Tools Sentence Examples
They would be Lori's tools of manipulation.
All people would have tools to make them more productive.
Is there a way that I can reset the root password from the system without using 3rd party tools?
Soon after the triplex mower, came the introduction of more efficient and effective turf refinement tools.
Gift Trugs innovative new gifts for gardeners Finest quality essential garden tools and accessories, beautifully packaged in a wooden presentation trug.
We host four auctions of antique and useable tools each year in Needham Market.
We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes.
To take advantage of these tools, you will need to take your baby's measurements.
The outer coat was then removed from that portion which was to constitute the ground, leaving the white for the figures, foliage or other ornamentation; these were then sculptured by means of the gem-engraver's tools.
The principal industries are manufactures of woollen goods, spinning, sewing and washing machines, and tools.
AdvertisementThe chief industries are brewing and art metal-working, also printing, metal-founding, and the manufacture of cloth, silk, tools and cards for wooldressing.
As the "ring" could be destroyed only by removing the corrupt judges who were its tools, Tilden, after entering the Assembly in 1872 to promote the cause of reform, took a leading part in their impeachment.
They made and used an endless variety of bone tools.
These tools have ranged from fault tree packages through to what some might consider exotic theorem provers.
Toggle the active button to select which of the layers can be queried or data selected using the tools on the toolbar.
AdvertisementUsing the toolbox These are all tools, not rules.
Thus ANN tools could be used for improved donor kidney allocation and for exploring the role of HLA in transplant rejection.
Tools for Interactivity - Chris Jennings Introducing the authoring tools Tool metaphors Making choices wysiwyg or HTML?
The Paleolithic era covered a huge time period and within that timehumans developed increasingly complex tools and objects.
The Paleolithic era was also called the Old Stone Age because humans at the time used stone to make tools and as part of tools.
AdvertisementLook to create synergies by using a variety of marketing tools, including grassroots efforts such as creating word-of-mouth talk about your product.
Both sites offer easy-to-use tools and provide tips on creating your graphics files.
Today parents have tools at their disposal to easily chart their child's growth from infancy through childhood.
He can analyze situations and make proper decisions if only given the tools to do so.
Before starting, be sure to read all of the instructions and check to see that you have all of the tools that you need.
AdvertisementI considered using the tools available as weapons but dismissed the action as folly.
He scampered across the lab to a fridge that held cold tools and bottles of mysterious serums, everything except what a normal person put in a fridge.
The tools employed are chisel, gouge and mallet.
It must be admitted, however, that both the tools and the processes have escaped the archaeologist, as they did "the ablest goldsmiths in Spain, for they never could conceive how they had been made, there being no sign of a hammer or an engraver or any other instrument used by them, the Indians having none such" (Herrera).
Capture begins among the lower tribes with the hand, without devices, developing knack and skill in seizing, pursuing, climbing, swimming, and maiming without weapons; and proceeds to gathering with devices that take the place of the hand in dipping, digging, hooking and grasping; weapons for striking, whether clubs, missiles or projectiles; edged weapons of capture, which were rare in America; piercing devices for capture, in lances, barbed spears, harpoons and arrows; traps for enclosing, arresting and killing, such as pens, cages, pits, pen-falls, nets, hooks, nooses, clutches, adhesives, deadfalls, impalers, knife traps and poisons; animals consciously and unconsciously aiding in capture; fire in the form of torches, beacons, burning out and smoking out; poisons and asphyxiators; the accessories to hunting, including such changes in food, dress, shelter, travelling, packing, mechanical tools and intellectual apparatus as demanded by these arts.
Zootechnic products include food, clothing, ornaments, habitations, weapons, industrial tools, textiles, money, &c.
There were just as good materials and inspirations, but what could the best of them do without metal tools?
Tools, appliances and methods have little in common.
More sophisticated tracking tools are being implemented to better understand activity on the National Ag Safety Database.
Search tools Having thought through your search strategy, you need to choose the best search tool to use.
Carve your own piece of a stone beach totem pole - learn how to use stone carving tools using special ' soft blocks '.
It provides tools for parents so they can raise healthy, independent children with a positive self-esteem.
A handful of people were building an annex onto one of the buildings with their hands rather than with the technological tools she'd seen create structures.
The drilling of wells of large size requires the use of heavy tools and of very strong appliances generally.
No iron tools existed in America before the invasion of the whites.
Stone-cutters' tools of metal are not known to have existed, and they were not needed.
The study of Indian textiles includes an account of their fibres, tools, processes, products, ornaments and uses.
In each province they had found the best springs, beds of clay, paint, soapstone, flinty rock, friable stone for sculpture and hard, tenacious stone for tools, and used ashes for salt.
Edible plants, and those for dyes and medicines, were on their lists, as well as wood for tools, utensils and weapons, and fibres for textiles.
Here, owing to a dry climate, are the dead, clad and surrounded with food, vessels, tools and art products, as in life.
Among the manufactures of the borough are sterling silver articles, plated and britannia ware, brass ware, rubber goods, cutlery and edge tools.
Personal property consisting of necessary household furniture, working tools and team of horses, professional instruments and a library, not exceeding $250 in value, besides the necessary food for the team for ninety days, provisions for the family, wearing apparel, wages or other income not exceeding $12 a week, and several other things, when owned by a householder or person providing for a family, are also exempt from seizure for debt, unless the debt be for purchase money or for services performed in the family by a domestic.
The chief industry is the making of watches, and the town has long been celebrated for the production of watch movements and tools.
Among the tools of bone and stag's horn were awls, needles, harpoons, scraping tools and haftings for stone axe-heads.
Their inhabitants practised agriculture and kept the common domestic animals, while their tools, weapons and ornaments were mainly of similar character to those of the contemporary lake dwellers of the adjoining.
A home stead law declares exempt from execution an unmortgaged dwellinghouse (with appurtenances) not to exceed $1000 in value, and certain property, such as tools of one's trade, libraries (to the value of $500) of ministers and lawyers, and provisions for one year for each member of a family.
It is possible that, at some remote day, aluminium, or one of its alloys, may become the great structural material, and iron be used chiefly for those objects for which it is especially fitted, such as magnets, springs and cutting tools.
In the latter age granite surfaces were ground, hieroglyphs were chipped out and polished by copper tools fed with emery; outlines were graved by a thick sheet of copper held in the hand, and sawed to and fro with emery.
