-tipped grooming scissors, gentle dog grooming products, a slicker brush, bristle brush and fine tooth metal comb.
Dogs with a sweet tooth will enjoy these mildly sweet biscuits made with natural honey, which is a healthier choice than using refined sugar.
Leaf margins are finely serrate which give a look of a tooth, have a smooth upper surface but its lower surfaces are a bit prickly.
The bulbs are white and oblong, resembling a dogs tooth, hence its name.
Filling a bathtub, or using a performance shower system are beyond the capabilities of the demand heater, and a slow trickle of water, such as those used for shaving or tooth brushing, will not trigger the heater.
Banks has a wide variety of shirts ranging from pinpoint, hounds tooth, check, stripe and solid.
If Mom has a sweet tooth, you might fill a cream-filled with white toothpaste for a funny surprise.
Users who suffer from gum disorder, tooth pain or serious sleep disorders are not recommended to use the product.
This provides tooth and enamel protection and can eliminate the problems with teeth grinding.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways adrenaline junkies can satiate their sweet tooth without going into debt.
Wasting no time, Ryu arms himself with his family's ancient Dragon Sword (carved from the tooth of a dragon - sweet!) and sets off on a journey to bring those responsible to justice - ninja justice.
The 2004 vintage may be a little long in the tooth at this time.
If you have a sweet tooth, then sweet red wine might be the most appealing type for you.
Plaque also irritates gums and can lead to gum disease, periodontal disease, and tooth loss.
Pregnant and nursing mothers should be careful about using medications, as some, like the antibiotic tetracycline, can cause tooth discoloration.
It makes the tooth enamel stronger as the teeth are developing.
In most municipal water supplies, the correct amount of fluoride is added for proper tooth development.
These include brushing the inside surface of each tooth first, where plaque tends to accumulate most.
Then they should clean the outer surfaces of each tooth, angling the brush along the outer gum line.
Next, they should brush the chewing surface of each tooth, then using the tip of the brush, clean behind each front tooth.
Contour the floss around the side of each tooth.
Slide the dental floss up and down against the tooth surface and under the gum line.
These piercings have been associated with infections, tooth fractures, periodontal disease, and nerve damage.
These major oral health problems are plaque, tartar, gingivitis, periodontitis, and tooth decay.
Cavity-A hole or weak spot in the tooth surface caused by decay.
A toothache is any pain or soreness within or around a tooth, indicating inflammation and possible infection.
The tooth may be sensitive to pressure, heat, cold, or sweets.
In cases of severe pain, identifying the problem tooth is often difficult.
Fewer cavities and better tooth health have reduced the number of toothaches.
The dentist begins by asking the patient specific questions about the toothache, including the types of foods that make the pain worse, whether the tooth is sensitive to temperature or biting, and whether the pain is worse at night.
The dentist then examines the patient's mouth for signs of swelling, redness, and obvious tooth damage.
The dentist may probe tooth crevices and the edges of fillings with a sharp instrument, looking for areas of tooth decay.
Finally, the dentist may take x rays, looking for evidence of decay between teeth, a cracked or impacted tooth, or a disorder of the underlying bone.
If the pain is due to tooth decay, the dentist will remove the decayed area and restore the tooth with a filling of silver amalgam or composite resin.
If the pulp of the tooth is damaged, root canal therapy is needed.
The dentist or a specialist called an endodontist removes the decayed pulp, fills the space left behind with a soothing paste, and covers the tooth with a crown to protect and seal it.
If the damage cannot be treated by these methods, or if the tooth is impacted, the tooth must be extracted.
Toothaches caused by infection or tooth decay must be treated by a dentist.
Clove oil (Syzygium aromaticum) may be rubbed on sensitive gums to numb them or added to a small cotton pellet that is then placed into or over a hole in the tooth.
The best way to prevent tooth decay is to brush at least twice a day, preferably after every meal and snack.