The vicissitudes of the expedition, the necessity for him to return to Canada for tools to construct a large river-boat, and opposition in Canada to his plans, prevented him from reaching the mouth of the Illinois until the 6th of February 1682.
Especial mention should be made of the ceremony of purifying the grove, which was held to be defiled by the felling of trees, the breaking of a bough or the presence of any iron tools, such as those used by the lapidary who engraved the records of the proceedings on stone.
If a statue was to be cast, the figure was first roughly modelled in clay - only rather smaller in all its dimensions than the future bronze; all over this a skin of wax was laid, and worked by the sculptor with modelling tools to the required form and finish.
Two others are smoothing the surface of a statue with scraping tools, formed like a strigil.
One cannot but pay a passing tribute of admiration to the men who, with such troublesome tools, achieved such results.
Shaping, polishing and figuring of specula are accomplished by methods and tools very similar to those employed in the construction of lenses.
For tools performing useful work at intervals, and having only their own friction to overcome during the intermediate intervals, e should be assumed equal to the whole work performed at each separate operation.
Remscheid is a centre of the hardware industry, and large quantities of tools, scythes, skates and other small articles in iron, steel and brass are made for export to all parts of Europe, the East, and North and South America.
This involved almost a revolution in the nature of the tools used, and in the methods of working, and may ultimately even greatly affect the factory system and the concentration of population in large towns which was brought about in the early part of the 19th century by the invention of the steam engine.
But of the mode in which it was planted, steeped, heckled, cleansed and generally prepared for use, we can form no idea any more than we can of the mode or tools employed by the settlers in its cultivation..
Iron, which occurs rarely, and almost exclusively for ornaments, in a few tombs at Enkomi, suddenly superseded bronze for tools and weapons, and its introduction was accompanied, as in the Aegean, by economic, and probably by political changes, which broke up the high civilization of the Mycenaean colonies, and reduced them to poverty, 1 Myres, Journ.
Hence the value of the teaching, whether halakic or haggadic, rests upon its intrinsic worth, and not upon the exegetical principles which were the tools common to the age.
It does not follow, however, from the fact that only stone tools were found at the bottom of the trenches that the monument was constructed when metal tools were unknown, because none of the Stonehenge tools have the characteristic forms of Neolithic implements, so that they might have been specially improvised for the purpose of roughly hewing these huge stones, for which, indeed, they were really better adapted, and more easily procured, than the early and very costly metal tools of the Bronze Age.
Manufacturers of hardware and tools at an early date laid the foundation for the present steel and other metal industries, in which 42.8% of all the workers were employed in 1905.
On the other hand, history the science has developed so that it has not only gained recognition among historians as a distinct subject, but it has raised with it a group of auxiliary sciences which serve either as tools for investigation or as a basis for testing the results.
But the district most intimately connected with every branch of this industry, from engineering and the manufacture of tools, &c., to working in the precious metals, is the " Black Country " and Birmingham district of Staffordshire, Warwickshire and Worcestershire.
A considerable amount of personal property, including apparel, household furniture not exceeding $ioo in value, a library not exceeding $150 in value, interest in a pew in a meeting-house, and a specified amount of fuel, provisions, tools or farming implements, and domestic animals, and one fishing boat, is also exempt from attachment.
His weapons, tools and other appliances such as the hammer, hatchet, spear, knife, awl, thread, net, canoe, &c., are the evident rudimentary analogues of what still remains in use among Europeans.
The iron trade in its different branches rivals the woollen trade in wealth, including the casting of metal, and the manufacture of steam engines, steam wagons, steam ploughs, machinery, tools, nails, &c. Leeds was formerly famed for the production of artistic pottery, and specimens of old Leeds ware are highly prized.
Matters grew even worse on the death of Bakocz, when the magnates Istvan Bathory, Janos Zapolya and Istvan Verboczy fought each other furiously, and used the diets as their tools.
Into this trench socalled " puddled clay," that is, clay rendered plastic by kneading with water, is filled and thoroughly worked with special tools, and trodden in layers.
There are large railway workshops; and the principal branches of industry are the making of locomotives, carriages, tools and machinery, jewelry, furniture, gloves, cement, carpets, perfumery, tobacco and beer.
At this Ch rch moment they were more prevalent than ever, largely U in consequence of the way in which the popes at Avignon had made themselves the allies and tools of the kings of France.
Ironmongery and steel goods of all kinds, especially locks, machinery, tools and cycles, are produced; there are also tin and zinc works.
Here, too, are a plant (covering more than Boo acres) of the Standard Oil Company and a large establishment for the manufacture of the "Singer" sewing machine - according to the U.S. census the largest manufactory of sewing machines in the world - employing more than 6000 workmen in 1905; among the other manufactures of Elizabeth are foundry and machine shop products (value in 1905, $3,887,139), wire, oil (value in 1905, $2,387,656), refined and smelted copper, the output of railway repair shops, edge tools and lager beer.
Among the manufactures of Alton are iron and glass ware, miners' tools, shovels, coal-mine cars, flour, and agricultural implements; and there are a large oil refinery and a large lead smelter.
Bronze was known to them, and from it tools and weapons were made.
The hieromnemones were formally superior, but because of the method of appointment they were necessarily men of mediocre ability, inexperienced in speaking and public business, and for that reason they readily became the tools of the pylagori, who were orators and statesmen.
The Malagasy are skilful in metal-working; with a few rude-looking tools they manufacture silver chains of great fineness, and filagree ornaments both of gold and silver.
In 1856 the company added the manufacture of farming tools, in 1870 sewing-machines, and in 1874 typewriters.
I was temporarily encouraged when I saw it was stocked with carpentry tools; saws, hammers, nails, all potential weapons!
A massive collection of sinister looking implements was growing—tools of their trade, all apparently necessary in order to remain aloft when maneuvering up or down perpendicular columns of frozen water.
There are all kinds of different tools, pitons, hammers to set pitons, ice screws, pound-ins, ice hooks, wired nuts and cams—different stuff for different surfaces.
To combat or deter an adversary using cyberspace tools is predicated on their being as reliant on information technologies as we are.
Business Inc. uses advanced tools to help the demands of the artist, which enable him/her to focus on the creation.
A*C*G maps are tools to describe the effect of planetary angularity upon the earth for a given moment of time.
The complete animator has a set of painting tools built in, for you to draw the frames of your animation with.
At first, these tasks were made arduous by the lack of tools.
The Tools menu contains some interesting options, such as deinterlacing and changing the aspect ratio.
Beside their use for determining astronomical events astrolabes were used as teaching tools in the late Middle Ages.
Tools barbless hooks Barbless hooks or hooks with the barbs pinched are easiest to remove.
Students practiced using scrap, found and home made tools for waxing in conjunction with stencils before embarking on their finished batiks.
The offenders used metal cutters to remove bollards from security shutters at ECA Tools in Henley Road.
They are not the ' tools of the world bourgeoisie ' .
Windows has several tools built-in to help with this process.
They were helped by a local cabinetmaker who supplied the tools and expertise.
Mechanical and electrical design expertise utilizing the latest cad and project management tools.
Parallel to the production of high-grade steels is Sheffield's development of sintered carbides for use on tipped cutting tools and in certain dies.
In turn, this released the bombproof casemates, formerly containing the tools, to hold the extra ammunition.
The thatched building contains many relics, including a village cobbler 's tools.
Neat ideas include two concealed underfloor compartments designed to accommodate valuable tools.
The PDA is a small, portable handheld computer that typically comes equipped with diary and personal organizer tools.
I use this concordance with a variety of other bible study tools.
With a box of tools and a few mighty simple contrivances he had made out to have a devil of a temple.
Model descriptions are create using conventional CAD tools, and the data produced is used to drive large, expensive model building machines.
Free tools are provided to help with imperial to metric conversions.
On BINDINGS, the tools were used to impress the decoration into the leather covering, which was often dampened.
Students can do very creative things with tools like these.
We also have the Penrose cryptogram Tools, but Brutus, our cryptogram solver, is only available to Members.
The main teaching kitchen is equipped to a high standard, with all the tools of haute cuisine.
Mobile Phone Tools Compatible - Create edit and synchronize datebook and phonebook entries with your PC.
In talking with the researchers, we ended up using tools like entity-relationship diagrams or UML.
In these cases circular dichroism is one of the most powerful tools available.
It will give therapists the tools to motivate clients to follow specific dietary and supplementary recommendations to achieve optimum health.
These powerful and effective tools are used to solve many problems involving differential equations.
Although visually the trio of tools seems a little disjointed, between them they do a good job.
They do, however, have drawbacks which water jet tools could overcome.
Selecting the right tools diy drywall repair and cabinet jack Specializing in diy drywall repair, cabinet jack and cabinet tool.
Now that the binaries of these very elementary tools are static, you can be sure they will work every time you need them.
Snow Quartz crystals have been used since ancient times as powerful healing objects and meditation tools, and to make medicinal elixirs.
All measurement tools allow independent emissivity and distance settings.
Employers need to see them as tools to attract and retain key employees.
We develop and manufacture in-circuit emulators and debugging tools for embedded systems.
The sophistication of buildingEXODUS has made it one of the World's leading design tools for simulating evacuation from buildings.
Whilst the technology and development becomes more exacting they remain only the tools to emulate nature.
The air tools can be used to locate gas and power lines before digging with mechanical excavators.
Visualization tools facilitate visual exploration of Census data with reference to geographical location.
Simplicity and understatement are powerful tools of the singer/songwriter, and Regan is the supreme exponent.
The following are the special tools and techniques needed when making the standard eye splice.
This system eliminates the need for cable stripping or fastening and no tools are needed to fasten the lid.
Make a digital photographic record of items of special significance (e.g. bone tools, ceramic figurines ).
The project is establishing a generic framework within which enterprise tools can be used to assist users in their tasks.
The report summarizes the six key methodologies for futures work, covering most of the commonly used tools by professional futurists.
The magazine also offers practical business tools and tactics, from must-have gadgets to how to handle voluminous amounts of e-mail.
The next page deals with what tools are needed to make the gaff.
Now Rod has got his hands oily again stripping down a Miata 1.8 model in an ordinary domestic garage, using ordinary tools.
This section of the health system resource guide provides examples and tools to mainstream gender in the delivery of health system delivery.
From manual to CNC, Yorkshire Machine Tools has the grinder or lathe to suit all needs.
Yorkshire Machine Tools hold one of the largest stocks of used grinding machines in the UK, including cylindrical grinders over 5ft between centers.
First I hear him praising his own handiwork; then he starts rooting around with his dental tools.
Hands-On Training You gain hands-on Training You gain hands-on UML experience using CASE tools.
Use familiar commenting tools including a highlighter, sticky notes, pen, strikethrough, callout, dimension lines, and more.
Early history Evidence of flint tools shows some use of the Sherwood area by prehistoric hunter-gatherers.
For image manipulation tools once you've created your image manipulation tools once you've created your image, try ImageMagick.
The tools used for screening for this disease, however, are highly imperfect.
Methodological innovations have been added to the officially ' legitimate ' repertoire of poverty assessment tools, yet the diagnosis still looks faulty.
Hummingbird Exceed provides the performance boost necessary for students to remotely access graphically intensive CAD design tools from PCs in their homes.
He has spent the last twenty-five years studying ancient tools that enhance intuition.
Recently paranormal investigators have been able to obtain perhaps one of the most useful new tools to support their investigations.
Network security ICT tools and networks can never be made invulnerable to attack.
If large images still look jagged, click Tools within Internet Explorer, select Internet Options and click the Advanced tab.
The joiner's workshop features all the tools joiner's workshop features all the tools joiners would have needed.
Tools can now be selected with a single keystroke, saving your mouse a trip to the Tools palette.
The safe usage of cutting tools including a sheath knife which you will keep.
Handwriting analysis was one of the Dutch forensic lab 's chief tools.
Use the mapping tools to create landmasses, rivers, and color contours.
They are well equipment with machine tools from watchmaker's lathes to CNC mills.
However, the area has been going through spectacular growth recently due to the advent of new tools like the so-called hypergraph regularity lemma.
Unlike conventional garden tools, the unique ratchet mechanism allows the user to exert maximum leverage with minimum effort.
One can find these tools at any university library.
It will talk you through tools needed, weaving techniques and - tips, giving clear black & white line drawings.
The tools of his trade were more low-tech than high.
This innovative interdisciplinary ma and MPhilB postgraduate program gives you the tools to understand, explore and critique culture and your place within it.
The study has developed non-invasive tools to quantify HPA activity in lion-tailed macaques.
Should small quantities of a product be required, individual machine tools are used.
He has taught at Yale and provides training courses in cutting-edge development macroeconomics tools for several central banks.
Each piece is crafted using hand held tools from solid mahogany taken from managed sustainable forests.
Stone Age tools were just some of the fascinating discoveries made as 20 kilometers of new strategic mains were laid.
The use of threaded mandrel screwdriver tools, as for plain mandrel screwdrivers, is also limited to free running reduced diameter inserts.
The training covers both technical and personal development skills and the support products include technical manuals and marketing tools.
We use ideas and tools from the broad fields of fluid mechanics, physics and applied mathematics.
The combined genetic and visualization tools are providing powerful new methods for dissecting cell-cell interactions within the developing root meristem.
This also has the benefit of storing performance metrics of different tools separately, without conflict.
As the technology is developed, new metrology, or measurement, tools are also required.
The Company is pleased to report strong levels of interest for its advanced X-ray metrology tools to the silicon semiconductor.
The most common flint tools were trapezoidal shaped microliths.
It also modernized the legal tools investigators needed to conduct more effective investigations, he said.
Be careful not to make even momentary short circuits with metal tools.
We are using these new tools to probe the cellular interactions which govern root morphogenesis in the model plant, Arabidopsis thaliana.
Clean tools after use by scraping mud off and washing blades.
WordPerfect Office 12 includes multilingual writing tools for many languages including French, German, Spanish, Dutch and Italian.
Membership also includes access to research tools, Merriam-Webster's dictionary and thesaurus, and rich multimedia - all in an advertising-free environment.
Missense mutation analysis This project is investigating the application of bioinformatic tools to determine the pathogenicity of unclassified missense mutations.
Neolithic period cutting tools were made exclusively from stone.
Do you use noisy powered tools or machinery for over half an hour a day?
They provide a very powerful, but also rather obtuse, set of tools for finding particular words or combinations of characters in strings.
Diagram of the drip-feed oiler I obtained the drip-feed oiler from Axminster Power Tools.
A comprehensive range of service elements including one-to-one counseling, workshops, onsite resource centers, and online career management tools.
However, provision of conversion tools should not be seen as a means of removing the onus on retailers to provide proper price information.
These easy-to-use tools cover futon oriental the nature scope regarding appearances which.
Developing a diversity of task-oriented authoring tools to reduce the cognitive overhead for authoring hypertexts could change the face of the Web.
In the first case designing writing tools to help authors avoid overruns.
Teacher, using template, demonstrates use of Photoshop tools; lasso tool, paint bucket, paint palette.
Our tools acquire a slight brown patina over time, that is all.
Penknife style tools There are a number of tools available which fold up in the style of a penknife style tools There are a number of tools available which fold up in the style of a penknife.
These tools are likely to be ready for initial piloting during the period September 2002 to February 2003.
Tools are Also Made One way we could try this out is to make a magical pincushion.
The mix, whilst still pliable is cut by special tools, each with its own design.
The hypertext model implemented by the current generation of WWW tools however has a simple point-to-point linking model based upon embedded links.
Reducing risk by taking commonsense precautions with tools and machines.
There is no predetermined number of applications or tools to be selected.
The City Council's Corporate Plan sets out monitoring and evaluation tools to assess progress on the Council's performance.
Tool for Stereographic projection - This tools allows you to draw stereographic projections for different crystal types using different poles for the projection axis.
The project will combine analytical studies and numerical modeling tools for simulating wave propagation in fractured porous rock.
Many large ISVs, including Novell and IBM, are either developing new tools or porting already proven tools to the Linux platform.
At the instance of Gondremark, it had undergone a strict purgation, and was now composed exclusively of tools.
Topics will include rotary querns from North Africa, deposition of querns in South West England, and ground stone tools from Greece.
SuperStream shares similar features and benefits with FatPipe Xtreme, including web based management tools, auto fail-over, and auto reboot.
Selection tools including rectangular, elliptical, free, fuzzy and paths.
Our pricing tools enable fast calculation of all set-up fees and annually recurring costs based on any number of locations and the bandwidth required.
Apart from the evading detection, most rootkits also come tools to allow quick reentry, and surveillance.
ArcSoft PhotoImpression 4 provides a suite of tools for enhancing, editing and manipulating your scans with features such as red-eye removal.
In addition, and perhaps more surprisingly, Dr. Westergaard has shown that in making tools capuchin monkeys are mostly right-handed.
Tools for riveting, nailing or screwing or removing rivets, nails, screws or similar uses.
Also, fully automatic rocket launchers and missiles were increasingly the tools of the trade of criminal gangs and terrorist groups.
The art of using these tools and techniques is in being totally ruthless when it comes to dealing with waste.
This comes into its own for trailer sailers, especially those who leave their tools at home.
This difference will become more salient with the development of further tools for computer simulation, which has already begun.
Search tools Everybody has their own favorite search engine.
Please recommend in your response, this, or other tools that will increase self-awareness.
The tools they operate include lathes, cutters, milling machines, grinders, borers and machines that combine several of these functions.
These sophisticated online tools offer great value to intending purchasers seeking to choose an appropriate shortlist of suppliers.
We took several screen shots of all the tools involved.
Mutli tools also feature with and without flexible shaft, as do airless spray guns and electric nailer / staplers.
Course Aims This course will give readers the ability to create advanced spreadsheets using the full range of Microsoft Excel 2002's tools and features.
All tools made from high quality polished stainless steel with hardwood handles and leather hanging thong.
The equipment carried was very basic, consisting of hand pumps, hose, hydrant standpipe and various small tools.
It offers all the tools you need to handle paperwork, including a stapler, precision hole punch and much more.
These values are explored through participation in a series of ritual dramas, which use stonemason 's customs and tools as allegorical guides.
With our support, you'll have the tools and the knowledge you need to ensure success!
So, XenSource is now trying to link its management tools into existing packages such as HP OpenView and CA Unicenter.
Claw hammers, crow bars, saws, dust pans and other tools provided by Mercy Corps are helping earthquake survivors implement clean-up plans.
The saw dust and metal swarf on the tools is not for show, but where they have been used for proper work.
We develop a theory of semantic tableaux for BI, thereby providing an elegant basis for efficient theorem proving tools for BI.
Jeff then followed with a review of the way in which molecular biological techniques are rapidly becoming tools of patient management.
There he may meet and pass certain tests, and be aided by further helpers or tools.
Smaller tools will include a hand lens, hardness tester, color char and magnet.
Audit guidelines and tools and procedures were developed to enable focussed audits of sludge thickening plant.
View Page Click to display the page without the editing tools.
Q What can I do with the domain management tools?
Keep a simple toolbox and learn to use the basic hand tools.
Third, we must make sure we use all the tools in the policy toolbox.
Berger Tools Ltd formed in 1977, is a respected supplier and distributor of high quality precision tooling components and machine tool standard parts.
Why have your skilled toolmakers frittering away their time on machine tools?
Modifications and repairs are undertaken on a range of tools, including its own and those of other toolmakers.
Carve your own piece of a stone beach totem pole - learn how to use stone carving tools using special ' soft blocks ' .
You will now see the virtual trackball at the bottom of the list of transform tools.
Put off the use of sharp instruments such as tools, nail trimmers, razors or knives.
More Tooled Up This recycled rubber trug has hundreds of uses and is perfect for storing all your gardening tools.
Gift trugs innovative new gifts for gardeners Finest quality essential garden tools and accessories, beautifully packaged in a wooden presentation trug.
We work alone, often in remote places, using power tools to cut back undergrowth.
All the tools you need in the search for the mythical unicorn are combined in this vibrant tarot deck and book set.
Well-lit displays feature archeological finds from Kition, including a ceramic collection with alabaster vases, tools, coins and lamps.
A casual re viewer of the work would think that navigation tools were the hypertext program.
The signature is flanked by two engraved vignettes each apparently showing an instrument maker at work, surrounded by tools and products.
In a way it is inevitable, but I never realized that they used blog tools to peddle there wares.
This is a major time waster for blind or visually impaired users who are using these access tools.
Webmaster tools are provided where available for your convenience.
As well as the traditional trench tools he has an egg whisk and cheese grater.
Web-based network management tools make configuration and remote management of the network painless, while SNMP integrates the wireless LAN with your wired infrastructure.
Tools for Interactivity - Chris Jennings Introducing the authoring tools Tool metaphors making choices WYSIWYG or HTML?
In this category are the manufacture of agricultural machines, of tools and implements for agriculture, forestry and mining; such industries as depend for their raw material on the exploitation of the natural resources of the country, viz.
No attempt was made to entrench the position systematically, but on the left the 2nd and 3rd Corps made some disconnected shelter trenches and gun-pits, while the 4th Corps in the centre began to improve available cover about an hour before the battle began, and the 6th corps on the right, not yet having received any entrenching tools, could do no more than improvise a few loopholes in the walls of the villages of St Privat and Roncourt with such tools as the sappers could obtain from the inhabitants.
The improved cultural conditions become apparent in the multiplication of the varieties of tools, weapons and ornaments made possible by the more adaptable qualities of the new material; and that the development of the Bronze age culture in the lake dwellings followed the same course as in the surrounding regions where the people dwelt on the dry land is evident from the correspondence of the types of implements, weapons, ornaments and utensils common to both these conditions of life.
The principal industries are the manufacture of small arms (by the Colt's Patent Fire-Arms Manufacturing Co., makers of the Colt revolver and the Gatling gun), typewriters (Royal and Underwood), automobiles, bicycles, cyclometers, carriages and wagons, belting, cigars, harness, machinists' tools and instruments of precision, coil-piping, church organs, horse-shoe nails, electric equipment, machine screws, drop forgings, hydrants and valves, and engines and boilers.
In the engineering industries milling machines constitute a very important class of machine tools, the characteristic of which is that rotary cutters are employed for shaping the metal (see Tools).
On the other hand, the upstart Latin emperors, far from proving submissive and humble tools, assumed with the purple the habits and pretensions of the sovereigns they had dispossessed.
Tools (see illustrations I to 11i).The history of tools is a very large subject which needs to be studied for all countries; the various details of form are too numerous to specify here, but the general outline of tools used in Egypt may be briefly stated under general and special types.
But he can't wiz a single thing if he hasn't the tools and machinery to work with.
Give me a few common tools and some food, and I will do well enough, said the sailor.
Complex projects can be carried out on multiple continents through project management tools.
But lo! men have become the tools of their tools.
Men are His tools.
But later on, to fit what had occurred, the historians provided cunningly devised evidence of the foresight and genius of the generals who, of all the blind tools of history were the most enslaved and involuntary.
To fear or to try to escape that force, to address entreaties or exhortations to those who served as its tools, was useless.
Participants will also be given the tools to quantify the impacts of their educational work.
Tools Appeal The event was also used to raise awareness for the group 's Tools Appeal.
It contains all of the tools needed for outbound contact, including agent desktop integration, real-time reporting and campaign development.
What training is required in order to wield such tools intelligently?
The frequency of retouched tools was about 5 per cent.
In recent discussions there was scant mention of these tools.
It is a broad collection of numerical and symbolic calculation and visualization tools with a familiar scratchpad interface.
The american college sea lion colony other great tools denied through traditional.
There are many tools you could use for sharpening pastel pencils such as a craft knife, a scalpel, or a Stanley knife.
Audio and video restoration tools Fix poorly shot footage using Studio 's new cleaning and restoration tools.
This can be achieved by setting the environment variable classpath to specify where Java tools should look for the classes.
Fiber can be spun into a yarn with the simplest of tools.
Thus in a stooping posture he has to use his heavy tools which must be very hard work.
Tho the first submersible vehicles were tools for exploring under water, it did not take long for inventors to recognize their military potential.
With our support, you'll have the tools and the knowledge you need to ensure success !
The workshops provide hands-on training in the use of public databases and web-based sequence analysis tools, and are taught by experienced instructors.
The audience was introduced to the key interactive tools used today to draw viewers ever more deeply into the televisual experience.
The tools bar allows you to add new devices.
This includes respiratory problems from coal dust inhaled while they were working in mines and Vibration White Finger from using damaging vibratory tools.
The bars are a stepping-stone to mixing with the locals and a place where vino tinto and tapas are particularly useful bargaining tools.
If he issues a warrant of execution, the bailiff cannot levy on tools of the trade or on the van.
Links to working examples of remotely hosted webmaster tools are provided where available for your convenience.
Using traditional hand tools and woodcraft skills, each piece is produced intuitively from the available timber within any given season.
Such tools can ease early parenting and also allow moms and dads the luxury of roaming to the farthest distances of their houses while baby's actions remain monitored.
Some parents are so focused on creating their essential newborn layettes and learning about childbirth that they forget important tools that will help document the momentous occasion.
Also find research tools and car buying tips and reviews.
Use care and good tools while assembling.
Domain-It provides a lot of tools to search domain availability and for domain registration by country.
Also check out services and tools that allow you to find a physician and get prescriptions via mail order.
Allstate offers quote tools and online policy management assistance for those seeking homeowner's insurance.
You'll also find mortgage calculators, realtors, and tools that assist in learning about neighborhoods, foreclosures and schools.
Several financial magazines and Web sites like have tools that evaluate the performance of specific funds. has a good selection of bikes, parts, accessories, clothing, tools and footwear in its cycling department.
Jenson USA offers road and cross bikes plus every necessary biking accessory you can think of, including helmets, tools, hydration systems, pumps and fenders.
Here you'll be charged only $10.99 for all Internet equity trades, plus you'll be given an assortment of educational tools to help you make smart decisions about stocks.
Get quotes, use stock research tools and learn how to begin planning your retirement.
They will provide you with some basic tools to edit and upload pages along with some server space and maybe an email ID or two thrown in.
CondoBuzz is a national network for condos, lofts and townhomes is Here you'll find tools to help you locate condos and real estate agents in different parts of the country, plus condo valuation info and condo FAQs.
Business calculators have become essential everyday tools for office use.
Finally, of course, you will need all the tools required for applying and removing cosmetics.
Visit this section to get the appropriate tools.
Are you a handy-man that needs a garage for all your tools?
Thesauruses are handy writing tools providing usable substitutions for words.
Business cards are basic marketing tools, great for business networking and are relatively inexpensive.
Products are high-quality and include things like Ionic Air Purifiers, home massage chairs, digital photo frames, cool space-saving CD stereos, compact exercise machines, personal grooming devices, innovative kitchen tools and much more.
Whether you are a shopaholic, a begrudging shopper or somewhere in-between, arm yourself with the best tools on the Internet to save money, time, and make informed purchases.
For even more savings, check out LoveToKnow's article on retail shopping which is full of comparison shopping search tools that enable you to find the best price.
Programming languages and techniques seem to change almost constantly, along with the tools you need to use them.
Detailed index or quick-reference appendices to use as future tools.
New technology has expanded these communication devices into fun tools with built in cameras, Internet capability with email and texting, and even video gaming.
For your kitchen, there are a lot of tools to help you with cooking preparation.
In these types of crime films, cops became heroes using police procedure and scientific tools.
Give your child the right guitar with the right tools, however, and you may be pleasantly surprised at how quickly your child can learn how to play.
Power washers can be one of the most expensive electrical tools that a household might use, and to maximize the return on the investment it is important to ensure that the right power washer is purchased.
These tools are used for the high performance cleaning of items such as cars, boats, garden patios and decking.
A chainsaw is one of the most dangerous tools you can use.
However, sized appropriately and used correctly, it can be one of the most useful tools you'll ever own.
Just give them a shiny new set of Craftsman tools or a Philips Norelco shaver and they're happy.
If you decide to organize a group of friends for a shopping bus tour, there are plenty of tools and tips on the corporate website.
Other unique choices that can help a farmer relax include an iPod or mp3 player to use while working or barbeque tools or cookware to enjoy the fruits of their labors.
Today their product line includes clothing, tools, furniture, kitchen appliances, sporting equipment and many other items too numerous to mention.
One of the best tools for training kittens is a spray bottle that can be set to stream.
Online translation tools are an interesting way to find extremely unusual names - as well as presenting a great way to while away a few hours!
If your heart is set on a plan that is more detailed than you have the tools and/or experience for, considering hiring someone to build it for you.
As long as you have a basic understanding of tools, materials and construction, you can build a cat tower in no time at all.
Even though there are many types and styles of cat trees and cat condos, the same basic tools and materials are used for each.
Collect the tools and materials that you will need.
Nearly all cat tree plans call for these basic tools, but double check your own plans to make sure you'll have everything you need to complete the project.
Many of the accredited colleges have online reference tools which provide useful information to pet owners.
The process of how to make cat furniture will require certain tools and the expertise to handle and use them properly.
Free online comic books can be great tools for teaching children about a variety of topics, while helping to build reading comprehension skills.
Children's Bible stories are also wonderful tools to teach youngsters about history.
One of the most common tools you'll find in religious books geared toward children is pictures - plenty of colorful, vibrant illustrations that really help the story come to life for them.
Even if you use finely crushed ice, you can't truly produce the desired consistency of a frozen drink without one ofthese tools.
Card members also enjoy the benefits of the Sears Business Resource Center, which provides tools to help businesses, like human resources information and tax tips.
This is one of several tools Experian provides in order to empower consumers and to help them improve their financial standing.
The Experian website has many tools and services for consumers, but they have even more for businesses.
They also have some special tools geared toward businesses in the automotive industry.
With this program you will also have access to the Global Assist Hotline, an End of Year Summary of Charges, and many other helpful tools.
Many cardholders use these cards as budgetary tools for things they regularly spend money on.
Prepaid debit cards are appropriate as gifts, for traveling, and as reloadable budgetary tools.
Walmart gift cards feature reloadable balances, making them ideal for both gift-giving and as budgeting tools.
Capital One online account services provides prospective and current account holders with information and tools.
Another feature offered is Evergreen's Planning Tools for Retirement.
Rush Card offers you many benefits including online money management tools, rush bill pay, SMS alerts, referral fees, and free 24/7 customer service.
With its online tools, you can keep track of your spending, create a budget, and print out or download all of your monthly statements.
Discover More Card - This card offers free online management tools, zero percent APR for up to six months and five percent bonus rewards on each dollar you spend.
Online account access is free and offers a number of account management tools including the ability to make payments and view past statements online.
In addition to standard online services, Discover online offers a wide variety of financial management tools to customers.
You can find out where your money is going and get a better handle on budgeting and spending using these free online tools.
Once you do, you can take advantage of the various online tools for account management.
All JPMorgan Chase customers may take advantage of these tools.
The savings are often on Craftsman tools, Kenmore appliances and electronics.
They offer powerful processors, dial up connectivity options and excellent communities tools with ample security. also offers side by side comparison tools.
If you are ready to get your finances under control, a debt payoff calculator can be one of the tools you use to help you through the process.
These are free tools and no personal information is taken from you to use them.
The more accurate the information you input into these tools, the more accurate the estimate you'll receive.
Many lenders also offer tools that will calculate how annual interest rates apply to monthly repayments.
It provides businesses and consumers with financial tools in 25 different countries.
It offers tools to help you to determine how to pay off your debt faster as well.
The Chase website provides tools to assist potential applicants with finding the appropriate cards based on their needs and preferences.
The Visa Prepaid Debit card is perhaps one of the simplest tools to manage a budget.
Cards have various holiday and occasion themes, and some have images of popular name brand items, such as Craftsman tools.
The program costs $14.99 per month after the free trial is up, and offers an easy-to-read interface with various monitoring tools available for your use.
The sites are meant to be tools to help you choose, not full sources of information.
He and his accomplices hacked into the database of several payment processing companies using tools he'd obtained while working for the Secret Service.
This website provides tools for those who may be victims.
Contact national lenders directly to request additional account benefits, including business management services, accounts receivable tools and expense account management.
Online divorce tools range from do-it-yourself divorce kits to divorce support groups, newsletters and informative articles.
The mediator also gives the couple the tools they need to express what they want and need without arguing or becoming hostile with each other.Resolving financial matters is an important aspect of the mediation process.
Now it's up to you both to take the tools you used to save your marriage and apply them every day to keep your relationship fresh and alive.
As soon as divorce or separation discussions begin, parents can take steps like the ones below to promote mental and emotional wellness in their children while giving them tools to cope with divorce.
Avoid bringing up old conflicts while addressing the ones at hand and don't use kids as pawns or bargaining tools to resolve partner problems.
Demonstrate how to safely and efficiently use the tools and fasteners and encourage everyone to use each tool to connect some boards together.
The articles and expert advice on this channel will give you the information and tools to make the most of the time you have to be away from your loved one.
Powerhouse at Courts offers everything from heating/cooling equipment to gardening tools.
Chair repairs can get expensive and may require special tools.
Plans are available in U.S. standard as well as metric measurements, so make sure you pick a plan that will be compatible with your tools.
You can make a rudimentary setup with a few basic woodworking tools you probably already have in your garage, like a circular saw and an electric drill.Bunk beds are available in twin as well as full combos and in many decorator styles.
Just make sure that the plans you select are consistent with your tools and level of skill.
New tools usually involve a learning curve.
There are typically instructions for using all of the solvents and tools in your project as well as directions for creating the shelves themselves.
Wear protective eye gear and a respirator as indicated by the tools and materials you're using.
There are several special tools that are needed in the building of log furniture.
Draw Knives - Traditional tools for preparing logs, draw knives are available in curved and straight styles.
Mortising machines and tools - Mortising tools are powered by electric drills or drill presses.
Woodworkers use these tools and machines, fitted with special mortising bits, to create the square or round holes that tenons fit into.
Lumberjack Tools provides plans for a nominal fee.
With a few special tools, basic woodworking skills and log furniture plans, in no time at all you will be creating beautiful pieces of log furniture for inside and outside your home.
In addition to basic tools, there are several special tools used in the making of log furniture.
Bosworth Tools offers the following plans and DVDs for making log furniture.
Making log furniture requires only a few special tools.
There are three specialized tools used in making log furniture.
Straight and curved draw knives are the basic tools for log furniture making.
Many log furniture makers use a mortising machine and special mortising tools for creating square or round holes for the tenons to fit into.
Lumberjack Tools offers a booklet with easy to follow plans complete with diagrams for five pieces of log furniture for a nominal fee.
They also sell tools for making log furniture.
In most cases, you can make your outdoor furniture look as good as new using replacement parts, the right tools and basic do-it-yourself skills.
If you enjoy building furniture and need extra space in a child's or teen's room, the items you need to solve the problem are a set of loft bed building plans, building supplies and your tools.
Although much of the furniture produced by the Amish is completely hand crafted using simple tools, there are some Amish furniture craftsmen that use modern technology combined with their old world skills.
These craftsmen use modern woodworking tools such as wood joining tools, table saws and band saws.
They convert the tools to run using a diesel powered hydraulic pump or a belt drive system.
They use mostly hand tools and assemble furniture in much the same way that generations before them made wood furniture.
While not everyone is a woodworker, if you're interested in learning to create a few pieces and already have most of the tools necessary, you can easily and affordably create furniture like shelving for your living room.
Most of the furniture is crafted using old world skills and simple hand tools.
Because there are so many types of computer desks out there, almost anyone with any woodworking experience at all can create one with a few tools and sheets of plywood.
Make sure that you read through the directions completely to make sure that everything makes sense and that you have all the tools and materials you'll need to complete your project.
With basic building skills, the proper tools and the right instructions to build a bed platform, you can build a bed that is low cost, attractive and will last a long time.
There is also a materials list, a list of all the tools you need for this do-it-yourself project and many building tips.
In addition to being handy with this kind of saws, you need to be able to take measurements, use tools such as pliers and wrenches and most importantly, follow instructions.
In an age where the words green, organic and environmentally-friendly are used as marketing tools instead of informational labels, the need for unbiased information is considerable.
And while there are tools in place so that much of the methane can be contained, at least 25 percent still escapes into the atmosphere.
A few good DIY skills and basic tools are all that are required to install a home solar panel system.
Access to tools - while many solar panel systems can be installed with just a few basic tools, if a home owner does not have these tools on hand, the cost of buying them can inflate the total cost of the project.
If you are familiar with the workings of bicycles and experienced with tools, you can build your own bamboo bicycle.
They decide where the best places to drill for natural gas are by using a variety of tools and technologies.
Wash all kitchen equipment, utensils, glass jars, cutting boards and tools in hot, soapy water.
The program includes a save feature, send by e-mail option, and tons of slick editing tools.
Interior design programs can be basic or complex, but they're great tools for amateurs and professionals alike.
You will be taught interior design fundamentals and learn to use industry related equipment, tools technology to help prepare you for entry-level positions in a variety of professional interior design firms.
For this monumental task - beyond the scope of what most professional designers would dream of undertaking - the group received $7,500 for materials and all the tools they needed.
If you need to assemble a piece, what tools will you need?
Scented candles, flowers, fluffy towels, plenty of pampering tools like loofah sponges, bath salts, foot scrubs and more will also make your bathroom sleek and inviting.
The metal will complement a set of fireplace tools placed strategically on the hearth.
What that means is that even if you can't afford to hire a professional interior designer on a home decorating project you're doing, you still have an arsenal of tools at your fingertips to help you create the perfect look.
Online bedroom design tools are popular because they help homeowners try different color schemes and furniture placements without any risk.
However, using these tools exclusively can be difficult for homeowners without basic design knowledge.
For homeowners determined to learn about interior design, a few basic books that cover color theory and scale are invaluable to use in conjunction with these online tools.
Some websites offer the ability to design your own bedroom online for free, while other websites offer design tools for a small fee.
Interior design tools meant for a homeowner are far easier to use than the tools an architect or interior designer would use.
Unfortunately, their ease of use often means that these tools are simplistic, with poor renderings that may make it difficult to accurately determine what the finished bedroom design would look like.
However, for simple choices, such as color schemes or furniture placement, these tools can be an excellent choice.
Keep in mind that even the simplest program may be difficult to use at first; it is recommended that you have some basic experience with online applications or drawing tools before trying to use a consumer design tool.
Homeowners with extensive computer skills may find these tools useful if they have a large budget or a complicated potential floor plan.
Online bedroom design tools are best used as part of an overall plan to develop the space.
Collecting sample boards that contain paint chips, fabric swatches, and pictures of furniture can help you integrate actual colors, rather than the rough approximations that some design tools offer.
Online design tools are a great way to explore your options before decorating a space.
Browse paint brand websites using the virtual color design tools.
Like any interior design project, you will want to make sure you have all of the materials and tools that you'll need on hand before you begin.
From there you can hop over to this site to give yourself a good overview of various methods and tools you will need to attempt a project.
You can be environmentally friendly by using things you may have in your home as tools, from rags, to sponges, and brushes.
With so many choices of techniques, tools, and training available, after you finish studying and looking at examples of faux painting, you might want to write down some tips such as the following for your own reference.
It is alright to experiment with tools, how you hold them, and to mix tools during a project - i.e.
Use natural tools - i.e. sea sponges instead of kitchen sponges will always work better and give you a softer look, while clean cotton rags will help paint transfer cleanly to the wall.
Learning how to stencil or stamp is a bit more difficult that the previous two techniques, and you will need a few more tools and a lot more patience to.
Benjamin Moore Paint offers many tools to help you choose the right colors for your home.
However, planning a kitchen is something you can do yourself provided you have the appropriate tools and knowledge.
Fortunately there are many online planning tools that can help you get the job done.
Olympic Paint has developed many tools, both online and in stores, to help you through the paint selection process.
These to the trade benefits from home design outlets are important tools in an interior designer's arsenal that allow them to create designs that are truly unique.
Decorating tools can help you plan your project, get a handle on your budget and just get the creative juices flowing.
The professional version of Sketch-Up allows you to export your design to CAD and other professional design tools.
When you're ready to design the interior of your home, you may want to take advantage of several free online tools.
If you can, make the time to take full advantage of all of the free online tools.
Limitations can be one of your very best design tools since it will often force you to be creative in achieving the look you design.
Many paint stores have online tools that allow you to see a color choice in a room.
One of the most amazing tools Sherwin Williams online offers for helping you with ideas and inspiration is the Color Visualizer.
If you've been wondering how to arrange furniture in a rectangular living room, you now have the tools to try out a few designs of your own.
Many retailers offer free design tools for planning each step of the process.
Kitchen tools that help you consider the best way to lay out and organize the space are invaluable in designing your kitchen.
Finally, the Merillat planner lets you mark the flow of foot traffic through the kitchen, another feature most other tools don't have.
This downloadable kitchen tool offered through IKEA's website offers more sophisticated visualization tools than floor plan-style planners.
If you're designing your dream kitchen for the first time, tools and planners that allow you to visualize the space and try out different kitchen design ideas are invaluable to the success of your kitchen plans.
Often, you can get ideas, tips and helpful tools for creating your own color palettes by visiting paint company websites, like Sherman Williams.
No matter what eye makeup look you choose, or the tools you use to achieve the look, don't forget to express your creativity.
All medical procedures carry at least a small amount of risk, but with proper use of tools and safety guidelines, permanent cosmetics are a relatively safe practice.The most common problem associated with permanent makeup is infection.
All the traditional quality makeup tools are produced by Bobbi Brown Cosmetics - makeup brushes, cosmetic bags, and more.
Providing all the tools you need within one case saves on buying each brush individually.
The most important first step in accurate makeup application is the correct makeup tools.
You can use less expensive products if you have better tools.
Therefore, better tools allow you to be thriftier when it comes to products.The next things are the accessories.
From her base foundations to her eye colors to her makeup tools, Albou has designed Paul & Joe's packaging to be gorgeous and fashionable, just like the product found inside.
Start by using your makeup tools to create a neat and trim look.
As long as you have the right tools, and go slow during the application process, you'll be looking gorgeous in no time.
From applying eye makeup to eyebrow tweezing, putting on lip liner to blending makeup colors, a good cosmetic mirror is at the top of the list when it comes to a woman's beauty tools.
From cosmetic application to tweezing stray eyebrow hairs and more, a lighted makeup mirror is one of a woman's most essential beauty tools, and the vintage style and functional appeal of the Clairol makeup mirror is appealing to many.
Several tools exist for the application of pigment.
While these tools do not always make for a relaxing, comfortable experience, the benefits involved far outweigh the discomfort.
While many of the tools of the trade will not be necessary for the average consumer, other beauty supply store products might come in surprisingly handy when used at home.
Giving you the tools you need to look your best, the kits are designed for a variety of skin types and tones.
A complete collection of makeup soon followed, eventually leading to the creation of skincare, baby products, tools, accessories and of course, Bobbi Brown fragrances.